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Nombre______________________ Fecha________________________ Mi viaje a Argentina Context: You have been selected to travel abroad to Argentina for 8 weeks during

the summer to gain more cultural awareness about Central America. Interpretive Task: First, before you leave, you are required to tentatively plan places you would like to visit based on your daily routines and interests. Read the following article about Recoleta and fill out the chart to begin planning your trip by listing 5 places that you would like to visit according to your interests and errands that you have to run.

Nombre del lugar en la comunidad

Qu es?

Qu puede hacer?


Argentina-Argentinien: Das Online Portal zu Argentinien / El portal online a la Argentina

Recoleta y Barrio Norte de Buenos Aires

Recoleta es uno de los barrios ms tursticos de la ciudad, con una alta densidad de poblacin. Posee espacios verdes (Plaza Alvear) en donde los fines de semana se arma una gran feria de artesanas y muchos espectculos callejeros, como mimos, payasos, pequeas bandas de msica, etc; centros de arte e historia (Centro Cultural Recoleta y el Palais de Glace), monumentos (el de Evita, el de Artigas, el de Torcuato de Alvear, el de Carlos de Alvear), esculturas (Botero), etc. Uno de los puntos tursticos ms importantes de ste barrio es el Cementerio de La Recoleta, situado entre las calles Vicente Lpez, Junn y Azcunaga. En el ao 1822 fue inagurado por Bernardino Rivadavia y se convirti en cementerio pblico. En el ao 1881 fue remodelado. En la actualidad de hallan las tumbas de importantes personajes histricos, como como Guillermo Brown, Dorrego o Evita. Cerca del Centro Cultural Recoleta, se encuenta el Buenos Aires Design y el Paseo del Pilar, un centro comercial y gastronmico. Del otro lado de la Av. del Libertador se encuentra el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, el cual contiene una importante coleccin de arte nacional e internacional. Tambin se encuentra la facultad de ingeniera, de derecho, el Museo de Arte Decorativo, la Biblioteca Nacional, el Instituto Sanmartiniano, Shoppings (Paseo Alcorta), y un megacine llamado Village Cines Recoleta (www.villagecines.com). Hay varios bares, pubs, restaurantes y discotecas de diferente estilos. Las avenidas importantes del barrio de Recoleta son la Avenida del Libertador, Las Heras, Figueroa Alcorta y Callao.

Cementerio de la Recoleta
Camine por horas en el cementerio entre impresionantes estatuas y sarcfagos de mrmol. Las criptas guardan el recuerdo de la elite de la ciudad : presidentes pasados, hroes militares, polticos, y gente rica y famosa. Tambin aqu se encuentra el Monumento a los cados de la Revolucin de 1890 (se encuentra ubicado al fondo del cementerio). En el Mauselo descansa el General Carlos Mara de Alvear y su hijo Marcelo Torcuato del Alvear, presidente de la Repblica, como as tambin el Almirante Brown, la familia Leloir, Juan Bautista Alberdi, Manuel Quintana, Sarmiento Bartolom Mitre, entre otros. Se encuentran las tumbas de Adolfo Alsina, Roque S. Pea, Martn Alzaga, Nicols Avellaneda, entre otros. Puede

visitar las bvedas de Manuel Dorrego, Juan Lavalle, y de la familia Duarte (aqu est el cuerpo de Mara Eva Duarte de Pern). Direccin: Junn y Guido Tel: 4803-1594 Entrada Gratuita.

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes fue inaugurado en el ao 1896, y posee obras del arte internacional y argentino, tales como de Goya, Greco, Tipolo, Monet, Manet, Rodin, Van Gogh, Picasso, Kandinsky, Degas, De Chirico y Tpies entre otros. Del Arte argentino: piezas de Pueyrredn, Morel, Svori, Fader, Malharro, Guttero, Petorutti, Curatella Manes, Quinquela Martn, Spilimbergo, Alonso, Deira, Berni, Distfano, Segu y Benedit entre otros. Direccin: Av. del Libertador 1473 - Recoleta - Tel : 4803 8817 www.aamnba.com.ar Horarios: martes a viernes de 12:30 a 19:30. Sbados y domingos de 9:30 a 19:30 hs. Entrada: gratuita.

Centro Cultural Recoleta

Es es una de las construcciones ms antiguas que se mantienen en Buenos Aires. Cuenta con veintisiete salas de exposicin, entre las que se destaca la sala "Cronopios" y un microcine. Durante todo el ao se ofrece una amplia gama de actividades, tales como conciertos, recitales, exposiciones de artes plsticas, presentaciones de libros , representaciones de teatro, danza, msica electroacstica, expresiones videogrficas y eventos especiales. Tambin aqu se dictan cursos y talleres artsticos. Direccin: Junn 1930 Recoleta - Tel: 4803 1040 - www.centroculturalrecoleta.org Horario: Ma-V: 14 a 21 hs. S-D y Feriados: de 10 a 21 hs. Entrada Bono Contribucin $ 1

Museo Xul Solar

Xul Solar fue un pintor, inventor y poeta. En este museo de pueden observar sus obras de arte, objetos personales, juegos y documentos. La casa, la cual perteneca al artista, ha sido reestructurada para dar lugar al museo. Direccin: Laprida 1212 - Tel : 4824 3302 www.xulsolar.org.ar Horarios: martes a viernes de 12 a 20 hs. Sbados de 12 a 19 hs. Entrada: $3. Jubilados, estudiantes y menores: $2 .

Nombre_________________________ Fecha___________________________

Mi viaje a Argentina Context: You have been selected to travel abroad to Argentina for 8 weeks during the summer to gain more cultural awareness about Central America.
Interpersonal Task: You have been in Argentina for 2 weeks and have had the chance to explore Recoleta and its attractions. You receive a call from a friend eager to know what you have done in the past 2 weeks. Tell your friend about where you have gone and your daily routines now that you have arrived. When the videotape begins, say your name. Also, ask your friend about his-her daily routine as well. The entire exchange will stop after 5 minutes.

Nombre_________________________ Fecha___________________________

Mi viaje a Argentina Context: You have been selected to travel abroad to Argentina for 8 weeks during the summer to gain more cultural awareness about Central America.
Presentational Task: You have just come home from Argentina. As part of your agreement to accept the offer to travel abroad, you agreed to write an article persuading others to go on the same trip. In this article you must state why you wanted to travel to Argentina, what you did while you were in Argentina (places you visited and errands you ran), and why they need to go.


Rubric for Interpretive Task

Score Levels Word Recognition Main Idea Detection Supporting Detail Detection Identifies most supporting details and elaborates which is evident in completion of chart

4 Exceeds Expectations

Recognizes key words or phrases embedded in the article and elaborates by using additional vocabulary evident in completion of chart Recognizes key words or phrases embedded in the article evident in completion of chart Does not recognize key words or phrases embedded in the article evident in lack of completion of chart and/or misuse of words

Identifies main idea of article and elaborates which is evident in completion of chart

3 Meets Expectations

Identifies main idea of article which is evident in completion of chart

Identifies some supporting details which is evident in completion of chart Identifies very few supporting details which is evident in completion/ lack of completion of chart

2 Developing

Fails to identify main idea of article evident in lack of completion of chart and/or incorrect placement of ideas






/12 Score converted using roobrix


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Rubric for Written Presentational Task

Score Levels 4 Exceeds Expectation s Grammar Zero to very few grammar errors and/or uses more complex grammar structures Vocabulary Appropriate and rich use of vocabulary and/or using words that have not yet been learned in class frequently Task Completion The task is completed with elaboration Persuasiveness Very persuasive, elaborates on all 3 portions of the task, convincingly conveying the benefit of traveling to Argentina Addresses all the 3 portions of the tasks, persuasive

3 Meets Expectation s

Good control of grammar, particularly the preterite tense, with few errors and/ or systematic errors Limited control of grammar errors, mostly systematic in regards to preterite or present tense Frequent errors without any pattern of errors

Appropriate and adequate use of vocabulary that has been used in class

The task is completed addressing 3 portions of the prompt.

2 Developing

Some inappropriate or incorrect use of vocabulary

The task is partially completed, no more than 1 areas has not been addressed The task is minimally completed, more than 2 areas have not been addressed

Addresses all 3 portions of the task, persuasiveness limited

1 Needs Improvemen t

Mostly incorrect use of vocabulary

Addresses all 3 portions of the task, but fails to persuade reader


1122334 1122334





/16 Score converted using roobrix


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Rubric for Interpersonal Task

Score Levels 4 Exceeds Expectation s Grammar Zero to very few grammar errors and/or uses more complex grammar structures Good control of grammar, particularly the preterite tense, with few errors and/ or systematic errors Limited control of grammar errors, mostly systematic in regards to preterite or present tense Frequent errors without any pattern of errors Vocabulary Appropriate and rich use of vocabulary and/or using words that have not yet been learned in class frequently Appropriate and adequate use of vocabulary that has been used in class Task Completion The task is completed with elaboration, addressing all of the required areas The task is completed addressing all of the required areas Pronunciation/Flu ency Little to no hesitation and/or pronunciation has little to no impact on comprehensibilit y. Some instances of hesitation and/or pronunciation has a small impact on comprehensibilit y. Some instances of hesitation and/or pronunciation has a significant impact on comprehensibilit y. Frequent instances of hesitation and/or pronunciation interferes greatly with comprehensibilit y.

3 Meets Expectation s

2 Developing

Some inappropriate or incorrect use of vocabulary

The task is partially completed, no more than 2 areas have not been addressed The task is minimally completed, more than 2 areas have not been addressed

1 Needs Improveme nt

Mostly incorrect use of vocabulary


1122334 1122334




/16 Score converted using roobrix


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