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BOGOR BOTANICAL GARDENS Bogor Botanical Gardens was originally a part of the 'samida' (artificial artificial forest or park)

the government does not already exist in Sri Baduga Maharaja (King Siliwangi, 1474-1513) of the Kingdom of Sunda, as stated in the inscription Batutulis. Artificial forest is intended for the purposes of protecting the environment as a place to nurture the seeds seeds rare wood. In addition it is also samida samida similar in Cianjur border with Bogor (Forest Ciung Vanara). The forest is then left after the defeat of the Kingdom of Sunda Sultanate of Banten, to the Governor-General van der Capellen built home in one of the corners in the middle of the 18th century In the early 1800s the Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles, who inhabit the Bogor Palace and had a great interest in botany, interested in developing the Bogor Palace yard into a beautiful garden. With the help of the botanist, W. Kent, who helped build Kew Garden in London, Raffles courtyard conjure a classic English-style garden. This is the beginning of Bogor Botanical Garden in its current form. Olivia Raffles Monument In 1814 Olivia Raffles (wife of Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles) died from an illness and was buried in Batavia. For preservation, the monument was set up for him at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The idea of the establishment of botanical gardens began with Abner is a biologist who wrote a letter to the Governor-General GAGPh. van der Capellen. In the letter revealed his desire to ask for a piece of land that will be useful garden plants, where teacher education, and the collection of plants for the development of other gardens. Prof. Karl Georg Caspar Reinwardt is one German national who moved to the Netherlands and became a scientist botany and chemistry. He then was appointed minister of agriculture, arts, and sciences in Java and beyond. He is interested in investigating a variety of plants used for medicinal purposes. He decided to collect all of these plants in a botanical garden in the city of Bogor, which was then called Buitenzorg (from Dutch meaning "not to worry"). Reinwardt also a pioneer in the field of making herbarium. He became known as a founder of the Bogor-based. In May 18, 1817, the Governor-General Godert Alexander Gerard Philip van der Capellen formally established the Bogor Botanical Gardens as' s Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Its establishment was initiated by putting the first spade in the earth swing Pajajaran as a sign that the construction of plantation development, the implementation of which was led by Reinwardt himself, assisted by James Hooper and W. Kent (from the famous Kew Gardens in Richmond, England). About 47 hectares of land around Bogor Palace and the former first samida clear land for the botanical gardens. Reinwardt became the first director from 1817 until 1822. This opportunity is used to collect plants and seeds from other parts of the archipelago. Bogor immediately became the center of the development of agriculture and horticulture in Indonesia. At that time, an estimated 900 live plants grown in the garden. In 1822 Reinwardt returned to the Netherlands and was replaced by Dr. Carl Ludwig Blume conducting an inventory of the collection of plants that grow in the garden. He also compiled the first catalog of the garden were recorded as many as 912 species (species) plants. The implementation of the construction of this garden has been postponed due to lack of funds but then again pioneered by Johannes Elias Teysmann (1831), an expert bailey Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch. Assisted by Karl Justus Hasskarl, he made arrangements with the collection of crops segment by interest (familia). Teysmann was replaced by Dr. Rudolph Herman Christiaan Carel Scheffer became a director in 1867, and followed later by prof. Dr. Melchior Treub.

Kampung Gajah

Kampung Gajah is a culinary tourist spot, located at Jalan Sergeant Bajuri km 3.8 Lembang, Bandung, West Java, Java Island, Indonesia. Kampung Gajah stands on 58 hectares of land and has had a development permit up to 200 ha, is above an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, has a pretty beautiful natural scenery and the air is cool and fresh, the place is very suitable to serve as a tourist with family . From Kampung Gajah, visitors can see the beauty of the city of Bandung from the heights. Kampung Gajah is a restaurant which is in konsepkan like a playground. To add to the attraction of this place, the range of facilities disediakanlah games that can be used by adults and children, such as children play, ride a segway eco, body cycle, buggy, horse and wagon, ATV. There is also a special game for the kids, such as Teletubbies, Mini Atv, big children playstructures, swing and swing, mini flying fox, monkey bars, bicyle track, garden shelter, beca mini and trampoline. There is also a Smart car that is environmentally friendly and can be rented, with 439 Meter Skyrider Parallel Adventure The flying Skyrider can be flown side by side or alone to enjoy the view of Bandung city and the mountains. A wide range of food from Indonesia are available here, such as batagor, dumplings, grilled sausages, fried sausage, oxtail soup, steak, ribs roasted chilies, grilled rib soya and others. Food of Asia, such as Thai Mango Fish Dori, Singapore Fried Rice, Malaysian Beef Curry. There are also European food, such as calypso shrimp salad, salad Nicoise, hungarian beef goulash soup, baked macaroni, fried potato skins, zuppa zuppa, salmon poached in white wine soup, steak, pasta and so on. From Bandung Go to Kampung Gajah From London, take the fork in Plumbing Terminal to the left lane, then there will be a large billboards that will lead visitors to the place. From Terminal Plumbing is only 3.8 km. Kampung Gajah located in West London, in Jalan Sergeant Bajuri km 3.8 (first name Century Hills), lying still in line with the Kampung Daun, Sapulidi, the strawberry and The Peak.

Travel pleasure boat Tangkuban

Tangkuban natural beauty is truly amazing boat when the weather is sunny, the curve of the soil on the crater walls can be seen clearly, in contrast with the green trees around the volcano. many foreign tourists and domestic tourists visiting the boat Tangkuban This attraction is located about 30 km north of the city of Bandung. This beautiful place is located in the Lembang, approximately 30 minutes from Bandung bermotor.Gunung vehicles Tangkuban Parahu have as high an altitude 2084 meters. Natural environment is cool, and the hot springs at the foot of the mountain-foot. Rows of elongated craters, the main attraction is the actual boat tersendiri.Tangkuban volcano. Tangkuban boat named because of its shape that resembles an upside-down boat. A land of legend a very famous Sundanese, namely Sangkuriang. Tangkuban boat from a distance looks like a boat upside down, supposedly caused by supernatural powers who failed to finish the job Sangkuriang in making the boat overnight to marry Dayang Sumbi is none other than his own mother. Because so upset not to complete the manufacture of boats, Sangkuriang finally kicked the unfinished boat. The trip to Tangkuban kelilingin boat with a garden and through a lot of pine trees, the cool mountain air, boat Tangkuban a volcano is still active to this day, and there are many volcanic craters, Such discussion may be useful to you, find interesting info about sights the island tidung

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