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red is beautifully simple and powerfully bold.
The colour of passion, life, luck and success.
To build a sustainable competitive advantage.
We create long-term brand building partnerships.
A full-service branding and marketing agency.
The red team blends international expertise with local know-how, offering clients
clever ways to connect their brands with consumers to deliver winning results.
We start with an analysis of our clients complete brand environment,
speak the truth in advising what needs to be done, and make it happen.
Vietnam market entry - Brand strategy
Brand campaigns - Brand design - Brand packaging
Brand activation - Brand digital - Brand trade marketing
Marc Graduated from the David Syme Business School in Melbourne, has built and operated
brand consultancies for more than 20 years, and held several interesting corporate roles
Grocery Merchandising Manager Safeway Australia, Marketing and Sales Director Kelloggs
Australia and Regional director of Marketing Burger King Corporation. In Vietnam Marc has
been Managing Director of JWT and in house Marketing Coach for Unilever Vietnam.
Marc began an intense strategic internet focus in 1998. In the digital space he consulted to
Glorious Sun Enterprises Hong Kong in 1999 to develop online retail strategy for Jeans West
Project name VIRUS.
He then worked as GM of a JV between WPP and Beijing Telecom in 2000 in Beijing, to build
a personalised web portal in Mandarin. Numerous online projects have followed. All brand
led, rather than technically driven.
Originally from Northern Ireland, Chris has lived in the region for 8 years, the last 3 in
Vietnam. A UK Chartered Marketer, Chris has been at the forefront of digital marketing
practice since its commercial inception in 1997. Chris has helped to build many famous
brands throughout U.K. and across Asia Pacific.
Setting up one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Singapore in 2000, Chris has had
the pleasure of launching British Airways first flat bed online, Japans first multi-lingual e-
commerce linked internet radio station, and Volkswagens first SE Asia visualizer, directly
linking customers to their local dealers across 8 countries.
More recently, Chris has lead agency teams to develop Tiger Beers regional digital marketing
efforts and the complete re-engineering of online customer service for both Citibank Asia
Pacific and Malaysia Airlines, respectively winning the years Asia Tourism and Travel Award
for Best Airline Online Marketing and AC Nielsen / Global Finance Magazine Best
Consumer Internet Bank 3 years in row.
Lodays presenLaLlon
Marc Cough:
why ls Lhe dlglLal channel so crlLlcal ln brand bulldlng ?
Chrls Llkln:
WhaL ls Lhe mosL effecLlve process Lo follow, ln order Lo use Lhe dlglLal
channel Lo bulld your brand ?
Cur case sLudy Loday ls based on our analysls of how 8rand Coca-Cola
ls uslng dlglLal channels ln Lhe uSA
8esL pracLlce work, from Lhe worlds mosL valuable brand
as professlonal markeLers we
8ulld 8rands by forglng emoLlonal connecLlons beLween
producLs or servlces and consumers
8ecause an emoLlonal connecLlon
ls a susLalnable compeLlLlve advanLage
LhaL consumers wlll pay a premlum for
and LhaL compeLlLors wlll sLruggle Lo dupllcaLe
10 10
we undersLand Lhe change
lrom label 1o brand
and Lhe value lL creaLes
11 11
Coca-Cola's revenue 2007: 28 8llllon uSu
Source: 1he Coca-Cola company
Coca-Cola's brand value: 66 8llllon uSu
a llLLle laLer, Chrls wlll Lalk abouL how Coca-Cola are uslng
Lhe ulglLal Channel aL Lhe hearL of Lhelr brand bulldlng
buL leLs sLarL by revlewlng Lhe brand bulldlng process
12 12
SLep 1: CreaLe a 8rand lramework
roposlLlon: 8rand Coca-Cola - '8efreshmenL'
8eneflL(s): 8efreshmenL ln body, mlnd and splrlL
8easons Lo 8elleve:
WaLer, sugar, caffelne
'SecreL' formula
'8urn and blLe' aL Lhe
back of Lhe LhroaL
Soclal accepLance
ConLemporlze and connecL yourself
A personallsed world
susLalnable advanLages
13 13
SLep 2: brand ldenLlLy 'embodles' Lhe framework
14 14
SLep 3: campalgn ampllfles Lhe brand proposlLlon
13 13
emoLlons are Lhe key Lo value
brand campalgns - communlcaLe boLh funcLlonal and
emoLlonal 818's
buL ln many caLegorles funcLlonal 8easons Lo 8elleve are
'cosL of enLry'
emoLlonal 818's - bulld relaLlonshlps, loyalLy and 'meanlng'
lnLo LransacLlons
Lhe core of susLalnable compeLlLlve advanLage and Lhe
creaLlon of 'brand value'
and when you conslder communlcaLlon channels....
16 16
...dlglLal, ls Lhe mosL emoLlonal channel
17 17
...because dlglLal, ls Lhe mosL personal channel
your phone, your blog, your emall, your lod,
your soclal neLwork, your address book...
....chosen, managed, and used only by you
communlcaLlons feel... '[usL for you'
18 18
Lhe mosL measurable channel
& poLenLlally, Lhe mosL cosL effecLlve channel
buL Lhere ls a loL of nolse, because of low barrlers Lo
enLry, whlch ls why a dlsclpllned dlglLal plannlng process
ls so lmporLanL
- Lhank you for your aLLenLlon
l'd now llke Lo lnLroduce Chrls Llkln Lo Lalk abouL Lhe dlglLal
plannlng process...
ln Lhe medla mlx, dlglLal ls also
?our brand experlence ls creaLed
across many 'Louch polnLs'
WlLh so many dlglLal Louch polnLs
how do you bulld your brand onllne?
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
?our onllne value proposlLlon
An Cv ls all abouL exLendlng your overall brand proposlLlon - Lo
offer unlque onllne beneflLs and and new experlences Lo
bulld your brand relaLlonshlp
CreaLlng a brand Cv enables you Lo clearly seL
dlglLal markeLlng ob[ecLlves
and measure buslness resulLs
uL your LargeL audlence aLLlLudes, demographlcs and
onllne behavlor aL Lhe hearL of your dlglLal markeLlng
Comblne your Cv wlLh your brand consumer lnslghLs Lo
creaLe a unlque onllne brand experlence
CreaLlng your onllne value proposlLlon
Cnllne value roposlLlon
A compleLely new vlrLual
experlence exLendlng
Lhe 'Coke Slde of Llfe' Lo creaLe
a deeper brand relaLlonshlp
Lhrough dlglLal channels
1he Coke onllne value proposlLlon
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
Search Lnglne CpLlmlsaLlon
CcLober 2008 - 29 bllllon searches ln Asla aclflc. Source comScore, lnc.
ln SouLheasL Asla, vleLnam ls Lhe number-one prlorlLy of ?ahoo." 1om Slpple, Mu, ?ahoo SL Asla
lmprove Lhe volume and quallLy of your audlence naLurally"
CreaLe reclprocal llnks, conLenL and P1ML codlng relevanL Lo speclflc keywords
8emove barrlers such as Loo much 'flash' anlmaLlon
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
Search Lnglne key words & sponsored llnks
ay-per-cllck Lo lncrease your slLe ranklng & vlslblllLy ln search englne page resulLs
Coogle AdWords, ?ahoo! Search MarkeLlng and MlcrosofL adCenLre largesL players
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
ald Cnllne AdverLlslng
8anner Ads. (yawn)
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
CeL creaLlve and seek ouL more
lnLeracLlve, 8lch MulLlmedla formaLs Lo drlve Lrafflc Lo your slLe
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
Cnllne 8 - 8each audlence Lhrough Lhelr dally news/lnLeresLs
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
CreaLe 'buzz' across hlgh-Lrafflc ?ouLube, lorums and 8logs
vlral / ConLenL Seedlng
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
1ap lnLo Lhe vleLnamese deslre Lo share and express Lhemselves
Soclal neLworklng 'Pooklng'
Ads can also be place ln a hlghly LargeLed way around user-demographlc lnfo'
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
Leverage conLenL parLnershlps / sponsorshlps
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
Leverage Lmall, ChaL, SMS, Moblle
ulglLal word of mouLh effecL, anyLlme, anywhere
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
CommunlcaLe your webslLe address
across all your communlcaLlon Louch polnLs
urlve audlence Lo your webslLe and back lnLo Lhe real world
8alse awareness - spread Lhe word
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
Lncourage parLlclpaLlon wlLh excluslve lncenLlves
ueslgn 1he World A Coke" conLesL
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
ersonallse your own Coke boLLle deslgn
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
1000's of ways Lo express yourself
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
Mash up", raLe and share your deslgn wlLh frlends
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
Share brand / user-generaLed conLenL as downloads
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
Muslc, vldeos, Wallpapers, Screensavers & ueskLop Cames.
can all be used Lo deepen emoLlonal brand connecLlons
ulfferenLlaLe Lhrough engagemenL
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
8ulld your brand daLabase and opporLunlLles
for lnLeracLlve experlences and ongolng dlalogue
urlve cusLomer acqulslLlon
rovlde lncenLlves Lo enLlce your audlence Lo share Lhelr deLalls
mycoke 'CC MeLro,' ls a 3u vlrLual envlronmenL offerlng a compleLely new experlence
urlve cusLomer acqulslLlon
Members can personallze Lhelr space, soclallze wlLh oLher members, access muslc-mlxers,
gamlng, sporLs and enLerLalnmenL,
lncludlng palnLballlng, a skaLe park and a LheaLer feaLurlng excluslve vldeos.
urlve cusLomer acqulslLlon
lnLegraLe onllne and offllne markeLlng acLlvlLles Lo drlve your
audlence Lo your webslLe and back lnLo Lhe real world
urlve cusLomer acqulslLlon
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
8ulld ongolng engagemenL and
poslLlve word of mouLh assoclaLlon
mycokerewards.com loyalLy program
8ulld brand loyalLy
8ecognlse and reward cusLomers
for someLhlng Lhey're already dolng
Slnce laLe 2006, 1 new member has reglsLered every 4 seconds,
Spendlng an average 8 mlnuLes per vlslL
Register online
Collect codes from
bottle tops
Redeem codes online
to be rewarded
8ulld brand loyalLy
Always conslder new Lechnologles
Lo sLrengLhen relaLlonshlps wlLh your cusLomers and parLners
Clve cusLomers rewards LhaL drlve Lhem Lo parLner sLores
Desktop widget to
redeem cap codes
& get latest news
SMS/MMS contest
/event entry/alerts
Viral cards
8ulld brand loyalLy
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy
Leverage key learnlngs Lo conLlnually sLrengLhen
your brand onllne value proposlLlon
WhaL ls worklng and whaL ls noL?
- Allgn your buslness, brand and markeLlng ob[ecLlves
- ueclde how your ob[ecLlves wlll be measured & analyzed aL Lhe sLarL
- SeL benchmarks for success
Measure buslness resulLs
1) Awareness
2) 8rand Cv - flrsL lmpresslons
4) AcqulslLlon - new members / sales
MosL popular conLenL
nexL page seen afLer homepage
Pomepage AbandonmenL
3) LngagemenL - quallLy of lnLeracLlons
romoLlon LnLrles
vlral Sharlng
ConslsLenLly measure your dlglLal lnLeracLlons Lo lncrease
Lhe relevance of your onllne vale proposlLlon
3) LoyalLy - repeaL engagemenL / brand pref'
Membershlp, 8rand preference & sales growLh over Llme 8epeaL vlslLors
Average vlslL LengLh
number of downloads / vlslLors
age vlews per vlslLor
1rafflc on homepage
Membershlp 8eglsLraLlon - opL ln / ouL
8rand Sales
1oLal WebslLe vlslLs age vlews
8eferral Louch polnL sources
8rand webslLe
1ouch olnLs
Measure buslness resulLs
CreaLlng your ulglLal 8rand 8ulldlng SLraLegy

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