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THE DEBT 2013 A compilation of ideas to put into effect First and foremost, what can we do about the

national debt? Increased tax es for the rich is definitely an option, the middle and lower classes are currently having a har d time putting decent meals on the table for their families. How can you protect those who have more than enough while leaving those of us trying to figure out how to refill our oil tank s in the cold? If you are not agreeable on the latter you are not for the people. The people want an increase of at least twenty percent on the upper class. This is a common sense decision there is no reason to hoard millions and billions while pa ying your workers 8.25 an hour. If the upper class population has an issue with this they are more than welcome to relocate to another country. If they leave that leaves a hole for a m iddle class or lower class business man to carve out a business. We would like to see higher taxes on corporations and lower taxes on small business. Small business makes up the majority of our jobs, yet the government repeatedly stomps on them. If they could pull in more revenue they could hire more employees, and mos t small businesses are personally involved with the community they live in. So this woul d increase jobs, and strengthen communities. We need to raise taxes on imports, decrease taxes on American made product s. Let us face it, most of the world would love to see Americans lose it all. We are a pro ud people, there is nothing wrong with that, because of the government?s lax terms with China and ot her goods producing companies our jobs have moved out of our country. This has happened at an alarming rate, there is a movement within this country to purchase American made let us m ake it easier! Open our oil fields, this increases jobs, decreases gas prices, and gives America the revenue to pursue other fuel options. There is no doubt the world will run out o f oil in the not so far away future, so why do we continue to support countries that may or may not support anti American terrorists? We need to do this now, before Americans lose what little w e have left. By Americans I speak of the average American citizen, whether born or immigrated, n ot of those making millions off of the American people in the Capital, or the board room of a corporation. Obviously those people that have stood upon the average man?s head to raise hims elf above all have plenty to eat, and can raise their heat above sixty five degrees on a negat ive eight degree night with a wind chill of negative twenty are doing quite well. No more food stamps for the poor, let us build up a new system. I would li

ke to see community managed pantries. Built off donations from local food companies, farme rs, builders, and such. This is the responsibility of the people, and should not be controlled federally but locally. As a local program we can better understand the needs of the people in our area. Let?s face the truth the federal government has not done a great job. TANF is Temp aid for needy families, yet we provide no aide if both parents are present in the house. It?s time for a reform if you no longer consider having two parents present a family. Of course we want to outline and place plan into action before we cut off food stamps. I personally have heard a girl scream at a lady from the state ?This is why I keep having kids.? When she found out her cas h assistance was lowered. We need to empower case managers in these cases with more than fill ing out paperwork. Let them evaluate a person screaming this and deny them help. Ignoran ce is not an excuse to depend on the government to raise your children. Stop touching social security, I don?t think I need to go further with tha t one. This was never the government?s money to spend, you cannot cut the funds because the gove rnment stole the funds. Time to pay it back, with taxes. No more raises for any government officials, and possible pay cuts after t he people have reviewed what each person in Government is being paid. As the people we are the hiring managers, and we feel as though the Government is overpaid. Being a politician i s not a career, it?s a calling. Yet we can no longer trust politicians. Of course a group of ave rage Americans will be elected to review these contracts and terms, with procedures as to how we wil l calculate the worth of each elected official. Also any politician found to take money from a c orporation is immediately FIRED. This is not acceptable, currently our politicians in office h ave more money than the next 4 generations will be able to spend. Why do they hoard money, othe r than to lord over people? We are all done with it. Ex-presidents, congressmen, senators, are already rich they do not need to keep collecting salary from our tax money. If a retired public representative finds themselves i n financial strain we will have a procedure set up to ensure they can continue to live in reasonabl e comfort. Legalize Marijuana immediately. Do I really need to point out that this a grown from the earth substance, and should have never been illegal? This will create jobs, redu ce crimes, and probably prevent a few bar room brawls. On top of legalization, we want all pris oners charged with a crime related to marijuana released from prison, and jail. Let us make ro om for actual criminals. This drug has not hurt anyone but the government has stood in front o f making it legal

because, God forbid, we get the seeds and grow it in our garden how do you tax t hat? Reduce the number of permits needed for building, and for adding to your h omes. Seriously if I want to finish my basement, in a house I own, why do I need to ch eck with the city? It creates revenue, yes. But doing this dissuades people from home improve ment, preventing those they would hire from having that job. I am not saying just the cost, the whole headache of getting a permit is not worth it to some people. Plus some luxuries are stamped out to cover the cost of paying the government for permission, once again blocking n ew jobs. Stop stomping on the middle class. This is a policy in the works. It is now released to the American people v ia social media, any questions or additions you would like to see should be emailed to cjpain@com cast.net any discussions will be on Facebook page we are all in this together. Please do not resort to standing outside with signs so the rich can laugh at you as they eat their steak. We need to implode from inside out. Start with policies, work on local politicians and move our way up t he ladder. Use education, and common sense. Keep your eyes out for the next report, Our Freedom . [THE DEBT] February 1, 2013

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