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All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne:

hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)




bstance! !!!.. help!

help!...... GODS guardians have abandoned me on Planet . where zombies run the Zoo of Adam..and monkey slaves do their work..


The game of life and how to be a winner According to the teacher(ing)s and principals of bible story mor(t)als
In this example many other of the moneychanger accounts are left out, to simply this already highly complex document

In service to the Most highQuietly, In the darkness of night they came. the father King Failed his duty to keep his minds eye watchful, to guard his realm(real home) protect his land, car(t), wife and children,..he [his mind] did not see their passive entry to his Cite(y).. The reptilian/Dragons/draco(nians) hybrid entities,..the arrival The reptilian/Dragon(s) wanted the value of the Kings eternal linage of life seed, and all the fruit it could be leveraged to bare... Having sensors/census spies/surveillance/survey agents, in their field (office) service, the head Draco received a forward report, of no record of the queen been e-du-cated. Having access to advance tac-tile/tactical knowledge, the Draco did CAPITALISE

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

while shopping in the squarethe Queen was confronted, by the reptilian hybrid, with his application pledge contract in hand,knowing the Queen was dis advantaged not well endowed/ schooled, the Draco deprey the Queens naivety and lacking, by lie and deception confidence game..gave misleading interpretations of words, used gold infringement to entice and seduce the Queen, into introduction/induction of her and the Kings children, by place setting and fixing/fix-on-ing/fictioning their names on his papers and sealing it in red with her autograph [signature w/thumb print] The Draco returned to his lair/liar/lawyer,..with Queens Pledge donation, the evidence of husbandry betrayal ..defame of the King When the Draco returned the Statement of Origin NAME Evidence to the Most highs record archive, the El-of-him were furious it was the great debate, . an up roar in the Heavens.the Clashing of the Titians. The Draco made a Pascal wager Mariners wager with his consorts, that in front of GODS record view,, he could make a monkey out of the king, destroy his NAME reputation and take his Kingdom. The Draco had fixed and secured value in GODS [most high] Records, with effect of force leg-el standing rights for a 21 year lien debenture obligation leverage right of the Kings childrens warship control. The Dracos security agreement allowed him non parent consensual access to the Royal children, to e-du-cate and brain wash them for service/servitude of his wager performance on their day of test (21st birthday) This was the moment(S) of silence Coming to age of Majority Provided the Kings Children release opportunity, to earn GOD Trust, and reclaim their Parents Kingdom, ..or demonstrate inferiority unworthiness of GODS Trust, mere hazardous monkey(s) with stooping head,.for own safety remain subjugated, held harmless from warship access..until later when competency pass time, could be proven/tested weighed and measured.. GOD agreed and the odds were set and fixed, Gave the Dev-els 21 years to induce/educate the Kings children, prepare them for failurethen bring them forward for confirmation. The Question;. Will they Believe in GOD or NOT!!!! They are testablewe shall see, The standing of record shall tell. The Queen pretended to read and understand the unilateral contract, by her own ignorance and incompetency she steered off course, betrayed her merger/marriage agreement of equality, by acting outside husbands knowledge or approval.. by Making public contracts, outside of private covenant with husband made under GODS Trust..disobeyment of duties to maintain warship,..Covenants are 3 dimensional auditorialy produced by larynx voice box resonationall paper Bi- lateral contracts or unilateral

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

agreement marks are inferior 2 dimensional paper, non resonant dead/debt..no Sign of substance restorative life sign. They failed to maintain GODs commandments, of covenant Eden gard(i)en Private property status (status of private(s)-property) by only operating under covenants and not written contracts..they were ushered out. And placed into Draco, 2 dimensional STAT(U)E ward record status,.. Retaining their 3 dimensional body control. And the Draco host upon life blood value from lineage of King Seed.. Life Succubae from substance, exchange/traded for valueless empty/empire promise, artificial abstract current, substance less, no value 2 dimensional paper/Pap-el form(s).. .... they attempted to cover up the pledge of Social Insurance Number. That they had been tricked into enter attaining.. they veiled and bound(ed) and kept it a secret,..the parents never asked the Questionand they never sought the answer..they were given/induced with basic ability to read and comprehend, so they could receive Potent knowledge of GODS powerful words.. Was in their possession.. Yet they wrote us off as children, and pledged us to the statues of a reptilian Ba-el representatives, for false benefits, of false toxic knowledge/e-du-cation.Read your Bible know thee truth derived from reality facts, instead of here say/heresy Conjectureknow thy GOD know thy self 1. There are two forms of law have governed life on the planet since the beginning.the Laws of Land and the Laws of Water. .Gen 1.10 land law only has effect of force over people, property, substance.when the earth was first formed certain elements, like spice, oil and other stuff emerged in different locations on the lands of the planet, men of faraway with rare elements of their lands would travel and trade on the high seas, the middle ground, common ground, point of exchange.therefor the laws of money (bills of exchange, gold exchange, ect) are the laws of the sea. maritime/merits in time, merit timing.money is NOT land law. 2. When we come into the world, it is not Known, if we be, asset or a liability/layability/lamb-ability. 3. Our flesh was a warship vessel, issued by GOD; it was to be available to GOD for service. 4. The warship vessel was to undergo 21 year service preparation training, to prove maritime/merits in time readiness and worthiness to serve GODS trust for rights of beneficial life, in trade exchange with GOD, for service to GOD. 5. Our vessel of war was given a sur(ity)name of (en)title(ment).a nomdegre [name of war] 6. They hid it from you.. by putting it in front of your face!.......... 7. America is a crown country. 8. a county court house is a crown temple, 9. Life is an issuance by GOD, with a pre-vail-age/privilege for beneficial life and death

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

10. the bible is the book of sovereign Crown Kings LAW, rule book, code book, and procedure manual, 11. widely accepted in all 198 Crown countries. 12. Jesus went into the (Crown) Temple [county court house], and turned the tables..Fd up their (stock receipt, bond) market for 3 days..back in the day, when you bought stuff,.you would get a warehouse receipt, go to the harbormaster, who would locate the ship containing your purchased, car(t)go or chatteld goods.. Aint no way, they had enough pigs cows and chickens in the (Crown) temple for direct trading..think about it.does your local county (Crown) temple (court house), stink from animal stench???.....do chickens lay eggs in the file repository???? (read the trial of Jesus) Matthew 21:12 13. The Bible/bi-of-Ba-el.was engineered to fit in your hand, so you could carry it with you, on your (co)missions eye witness read it, know it, and confess it. and get it into the intelligence of your headwhat is in your hand is to be in your head!!!!.......so you would have standing and not have to stoop....like a stoop head!!!!!............ To reduce the size of the book and make it carry able, words have been condensed/compounded. 14. It is to be with you (at all times) for reference/referee need of dispute settling.. 15. Message for people trying to learn and understand the law.If you are reading all the volumes, and volumes, and volumes of STAT(U)E code books of man.when you get to the end.the new revisions will be out, and you can start all over again.your trying to learn Law from the bottom upstart at the top, with the bible, and work your way down, its faster and easier..yee are not smarter than the elohims, yee are upside down hanging by a leg good luck re-inventing the wheel.> 16. Bible is NOT a grammar manual, nor basic math instruction manual, nor a book of writing manual teachings.. you must obtain those skills first, Bible contains ALL the knowledge necessary limited to finding ALL the answers to lifes 2 orders of busy-ness leg-el affairs both private and public..so we could enjoy the benefit of being in control of (y)our individual lives and expand our boundaries without causing harm..this is another reason they used compounded leg-el words for your Bi-of-Ba-el government two leg-al trust understanding.. the bible also contains other information about earth, solar system, and other future time life cycle predictable events. 17. Any (wo)man who ever took the time to open the junk door and pull out GODS words, fold back the stiff crusty binder, read and study, would have discovered by Habakkuk style quest(er)/questioning.. the bible is encoded with a treasure map that leads to GODS inherit wealth, left as an issuance/insurance policy of privilege/pre-veil-leg-al age, for benefit of our individual prosperity. 18. GODS treasure is protected by vigilant Guards, who keep it well hidden, and away from tomb raiders, pirates, and others who are of no faith and unworthy of trust.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

From the GOD Given Name title, a tithe was taken ..And with the title/tithe, the titans did gamble.. (donation taken as a pledge of name on a warehouse receipt of birth (surety/survey(lance) ) certificate) and with the tithe they went to market, only to return to the(y) fathers house [temple] with a hand full of magical beans..from which they grew a stock [share] that lead to a real giant. (lie)

Esau in Genesis Birth of Esau(esaus ferry tales) (Jack and the bean stock)
Genesis 25:25 narrates Esau's birth
Genesis 6:4

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, (bank of Rome established 525 A.D.) And the (corporal) giants, made enter attainment, and came into the daughters of men, with their unholy bridling veil.and bound their meat, with mutual licensity. [Gen. 3.1 & Gen 6 1.4) When you first came into the world your foot prints were placed on a piece of paper, referred to as Hospital Birth Certificate , they lied and said it was a souvenir..the foot prints are land marks, meets and bounds/ survey marks. Youre (God) Parent Given name is written on this survey document, in upper and lower case, [A Trade Mark(que)] certified in signature, by the delivery doctor, and hospital administrator. . our foot print is a signature Branding attachment to the Name Trading Mark(que)a chattel mark. The Hospital birth certificate is a statement of Origin..it is the first paper in the title chain.with effect of force, .attaching to your flesh,a statement of origin is a warehouse receipta warehouse receipt is =evidence of a particular measure this is evidence that the body of GODS universe created some new substance property.. curs(ing )ive of (y)our name by spell(ing) of powers, creating boarder definitions of meets and bounds/bound meat.. was first bind to the flesh in the paper/papel title/tithe chain The warehouse property receipt was a measure of natural resource, containing all the numbers of a man, or his land, or his car(t) height weight measure=mass from which value can be..calculated, leveraged and taken.from knowledge and access of the public receipt records, a wagering scheme was established.. Genesis 3:9 (rhyme of the ancient mariner, Pascals wager)

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

When your parent signed the states birth certificate long form..that act.was the evidence of pledge agreeable donation..it was 3 way legal/leg-el intercourse between, I my mother and STAT(U)E of Oregon. resulting a Licensual/license legal/leg-el. relationship between I my mother, and STAT(U)E of Oregon and its representatives. This is evidence of the time date and location, a public legal/legel orgy(anic) record took place. In documenting of the bridal(ing) affair..your moms name is Identified listed as a Maiden..(a maiden is a virgin) even though, she is already married to your father and carries his name. This document is evidence of your mother s betrayal to your father (Adam & eve)(y)our mom signed onto a ancient STAT(U)ETORY contract deal made with a reptilian for knowledge/education, . outside of their.covenant Promise to be faithful to GODS trust in each other.. This act was a donation by (y)our parents, who receive taxing write off and other benefits for, pledging the future value of (y)our labor The state registrar (STAT(U)E administrative advocate) is listed as the attendant..he whoenter attains..takes CAPTIVE, the newly acquired record,.. and from it new CAPITAL stock is created.

After 3 days of STAT(U)E registrars captive incubation/incubus, . a new certificate emerges on the book/chart of accounts stored behind the Lock of the androgynous STAT(U)E birthing Dry dock(et), Crown Temple county court house book of LIFE STAT(U)E records, .. this Imposter of the Original, nexus mergers from the 3 dimensional world of the living, to, debt fictional 2 dimensional paper/papal realm, it is referred to as Birth certificate short form, it is the location where your soul/sole value was placed. it has a name similar to the original, yet spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS..a different and separate entity... when the names are spoken they have the same sound, yet they both receive life from different sources.your flesh receives it life from GOD through your heart.STAT(U)E gets its Life from 650K investment deposit.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

[Birth surety] corporate ship entity, is a commercial goods holding vessel (moveable Barge)..holding the future value of (y)our labor..value Estimation survey was taken by census from attaching Parental lineage records. (Numbers 1:2) 1 of the Buyer entities of the 3 types of titled property, sent International kinsman/kings men of wisdom, who gambled by placing gift asset of value, at rate of 650K, into (FEDRAL RESERVE) holding account of trust, (represented by the attaching municipal bond number on the back of the Social Security card), . in a faith based risk investment venture wager(s) bet, .based on performance record of parentas enloco, and character of title leveraged against, records of collateral pledge with a 21 year debenture obligation.. . There are only 12 federal Reserve branch banks,. the letter is the rout(ing) and is equated with a number for that branch.

Some of the Benefits for the living man are here. (aprox 107) others are located at the IRS for the purpose of making gains by controlling and benefiting from mans war(ship), bo(u)nd as a warehouse receipt(s), with a 21 year age of majority/maturity settlement due date.(merits in time/merit timing/maritime) the activity of bond performance in part is effected by the activity on records of account number. are the back established The IMF internal master File(s) [debtor, payer, business, internal] bone(s) of the statues 2 legs of recordsthe record was at your birth. the first (original) deposit is at the beginning of the record.the record is in code form, on ADP software..this is a typical pagethese files the government hates to see in court.they are attached to your FBI and SS recordsand they always have errors...they will fight to keep it from youyou will have to file appeal, and probably an in person visit to your local IRS office.to obtain the whole thing

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)


they placed 650K in a federal reserve bank account attaching to our name title, on a 21 year fixed investment surety scheme,. upon our performance these men took a risk and a gamble, they created a statue for protection, and gave to it value. knowing they could educate/e-du-cate/ab-ducate/inducate/induce, the character of the title, and reduce risk in the gamble..the more training certificates the more risk reduction, the more credentials/credibility/credit of given, to the beast of meat and fur. by upping the rate of return...

here is the city notice of registration.I have called all over about this doc.no one at city hall has a clue???......I think

When department of Commerce is notified of your birth arrival,.you also receive 4,..Stock Shares, Stock share of United States INC., STATE OF OREGON INC., Country of MULTNOMAH INC, and city of PORTLAND. the 650K was placed into (y)our federal reserve account, was leveraged against the value of the granted shares of stockmoney of account, was to be a Blood pass over pre-veilage/insurance funding to protect the title character[child] and parents and investor asset, while character maturing. it was on a 12 month annual recursive, 21 year legacy treasury note obligation, with monthly dividend payout transfer to general fund via the account and routing number. after 21 years the 650K grows to 11million, the initial investment gets repaid, and the remainder is to be split, and due payable on 21st birthdaythis is the real reason for the drinking,..to celebrate your freedom from bond debenture obligation.the remainder of money was to be for your individual future prosperity.. When we sign up for (left leg of Daniels statue social security, our dividend money is held for our life, recurse invested and, routed back to us through social security,dividend funds are routed back to us is All property/things of value passthrough the same process of title chain creation Romans 6:23) wages of S(ocial) I(nsurance) N(umber) is debt/death Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous. ( STAT(U)E probate(tional) estate withholding account, vi-sesti-que trust, under attorney general protection)

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

It is not the lie(s) that pass through the mind, but the lie(s) that sink and settle in it, that does the hurt and impairing injury. We have been wrongfully taught, about the anti Christ, our ignoring, of GODs words, has been the stumble and fall, that has placed the burdening bruise upon the intelligence of (y)our own.. stoop head(s)our intellectual inferiority has made ourselves available to captivity.by enter attainment..we have been misled though a wide [vowel] gate, that led us into .. [CAPITAL LETTER] self-destruction, because the narrow path was not chosen Jesus said I am!,.. the way the truth and the life [after debt].. knowledge of Jesuss [ex]sample/simple[f(r)ee simple], inherit to us, made available through his public (King)domain, free copies available everywhere.the word is out!!!!.......has been there for a long time!!!!!!

it is the Vowel gate the A made into change for E that led to
(Mathew 7.13)

I Owe U

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

.we have all grown with a secret unholy fear for this Anti-Christ character, and his impending persecution of the church and its people. We have allowed fear to subdue our rationale, and compel us to trade it for, false belief/Ba-el-if that GODS issuance (insurance) of privilege/pre-veal-age promise, has been destroyed and no longer available to mankind. Our fear takes its root in our inability to study carefully, all that God is capable of doing, and has done;.. we have magnified, beyond the scope of intent for three dimensional reality, the activities of two dimensional paper(pap-el) .devels,.. while we undermine by underestimation, the power of God. (within us) It is a pit(y) that we have all majored in the minor, of touching this topic; Ignoring and forgetting that Amen makes the dev-el(s)/Lucifer, Part of the Amen test. (testament) As Jesus said, there are no enemies, merely adversaries, and we are to work twice as hard to win them over. (Luke 6:27) We are not to punish them, we are to teach them, and shoo/show them the(y) way, the truth and the after (debt/death) life, so they may salvage and re-deem themselves, pursue their dreams mission and prepare, for their life after life. I find, education, satire, banter, and witticism. To be worthy weapons of our war and tools of our trade. These exchanges are more desirable, then paper/pap-el.. bull-ets. Only a living man can erect/re-erect/resurrect himself to stand, step forward and testify to GODS words, as a confessor/professor of the Christ faith.. If you do not read and interpret the words, you cannot (under) stand them, or testify by (y)our eye witnessing, the process for salvage and logical reasoning that inspires us, up the ascending path of enlightenment, to true wisdom and reasonings for receiving benefits of higher intelligence by inspiration of faith. Allah=All law.it is an oral tradition..not written in STAT(U)E papal/paper. Leave the corporate ship, and return to the warship.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Some basic things I have learned to pick up learning speed.How I decode the Bible and receive, the authors true scope, and intent. GODS intent for the bible was to gain the benefits quickly (Early in life)..be on your waypursue your happiness and full fill the mission of your dreams.notto spend your entire life trying to find out how 1. At the start of reading, First say a prayer.ask or thank God for something. 2. Meditate..shut off TV and other stuffatone[ment]/(a)tune[ment] out and silence the distracting chatterlisten to your heart for the answer. practice developing a living relationship with GOD. 3. Look at other living people, who are studying, and take examples from their struggles, hardships and victories, 4. form a Bible Law study group. 5. Go to youtube.com and find vids on all sorts of valuable clues, look at other sites on the internet. 6. When applying leg-el ease(ment) decoding to the bi-of-ba-el, for interpretation, with scope of intent, meaning and purpose of the authors, 7. one must use correct leg-el diction(ary)..The Bible is not the devils two books,.its Amens tests containing the ba-el(s) 2 modes of administrative operationunder Amens test. 8. When gaining the enlightenment of higher intelligence, one must reflect back to school, and remember the proper rules of modern English, then learn middle and old English rules. (grammar and style manuals) 9. I, find a lot of people making the mistake of dictionary use.when we see a word we do not know, we often look up the word and all its definitions and summaries a meaning, this is not correct..you look at the definitions for the word, and select the one by word context use.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

10. Also a thesaurus can be handy 11. Also a concordance (has word look up, bible occurrence locations) 12. Also bible pocket hand book ISBN# 9781418500164, gives a time line of authors and summary of the book, and other quick reference data 13. The Bible contains other valuable information not mentioned in this document. 14. All language is fractaline in structure, by age precedence, cuneiforms are oldest then san-scrit, hieroglyph, ect. 15. Most of the Bible authors wrote their books before Angleish/English language had evolved as a defined and accepted tongue. 16. Old Angleish/English diction was approximately 626 A.D. to 1100 A.D., Middle English was 1100 A.D. to 1500 A.D., Modern English 1500 A. D. to present. 17. For the highest level of correctness of authors scope and intent, contracts or other writings should be written and decoded from the same year as originated. 18. The Bible is encoded in the language of leg-el/legal ease(ment), 66 books, written by 44 authors. Also, for proper GOD-like understanding, the apocryphal works should be reviewed and studied. 19. Also the use of phonetics is a nut shell game for hiding fraud and deception in word spellings.the Canaanites are the Phoenicians/phonys/counterfeiters/venetians controlled the trading ports, and developed the phonetic language as a means of mimicking the voice box speech patterns, of other tongues,.. they had to communicate with people from all over the world.. You can get a lot of spellings from a single wordthe different spells often have different definitions, or clarifications or useages. 20. It is not possible for a man, to read all the volumes of state statue codes, commercial codes, trust codes, and all other MAN MADE code laws (Man-u-fact-sure), and if you tried..when you got to the last book..the new revision/re-version would come out, and you will start all over, again, again, and againthe Bible is GODS laws made perfect for mans benefit. mans laws are derived from GODS laws.the bible is the master key that ties to, and unlocks, the beneficial value of statue code by un-veiling its purpose, and all the other code books of man.for they revolve around it..and are condensed into it, the Bible can be pre-plex/complex, difficult to decode..but not impossible..have faith in yourself, GOD does not make junk,. You can do it !!!!.....the book has many compound words..it was compounded down, so it could fit in a mans hand, travel with him, and answer all the questions about how

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

to survive and thrive, settle all disputes, in any and all types of comergence or occurring private of public activity 21. As well as compounding of words there are other word tricks like messianic/masonic anagrams To be heard with capacity, and have Grounds Of Dominion ( G.O.D.) over STAT(U)E, one must have proper juris-diction(ary) To live a mor(t)al life, one must study the bible, and the ancient annuls (annual report records), you have to read and read again, thoroughly, until you understand the logical rational meaning encoded by implication, in the authors stories. Then you will obtain the mor(t)al keys, to the loculi/loculis/lock on GODS inherit wealth trust, If you DO NOT read, you WILL NEVER learn!!!!!!!...... There for, you will be self-rendered as a incompetent hazard, never earn GODs trust, never enter the DOMAIN OF LIVING KINGS (living kingdom) or obtain patent or other life after debt/death, or life after life, Because yee did NOT do diligence of your duty to read and study as the El of him commanded, yee did NOT follow the Path of Jesus, who taught the inherent/inherit birth right and trust of the forefather(s),.. if yee abandoned your sentient duty, to be faithful, and granted/miss placed your soul/sole heir trust, within other men, who operated and idolized upon false STATUEs, withheld information, and you sat in the stench of their pews and/or allowed your allegiance to be pledged or re-aligned (re-legion/reliance) without conscious objection, by your tacit acceptance, you are guilty of willful participation, a heretic, conjurer of heresy (crafter of conjecture, hear say fact less rumor promoter) imposter, false worshipper of Jesus, fools who KNOW NOT the truth of what Jesus has done for you, or reasoning to express rejoice, with praise and song, or reasoning why we all owe what GOD has given us, back to him, Jesus of Nazareth King of the habiru people.

isaah 53.5..i am still searching.. for the filling application. of the lambs pass over blood/A.K.A. secret Jesus Pass/exemption account. Filing office

Cesti-que vi trust is a Latin vulgate word. (vulgarity) I believe the correct interpretation is. Vi cesti-que= vi incesti-que= incest violation ok. (leg-el intercourse between a mother her newborn and a statue/ resulting in a fictional bastard, 14th amendment STAT(U)E SITIzen).. situs

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

trust=city=situs=sighting/as in I witnessed you, what you did, where, when, and why) vulgate= vowel gate, like Jesus said wide is the gate that leads to (self) destruction, narrow is the way, the truth and the Life (NOT LIGHT) And ESTATE is a STAT(U)TE easement.. by; hear-say/heresy, conjecture/conjuring, encroachment threat, suggestion, benefit offer, leg-el easing/enticing infringement, occupation, usurpation, usufruct, construct, destruct. Vowel gate is the Tongue of zombie Corporal statue Demands/demons Therefore when spelling out our powers, to exercise dominion over, or expelling/discharging the powers of pap-el demands, reminds me of a story from Arabian Nights, about Aladdins lamp; which, really is the story of Solomon and how he trapped the jin/jinni/Gene/genetic cells of the civil statue bodies, to fund and perform the tasks of erecting the great temple. The brass vessel was a storage preservation box, (Pandoras box) containing the evidence of capture/performance captivating signature agreements. when excavating the old site of King David/gold dome rock of Gibraltar, I believe the night Templars discovery was a coveted treasure, not the discovery of the Holy grail, but the brass vessel containing the ancient knowledge, wisdom examples of Solomons corporal statue/demand trapping contracts. He who has the Gold makes the rules A NAME is a GOD-given title with intellectual property with full entitlement control right, exercise your right of title control retention. Common law Copyright your name, give notification to the courts or other users, and express that they not copy or distribute or otherwise infringe our authority/authorings/offerings, without proper royalty payment for the usufruct/gold or silver payable infringement. I only desire to operate upon Lawful money/mediums of exchange, and NOT empty promise, over leveraged, leg-el slave curren(t)cy. "I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep fronted and led by a lion, than an army of 100 lions fronted and led by a sheep A (wo)mans heart is weighed, not by its capacity to love, but rather the measure of how many others loved the heart.

Marriage Licenses:

The Real Truth

by Virgil Cooper ultrac21@whitemtns.com

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Enlightening Conversation with a Marriage License Bureau. . . . About 15 years ago, my former wife of 26 years, filed for divorce. We had seven (7) children: five (5) daughters and two (2) sons. Our youngest at the time, our second son, was five years old. At the time, I prepared a counterclaim to the Petition for Dissolution her attorney filed in Domestic Relations (DR) court. I met one afternoon with the head of the Maricopa County Superior Court, Marriage License Bureau, in downtown Phoenix. The marriage license bureau was headed by a young woman of about age 25. I asked her to explain to me the general and statutory implications of the marriage license. She was very cooperative, and called in an Assistant, a tall Black man who at the time was working on an Operations Manual for internal departmental use. She deferred for most technical explanations to her Assistant. He walked through the technicalities of the marriage license as it operates in Arizona. He mentioned that marriage licensing is pretty much the same in the other states --but there are differences. One significant difference he mentioned was that Arizona is one of eight western states that are Community Property states. The other states are Common Law states, including Utah, with the exception of Louisiana which is a Napoleonic Code state. He then explained some of the technicalities of the marriage license. He said, first of all, the marriage license is Secular Contract between the parties and the State. The State is the principal party in that Secular Contract. The husband and wife are secondary or inferior parties. The Secular Contract is a three-way contract between the State, as Principal, and the husband and wife as the other two legs of the Contract. He said, in the traditional sense a marriage is a covenant between the husband and wife and God. But in the Secular Contract with the state, reference to God is a dotted line, and NOT officially considered included in the Secular Contract at all. He said, if the husband and wife wish to include God as a party in their marriage, that is a "dotted line" they will have to add in their own minds. The state's marriage license is "strictly secular," he said. He said further, that what he meant by the relationship to God being a "dotted line" meant that the State regards any mention of God as irrelevant, even meaningless. In his description of the marriage license contract, the related one other "dotted line." He said in the traditional religious context, marriage was a covenant between the husband and wife and God with husband and wife joined as one. This is not the case in the secular realm of the state's marriage license contract. The State is the Principal or dominant party. The husband and wife are merely contractually "joined" as business partners, not in any religious union. They may even be considered, he said, connected to each other by another "dotted line." The picture he was trying to "paint" was that of a triangle with the State at the top and a solid line extending from the apex, the State, down the left side to the husband, and a separate solid line extending down the right side to the wife, a "dotted line" merely showing that they consider themselves to have entered into a religious union of some sort that is irrelevant to the State.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

He further mentioned that this "religious overtone" is recognized by the State by requiring that the marriage must be solemnized either by a state official or by a minister of religion that has been "deputized" by the State to perform the marriage ceremony and make a return of the signed and executed marriage license to the State. Again, he emphasized that marriage is a strictly secular relationship so far as the State is concerned and because it is looked upon as a "privileged business enterprise" various tax advantages and other political privileges have become attached to the marriage license contract that have nothing at all to do with marriage as a religious covenant or bond between God and a man and a woman. By way of reference, if you would like to read a legal treatise on marriage, one of the best is "Principles of Community Property," by William Defuniak. At the outset, he explains that Community Property law descends from Roman Civil Law through the Spanish Codes, 600 A.D., written by the Spanish juris

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

consults. In the civil law, the marriage is considered to be a for-profit venture or profit-making venture (even though it may never actually produce a profit in operation) and as the wife goes out to the local market to purchase food stuffs and other supplies for the marriage household, she is replenishing the stocks of the business. To restate: In the civil law, the marriage is considered to be a business venture, that is, a forprofit business venture. Moreover, as children come into the marriage household, the business venture is considered to have "borne fruit." Now, back to the explanation by the Maricopa County Superior Court, Marriage Bureau's administrative Assistant. He went on to explain that every contract must have consideration. The State offers consideration in the form of the actual license itself - the piece of paper, the Certificate of Marriage. The other part of consideration by the State is "the privilege to be regulated by statute." He added that this privilege to be regulated by statute includes all related statutes, and all court cases as they are ruled on by the courts, and all statutes and regulations into the future in the years following the commencement of the marriage. He said in a way the marriage license contract is a dynamic or flexible, ever-changing contract as time goes along - even though the husband and wife didn't realize that. My thought on this is can it really be considered a true contract as one becomes aware of the failure by the State to make full disclosure of the terms and conditions. A contract must be entered into knowingly, intelligently, intentionally, and with fully informed consent. Otherwise, technically there is no contract. Another way to look as the marriage license contract with the State is as a contract of adhesion, a contract between two disparate, unequal parties. Again, a flawed "contract." Such a contract with the State is said to be a "specific performance" contract as to the privileges, duties and responsibilities that attach. Consideration on the part of the husband and wife is the actual fee paid and the implied agreement to be subject to the state's statutes, rules, and regulations and all court cases ruled on related to marriage law, family law, children, and property. He emphasized that this contractual consideration by the bride and groom places them in a definite and defined-by-law position inferior and subject to the State. He commented that very few people realize this. He also said that it is very important to understand that children born to the marriage are considered by law as "the contract bearing fruit" -meaning the children primarily belong to the State, even though the law never comes out and says so in so many words. In this regard, children born to the contract regarded as "the contract bearing fruit," he said it is vitally important for parents to understand two doctrines that became established in the United States during the 1930s. The first is the Doctrine of Parens Patriae. The second is the Doctrine of In Loco Parentis. Parens Patriae means literally "the parent of the country" or to state it more bluntly - the State is the undisclosed parent. Along this line, a 1930s Arizona Supreme Court case states that parents have no property right in their children, and have custody of their children during good behavior at the sufferance of the State. This means that parents may raise their children and maintain custody of their children as long as they don't offend the State, but if they in some manner displease the State, the State can step in at any time and exercise its superior status and take custody and control of its children - the parents are only conditional caretakers. [Thus the Doctrine of In Loco Parentis.] He also added a few more technical details. The marriage license is an ongoing contractual relationship with the State. Technically, the marriage license is a business license allowing the husband and wife, in the name of the marriage, to enter into contracts with third parties and contract mortgages and debts. They can get car loans, home mortgages, and installment debts in the name of the marriage because it is not only a secular

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

enterprise, but it is looked upon by the State as a privileged business enterprise as well as a for-profit business enterprise. The marriage contract acquires property throughout its existence and over time, it is hoped, increases in value. Also, the marriage contract "bears fruit" by adding children. If sometime later, the marriage fails, and a "divorce" results the contract continues in existence. The "divorce" is merely a contractual dissolution or amendment of the terms and conditions of the contract. Jurisdiction of the State over the marriage, over the husband and wife, now separated, continues and continues over all aspects of the marriage, over marital property and over children brought into the marriage. That is why family law and the Domestic Relations court calls "divorce" a dissolution of the marriage because the contract continues in operation but in amended or modified form. He also pointed out that the marriage license contract is one of the strongest, most binding contractual relationships the State has on people. At the end of our hour-long meeting, I somewhat humorously asked if other people had come in and asked the questions I was asking? The Assistant replied that in the several years he had worked there, he was not aware of anyone else asking these questions. He added that he was very glad to see someone interested in the legal implications of the marriage license and the contractual relationship it creates with the State. His boss, the young woman Marriage Bureau department head stated, "You have to understand that people who come in here to get a marriage license are in heat. The last thing they want to know is technical, legal and statutory implications of the marriage license." I hope this is helpful information to anyone interested in getting more familiar with the contractual implications of the marriage license. The marriage license as we know it didn't come into existence until after the Civil War and didn't become standard practice in all the states until after 1900, becoming firmly established by 1920. In effect, the states or governments appropriated or usurped control of marriages in secular form and in the process declared Common Law applicable to marriages "abrogated." Please pass this information along and share it as widely as possible. Original message from Virgil Cooper: ultrac21@whitemtns.com

Essentially, the husband and wife became married to the STATE; anything the two produced became the property and control of the STATE.- - Jack Slevkoff
Such contacts can be considered void due to non-full disclosure or can be terminated when full disclosure is realized.

A marriage license is a three-party contract between the man, woman, and the State known as an adhesion contract. An adhesion contract is one which is extremely one-sided, grossly favoring the State. From weakness in bargaining position, ignorance, or indifference, couples are willing to enter into the marriage transaction controlled by this lopsided legal document. When a couple applies for a license from the State to marry, they are actually asking for permission to engage in the unlawful activity of marriage (License - a revocable permission to commit some act that would otherwise be unlawful - Blacks Law 7th ed). Because the State can regulate that which it licenses, by entering into a State-sanctioned franchise (marriage) as a

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

married couple, a couple forfeits their rights to a private, sovereign marriage and any ownership/control of their children or property; as a result of the marriage license. Child Protective Services receives its full power and authority to seize children via the marriage license under the ancient legal doctrine of parens patriae. When a State-licensed married couple has a child, the Birth Certificate is the document the State uses to claim ownership of the child under its marriage contract. State ownership remains as long as that child lives, even after the age of 21. If you have a birth certificate, the State owns you, too. Couples married under a state-sanctioned marriage license also give up 1/3 of their property to the state. Should one person die, the government, through the inheritance tax, will demand the surviving party to buy them out - usually a 28- 35% tax. Marriage licenses were never required prior to the early 1900s, also known as the Devolutionary Period. The only requirement for a legitimate marriage then was that the couple be married by an official minister of God, and place their intentions to marry in a public place, such as a church, parish, or town meeting house for all to see. That notice was then to be filed with the county clerk. No license, or certificate required. History of Marriage in Maine When Maine was first formed as a state in 1821, the act of marriage was much simpler and less evasive than it is today. There was no licensing scheme, no Child Protective Services, and, while the State did prohibit those types of marriages denounced in the Holy Bible, there was otherwise very little state interference. The only requirement for marriage was that all people desiring to be joined in marriage, shall have their intentions published at three public religious meetings for about three weeks or they could have the town Clerk publish such intentions in a public place for the same amount of time. Once that criteria was met, the Clerk would issue a certificate certifying that the intentions were published.1 The original marriage laws were similar in nature to ancient Roman civil law, where the governments only interest in marriage was the fact that it was announced publicly. The ancient Roman government issued no certificates and played little part in the initial marriage agreement.2 Marriage License Today, the STATE OF has declared marriage to be an illegal, regulatable enterprise, much like fishing, hunting, and selling cars. All who wish to be married must be licensed to do so. Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th edition defines license as: A revocable permission to commit some act that would otherwise be unlawful. Even though weddings are conducted in a church setting with a providential backdrop, almost all pastors and preachers marry a couple with authority vested in them by the State, rather than God and make that proclamation at the end of every ceremony.3 The marriage license is a permission granted by the STATE OF to commit the unlawful act of marriage, in direct conflict with the U.S. Supreme Courts definition of liberty. In 1923, the Supreme Court defined liberty as, among other things, ...the ability to freely marry, establish a home, and bring up children.4

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Today, we need a license to do those unlawful acts. After all, that which the state licenses it can thereby regulate. The license is then converted into a certificate after the marriage takes place.5 Barrons Banking Dictionary defines a certificate as a paper establishing an ownership claim. -Barrons Dictionary of Banking Terms, 1990, Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 114. The state of Maine transformed the passive act of the clerk certifying publication of marriage intentions to the active act of granting permission via the certificate in 1909 when the clerk was then authorized to hold the certificate for five days after intentions were filed with him and the marriage could ensue only after the certificate was issued.6 The withholding of a certificate was then a de-facto license. One of the main reasons the marriage certificate changed its character was the fact that the Panic of 1907 had just taken place and Senator Nelson Aldrich had been appointed to head the National Monetary Commission to ensure such panics never took place again. Senator Aldrichs plan was ultimately realized in the Federal Reserve System of debtbased money we all suffer under today. Because the money system proposed was debt-based, the state and federal governments needed to have certificated property that produced wealth that they could pledge as collateral for notes in the upcoming debt money system. In 1903 only a few states had adopted a marriage license scheme. 7 By 1935, all states required licenses except Maryland, which soon followed shortly thereafter.8 Child Protective Services The fact that a certificate for a married couple is commercial paper that can be used to pledge the future expenditure of labor of the married couple against the States borrowed money was only half the equation. By entering into a State-sanctioned franchise (marriage) as a married couple, a couple forfeits their rights to a private, sovereign marriage and any ultimate control of their children or marriage-related property; as a result of the marriage license. Child Protective Services receives its full power and authority to seize children via the marriage license under the ancient legal doctrine of parens patriae. According to Blacks Law, 5th edition: The origins of the doctrine parens patriae and the law can be traced to medieval and late medieval English chancery courts where it played an important roll in maintaining the structure of feudalism. The King had a royal prerogative to act as guardian to persons with legal disabilities such as infants, idiots, and lunatics. Chancery, as an agent of the monarch, had a duty to maintain the orderly transfer of feudal duties from one generation to another and to insure that there would be someone available to perform these duties and the concept of parens patriae was usually invoked in connection with problems of property or guardianship. In todays world, the Department of Human Services functions as the Chancery, or agent of the monarch - which is the State - in orderly transferring the feudal duties of labor to generate a tax base on to future generations. That tax base is known as the full faith and credit of the

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

American people and is pledged against every bond (a state bond issue is a loan) the people vote to approve. When a State-licensed married couple has a child, the Birth Certificate is the document the State uses to claim ownership of the child under its marriage contract. State ownership remains as long as that child lives, even after the age of 21. If you have a birth certificate, the State owns you, too. Birth certificates, marriage certificates, and automobile Certificates of Title are just some of the commercial paper the State government uses to collateralize their debt to the banks for all of the bond issues the people vote for. These certificates are serial numbered so the banks can more easily track them and all conform to the rules of negotiable instruments as outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code.9 You and your family have, in effect, been pledged as chattel to the banks for the States and Federal Governments debts. YOU are the one who gave Child Protective Services permission to steal your children. Since the State can regulate that which it licenses, Child Protective Services has mushroomed into a money making machine by snatching kids and receiving millions of federal dollars for them. In most cases, Child Protective Services has no interest in reuniting families because by keeping the family unit off balance, under constant worry and financial drain, the people of a state are more easily controlled, taxed and herded like sheep by the governmental power. A State which has strong, responsible families with good morals, an understanding of right and wrong, and the time to focus on solutions to state abuses would never be able to get away with the massive confiscatory taxation and licensing schemes the Maine government, as well as all other states, enjoys perpetrating against its citizenry today. Child Protective services receives its authority to kidnap children from the childs parents the moment a marriage license was applied for and granted. The child is placed in a guardian/ward relationship with the state where the parents function merely as custodians. That custodial relationship may be terminated by the authorizing state agency whenever it declares the child is not being raised according to the standards established by the State. The Maine CPS can sue the parents on behalf of the child based on Rule 17 (a) of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure which states, in part, An executor, administrator, guardian, bailee, trustee of an express trust, a party with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for the benefit of another, or a party authorized by statute may sue in that persons own name without joining the party for whose benefit the action is brought. So, Maine can sue on behalf of the child without using the childs name because you, the parents, gave the state guardianship over your child with the marriage license making the State a "trustee of an express trust". We never had a Child Protective Services protecting our Children for at least the first 140 years of our existence, because assault on a child was already illegal and dealt with by the County Sheriff. If a child needed to be removed to a safer environment, he was brought to one of many privately funded homes which had to compete for money from the private sector. This competition forced the homes to maintain extremely high standards and, due to the limitation of funds, resolving family problems and reuniting the child with his family was of primary importance - unlike todays State-administered system of bureaucratic red tape, and drugging programs that will damage a child for the rest of his or her life and ultimately alienate him from his family.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Marriage licenses were never required prior to the early 1900s, also known as the Devolutionary Period. The only requirement for a legitimate marriage was that the couple be married by an official minister of God, and place their intentions to marry in a public place, such as a church, parish, or town meeting house for all to see. That notice was then to be filed with the county clerk. No license, or certificate was required. Even today, Maine authorizes those in the Quaker communities and similar religious organizations to marry according to their own rules, without a marriage license, and simply record the act of marriage with the town clerk. All couples considering marriage should decide in advance if they wish to form a union under God, or under man. Now that the facts regarding mans plan have been established, a couple can make a more educated decision.
Notes: 1. The Laws of Maine, 1821, Chapter 70, section 5. 2. An Introduction to Roman Law, 1962 Barry Nicholas, pp. 80-81 3. By stating, ...By the authority vested in me by the State of ________, I now pronounce you husband and wife. 4. Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 US 390, 399 5. Maine Revised Statutes, 2004, Title 19-A, 656(2) 6. Maine Revised Statutes, 1916, Ch. 64, Sec. 5 7. The American Federal State, 1903 Roscoe Lewis Ashley, page 367 8. American Government, 1935 Frank Magruder, Ph D., page 69 9. UCC, 7-202

The Cheirograph of Adam

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Michael E. Stones new book, Adams Contract with Satan. The Legend of the Cheirograph of Adam, takes the reader on a fascinating journey through centuries, through various kinds of literature, through art and folklore, from Greece in the West to Armenia and Georgia in the East. Anybody interested in detective novels will enjoy, step by step, following the traces of the legend of Adams contract with the devil. After a long journey with many interesting details, surprising detours and overwhelming sceneries, Stone invites us to make a stop and try to imagine how our understanding of the human condition would have been if it had been built not only on the story about the Fall (Gen 3), but also on the legend of the Cheirograph. While Christian interpretation of Gen 3 has stressed that the story of mankind began with disobedience, the Legend of the Cheirograph tells another story. It is not a story about guilt or sin, but a story about not knowing. Most readers will be aware of the traditions about how Satan tempted and deceived Adam and Eve a second time after their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. These narratives about the Life of Adam and Eve can be found in R.H. Charles Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, but only the Slavonic version of Life of Adam and Eve mentions that Adam signed a contract, a cheirograph, with Satan. Some readers may have come across the idea of a cheirograph during their New Testament studies. In the New Testament the word xeirografon is used once, in Colossians 2:14. Here it says that having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. From this text the idea developed of a document of obligation or deed of indebtedness, a xeirografon, which Adam incurred by his sin and which was destroyed by Christ on the cross.
This review was published by RBL 2002 by the Society of Biblical Literature. For more information on obtaining a subscription to RBL, please visit http://www.bookreviews.org/subscribe.asp.

Although The Legend of the Cheirograph uses the same word, xeirografon, it has a different meaning. In the legend the cheirograph is not a document of indebtedness, it is the contract which Adam signed with Satan and which Christ destroyed - not on the cross - but when he was baptized in the Jordan river. Stories about Adam and Eve exist in various versions and with obvious differences. In Gen 3 Eve is seduced and transgresses Gods command. Adam also sins but he does not seem to realize it. In the Adam books only Eve is deceived by Satan; she trusts him and thereby disobeys Adams command. In the Legend of the Cheirograph Adam plays the main role, but both Adam and Eve are deceived by Satan. They are not disobedient to any command, but they simply do not realize to whom they are talking. It is a lack of perception that makes deception possible. Their deception, however, bears within it the promise of redemption, and the culmination of the legend is the baptism of Christ and the smashing of the cheirograph. ... The human condition is a result of a mistaken perception, not of an intentional transgression of the divine command (p. 10). There is a special kind of humour in the story about Adam signing a contract with Satan. The first night outside the Garden when light disappears, Adam and Eve take fright, not knowing what darkness is. When Satan comes up to them and offers to bring back the light, Adam agrees to sign a contract, a cheirograph, saying that until the

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

unbegotten is born and the undying dies, we and our children will be subject to you (p. 3). And by this contract the deceiver himself is deceived. In his book, Michael Stone includes photos of various icons which are dependent on motives from the Cheirograph Legend. One icon shows Christ at his baptism trampling on the serpent, which has the Cheirograph in its mouth, whereas another shows the devil instructing Adam to sign the Cheirograph. The legend has influenced these icons even though the painters may not always have been aware of the meaning of some of the details that they had learned to attribute to their paintings. The legend has been spread through Eastern Christendom and is known up to modern times. It is not possible in a short review to give a proper impression of the many variations found in the texts about the Cheirograph or how the ideas have spread through centuries. The best way to become familiar with these traditions is to read Michael Stones short but rich book, in which he has gathered so much of this material. Michael Stone has for a long time been interested in the Adam literature and the traditions about Adams contract with Satan. In order to include all the relevant texts in his work, he has invited Alexander Kulik to assemble and translate the Slavonic texts. Beatriz Monc has written the appendix on the Greek term xeirografon in the papyri and translated the modern Greek texts. A student, K. Koblenz, has prepared the translation of a passage from Pseudo-Macarius and another student, Steven Smith, the translation of On the Apostles Discourse. For those who are able to read the original languages, the book is provided with an appendix with the Slavonic version, the Armenian texts, Greek texts, including modern Greek tales and an appendix on an Ethiopic text close to the Legend.
According to a legend known from Greece in the West to Armenia and Georgia in the East, Satan deceived Adam and Eve a second time. The Devil tricked them into concluding a contract, submitting their offspring to his rule "until the Unbegotten is born and the Undying One dies." Christ's baptism puts an end to this contract and their servitude. Though it never became incorporated into Christian belief, this legend spread by way of popular and artistic sources through Eastern Christendom, and is alive still in the popular tales of Bulgaria and Greece. The legend of the Contract is painted on Romanian churches and has spread in Armenian legends. In Adam's Contract with Satan, Michael Stone pursues the tale through its sometimes exotic transmission and explores the world-view that emerges from it, contrasting it with the Western view, perpetuated by Augustine, of Adam's sin in the Garden. This fascinating tale becomes a detective story that involves the pursuit of a tradition and its transmission, and an exploration of its implications for the understanding of the human condition. About the Author: Michael Stone was educated at the University of Melbourne and holds the degrees of PhD from Harvard University and D:Litt from the University of Melbourne. He has, since 1965, been on the Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he holds the double appointment of Gail Levin de Nur Professor of Religion and Professor of Armenian Studies. He is the author of more than 40 books and 250 articles in the fields of Ancient Judaism and Armenian Studies. His work has encompassed Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and many aspects of Armenian Studies, with special emphasis on the Bible and biblical traditions in Armenian, the Armenians in the Holy Land, and the history of Armenian writing. More Reviews and Recommendations

Michael Stone was educated at the University of Melbourne and holds the degrees of PhD from Harvard University and D:Litt from the University of Melbourne. He has, since 1965, been on the Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he holds the double appointment of GailLevin de Nur Professor of Religion and Professor of Armenian Studies. He is the author of over 40 books and 250 articles in the fields of Ancient Judaism and Armenian Studies. His work has encompassed Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and many aspects of Armenian Studies, with special

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

emphasis on the Bible and biblical traditions in Armenian, the Armenians in the Holy Land and the history of Armenian writing.

Translation of Slavonic original. Translators: Steve French with the assistance of R. Layton and Gary A. Anderson. Source: V. Jagic, "Slavische Beitrage zu den biblischen Apocryphen, I Die altkirchenslavishcen Texte des Adamsbuche," Denkschr. kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften Philos.-hist. Klasse , (Vienna, 1893) 42:1-104.

Life of Adam and Eve Authority over the Animals - [go to original Slavonic]
Before the trespass, Adam was in Paradise and had everything he wanted and everything happened according to his will: the wild animals and the domestic animals and all the feathered birds--all drew near, left and fled at his command. Apart from Adam's command nothing was allowed to move around, or land, or eat anything before Adam permitted it. It was the same with Eve.

Death of Abel - [go to original Slavonic]

But after he committed the trespass and violated the command of the Lord, Adam was expelled from Paradise, and as he took his wife and went out, he sat near Eden, before the door of Paradise, and he saw a vision, how Cain and his brother Abel would be begotten, and he saw, how Cain would kill Abel, and Adam was very troubled. Then the Archangel Michael came to Adam and said to him, "O Adam, Adam, don't be troubled, don't speak about this and don't have Cain on your heart." And here, near Eden, Adam spent eighteen years, and here Cain and his brother Abel were born to him. And when they were grown, they sent them to tend the flocks at a place called Cyrene. And when fourteen years had passed, Adam called his wife Eve and said, "Fourteen years have passed and Cain has spilled his brother Abel's blood, as it was announced, in a merciless way. Let us go out to see." And when they went out they found Abel murdered in a merciless manner by the hand of Cain. And the Lord spoke to the archangel Michael, "Warn Adam, 'You should not say anything to your son Cain about this matter, and don't be troubled on account of it, instead keep it in your hearts.'" Afterwards, Eve bore a son and called him Seth, and she said to Adam, "I have borne a son in the place of Abel, whom Cain killed; come my husband, that you may thank God, and that we may make an offering to Him."

Illness of Adam - [go to original Slavonic]

And Adam fathered thirty sons and thirty daughters, and he lived 930 years. And he fell ill and cried out in a loud voice and said, "My children, gather around me." Adam, of course, was very anxious, since he didn't know what illness was. And his children gathered around and stood on

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

three sides. And his son Seth said, "Father, Father Adam, what is your sickness?" Adam said, "My child, a great pain is in me." And his children said to him, "Father, perhaps you brooding about the delights of Paradise and for this reason it hurts you so." And Seth said, "Father, I will go with my mother and bring something out of Paradise, by which perhaps your pain will be eased." Adam, however, said, "My child, how will you be admitted into Paradise?" Seth said, "Father, I will go to the great plaza before Paradise and cry out from my heart, perhaps the Lord will hear us and permit the angel (from Paradise) to come and your pain will be stilled." And Adam said, "Not so, my son, not so, I have pain in my belly."

Adam's Story of the Fall - [go to original Slavonic]

And Seth said, "In what way are you ill, how did it come over you?" And Adam said, "When God created me and your mother, through whom we die and through whom you will all be mortal, he gave us the Garden in Paradise, which we lost on account of Eve. That is, when it was the sixth hour, Eve saw Satan and venerated him, because he came in the form of an angel, and he gave to Eve from the tree and she transgressed the commands of the Lord and ate of what the serpent had handed her." And Seth asked, "Who instructed the serpent?" Adam said to his son, "The devil changed himself into radiant form and came to the serpent in the form of an angel and said to it, "You are very intelligent, give to Eve from the tree, she will taste it and also give it to Adam." And thus it [or "she", i.e, Eve] did and for this reason we have fallen prey to sickness and death. "Then the Master came, and in the center of Paradise his throne was set up, and he called out in a frightful voice, 'Adam, Adam, where are you?' I said, 'I am naked, O Lord, and I cannot come out.' And the Lord said, "You have never hidden yourself from me. Since you hide from me, you have thus transgressed my commandment. I will inflict your body abundantly with injuries and your heart with pains. The first sickness will be a pain in the belly, the second sickness [will be] dimness of vision and deafness, and on top of this, there will follow seventytwo illnesses of all sorts besides."

Command to Retrieve Oil - [go to original Slavonic]

Then Adam sighed again and spoke to his sons, "I have a great pain, my children." Then Eve said to him amid tears, "Stand up, my husband, and give me a portion of your pain, we will both share it together; for on account of me you suffer such agony." Adam, however, said to Eve, "It is impossible to share it, but rise up together with your son Seth and go to Paradise, and cry with dust sprinkled on your heads, perhaps God will hear your prayer and grant to me from the Tree of Oils, that I might learn if perhaps my pain may be eased."

Encounter with the Beast - [go to original Slavonic]

And Eve arose along with her son Seth and set off for Paradise, and she saw a huge animal, called Mongrel, which followed her son Seth, to devour him. Eve began to cry bitterly and said,

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"Woe is me, my sweet child, from now on until the end and until the second coming all will curse me, because it is on my account all sorts of evil have multiplied." And she screamed in a loud voice at the animal and said, "O beast, aren't you afraid before the image of the divine countenance? Will you devour him? How do you dare to open your mouth against the image of God and to bare your teeth against him? Don't you remember, O beast, how I fed you with my own hand?" Then the animal said to her, "O Eve, from now on you have no power over us to command us, for it has departed from you. How did you dare to open your mouth and eat from the tree, which the Lord did not allow you? On account of this I will also kill you and devour your child." At this Eve didn't answer, Seth, however, spoke to the animal, "Your mouth will be closed until the judgment, for you yourself were so bold against the image of God; you will stay in your lair right into eternity. And so it will remain even in eternity."

Arrival at Paradise - [go to original Slavonic]

And Seth came with his mother to Paradise, they cried and sobbed and entreated God, their heads sprinkled with dust.

Michael's Reply - [go to original Slavonic]

And God sent his Archangel Michael and he spoke to Seth, "Man of God, go back to your father, for his day of death is drawing near, and there is no cure for him." And he gave him three branches (from the tree, on account of which he was expelled): from the spruce, from the cedar, and from the cyprus. And Seth took the branches and brought them to his father.

Return to Adam - [go to original Slavonic]

And Adam saw and recognized them, and with a heavy sigh he coiled a wreath, and set it on his head, and called his sons and grandchildren to him.

Adam's Rebuke of Eve - [go to original Slavonic]

When all his children had assembled themselves and they were altogether nearly two thousand people they bid Eve, saying, "Our Mother, you know every secret and open thing of our father Adam, tell us, our mother, what does this incredible manifestation which we see mean?"

Portions of Adam and Eve - [go to original Slavonic]

Then Eve said, "I will share with you, my children, in what manner our enemy deceived us, so that he will not be able to incite you as well against our law. Adam watched the eastern and northern sides of Paradise, I guarded the western and southern side. Adam guarded the male

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animals, I tended the female animals. And so the enemy entered in from that side on which Adam was,

Satan's Encounter with the Serpent - [go to original Slavonic]

and he called the serpent to himself and said to it: You are loved by God, therefore she (Eve) will give credence to you before any other creature. And he instructed it in everything and sent it to me.

Serpents Approach to Paradise - [go to original Slavonic]

The serpent believed that it was an angel, and came to me. And the devil had changed to the form of an angel and came here with radiance, singing an angel's song, just like an angel, and said to me: 'Do you eat from everything in Paradise?' And at that time I took him for an angel, because he had come from Adam's side, so I said to him, 'From one tree the Lord commanded us not to eat, the one which stands in the middle of Paradise.'

Temptation of Eve - [go to original Slavonic]

The devil said, 'I am very sorry for you, because you don't understand; I alone will tell you so much: That tree is better than all the others. If you tasted from that tree, you would become like gods and radiant like the angels.'

Eve's Recognition of her Sin - [go to original Slavonic]

And I listened to these words and as I tasted from the tree, immediately my eyes were opened and I saw, that I was naked, and I cried bitterly about what I had done. The devil, however, became invisible. "I, however, gathered fig leaves to cover my shame. Because of how Paradise was apportioned, the one half to Adam, and the other to me, all the trees in my half had let fall all their leaves. The fig tree, however, did not do this. And I took from its leaves and wrapped myself and went under the tree, from which I had tasted,

Temptation of Adam - [go to original Slavonic]

and called in a loud voice to Adam, saying, 'Adam, Adam, where are you? Stand up and come here so that I can share something incredible with you.' And Adam came to me and I opened my mouth and the devil spoke through me about the tree and about knowledge, so that he would also want to taste of it. And Adam tasted, and his eyes were opened, and he saw his and my

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

nakedness, and he said to me, 'O wife, what have you done to me? Why have we departed from the grace of God?'

Entry of God into Paradise - [go to original Slavonic]

"Then we heard the voice of the archangel Michael in the heavenly realm, who called together all the angels and said to them: Thus says the Lord, 'We will go down to Paradise to hold a hearing where Adam has sinned, and I will pronounce the verdict on him.' And the Lord came down on the shoulders of the Cherubim and a host of angels with him, singing the eternal song, glorifying God without end. And the throne of God was set up in the center of Paradise: the trees of Adam burst forth in great blossoms, the trees of my half became withered and all their leaves were fallen. And the Lord called Adam, 'O Adam, Adam.' Adam said, 'Lord, I heard your voice and was terribly afraid, since I am naked.' And the Lord said to him, "Who told you that you are naked, unless you have tasted from the tree, of which I told you not to taste?' And the angel took us and brusquely drove us away.

Adam's Plea for Mercy - [go to original Slavonic]

"And so he exiled us from Paradise. We, however, bid the angel saying to him, 'Be a little patient with us, so that we may entreat God.' And Adam cried out in a loud voice, 'Have mercy on our sin, O Master, be merciful with us O Lord.'

Expulsion - [go to original Slavonic]

Then the angel allowed us to carry on more still and Adam prayed and said, 'O Lord, furnish me with nourishment, that I might live.' The angel guided us out of Paradise and barricaded it off from us. Then Adam prayed and said, 'Have mercy on us, O Master, let me have pleasing aromas, that whenever I make an offering to God, I may [also] bring incense to him.' Angel Joel prayed unceasingly and said, 'Have mercy, O Master, on your first creation.' And all the angels spoke the same word to God concerning Adam, 'Have mercy, O Master, on your first creation.' And the Lord said to his angels, 'Is it right, that Adam suffers thus, just as the verdict was pronounced on him, or is it unjust?' The angels spoke in one accord, 'Just is your judgment, O Lord, in truth it is just.' Then God allowed him to provide the pleasing aromas: incense, laudanum, and libanum.

Discovery of Expulsion - [go to original Slavonic]

"And we sat ourselves down before the gates of Paradise. Adam lay down on the ground and cried for seven days and nights, and we had nothing to eat and felt horrible hunger. I, Eve, cried out with a loud voice, 'Have pity on me, O Creator, for on my account Adam suffers so severely.' And I said to Adam, 'Get up, my husband, that we may seek nourishment; for my spirit is already diminishing in me and my heart is going numb within me.' Then Adam said to me, 'Eve, I have

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

half a mind to give you over to death, but I shrink from this, because God created your countenance. Thus, I cannot destroy the creation of God, on the contrary, because you now are filled with remorse and pray to God, my heart can never part from you.' And Adam stood up and we traveled about the whole earth but found nothing to eat, except thorns, a wild grass. And when we returned to Eden (ed. "to the gates of Paradise"), we cried together praying: 'Have pity, O Master and Creator, on your creatures, furnish us with nourishment.'

Cheirograph - [go to original Slavonic]

And as we prayed unceasingly for fifteen days, we heard the archangel Joel (ed. "Michael Joel") praying for us. And the Lord commanded the archangel Joel and he took a one-seventh portion from Paradise and gave it to us. Then the Lord spoke: 'Thorns and thistles shall come forth from your hands and from your sweat you will have nourishment, and your wife will look on you in trembling.' And the archangel Joel said, 'Thus says the Lord to Adam, I have not created your wife to command you, but to obey you; why do you obey your wife? 'Moreover, the archangel Joel told Adam, that he was to make a separation between farm animals and every sort of flying and creeping creature, namely, the wild and the tame, and to give to each creature a name. Accordingly, Adam took oxen and began to till, that he might obtain nourishment. "Then the devil appeared and stood steadfastly in front of the oxen and wouldn't allow Adam to till the earth, and the devil said to Adam, 'the earth is mine, God owns Heaven (and Paradise). If you want to become mine, then, by all means, till the earth. If, however, you want to belong to God then go only into Paradise. 'Adam said, 'God owns Heaven and Paradise, but God also owns the earth and the sea and the entire world. 'The devil said, 'I will not permit you to till the earth, unless you sign a cheirograph (contract), pledging that you belong to me. 'Adam said, 'Whoever is Lord of the earth, to him both I and my children belong. 'Adam knew of course that the Lord would come down to the earth and take on himself the form of a man and trample down the devil. The devil was, nevertheless, extremely pleased and said, 'Write for me your cheirograph .' And Adam wrote and said, 'Whoever is Lord of the earth, both I and my children belong to him.'

Penitence and Second Temptation - [go to original Slavonic]

The devil took the cheirograph for himself. But I, my children, said to your father, 'Arise, my husband, pray to God, that he deliver us from the devil, for you suffer so on my account.' But Adam said to me, 'Eve, now you feel such remorse over your error (ed. "evil"), that you will listen to my heart, for God created you from my rib. We will fast for forty days, perhaps the Lord will pity us and leave for us understanding and a portion of life. 'I said, 'My husband, you fast forty days, and I will fast forty-four days.' And Adam said to me, 'Come to the river called Tigris, take a stone and place it under your feet, stand up in the water and cover yourself with water, as with a coat up to the neck, and pray to God in your heart, but no word should come out across your lips. 'And I said, 'My husband, I will call out to God with my whole heart. 'And Adam said to me, 'Guard yourself carefully; if you don't see me and all my features, don't climb up out of the water, give no credence to words, so that you won't get into any more trouble.' And Adam

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went to the Jordan and stood up in the water and immersed himself in water and also dampened the hair on his head. While he prayed to God and his prayers went up, the angels assembled themselves and every flying creature, the wild and the domestic and every winged bird, and they stood as a wall around Adam, while they entreated God for him. "The devil came to me in the form and radiance of an angel, there where I stood in the water, leting passionate tears fall to the ground, he said to me, 'Come forth, Eve, out of the water, God has heard your prayer and also we angels, we who prayed for you, and the Lord has sent me to you, that your should emerge from this water.' And I discerned that he was the devil, and answered him nothing at all. But when after forty days, Adam emerged from the Jordan, he noticed the footprints of the devil and was very afraid lest the devil had duped me. But when he saw me standing in the water, he was very happy. And he took me and led me out of the water."

Death of Adam - [go to original Slavonic]

Then Adam called in a loud voice, "Stop talking, Eve, my spirit is already diminished in me (ed. perhaps,"my spirit has already departed from my body"), but arise, go out and pray to God, until I have given my spirit to God."

Eve's Confession - [go to original Slavonic]

Then Eve stood up, went out and fell with her face to the ground, and prayed to God and said, "I have sinned before you, O Lord, sinned, O Master, before the angels and six- winged Seraphim, sinned before your awesome throne, sinned, O Lord, sinned; for each and every sin occurs through me." And the angel of the Lord came to Eve and said, "Rise up, Eve, from your repentance, for Adam has already departed out of his body and his spirit is separated and gone before God."

Angelic Liturgy - [go to original Slavonic]

And Eve returned again to where the corpse of our father Adam lay, and she saw a golden incense pot and three burning flares and three angels attending them, and the corpse of Adam anointed and the scent of fragrance ascending to Heaven. And as the angels assembled, they bowed before the throne and the archangel Joel said, "Holy above holy, O Lord, forgive your creature, for it is the creation of your hands." Eve saw great marvels, which were being performed before God and cried in great distress and called her son Seth and said to him, "Arise, Seth, from the corpse of your father and come to see a marvelous thing, such as you have never seen before." Seth arose and came to his mother and she said to him, "Look, my son, toward heaven." And looking up Seth saw the whole angelic host standing before the throne of the Lord, saying in prayer, "Pity your creation O Master." Again Seth spoke to his mother, "Look there, how the Sun and Moon bow down to the throne, praying for our father Adam." And Eve said, "Where is their light?" Seth said to his mother, "When the archangel Michael himself arose in order to pray, all the

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

power of the angels before throne of the Lord ceased," and again the angels cried out in a loud voice saying, "Blessed

Adam and Abel's Funerary Rites - [go to original Slavonic]

Then came a multitude of angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, and they took the corpse of Adam and laid him in the Sea of Gerusia and honoring him, they washed him three times. In the third hour, however, the Lord,seated on the throne, stretched forth his hand and took Adam and gave him to the archangel Michael and said to him, "Carry his corpse into Paradise; his spirit shall tarry in the third Heaven, but his corpse shall remain here until my resurrection." Then the archangel took Adam and carried him there, to the place God had commanded him. Once again the Lord spoke to the archangel, "Go into Paradise and take the purple cloth and cover the corpse of Adam and take the olive oil and pour it over him."

Adam and Abel's Funerary Rites - [go to original Slavonic]

Once again the Lord spoke to the archangel, "Go into Paradise and take the purple cloth and cover the corpse of Adam and take the olive oil and pour it over him."

Eve's Prayer - [go to original Slavonic]

Eve lived six days beyond Adam; she prayed and said crying, "Lord God, as you created me from the rib of Adam, so I want to be with him." And she lowered her head onto her breast, during which she said, "Lord God, receive my spirit." And so she gave her spirit to God.

Eve's Funeral - [go to original Slavonic]

And the archangel Michael came to Seth and instructed him as to how he should bury his mother. And three angels came, took Eve's corpse and buried it, where also the corpse of Adam and their son Abel were buried. And the archangel said to Seth, "So shall you bury every person who dies until the resurrection." Again he said to him, "Arrange a memorial ceremony on the third day and on the ninth and on the twentieth and on the fortieth, and arrange everything in proper order, so that we angels might take joy in it along with the souls of the righteous." Then the archangel Joel glorified God with words, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Allelulia, Holy is the Lord, heaven and earth are full of His glory."

What to do About it

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

Nunc pro tunc literally means "now for then." Occasionally, a court or party to a divorce forgets to file the papers necessary to obtain the final decree (after the interlocutory judgment has been granted), and the result is that the divorce never becomes final. If the oversight presents a problem (for example, one party has already remarried, or there is a tax advantage to being divorced earlier), the court may agree to issue a nunc pro tunc order, which grants the final divorce retroactive to the earlier date. This phrase is used to express that a thing is done at one time which ought to have been performed at another. Leave of court must be obtained to do things nunc pro tunc, and this is granted to answer the purposes of justice, but never to do injustice. A judgment nunc pro tunc can be entered only when the delay has arisen from the act of the court.

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

All reproductive copy and distribution title control rights expressly reserved, and held by the author; darrell-wayne: hughes Care of; Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail near: 15644 Holcomb City of Portland, land of oregon Without the US Zoning Improvement Plan EXEMPT, (DMSM A010.1.2d)

I am not here to punish, only here to teach. .. to have the benefits of life ..(after debt), as it is in heaven, here on earth for me. fulfillment of that ancient promise, grant/given, inherit down to me, under the beneficial covenant of yashewa/Joshua, for the provision of gifted things to me, I, pray to GOD in heaven, So these things I may receive, With Passage to the domain, Of the living kings, Where I receive enjoy(n)ment, Of my Sovereign Crown as King.

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