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JaMaris Moore Megan Keaton ENG 112 Argumentative Essay 25 April 2013

Argumentative Essay Ivan recently attend a university that had said to been in low standards in the departments of Science and Math for new coming students. Ivan argues that the education system that is failing but the failure of teachers who taught these failing academic courses. As Ivan attends the university he makes a statement that I too would have to argue with myself, it takes a village to raise a child (Ivan 1). In this paper I will now show you how the education system is NOT failing but the TEACHERS are the ones who are. While Kristina, Ivan, and John all argue that it is not the education system that is failing. Katherine and Robert will disagree and say that they believe it is the education system that is failing. I will then explain how they all came together as a whole with an agreement. Kristina, Ivan, and John all believed that the failure is not the education system but the failure comes from teachers. You may ask how the failure falls on the teachers. Well Kristina, Ivan, and John have done much research to back up why they say this. John authors of failing upwards argues the point that it is not the education system but the teachers who are failing. He went on to visit a family where their son was getting ready to apply to some colleges only to find out that what he was saying is true. He first asked the boy what were his three major criteria for

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the colleges he was applying for and the boy replied, he dont have any he only just picking schools he liked. Now here is where the problem comes in, the boy was not prepared or taught correctly when choosing a college. He is not aware of what is to come when attending a college because no one taught him how to correctly choose a college. Ivan always argues the fact that that the education system is not failing but the teachers are. He follows his agreement by doing his own research on a university which he then turned into an article. In his article he starts off by saying, it takes a village to raise a child. (Legg 1) This is so true. When doing his research on this university he was able to see many different kinds of students that all come from different backgrounds. He refers to the teachers there as one of the main problems in the failure of students. He claims that students that come from a silver spoon and are wealthy and students who come from urban environments, where they are dealing with, poverty, struggling schools, and joblessness are not affected by the education system but the teachers because they will not take out time to help students succeed. The time to do education is now here. (Legg 2) Kristina argues that she to believe it is the teachers who are failing. She believes that all teachers should want to take responsibility in helping students succeed in life and not just leave them to fail. She states that, most teachers are only worried about their degree and percentage in passing but not concerned with the problems of those students who do not pass. (Kristina 2) She asked a question that most teacher could not respond to, why are most teachers only concerned with the total average of a class and not the students that have failed? She notices that most of the teachers were shocked at her question and was ashamed to answer. She then made the statement that most of you all are the reason why that 1 or 5 students failed because you never took time to see were they struggled and the area they were weak in.

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While John, Ivan, and Kristina all believe that the failure is the teachers. Katherine and Robert believe that it is the educational system that is failing. Katherine argues that the failure is the education system because she feels the market for higher education is going gangbusters (Katherine 1). She backs that up by saying there is trouble in paradise. (Katherine 1) Which in her opion means that because of the cost of colleges and universities all students are left with are level debt and default rates and without a good education they cant stand on anything. Katherine makes a statement in her article that brings her to her agreement, The dream is to make college accessible, but reality is with high prices colleges has become increasingly expensive. (katherine1) Robert argues the education system is the cause of failure. He refers to the educational system as being the reason why students are lacking and failing school. He argues because of the NCLB ACT and standardize testing are the real cause of student failures. He believes that if the educational system would improve then so will the students. Most students would do so much better if the right educational plan was in the works so that it could better the system as a whole. He also states that when the educational system has been redone or renewed it would then show in the students as they prepare for these school exams and state test. As Robert and Katherine strongly believe that the education system if failing: John, Ivan and Kristina are strongly standing on the agreement that it is the teachers who are failing. They state that because of the lack of teachers not taking time to help students succeed and get ready for big exams they are subject to fail these standardize test that the educational system put in place to help better these students. What most teachers dont realize is when students fail these test it is not only affecting the student but also the teaching ability of that teacher.

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I believe that if they could form a teachers leadership conference once or twice a year. This would help the teachers that are trying to help students come up with ways to help benefit both students and teachers. I believe that if the teachers are willing to go to these leadership conferences and really open up about their problems or concerns about teaching these students they can really get the teaching they need to better themselves. I also believe that by doing this conference it will show the students that are lacking that there are still some teachers out there that are willing to take the time they need with those students. It would be even great to have trial and error part to the leadership conference, where they take the learning they learned and use it on the students to see if it really helped them in whatever area they needed help in

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Work Cited Page Fraser, John. "Failing Upwards." Failing Upwards 0th ser. 125.44 (2012): 1-2. Print Legg, Ivan. "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child." It Takes A Village To Raise A Child 0th ser. 121.4 (2001): 1-5. Print. Mangu-wizard, Katherine. "Why Are We screwing up the World's Best Higher Education." Why Are We Screwing up the World's Best Higher Education System 0th ser. 44.11 (2013): 1-2. Print.

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