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Volume 1, Issue 8 - April, 2013

Calibre Creators
Management Consulting <> Human Resource Consulting <> Education and Training <> Management Research
LEARNING LETTER For Free and Private Circulation Only

Any Answers?
Why is it called a 'building' when it is already built? If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be able to hear it? If all the nations in the world are in debt (even US has got debts), where did all the money go?

Helping Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

hildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD/ ADD may be difficult to parent. They may have trouble understanding important directions. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD/ADD are usually in a constant state of activity. This can be a challenge to adults. You may need to change your home life a bit to help your child. Here are some things you can do to help: Organize your schedule at home . Set up specific times for waking up, eating, playing, doing homework, doing chores, watching TV or playing video games and going to bed. Write the schedule on a

Be consistent. Only promise what you will deliver. Do what you say you are going to do. Repeating directions and requests many times doesn't work well. When your child breaks the rules, warn only once in a quiet voice. If the warning does not work, follow through with the punishment that you promised. (Avoid physical punishment. This often makes matters worse). Make sure someone watches your child all the time. Because they are impulsive, children with ADHD need more adult supervision than other children their age. Watch your child around his friends . It's hard for children with ADHD to learn social skills and social rules. Be careful to select playmates for your child with similar language and physical skills. Invite only one or two friends at a time at first. Watch them closely while they play. Reward good play behaviors often. Most of all, don't allow hitting, pushing and yelling in your house or yard. Help with school activities . School mornings may be difficult for children with ADHD. Get ready the night before-lay out school clothes and get the book bag ready. Allow enough time for your child to get dressed and eat a good breakfast. If your child is really slow in the mornings, it's important to make enough time to dress and eat. Set up homework routine. Pick a regular place for doing homework. This place should be away from distractions such as other people, television and video games. Break homework time into small parts and have breaks. For example, give your child a snack after school and then let him play for a few minutes. Then start homework time. Stop frequently for short "fun breaks" that allow your child to do something enjoyable. Give your child lots of encouragement, but let your child do the school work. Focus on effort, not grades . Reward your child when he tries to finish school work, not just for good grades. You can give extra rewards for earning better grades. Additional pointers for parents of children with ADD and/or learning disabilities:
Take the time to listen to your children

Reward them with praise, good words,

smiles, and pat on the back as often as you can.

Accept them for what they are and for

their human potential for growth and development. Be realistic in your expectations and demands.
Involve them in establishing rules and

regulations, activities.




Tell them when they misbehave and

Inside this issue:

5 Things Failure Teachers About Leadership Learning to say NO Amazing World Facts How to have a successful Career Scholarship Information Protect Your Children Positioning yourself as an Expert Mistakes New Employees Make

explain how you feel about their behavior; then have them propose other more acceptable ways of behaving.
Help them to correct their errors and

mistakes by showing or demonstrating what they should do. Don't nag!

Give them reasonable chores and a

2 3 3 4 5 5
backboard or a piece of paper and hang it where your child will always see it. If your child can't read yet, use drawings or symbols to show the activities of each day. Explain any changes in routine in advance. Make sure your child understands the changes. Set up house rules. Make the rules of behavior for the family simple, clear and short. Rules should be explained clearly. It's important to explain what will happen when the rules are obeyed and when they are broken. Write down the rules and results of not following them. Hang this list next to the schedule. The punishment for breaking rules should be fair, quick and consistent. Be positive. Tell your child what you want rather than what you don't want. Reward your child regularly for any good behavior-even little things such as getting dressed and closing doors quietly. Children with ADHD often spend most of their day being told what they are doing wrong. They need to be praised for good behavior. Make sure your directions are understood. First, get your child's attention. Look directly into his or her eyes. Then tell your child in a clear, calm voice specifically just what you want. Ask your child to repeat the directions back to you. It's usually better to keep directions simple and short. For difficult tasks, give only one or two directions at a time. Then congratulate your child when he or she completes each step.

regular family work responsibility whenever possible, depending on their age groups i.e. a very young kid wont be able to do household chores or involve in any other task.
Give them an allowance as early as

possible and then help them plan to spend within it.

Provide toys, games, motor activities

and opportunities that will stimulate them in their development.

Read enjoyable stories to them and

with them. Encourage them to ask questions, discuss stories, tell the story, and to reread stories.
Further their ability to concentrate by

reducing distracting aspects of their environment as much as possible (provide them with a place to work, study and play).
Don't get hung up on traditional school

grades! It is important that they progress at their own rates and be rewarded for doing so.
Take them to libraries and encourage

Caliberisms !
Courage is the Mastery of Fear, not the absence of it. Man cannot cruise new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. If everyone thinks alike, then somebody is not thinking. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. All Leaders are Readers.

them to select and check out books of interest. Have them share their books with you. Provide stimulating books and reading material around the house.
Help them to develop self-esteem and

to compete with self rather than with others.

Insist that they co-operate socially by

as much as you can (really try to get their "Message").

Love them by touching them, hugging

playing, helping, and serving others in the family and the community.
Serve as a model to them by reading

them, tickling them, wrestling with them (they need lots of physical contact).
Look for and encourage their strengths,

and discussing material of personal interest. Share with them some of the things you are reading and doing. Don't hesitate to consult with teachers or other specialists whenever you feel it to be necessary in order to Contd. on page 2

interests and abilities. Help them to use these as compensations for any limitations or disabilities.

Page 2

Calibre Creators

5 Things Failure Teaches You About Leadership

As you reflect upon your career and future, step-back and assess your body of work and how it has impacted the manner in which you lead. What makes you a stronger leader and provides you the perspective to cast a greater vision and help others achieve more? It is the wisdom embedded within your failures. Understandably, most people would rather not talk about their failures, but it sure does teach one how to manage adversity; for example, to understand why certain dots didnt connect in their career, or why certain relationships or opportunities went awry. Failure ultimately shapes you as a leader. As both a senior corporate executive and an entrepreneur, failure fueled the most rewarding opportunities and learnings in my career. Whether it was the decisions I made, the people I hired, the investments I made, the relationships I invested in or any of the ones I didnt from each experience I learned something new about leadership. For example, I developed a better understanding of the expectations people had of me as their boss; of how to deal with a marketplace that can be so unpredictable; of how certain relationships are connected to resources you didnt know about that could have made your path to success much easier. Failure is the most powerful source for knowhow and understanding. It teaches you about survival, renewal and reinvention of yourself and the organization you are leading. You can learn about others based on their history with failure. If you really want to know more about another persons character, simply ask: What have been your (3) greatest failures and how did you overcome them? If they cant think of at least three, they either havent stretched themselves enough (and are extremely risk adverse) or they are not valuing the benefits of failure (and thus are too proud to examine or even admit their failures). Failure is one of lifes greatest enablers. Think about it. If you never failed at anything, you would never be forced to take action to course-correct or try new ways to seize opportunities previously unseen. In the end, its what you do with failure that defines your character as a leader. For example, do you admit defeat or do you find a creative way to mask Helping Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (contd. from page 1) reality? Do you ask yourself what you learned during the process of failing or do you hold someone else accountable and / or blame the circumstances you were faced with to deflect criticism of the failed outcome? Great leadership (like great management) is about being accountable for your actions. Some of the greatest leaders in history failed at one time or another, a list that includes Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, and many others. Their ability to hold themselves accountable enabled them to persevere, become better leaders and build their legacies. Here are (5) things failure can teach you about leadership that can make you a better person too: 1. Confront Your Failure and Learn from It Instead of running away from or masking the failure you experienced, take the time to reflect upon the situation. Confront the issue head-on and evaluate what you could have done better and identify the lessons learned. If other people were involved (directly or indirectly), ask them to provide you feedback and identity the opportunities that can be seized from this learning moment. Quickly create a plan of action while the pain you experienced is fresh and begin to outline how the key learnings from the failure can be used in different situations. 2. Build Better Your Team and Make the Business Early on in my corporate career, I was responsible for losing a business relationship that cost the company $5 million dollars in annual revenue. At the time, my leadership style was too relaxed and I trusted the management system that I had inherited from production, inventory, and quality control to marketing and customer service, etc. rather than being proactive about making the system better. This failed relationship forced me to find ways to make the system more effective and interdependent upon the decisions made by each departmental leader. In the process of reinventing the system, it made our team stronger and more united. We all matured and designed an entirely new set of best practices that renewed our entire business model; this allowed us to acquire new business relationships and become a much more innovative company. Failure teaches you about who you can trust and depend upon. It gives you real perspective about who really has your back. 3. Trust Your Gut and Make More Decisions Allow failure to make you stronger and wiser. With this attitude you must become fearless when embarking upon new ventures. As such, failure should empower you to trust your gut and thus enable you to make better decisions; based on your failed experiences, you will be better equipped to navigate new situations. This may sound counter-intuitive, but once you understand why you failed you may realize that you werent that far away from success. In other words, now that you have taken the time to reflect upon what you could have done to avoid failure, it puts you in a position of strength that allows you to trust your instincts. This also allows you to be more resourceful with your relationships. It enables your entrepreneurial spirit as a leader and you can begin to see opportunities with greater clarity and focus. Many people have the tendency to quit when faced with the disruption that failure can bring. I have learned that failure gives you hope if you allow yourself to manage through the adversity rightly. I encourage you to read this poem written by former College Football Head Coach, Terry Hoeppner, Dont Quit. 4. Second Chances are All Around You Failure is not fatal. It is a wake-up call for the next opportunity. Remember, opportunity is the true mother of success. As such, you must never forget that second chances are all around you. With this lens, failure allows you to see opportunities with broader observation. You can now identity the opportunities that lie around, beneath and beyond what you seek thus widening your field of opportunity. I have always found that with failure comes opportunity. Never forget this. How you go about seizing the next opportunity gets you closer to learning how to overcome adversity. Each encounter with failure makes you understand why the following quote has become so popular: If I only knew then what I know now. 5. Appreciate Your Leadership Responsibilities Failure has always opened my eyes to appreciate my responsibilities as a leader. Its made me think about my duty, its impact on others and the business atlarge. It has made me want to become a more effective leader by finding innovative ways to improve my skills. In fact, I am a student of leadership. I practice what I teach (as a consultant) by studying how great leaders have overcome adversity. As you plan your week, be more aware of your responsibilities and make the effort to seize each opportunity that you have before you as a leader, by applying lessons 1 4 each day.

better understand what might be done to help your child learn.

Importance of Parenting Skills - Gives parents tools

and techniques for managing their child's behavior. One such technique is the use of token or point systems for immediately rewarding good behavior or work. Another is the use of "time-out" or isolation to a chair or bedroom when the child becomes too unruly or out of control. During time-outs, the child is removed from the agitating situation and sits alone quietly for a short time to calm down. Parents may also be taught to give the child "quality time" each day, in which they share a pleasurable or relaxing activity. During this time together, the parent looks for opportunities to notice and point out what the child does well, and praise his or her strengths and abilities. This system of rewards and penalties can be an effective way to modify a child's behavior. The parents (or teacher) identify a few desirable behaviors that they want to encourage in the childsuch as asking for a toy instead of grabbing it, or completing a simple task. The child is told exactly what is expected in order to earn the reward. The child receives the reward when he performs the desired behavior and a mild penalty when he doesn't. A reward can be small, perhaps a token that can be exchanged for special privileges, but it should be something the child

wants and is eager to earn. The penalty might be removal of a token or a brief time-out. Make an effort to find your child being good. The goal, over time, is to help children learn to control their own behavior and to choose the more desired behavior. The technique works well with all children, although children with ADHD may need more frequent rewards. In addition, parents may learn to structure situations in ways that will allow their child to succeed. This may include allowing only one or two playmates at a time, so that their child doesn't get over-stimulated. Or if their child has trouble completing tasks, they may learn to help the child divide a large task into small steps, then praise the child as each step is completed. Regardless of the specific technique parents may use to modify their child's behavior, some general principles appear to be useful for most children with ADHD. These include providing more frequent and immediate feedback (including rewards and punishment), setting up more structure in advance of potential problem situations, and providing greater supervision and encouragement to children with ADHD in relatively unrewarding or tedious situations. Children with ADHD need consistent rules that they can understand and follow. If rules are followed, give small rewards. Children with ADHD often receive, and expect, criticism. Look for good behavior and praise it. Parents may also learn to use stress management methods, such as meditation, relaxation techniques, and exercise, to increase their own tolerance for frustration so that they can respond more calmly to their child's behavior. Contributed by : Ms. Laila Sonawala, Educationist and Academic Language Therapist

Volume 1, Issue 8

Page 3


aying no is perhaps the most important productivity tool that exists. Saying no is an art. It is also perhaps the most difficult thing to do for most people. I used to dread the occasions where I knew I will have to say no and I used to prepare for such situations for days. Now, I almost look forward to saying no to people and I actually enjoy the process! Find out how the change happened. 1. You are doing everyone a favour by saying no. Whenever you are saying NO to someone, remember that it is for their benefit! By saying no, you are Giving the person an opportunity to look for someone who can do the job better. Avoiding negative feelings about the person. 2. Visualize the alternative (to saying no) in vivid detail. You will feel bad and will curse yourself for accepting the task. You will do a bad job. You will hate the person for putting this on to you. The person will hate you for doing a bad job. You should not have said yes, if you were not going to do a good job, the person will tell you later. 3. Remember what happened the last time you said yes! 4. Use the situation as an opportunity to build a better relationship. If you like the person and dont want to burn your bridges then having to say no can actually be a great opportunity to improve your relationship with this person. This is very much possible, provided you take the extra effort to honestly explain to the person why you cannot do this and why you value the relationship and that you really believe that by doing a half-baked job you will be hurting the relationship. 5. Enjoy! Sometimes, saying no is just pure joy! The joy gets magnified if you do not provide any reasons at all! 6. Go overboard explaining why you cannot. The explaining might make the person feel better than if you had said yes! 7. Use the bigpicture test. Focus on the big picture. What are your ultimate goals and objectives? Is this task in sync with your goals? If not, just say no and rest assured that you have made the correct decision. 8. Use a bit of cunning if you need to (in this order). a. Negotiate. If you can take this off my plate, then I

can do that. Or if I can get resources for this, then I can do that. b. Postpone. Let me think about it and get back to you on email. c. Deflect. I cannot do this BUT I can help you with that. d. Bluff. Carry around your dummy calendar (choc a bloc of course) and show it to the person! e. Throw the ball back. Ask for help in deciding how you should fit in the new task on the list of priorities (especially if it is your boss). f. Lower expectations. Point out that you might be able to do everything, but not to the usual high standards that are expected. g. Googly or curve ball. Say yes, then call back or SMS in the next 10 minutes to say why you cannot do it. Why 10 minutes? Well because that is the average time required for homo sapiens to come up with a good excuse. h. Scare them off if nothing works! Its just that I have this crazy flu and I dont want you to get it 9. If they get really pushy, switch gears and think of it as a game. There is no way you can say yes NOW! Smile and tell them so. 10. And before we end, here are a few statements for you to practice!
I have another commitment. I have no experience with that. I know you will do a wonderful job yourself. I am in the middle of several projects. I am not comfortable with that. I need to leave some free time for myself. I would rather decline than do a mediocre job. I am not taking on any new responsibilities. I would rather help out with another task. Let me hook you up with someone who can do it. I am not the most qualified person for the job. I do not enjoy that kind of work. I do not have any more room in my calendar. I hate to split my attention among projects. I need to focus more on my personal life. I need to focus on my career right now. Some things have come up that need my attention. This really is not my strong point

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

There are more chickens in the world than people. Lightning strikes earth about 8 million times a day. Whether you walk or run, you burn about 100 calories per mile (or 60 calories per km). The brain is only about 2% of a person's body mass but requires about 20% of its oxygen and calories. Only about 11% of the earth's land surface is used to grow crops. A fully loaded sea supertanker travelling at normal speed takes at least twenty minutes to stop. Almost 75% of the water on earth is undrinkable. Vanilla makes up almost 1/3 of all ice-creams sales in the world. People don't sneeze when they're asleep.

10. The sun comprises about 99% of the total mass in our solar system. 11. The Eiffel tower gets about 6 inches (15 cms) taller in the heat of summer. 12. Only about 10% of the world's population lives in the southern hemisphere. 13. Almost half of the people in Manhattan live alone. 14. The average American consumes 120 apples per year. 15. The average person will walk the equivalent of four times the earth in his or her life time.

Positions Vacant
Required for a Infrastructure Hiring Company located in Andheri (West), Mumbai: Marketing Executive: should possess a Bachelors/Masters Degree in Marketing Management with prior relevant experience in relevant industry. Good communication skills and a pleasing personality are essential. Travel across India is part of the job. HR/Admin Executive: should possess a Bachelors Degree (preferably BMM) with some prior experience. Freshers may also apply. Required for an Media Agency located in South Mumbai: Marketing Executive: should possess a Bachelors/Masters Degree in Marketing Management with prior relevant experience in infrastructure leasing industry. Good communication skills and a pleasing personality are essential. Travel across Mumbai. Required Teachers for Schools across Mumbai and Maharashtra: Qualified (Diploma / B.Ed./ M.Ed. for all subjects. Candidates with prior experience and proficiency in English will be given preference. Eligible candidates may sending in their applications by 10th April, 2013 to sarfaraz.calibrecreators@gmail.com, stating their preference and position.

Source: Well Wisher (unknown).

H ow we pe rce iv e our e mploy ees

Funny Leave Applications

These are some of the leave letters written by various personnel. English, as they say, is really a funny language! 1. An employee applied for leave as follows: Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one week leave... 2. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows: Since I have to go to the cremation ground and I may not return, quickly please grant me half day casual leave. 3. A friend of mine had written a leave letter to the headmaster: As I am studying in this school I am suffering from head-ache. I request you to leave me today. 4. A family friend of ours told an incident of his friends letter, I am suffering from fever, please declare holiday to the school. 5. Another leave letter written to the headmaster: As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day. 6. Another leave letter written to Administration dept: As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave.

The family picture is on HIS desk. Ah, a solid, responsible family man. The family picture is on HER desk. Umm, her family will come before her career. HIS desk is cluttered. He's obviously a hard worker and a busy man. HER desk is cluttered. She's obviously a disorganized scatterbrain. HE is talking with his co-workers. HE must be discussing the latest deal. SHE is talking with her co-workers. SHE must be gossiping. HE's not at his desk. HE must be at a meeting. SHE's not at her desk. SHE must be in the ladies' room. HE's not in the office. HE's meeting with customers. SHE's not in the office. SHE must be out shopping!

TEAMWORK ... means never having to take all the blame yourself.

Page 4

Calibre Creators

Focus Area : Students : How to have a successful career?

Do you want to work from 9-to-5? Do you want to take up the convention careers such Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer in future? Do you want a challenging career?
These are some of the question that you should ask before actually deciding a subject for yourself which will in turn affect your future. Choosing the right career and growing in it is a difficult task but a well structured career plan can definitely be of help. The ability to recognize and assess your true potential, taking the right decision and long-term planning are the three major steps to a successful career. Self evaluation Begins with analyzing your capabilities and potential. Are you doing justice to your potential or you are rating your potential high without having the requisite ability? An honest assessment of yourself will provide you the answers. If you have potential and ability then the direction needs to be worked out. Careful planning: This is what it takes to achieve the desired goal. Here the role of the parents as well as the teachers assumes importance. They must not only share a healthy relationship with the child but also be free of the prejudices related to the various careers. Instead, they must play a guiding role and encourage the child to take up the area of his/her interest. Long term planning - Careful planning after X-std or after senior secondary and graduation and following it up with a practical plan is needed for a successful career. After your complete your class 12th then you have two option: either you pursue your study or choose a career oriented course. If you are choosing the first option then do keep in mind your capabilities. Do not get influenced by the masses regarding the conventional career choices. It is better to opt for a commerce stream and secure distinction rather than opt for science (due to parental or peer pressure) stream and fail or secure poor marks. If you chose the second option then you should consider the following:- Your interest and abilities - Monetary benefits - Working environment - Future prospects, i.e. where the job will lead you to five or ten years down the line. The Oxford English Dictionary says one's career is one's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". Since material interests seem inseparable from progress, the modern connotation of career pertains to one's remunerative work (and sometimes formal education). Slowly, the word career came to mean a full-time job or profession - especially one with opportunities for progress or promotion. A career offered immense scope to an individual for putting into use his lifetime's education, training and other skills. How satisfying or fulfilling a career is, depended a good deal on the monetary angle, i.e. the emoluments which a person got, that enabled him to make a decent if not too comfortable a living. As the idea of personal choice and self direction picks up in the 21st century, aided by the power of the Internet and the increased acceptance of people having multiple kinds of work, the idea of a career is shifting from a closed set of achievements, like a chronological rsum of past jobs, to a defined set of pursuits looking forward. In its broadest sense, career refers to an individuals work and life roles over their lifespan. In the Indian social context, with a burgeoning population, the idea of pursuits has caught up only recently. What used to be a set of achievements emanating from a traditional career has now shifted to a wide plethora of choices ranging from the traditional ones to the newer ones to the unconventional ones breaking the socio-cultural taboos. Self Analysis The basic idea of a career option springs from your like or dislike of a particular subject, your aptitude, proficiency and fundamental knowledge, etc. In order to embark on a successful career, you need to have clarity of thought, ability to convince others of the worthiness of your choice, and belief in your own ability from an early stage and if you have crossed that early stage than probably performance at that stage would give you a broad division of choices. For eg.: if you were able to just pass in your 12th grades with science subjects and are eyeing for career in engineering or medical because of the charm associated with it at the stage then probably you are in the wrong shoes. Its better that you pursue your graduation from humanities stream. Else if you are hell-bent for a professional league, then you can opt for the National Defense Academy (NDA) or other such exams. The options are various, for all the backgrounds. Career Planning A career is the totality of your lifes work, including family, learning and leisure. You should choose a job, which is compatible with your interest and capabilities, provides comfortable living and hold a good future prospect. The Career Plan is a document for students to record their development throughout their life in the areas of selfknowledge, job exploration, your expectations from your job and life goals. Your selection of a career must reflect what you consider to be important and worth doing. If you do not value the work you do, no other incentive can compensate for your lost sense of importance. Simply put, your chosen career needs to fit your personality just as your shoes fit your feet. But, how can you determine the type of work that will best suit you? First, look at what you have done in the past that you cherish and enjoy. Then, think about what you might like to do in the future and what activities would be important to you. Before deciding all this just give a serious thought to the following
Variety your preference for performing different kinds

career planning are

Self Knowledge Career exploration Future Goals Decision making Skills /application Priorities in life What are your favorite pastimes? Take a pen and a paper, and list the activities
What do you enjoy during your leisure time? What do you love to do when you are with your family

Do you perform while learning? Do you enjoy working at a job or volunteering in the

Of the interests you listed, which might most influence

your occupational choice?

How would you describe your personality? Are you a

self-starter? Do you panic under pressure?

Do you have natural talents or aptitudes? What are they?

Identify them and make a list.

Describe the skills you have developed during your life.

Which are the strongest skills that you possess? What skills would you like to learn or improve? (Think about abilities such as speaking or writing, as well as physical abilities such as playing sports.)
Based on the priorities, interests and skills you have

identified write a statement that describes what you think is the ideal career path for you.
What are some of the roles you expect yourself to play

of activities.
Teamwork How comfortable you are working within a

during your lifetime? Based on this list you will get the answer about your likes and dislikes and you will be able to plan your career in a better way. For any help, National Network of Education is at your service. Now, the question arises: Where you begin form and how? Well, the best thing for you is to judge yourself. Decide which is your strongest subject or combination of subjects; pick the ones that appeal to you and you have had consistent high marks in them. The next step would be to consult the subject teacher who may be able to guide you in this matter. Next, you could look around in your social circle. A doctor aunt, a botanist uncle or perhaps an MBA brother in law would be too glad to help you. You could rely on their personal experiences in their respective fields and then make up your mind. What is more, you could even ask them to judge you in specific subjects as to whether you are brilliant, average or dull. Their verdict need not dishearten you. Remember that verdict is a result of their personal bias. These days there is no dearth of information about careers. If you are interested in making a career in sports but you have your limitations as an athlete you can still be close to your chosen area of interest by becoming a sports journalist or a physiotherapist or a psychologist. These days a plethora of information being available about the various academic disciplines; what course is available and where; the common admission tests conducted countrywide (for the purposes of admissions or recruitment or both), the paraphernalia of rules & regulations, eligibility conditions etc.; results of the aforesaid examinations, Scholarships/fellowships and grants avail-able to the bright students for pursuing higher studies and research, within the country or abroad. Then there are numerous career related magazines, scientific and medical journals that disseminate wealth of information to career aspirants, attempting to put them on the right track. A sizeable number of television channels transmit programs related to career choices, counseling and guidance. One cannot ignore the myriads of websites, solely devoted to higher education and career opportunities, which have virtually shrunk the globe in an unprecedented manner and simplified tasks like research, information gathering, admissions to institutions and universities in other parts of the country or overseas. Thanks to the internet revolution, you can pursue your long cherished study program /course, merely with the click of a button.

team or are you amongst those who like to work alone. Recognition How much attention you crave for. How important it is for you to be known and recognized by others. Independence How much you depend upon others. This again determines whether you feel comfortable being a part of a team. If you happen to love sports and are of loner types then obviously team sports are out for you. You can choose an individual sport like lawn tennis or badminton or golf. This is an example to illustrate how your personality traits dominate the choice of your long-term career goals. Creativity If you are creative types or the extra cautious who shuns any attempt to change. Making money If money-making interests you meaning you are a professional to the core or you give priority to your family and kids. Many people leave successful careers to look after their kids and family. On the other hand, there are many who give importance to their professional life ahead of their family. Autonomy How much autonomy you prefer. Are you made for a typical 9 to 5 job or you want to work according to your conditions. If you prefer autonomy then you, can chose options like photography or acting, music or be an entrepreneur yourself. Aesthetics- If you are among those who appreciate aesthetic sense then you can go for any of the courses in designing, viz. interior designing, fashion designing, jewellery designing or the sorts. Leadership How much leadership qualities do you have? Will you be able to command the respect of your team members? Productivity What are your productivity levels i.e. what is your pace of work. Obviously if you enjoy the work you do, your productivity levels will increase. Adventure Are you adventurous by nature. If the answer is in the affirmative then you can make a career in adventure sports. Service - Do you like helping others or serving others? If yes then you can opt for a career in NGOs or hospitality industry. Security Are you conservative by nature and prefer job security then Government jobs will suit you. Essentials of Career planning: The essential elements of

Volume 1, Issue 8

Page 5

Calibre Creators conducts Career Awareness Sessions for Students of SSC

Funny Job Application

This is reported to be an actual job application someone submitted at an establishment and they hired him. NAME: John Milton DESIRED POSITION: Reclining. HA. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place. DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz Style severance package. If that's not possible make an offer and we can haggle. EDUCATION: Yes. LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility. SALARY: Less than I'm worth. MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes. REASON FOR LEAVING: It sucked. HOURS AVAILABLE TO WORK: Any. PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS? Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment. MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER? If I had one, would I be here? DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL CONDITIONS THAT WOULD PROHIBIT YOU FROM LIFTING UP TO 50 LBS? Of what? DO YOU HAVE A CAR? I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?" HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION? I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. DO YOU SMOKE? Only when set on fire. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS? Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.

Active Scholarships
Eligibility Availability - Submission Last Date

DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE? No, but I dare you to prove otherwise. SIGN HERE: Scorpio with Libra rising.

Igenius - Young Authors' Hunt

Open for all children between ages 8-15, studying in government recognized schools including private, public or national open schools all over India. There are 2 categories: Juniors (Age 8-12 years) & Seniors (Age 12-15 years). www.igenius.org
Max Life Insurance Company Ltd., 11th floor, DLF Square Building, Jacaranda Marg. DLF City Phase-II, Gurgaon (Haryana) - 122 002. e-mail:info@igenius.org

Be Proactive ! Protect your children !!

20.4.13 Saturday

Google Science Fair - Online Science Competition

This competition is open to full-time and home-schooled students around the world, between ages of 13 and 18. www.googlesciencefair.com
Kind ATTN: BH c/o Marden-Kane, 1055 Franklin Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530
30.4.13 Tuesday

You may be aware that a good proportion of our children are exposed to sexual abuse, in some form or the other, sometime or the other. Many a times, the offender is someone well known to you/ your children, sometimes even your close relative ! Here are some proactive steps one can take: 1. Teach children at age of 5-6 years, about private parts of the body that should not be touched by anyone else. Let them take bath and change clothes themselves, in privacy. 2. Teach them about appropriate and inappropriate touch. Socially acceptable touch, such as shaking hands, Hi, pat on the back, gentle hug, etc., are OK, but nothing more. 3. Encourage children to loudly resist any advances, speak up and report the matter immediately. Never blame or punish the victim child. 4. Teach them not to fall prey to the common trick of Keeping everything Secret that offenders often try. Please spread the word around.
Dr. Suresh Sundar, M.D., D.P.H. (Mumbai), Cert. PHC & Rural Management (Thailand). Director, Health Care Consultants & Assoc.

LOral India For Young Women in Science Scholarship

Womwn who have passed Standard XII, from Delhi/NCR and Maharashtra. In Cureent Academic year March 2013. Minimum 85% in PCM/PCB www.foryoungwomeninscience.com
The Scholarship Cell, LOral India Private Limited, 8th floor, Marathon Futurex, N.M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013 Voice: 022-6700 3000

30.6.13 Sunday

IGNITE - National Innovation Foundation

IGNITE is an annual national competition to harness the creative and innovative spirit of school children. Students are invited to send their original creative technological ideas and innovations for the same. www.http://www.nif.org.in
Satellite Complex, Premchand Nagar, Jodhpur Tekra, Satellite Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat Voice: 079-26732456 / 2095, Fax: +91-79-26731903 or Toll Free No.: 1800 233 5555 Email: ignite13@nifindia.org

31.7.13 Wednesday

Courtesy : Association of Muslim Professionals

Volume 1, Issue 8

Page 6


(Do what you do best and be the Best!) : Part III
Expertise is not about what you know; it is more about how much you need to know and how much you want to achieve. To a large degree, being an expert is relative to what you want. Think about it. If you want to be an expert at just fixing the engine of a car, you will try to specialize in just that. You wont bother yourself with other things. But if someone wants to be an expert at fixing up anything that goes wrong with the car, mere expertise with engines wont matter to them. Just so, if you want to be an expert at something, you may become that, but you must remember that there is always a larger domain for everything. So, you can be an expert at something, but in the larger picture, your expertise wont stand its ground. Expertise is relative. It isnt absolute. That is why, when you start out thinking, I want to be an expert at this, define the this part properly. You have to be very sure in your mind what it is that you want to be an expert in and you must work so that you achieve that. It is also about what you want to do. Some people want to be an expert just so that they can do some DIY stuff on their own steam. Some people want to become an expert just because they are fascinated by the subject. Some would want to be an expert because they want to teach that stuff to others. Yet others want to become experts so that they can mint money out of it. You will agree that all of these things require different levels of knowledge and practice. You might be an expert for one of the above purposes, but that may not help you with the other. When you make your initial strategies about how you will go about becoming an expert, one of the things uppermost in your mind should be, Why do I want to become an expert at this? What am I trying to achieve? When you have these answers in mind, you will be able to focus your energies in the right direction and make the most of what you are planning to do. know everything about a particular subject and can help someone with your knowledge to a very significant degree, then you are an expert. However, the acid test of expertise comes from being able to make money from your knowledge. This is a broader application of teaching and hence it establishes you in the arena more firmly. That is the reason why experts need to sell themselves on the Internet or otherwise because only when they are dabbling with their subject in a commercial way do they understand whether their expertise can productively stand on its own two feet or not. Everything goes hand in hand. You promote yourself to become known as an expert and then you use this visibility to make money or to gain acclaim. When you do that, you become established more as an expert. This is a perfect balance system like a stone archway remove the main arch stone and you will find that everything collapses.


How do you know that your efforts at becoming an expert have borne fruit? You have started learning about something that truly fascinates you. You have started adding to your knowledge. You have started practicing that stuff too. Now, how do you know that you have indeed become an expert? Which is the line of demarcation here that separates the experts from people who just have the knowledge? Now, there are various ways to establish your expertise, but one of the best and the most profound ways is to ask yourself this question, Will I be able to teach someone else to do this and do it well? Yes, being able to teach something to someone else a rank amateur even is the best judging factor of your expertise. If you are very confident that you

Whether or not you become an expert is highly subjective to a lot of things. There are several things you need to do to establish yourself as one and when you have done that, there are several more things you have to do to keep reinforcing that impression. You now know what it takes. All the best to you!!!

"The public do not know enough to be experts, but know enough to decide between them."

Mistakes New Employees Make

The first 90 days will make or break your success, say experts. The biggest challenge after you've finally landed a new job is yet to come, as experts warn that the first 90 days will make or break your success. It is said that the biggest mistake people make when they start in a new workplace is they don't realise how important the first three months actually are. The first day is the most important day, first week is the most important week, and by the time the first 90 days are over you're either in or you're toast. It's simply that people are making their impression about you and first impressions are notoriously difficult to change -- emotional, nonrationale, and intuitive decisions. Another major blunder people often make is they feign too much confidence and don't ask for enough help. Never do that! Mistakes can prove to be very expensive. If you ask for help you're basically acknowledging 'I'm a newcomer here and there's a lot I don't understand is what newcomers feel. Do not hesitate to ask. By asking for assistance you will learn more and you will create relationships with your colleagues. Another mistake people make in new jobs is they put off difficult tasks in favour of doing easy things. Difficult tasks will win you praise from the boss as somebody who can take up a challenge. Do not shy away from it. Office relationships can make or break ones career -- but some people make the mistake of being dragged into gossip in an effort to fit in. It would also be a mistake to stay and "try to make the best of it" in a toxic workplace that you can't change later. Another major mistake people make is they don't speak up when their new job is different from what they were promised. Also, one should not feel too nervous to bring it up with the boss, because the employer has made an investment by hiring you and it is in their interests also to make sure you stay. So Speak Up! Sarfaraz Lakhani

Fan MailWhat our readers have to say about the Learning Letter
1. CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NEWS LETTER. FIRDOSH KARACHIWALA, Firdosh & Co., Advocates & Solicitors 2. Very informative. Keep up the good work, Azad Popatia, USA 3. I liked the newsletter. My favourite one was the one about Oprah Winfrey, very inspiring. Anisha Aswani, Goa 4. The current issue is amazing and informative too. Plz send the previous ones as well. Jagpreet Mahal, Dec. 2012 5. Hi, thanks for sharing this magazine. Very interesting and innovative piece of info. Minu Singh 6. Yes, I am interested in this newsletter kindly post me other issues., Vandana Kanwar 7. Your newsletter made interesting reading. Older issues would be welcome. Dr. Suja Koshy 8. It is informative and interesting, I would be glad to receive the other copies Arundhati Govind 9. Wonderful newsletter. Found it very useful. Keep up the good work J, Regards, Nurali Raiyani 10. Yes I have gone thru ur latest issue and its interesting. Thanks, Noufy Mohammed, Kerala 11. I really liked Ur Calibreisms.. Excellent, Zaheer Allana, Mumbai 12. Thank u so much for sharing your NL I really love to read....good luck...keep up the good work...:) 13. Your third issue was brilliant. Can you share ur 1 and 2 issues as well?, Regards, Salim, Mumbai 14. Thank U very much for sending this 4th issue of Calibre Creators. On reading it I feel i have missed the other 3 issues. Your notes are Dynamic good useful and knowledgeful. Can u send me the other issues in mail. I shall be grateful. By the by I am the Administrator of Azhar English School, a CBSE School at Thirurkad Kerala 679321.Thanks Muhammed Noufal. 15. Great keep this up! H Ashikh, Kerala 16. Good initiative, Karim Parmar 17. The 12 habits of unsuccessful people was pretty interesting. Rani 18. Hey very informative and interesting!, Rani Kaur 19. I liked your article on Why Employees Hate HR, Murtaza Pachorawala, Kuwait 20. Really good Sarfaraz!! pleasure going through it, Vanita Sanjay 21. Heartiest Congratulations for launching this wonderful News Letter. I have read and gone through whole new letter, it is marvellous and great looking (professional) newsletter. All the best for your future issues. Akbar Prasla, Mumbai And many more!

Try this Tongue Twister Nine new nice night nurses nurse nicely.
Do write to us to share your feedback and contribute articles: E/002, Green Park, Near Shantivan (MHADA), Off. Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053, Maharashtra, India Phone: +91 9820 530 995 E-mail: sarfaraz.calibrecreators@gmail.com

www.calibrecreators.com Calibre Creators : Our Guiding Philosophy Calibre Creators believes in building Life-Long Relationships with the participants of its training programmes, especially the students. We expect to become their mentors and be able to provide them effective solutions till the time they are well established in their careers.
Our Business Focus: We aim to provide training and life-changing interventions in these principle areas:

Personal and Corporate Training and Development

Academic : Programs that would enable Management, Teachers and students to enhance their abilities / attitude for future education oriented endeavours. Career / Corporates: Programs that would help individuals enhance their attitude, ambition, personality, skill profiles to improve their journey in their chosen vocations or professions Life : Programs that would equip individuals of all ages and profiles with essential skills or outlook to further enhance their routine life experiences with the objective of building a better society. Community: Programs that would enable individuals or groups of individuals to improve their relationships within / with their immediate environment and those touching their lives.

Myths about Reality of HR Professionals

Myth # 15 - The HR professional can talk shop about the frustrations of the job because he or she will be talking to a colleague. Reality # 15 FALSE. Becoming too familiar, or unprofessional in any way, may hurt your chances of being taken seriously as a qualified candidate for the position.
Using language or discriminatory remarks that are in any way inappropriate for a job interview will be a huge mistake, even though you are speaking to someone who knows the truth about what goes on behind closed doors.

Myth # 16 - The HR professional has contacts in the industry, and that will ensure that he or she gets the job. Reality# 16 - FALSE. While it is true that knowing people in the industry will be a tremendous help in getting the interview, there are no guarantees that you will
get the job once you begin the process. You will be on your own to try to convince the interviewer that you are the best person for the job.

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