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Subject Code: 10CSL57 1. Consider the following relations: Student (snum: integer, sname: string, major: string, level: string, age: integer) Class (name: string, meets at: string, room: string, d: integer) Enrolled (snum: integer, cname: string) Faculty (fid: integer, fname: string, deptid: integer) The meaning of these relations is straightforward; for example, Enrolled has one record per student-class pair such that the student is enrolled in the class. Level is a two character code with 4 different values (example: Junior: JR etc) Write the following queries in SQL. No duplicates should be printed in any of the answers. i. Find the names of all Juniors (level = JR) who are enrolled in a class taught by Prof. Harshith ii. Find the names of all classes that either meet in room R128 or have five or more Students enrolled. iii. Find the names of all students who are enrolled in two classes that meet at the same time. iv. Find the names of faculty members who teach in every room in which some class is taught. v. Find the names of faculty members for whom the combined enrollment of the courses that they teach is less than five. 2. The following relations keep track of airline flight information: Flights (no: integer, from: string, to: string, distance: integer, Departs: time, arrives: time, price: real) Aircraft (aid: integer, aname: string, cruisingrange: integer) Certified (eid: integer, aid: integer) Employees (eid: integer, ename: string, salary: integer)


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Note that the Employees relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees as well; every pilot is certified for some aircraft, and only pilots are certified to fly. Write each of the following queries in SQL. i. Find the names of aircraft such that all pilots certified to operate them have salaries more than Rs.80, 000. ii. For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircrafts, find the eid and the maximum cruisingrange of the aircraft for which she or he is certified. iii. Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from Bengaluru to Frankfurt. iv. For all aircraft with cruisingrange over 1000 Kms, .find the name of the aircraft and the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft. v. Find the names of pilots certified for some Boeing aircraft. vi. Find the aids of all aircraft that can be used on routes from Bengaluru to New Delhi. 3. Consider the following database of student enrollment in courses & books adopted for each course. STUDENT (regno: string, name: string, major: string, bdate:date) COURSE (course #:int, cname:string, dept:string) ENROLL ( regno:string, course#:int, sem:int, marks:int) BOOK _ ADOPTION (course# :int, sem:int, book-ISBN:int) TEXT (book-ISBN:int, book-title:string, publisher:string, author:string) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys. ii. iii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation. Demonstrate how you add a new text book to the database and make this book be adopted by some department. iv. Produce a list of text books (include Course #, Book-ISBN, Book-title) in the alphabetical order for courses offered by the CS department that use more than two books.


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10CSL57 v.

SRSIT/CSE/DBA/V.0.1 List any department that has all its adopted books published by a specific publisher. vi. vii. Generate suitable reports. Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results.

4. The following tables are maintained by a book dealer. AUTHOR (author-id:int, name:string, city:string, country:string) PUBLISHER (publisher-id:int, name:string, city:string, country:string) CATALOG (book-id:int, title:string, author-id:int, publisher-id:int, categoryid:int, year:int, price:int) CATEGORY (category-id:int, description:string) ORDER-DETAILS (order-no:int, book-id:int, quantity:int) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys. ii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation. iii. Give the details of the authors who have 2 or more books in the catalog and the price of the books is greater than the average price of the books in the catalog and the year of publication is after 2000. iv. Find the author of the book which has maximum sales. v. Demonstrate how you increase the price of books published by a specific publisher by 10%. vi. Generate suitable reports. vii. Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results. 5. Consider the following database for a banking enterprise BRANCH(branch-name:string, branch-city:string, assets:real) ACCOUNT(accno:int, branch-name:string, balance:real) DEPOSITOR(customer-name:string, accno:int) CUSTOMER(customer-name:string, customer-street:string, customer-city:string) LOAN(loan-number:int, branch-name:string, amount:real) BORROWER(customer-name:string, loan-number:int) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys CM/SB/S Page 3 2012-2013

10CSL57 ii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation


iii. Find all the customers who have at least two accounts at the Main branch. iv. Find all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city. v. Demonstrate how you delete all account tuples at every branch located in a specific city. vi. Generate suitable reports. vii. Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results.

1. The exercises are to be solved in an RDBMS environment like Oracle or DB2. 2. Suitable tuples have to be entered so that queries are executed correctly. 3. Front end may be created using either VB or VAJ or any other similar tool. 4. The student need not create the front end in the examination. The results of the queries may be displayed directly. 5. Relevant queries other than the ones listed along with the exercises may also be asked in the examination. 6. Questions must be asked based on lots.


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10CSL57 PROBLEM 1 1. Consider the following relations:


Student (snum: integer, sname: string, major: string, level: string, age: integer) Class (name: string, meets at: string, room: string, d: integer) Enrolled (snum: integer, cname: string) Faculty (fid: integer, fname: string, deptid: integer) The meaning of these relations is straightforward; for example, Enrolled has one record per student-class pair such that the student is enrolled in the class. Level is a two character code with 4 different values (example: Junior: JR etc) Write the following queries in SQL. No duplicates should be printed in any of the answers. vi. Find the names of all Juniors (level = JR) who are enrolled in a class taught by Prof. Harshith vii. Find the names of all classes that either meet in room R128 or have five or more Students enrolled. viii. Find the names of all students who are enrolled in two classes that meet at the same time. ix. Find the names of faculty members who teach in every room in which some class is taught. Find the names of faculty members for whom the combined enrollment of the courses that they teach is less than five TABLE CREATION SQL> create table student( snum int not null primary key, sname varchar(20), major varchar(20), level varchar(10), age int not null ); Table created.


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SQL> insert into student values(01,'raju','ise','JR',20); Enter value for snum: 01 Enter value fro sname:raju Enter value for major: ise Enter value for level: JR Enter value for age: 20 old 1: insert into student values(&snum,&sname,&major,&level,&age); new 1: insert into student values(01,'raju','ise','JR',20); 1 row created SQL> insert into student values(02,'ram','ise','JR',20); SQL> insert into student values(03,'akash','ise','SR',21); SQL> insert into student values(04,'akash','cse','SR',21); SQL> insert into student values(05,'avinash','ise','FR',19); SQL> insert into student values(06,'kumar','ise','FR',19); SQL> insert into student values(07,'john','ise','SSR',22); SQL> select * from student;
+------+---------+-------+-------+-----+ | snum | sname | major | level | age | +------+---------+-------+-------+-----+ | 1 | raju | ise | JR | 20 | | 2 | ram | ise | JR | 20 | | 3 | akash | ise | SR | 21 | | 4 | akash | cse | SR | 21 | | 5 | avinash | ise | FR | 19 | | 6 | kumar | ise | FR | 19 | | 7 | john | ise | SSR | 22 | +------+---------+-------+-------+-----+

TABLE CREATION SQL> create table class( name varchar(10) primary key, meets_at varchar(10), room varchar(10), fid int not null); Table created INSERTING TUPLES


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SQL> insert into class values('3','hall1','101',1); Enter value for name: 3 Enter value fro meets_at : hall1 Enter value for room: 101 Enter value for fid: 1 old 1: insert into class values(&name,&meets_at,&room,&fid); new 1: insert into class values('3','hall1','101',1); 1 row created SQL> insert into class values('4','hall1','101',1); SQL> insert into class values('5','hall2','102',2); SQL> insert into class values('6','hall2','102',1); SQL> insert into class values('7','hall2','103',3); SQL> insert into class values('8','hall3','103',3); SQL> insert into class values('1','hall3','103',3); SQL> select * from class;
+------+----------+------+-----+ | name | meets_at | room | fid | +------+----------+------+-----+ | 3 | hall1 | 101 | 1 | | 4 | hall1 | 101 | 1 | | 5 | hall2 | 102 | 2 | | 6 | hall2 | 102 | 1 | | 7 | hall2 | 103 | 3 | | 8 | hall3 | 103 | 3 | | 1 | hall3 | 103 | 3 | +------+----------+------+-----+

TABLE CREATION SQL> create table enrolled( snum int not null, cname varchar(10), primary key(snum,cname), foreign key(snum) references student(snum), foreign key(cname) references class(name)); Table Created INSERTING TUPLES SQL> insert into enrolled values(1,3); Enter value for snum: 1 Enter value for cname : 3 old 1: insert into class values(&snum,&cname); CM/SB/S Page 7 2012-2013

10CSL57 new 1: insert into class values(1,3); 1 row created SQL> insert into enrolled values(1,4); SQL> insert into enrolled values(1,5); SQL> insert into enrolled values(2,5); SQL> insert into enrolled values(3,5); SQL> insert into enrolled values(4,5); SQL> insert into enrolled values(4,1); SQL> select * from enrolled; +------+-------+-----+
| snum | cname | +------+-------+ | 1 | 3 | | 1 | 4 | | 1 | 5 | | 2 | 5 | | 3 | 5 | | 4 | 1 | | 4 | 5 | +------+-------+


TABLE CREATION SQL> create table faculty( fid int not null primary key, fname varchar(25), deptid int not null, foreign key(fid) references class(fid)); Table created INSERTING TUPLES SQL> insert into faculty values(1,'Prof Harshit',200); Enter value for fid: 1 Enter value for fname : Prof Harshit Enter values for deptid: 200 old 1: insert into faculty values(&fid,&fname,&deptid); new 1: insert into class values(1,3); 1 row created SQL> insert into faculty values(2,'Prof Harshit',200); SQL> insert into faculty values(3,'Prof Raghav',201); SQL> insert into faculty values(4,'Prof Raghav',201); CM/SB/S Page 8 2012-2013

10CSL57 SQL> insert into faculty values(5,'Prof Pranav',202); SQL> insert into faculty values(6,'Prof Pranav',202); SQL> select * from faculty;
+-----+--------------+--------+ | fid | fname | deptid | +-----+--------------+--------+ | 1 | Prof Harshit | 200 | | 2 | Prof Harshit | 200 | | 3 | Prof Raghav | 201 | | 4 | Prof Raghav | 201 | | 5 | Prof Pranav | 202 | | 6 | Prof Pranav | 202 | +-----+--------------+--------+


QUERIES i. Find the names of all Juniors (level = JR) who are enrolled in a class taught by Prof. Harshith SQL> select distinct s.sname from student s,class c, enrolled e, faculty f where s.snum=e.snum and e.cname=c.name and c.fid=f.fid and f.fname='Prof Harshit' and s.level='JR'; RESULT
+-------+ | sname | +-------+ | raju | | ram | +-------+


Find the names of all classes that either meet in room 101 or have five or more Students enrolled.

SQL> select c.name from class c where c.room='101' or c.name in(select e.cname from enrolled e group by e.cname having count(*)>=5); RESULT name --------------------3 4 iii. Find the names of all students who are enrolled in two classes that meet at the same time. SQL> select distinct s.sname from student s where s.snum in(select a.snum from enrolled a, enrolled b, class a1, class b1 Page 9 2012-2013



SRSIT/CSE/DBA/V.0.1 where a.snum=a.snum and a.cname<>b.cname and a.cname=a1.name and b.cname=b1.name and a1.meets_at=b1.meets_at);

+-------+ | sname | +-------+ | raju | +-------+


Find the names of faculty members who teach in every room in which some class is taught SQL> select distinct f.fname from faculty f where not exists(select c.room from class c where c.fid=f.fid);

+-------------+ | fname | +-------------+ | Prof Raghav | | Prof Pranav | +-------------+


Find the names of faculty members for whom the combined enrollment of the courses that they teach is less than five.

SQL> select distinct f.fname from faculty f where 5 >(select count(e.snum) from class c, enrolled e where c.name=e.cname and c.fid=f.fid); RESULT
+--------------+ | fname | +--------------+ | Prof Harshit | | Prof Raghav | | Prof Pranav | +--------------+


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2. The following relations keep track of airline flight information: Flights (no: integer, from: string, to: string, distance: integer, Departs: time, arrives: time, price: real) Aircraft (aid: integer, aname: string, cruisingrange: integer) Certified (eid: integer, aid: integer) Employees (eid: integer, ename: string, salary: integer) Note that the Employees relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees as well; every pilot is certified for some aircraft, and only pilots are certified to fly. Write each of the following queries in SQL. i. Find the names of aircraft such that all pilots certified to operate them have salaries more than Rs.80, 000. ii. For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircrafts, find the eid and the maximum cruisingrange of the aircraft for which she or he is certified. iii. Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from Bengaluru to Frankfurt. iv. For all aircraft with cruisingrange over 1000 Kms, .find the name of the aircraft and the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft. v. vi. Find the names of pilots certified for some Boeing aircraft. Find the aids of all aircraft that can be used on routes from Bengaluru to New Delhi. TABLE CREATION SQL> create table flights( flight_no int not null primary key, flight_from varchar(20), flight_to varchar(20), distance int, departure datetime null, arrival datetime null, price decimal(10,2)); Table created INSERTING TUPLES CM/SB/S Page 11 2012-2013



SQL> insert into flights values(7,'bangalore','mumbai',500,'2012-12-06 22:34:46', 3, 5000); 1 row created SQL> select * from flights;

TABLE CREATION SQL> create table aircraft( aid int not null primary key, aname varchar(20), cruisingrange int null); Table Created INSERTING TUPLES SQL> insert into aircraft values(117,'kingfisher',10000); 1 row created SQL> select * from aircraft;

TABLE CREATION SQL> create table certified( CM/SB/S Page 12 2012-2013


SRSIT/CSE/DBA/V.0.1 eid int not null, aid int not null, primary key(eid,aid), foreign key(aid) references aircraft(aid));

Table Created INSERTING TUPLES SQL> insert into certified values(109,117); 1 row created SQL> select * from certified;

TABLE CREATION SQL> create table employees( eid int not null, ename varchar(20), salary int not null, primary key(eid), foreign key(eid) references certified(eid)); Table Created INSERTING TUPLES SQL>insert into employees values(100,pranav,20000); 1 row created SQL> select * from employees;

QUERIES i. Find the names of aircraft such that all pilots certified to operate them have salaries more than Rs.80, 000. CM/SB/S Page 13 2012-2013



SQL> select distinct a.aname from aircraft a where a.aid in (select c.aid from certified c, employees e where c.eid=e.eid and not exists(select * from employees e1 where e1.eid=e.eid and e.salary<80000)); RESULT
+------------+ | aname | +------------+ | indian | | kingfisher | +------------+


For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircrafts, find the eid and the maximum cruisingrange of the aircraft for which she or he is certified. SQL> select c.eid,max(a.cruisingrange) from certified c, aircraft a where c.aid=a.aid group by c.eid having count(*)>3; RESULT
+-----+----------------------+ | eid | max(a.cruisingrange) | +-----+----------------------+ | 115 | 10000 | +-----+----------------------+


Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from Bengaluru to Frankfurt. SQL> select distinct e.ename from employees e where e.salary < (select min(f.price) from flights f where f.flight_from='bangalore' and f.flight_to='Frankfurt');

+----------+ | ename | +----------+ | pranav | | pranav p | | ramesh |


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| rajiv | | shashank | | suraj | | boeing | +----------+



For all aircraft with cruisingrange over 1000 Kms, .find the name of the aircraft and the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft. SQL> select temp.name, temp.avgsalary from(select a.aid, a.aname as name,avg(e.salary) as avgsalary from aircraft a, certified c, employees e where a.aid=c.aid and c.eid=e.eid and a.cruisingrange>1000 group by a.aid, a.aname) as temp; RESULT
+--------+------------+ | name | avgsalary | +--------+------------+ | sahara | 30000.0000 | | sahara | 30000.0000 | | indian | 30000.0000 | | indian | 65000.0000 |


Find the names of pilots certified for some Kingfisher aircraft. SQL> select distinct e.ename from employees e, certified c, aircraft a where e.eid=c.eid and c.aid=a.aid and a.aname like'kingfisher%'; RESULT
+----------+ | ename | +----------+ | pranav | | pranav p | | ramesh | | boeing | +----------+


Find the aids of all aircraft that can be used on routes from Bengaluru to New Delhi. SQL> select a.aid from aircraft a where a.cruisingrange>(select min(f.distance) from flights f where f.flight_from='bangalore' and f.flight_to='mumbai'); CM/SB/S Page 15 2012-2013

+-----+ | aid | +-----+ | 111 | | 112 | | 113 | | 114 | | 115 | | 116 | | 117 | | 118 | | 119 | | 120 | | 121 | | 122 | | 123 | +-----+



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3. Consider the following database of student enrollment in courses & books adopted for each course. STUDENT (regno: string, name: string, major: string, bdate:date) COURSE (course #:int, cname:string, dept:string) ENROLL ( regno:string, course#:int, sem:int, marks:int) BOOK _ ADOPTION (course# :int, sem:int, book-ISBN:int) TEXT (book-ISBN:int, book-title:string, publisher:string, author:string) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys. ii. iii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation. Demonstrate how you add a new text book to the database and make this book be adopted by some department. iv. Produce a list of text books (include Course #, Book-ISBN, Book-title) in the alphabetical order for courses offered by the CS department that use more than two books. v. List any department that has all its adopted books published by a specific publisher. vi. vii. Generate suitable reports. Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results.

SQL> create table student ( regno varchar(10) primary key, name varchar(15) , major varchar(30) , bdate date );


SQL> insert into student values ('&regno','&name','&major','&bdate'); SQL> insert into student values ('&regno','&name','&major','&bdate'); Enter value for regno: 101


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Enter value for name: akash Enter value for major: dbms Enter value for bdate: 11-jan-1989 old 2: ('&regno','&name','&major','&bdate') new 2: ('101','akash','dbms','11-jan-1989') 1 row created. SQL> select * from student; REGNO NAME MAJOR BDATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------101 akash dbms 11-JAN-89 102 arvind algorithms 22-FEB-88 103 anveesh unix 23-MAR-89 104 virinchi game theory 24-APR-90




game theory


SQL> create table course ( course integer primary key, cname varchar(30) , dept varchar(30) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into course values ('&course','&cname','&dept'); Enter value for course: 1 Enter value for cname: mtech Enter value for dept: cse old 2: ('&course','&cname','&dept') new 2: ('001','mtech','cse') 1 row created SQL> select * from course; COURSE CNAME DEPT ---------------------------------------------------------------------1 mtech cse 2 me cse 3 mtech ise 4 bsc cse



ise Page 18 2012-2013



SQL> create table text ( book_isbn integer primary key, book_title varchar(30) not null, publisher varchar(30) not null, author varchar(30) not null ); Table created.

SQL>insert into text values ('&book_isbn','&book_title','&publisher','&author'); Enter value for book_isbn: 111 Enter value for book_title: linux Enter value for publisher: pearson Enter value for author: sumithaba das old 2: ('&book_isbn','&book_title','&publisher','&author') new 2: ('111','linux','pearson','sumithaba das') 1 row created. SQL> select * from text; BOOK_ISBN BOOK_TITLE PUBLISHER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR -----------------------------111 linux pearson sumithaba das 222 tenenbaum 333 micheal folk 444 tmh 555 file structures godse compiler design computer graphics tmh pearson

data structures



SQL> create table enroll (


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regno varchar(10) not null, course integer not null, sem integer not null, marks integer not null, primary key(regno,course,sem), foreign key (regno) references student (regno) on delete cascade, foreign key (course) references course (course) on delete cascade );

Table created.

SQL>insert into enroll values ('&regno','&course','&sem','&marks'); Enter value for regno: 103 Enter value for course: 3 Enter value for sem: 5 Enter value for marks: 590 old 2: ('&regno','&course','&sem','&marks') new 2: ('103','003','5','590') SQL> select * from enroll; REGNO COURSE SEM MARKS ---------------------------------------------------103 3 5 590 105 5 6 789 102 1 4 678 101 1 6 430



SQL> create table book_adoption ( course integer not null, sem integer not null, book_isbn integer not null, primary key(course,sem,book_isbn), foreign key (course) references course (course) on delete cascade, foreign key (book_isbn) references text (book_isbn) on delete cascade ); Table created.

SQL>insert into book_adoption values ('&course','&sem','&book_isbn'); Enter value for course: 1


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Enter value for sem: 5 Enter value for book_isbn: 111 old 2: ('&course','&sem','&book_isbn') new 2: ('001','5','111') 1 row created. SQL> select * from book_adoption; COURSE SEM BOOK_ISBN ----------------------------------------------------1 5 111 1 6 222 1 4 333 3 6 444




1. Demonstrate how you add a new text book to the database and make this book be adopted by some department
SQL> insert into text values ('666','computer networks','venugopal','ferouzon'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into book_adoption values ('5','6','666'); 1 row created.

SQL> select * from text; BOOK_ISBN BOOK_TITLE PUBLISHER ---------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------AUTHOR -----------------------------111 linux pearson sumithaba das 222 tenenbaum 333 micheal folk 444 tmh computer graphics pearson compiler design tmh

data structures



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555 himalaya 666 ferouzon 6 rows selected.

file structures


computer networks


SQL> select * from book_adoption; COURSE SEM BOOK_ISBN ------------------------------------------------1 5 111 1 6 222 1 4 333 3 6 444 4 4 555 5 6 666 6 rows selected.

2. Produce a list of textbooks in the alphabetic order for courses offered by the CSE department that use more than two books
SQL> select c.course, t.book_isbn, t.book_title from course c, book_adoption ba, text t where c.course=ba.course and c.dept='cse' and ba.book_isbn=t.book_isbn and exists (select count(course) from book_adoption where course=c.course group by course having count(course)>2) order by book_title;

COURSE BOOK_ISBN BOOK_TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------1 222 compiler design 1 333 computer graphics 1 111 linux

3. List any department that has all its adopted books published by a specific publisher.
SQL> select distinct c.dept from course c,text t,book_adoption ba where c.course=ba.course and t.book_isbn=ba.book_isbn and t.publisher='venugopal' and t.publisher=all(select t1.publisher


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from course c1,book_adoption ba1,text t1 where ba1.book_isbn=t1.book_isbn and ba1.course=c1.course and c.dept=c1.dept);

DEPT --------------------------



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10CSL57 Problem-4 4. The following tables are maintained by a book dealer.


AUTHOR (author-id:int, name:string, city:string, country:string) PUBLISHER (publisher-id:int, name:string, city:string, country:string) CATALOG (book-id:int, title:string, author-id:int, publisher-id:int, categoryid:int, year:int, price:int) CATEGORY (category-id:int, description:string) ORDER-DETAILS (order-no:int, book-id:int, quantity:int) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys. ii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation. iii. Give the details of the authors who have 2 or more books in the catalog and the price of the books is greater than the average price of the books in the catalog and the year of publication is after 2000. iv. Find the author of the book which has maximum sales. v. Demonstrate how you increase the price of books published by a specific publisher by 10%. vi. Generate suitable reports. vii. Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results TABLE CREATION
SQL> create table author ( authid number(4) primary key, name varchar(10), city varchar(10), country varchar(10) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into author values ('&authid','&name','&city','&country'); Enter value for authid: 11 Enter value for name: aaa Enter value for city: delhi


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Enter value for country: india old 2: ('&authid','&name','&city','&country') new 2: ('11','aaa','delhi','india') 1 row created. SQL> select * from author; AUTHID NAME CITY COUNTRY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 aaa delhi india 12 bbb banglore india 13 ccc luxar africa 14 ddd paris france






SQL> create table publisher ( pubid number(4) primary key, name varchar(10), city varchar(10), country varchar(10) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into publisher values ('&pubid','&name','&city','&country'); Enter value for pubid: 21 Enter value for name: macgraw Enter value for city: delhi Enter value for country: india old 2: ('&pubid','&name','&city','&country') new 2: ('21','macgraw','delhi','india') 1 row created. SQL> select * from publisher; PUBID NAME CITY COUNTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 macgraw delhi india 22 subash paris france 23 annai banglore india 24 DSC delhi india

25 CM/SB/S


poland Page 25




SQL> create table category ( catid number(4) primary key, des varchar(20) ); Table created.


SQL> insert into category values ('&catid','&des'); Enter value for catid: 31 Enter value for des: sys s/w old 2: ('&catid','&des') new 2: ('31','sys s/w') 1 row created. SQL> insert into category values ('32','os') SQL> insert into category values ('33','dbms') SQL> insert into category values ('34','gt') SQL> insert into category values ('35','oops') SQL> select * from category; CATID DES ----------------------------------31 sys s/w 32 os 33 dbms 34 gt


SQL> create table catalog ( bookid number(4) primary key, title varchar(20), authid number(4) references author(authid), pubid number(4) references publisher(pubid), catid number(4) references category(catid), year number(4), price number(4) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into catalog values ('&bookid','&title','&authid','&pubid','&catid','&year','&price');


Page 26


Enter value for bookid: 41 Enter value for title: logic design Enter value for authid: 11 Enter value for pubid: 21 Enter value for catid: 31 Enter value for year: 2003 Enter value for price: 300 old 2: ('&bookid','&title','&authid','&pubid','&catid','&year','&price') new 2: ('41','logic design','11','21','31','2003','300') 1 row created. SQL> select * from catalog;


BOOKID TITLE AUTHID PUBID CATID YEAR PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 logic design 11 21 31 2003 300 42 graph theory 11 22 32 2002 480 43 c++ appl 13 23 33 1992 330 44 dbms mang 14 24 34 2008 225







SQL> create table order_details ( ordno number(4) primary key, bookid number(4) references catalog(bookid), quantity number(4) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into order_details values ('&ordno','&bookid','&quantity'); Enter value for ordno: 91 Enter value for bookid: 41 Enter value for quantity: 50 old 2: ('&ordno','&bookid','&quantity') new 2: ('91','41','50') 1 row created.

SQL> select * from order_details; ORDNO BOOKID QUANTITY ------------------------------------------------------------------


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91 92 93 94 41 42 43 43 50 100 150 25





1. Give the details of the authors who have 2 or more books in the catalog and the price of the books is greater than the average price of the books in the catalog and the year of publication is after 2000. SQL> select a.authid, a.name ,a.city, count(*) as count from author a,catalog c where a.authid=c.authid and c.year>2000 and c.price>=(select avg (price) from catalog) group by(a.authid, a.name, city) having count(*)>=2; RESULT AI NAME CITY COUNT --------------------------------------------------------------11 aaa delhi 2 2. Find the author of the book which has maximum sales.
SQL> select distinct(a.name) from author a,catalog c,order_details odm where a.authid=c.authid and odm.bookid=c.bookid and exists (select od.bookid,sum(od.quantity) from order_details od where od.bookid=odm.bookid group by bookid having sum(od.quantity)>=all(select sum(quantity) from order_details group by bookid));

NAME ---------ccc

3. Demonstrate how you increase the price of books published by a specific publisher by 10%.
SQL> update catalog set price = 1.1 * price


Page 28


where pubid in (select pubid from publisher where name=DSC);


SQL> select * from catalog; BOOKID TITLE AUTHID PUBID CATID YEAR PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 logic design 11 21 31 2003 300 42 graph theory 11 22 32 2002 480 43 c++ appl 13 23 33 1992 330 44 dbms mang 14 24 34 2008 248 45 c prog 14 25 35 2000 150


Page 29


10CSL57 PROBLEM-5 5. Consider the following database for a banking enterprise


BRANCH(branch-name:string, branch-city:string, assets:real) ACCOUNT(accno:int, branch-name:string, balance:real) DEPOSITOR(customer-name:string, accno:int) CUSTOMER(customer-name:string, customer-street:string, customer-city:string) LOAN(loan-number:int, branch-name:string, amount:real) BORROWER(customer-name:string, loan-number:int) i. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys ii. Enter at least five tuples for each relation iii. Find all the customers who have at least two accounts at the Main branch. iv. Find all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city. v. Demonstrate how you delete all account tuples at every branch located in a specific city. vi. Generate suitable reports.

Create suitable front end for querying and displaying the results

SQL> create table branch ( branch_name varchar(25) primary key, branch_city varchar(20) not null, assets decimal(10,2) not null ); Table created.

INSERTING TUPLES SQL> insert into branch values('jaynagar,'bangalore','15000000');

BRANCH_NAME BRANCH_CITY ASSETS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CM/SB/S Page 30 2012-2013

jaynagar basavanagudi noida marine drive green park bangalore bangalore delhi mumbai delhi 15000000 25000000 50000000 40000000 30000000


SQL> create table account ( accno int primary key, branch_name varchar(25) not null, balance decimal(10,2) not null, foreign key(branch_name) references branch(branch_name) ); Table created.

SQL>insert into account values(123,jaynagar,25000); SQL> select * from account; ACCNO BRANCH_NAME BALANCE ---------- ------------------------- -----------------------------------123 jaynagar 25000 156 jaynagar 30000 456 basavanagudi 15000 789 noida 25000 478 marine drive 48000 778 green park 60000 189 basavanagudi 48888

SQL> create table customer ( customer_name varchar(25) primary key, customer_street varchar(25) not null, customer_city varchar(25) not null ); Table created.

SQL> insert into customer values(ramu,jaynagar,bangalore); SQL> select * from customer; CUSTOMER_NAME CUSTOMER_STREET CUSTOMER_CITY


Page 31




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ramu jaynagar bangalore kumar basavanagudi bangalore john noida delhi mike marine drive mumbai sachin green park delhi

SQL> create table depositor ( customer_name varchar(25) not null, accno int not null, foreign key (customer_name) references customer (customer_name) foreign key(accno) references account(accno) on delete cascade ); Table created.

SQL> insert into depositor values(ramu,123); SQL> select *from depositor; CUSTOMER_NAME ACCNO -------------------------------------------------ramu 123 ramu 156 ramu 189 kumar 456 john 789 mike 478 sachin 778

SQL> create table loan ( loan_number int primary key, branch_name varchar(25) not null, amount decimal(10,2) not null, foreign key(branch_name) references branch (branch_name) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into loan values(1111,jaynagar,250000);


Page 32


SQL> select *from loan; LOAN_NUMBER BRANCH_NAME AMOUNT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1111 jaynagar 250000 2222 basavanagudi 350000 3333 noida 150000 4444 marine drive 1500000 5555 green park 7500000


SQL> create table borrower ( customer_name varchar(25) not null, loan_number int not null, foreign key(customer_name) references customer (customer_name), foreign key (loan_number) references loan (loan_number), primary key(customer_name,loan_number) ); Table created.

SQL> insert into borrower values(ramu,1111); SQL> select *from borrower; CUSTOMER_NAME LOAN_NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------ramu 1111 kumar 2222 john 3333 mike 4444 sachin 5555

QUERIES 1. Find all the customers who have atleast two accounts at the Main branch.
SQL> select distinct(customer_name), count(*) from account a, depositor d where a.accno=d.accno and d.accno in (select accno from account where branch_name=jaynagar) group by d.customer_name having count(*)>=2;

RESULT CM/SB/S Page 33 2012-2013



CUSTOMER_NAME COUNT(*) -----------------------------------------------------ramu 2

2. Find all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city.
SQL> select d.customer_name from account a, depositor d, branch b where b.branch_name=a.branch_name and a.accno=d.accno and b.branch_city=bangalore having count(distinct b.branch_name)=(select count(branch_name) from branch where branch_city=bangalore) group by customer_name;

CUSTOMER_NAME ------------------------ramu

3. Demonstrate how you delete all account tuples at every branch located in a specific city.
SQL> delete from account where branch_name in (select branch_name from branch where branch_city='delhi'); 2 rows deleted.

SQL> select *from account; ACCNO BRANCH_NAME BALANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------123 jaynagar 25000 156 jaynagar 30000 456 basavanagudi 15000 478 marine drive 48000 189 basavanagudi 48888 SQL> select *from depositor; CUSTOMER_NAME ACCNO -----------------------------------------------ramu 123 ramu 156


Page 34


ramu kumar mike 189 456 478



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