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This is an introduction to KemPtah science. I will be very brief in briefing you on the elementary method of classification.

Classification (in general) is the science of numbering or grouping phenomenon according to their common essence. Essence in the western world is understood as something abstract through abstracting or separating the main quality or aspect from what reoccurs in a given group (number) of phenomenon. This quality they base it on never has a body of its own, that is why I say western connotation of essence is abstract, or why they say it is abstract. For instance western science sees time as some quality independent of concrete (multiform) reality, even though time is simply the measure of the unfolding of phenomenon. In biology you have the feline family, which is still an abstract set, the real set of feline is the ancestor of the feline or for a lack of a better word, the cipher feline. The class of human beings is also an abstract or illusionary category, when the cipher human or that class that is also unique in its own class is the Black Nation. Synergy of Sides. Think of class as the parent(living ancestor) to the individuals that is encompassed in it, and you can only get what I am saying if you know that the class is also an individual to itself. It is unique to itself because it gave rise to itself and others, self-organic- nizing entity/energy. The others in its class are divine splits(complete births) of itself. Class, cipher, zero, space for actualization and realization of a given phenomenon are interchangeable. This is based on synergy of the one and the many, the complete Afrikanization of the two IS the Set or Class. Hence Classification is the process of reflecting this synergy of things in our studies (science) on a theoretical and practical level and concrete category is the parent element in a given grouping. Simple. Class or that mature synergy of many and one in a given system sets the theme of a given systems number system (again classification). So in a sense all things classifies themselves. LOL. Really. But in western science they cannot see this because of the law of identity which dictates the complete separation of one and the many. One=Many is illogical in western scientific systems of doing and thought. This also means in the information we gathered from their scientific research, blurs the connection of the Parent element(the real class) and the offspring element similar to what they did in mathematics. But KemPtah science is design to re-clarify the connections of essence (parent element) and its offsprings(Divine Splits). Like what we seen in their mathematics; the Digits (i.e. 0,1,2,3, etc) is indistinguishable from its off springs(other numbers, i.e. 10,11,12 etc.) when the western mathematicians talk about a class of numbers, for example. The real class, as I stated above, is the parent element which are digits. However in western math zero and all other digits are incarcerated in a purely artificial made up set that does not really exist except in ones mind.

The classification of essence and phenomenon in western world is based on the law of identity crisis which is logic of Western world, Eurocentricism, white supremacy, Hellenistic or Aristlte logic. Remember logic is the regularity of entity/energy and not necessary pertaining to thought. Logic is the

ancestor element that exist throughout the change of a given phenomenon and essence. History is the unfolding of the logic of a given system and not necessary sentients story. Since we know this for a fact, then consider the environment and condition as it pertain to the entity/energy of study. We dont have to be constipated with constructs (conventions and standards) and reject essence and phenomenon that dont fit in. Logic and history redefine KemPtahly creates the space for real organic classification of essence and phenomenon, correct unfolding of phenomenon. Expanding but yet change connotation into an element of the nu definition is what is called constructively defining things. This allows us to keep in check and exhaust the meaning of the old definition. We dont waste anything; all things go back to the source. So my connotation preserves the western connotation by putting western connotation in its natural position which is axillary position in relationship to KemPtah connotation of the same definition. The westernization of information no matter how rich the content seems , will only represent the information as a narrow, processed, pure form of what it once was. All phenomenon and essence reflected by western culture(past, present and future) has this same tendency. Afrikanization of classification is simple. Straight up, classification methods are synergy of sides. In general you can Afrikanize the content of information in any science, math, design and technology. Like all counting, cipher elements(digits) in a given system must be first sought out. All phenonomen and essence has the cipher elements which are the embodiments of melanization at its most simplest organization without ceasing to exist in the given system. Since all things have a grounds or path they come from then things has an living-ancestor element that establishes the basic space for the given phenomenon. The second element is the first manifestation (second digit or unit) of the cipher elements. In species of animals there is a sub-species that exist prior, alongside with the species proper which is the ancestor species of the given species. All groupings have the starting elements that exist throughout the system it is part of.

KemPtah (Afrikan, Melanite, and Black) Science studies the diverse melanin and its manifestations. KemPtah science is Melanology. KemPtah Math is the clear cut component of Melanology, it is the science of melonic patterns. Melanin is nothing more than an embodiment of synergy of sides, of digitalization, of Afrikanization, of Supreme Blackness, and Melanology is the study of these phenomenons of Synergy of sides (KemPtah). It is KemPtah! It is not necessary for it to manifest

on the visible spectrum (obvious dimension), there are infinite different qualities of spectrum of melanin. It is so simple in different realms that it becomes the gate keeper automatically. Melanin is the parent element/system (parent, original) element of a given system. The Black Nation is the highest sociological organization of Melanin. Likewise, since Black Nation is the last digit this means that it is the highest form of sentient melanization before the divine split which are the different shades of people including Albino (recessive). Which strongly suggest that the sentient quality of humans comes from Afrikan, no matter how large or small that 4%(Cave man DNA) existence, the ability of us to give nature sentient(supernatural) qualities through nature or through direct sentient activity(i.e. Cipher-Netics) is also a form of browning or Blackening effect. No sentient content can escape the natural though. The natural cannot totally rid of itself of sentient, subsequently somewhere somehow there exist sentient life forms and reality. KemPtah is the cipher of melanin, the integrator of all types of gate keepers as one entity/energy. Not everything is a mature form of interaction and unity of diversity. All things and energies are manifestation of melanin (KemPtah). Melanin popularly known in western biology is the source of biological life, hence one type out of actual and possible types of non-biological and biological melanins. Anything that synergizes great diversity is melanin. The maturity of synergization is Afrikanization (Digitalization). Not all sentient plays as the great gate keeper just like not all biological, organic, chemical and atoms plays as a great Digitalizer. Hydrogen is the Atum or melanin of atoms and molecules. In relation to KemPtah math the divine split(10, complete birth) represents a completion of a system. Different numerations means different divine splits hence different completions (births). Tissue, the wholiness of tissue is a different grouping than numeration(number system) of a single cell. Even so, the organs are integrated as another qualitatively different grouping(number system) hence represents a different divine birth(Split) and the element prior to it is the organ itself. Cells digitalize (Afrikanize) into tissue, tissue digitalize into organs, organs digitalize to organ systems and organ systems digitalize into a single organism or entity/energy. Single cells has higher frequency(turn overs) of Afrikanization abilities, multicellular organisms has the lowest digitalization abilities. Divine splits are more frequent with single cells than multi cells. Divine splits in general mean completion of 1 and the set it represents the organic integration of the elements that make that set. The evidence is in math when the behavior or process of math changes with the change of groupings like wise the process of entity/energies of reality changes with the change of their groupings. The word Groupings sounds so much like isolated things that happen to be grouped. That is not what I am trying to convey. Organics is what I am trying to convey.

KemPtah Number system is the complete integration of all number systems as one system. The basic process of digitalization (Afrikanization) numbers into digits is the basic canvas to practice KemPtah number system. Number systems in general is the All in numeral-digital integration, it changes the flavor of all calculations, algorithm and hence data (information), number systems are the embodiment of clear cut processes of energy and entity. Math isnt math if it has nothing to do with reality. The application of KemPtah number system in science, design and technology is the act of supreme synergy of sides, supreme integration (non-western connotation). Since number systems(not necc. Mean sighs and glyphs) represent a mature organic-zation , you can see why using non-KemPtah

number system is redundant, in-effective and in-efficient in reflecting reality correctly. It makes resources increase, hours increase, it is very expensive to try and fit reality in a few known number systems. Over organization is required to look half way competent to try and do so. When entities/energies connect they combine their nature with another and vice versa, phenomenon and essence digitalizes. Integral calculus isnt true integration because its own internal values still depends on groupings (number system) by 10s ,you dig? So how much do you think calculus can capture in information? Depends on the numbers system, right now western math only have a few learned number systems. Hence it is impossible for western calculus to calculate real rate of change in essence and phenomenon of entity energies. It is impossible for analog and digital to model for instance the human body because the human body is composed and based on billions of digits not billions of numbers (splits) hence the quality of biological phenomenon is league of western modeling and simulation. Most essence and phenomenon is out of reach of western reflection hence their practice is highly checked. We dont see it because we adopted their poor eye sight (western vision makes us blind). We may as well not do higher order math if we are not using KemPtah number systems to fit snuggly in and around all essence and phenomenon. Western math is scientific hand with no fingers, a body with no mind, and a mind with no point. Western science is dead as well as their design and technology which are based on their recessive number systems. Their number system is blanched. Through KemPtah science and math we can simplify what we thought could not be simplified, because the phenomenon and essence grouped in the western number system never survived. All that extra research, work, man power, hours, money, resources, housing to facilitate their science, math, technology and design comes from their attempt to making up for the lack of KemPtah number system or supreme organic integration in a clear cut manner. Digits and numbers are different like trees and shrubs. Shrubs can easily be chopped down compare to trees. What about in fields like sociology, physics, and psychology? All three fields are diverse in what they reflect but yet they both reflect number systems or supreme integration. Statistics in western sociology is a symptom of lack of KemPtah grouping. Statistics seems to work because of the abundance of westernized social phenomenon. Hey liar must create reality to fool people. In zoology, for example, they keep animals segregated in the zoo and focus on the relative isolation of species and kingdoms. In chemistry the foundation is based on the isolation of chemical phenomenon. All western sciences are centered on law of identity and degraded grouping systems (number systems). Hence their entire foundation is composed of fractureness as oppose to synergy of sides. White light is the relative isolation of the visible spectrum. Pick out any and all old or nu western science and I can show you foundational rifts. One at a time or all together it does not matter. Just like many errors in western sciences and math is mistaken as truth because of the frequency and irreconcilability of their errors. Like that old saying If you keep speaking lies you will eventually believe it. Frequency in and of itself does not qualify something as being true. In order to come one infinitesimal to the truth you must synergize whatever frequency you like (Good or Bad it will lead to the same singular spot ultimately), you keep that frequency(s) and constantly synergize or digitalize it to others. Let the world know your open ended, in whatever favorite frequency youre in good or bad. The Melanite is the ultimate open ender so much so that it looked closed. How sincere can you be if you use what you love to sense the same favorite pattern in everything? Absolute Black Love! All patterns are possible, are you (we) so different?

It is always room for you (we). In reality in this great cipher (the universe (1) , Cipherverse (0), Melanoverse) we so presently in does not know scarcity, scarcity is only one of the outfits of abundance. Reality, the synergy of nature and artificial(sentient activity) can never be carved to nothingness. Each act of curving adds the shavings back to the ground (source) whether you know it or not the advantage and opportunity are always there. Things dont come when you want just because what you want is a thing. In reality your resistance puts you in a position to contend with infinite and eternal forces. Think of all your acts like playing with Lego. Nothing fancy think simple, keep to what and how you like to think (even discipline can be fun and pleasurablesynergy of sides). See, the bad-habit can be put out by water (Good habits), bad habit are degradation of the synergy of good habit from the here and now. Under certain condition Bad habit are not bad habits. Health is not the only arena of bad and good habits. And habits are personal and interpersonal because of the Black Nation number system (how you (we) are integrated as a great sociological entity). Melanite is the unit(digit) of the Black Nation. We have the capacity to become the sentient embodiment of the entire black nation through conscious act of logic and history. I am sure I am a vehicle of the Black Nation and my consciousness is that. I have walked on the water of western collective consciousness and cant ever sink. Westernize minds is no match for KemPtah, no matter if it is one or infinite amounts of them. It is like this, no matter how much water you mix with oil, the oil still will never dissolve. The quality tells the integrity of entity/energy. The Melanite and the Black nation are always interchanging and inter-transforming into each other.

The psycho-melanology is the mental and spiritual history and logic of Melanites and the Black Nation, their inter-Afrikanizing process and divine births. The Black Nation pushes the individual to be one in itself and the individual pushes to make the Black Nation one. The Divine split of the Black nation gives rise to all other nations like the budding process of the plant give rise to the Flower. The Black Nation also includes the Black people with naturally straight hair which is included with the ones with the Cipher hair (nappy or curly hair). Both types are complementary people just like 0s and 1s are complements. The curly hair is just an extra reminder of originality on top of being black. Big lips and broad noes are additional reminder of being a being of cipher( the first digit, parent unit). That is the reason why the ancient Asians and Americans Natives used us as their symbol or emblem. This constant reminder does something to the psyche. If used properly it will help mold the psyche to a supreme consciousness. Melano-Psyche is the gate keeper to psychological phenomenon, good or bad. It is that psychological phenomenon that ties all the other psychological activity into one. Westerners fragmentizes melano-psyche, the law of identity as a mental tool is one of the anti-melano-psychological phenomenons.

The Physical Melanology is the study of the melanin in physical and mechanical phenomenon. The parent element that integrates mechanical and physical forces into one flow is melano-mechanical or melanin-physical (i.e. inorganic melanin) forces. Eurocentric physics is limited in their description of reality because of their limitation of number systems which is a manifestation of their De-Afrikanization and their theoretical-logical backbone which is the law of identity. Even in the beginning they started out with non-KemPtah methods and theories. The first serious de-Afrikanization of the field of physics was done by Aristotle in whom the physics was called Aristotelian physics. This Anti-Afrikanization physics was standard in Europe for almost two thousand years. Classical mechanics was the child of Aristotelian mechanics (physics). The Europeans make it seem like the two degraded physics are unrelated and Classical mechanics supposed to be the correction and limit breaker of the Aristotelian physics. But it is essentially a reform(and not a revolution) of Aristotelian physics. Quantum physics and all other variety of physics are just different reforms of Aristotelian and Classical mechanics. Why do I say this? First they still center all their works on the law of identity, secondly their grouping systems (number system) are Not KemPtah. So when they use the decimals they straight jacket physical phenomenon on that grouping this means the actual correct reflection(and practices) of physical forces is denatured and distorted from the get go. That is an important point if you truly want to study and work with real physics(melano-physics or KemPtah physics). If you dont consider this area then your options on dealing with physical force will be based on whatever the Crakkka wants to tell you and ultimately what they want you to do in that field. This ignorance manifest as fear of military physical force of the western military because all we know is what the Crakkka know, fake physics. Hence you will deal with them on their (western) terms and level. Input (+A) =Output (-A)simple nothing fancy. Anything can seem complex when you bring your preconception to the table, especially if your preconceptions are nothing more than concepts molded by white supremacy. My works are technically much simpler than all the western scientific works put together because it is not based on some sort of identity crisis or collective mental complexes. Simplicity of our my sciences comes from the rejection of Eurocentric convention, standards and constructs (the three evils). Time is the measure (synergy of quality and quantity) of the unfolding(history) of phenomenon. The measure of the history of any phenomenon IS time. The advantage of westerners to

force feed us to perceive time as something abstract is for control purposes only. But let me ask you this, is the intensity of the unfolding of phenomenon abstract(not realistic)? There is nothing about the intensity of unfolding of phenomenon that is abstract. To say that time and space are abstract is like saying that nothing had intensity, qualities until we thought about it which ridiculously idealistic and spookish. Synergy of Sides. Stages, phases unfolding does have aspects or qualities(i.e. sides, poles) about it and it also has its intensity, magnitude or quantity about it that is totally interconnected in entities/energies, and independent to what one thinks about the phenomenon. Time is the measure(count) of history. Time is also the count of history too that is why we can use hour glass and/or clocks to measure(count) the passing of unfolding of phenomenon. Remember count is discrete measure and measure is continuous count. What is Melano-time. The measurement (count) of the unfolding(stages, phases) of the ancestor element(source element or systems of source elements). The main character of being a source is being the great integrator just like any other KemPtah phenomenon. Simple. Space is the measure(count) of all(Diverse) unfolding existing in a single phase or stage. So what is Melano-space? Melano-space is the parent space or the great integrator of measure of all unfolding existing in a single phase or stage. Speed is the measure of diverse unfoldings existing in a single phase which corresponding to a passing of single unfolding(complementary reference point). Think of it like braids, in which space is twisted, crossed, and molded into a single unfolding. That is probably where the braids in ones hair comes from and represents, speed. Meters per second is a highly abstract formulation since it is not based on synergy of sides nor KemPtah number systems. The cross overs of the braids has the character of turn-over of space per(reference to, reflect on) unfolding. Twist, locks braids symbolizes the synergy of melano-time and space. Even folding is a type of unfolding because a structure is uncovered, hence digitalization is unfolding too. All reference points are based on synergy of sides, an entity/energy find reference in others just like when one look in the mirror as a reference or reflection. I have been studying time, space in speed in western ever since I can remember. The law of synergy of sides implies reference or inter-reference of phenomenon/essence. Hence meters per sec is only half of what is really going on, it also is synergized with sec per meters. Time and space are synergy of sides which means they are inter-reference or inter-per so and so. The westerners uses convention, standards, and constructs to make us think that phenomenon/essence work only in one way but all things are bi-laterial regulated by synergy. Hence the four elemental and KemPtah number system is still based on the first KemPtah formula or synergy of sides, nothing did not change when I upgraded my math, the change that did occur is more content, evidence and substance of the original KemPtah formulas. If you notice in western science when they advance they ravage their own starting point and say stuff like, mechanical physics has nothing to do with quantum physics, or alchemy rules dont apply to chemistry and so on and so forth, this is the process of self-de-Afrikanization and derooting of their own fields, schools of thought, practice etc. So as they advance they degenerate at the same time despite their scientific , mathematical, technological cosmetics. There are physical phenomenons that act as the great synergizer of physical forces. What do you think these physical phenomenons are? Melanin physical forces are centripetal forces (Cipher force or Black force). Our ability of not peeping game in the science reflects our De-Afrikanization of our thought process. Hence a so called healthy mind that thinks western is not technically a healthy mind. No

matter how much herbs, exercise, fasting etc. Those things are tools and KemPtah do not use tools for tool sake. We supposed to have a KemPtah state of mind first, and all else supposed to follow from that. In chemistry there is the hydrogen atom which has two states and the neutron is the sub atomic melanin of both electrons and protons. In KemPtah quantum physics the divine split of the neutron produces electron and protons. The divine split of photons give rise to electron(negative photon) and positron(positive photon). The electron , proton, photons, positrons , neutrons are sub atomic particles. These are the digits of atomic chemistry, they interact with each other to produce sub atomic divine splits such as atoms, electricity (divine split interaction of electrons, positrons and photons). In electricity there is a negative and positive current all the time. The cells or units of negative current is electrons and the units of positive current is positrons. The photo-electric effect is really not an effect at all but a cause( not all photons are on the frequency of visible spectrum), so even when wires or metals are covered the invisible spectrum of light is still shinning on it and since the positrons and electrons are in synergy there is always digitalization(Afrikanization) hence photo electric effect that is not visible to the eye. The westerners connotation of photo-electric is when light(visible) knocks and electron or group of electrons out its current. But according to synergy of sides the positron and electron is always in synergy with each other, even in the atom the electron(north) and positron(south) are in synergy. That means the west and east Polar photons(or different frequencies of light) regulates the interaction of electron and proton. Electrons is not the only particle(atum) that has electrical or polar properties. You see this in electricity when they have the concept of holes which is nothing more than positron current, the synergy of electron and positron determines phenomenon such as direct current and alternating current, which are two kinds of electrical groupings(number systems) among countless(measure-ful).s

Dogon and the star systems: The Dogons are the descendants of Kemetics and other ancient cultures. They know about Serius(star system), how? They use KemPtah. The way they found the star system is through the supernatural (being sentient, conscious). As above so below(It is NOT a Clich But a law of nature and manifestation of the law of synergy of sides) . If stars and planets are cosmological digits or units and sub atomic particles are sub atomic digits and they follow synergy of sides then of source you can use logic and come to the right conclusion that correspond to actuality without the use of microscopes an telescopes. The reason this Western world need all this technology and more advance telescopes and microscopes is because they are based on the law of identity crisis and they see that natures regularity surpass their own regularity of thought. If your logics runs like nature then you can create reality in thought correctly without direct proof. The Dogons has the same eyes we do and the same so called limitations we do. So people be like dam they must of got it from aliens or ancestors with super technology. I say no, the technology that is supreme is in the Black Nation. It is the logic these Black and white westerners lack which makes them blind to logic that is in absolute synergy with reality. To be supernatural is to be sentient in a correct way. Western logic is not sentient logic but the

degradation of sentient logic hence technology is the bubble gum that they use to attempt to fill their holes (inconsistences). I even believe the black nation was here before the dinosaurs, during and of course after the dinosaurs. I believe we dominated all life that was ever here. Look at the Afrikan army ants, they take down trees, lions, cattle, etc., we are no different and on top of that we think. That is an extremely powerful combination for anything that wasnt us. And the proportion (size) of use compared to the dinosaurs was closer to equivalent compared to the army ants and an antelope, lions and trees. Hence the odds for us compared to mindless ants is much more better. I also believe at one point in our history, maybe millions of years and even when we build the pyramids and other ancient structures we was so collective that if that same energy existed no army on this planet could not stop us even if we was weaponless and buck naked. It was the others that were not the black nation that uses external technology to make up for what they did not have as a single sentient (super natural) force. On top of that, with the use of external techs it would be overkill to all who stand in our way. We was so collective that a crowd of us can move pass large animals and the animal would be consumed or we can move pass mechanized army and their tanks and other weapons would be nothing but scrap metal and flesh of our enemy. We can seem to move pass and structures would seem to come out of no where. At one point we did move as a single sentient unit, remember that. We can make other huge organisms out of our formation (Socialogical Digitalizaiton). The best shape shifters dont shape shift at all which is the Black Nation. We would make the mass games in Korea look like some cave man stuff(Since they are not KemPtah at all). We still have that power bottle up in us allTHE BLACK NATION IS GOD! KemPtah is the first and last science, culture, math, design, techs, hence dont believe the hype that we started off primitive, the westerners and other who we gave culture to started off primitive. That is one of the identity crisis we need to shake off. Even in Afrikan religion and cosmology they hinted that we started off highly advance then somehow we fell off. The story of Neith is one of the stories in which a God(Black nation at its best) came from a ship and was able to weave advance technology(sounds like Black interface). The makeup and the traditions in Afrika could be the celebration of what we once was, extremely advance. It took me 2 years to formulize the math not 2 million or 200 million years, so I suspect that we was the alpha life as soon as we existed. All we need to do is have a KemPtah state of mind and it will be nothing we cant create, think and do. Nothing. We are so use to Western logic that our own perception about our own self is highly distorted. We knew fire put out water before we did it because we think in synergy of sides which reduce trial and error down to almost zero. As soon as we find the Melanin in every phenomenon we come into contact we mastered that phenomenon, this also reduce accidents, injuries and deaths that comes from being ignorant of reality. Reality is melanin, Reality is Afrikan.

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