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Amen, Amen, Iran Omen


As a practicing shaman I witness omens all the time. Something cuts your
path, a energy synchronicity manifesting, the shadow of a crow overhead
crosses the hood of your car. Happens every day to everyone, but you have
to be aware to see it and trained to understand it. That's the trick, shamans
are in daily training.

Coincidence or omen?

Omen definition: A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a

prophetic sign.(ref http://www.thefreedictionary.com/omen)

Amen, Amen is the incantation of "make it so" at the end of a prayer. The
origin is not Hebrew, it's the name of the Pharaoh man-god Amenhotep the
Egyptians worshipped. (ref http://www.touregypt.net/amen.htm)

Iran has a halo. When Imperial Zionist controlled America via the CIA
overthrew democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 (ref
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_Mossadegh)and installed the Shah,
the Iranians were able to organize a counter revolution and throw the puppet
Zionist regime out. That was the first major omen.

Iranian poster during the revolution:

When Jimmy Carter tried a rescue the hostages the helicopters crashed.
Another major omen that favors Iran I'd say.

In retaliation Zionist dupe Reagan gave our "ally" Saddam the go ahead to
attack Iran. In September of 1980 Iraq invaded Iran at behest of the newly
elected Republican president. Sound familiar? That lead to a long bloody 8
year carnage where up to 1 million casualties. Once again Iran's aura was
evident, even though Iraq had complete military superiority and western
backing Iran held back the surrogate aggressor. Reagan then had Rumsfeld
sell Iraq chemical WMD's that were used on Iranian kids stuck in trenches
on the front lines. That criminal act increased the carnage but didn't change
the outcome of the war.
After we leveled Iraq, the Iranians gained strong ties to the Shia majority
fighting the Great Satan infidel in Iraq. Another omen? Iran became the
automatic winner after we crushed Saddam. Iran is now the regional
powerhouse and by default will be running Iraq when we leave, they may be
already doing so for all we know. Now you have the reason why we are
endlessly told we'll be in Iraq forever, and it isn't just about oil.

I really think we are NOT going to be in Iraq much longer. Already bankrupt
America blew 3 trillion on the war. Remember Vietnam? Remember the last
days when the last helicopter on the embassy roof could barely liftoff? Right
up until that moment the media told us we were winning.

The Fall of Saigon, this image directly contradicted the Zionist controlled
media propaganda that we were winning:

I believe that we'll be out of Iraq very soon because the bankruptcy of the
American state will force us to leave. And America is mortally bankrupt.
100 years of the bloodsucking Jewish owned Federal Reserve made sure of
In every case Iran is the winner. That's the omen. Preceding events can give
us clues to what's unfolding. So the upcoming attack on Iran will go poorly
and reverse fortunes for the West.

Speculation for the last several years is that Israel might launch soon
because of numerous threats and recent military exercises. Israel says she
won't tolerate a nuclear Iran even though Israel has illegally aquired up to
800 nuclear weapons.

200 nukes? (http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/ )

400 nukes? (http://www.rense.com/general26/bombs.htm)
800 nukes? (current USAF upper estimate)
1,000+ nukes? Phishna's intuition. Jews are proven liars and any estimate in
the Zionist controlled media is vastly understated! So if wikipedia says 100-
200 and that's understated by a factor of 10 then Israel has 1,000 to 2,000

I say believing Jews are patently crazy. They invented the insane god
Jehovah, one that destroys the whole earth in the big flood because free
willed humans acted against His wishes. Well if God is still looking down
upon why hasn’t he wiped us out again? The level of sin nowadays is far
greater. Of course this is mythical nonsense.

There is no bearded old man up on a cloud playing with humans like toys:
Who actually believes that anymore? The flood was previous myth based on
the reality of melting glaciers but the Jews being born liars respun the myth
to their own angst making it an act of their psychopathic god Jehovah
(Hebrew anthropocentrism: the characteristics of Jehovah are really that of
Jewish culture). So the flood became one tribes personal tribulation.

A child thinks this way: Me, me, it's all about me!

Can you see what Judaism really is? Primitive religion. And that mentality
has nearly 1,000 nuclear weapons.

The Jews are zealots. Remember when Jerusalem then Masada were sacked?
(ref http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(70)) Most peoples
preferred to cow tow to the Romans but not the Jews.

So will Israel attack Iran? Because they are meme possessed, memebots,
launch they will.. Masada proves the Jewish nature.

The Jews are insanely power mad. They believe they are superior to
everyone else. This is really their curse. Since they believe this in totality
they are unable to reason and act rationally. Thus they will never accept
parity with Iran, because their memetic programming won't allow them to. If
they disobey their memes then they are against god, so they believe. Now
how can the superior Jewish peoples expand their territory with a nuclear
Islamic state? With Iran their secret territorial plans are kaput.

Mossad agent and propagandist Abe Foxman

The Zionist state's goals are racist.

The superiority mentality allows them to roll over the Palestinians without
guilt because they believe the other to be inferior thus making it morally
righteous to kill and displace the other. Just like Nazi Germany.

Jewish control of America has reached it‘s zenith, the credit collapse is
forcing us to examine our demise. America is totally bankrupt, hated by the
world because of the Jews. It‘s all downhill from here as the people wake up
to this incredible evil tyranny.

originally posted 10 July 2008
edited 16 July 2009

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