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OncoDrugs Instructions for Authors

Aims and Scope

OncoDrugs accepts original brief scientific articles, perspectives, minireviews, reviews, case studies and case reports, editorials, and authors brief from all disciplines related to anticancer drugs and oncology. All articles (except editorials and authors briefs are peer reviewed by two external experts (in house or external).

Publication Fees
To facilitate and speed publication no publication fees are charged for authors. OncoDrugs reserves the right to sell advertising space online as well as in any future printed version to generate revenue. We may also allow commercial sponsorship to support our project. However, any commercial activity by OncoDrugs will not affect the Editors decision to publish or not an article submitted for publication.

Instructions for authors

Articles should be written in English, and restricted to 3-15 pages and contain no more than 6 and 6 tables. However, a figure can have different panels but its total size should not exceed one page. Original articles should have no more that 50 references. Minireviews and reviews are limited to 30 and 150 references respectively. All manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word with figures and tables embedded in the manuscript and sent to the Editor by e-mail as "attachment" to the electronic address submission@oncodrugs.org. A galley proof is provided to author(s) before the article is available for all audiences. The articles are published online only in PDF format.

Manuscripts should contain the following separate files: - A cover Letter - Main article, - Figures (is any) - Tables (if any) - Supplemental Material (if any) - Copyright Transfer Form and submitted to submission@oncodrugs.org. .

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OncoDrugs Instructions for Authors

Format authors can use the following list as a quick tool to check the list of mandatory files needed for the
submission by X marking the symbol.

Cover Letter
The cover letter should contain the title of the article, author names and affiliations, and a statement that the manuscript is original and has not been submitted elsewhere for publication or published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis). Conflicting articles are welcome. When a person or institution is criticized author agree that the other part may be contacted.

Maximum page length should be 3-15 printed pages for all types of papers, including text, references, tables and figures. Figures and tables must be embedded in-text. If necessary, supplemental material (see below) can be submitted separately.

Title page
Full title: The full title of the manuscript without abbreviations. The title should be as brief and informative as possible, specifying clearly the content of the article Affiliations: include telephone, fax, electronic addresses and URL's of personal and institutional WEB pages. Corresponding author: provide complete address (visiting address of the Institution and department, e-mail address, phone and fax number) Present address: all authors should provide their present address in case it is different than the affiliation that should include e-mail address. Corresponding author(s) should also provide phone and fax number. Short running title: for a title longer than 80 characters (including spaces), provide a short running title having no more than 50 characters (including spaces) Keywords: Authors must provide between three and six keywords, which must not be part of the title of the paper. Indicate here if part of the article has been presented in a meeting as poster or lecture. Abbreviations: provide as a table using arial font 8. See example below


Abbreviations Deoxyribonucleic acid Central Nervous System

Main text www.oncodrugs.org/journal 2

OncoDrugs Instructions for Authors

Abstract: The abstract of the manuscript does not need to structured into separate section but should include the context and purpose of the study, the main findings and conclusion(s). It should not exceed 250 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract.

Introduction: It should be brief and limited to the subject of the article and include the
working hypothesis the aims and purposes of the research and its relation with other studies in the field.

Material and Methods: It should include details on the experimental design and
techniques so that the experiments can be repeated.

Results: Discussion: Acknowledgements: The acknowledgments of the contributions of colleagues (e.g.

reagents, preparation of the manuscript) can be stated in this section.

Financial support: Authors must include the financial support received for research.

Conflict of interests (COI): authors are encouraged to carefully read the guidelines from the ICMJE (http://www.icmje.org/ethical_4conflicts.html) to identify potential COI. When none of the authors have a conflict of interest, a single sentence such as for instance, Authors declare no conflict of interest is acceptable for publication. When any author needs to declare a potential conflict of interest, please fill the form available from the ICMJE: http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf

- 1 author: (Smith, 2010). References: - 2 authors: (Kruse and Kumar , 2010). - 3 or more authors: (Kiselev et al. 2010). - 2 or more references in the same parenthesis: (Kruse and Kumar , 2009; Smith, 2010; Kruse and
Kumar , 2011). 2 or more references with the same year: (Kruse and Kumar , 2010; Smith, 2010; Kruse and Kumar , 2011). 2 or more references with the same author and the same year: (Smith, 2009a; Smith, 2009b; Smith, 2009c).

Table should be numbered with Arabic numerals and included in the main text. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body. Any previously published material should be identified by giving the original source in the form of a reference in the reference list.

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OncoDrugs Instructions for Authors

Figures should be embedded in the main text and numbered with Arabic numerals. You may need to
submit your original figures as independent files in case your article is accepted for publication. .

Photographs: Digitalized photographs must be sent. TIFF, GIF and JPG formats, with a minimum of 300 dpi can be used. Drawings and graphs: For line art, the following software can be used: Excel, Power Point

We accept digitized videos using mpg and wvm formats

Supplemental Material
Data sets that are too large for a regular figure or table (e.g . nucleotide sequence) or video material can be accepted as supplemental materials. All supplemental material will be published at the end of the article as submitted by the author. For videos, a link will be provided in the Supplemental Material section of the article and the video will be available online.

Nucleotide or protein sequences

Nucleotide or protein sequences should be deposited in a publicly available database such as Genbank or EMBL or PID before a manuscript is submitted for review in the journal. Accession numbers must be obtained and included in the manuscript before it is fully accepted for publication.

Research involving animals

Follow ethical guidelines (e.g. NIH: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/Guide-for-the-care-anduse-of-laboratory-animals.pdf )

Research involving humans

If patients are identifiable to themselves or others in any form (video, pictures, sound or text) provide a full written consent (Downlod form at: http://www.oncodrugs.org/journal/ia_pcf.pdf) to publish information about them. Register clinical trials following ICMJE guidelines (http://www.icmje.org/publishing_10register.html ). For instancing in ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov ), sponsored by the United States National Library of Medicine

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OncoDrugs Instructions for Authors

Provide institutional (e.g. hospital) ethical committee information (e.g . number of the protocol)

Suggested Reviewers
All submitted articles must include 3 suggested reviewers. Reviewers should not belong to the same institution or have any type of collaboration with any author or co-author during the last 10 years. Download the form at: http://www.oncodrugs.org/journal/template_sr.doc

Copyright Transfer Agreement

All authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement before the article can be published. This copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, pictures, videos, audio any other reproductions of similar nature and translations. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists. Download the form at: http://www.oncodrugs.org/journal/template_ca.doc

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