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INTRODUO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O PROJECTO PROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. O Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comprehension File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interaction File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ability to Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Language Study File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Leisure File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Fact File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Project File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Self-Check File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Leitura Extensiva Betting on Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. My English Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. My Class Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. CD udio do aluno e CD udio do professor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. DVD ....................................................................... 8. Transparncias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9

1. PLANIFICAO DO PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planificao a Longo Prazo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planificao a Mdio Prazo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Planificao a Curto Prazo: Aulas de Substituio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Reloading File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Leisure File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Food File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fashion File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Media File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2. CONCRETIZAO DO PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Sugestes Metodolgicas do Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Actividades Complementares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Guies de Trabalho de Projecto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Fichas de Explorao da Leitura Extensiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Fichas de Explorao do DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Solues das Fichas de Explorao da Leitura Extensiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Solues das Fichas de Explorao do DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Tapescript do DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Guio de Utilizao das Transparncias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 CD udio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3. REGULAO DO PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Testes de Avaliao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Solues dos testes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

MY CLASS PORTFOLIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


O Caderno de Apoio ao Professor pretende assumir-se como uma ferramenta indispensvel no dia-a-dia de programao e concretizao das aulas de lngua inglesa. Deste modo, optou-se por dividir este documento em partes distintas: 1. Planificao do processo de ensino-aprendizagem Nesta seco, optou-se por incluir diversas planificaes que pretendem dar resposta s necessidades distintas dos professores: Planificao anual A proposta de planificao anual apresentada pelo projecto Profile contm a indicao das competncias/tarefas e contedos lingusticos e temticos a desenvolver em cada unidade. As unidades encontram-se distribudas no tempo, tendo-se igualmente integrado a celebrao de algumas festividades, bem como o projecto de leitura a partir da short-story Betting on Friendship. Paralelamente, esta planificao a longo prazo enumera as estratgias, os instrumentos e o tipo de avaliao a desenvolver ao longo do ano. Tentou-se apresentar uma proposta de planificao o mais completa possvel e adequada s orientaes programticas e ao Currculo Nacional do Ensino Bsico, para que o professor a possa utilizar, no s para planificar as suas aulas, mas tambm em sede de Projecto Curricular de Turma. Planificao a mdio prazo Optou-se por incluir um exemplo de planificao de unidade (Unidade 0), estando as restantes disponveis online, na rea Exclusiva do Professor, no incio do ano lectivo. Nestas, para alm de se descriminarem as competncias dominantes a desenvolver em cada situao, as tarefas, os projectos, os contedos, as formas sociais de trabalho, os materiais e a avaliao, procurou-se integrar as diversas valncias do projecto, tais como: transparncias, Portfolio, CDs udio, DVD, Workbook e Leitura Extensiva. Planificao a curto prazo Aulas de substituio Em consequncia das recentes alteraes decorrentes da reviso do Estatuto da Carreira Docente, entre outros, constitui um dever do professor entregar um plano de aula no Conselho Executivo sempre que pretende faltar. Esta obrigatoriedade , por vezes, constrangedora, face s inmeras solicitaes a que o professor tem de responder, por um lado, e, por outro, ao desconhecimento de quem o ir substituir. Perante estas dificuldades, o Profile apresenta propostas para dez planificaes de aulas de substituio, tendo-se optado por apresentar duas por unidade, ou seja, uma por cada rea temtica abordada em cada unidade. Estas planificaes, para alm de descreverem os pressupostos (com indicao do ponto de situao da turma) encontram-se pensadas para aulas de 90 minutos, com indicao de uma tarefa especfica a desenvolver e dos diversos passos para a sua concretizao. Paralelamente, sempre que necessrio, criaram-se duas situaes: Situao A quando o professor substituto tambm lecciona Ingls; Situao B quando o professor substituto no lecciona Ingls. As planificaes so descritivas e com a indicao de todos os passos e materiais a utilizar.



2 . Concretizao do processo ensino-aprendizagem Nesta seco, incluem-se: sugestes e orientaes metodolgicas diversas, para alm das j fornecidas no Manual do Professor; actividades complementares; guies de trabalho de projecto; guies de trabalho referentes Leitura Extensiva Betting on Friendship; guies de trabalho referentes ao DVD; guio de utilizao das transparncias; tapescripts, quer dos CDs udio, quer do DVD. 3. Regulao do processo ensino-aprendizagem Esta seco contm duas ordens de documentos: Testes de avaliao Inclui-se dois por unidade, sendo o teste A sempre mais fcil, isto , destinado a alunos com adaptaes curriculares ou currculo prprio com condies especiais de avaliao, e o teste B com exerccios com um grau de dificuldade adequado ao nvel de aprendizagem do aluno mdio. Inclui-se, tambm, nos testes, a componente de compreenso do oral Listening uma vez por perodo. Nestes casos, o professor poder ler o texto em voz alta, ou utilizar o CD do professor para o efeito. My Class Portfolio Pretende ser um instrumento valioso para o professor, ajudando-o a planificar e a regular o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Neste sentido, composto por: uma srie de grelhas de registo simples e eficazes de cada um dos documentos preenchidos pelo aluno, permitindo o acesso ao retrato fiel da sua turma, sempre actualizado; documentos de apoio regulao dos alunos e agilizao de processos; grelha de controlo dos trabalhos de projecto; grelha de observao peridica por competncias transversais e especficas; matriz base para os testes de avaliao; grelha de correco de testes de avaliao; grfico de resultados obtidos. Tendo em conta a complexidade de todo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, esperamos que o professor encontre neste Caderno de Apoio um verdadeiro suporte para a sua prtica lectiva. As autoras




1. Manual
O Profile composto por cinco Files (unidades) incidentes sobre temticas especficas frias e regresso s aulas; tempos livres e novas tecnologias; hbitos alimentares; moda e mass media. O primeiro File Reloading File tal como o prprio nome indica, visa (re)ambientar o aluno no processo de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa, servindo, igualmente, para fazer o diagnstico da turma nos diversos domnios. Nesta medida, optou-se por lhe dar a designao de 0. Cada File, por sua vez, encontra-se organizado por competncias.

Comprehension File
Integra uma multiplicidade de tipologias de textos autnticos, provenientes de fontes diversificadas e de diferentes universos de expresso inglesa, com temticas actuais, adequadas ao Programa, aos interesses dos vrios tipos de alunos e ao seu nvel etrio. Nesta medida, esta abordagem pedaggica integra sempre trs momentos: Preparao, isto , actividades de pre-reading ou pre-listening, que permitem aos alunos mobilizar as competncias e conhecimentos prvios ao nvel cognitivo, lingustico, discursivo e sociocultural, pertinentes para a tarefa a realizar. Desenvolvimento, isto , actividades de reading ou listening, que permitem a utilizao contextualizada das competncias e dos conhecimentos activados previamente. Avaliao, isto , actividades de post-reading ou post-listening, que permitem a regulao dos processos de interpretao de texto.

Interaction File
A especificidade da competncia de interaco foi, durante muito tempo, ignorada no contexto do ensino/aprendizagem da Lngua Estrangeira. Interagir verbalmente com o outro pressupe conhecer e respeitar regras bsicas de comunicao, por vezes comuns s da lngua materna, mas condicionadas pela especificidade das caractersticas discursivas, bem como pelas convenes socioculturais da lngua em estudo. Neste mbito, esta competncia assume particular relevo, dado que o discurso que se produz em interaco decorre de uma co-construo de parceiros em comunicao, cujo sucesso depende da sua capacidade de cooperao, assente em valores como partilha e negociao (conversas, entrevistas, role plays, cartas, postais, e-mails, bilhetes, formulrios, entre outros).

Production File
O Profile introduz as actividades de escrita e de fala de forma gradual e contextualizada, procurando que o aluno desenvolva a competncia de produzir (escrever/falar) correcta e adequadamente, em paralelo com a competncia de compreender (ouvir/ver/ler). Promove, desta forma, a par de uma progresso integrada das competncias, uma pedagogia da escrita e da fala, atravs da qual o aluno desenvolver estratgias pessoais de comunicao que lhes permitiro produzir textos adequados. As actividades de reviso e avaliao so, assim, essenciais para o desenvolvimento desta 4


competncia, exigindo uma releitura e uma avaliao em funo da situao e da coerncia/coeso semntica e lingustica. Esta fase realizada individualmente ou em grupo, com a ajuda de grelhas e de pistas constantes no My English Portfolio, sob a superviso do professor.

Ability to Learn
1. Language Study File
Esta rubrica tem como finalidade levar o aprendente a tomar conscincia de que a lngua um conjunto estruturado com vrios planos interdependentes: intenes de comunicao, marcas morfolgicas e sintcticas e lxico, entre outros, pelo que o Language Study File integra: A gramtica, orientada para auxiliar o aluno a comunicar em ingls, quer oralmente, quer por escrito, sendo desenvolvida em diversas etapas: a) Etapa de observao e sensibilizao, em que o aluno toma contacto com a estrutura em contexto. b) Etapa de treino e formulao de regras provisrias, em que o aluno levado a aperceber-se, atravs de exerccios sistemticos, dos usos da estrutura em anlise. c) Etapa de estruturao, em que, atravs da criao de momentos de reflexo propiciadores de hbitos de anlise do funcionamento da lngua, o aluno toma conscincia da regra. d) Etapa da sntese/avaliao, em que o aluno levado a integrar a estrutura em actividades de gramtica e de produo. Paralelamente aplicao da denominada pedagogia da descoberta, o Profile pretende, ainda, fomentar hbitos de consulta de gramticas, atravs de remisses constantes para o Grammar File que surge no Portfolio. O vocabulrio, componente fundamental na aprendizagem de uma lngua, na medida em que a sua aquisio e memorizao condiciona, de alguma forma, o sucesso da comunicao. Para que o aluno compreenda que as palavras no aparecem isoladas, o Profile apresenta o vocabulrio novo em ncleos contextualizados, que vo sendo progressivamente alargados. Desta forma, recorre-se a vrias tcnicas para transmitir o significado das palavras novas: Clarificao do significado atravs de imagens e de desenhos do prprio objecto. Sinonmia e antonmia. Definio simples. Traduo. As funes da linguagem, que se inserem em situaes de comunicao, privilegiando-se a interaco, de forma a desenvolver no aluno uma competncia pragmtica em Lngua Estrangeira. A progresso na aprendizagem do Ingls organiza-se, assim, no sentido de construir uma competncia discursiva elementar, articulando as funes da linguagem com os vrios gneros textuais.

2. Leisure File
Trata-se de uma rubrica com uma dupla finalidade. Por um lado, pretende tornar o processo de aprendizagem da Lngua Inglesa mais motivante e, por outro, pretende, de forma ldica, actuar em reas consideradas importantes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, como por exemplo: A articulao dos saberes de forma autnoma. O reforo da ateno/concentrao. A promoo de actividades de pesquisa, entre outras. No final de cada unidade, surge sempre um jogo, The Strongest Group, que tem como objectivo levar o aluno a reflectir sobre a sua aprendizagem e a preparar-se para os testes.


3. Fact File
O ensino da lngua no pode ser dissociado dos aspectos socioculturais que caracterizam e organizam qualquer situao de comunicao. Nesta medida, o Profile inclui pequenos Fact Files sobre aspectos socioculturais relevantes para a temtica em estudo, sendo estes apresentados de forma simples e agradvel, seguidos de uma pequena actividade ldica. No desenvolvimento desta competncia especfica, saber aprender, o Profile apresenta uma srie de recursos que pretendem contribuir para que o aluno desenvolva estratgias de:
Leisure activities in the UK and in the USA
1. How do British people spend their free time?

In Britain people enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities. According to a recent Eurostat survey, the EU statistical office, these are their most popular leisure activities:

Other popular leisure activities are listening to the radio, listening to pre-recorded music, reading, DIY (Do It Yourself), gardening, eating out and going to the cinema.
2. What sports are done in England?

Sport plays an important part in the life of the English and is a popular leisure activity. Many of the worlds famous sports began in England, including cricket, football, tennis and rugby. Football is the most popular sport. Some of Englands football teams are world famous, the most famous being Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and more recently, Chelsea.

Cricket is Englands national sport. It is played on village greens on Sundays from April to August.

The worlds most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon. It is traditional for visitors to eat strawberries and cream while they watch the tennis match.

Netball is the largest female team sport in England. The sport is played almost exclusively by women and girls, although male participation has increased in recent years.

Scotland is traditionally regarded as the home of golf. There are over 400 golf courses in Scotland alone.

Horse racing is a ver y popular sport with races being held every day throughout the year.

Polo was brought to Britain from India in the 19th century by army officers. It is the fastest ball sport in the world.

Badminton was named after the Duke of Beauforts country home, Badminton House, where the sport was first played in the 19th century.

In the 19th century, students at Oxford and Cambridge, Britains two oldest universities, agreed to hold a race against each other for the first time on the Thames River: the University Boat Race. The Oxford boat won and a tradition was born.

in www.woodlands-junior-kent.sch.uk (abridged and adapted)

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Organizao do seu processo de aprendizagem a) Seleco de metas e tcnicas de estudo. b) Gesto do tempo. c) Planos individuais de trabalho. d) Tomada de notas. e) Preenchimento de tabelas e grficos. f) Utilizao autnoma de recursos diversos. g) Listagem de palavras. Mobilizao de estratgias de superao de dificuldades a) Tcnicas de ateno/concentrao. b) Treino de estratgias que contribuam para a compreenso/memorizao. c) Identificao de prioridades e dificuldades no uso da lngua. Utilizao de estratgias de apropriao do sistema da lngua inglesa Anlise e inferncia de princpios que regem a organizao e a utilizao da lngua inglesa. Avaliao do processo de aprendizagem a) Identificao de estilos de aprendizagem. b) Verificao da adequao das estratgias utilizadas. c) Concepo do erro como fonte de aprendizagem e progresso. Adopo de estratgias promotoras de interaco a) Respeito pelas regras de interaco social. b) Assumpo de diferentes papis (no par, no grupo, na turma, na escola). c) Cooperao na avaliao de necessidades, preferncias e/ou estratgias para a execuo da(s) tarefa(s). d) Responsabilizao pela(s) actividade(s) que lhe cabe(m). e) Corresponsabilizao pelos resultados globais da(s) tarefa(s). f) Aceitao das opinies e juzos de valor diversificados. Manual: Language Study File Portfolio: Grammar File Manual/Workbook/Portfolio

My English Portfolio


My English Portfolio

Portfolio: Learning File e My Mistakes File

Manual: Project File Portfolio: Learning File



4. Project File
Ability to Learn
Project File


O Profile, no final de cada unidade, prope a realizao de um projecto capaz de mobilizar todas as aprendizagens efectuadas, pelo que a proposta efectuada dinmica e adequada a cada aluno. So apresentadas trs propostas, num fluxograma de deciso, cabendo ao aluno, com o auxlio do professor, a escolha do projecto que melhor se adequa ao seu perfil, a partir das decises tomadas nos diversos patamares do fluxograma. Paralelamente, existe, ainda, uma quarta possibilidade, Your own suggestion, em que o aluno poder construir o seu prprio guio de trabalho de projecto. Os projectos A e B so pensados para alunos com um bom desempenho lingustico e cujo percurso de aprendizagem caminha no sentido da autonomia. O projecto C menos ambicioso, mas igualmente integrador. De qualquer forma, dado que as preferncias dos alunos, em termos dos seus interesses, condicionam as suas escolhas, ser interessante a formao heterognea dos grupos e a observao da dinmica a empreender. Aps a tomada de deciso, alunos e professor podem escrever os nomes dos elementos de cada grupo neste File. A planificao de cada projecto e respectiva grelha de avaliao encontra-se no My English Portfolio e no My Class Portfolio para alunos e professor, respectivamente.







Make a chart about your

class leisure activities. about it.

Your own

Illustrate it and write a text



Stick it in the English



Group: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Group: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Click on Internet Explorer. Write www.google.com. Write the name of your

Make a leaflet with the basic

rules for the use of chat rooms and mobile phones.

favourite sportsperson and take some notes about his/her Web page organisation.

Go to www. sapo.pt and

create a Web page about him/her.

Illustrate the leaflet. Stick it in the English Corner. Hand out some copies at
your school.

Group: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Group: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Ask you r Projec t tea further informatio cher for n and hel p. To plan and eva lua project see you te your r Portfo lio.

fifty-nine | 59

5. Self-Check File
Surge no final de cada unidade, oferecendo um conjunto de exerccios incidentes sobre Language Study que o aluno pode realizar de forma autnoma, a fim de tomar conscincia das componentes que ainda precisa de melhorar. Neste mbito, atribui-se uma cotao a cada questo, sendo o score final indicador da situao do aluno, em termos de Language Study.

2. Workbook
O Workbook visa consolidar os conhecimentos dos alunos acerca da Lngua Inglesa e, simultaneamente, desenvolver a sua autonomia enquanto aprendentes. As actividades propostas esto directamente ligadas aos cinco Files que estruturam o Manual, sendo a abordagem preconizada dirigida para a resoluo de dificuldades de aprendizagem. Por outras palavras, procura-se, atravs da apresentao de diversos Improving Files, responder a problemas de aprendizagem, tanto ao nvel do saber, como do saber-fazer comunicativo e estratgico. Desta forma, no final de cada tarefa e unidade, o aluno levado a reflectir, no Portfolio, sobre as suas dificuldades, optando pelo Improving File do Workbook condizente. As actividades, por sua vez, encontram-se estruturadas em dois nveis de dificuldade. Esta gesto favorece prticas de pedagogia diferenciada e assenta na negociao das tarefas, estando a orientao do professor subordinada s necessidades efectivas dos alunos, ajudando-os a seleccionar, entre os diversos Improving Files, o que melhor se lhe adequa para a consolidao das aprendizagens.

3. Leitura Extensiva Betting on Friendship

O Profile prope a realizao de um reading project a partir da leitura da short story, que incidir essencialmente sobre a temtica abordada no leisure file, podendo o professor optar por seleccionar as actividades mais pertinentes nesta unidades e explor-la a partir da Leitura Extensiva. Para o ajudar nessa tarefa, Profile prope guies de trabalho de explorao da Leitura Extensiva, adequados s necessidades e interesses dos alunos.


4. My English Portfolio
Para que o aluno desenvolva hbitos de interveno consciente no seu processo de aprendizagem, designadamente estratgias pessoais de auto-avaliao, o Profile concebeu o My English Portfolio, que aposta na promoo da autonomizao do aluno como condio indispensvel para a obteno de sucesso nas suas aprendizagens lingusticas. Trata-se de um dispositivo formador que, ao levar o aluno a uma reflexo sistemtica sobre o seu percurso de aprendizagem, lhe permite: Registar as suas experincias de mbito lingustico mais relevantes, vividas em contexto escolar ou fora dele. Planificar o seu estudo e modos de aprendizagem. Descobrir potencialidades e fragilidades e aprender a super-las. Auto-analisar criticamente o seu nvel de desempenho lingustico e estabelecer novas metas de aprendizagem. Seleccionar diversos trabalhos representativos do seu percurso de aprendizagem. Neste mbito, o My English Portfolio encontra-se, tambm, dividido em Files:
Seces Indicaes Itens que o aluno deve preencher no incio do ano e que serviro de base para a anlise do perfil da turma, a ser utilizado para a construo do Projecto Curricular de Turma. Itens que o aluno deve preencher ao longo da abordagem das diferentes unidades.

Passport File Learning File

Portrait File

Saved Files: Trabalhos seleccionados pelo aluno com o auxlio do professor. O nmero de trabalhos deve ser alvo de negociao entre o professor e os alunos. Deleted Files: Trabalhos que o aluno no considera representativos do seu desempenho. File que integra pelo menos dois jogos por unidade, tendo estes a funo de aprofundar conhecimentos culturais, lingusticos e/ou cvicos acerca das temticas abordadas. Desta forma, os alunos podero aprender brincando, de forma autnoma ou na aula, consoante a indicao do professor.
Separata que procura dar resposta s necessidades do aluno, em termos de funcionamento da lngua. Nesta medida, encontra-se dividido em: Grammar File que visa: Apoiar e esclarecer as dvidas do aluno acerca do funcionamento da lngua. Permitir a descodificao da linguagem gramatical e favorecer a aplicao ou a transposio das estruturas em situaes de comunicao. Vocabulary File, em que os alunos so levados a pesquisar, no Manual, dicionrio ou outros recursos, o significado dos vocbulos que se encontram agrupados por temticas, construindo o seu glossrio. O Vocabulary File tem como propsito ajudar os alunos a: Organizar o seu vocabulrio em contextos significativos. Praticar, aprender e memorizar o vocabulrio. Utilizar dicionrios. File que permite que os erros cometidos pelo aluno, ao longo da unidade, sejam utilizados como fonte de aprendizagem, levando-o a reflectir sobre as suas produes e a desenvolver a capacidade de correco, na crena de que uma correcta pedagogia do erro constitui um importante contributo para reduzir os possveis factores de inibio dos aprendentes.

Fun File

Language File

My Mistakes File



5. Caderno de Apoio ao Professor

(Ver introduo).

6. CD udio do aluno e CD udio do professor

Deste projecto fazem parte dois CDs udio, um para o aluno e outro para o professor. Foram includos, nestes CDs, todo o material auditivo para exerccios de Listening, assim como outros materiais que se consideram teis, promovendo, por um lado, a autonomia do aluno na sua aprendizagem da lngua inglesa e, por outro, tornando a leitura dos textos mais motivante com este complemento auditivo. O CD udio do professor inclui uma seleco dos materiais udio utilizados no Manual para a realizao de actividades de Listening, uma seleco de textos do Manual e os textos para realizar os testes de Listening. Do CD udio do aluno consta apenas uma seleco mais restrita desses mesmos materiais, que o aluno poder utilizar para desenvolvimento das suas competncias num crescendo de autonomia, e a leitura integral da obra de Leitura Extensiva.

7. DVD
Composto por trs episdios da srie Thats Me e dois da srie Eat it, estes cinco episdios descrevem o dia-a-dia de trs jovens adolescentes que vivem em trs regies diferentes do Reino Unido: o Graham (que habita na Esccia), a Naela (que habita em Bristol, na Inglaterra) e o Risin (que habita na Irlanda). Com duraes entre os 3 e os 10 minutos, estes episdios vo ao encontro dos temas do Programa, constituindo-se como uma excelente ferramenta no ensino da lngua inglesa. Podero ser acompanhados pelas sugestes de explorao que constam neste Caderno de Apoio ao Professor.

8. Transparncias
O projecto inclui dez transparncias, como material complementar, que permitir abordagens temticas mais diversificadas e motivantes. As sugestes de explorao deste material tambm se encontram neste Caderno de Apoio ao Professor.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO A LONGO PRAZO Ingls


8.o Ano Nvel 4

Competncias especficas de comunicao


1. Identificao de uma aco/tarefa a realizar a partir das respectivas instrues de execuo (actividade escolar, utilizao de um objecto, realizao de um percurso, receita culinria). 2. Identificao de informaes em funo de um objectivo preciso, a partir de textos informativos (aviso, anncio publicitrio, notcia, programa, informao meteorolgica, em gravao udio ou vdeo). 3. Identificao de informaes em funo de um objectivo preciso, a partir de dilogos usuais na vida quotidiana. 2. Identificao de informaes em funo de um objectivo preciso, a partir de textos informativos (cartaz, aviso, anncio publicitrio, programa, guia, mapa, artigo de dicionrio, enciclopdia, lista telefnica, boletim meteorolgico, embalagem, etiqueta, bilhete de transporte...). 3. Identificao de uma personagem, objecto, lugar, a partir da sua descrio (ficha biogrfica de uma personagem, guia turstico, catlogo). 4. Identificao, num texto narrativo, de sequncias de acontecimentos, de personagens e lugares (e suas caractersticas) e de momentos. 5. Identificao de mensagens em textos de relao pessoal e interpessoal (carta, fax, correio electrnico).

4. Identificao de informaes em mensagens telefnicas curtas.

5. Identificao de uma personagem, objecto e lugar, a partir da sua descrio (apresentao de uma personagem, regio/cidade/paisagem, objecto, em gravao udio ou vdeo). 6. Identificao, numa narrativa transmitida oralmente, de sequncias de acontecimentos, de personagens e lugares e suas caractersticas e de momentos.

6. Estabelecimento de relaes som-sentido em textos poticos.

7. Identificao de traos caractersticos da sociedade e da cultura das comunidades que usam a lngua inglesa. 8. Estabelecimento de relaes de afinidades/diferenas entre a cultura de origem e a cultura inglesa.




OUVIR/FALAR 1. Participao em conversas sobre assuntos do quotidiano e da actualidade. 2. Participao em conversas no contexto das actividades da aula. 3. Auto-apresentao e apresentao de pessoas a partir de tpicos (elementos de identificao, situao familiar, caractersticas pessoais, gostos, hbitos) e/ou de elementos lingusticos. 4. Conversa telefnica e entrevista a partir de tpicos e/ou de elementos lingusticos. 5. Adequao de comportamentos comunicativos, tendo em conta: os traos caractersticos da sociedade e da cultura das comunidades que usam a lngua inglesa; afinidades/diferenas entre a cultura de origem e a cultura inglesa.

LER/ESCREVER 1. Resposta a inquritos sobre a vida quotidiana. 2. Recepo/Produo de mensagens em situaes de relao interpessoal e social: carta, postal, bilhete (recado, instruo, aviso, saudao), convite, utilizando canais diversificados. 3. Preenchimento de formulrios (ficha de identificao, de inscrio, de leitura). 4. Adequao de comportamentos comunicativos tendo em conta: os traos caractersticos da sociedade e da cultura das comunidades que usam a lngua inglesa; afinidades/diferenas entre a cultura de origem e a cultura inglesa.

FALAR/PRODUZIR 1. Relato de episdios/acontecimentos da vida quotidiana. 2. Descrio, com o objectivo de dar a conhecer, de objectos, lugares e personagens. 3. Reproduo/Recriao de textos poticos, lengalengas, adivinhas, provrbios, anedotas e canes. 4. Adequao de comportamentos comunicativos tendo em conta: os traos caractersticos da sociedade e da cultura das comunidades que usam a lngua inglesa; afinidades/diferenas entre a cultura de origem e a cultura inglesa. ESCREVER/PRODUZIR 1. Narrao de episdios/acontecimentos da vida quotidiana (pgina de dirio, textos biogrficos, notcias de jornal...). 2. Descrio, com o objectivo de dar a conhecer, de objectos, lugares e personagens. 3. Registo estruturado de informaes recolhidas em fontes diversas. 4. Criao de textos com caractersticas poticas a partir de suportes vrios. 5. Adequao de comportaentos comunicativos tendo em conta: os traos caractersticos da sociedade e da cultura das comunidades que usam a lngua inglesa; afinidades/diferenas entre a cultura de origem e a cultura inglesa.




Saber Aprender
1. Participar de forma consciente na construo de uma competncia plurilingue e pluricultural: 1.1. Adoptar uma atitude de abertura e tolerncia face lngua e cultura inglesas. 1.2. Estabelecer relaes de afinidade/contraste entre a lngua materna e a lngua inglesa. 2. Utilizar estratgias de apropriao da lngua estrangeira enquanto instrumento de comunicao: 2.1. Relacionar sentidos e intenes em situaes de comunicao em que foram produzidos. 2.2. Reconhecer ndices contextuais que permitam a deduo de sentidos. 2.3. Seleccionar, no reportrio disponvel, recursos que permitam produzir textos adequados s situaes comunicativas. 2.4. Utilizar meios de compensao de insuficincias no uso da lngua: gestos, definies, perfrases, parfrases, etc. 2.5. Gerir a tomada de palavra em situaes de interaco verbal, tendo em vista a eficincia da comunicao. 2.6. Avaliar a justeza dos processos utilizados. 3. Utilizar estratgias de apropriao do sistema da lngua estrangeira: 3.1. Analisar e inferir princpios que regem a organizao e a utilizao da lngua, de modo a favorecer a integrao dos conhecimentos novos num quadro estruturado que, progressivamente, se v enriquecendo. 3.2. Estabelecer relaes de afinidade/contraste entre os sistemas da lngua materna e da lngua estrangeira. 4. Adoptar estratgias e procedimentos adequados s necessidades de aprendizagem: 4.1. Identificar as finalidades das tarefas a executar. 4.2. Planificar actividades. 4.3. Seleccionar, de entre os auxiliares de aprendizagem, os mais adequados. 4.4. Identificar dvidas e dificuldades. 4.5. Auto-regular os desempenhos exigidos em cada tarefa. 4.6. Gerir adequadamente o tempo na realizao das tarefas. 4.7. Tomar decises/iniciativas, com base em critrios preestabelecidos, no sentido de uma participao adequada em actos comunicativos, projectos de trabalho, processos de aprendizagem, etc. 4.8. Organizar e utilizar materiais num processo de trabalho autnomo. 4.9. Mobilizar, de entre os recursos disponveis, aqueles que, num determinado contexto, permitem a resoluo de problemas de comunicao imprevistos e a adaptao a situaes novas. 4.10. Explorar as oportunidades de relao interactiva, na sala de aula, para praticar a interaco verbal. 4.11. Cooperar, de forma produtiva, na realizao de tarefas em grupo. 4.12. Contribuir para a criao, na sala de aula, de um clima de trabalho favorvel: organizar o espao de forma funcional; organizar os materiais de trabalho; gerir, de forma equilibrada, os ritmos de trabalho; garantir a qualidade esttica do ambiente nos planos visual e sonoro; garantir a segurana e a higiene do espao e dos equipamentos.




CONTEDOS UNIDADES DIDCTICAS 0. Reloading File COMPETNCIAS ESPECFICAS TEMTICOS Frias de Vero: Regresso escola: opinies sobre o regresso escola, resolues para o novo ano escolar LINGUSTICOS Narrao das frias de Vero: tipos de frias, actividades Regresso escola Past Simple Possessive determiners Possessive pronouns Verbs + Infinitive with to Actividades de tempos livres: indoors / outdoors Novas tecnologias: vantagens / desvantagens, equipamentos Reflexive pronouns Verbs + ing form Ing form as a noun Present Simple / Present Continuous Used to Modal verbs Vocabulrio especfico 2 1. P 39 aulas

TEMPO 2.O P 34 aulas 3.O P 33 aulas

Compreender: Ouvir: 6 / 7 / 8 Ler: 1 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8 TAREFAS Interagir: Relato de umas Ouvir/Falar: 1 / 2 frias Ler/Escrever: 2 / 3 / 4 Dear Me Produzir: Escrever: 1 / 2 / 3 Saber Aprender: 1/2/3/4 Fact File: Where do British people go on holiday? 1. Leisure File TAREFAS Sporting events calendar Debate: Can chat rooms be dangerous? Compreender: Ouvir: 1 / 3 / 6 Ler: 1 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 8 Interagir: Ouvir/Falar: 1 / 3 / 5 Ler/Escrever: 2 Produzir: Falar/Produzir: 2 / 4 Escrever/Produzir: 2 Saber aprender: 1 / 2/3/4

8 + 2

Actividades de tempos livres Novas tecnologias: telemveis, chat rooms

12 + 2

Fact File: Leisure activities in the UK and in the USA Thanksgiving Day
Compreender: 2/7 Produzir: 2 / 3 / 4 Origem / Histria do Thanksgiving Day Cano e sugesto de filmes Comida e refeies Locais onde comer Comer fora Os almoos na escola

2. Food File TAREFAS Role-play Class recipe book (Esta unidade deve apenas ser terminada no 2.o perodo, pelo que se sugere que a preparao do class recipe book seja TPC de frias.)

Compreender: Ouvir: 1 / 3 / 6 / 7 / 8 Ler: 4 / 7 / 8 Interagir: Ouvir/Falar: 1 / 5 Ler/Escrever: 2 Produzir: Falar/Produzir: 1 Escrever/Produzir: 2 Saber aprender: 1/2/3/4

Refeies Britnicas British eating places School dinner / packed lunch Receitas (ingredientes, quantidades e utenslios) Menus 1st and 2nd Conditionals Relative pronouns Quantifiers Comparative and superlative of adjectives Imperative

7 + 2

8 + 2

Fact File: Pubs




CONTEDOS UNIDADES DIDCTICAS 3. Fashion File TAREFAS Entrevista Opinio: Tattooing in Portugal COMPETNCIAS ESPECFICAS Compreender: Ouvir: 2 / 6 Ler: 2 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8 Interagir: Ouvir/Falar: 1 / 4 / 5 Ler/Escrever: 2 / 4 Produzir: Falar: 2 / 4 Saber aprender: 1/2/3/4 TEMTICOS Vtimas da moda Um dia na vida de um profissional de moda Entrevista a um profissional de moda Tatuagens LINGUSTICOS Moda: roupas, acessrios, marcas Profisses relacionadas com a moda Past Continuous Reported speech Present Perfect Connectors Singular or plural Adverbs 1. P 39 aulas

TEMPO 2.O P 34 aulas 3.O P 33 aulas

16 + 2

Fact File: Where to buy in London Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day

Compreender: 2 / 7 Produzir: 2 / 3 / 4 Tradies Projectos: cooking pancakes, pancake races, poems songs, pancake football match Vocabulrio especfico 6

Leitura extensiva

Compreender: Ler: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8 Produzir: Escrever: 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 Saber aprender : 1 / 2/3/4 Compreender: Ouvir: 1 / 3 Ler: 1 / 2 / 4 / 7 / 8 Interagir: Ouvir/Falar: 1 / 2 / 5 Produzir: Falar: 2 / 4 Escrever/Produzir: 1 Saber aprender: 1/2/3/4

Betting on Friendship

10 + 2

4. Media File TAREFAS Painel Anncio de rdio Notcia

Dependncia da televiso Televiso: benefcios e efeitos secundrios A Imprensa britnica e americana Notcias A importncia da rdio na vida das famlias

Mass media: programas e canais televisivos, imprensa britnica, rdio Adjectives + Prepositions Verbs + Prepositions Passive voice Word formation Compounds

18 + 3

Fact File: TV and radio in the UK and in the USA




Situaes de aprendizagem Actividades Dilogo professor/aluno e aluno/aluno; Leitura silenciosa, modelo, expressiva e dramatizada; Audio de textos diversificados; Interpretao de textos; Exerccios de seleco e de completao; Elaborao de esquemas sobre os textos; Descrio de imagens; Dramatizao; Produo de textos de tipologia diversificada; Realizao de exerccios de transformao frsica; Realizao de trabalhos de projecto; Apresentao de trabalhos; Dinamizao de um atelier de Ingls; Realizao de jogos didcticos; Visionamento de vdeos. Formas Sociais de Trabalho Individual; Pares; Pequeno grupo; Plenrio. Recursos Manual; Workbook; My English Portfolio; Transparncias; CD udio; DVD; Leitura Extensiva Betting on Friendship; My Class Portfolio; Material escolar; Material udio e vdeo; Dicionrios e gramticas; Mapas; Revistas; Postais, fotografias, imagens; Recursos disponveis no CRE.

Avaliao A avaliao deve mobilizar todos os intervenientes, de forma a que a articulao da decorrente leve a uma corresponsabilizao do acto de aprender e de ensinar. Neste sentido, propem-se prticas de avaliao diversificadas, susceptveis de serem: partilhadas; aplicadas, tendo em conta as diferentes finalidades da avaliao. Finalidades da avaliao

Instrumentos/Procedimentos Inquritos de expectativas; Brainstorming.

Fazer o diagnstico como ponto de partida. Identificar interesses, conhecimentos e expectativas dos alunos face a um assunto. Exercer uma funo reguladora do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Fornecer informaes sobre a aprendizagem. Desenvolver competncias de organizao do conhecimento. Desenvolver hbitos de trabalho e procedimentos de pesquisa. Organizar as aprendizagens. Acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos processos de formao escolar. Fazer o balano das aprendizagens, para situar e classificar os alunos. Desenvolver competncias de auto-avaliao.

Ficha de avaliao formativa de conhecimentos e de competncias; Grelhas de observao de desempenho dos alunos; Trabalhos de casa; Trabalhos de projecto; Produo de textos; Organizao do glossrio; My English Portfolio.



Fichas de avaliao sumativa; Grelhas de avaliao de competncias. Fichas de auto-avaliao de conhecimentos; Grelha de auto-avaliao de competncias; Grelhas de auto-avaliao de trabalho de grupo; Grelhas de auto-avaliao de unidade; My English Portfolio.






ESCOLA ______________________________________________________
Ano Lectivo _______ / _______ INGLS 8.o Ano, Nvel 4 PLANIFICAO DA UNIDADE DIDCTICA 0 Reloading File Manual: Profile Professor: __________________ Tarefas Principais: Frias de Vero / Dear Me



de Aulas Previstas: 8






Interaco Ouvir/Falar Espcies marinhas Determinantes / Pronomes possessivos Plenrio

Tipos de frias Destinos Actividades

Panfletos de viagens pp. 12-13

Compreenso Ver/Ler


Observao directa Trabalhos de casa Self-Check Grelha de avaliao de Unidade Portfolio Teste de avaliao



Saber Aprender

1. Warming-up: a) Conversa com os alunos a propsito de panfletos de viagens b) Brainstorming sobre o tema frias c) Estabelecimento dos objectivos da unidade e negociao de tarefas d) Correspondncia entre perfis de personagens fictcias e tipos de frias que melhor se adequam e) Quiz: What type of holiday best suits your personality? 2. Compreenso a) Motivao Comentar as imagens Responder a questes sobre as imagens b) Leitura de pequenos textos c) Exerccios de Compreenso: Completao de diagramas Verdadeiro ou falso 3. Funcionamento da Lngua a) Explorao de vocabulrio b) Pergunta/Resposta a partir da actividade A c) Registo e sistematizao d) Exerccio de seleco e) Exerccios de completao Individual

pp. 16-17





Compreender Ver/Ler

O estado do tempo


p. 18

Saber Aprender

Descrio do estado do tempo Past Simple


pp. 19-21

Interagir Produzir Falar/Escrever

Pares Individual

p. 22 p. 23


Where do British people go on holiday?

4. Compreenso a) Conversa sobre frias, frias de sonho, factores que contribuem para o seu sucesso b) Audio de um texto c) Preenchimento de espaos d) Ordenao da sequncia de eventos 5. Funcionamento da Lngua a) Explorao de vocabulrio b) Preenchimento de uma tabela c) Registo e sistematizao d) Preenchimento de espaos e) Construo de frases 6. Interaco: dilogos entre pares sobre as frias 7. Produo a) Produo de um texto guiado: Summer holidays b) Avaliao da tarefa c) Seleco dos Improving Files do Workbook 8. Interculturalidade a) Leitura do Fact File b) Identificao dos 10 destinos de frias mais procurados pelos Britnicos. Pares pp. 29-30




COMPETNCIAS COMUNICAO 09. Compreenso a) Questionrio sobre a turma b) Preenchimento de um formulrio sobre a escola c) Leitura de opinies: Back to school d) Completao de tabelas e) Produo de um pequeno pargrafo sobre o regresso escola. Plenrio pp. 23-25




Compreender Ver/Ler

Back to school Making plans School resolutions



p. 26

Saber Aprender

Verbs + Infinitive with "to"


p. 27

Interagir Escrever


p. 28

Saber Aprender

f) Jogo: I Cant Funeral g) Comic strip 10. Compreenso a) Pre-questions b) Leitura de um dilogo c) Who says what? 11. Funcionamento da Lngua a) Leitura de frases do texto b) Preenchimento de uma tabela c) Registo e sistematizao d) Preenchimento de espaos 12. Interaco a) Dear Me b) Colagem da carta no Portfolio 13. Avaliao da Unidade a) Resoluo do Self-Check File b) Preenchimento da grelha de avaliao de unidade c) O Meu Perfil de Aprendizagem d) Seleco dos Improving Files do Workbook e) Seleco de trabalhos a integrar no Portfolio

Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Reloading File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica das frias e tudo o que lhe est implcito, quer em termos vocabulares (tipo de frias, destinos, meios de transporte, companhia, objectos, actividades), quer em termos gramaticais (Past Simple). Situao A O professor substituto lecciona Ingls Composio em conjunto sobre as frias

Tarefa Situao B O professor substituto no lecciona Ingls Elaborao do jogo Spot the differences: Descobre as diferenas sobre a temtica das frias 1. Labirinto: Where did these people go on holiday? a) Fazer o jogo. b) Solicitar aos alunos para que, de acordo com o perfil das pessoas, lhes atribuam o tipo de frias que melhor se lhes adequa. c) Elicitar o nome de outros tipos de frias. 2. Sopa de letras: descoberta de 10 objectos que as pessoas costumam levar para frias. 3. Sistematizao de vocabulrio atravs de uma tabela Type of holiday Where to? How? Who with? What? Materiais: My English Portfolio, pp. 50-51 Quadro Material de desenho e pintura Solues: 2. surfboard; binoculars; shorts; swim suit; sleeping bag; sunglasses; video camera; hat; pack of cards

Actividades lingusticas

4. Situao A A tabela acima serve de planificao para uma composio. Os alunos devem reler a tabela e escolher qual o tipo de frias, o destino, o meio de transporte, a companhia e o que aconteceu nas frias. Uma vez decidido isto em plenrio, os alunos devem fazer, no quadro, uma composio em conjunto sobre umas frias imaginrias. Os alunos devem utilizar tantas palavras quanto as possveis, das que constam na tabela. Situao B Os alunos formam grupos de 4, devendo haver um desenhador em cada grupo. Os alunos devem fazer um desenho sobre as frias (situao/objectos) e replic-lo com apenas oito ligeiras diferenas. Os alunos tm apenas 15 minutos para fazer o desenho. Uma vez acabado, os grupos trocam os desenhos e procuram as diferenas. Devem escrever as diferenas encontradas em ingls. medida, que vo terminando entregam o jogo ao professor, que regista o tempo. Ganha o grupo que: descobrir as oito diferenas no menor espao de tempo; conseguir enunciar as diferenas em ingls.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Reloading File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica do regresso escola, na perspectiva de fazerem as suas school resolutions, pelo que a educao para a cidadania assume extrema importncia neste contexto. . Banda Desenhada


Actividades lingusticas

1. Matching: In which of the situations would you say the following proverbs? 2. Aps a correco do exerccio, os alunos formam cinco grupos. Cada grupo dever: a) Traduzir os provrbios para portugus ou dizer os seus equivalente em lngua portuguesa. b) Pesquisar outros que se possam aplicar em contexto escolar. c) Escolher um provrbio e desenhar uma situao de banda desenhada que contextualize a sua aplicao. d) Cada grupo apresenta a sua BD turma, discutem as implicaes de cada provrbio e afixam as BDs no English Corner.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, p. 51 Dicionrio Solues: 1. 1: E; 2: C; 3: A; 4: B; 5: D 2. 1: Estou com nervoso miudinho. 2: A curiosidade matou o gato. 3: Primeiro o dever, depois o prazer. 4: O pssaro madrugador apanha a melhor minhoca. 5: Deitar cedo e cedo erguer d sade e faz crescer.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Leisure File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica das actividades de tempos livres, que abarca vocabulrio novo, nomeadamente de actividades ao ar livre, actividades em recintos fechados, desportos, equipamentos, pelo que se considera pertinente a consolidao do vocabulrio deste campo semntico. Elaborao de um glossrio sobre a temtica


Actividades lingusticas

1. Jogo: Bang Bang Os alunos formam duas equipas que vo assumir o papel de cowboys que esto envolvidos num duelo. Um aluno de cada equipa vem frente e o professor pergunta: How do you say... (uma dada actividade de tempos livres). O primeiro aluno a dar a resposta, tira a pistola, diz bang bang, (fingindo matar o seu oponente) e o vencedor. O vencedor fica de p e o outro senta-se. Cada aluno obtm 1 ponto por cada resposta certa e 5 pontos extra se conseguir matar 4 oponentes de seguida. 2. Jogo: What is missing? Os alunos devem descobrir os 12 objectos que faltam e utilizar os determinantes possessivos nas respostas. Caso o professor substituto no leccione Ingls, poder solicitar a um aluno para fazer as questes. 3. Glossrio sobre o tema leisure activities. Os alunos devem: a) organizar-se em pares ou em grupos; b) ler e completar, com a ajuda de um dicionrio, o Vocabulary File correspondente do My English Portfolio; c) reflectir acerca da sua organizao, bem como acerca da incluso de outros vocbulos; d) reflectir sobre a melhor forma de agrupar o vocabulrio, tendo em vista a sua memorizao (para tal, devem consultar o Learning File no Portfolio); e) escolher uma das tcnicas constantes no Learning File, ou outra, e agrupar o vocabulrio de acordo com a tcnica escolhida; f) apresentar a tcnica escolhida turma.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, pp. 28, 51-52, Vocabulary File Solues: 2. His newspaper is missing. Its ball is missing. Their clubs are missing. His skate is missing. His rows are missing. Her horse is missing. Its lead is missing. Its wheel is missing. His fishing-rod is missing. Their running shoes are missing. Her camera is missing.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Leisure File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica Novas Tecnologias, na perspectiva dos jovens, nomeadamente utilizao do telemvel e Internet / chat rooms. Para alm da temtica ter uma componente cvica que adverte para os perigos de uma utilizao abusiva destas novas tecnologias, esta facilitadora da comunicao, uma vez que os alunos so encorajados a comunicar, fazendo uso das abreviaturas que eles utilizam no dia-a-dia, s que em ingls. Produo e descodificao de mensagens


Actividades lingusticas

1. Leitura do Learning File Como escrever mensagens. 2. Criao de abreviaturas prprias (a pares): preenchimento de uma tabela. 3. Descodificao de mensagens: a pares, os alunos descodificam as mensagens, constantes no Fun File do My English Portfolio. 4. Produo de mensagens: a) Os alunos devem utilizar os quatro cartes sua disposio, constantes no Learning File acima referido para escreverem mensagens. b) Uma vez escritas as mensagens, estas devem ser entergues ao professor, que as entregar ao destinatrio indicado. c) Estes, por sua vez, devero escrever a resposta, que tambm dever ser entregue ao professor, que as devolver ao emissor inicial.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, pp. 37-38 e 53 Solues: Got four 5s and four 4s. Happy. Text your results as soon as possible. Linda; Always a pleasure talking to you. Better luck next time. All my love. Jane; How are you? As far as I know your boyfriend is alive and smiling. Think positive. Miss you so much.; Sorry. Do I know you? Dont think so. Take Care. Hugs and Kisses Charles.; Please call me before you go to concert. Talk to you later. See you.; Ill be late. Don wait for me. See you. Laura.; Hi! what up? Put on a happy face. Come right back. Peter.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Food File

Pressupostos Tarefa

Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica da comida, dando-se especial relevncia aos elementos culturais refeies, pratos tpicos, entre outros. Produo de um clip de uma receita portuguesa

Actividades lingusticas

1. Jogo: Crosswords on containers Atravs deste jogo os alunos revem os containers, assim como algum vocabulrio que pode ser til para o desenvolvimento da tarefa solicitada. 2. Visionamento de um clip: a) Os alunos vem um clip de um adolescente britnico que explica como se prepara determinada comida. b) Preenchem o guio com a informao retirada do clip. c) Os alunos dividem-se em grupos e planificam o seu prprio clip: Quem? O Qu? Onde? Quando? d) Escrevem a receita em ingls. Caso o professor substituto leccione Ingls e tenha tempo, dever corrigir as receitas dos diferentes grupos. Caso o professor substituto no leccione Ingls, dever recolher as receitas dos diferentes grupos e entreg-las ao professor titular para correco. A filmagem do clip ficar para trabalho de casa.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, p. 55 DVD CAP (Fichas de Explorao do DVD) Solues: 1. Containers: Puzzle 1: 1. bar 2. tin 3. packet 4. tub 5. boxes 6.cans 7. carton 8. bottle 9. tube 10. jar Puzzle 2: 1.bag 2. bottles 3. carton 4. box 5. bar 6.tube 7. packet 8. tin 9. roll 10. jars 2. Solues do guio DVD no Caderno de Apoio ao Professor




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Food File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica da comida, dando-se especial relevncia aos elementos culturais: refeies, pratos tpicos, entre outros. A componente de educao cvica, no que respeita a hbitos alimentares tambm transversal unidade. Produo de slogans acerca de hbitos alimentares saudveis, a partir da reflexo em torno de provrbios


1. Jogo: Who is going to eat each slice of pizza? a) Os alunos fazem a correspondncia entre os bonecos e as fatias de piza, completando, desta forma, os provrbios. b) Preenchimento de uma tabela: os alunos devem escrever os provrbios debaixo de uma das seguintes categorias, tendo em conta o significado dos mesmos: The importance of eating Man cannot live by bread alone. A man has to eat to live. Bread is the staff of life. The belly carries the legs. When meat is in, anger is out. A hungry man is an angry man. An empty belly bears nobody. Eating habits All griefs with bread are less. Eat to live and not live to eat. Many dishes make many diseases. A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, p. 54 Quadro Caderno Dicionrio Cartolina Tesoura Material de pintura Solues: 1. Ver contedo da tabela.

Actividades lingusticas

c) os alunos devem: tentar traduzir os provrbios, inferindo o seu sentido; analisar a sua linguagem: trocadilhos, repetio, rimas 2. Em grupos, os alunos devem produzir slogans sobre hbitos alimentares, que depois de corrigidos, devem ser escritos em tiras de cartolina e afixados na sala. Caso o professor substituto no seja de Ingls, os slogans devero ser entregues ao professor titular e a sua afixao dar-se- na aula seguinte.




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Fashion File

Pressupostos Tarefa

Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica da moda, assumindo o vocabulrio um papel importante em toda a unidade. Sistematizao de vocabulrio

Actividades lingusticas

1. Jogo: Bingo (consolidao de vocabulrio, ainda que de forma receptiva): a) O professor coloca pequenos papis com palavras relacionadas com a moda (roupa, calado, acessrios, cosmtica, etc.) dentro de um saco. b) Cada aluno selecciona um carto. Estes podem ser disponibilizados pelo professor que os pode fotocopiar do My English Portfolio e cortar, ou os alunos podem escrever directamente no Portfolio. c) O professor comea por retirar os pequenos papis do saco e l o seu contedo em voz alta. d) Os alunos sempre que tiverem no seu carto uma imagem que corresponda palavra dita pelo professor, assinalam-na com uma cruz. e) Quando os alunos tiverem o carto completo, dizem: BINGO! O vencedor o aluno que completar o carto mais depressa. Caso o professor no leccione Ingls e no se sinta vontade para ler alto as palavras, deve pedir ajuda a um aluno. 2. Jogo: Guess the word (consolidao de vocabulrio, de forma produtiva): O professor entrega uma folha com o jogo aos alunos. Ganha quem acertar no maior nmero de palavras em menor tempo. 3. Glossrio sobre o tema Fashion. Os alunos devem: a) organizar-se em pares ou em grupos; b) ler e completar, com a ajuda de um dicionrio, o Vocabulary File correspondente do My English Portfolio.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, pp. 56-58 CAP (p. 34) Solues: II 1. T-shirt; 2. ring; 3. belt; 4. swimming trunks; 5. scarf; 6. sunglasses; 7. shorts; 8. jeans; 9. Sandals; 10. uniform; 11. pyjamas; 12. helmet; 13. earrings; 14. boots; 15. socks




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Fashion File


Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica da moda, nas suas diversas vertentes, vesturio e marcas, acessrios, maquilhagem, tatuagens, piercings e profissionais de moda, pelo que o desenvolvimento de projectos integradores sobre a temtica se considera relevante. Desenvolvimento dos trabalhos de projecto


Actividades lingusticas

Ponto de situao relativamente ao andamento dos projectos: a) Os alunos renem-se em grupo, preenchem a parte correspondente do guio do trabalho de projecto e informam o professor acerca de: necessidades/dificuldades; timings; formas de apresentao, etc. b) Os alunos trabalham no seu projecto. c) O professor regista, na sua grelha, os diversos dados, acompanha os grupos, dando apoio em termos de bibliografia, sugestes metodolgicas ou outras, pesquisa e tratamento de informao e conhecimentos da lngua (caso o professor substituto leccione Ingls). d) Dez minutos antes do final da aula, cada grupo deve dizer ao professor o que que ainda falta fazer. O professor regista todas as informaes recolhidas e entrega-as ao professor titular.

Materiais: My English Portfolio: Grelha de Trabalho de Projecto My Class Portfolio: Guies de Trabalho de Projecto e Grelha de Controlo dos Trabalhos de Projecto




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Media File

Pressupostos Tarefa

Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica dos mass media, assumindo o vocabulrio um papel importante em toda a unidade. Consolidao dos conhecimentos apreendidos ao longo do ano

Actividades lingusticas

Lets play a game: a) Os alunos formam grupos de quatro elementos. b) Cada aluno lana um dado. Aquele que obtiver mais pontos, comea a jogar. c) Quando um jogador chegar a um: quadrado s riscas, ter de responder a questes sobre gramtica; quadrado s bolas, ter de responder a questes sobre cultura; quadrado com xadrez, ter de responder a questes sobre vocabulrio. d) Se a resposta estiver correcta, o jogador continua a jogar. Se a resposta no estiver correcta, o jogador permanece no mesmo quadrado. e) O vencedor aquele que chegar primeiro ao ltimo quadrado. Contudo, para l chegar, precisa de acertar com o nmero exacto de pontos.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, p. 60 Cartes do Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Dados Pins




Escola ___________________________________________________ Ano Lectivo ___________ PLANIFICAO: AULA DE SUBSTITUIO Ingls

Profile 8.o Ano Nvel 4 UNIDADE: Media File

Pressupostos Tarefa

Neste momento, os alunos esto a abordar a temtica dos mass media, dando-se nfase aos textos jornalsticos e a alguns aspectos gramaticais relevantes, como o caso do Present Perfect. Consolidao do Present Perfect*

Actividades lingusticas

Jogo: a) Os alunos formam grupos de trs ou quatro elementos. b) O professor fornece-lhes uma grelha com frases incompletas. O objectivo do jogo o de ganhar cinco caixas, completando as frases constantes de cada frase utilizando o Present Perfect. S sero aceites frases gramaticalmente correctas. Sempre que um grupo completa uma caixa, deve por o brao no ar. O professor pedir a um aluno para ler a frase. Se este no souber a soluo, o grupo perder a vez. c) Cada grupo pode escolher as caixas que entender e quando as completar, impede os restantes grupos de as fazerem. A equipa que acabar primeiro uma frase correcta, joga de novo. d) Os vencedores so o primeiro grupo a completar cinco caixas, ou o grupo que conseguir fazer mais. e) No final do jogo, os alunos registam as frases correctas no quadro e depois no caderno.

Materiais: My English Portfolio, p. 59 Quadro Caderno

* A abordagem do Present Perfect adoptada neste projecto baseia-se em estudos lingusticos recentes sobre o assunto. Veja-se, por exemplo, Lingustica Contrastiva. O Ensino da Lngua Inglesa. Lisboa, Universidade Catlica Editora, 2006, de Isabel Casanova e o artigo "The Present Perfect. A Perfect Approach", Revista da Faculdade de Letras, 15-5.a Srie, Lisboa, 1993, pp.155-164, de Isabel Casanova, Eduarda Melo Cabrita, Isabel Mealha, Jean McMahon Ramos, Maria Lusa Falco e Stephen Fordham.





SUGESTES METODOLGICAS DO MANUAL Esta seco apresenta sugestes metodolgicas por unidade, para alm das j indicadas no Manual do Professor.

Unidade O Reloading File (p.10)

Tal como o prprio nome indica, esta unidade tem como objectivo, por um lado, activar os conhecimentos dos alunos relativamente s frias, e por outro, encaminhar os alunos no uso autnomo do Manual, mais concretamente das rubricas que so constantes ao longo das cinco unidades. Neste sentido, a unidade encontra-se dividida em duas partes distintas. Uma primeira parte, que incide sobre aspectos scio-culturais das frias de Vero, e uma segunda sobre o regresso s aulas, onde se aborda as expectativas e a temtica das school resolutions. Estas duas partes coincidem com duas tarefas distintas narrao de umas frias de Vero e uma carta dirigida aos prprios alunos (Dear Me), a integrar no Portfolio para as quais o aluno vai sendo progressivamente preparado, atravs do desenvolvimento de uma srie de actividades lingusticas assentes nas quatro competncias especficas da lngua. A actividade das pginas 11 e 12 pretende activar e alargar o vocabulrio dos alunos relativamente temtica frias, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos diferentes tipos de frias. Esta elicitao de conhecimentos pode ser acompanhada pela explorao da transparncia correspondente. Este alargamento vocabular em torno dos diferentes tipos de frias tornar-se-ia mais interessante, se partisse de um dilogo acerca de uma experincia recente dos prprios alunos. Na actividade B, espera-se que os alunos reflictam acerca de um determinado perfil e identifiquem qual o tipo de frias correspondente. Para completao da actividade, o professor poder solicitar o preenchimento de uma tabela:
Who? What type? Where to? What?

Fact File (p. 29) Esta rubrica est presente em todas as unidades, informando os alunos sobre aspectos socioculturais das culturas inglesa e americana. Neste caso particular, os alunos so confrontados com um grfico e uma linha do tempo acerca dos locais e tipos de frias dos britnicos ao longo dos tempos.

Unidade 1 Leisure File (p.30)

Esta unidade tem como objectivo, por um lado, activar os conhecimentos dos alunos relativamente s suas actividades de tempos livres e, por outro, relativamente sua relao com as novas tecnologias. Neste mbito, para alm do esquema sntese da unidade que remete para os temas, tarefas, contedos e projectos a desenvolver ao longo da unidade, a actividade da pgina 31 introduz a temtica das leisure activities, levando o aluno a activar, ainda que de forma receptiva (reconhecimento) uma srie de actividades de tempos livres contextualizadas num calendrio. A componente ldica da actividade, que se processa atravs da resoluo de anagramas, deve ser explorada, de forma a incentivar a assimilao do vocabulrio, que, de algum modo, facilitada pela sistematizao do vocabulro segundo duas categorias (act. B), indoor activities / outdoor activities.



Leisure File (p. 56) O jogo est pronto a ser iniciado quando o professor tiver todos os cartes na sua posse. O professor faz uma questo a cada grupo e regista no quadro 10 pontos ou 0 pontos, consoante as respostas estejam certas ou erradas. Ganha o grupo que tiver mais pontos. Este dever ficar encarregue de fazer uma tabela com o nome dos diferentes grupos e dos diferentes Files do Manual, colocando j a pontuao obtida no Leisure File. Os restantes resultados seriam registados aquando da finalizao dos respectivos Files. Este quadro deveria ser afixado no English Corner. No final do ano, o grupo mais forte deveria receber um prmio. Fact File (p. 57) Esta rubrica encontra-se dividida em duas partes, uma primeira parte informativa (neste caso particular acerca do modo como os britnicos ocupam os tempos livres) e uma segunda parte, ldica, sobre os desportos mais populares nos Estados Unidos. Project File (p. 59) No final de cada unidade, surge esta rubrica que pretende levar os alunos, atravs de um fluxograma de deciso, a escolher o projecto que se adequa mais s suas caractersticas enquanto aprendentes. Este deve ser o critrio subjacente formao dos grupos, para o qual tm quatro opes: Opes A e B: so mais adequadas aos alunos autnomos e com bons conhecimentos da lngua inglesa. Opo C: adequada a alunos com pouca autonomia e dificuldades na lngua inglesa. Opo D: caso os alunos no se identifiquem com nenhuma destas opes, podem escolher uma outra de acordo com as suas preferncias. Neste caso particular, a opo A sugere a criao de uma Web page acerca de uma figura do desporto escolhida pelos alunos. Os alunos que seleccionarem esta opo devem, no entanto, ter conscincia que essa vai ser a sua opo at ao final do ano, na medida, que a propsito de cada unidade, vo completando a Web page. Este projecto implica, por um lado, pesquisa de informao sobre a figura em causa e conhecimentos de informtica para elaborao da Web page, por outro. Para elaborar a Web page, contudo, os alunos devem consultar no Portfolio a study tip Como criar uma Web page?. A opo B poder tambm implicar facilidade de acesso s novas tecnologias, na medida em que os alunos devem produzir um panfleto sobre as regras de utilizao de chat rooms e do telemvel. Para elaborar este panfleto, os alunos devem consultar no Portfolio a study tip Como elaborar um panfleto? Na proposta C, os alunos devem criar um grfico gigante das actividades de tempos livres da turma. Caso os alunos no se identifiquem com nenhuma destas opes, podem escolher um outro projecto de acordo com as suas preferncias. Salienta-se que: Embora esta rubrica surja no final da unidade, o professor pode encaminhar os alunos para o projecto logo no incio da unidade ou aps a primeira tarefa da unidade. O professor encontra sugestes de orientao para fornecer aos alunos no Caderno de Apoio ao Professor. Os alunos devem ir preenchendo o guio do projecto, que se encontra no Portfolio, etapa a etapa. Por seu turno, o professor deve preencher o quadro sntese dos guies dos projectos constante do My Class Portfolio. Self-Check File (p. 60) Esta rubrica semelhana das trs anteriores, tambm surge sempre no final de cada File, tendo como objectivo levar os alunos a rever os conhecimentos de funcionamento da lngua apreendidos durante a unidade. Este File tem igualmente um cariz ldico, na medida em que proposta uma pontuao. No final da unidade, surge um quadro que remete para a auto-avaliao do aluno, atravs do recurso ao Portfolio, que deve ser efectuada com auxlio do professor.


Unidade 2 Food File (p. 62)

Esta pgina introdutria informa o aluno sobre as temticas a abordar, como operacionalizar as competncias especficas e quais as tarefas a desenvolver role-play e Class Recipe Book. A pgina 63, introduz a temtica da identificao de alguns alimentos e sua insero nas palavras cruzadas.

Fact File (p. 93) So dadas algumas informaes culturais sobre pubs, seguindo-se duas actividades, uma em que os alunos tm de descobrir o nome de alguns pubs, atravs da observao de imagens, e outra em que os alunos observam e analisam dois tipos de menus presentes num pub. Estes menus podem servir de base para um role-play. Project File (p. 95) So dadas trs opes de projectos e uma opo D, em que o aluno escolhe o seu prprio projecto. Projecto A Completar a Web page acerca de comida tpica portuguesa e recolha de receitas. Projecto B Elaborar um menu escolar para um ms e panfleto/cartaz com as regras das boas maneiras mesa. Projecto C Preparar um ch ingls: menu, receita, convites e sua concretizao.

Unidade 3 Fashion File (p. 98)

Tambm nesta unidade os alunos devero ficar preparados para resolver duas grandes tarefas: Numa primeira parte, os alunos so levados a elaborar uma entrevista a um modelo. Numa segunda parte, os alunos so levados a elaborar um artigo de opinio acerca de tatuagens em Portugal. A pgina introdutria serve para verificar quais os conhecimentos de vocabulrio sobre esta temtica que os alunos j possuem. Caso estes sejam muito reduzidos, o professor deve sugerir que as actividades sejam resolvidas com a ajuda de um dicionrio e, posteriormente, relembrar os alunos que devem completar o Vocabulary File da unidade. Poder ser sugerido o trabalho de pares.

Reported Speech Soccer (p. 114) Este jogo tem como objectivo exercitar e consolidar, de forma ldica, os conhecimentos dos alunos acerca da estrutura gramatical reported speech. Regras: A turma deve ser dividida em duas grandes equipas. O professor deve assumir o papel de rbitro. o professor que define as regras e disponibiliza os cartes cada vez que os alunos caiem num quadrado colorido do jogo. Para o efeito, deve consultar as actividades complementares neste caderno, fotocopiar os cartes e recort-los. O professor atira o dado para o meio campo como se fosse uma bola e d incio ao jogo. Sempre que cada equipa cai num quadrado colorido, um aluno da equipa oposta l um carto. O aluno em jogo deve reportar professora a frase. Se esta estiver correcta a equipa continua a jogar em direco baliza dos seus opositores. Se estiver errada, a equipa retrocede 3 casas na direco da sua prpria baliza e d a vez aos outros. Ganha quem marcar golo primeiro na baliza adversria, isto , quem chegar baliza e responder correctamente. Fact File (p. 126) Como vem sendo habitual, o Fact File presta sempre informaes sobre a unidade temtica em causa, neste caso sobre onde ir s compras em Londres. Segue-se uma pequena actividade sob a forma de passatempo, em que os alunos devem fazer corresponder as imagens s respectivas descries.



Project File (p. 129) Os trs projectos aqui sugeridos so: Projecto A Pesquisar na Net peas de roupas, a fim de se criar um catlogo online. Projecto B Fazer uma banda desenhada alusiva histria da moda. Este projecto implica, por um lado, pesquisa e tratamento de informao e, por outro, apetncia para expresso plstica. Projecto C Fazer uma seleco de roupas, alusivas a diferentes pocas, de modelos, de cenrio e de msica e elaborar convites e a concretizao da passagem de modelos. A apresentao do espectculo deve ser feita em ingls.

Unidade 4 Media File (p. 132)

Nesta unidade, so pedidas trs grandes tarefas ao aluno, tantas quanto as reas temticas: painel sobre os prs e contras da televiso; elaborao de uma notcia; comercial de rdio. A motivao para esta temtica feita, na primeira parte, atravs de uma reflexo em torno do conceito. Sugere-se que, previamente, o professor elicite vocabulrio atravs de um associograma acerca da expresso mass media e precise esse conceito com as actividades A e B. Na segunda parte, a canco introduz a temtica da interferncia dos mass media na nossa vida. Sugere-se que, para alm de os alunos preencherem os espaos em falta, respondam s questes, cantem a cano e faam uma pesquisa sobre o original da cano.

Fact File (p. 153) Este Fact File pretende levar os alunos a comparar dois mass media no Reino Unido e Estados Unidos: televiso e rdio. H, ainda, uma pequena actividade de vocabulrio. Project File (p. 155) Os projectos sugeridos prendem-se os mass media. Projecto A Pesquisar informao acerca da srie televisiva favorita dos alunos e organizao da informao pesquisada na Web page. Projecto B Criar um espao Notcias da Semana no CRE. Esta actividade pode ser dinamizada pelo grupo, em interaco com o coordenador do CRE, professor de Portugus, professor de Ingls e professor de Francs. Projecto C Preparar um programa de msica para a rdio-escola, a ser posto no ar durante o intervalo.

Festivities File (p. 158)

semelhana do projecto do 7.O ano, os materiais existentes nesta seco do Manual devero ser utilizados pelo professor quando este achar oportuno, procedendo assim, seleco do que achar mais adequado aos seus alunos e sua gesto dos tempos lectivos. Mais uma vez, na impossibilidade de abordar as inmeras celebraes que ocorrem nos diversos pases de lngua inglesa, optou-se por seleccionar duas (uma relacionada com a cultura britnica e outra relacionada com a cultura americana) cuja ligao aos contedos programticos do 8.O ano mais evidente: Thanksgiving e Pancake Day. As actividades propostas so essencialmente ldicas e prticas, de forma a motivar os alunos e, simultaneamente, fornecer-lhes alguns dados culturais e vocabulrio especfico. Estas podero ser complementadas com a transparncia n.O 10. Ainda em relao ao Thanksgiving, apresentado um excerto da cano da Sara Jordan e sugere-se que os alunos a cantem. 32



Unit 3 Reported Speech Soccer

Work hard if you want to get good marks. The teacher told Peter

Dont talk too much. His mother ordered him

I will travel abroad one day. She said

It will be great if you come with us. Jane said

I love travelling, although I dont have much free time. Fred said

I wake up at 4 a.m. every morning. George stated

I know all the details of the accident. The policeman said

We will be there in time. His father promised

He is watching a DVD. She said

Read it loudly. The teacher told

I dont like these clothes. She complained

I walk to school every day. Louise stated

I think the party will be a success. Mary said

Go to the doctor. He advised

The party will be surprising. She thought

They are leaving school now. Peter informed

She has worked at the clothes shop since May. He heard

Shes thinking about going away for the weekend. Mary told me

He reads a new novel every month. He confessed

They are preparing a party. She told

Im really tired today! He exclaimed

Dont watch too much television! She advised him

Go by yourself and do your own shopping. She told

He always wears brand clothes. Anne whispered




Unit 3 Plano de Aula de Substituio

Guess the word.
1. A top with short sleeves 2. Jewellery for your finger. 3. You use this to hold up your trousers or your skirt. 4. Boys wear these to go swimming. 5. You wear this round your head or your neck 6. You wear these over your eyes when the sun is shining. 7. You wear these on your hands when its cold. 8. Short trousers you wear when its hot. 9. Trousers lots of people wear. Theyre usually blue. 10. You wear these on your feet when its hot. 11. In Britain many children wear this when they go to school. 12. You wear these in bed. 13. You wear this on your head when you are riding a bike. 14. Jewellery you wear on your ears. 15. You wear these on your feet when its cold. 16. You wear these on your feet under your shoes. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __




Portfolio Fun File: Lets play a game




Portfolio Fun File: Lets play a game




Portfolio Fun File: Lets play a game





Unidade 1
Web page
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 3. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 4. Acedam a www.google.com e pesquisem sobre os vossos dolos desportivos, observando tambm a organizao das pginas que pesquisarem. 5. Seleccionem a figura desportiva sobre a qual querem criar a pgina. 6. Seleccionem as fotografias a incluir no site e elaborem os textos em ingls. 7. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 8. Acedam a www.sapo.pt, seguindo os passos descritos no vosso Portfolio. 9. Requisitem o equipamento de que precisam para apresentarem a vossa Web page turma. 10. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens a incluir no chart sobre as leisure activities da turma e a forma de o fazer (em tabela ou em grfico). 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Procurem no dicionrio e/ou Vocabulary File as palavras que no conhecem. 6. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 7. Seleccionem os materiais de que necessitem (cartolina, tesoura, computador). 8. Cortem um carto gigante e produzam o chart e preencham os respectivos dados com cuidado e criatividade ou colem no carto o grfico impresso em computador. Lembrem-se que a apresentao tambm conta. 9. Faam um texto sobre as actividades de tempos livres da turma e apresentem o trabalho turma, no sem antes terem preparado devidamente a apresentao. 10. Afixem o trabalho no English Corner e avaliem o vosso desempenho. Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Leaflet: Mobile phone and chat rooms

1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens a incluir no panfleto. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Seleccionem os textos do Manual de que necessitam e pesquisem mais informao a respeito. Para tal, podero aceder a www.google.com. Leiam o Study File Como elaborar um panfleto? e planifiquem no espao correspondente a organizao do panfleto (onde colocar o texto e que texto; onde colocar imagens e como). 6. Elaborem o texto e mostrem ao professor para correces e sugestes. 7. Produzam o folheto. 8. Apresentem o trabalho turma, no sem antes terem preparado devidamente a apresentao. 9. Afixem o trabalho no English Corner e avaliem o vosso desempenho. Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.




Unidade 2
Web page
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 3. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 4. Acedam a www.google.com e pesquisem sobre comidas tipicamente portuguesas e faam uma recolha de receitas em livros da especialidade. 5. Seleccionem as comidas/receitas e as respectivas fotografias a incluir no site e elaborem os textos em ingls. 6. Elaborem os textos e a estrutura da pgina. 7. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 8. Acedam a www.sapo.pt, seguindo os passos descritos no vosso Portfolio. 9. Requisitem o equipamento de que precisam para apresentarem a vossa Web page turma. 10. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

School menu
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens a incluir no menu escolar e a sua forma de apresentao. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4.. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Procurem no dicionrio e/ou Vocabulary File as palavras que no conhecem. 6. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 7. Seleccionem os materiais de que necessitem (cartolina, tesoura, computador). 8. Produzam o menu com cuidado e criatividade. Se quiserem, podem decorar o menu com table rules. Se o preferirem, podem fazer um cartaz parte. 9. Apresentem o trabalho turma, no sem antes terem preparado devidamente a apresentao. 10. Afixem o trabalho no English Corner e avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

British tea
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo que pretendem organizar. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Seleccionem um menu de um British tea e algumas receitas. Escrevam os convites em ingls e seleccionem os alimentos a confeccionar. 6. Mostrem o menu e os convites ao professor para correces e sugestes. 7. Confeccionem o ch e, se precisarem, peam ajuda a outros grupos. 8. Sirvam o ch aos convidados. 9. Afixem o trabalho no English Corner e avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.




Unidade 3
Web page
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 3. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 4. Acedam a www.google.com e pesquisem sobre roupas, preos e marcas, observando tambm a organizao das pginas que pesquisarem. 5. Seleccionem as roupas a integrar o vosso catlogo online. 6. Seleccionem as fotografias a incluir no site e elaborem os textos em ingls. 7. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 8. Acedam a www.sapo.pt, seguindo os passos descritos no vosso Portfolio. 9. Requisitem o equipamento de que precisam para apresentarem a vossa Web page turma. 10. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Comic strip
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens a incluir na comic strip sobre a histria da moda e a forma de o fazer. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador, desenhador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Pesquisem informao sobre a moda nas diferentes dcadas. Seleccionem a informao a incluir na comic strip e procurem no dicionrio e/ou Vocabulary File as palavras que no conhecem. 6. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 7. Seleccionem os materiais de que necessitem (cartolina, tesoura, computador). 8. Produzam a comic strip com cuidado e criatividade. 9. Apresentem o trabalho turma, no sem antes terem preparado devidamente a apresentao. 10. Afixem o trabalho no English Corner e avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Fashion show
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens e a dimenso da actividade que pretendem organizar. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Seleccionem roupas de diferentes pocas, cenrios, msicas e modelos. Escrevam os convites e ensaiem o espectculo. 6. Mostrem os convites e o texto de apresentao do espectculo ao professor para correco e sugestes. 7. Produzam o espectculo de moda e, se precisarem, peam ajuda a outros grupos. 8. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.




Unidade 4
Web page
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 3. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 4. Acedam a www.google.com e pesquisem sobre as vossas sries televisivas favoritas, observando tambm a organizao das pginas que pesquisarem. 5. Seleccionem a srie sobre a qual vo produzir o site. 6. Seleccionem as fotografias a incluir no site e elaborem os textos em ingls. 7. Mostrem ao professor para correco e sugestes. 8. Acedam a www.sapo.pt, seguindo os passos descritos no vosso Portfolio. 9. Requisitem o equipamento de que precisam para apresentarem a vossa Web page turma. 10. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

News of the week

1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo a forma de organizar esta rubrica no CRE. Para tal, tm, antes de mais, de falar com o coordenador do CRE da vossa escola a esse respeito. 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador, desenhador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Pesquisem notcias em jornais portugueses, ingleses e franceses, a incluir na seco criada. Faam o ttulo notcias da semana nas diferentes lnguas. Deixem um espao com pequenos cartes e canetas para os alunos/professores poderem comentar as notcias. 6. Mostrem ao professor a vossa seleco. 7. Seleccionem os materiais de que necessitem (cartolina, tesoura, computador) para organizar essa seco no CRE. 8. Afixem as notcias. 9. Peam aos restantes grupos para lerem a vossa seleco e escreverem um comentrio a respeito da mesma. 10. Avaliem o vosso desempenho. Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.

Radio programe
1. Atribuam um nome ao grupo. 2. Discutam em grupo os itens do tipo de programa que pretendem produzir, no esquecendo a limitao tempo (um intervalo). 3. Distribuam papis (lder, porta-voz, secretrio, observador). 4. Dividam tarefas (quem faz o qu) e calendarizem-nas. 5. Seleccionem as msicas a passar. Produzam jingles e comentrios s msicas em ingls. Atribuam um nome ao programa. 6. Mostrem os textos ao professor para correco e sugestes. 7. Produzam o programa de rdio. 8. Avaliem o vosso desempenho.

Nota: Aquando da elaborao do projecto, devem preencher o respectivo guio que se encontra no Portfolio.






PA G E S 3 - 5

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
A. Story predicting Group discussion Look at the picture on the cover of the book and answer the questions. 1. Who do you think the two boys are? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? 4. Do you think the two boys look happy? 5. What about the girl? Who do you think she is? B. Read the title of the story and in groups: 1. discuss what the story is about. 2. present your ideas about the story.

II While-reading
Read pages 3, 4 and 5 and do the following activities. A. Answer the questions. 1. When does the action take place? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. What are the three friends talking about? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. True (T) or false (F)? 1. Steven and Sandy are on their way to school. 2. Sandys mother cant afford to buy what Sandy wants. 3. Steven and Gabriel are close friends. 4. Steven gets a lot of pocket money every week. 5. Steven thinks he can make more money than Gabriel. C. Put the actions in the order they occur in the story. Gabriel is on his way to work. The two friends meet Gabriel. Sandy is sad because she cant buy the trainers she likes. The boys decide to bet that each of them can make more money than the other. Steven and Sandy are leaving school. Steven and Gabriel argue because of money matters.


D. Match the expression with its definition. 1. match a) combine or correspond 2. get along b) stop doing 3. give something up c) have a friendly relationship with someone

E. In Britain many teenagers have a part-time job. For example, Gabriel has a part-time job at a clothes shop. Look at the pictures below and name the different part-time jobs.

1. __________________ 3. __________________

5. __________________

7. __________________

2. __________________ 4. __________________

6. __________________

8. __________________

III After-reading
Each member of the group is going to write a paragraph about: his/her part-time job or about the parttime job he/she would like to have and why. Write your paragraph on coloured paper and put it up in the English Corner.
Global Evaluation / Group Teacher





PA G E S 6 - 7

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
Look at the picture of Gabriels bedroom and name the pieces of furniture that are missing.

5 4 1 2

4 5

A small table next to your bed. Something you put on the floor. Where you keep your clothes. Where you put the rubbish. Where you keep your underwear and shirts.



II While-reading
Read pages 6 and 7 and do the following activities. A. Fill in the following form about Gabriel. Name __________________________________________________________ Age ____________________ Part-time job Where When

Reasons for having a part-time job: ___________________________________________________________ Dream job: ___________________

B. Look at Gabriels picture and: 1. Write six sentences about his appearance. 2. Describe him psychologically.

1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ 6. ______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

C. Gabriel is in his room thinking about the bet he has just made. Answer the following questions. 1. According to Gabriel what is Steven like? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Why doesnt he get along with Steven? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. What other working plans does Gabriel have on his mind? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Gabriel seems to be worried about the bet. Why? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

III After-reading
In groups make a two-week plan for Gabriel. Remember to predict how much he is going to earn in each task.
Global Evaluation / Group Teacher





PA G E S 8 - 9

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
Look at Stevens bedroom picture and find 10 of his objects in the following word puzzle.

II While-reading
Read pages 8 and 9 and do the following activities. A. Answer the following questions 1. Where did Steven get a part-time job? 2. When is he going to work there? 3. Why did he decide to start working? 4. What are his work plans?

__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


B. Find 5 mistakes in the following text and correct them.

I got a job as a newspaper delivery boy; so I will be working on Sundays. I wanted the job because I need the money. My father cant afford to give me the money I need.

III After-reading
Role-play A. Choose one of the following situations and play the roles on the role-cards. Situation A Steven and his father Steven Tells his father about the bet. Asks him how to earn money fast. Tells him about finding a parttime job. Situation B Steven and Sandy Steven Complains about Gabriel. Says hes going to win the bet and shows he doesnt like Gabriel. Sandy Says Gabriel is very nice. Suggests he should get to know Gabriel better. Says the bet doesnt make sense. Father Answers he should invest. Doesnt understand his decision because he can give him all the money he needs.

Situation C Steven and the clothes shop manager, Valerie Steven Asks for the job. Explains why he wants the job. Asks when he can start work. Valerie Asks why he wants the job. Tells him about the schedule. Says he can start work next Wednesday.

B. Act it out in class.

Global Evaluation / Group Teacher





PA G E S 1 0 - 1 2

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
A. Unjumble the following words. bjo __________ ydastrua __________ greaman __________

B. Look at the picture and discuss what chapter 4 is going to be about.

II While-reading
Read pages 10, 11, 12 and do the following activities. A. Choose the best answer in this part of the story. 1. Gabriel is laughing because a) Steven is working next to him. b) he has earned lots of money. c) the shop manager is angry about Stevens lateness. 2. Valerie a) forgave Steven and was very kind to him. b) threatened Steven because of his lateness. c) ignored Stevens lateness. 3. Sandy went to the clothes shop and a) bought some clothes. b) had lunch with Gabriel. c) talked to Valerie. B. Comment on Sandys statement: You and Gabriel are so similar. What does she mean? Do you agree with her? Why? / Why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________



C. Find the antonyms in the text. 1. empty (line 1) ______________________ 2. early (line 2) ______________________ 3. sad (line 3) ______________________ 4. in public (line 3) ______________________ 5. stupid (line 21) ______________________ 6. well (line 21) ______________________ D. Complete the table with the correct form of the comparative and superlative of superiority.
Positive funny good smart bad easy hard nice important irresponsible Comparative Superlative

E. Word formation: make adverbs from the following adjectives.

Adjectives happy smart proper total bad hard good Adverbs

III After-reading
Write one of the following pages of the diary. Sandys page of the diary. Stevens page of the diary.
Global Evaluation / Group Teacher

Gabriels page of the diary.





PA G E S 1 3 - 1 4

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
Have a look at the title of the chapter and answer the questions. 1. What does the title suggest? 2. How do the two friends act?

II While-reading
Read pages 13 and 14 and do the following activities. A. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below. guy invited things besides bet went lots of watch feelings surprised common

B. Ask questions for the following answers. 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ? Gabriel and Steven were working at Style Parade on Wednesday afternoon. 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ? Gabriel was talking to Valerie. 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ? Gabriels favourite actor is Al Pacino. 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ? Gabriel is saving money because he wants to do an acting course. 5. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ? The two friends watched some DVDs at Stevens house.


III After-reading
Draw a cartoon about one the following cartoon situations. 1. Dinner with Stevens parents. 2. Steven and Gabriels conversation while watching the films. 3. Gabriels conversation with Sandy about his new feelings.

Global Evaluation / Group Teacher





PA G E S 1 5 - 1 6

Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Before-reading
Have a look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. How do the three friends look? 2. Can you guess who has won the bet? Why? / Why not? 3.. How do you think the story will end? 4. Whats the meaning of the title of the story?

II While-reading
Read pages 15 and 16 and do the following activities. Complete the sentences according to this part of the story. 1. On Friday the three friends ________________________ because _____________________________________ . 2. Steven didnt earn more money because _________________________________________________________ . 3. Sandy noticed that ___________________________________________________________________ . 4. Gabriel and Steven think that friendship ____________________________________________________ . 5. Sandy did something unexpected. She ______________________________________________________ . 6. Both boys earned _____________________________________________________________________ . 7. Sandy concluded _____________________________________________________________________ .

III After-Reading
Summarise the story. A. Planning Who / Characters B. Write the summary

Where / Place

When / Date

What / Action

Global Evaluation / Group Teacher



D V D T H AT S M E ! G R A H A M I N I N V E R N E S S
Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Pre-viewing
How much do you know about Scotland? Read the questions and circle the correct answer. 1. The capital of Scotland is a) Dublin. b) Edinburgh. c) Cardiff. 2. Some other important Scottish cities are a) Bristol, Birmingham and Liverpool. b) Glasgow, Inverness and Aberdeen. c) Swansea, Newport and Caernarfon. 3. In Scotland people speak a) English and Gaelic. b) English and German. c) English and Irish. 4. Some of the national symbols of Scotland are a) the rose and Big Ben. b) the shamrock and the harp. c) the thistle and the bagpipes. 5. The Scottish are famous for their a) giant, kilts and dances. b) monster, castles and kilts. c) monster, palaces and kilts. 6. Some of the most famous Scottish food and drink are a) whisky, Christmas pudding and cheese. b) Guinness beer, Porter cake and Yorkshire pudding. c) black pudding, shortbread and whisky. 7. One of the most important events in Scotland is a) the Highland Games. b) Royal Ascot. c) Henley Royal Regatta. 8. One of their most famous Queens was a) Queen Mary. b) Queen Elizabeth I. c) Queen Anne.

II While-viewing
Graham is a teenager like you. Watch the video, take some notes and fill in the table with information about him.
Country/Nationality Where he lives Family Favourite sports Other activities/hobbies Plans for the future



III After-viewing
Answer the following questions about the video. 1. Are there any differences between Grahams family life and Portuguese family life? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What about Graham? Do you think he leads a very different life from Portuguese teenagers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What surprised you most about this video? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are your impressions of Scotland? Choose three adjectives to describe this country. ____________________________________________________________________________________________



D V D T H AT S M E ! N A E L A I N B R I S T O L
Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Pre-viewing
Look for some information about the city of Bristol on the Internet, in books or encyclopaedias and fill in the table about it.
Geographical location Number of inhabitants Rivers Interesting places Main events

II While-viewing
Watch Naelas video, take notes and complete the diagram about her.

Family Life

Interests and activities


Best friends


III After-viewing
Naela likes keeping a diary. Write a page of her diary based on what you have seen.



D V D T H AT S M E ! R I S N I N C A R N A
Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Pre-viewing
A. How much do you know about Ireland? Read the questions and circle the correct answer. 1. Ireland is a) a republic. b) a monarchy. c) a federation. 2. The capital of Ireland is a) Cardiff. b) London. c) Dublin. 3. Ireland became separated from the UK in a) 1911. b) 1921. c) 1931. 4. The majority of Irish people are a) Catholics. b) Protestants. c) Orthodox. 5. Some of the national symbols of Ireland are a) the rose and Big Ben. b) the shamrock and tweed. c) the thistle and tartan. 6. The national Saint of Ireland is a) St. Patrick. b) St. George. c) St. David. 7. The most famous Irish beer is a) Carlsberg. b) Budweiser. c) Guinness. 8. One of the bands below is Irish. Which one is it? a) The Beatles. b) Rolling Stones. c) U2.



II While-viewing
Watch Risns video, take notes and complete the flow chart about her.

Country ______________



Free time activities

Part-time job

III After-viewing
A. Draw a similar chart about yourself. 1. When you finish swop your chart with your partner. 2. Introduce your partner to the class, using information from the chart. B. Write three questions you would like to ask Risin if you had the opportunity to meet her. 1. ______________________________________________________________ ? 2._______________________________________________________________ ? 3. ______________________________________________________________ ?



D V D E AT I T !
Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Pre-viewing
A. Answer the following questions. 1. Who cooks at your place? 2. What dishes, snacks or other food do you cook? 3. When do you make them? 4. Are you a fan of typical Portuguese dishes or desserts? 5. Which are your favourite? B. Do you know the name of the following kitchen tools and appliances? Label the pictures with the correct words from the box.






wooden spoon pot grill toaster grater tin-opener chopping board sieve frying-pan whisk






II While-viewing
Part I Graham from Scotland A. Look at the list of ingredients from Grahams recipe. There are some ingredients missing. Watch the video and take notes to complete it. 2 pork and leek 2 slices of 2 slices of black 2 eggs 1 2 buns some




B. Graham usually prepares this recipe very carefully but today he was a bit nervous and everything is a complete mess. From what you have seen help him to order the different parts of the recipe and rewrite it correctly. Do the sausages and be careful that they dont burn. Put an egg in each bun, a bit of bacon and close them. Let the butter melt and throw the eggs in. Turn the heat on. Take the skin off the black pudding and enjoy your meal. Stab the sausages. Part II - Rsins BLT A. Watch the video and answer the following questions about it. 1. What do the initials BLT stand for? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. What products do you need to prepare it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. How did you find this recipe? Tick the adjectives that best fit your opinion. easy difficult greasy tasty complicated light expensive cheap healthy disgusting fast sweet Then cook the black pudding for a while. Make space in the frying-pan for the eggs and tomato. Get the rolls and open them. Put the bacon in. Cover with a lid.

B. Complete the recipe by filling in the gaps with the missing verbs in the correct tense. (Some are used more than once). to put 1. ____________ the grill to 250C. to turn on 2. ____________ the bread. to grate 3. ____________ some lettuce and a tomato into slices. to toast 4. ____________ some cheese. to cut up 5. ____________ some mayonnaise on the toast . to get 6. ____________ the lettuce on first and then the tomatoes. to put back 7. ____________ the grilled bacon and _________ it on the bread. to place 8. ____________ some cheese on the top. to let 9. ____________it _________ in the grill again and _________ the cheese melt. to sprinkle

III After-viewing
Who in the class is the best at cooking? Find out about this and make a similar video about a Portuguese dish, dessert or snack. 1st Decide who is going to cook. 2nd Ask his/her parents for permission. 3rd Decide who is going to film and help with the necessary material. 4th Choose a recipe and put it into correct English. 5th Prepare the ingredients, the kitchen and the things you are going to say. 6th Start acting (in English, of course) and good luck.



Chapter 1 II A. 1. The action takes place in front of school. 2. The three friends are talking about part-time jobs. B. 1. F 2.T 3. F 4. T 5. T C. 3; 4; 2; 6; 1; 5 D. 1. a) 2. c) 3. b) E. 1. Newpapers delivery 2. Car washing 3. Baby-sitting 4. Golf caddy 5. Dogs walking 6. Activity centre monitor 7. Watering plants 8. Life guard Chapter 2 I - 1. bedside table 2. carpet 3. wardrobe 4. bin 5. chest of drawers II A. Gabriel; 14 Style Parade; on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Saturdays; He wants to do an acting course; He wants to become an actor. C. 1. According to Gabriel Steven is very spoiled and likes to show off. 2. He doesnt get along with Steven because Steven has everything he wants and he likes to call him a loser. 3. Besides working at the clothes shop, he plans to wash cars and to deliver newspapers. 4. because if he loses the bet, he loses the chance to go to New York. Chapter 3 II A . 1. Steven got a job at Style Parade. 2. He is going to work there on Saturday and on Wednesday afternoon. 3. He decided to start to work only because of the bet. 4. He plans to work as a golf caddy. B. 1. newspaper delivery boy 2. on Sundays 3. I wanted the job 4. I need the money 5. My father cant afford Chapter 4 I A. job; Saturday; manager II A. 1. c 2. b 3. b B. Free answer C. 1. full 2. late 3. happy 4. privately 5.smart 6. badly D. funny, funnier than, the funniest; good, better than, the best; smart, smarter than, the smartest; bad; worse than, the worst; easy, easier than, the easiest; hard, harder than, the hardest; nice, nicer than, the nicest; important, more important than, the most important; irresponsible, more irresponsible than, the most irresponsible E. happy, happily; smart, smartly; proper, properly; total, totally; bad, badly; hard, hard; good, well Chapter 5 II A. things; bet; feelings; guy; invited; watch; went; surprise; Besides; lots of; common B. 1. When were Gabriel an Steven working at Style Parade? 2. Who was Gabriel talking to? 3. Whats Gabriels favourite actor? 4. Why is Gabriel saving money? 5. Where did the two friends watch DVDs? Chapter 6 II 1. met because the betting time was over. 2. because he bought a T-shirt. 3. the two boys seemed friendly to each other. 4. and business dont mix. 5. 127 pounds. 6. that both boys won the bet and became friends





Thats me! 1. Graham in Inverness I Pre-viewing A. 1. b) 2. b) 3. a) 4. c) 5. b) 6. c) 7. a) 8. a) II While-viewing A. Country/ Nationality: Scotland/ Scottish; Living Place: Inverness in Scotland; Family: Mother (Fiona), father (David), two sisters (Kirstey and Chaterine); Favourite sports: Football, hockey and rugby; Other activities or hobbies: Playing the guitar, participating in the group Youth Voice; Plans for the future: Taking a summer job next summer holidays and buying a new guitar; becoming a doctor 2. Naela in Bristol II While-viewing Family Life: its a family of four: her mother (Anna), her sister Lanie and her siater Daisy; Interests and Activities: climbing, writing poetry and stories, interior design, going shopping and hanging out with friends; Best Friends: Hazel, Sean, Kai and Freya; Ambitions: to be a star and to be rich 3. Risin in Carna I Pre-viewing 1. a) 2. c) 3. b) 4. a) 5. b) 6. a) 7. c) 8. c) II While-viewing Country: Ireland; Family: parents, brother (Paric) and sister (Martha), aunt ; Free time activities: playing basketball, going to church, going shopping, drama, dance, going out with friends, going to the cinema; Part-time job: she is a waitress at a hotel to get money to buy clothes, CDs and make-up and to save for the weekend. Eat it! Pre-viewing B. 1. chopping board 2. frying-pan 3. grater 4. tin-opener 5. whisk 6. sieve 7. toaster 8. wooden spoon 9. pot 10. grill While-viewing Part I Graham from Scotland A. sausages; bacon; pudding; tomato; butter B. d) a) g) i) h) f) c) j) b) k) Part II Rsins BLT A. 1. They stand for Bacon Lettuce and Tomato on toast 2. One needs lettuce, tomato, bread, bacon, cheese and some mayonnaise. B. 1. Turn on 2. Toast 3. Cut up 4. Grate 5. Put 6. Put 7. Get; place 8. Sprinkle 9. Putback; let


GRAHAM (off): Inverness is the most northerly city in the British Isles. It lies in the heart of the Highlands of Scotland amidst some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery in Britain. There are towering mountains and deep glens. Inverness is at the mouth of the river Ness. Im sure youve all heard of the monster Nessie, who lives up the river in the loch. The city is a great place to live. It has one of the lowest crime rates in Britain. This could be because the people are all really friendly and kind to each other. This may also be the reason that Inverness is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. There are many thousands of people here and many more come every year. GRAHAM: Hi, there! Im Graham. Do you like my uniform? I have to wear it, because Im a prefect. This means that Ive got extra responsibilities and we have to look after the little children. Well, Im on my way home now. Ive just finished my higher exam for chemistry. Im absolutely knackered, because it lasted about three hours. And I guess Ill see you at home! GRAHAM: Well, its nice to get home and out of my school uniform. Not that it bothers me. Its just that I feel more comfortable in my normal clothes.



GRAHAM (off): I really would like a new guitar. However just now I cant afford one, because my parents give me 50 pounds a month allowance. I have to buy everything with this, so sadly theres no money left over. MUM: Graham! Time to go! GRAHAM: Yeah! Im just going Mum, itll be two seconds! GRAHAM (off): In the summer holidays I hope to take a job so that I can earn more money, and I finally will be able to buy my new guitar. GRAHAM: Yeah, Im on my way! GRAHAM IN (off): Just now Ive got to rush off. Ive got football training in ten minutes. COACH MacKAY: Were going to have a just a warm up session without the ball, then a warm up session with the ball followed by a practice game. This way Safe stepping Go! GRAHAM (off): Well, Ive not played football for that long, because I used to play more rugby. Now Im really enjoying my football, though. I think one of the reasons I like it, is because its a challenge of a different sport. I also play in a good team with a good coach, and that always makes it more fun. COACH MacKAY: My name is Allan MacKay. Im deputy head teacher in Millburn Academy, and I also coach the senior football team. The boys mostly play for clubs in the town and enjoy their school football to such a degree that weve been very successful this year, second in Highland region. Graham has joined the team late in the season. Hes a very good rugby player and hockey player and this has given him excellent fitness and hes been a great asset to the team in the second half of the season. GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/ GRAHAM: Hi! How are you? GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/ GRAHAM: Come on! You both know that I dont speak Gaelic. What were you saying about me? GAELIC BOY: Sorry, we were just saying how good you were on the field today. GAELIC GIRL: (Yeah, you were) GRAHAM: Thats very kind of you! I bet its not true, though. GAELIC BOY: So, see you tomorrow then? GRAHAM: Oh, I cant! Ive got a Youth Voice meeting tomorrow. But Ill see you on Thursday. GAELIC BOY: OK! Cheerie. GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC GIRL: /speaking Gaelic/ GAELIC BOY: /speaking Gaelic/ GRAHAM (off): Im a member of the Highland Youth Voice. Youth Voice is a parliament of 70 young people from throughout the north of Scotland. We meet and we discuss a number of topics. Weve recently succeeded in producing an alcohol awareness leaflet and a video on the dangers of drugs. Our next project is to develop a card, which will allow young people cheaper transport in the Highlands. We know that well be successful, because we know people listen to us. We have large debates on our website and last month we met the First Minister of Scotland. GRAHAM: He understood that young people would listen better to other young people. And really thats what Young Voice is all about: Its by young people, for young people. GRAHAM: Well, I thought I could introduce my family to you. This is Kirsty, shes 15 KIRSTY: Hey! GRAHAM: and shes really still the baby in the family, because of all five of us shes the smallest. And right here weve got my mum, Fiona MUM: Hi! GRAHAM: and people say we look like each other, but Ill let you decide that for yourselves. And this is my dad, David DAD: Hello! GRAHAM: and hes losing his hair even faster than usual at the moment, because in a couple of weeks hes going to have to teach me how to drive. And he doesnt seem too happy about the idea of getting in a car with me. And last but not least is Catherine CATHERINE: Hi! GRAHAM: whos 12 years old, and shes the troublemaker of the family at the minute. Andshes always got a cheeky smile on her face. MUM: With five of us in the family life is really very busy. Tonight everybody is here helping me in the kitchen prepare the meal. We usually have a rule that if you help to prepare the meal, you dont have to help clear up. Graham likes to help prepare the meal because




then he can sneak out of the door, and pretend that hes doing his homework, but really I suspect hes watching TV. If he doesnt help me prepare the meal, then he comes and helps to clear up afterwards. GRAHAM: We thought that you might like to listen to some Scottish music. This is a traditional song called Westering Home. We dont play together very often, but I hope youll enjoy it all the same. GRAHAM (off): Now Im going to tell you about some traditional Scottish things, which I think you may be interested in. GRAHAM: As you can see, Im wearing a different kilt. This is because each family belongs to a clan and the clans have different tartans that they can wear. This is the different tartan, which I was wearing before. This is called the Royal Stewart tartan and is one of the tartans that I can wear for my clan. You might also notice that Ive changed my sporran. Sporrans are more for decoration than anything else, but you can carry your own money and a wallet and keys and things like that. Something else thats part of the Highland dress is the sgian-dubh. This is a knife that you wear in your sock. I would show it to you, but if I drew the blade, then I would have to draw blood because its tradition. DAD: I think Scottish traditional music has a lot in common with the whole Celtic music tradition. We particularly like it for dancing and partying. The bagpipes, which Ive been playing, are very difficult to play with any other instrument. Within the family we do try to play together. Graham still likes playing rock guitar but has surprised himself by finding how easy it is to play in the rhythm backing with us and the family group. GRAHAM (off): Something you might not be so familiar with, though, is the Highland Games. In Inverness we have a large Highland Games over a whole weekend every summer. The Highland Games is an event with a number of sports, dancing and music. GRAHAM: In the future Id like to go to Newcastle University to study medicine. Id like to become a doctor. GRAHAM (off): I hope youve enjoyed learning about traditional Scottish culture and lifestyles. I also hope that one day youll come and visit this wonderful country for yourself.. GRAHAM: Anyway, goodbye for now.

NAELA (off): This is Bristol. Its a fairly large and busy city on the Bristol Channel, not far from Wales. The suspension bridge is famous and so is the old cathedral. We live in a mixed area not far from the city centre. I like my area very much and Ive lived here for nearly ten years now, and the people here are so nice and friendly. NAELA: Hello! Im Naela and Im here today at the Climbing Centre near to where I live. This used to be a church but eleven years ago it was sold and converted into the Climbing Centre. Today it has over 40 000 members, and people from just about everywhere come here to climb. Im a beginner but Im here today to practise my climbing. INSTRUCTOR: Right. Go up! NAELA: No, I cant go any further up. INSTRUCTOR: Yeah! Hold on NAELA: No, I cant. INSTRUCTOR: Thats it! You can! Stand up Go off Now you climb down. See? Just keep leaning back And there you go Tough? NAELA: Horrible! INSTRUCTOR: See how much easier that was? NAELA (off): We are a family of four: my mum, my two sisters and myself. My mums called Anna and is very caring. My sister Lanie is an angel and so is my little sister Daisy. We get along very well and love each other very much. You might wonder about our names, Naela and Lanie. Theyre very unusual. Theyre actually made up from my parents names, Anna and Larrie. NAELA: How small were they when you first saw them? DAISY: They were about that big! NAELA (off): I am dyslexic, which means I have great trouble in learning to read and write. NAELA: It was very hard for me at school as a young child, because everyone else was learning so fast, and I got left behind. When my mum told me she wanted me to go to a special school for dyslexic children, I was sad to leave my friends and the school I was used to. But I thought it might help me and make everything easier and that was good. I really liked the dyslexia school because everyone around me had the same problem as me, and so I felt comfortable and I wasnt afraid to ask for help. Now everything is much easier for me. I keep a diary every day, I write poetry and sometimes my own stories. I also help my sister Lanie with her homework because she is also dyslexic. NAELA: Did you have a good day at school today, Lanie? LANIE: Yeah. NAELA: What did you do? LANIE: Religious Education and Geography.




NAELA: And which one is your favourite? LANIE: Religious Education. NAELA: Why? LANIE: Because Geography is boring and we havent got a very nice teacher. NAELA: So what did you do in Geography? LANIE: At he moment were doing things about Bristol. NAELA: And? LANIE: Were doing interesting facts on it and and doingummmthat were famous for fish and chips and something about sticks and stones in the environment. LANIE: How do you spell could? NAELA: Oh, you know! Its C-O-U-Lucky Duck. LANIE: C-O-U-Lucky Duck! Thats a good one! And how do you spell because? NAELA: Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants. LANIE: Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants. NAELA: Yeah! LANIE: Its a good rhyme! NAELA: Its a good way of remembering it. LANIE: We We learned one at the school today. It goes: If it ends with Y replace it with an I and add [clap-clap] E-S. NAELA: Oh, thats good! If it ends with Y replace it with an I and add [clap-clap] E-S. LANIE: Yeah! If it ends with NAELA AND LANIE: Y replace it with an I and [clap-clap] E-S. If it ends with Y replace it with an I NAELA: Hello! These are my best friends. This is Hazel. HAZEL: Hello! NAELA: This is Sean. SEAN: Hi! NAELA: This is Kai. KAI: Hi ya! NAELA: And this is Freya. FREYA: Hey! NAELA: We go shopping, we hang out and we have a lot of fun. EVERYONE: Yeah! Yeah! NAELA: Look at the little bin! THE OTHERS: Beauty! NAELA (off): Money is always a problem for me. My pocket money is gone long before I get it so I can really only afford window-shopping. HAZEL: So what are you guys doing for your summer holidays? KAI: Im going down to Cornwall for two weeks with Sean and my other friend, Tasha, and were going to be like surfing and probably just go out to the beaches and stuff, which will be quite cool. NAELA: Oh, you lucky thing! KAI: Yeah! What are you doing? NAELA: I might be going on a girlie holiday with my friends to Spain or Metropolis or whatever its called. KAI: Whore you going with? NAELA: My friends from college and theyre 16, 17 and theres four of them Oh, no, five of us! Yes! I dont know FREYA: Youre so lucky! NAELA: One of my main interests is interior design. I also help my mum plan the renovation of our house. The kitchen is ready and I am now finishing plans for my new room. Its hard work but I really enjoy it. MUM: OK. NAELA: And MUM: What have you got? NAELA: As you can see everythings quite pink or pinky-purple. These are the kind of colours I want on my walls, like lilac, pinky kind of colours. And then the darker purple and darker lilac colours is for the design on top. MUM: But are you going to have Are you going to have each wall a different colour? NAELA: Yeah, so that thislike back wall, where the headwhere the bed goes would be lilac. MUM: Right.




NAELA: And then the wall with the window on it, might be pink. MUM: OK. Well, I wouldnt like that but its your room. NAELA: Yeah Well I think it looks good and its modern. You like it, dont you? DAISY: Yeah. NAELA: It will look good. MUM: OK. TEACHER: Hi, girls! GIRLS: Hello! NAELA: Hello! GIRL 1: Hello, Kizzy! TEACHER: Come in! THE GIRLS: Hi! GIRLS: Fine NAELA (off): Im very into music, especially singing, and twice a week I take singing lessons. TEACHER: OK, what I want you to do is put your hands on your stomach. Were going to start off with our vowels. What I want you to do is follow me, OK? Keep your your mouth nice and relaxed, your tongue flat and your mouth open. Well start with the vowels, so if I do it first and you can copy me, OK? Va, va, va, va, va, va, va, va, va THE GIRLS: Va, va, va, va, va, va TEACHER (off): I started Studio Seven two years ago and the reason for this was to develop young children in the community into professional artists, and build up their confidence and explore their creativity. I have also, theone of the main things I think is important is that thethe Studio Seven membership isis relatively cheap because the kids in the community cant afford to go toa professional stage school, they just dont have the funds. So here we only charge five pound a session. We run two sessions, ones on the Tuesday and the other ones on the Thursday, from five thirty to eight thirty. And my ultimate goal as a professional artist myself, is to pass on my knowledge and develop these children, so that they can go into the entertainment world if they wish to do so. EVERYONE: Let it shine, let it shine TEACHER: And again TEACHER: Naela is one of my students. Shes one of my older students. Shes developing quite well. She The confidence is a little bit low at the moment, but thats what were developing now. Her vocal skills are quite excellent. TEACHER: OK, one more time please, Naela. And remember, diaphragm: keep your throat nice and relaxed and and open, OK? And I want you to sing a song for me. OK. Please. NAELA: You give me butterflies Got me flying so high in the sky I cant control my butterflies NAELA: With lots of hard work and dedication I hope that one day Ill be a star. Then Ill be rich, and it will put an end to my money problems.

RISN: Filte go Conamara = Welcome to Connemara. RISN (off): Were in the west of Ireland. Connemara is a beautiful area with its vast, unspoiled wilderness, its shores washed by the waves rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean. There are lovely lakes, streams and rocky hills. RISN: Hi! Im Risn and I live here in Carna. Come inside! Ill introduce you to my family. Is that? I think I dont believe this! My parents are training! Hello, mum! MUM: Hello, Risn! RISN: Hello, Dad! DAD: Hello, Risn! MUM: /speaking Irish/ RISN: /speaking Irish/ DAD: /speaking Irish/ RISN: /speaking Irish/ MUM: /speaking Irish/ RISN: /speaking Irish/ MUM: /speaking Irish/ DAD: /speaking Irish/ RISN: OK Ill leave them to it now, because theyre speaking Irish, and you wont understand a word theyre saying. RISN: Ill introduce you to my brother and sister now. Im sure they wont mind. I doubt theyre doing their homework. This is my brother




Paric and my sister Martha. PARIC AND MARTHA: Hello! RISN: They love playing the Play Station, but I dont really like football. RISN: This is where we do our shopping. Although it might look small they have everything you need. This is the Post Office and, come to think of it, it might be the last one before you get to the United States. RISN: This is the secondary school where Im now going to school. Ive been coming here for four years, and I have another two years left before I go to college. I love it here and I look forward to coming into school every morning. RISN (off): There are 200 pupils in our school, and it is a policy to wear school uniforms. RISN: This is where I do basketball. Its my favourite sport and its very good exercise. Oh! And thats my coach, Pat Burke. COACH: Risn! Here! Come on, lets go! RISN: Ive got to go! COACH: In the game, here we go! Right! Move it, Jim! And quick! Lets go! RISN (off): This is my favourite sport, basketball. I have basketball training every Friday after school. I like it because it keeps my fit and we have a great basketball team and I like to win. COACH: My name is Pat Burke. I am the basketball coach here in Carna Community School. I am also the PE teacher in the school. About sixty girls play basketball out of a hundred girls in the school, and we train two evenings a week after school from four until six. Risn joined the basketball club here in the school in first year and has shown steady improvement and very dedicated to her training. RISN: This is our lovely local church. Theres nobody here now but its usually packed on Sunday mornings and Saturday evenings. Thats when I come. RISN (off): Although young people dont go to church as often as they used to, for most people around here church is very important. For me and my family, we go every week. And if I dont go to church then, personally, I feel guilty. RISN: Now Id like you to meet my friends. This is Naessa NAESSA: Hi ya! RISN: whod be on the tin whistle. Colm, on the accordion. And Risn who will dance. RISN 2: Hello! RISN: They have come over today, so that we can have a session, which means that everyone will sing and dance and play traditional music. RISN (off): Traditional music is a very important part of the Irish culture. It gets passed on from generation to generation, and it involves both the young and the old. There are five of us in the family and were all very close. My father is always very busy, so we look forward to the summer, when we get the opportunity to go on holidays together. Then theres my sister Martha. She comes to me for advice about make-up and clothes. And, of course, theres my brother Park. He is very spoilt by my parents but not by me. He always does what I tell him to do. RISN: /speaking Irish/ MUM: /speaking Irish/ RISN (off): My mother and I love going shopping together, and we always go for coffee afterwards. We always speak Irish in our family, of course, because it is the native language. RISN (off) : To earn pocket money I waitress at the Carna Bay Hotel. Here I take orders, serve people food and drink and clear tables. With my pocket money I like to buy clothes, CDs and make-up. Oh, and to save for going out at the weekend! RISN (off): Here we are in Galway city, the biggest city closest to Connemara. People come here for shopping, to go to the cinema or even for a night out. RISN: Sitting beside me is Paric Connaire, a famous playwright from Connemara. Actually Paric, Ive starred in one of your plays. I wonder does he know that? RISN: Oh, God! Where is it? I know I had it yesterday! I was coming downtown, I went into the shop I came out. I know I had my purse, because I checked and it was there. And now its going to be God! TEACHER: Thats excellent, Risn! Could you use that characterisation in your exercise with Frank later on today? RISN: Yeah, sure. TEACHER: Great! TEACHER: In this scene let you be the employer RISN: OK. TEACHER: and youll be the employee. And initially you play it with a high status. RISN: OK. TEACHER: Initially, play it with a low status. When I clap my hands gently, youll switch status and stay in the same characters. RISN: Etha Dunne, please! What time do you call this, Etha? RISN (off): For as long as I can remember I have always loved acting, and Im so happy now that I joined the drama class with Claire, because she has taught me so much about improvisation and how to have more confidence in myself.




ETHA: Listen, just because youre my boss doesnt mean you can boss me around, OK? I I work long, hard hours for you! Im a brilliant worker, OK? I mean some people dont come here tilllike what, ten oclock? And youre giving me a hard time for being 30 minutes late? RISN: Yeah, but I am your employer. ETHA: Yeah RISN: I pay you, dont I? ETHA: (Yeah) RISN: And I pay you good money, dont I, Etha? ETHA: Yeah, yeah, brilliant, brilliant money RISN: So why? TEACHER: Cut! Excellent! Werent they good? Werent they good? OK RISN (off): This is my third year doing dance. Watching famous people sing and dance on the TV inspired me to take it up. I really love to move to the rhythm and beat of the music. TEACHER: Over the top. Ready! Andone, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That was great, Risn! Well done! RISN: After a long day in the city with drama and dance classes I love to come to my aunts house here in Galway, and meet up with my friends to prepare for a night out. AUNT: (Ah!) RISN (Hey!) AUNT: Hello, Risn! Youre welcome. RISN: (How are you? ) AUNT: How are you? RISN: Fine, thanks. How are you? AUNT: Did you have a nice day in town? RISN: Great, good, yeah... AUNT: Oh, youre looking lovely! How are you? GIRL 1: Are you wearing this? Do you want to wear this? What is this? GIRL 2: (Its OK?) RISN: Maybe this one here RISN (off): I have many friends but Risn and Naessa are my best friends. GIRL 1: (Or even No?) RISN: Ive known them for many years, and we do everything together. GIRL: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Well cover your face. Thatll be good for you! GIRL 2: Sod off! RISN (off): I know it sounds strange, but Im telling the truth when I say we never, ever fight. GIRL: (You look beautiful) RISN (off): I have two more years left in school, before I move on to college and I will miss the teachers and my friends when I leave. GIRL 2. I believe you GIRL 1: No, seriously RISN: Well, were all ready to go to the cinema now, and were going to meet up with some of our other friends there. Hi! THE GIRLS: Hello! FRIENDS: Hi! Hi! RISN: Well, OK. I leave you here now = Fgtha m anseo sibh. Its been great talking to you. Bye! So long!


-This morning Im gonna make you a fried breakfast and Ill show you some of the ingredients here. -Two different types of sausages. These sausages are pork and leek sausages and theyre the most delicious sausages Ive ever tasted. Theyre just the best! -This bacon is also absolutely delicious.




-Something else you might not have seen before is black pudding. This is a traditional Scottish delicacy. -And it is made from sheep bits and its soaked in the blood of the sheep. Obviously it wouldnt be a fry-up without eggs and tomato. -The first thing Ive got to do is to turn the heat on for the frying pan. -And now what Im going to do, is stab the sausages, because otherwise theyll burst open, down here, when they go in the heat. -Im doing the sausages first because they take the longest to cook and I dont want to be waiting for them when everything else is ready. -Every now and then you have to check that its not burning, because that doesnt really taste very nice. -Now Im going to cook the black pudding. If you look at it you see that it has got skin on it. But you have to leave the skin on, because if you dont leave it on, then the thing falls to bits, when you put it in the frying-pan. -Well leave that to cook for a while. -Well, now Im going to put the bacon in, so were nearly done. -Ill take the bacon and Ill just put that in. And while thats cooking itself, Ill go and get my rolls. -Now Im going to make some room in the pan, so Ive got space for my eggs and my tomatoes. -So if you use a wee bit of butter, just like that, it tastes so much better. -Let the butter melt and now we can throw the eggs in. -Just to keep it hot well cover it all with a lid. -Well, Ive cooked all that food but I forgot my vegetables, so Ill put the tomatoes in just now and put that back on to the heat. -And so were nearly there. -Well, it looks like its about ready now. So Ill take it over here and see how I can manage to fit it into my plate. -I put an egg in each bun and Ill have a bit of bacon with that. -And I need to close them, so theres room on the plate for the rest. -Well, now that Ive got everything ready I can take the skin off the pudding. Here you go and now you can sit down and start to eat. -A meal like this will keep me going for the whole day!

-Hello! Now Im going to make BLT; bacon, lettuce, tomato, on toast. I make that sometimes after school, because it is easy to make and fast. -So now I have to grab a few things from the fridge. -The ingredients you need are: lettuce, tomatoes, some bread, bacon, cheese and of course some mayonnaise. -Now we have to turn on the grill. We turn it to about 250. -Now well toast the bread. - OK, well cut up some lettuce. OK, that should be enough. -Then youll cut up your tomato. You cut it in four slices. OK -And then you need to grate some cheese. -Oh, the toast is ready! -You see, nice and brown. -Then you put some mayonnaise on it. OK. Thats the mayonnaise. Spread it like this, and over here. -Then you just get your lettuce. You put the lettuce on first, just put it nice, just a bit. And then you just put the tomatoes on, four, thats one in every corner. Beep, beep -Oh, the bacon should be ready now! -OK, you just get the bacon and you place it on top. One here and one here. -Now, theres just one more thing left for me to do. Now, well just sprinkle some cheese on the top. I put lots of cheese, just like this. Its very messy. -You just take this slice and you put it back under the grill again. -You just leave it there for another few minutes and let the cheese melt. -I just take this with me now because I think its ready. -It is. Just put this on top and you bite into it. -Uh, hot! It is really hot!





Transparncia 1 Holidays
Esta transparncia enquadra-se na explorao temtica da unidade 0, Holidays, e poder ser utilizada pelo professor, inicialmente, como motivao para a unidade ou quando esta temtica j tiver sido explorada, para testar e consolidar os conhecimentos dos alunos relativamente ao vocabulrio adquirido. Para alm dos diversos tipos de frias, o professor poder, ainda, pedir aos alunos que identifiquem ou imaginem objectos com elas relacionados, o estado do tempo, etc.

Transparncia 2 Sports
semelhana da transparncia anterior, esta transparncia tambm visa a explorao ou a consolidao dos nomes das vrias actividades/desportos e respectivos equipamentos. Em alternativa, o professor poder ainda, a partir das imagens, levar os alunos a manifestarem os seus interesses e preferncias em relao a prticas desportivas e actividades de lazer.

Transparncia 3 Technologies
Para alm da identificao dos diversos equipamentos tecnolgicos, o professor pode organizar um brainstorming em que solicita aos alunos que indiquem adjectivos e/ou verbos que associam s diversas tecnologias representadas nas imagens. Posteriormente, podero ainda escrever uma frase para cada imagem utilizando o vocabulrio sistematizado.

Transparncia 4 What can you buy here?

Com a apresentao desta transparncia, o professor poder relembrar os nomes das diversas lojas e colocar aos alunos a questo What can you buy here? para verificar a aquisio de vocabulrio relacionado com comidas, bebidas e at outros produtos.

Transparncia 5 Going to the supermarket

Esta transparncia visa, sobretudo, exercitar os diversos containers, mas poder tambm ser canalizada para a identificao de countable e uncountable nouns. O professor poder tambm pedir aos alunos que escrevam e representem um dilogo relacionado com as compras de supermercado.




Transparncia 6 Where to eat?

Como complemento s imagens do Manual, o professor encontrar nesta transparncia imagens para explorar a identificao dos diversos eating places associados cultura britnica e americana. O professor poder, ainda, explorar a transparncia questionando os alunos sobre os locais que costumam frequentar e com quem, quais os seus favoritos ou que gostariam de experimentar e o tipo de comida que cada um oferece.

Transparncia 7 What are they wearing?

Esta transparncia surge aqui enquadrada na temtica das roupas, abordada na unidade 3, Fashion File, e visa sobretudo, consolidar a capacidade dos alunos para descrever as roupas das pessoas e identificar estilos. No entanto, tambm poder ser utilizada para rever a descrio fsica, colocando o professor a questo: What do they look like? -.

Transparncia 8 British Press

Em relao a esta transparncia, o professor poder optar por pedir aos alunos que identifiquem as diferentes seces de jornal em que podero encontrar estas notcias, bem como o tipo de jornal em que acham provvel encontr-las popular or quality paper ou, por outro lado, aproveitar as notcias apresentadas e proceder sua explorao oral e/ou escrita.

Transparncia 9 Radio
Esta transparncia apresenta uma grelha de programao de rdio que poder ser aproveitada para expandir o tratamento deste mass media, um pouco menos explorado no Manual. Os alunos podero tentar explicar de que tipo de programas de rdio se trata, manifestar preferncias, fazer sugestes e comparar com a rdio portuguesa.

Transparncia 10 Festivities File

Esta transparncia sobre a temtica das festividades poder ser apresentada aos alunos como warming-up s celebraes apresentadas no Manual, relembrando assim os alunos de outras datas festivas que no constam no mesmo ou ento, o professor poder optar por explor-la a propsito de uma outra celebrao, em relao qual no consta nenhum material no Manual, mas que em virtude do calendrio lectivo, lhe dar jeito abordar. Poder, ainda ser feita a diviso entre celebraes relacionadas com a cultura americana e celebraes relacionadas com a cultura britnica.





Unit 1 Comprehension File Teens and mobile phones Melissa, 12, Liverpool I believe I cant do anything without my mobile phone. Its got all my numbers on, my info and I cant call my mates without it. The only thing is the amount of money I spend on it... But I love my little mobile phone and I cant go anywhere without it. Rachel, 13, Grantham The must-have item for everyone is a mobile phone, but I think that only mature people should have one. I cant agree with the idea that children must have one. They are just wasting money and time and it can damage their health. Lots of teens take them to school but I dont see the real need for that as schools will phone home if there are any problems. Stephen, 15, Antrim I agree. Mobiles are addictive. Mobiles are cool, but they are so dangerous and once you get one you cant put it down. In my case, Im not addicted to my mobile but I always have it with me so that I feel safe. Simon, 13, London My mobile phone is always on. I charge it up every night. I am always texting, but never phone people. Texting is so much better. Texting is so addictive, once you start you just cant stop.

Thanksgiving Day Song: Thanksgiving by Sara Jordan

You see, when the Pilgrims came to the New World, They worked very hard to grow crops of food. After much hardship, they met with success And were in a festive mood. The first year they settled was very harsh Over half of the Pilgrims died They owed their thanks to a native Indian, Squanto, who kept them alive.




3. Regulao do Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Reading
A. Read Margueritas letter to her Irish pen friend, Nora.

18th September 2007 Dear Nora, I loved your postcard from the Bahamas. Sorry, I didnt write sooner but I was away on my summer holiday when it arrived. Then I had to get ready to go back to school, so I didnt have much time to write to all my friends, but Im going to do it now. My summer holiday was terrific. In July I went to Portugal with my family. My uncle lives in the Algarve and we also have a flat there. My cousins and I are about the same age, so we always have a great time together. Some friends of ours invited us to go on a boat trip to the caves along the coast and I found it really amazing. Then I spent three weeks in an international school at Bradfield in England to improve my English. I became much more confident and I made lots of friends from different parts of the world. It may seem a bit boring because we had classes but I didnt find it boring at all. Classes started at 9.00 and finished at 12.30 and we enjoyed ourselves a lot because we learned things in a funny way. We made videos and wrote magazine articles among other things. After lunch we had drama, arts and crafts, treasure hunt or we went for a short walk. Later we played sports like tennis, baseball, volleyball or football. Sometimes we went swimming too. In the evening we could watch films, organise a karaoke or take part in one of the many special nights they prepared for us. At the weekend we always had a barbecue when the weather was nice (unfortunately it was a bit rainy on the last week) and on Saturday night we all went to the discos. Every Friday we went in a trip to a famous British city and I took the chance to buy lots of souvenirs and some nice clothes too. Britain has wonderful scenery and I was really impressed with London, Oxford and Cambridge. I wish I could study at one of those universities some day. Maybe next year I will go to an international school in Ireland. Ive already talked to my parents about that and they say they will see what they can do. Perhaps we could meet then. I will tell you about it later. Please write and tell me more about yourself. How is the new school year going? Love from, Marguerita



B. True (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements. 1. Marguerita spent her summer holidays in the Bahamas. 2. Marguerita went to Portugal for the first time. 3. She spent some weeks abroad on a summer course. 4. She didnt like the idea of having classes during the summer. 5. She asked her parents to visit Nora next summer holiday. C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Why didnt Marguerita write sooner? 2. Where did she spend her summer holiday? 3. Did she like being at an international school? Justify your answer with a sentence from the text. 4. What kind of activities did she have there? 5. What are her plans for next year?

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Choose the right word. 1. Marguerita spent a month in the Algarve with her / hers family. 2. Look at this flat on the photo. Its their / theirs. 3. Is this boy here a friend of your / yours? No, thats my / mine cousin Carlos. 4. My cousins and I travelled by boat with some friends of our / ours. B. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. Last Friday all the students _________ (travel) by coach to Oxford. We __________ (start) our visit in the Ashmolean Museum and then we _______ (go) to St. Martins Church but we _________ (not / see) the church. We just _______ (see) Carfax Tower because they ________ (demolish) all the rest to build a wider road there. After that, they _______ (drive) us to Oxford. ______ (you / know) that they _______ (found) some of its colleges in the XIII and XIV centuries? I ______ (be) really impressed with those old buildings. C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My parents decided __________ (send) me on a summer course in Britain. 2. Im planning _________ (attend) a summer course in Ireland next year. 3. I want _________ (become) an English teacher. 4. I expect ________ (improve) my English conversation. 5. She hopes _______ (get) good marks and go to the university.

III Interaction
Imagine you are one of Margueritas pen friends. Write a postcard telling her about your summer holidays.



IV Production: Writing
Write a text about the beginning of your new school year. You can mention: when it started; your first impressions of teachers, subjects, activities, etc. the friends you met; your plans for the new year.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Reading
A. Read Margueritas letter to her Irish pen friend, Nora.

18th September 2007 Dear Nora, I loved your postcard from the Bahamas. Sorry, I didnt write sooner but I was away on my summer holiday when it arrived. Then I had to get ready to go back to school, so I didnt have much time to write to all my friends but Im going to do it now. My summer holiday was terrific. In July I went to Portugal with my family. My uncle lives in the Algarve and we also have a flat there. My cousins and I are about the same age, so we always have a great time together. Some friends of ours invited us to go on a boat trip to the caves along the coast and I found it really amazing. Then I spent three weeks in an international school at Bradfield in England to improve my English. I became much more confident and I made lots of friends from different parts of the world. It may seem a bit boring because we had classes but I didnt find it boring at all. Classes started at 9.00 and finished at 12.30 and we enjoyed ourselves a lot because we learned things in a funny way. We made videos and wrote magazine articles among other things. After lunch we had drama, arts and crafts, treasure hunt or we went for a short walk. Later we played sports like tennis, baseball, volleyball or football. Sometimes we went swimming too. In the evening we could watch films, organise a karaoke or take part in one of the many special nights they prepared for us. At the weekend we always had a barbecue when the weather was nice (unfortunately it was a bit rainy in the last week) and on Saturday night we all went to the discos. Every Friday we went on a trip to a famous British city and I took the chance to buy lots of souvenirs and some nice clothes too. Britain has wonderful scenery and I was really impressed with London, Oxford and Cambridge. I wish I could study at one of those universities some day. Maybe next year I will go to an international school in Ireland. Ive already talked to my parents about that and they say they will see what they can do. Perhaps we could meet then. I will tell you about it later. Please write and tell me more about yourself. How is the new school year going? Love from, Marguerita



B. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Why didnt Marguerita write sooner? 2. Where did she spend her summer holiday? 3. Did she like being at an international school? Justify your answer with a sentence from the text. 4. What kind of activities did she have there?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

C. Complete the sentences according to the ideas of the text. 1. She spent the first month of her holiday ___________________________________________________. 2. They had English lessons from _________________________________________________________. 3. Classes werent boring because ________________________________________________________. 4. At the end of the day they could ________________________________________________________.

II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Choose the right word. 1. Marguerita spent a month in the Algarve with her / hers family. 2. Look at this flat on the photo. Its their / theirs. 3. Is this boy here a friend of your / yours? No, thats my / mine cousin Carlos. 4. My cousins and I travelled by boat with some friends of our / ours. B. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Last Friday all the students _________ (travel) by coach to Oxford. We __________ (start) our visit in the Ashmolean Museum and then we _______ (go) to St. Martins Church but we _________ (not / see) the church. We just _______ (see) Carfax Tower because they ________ (demolish) all the rest to build a wider road there. After that, they _______ (drive) us to Oxford university. ______ (you / know) that they _______ (found) some of its colleges in the XIII and XIV centuries? I ______ (become) really impressed with those old buildings. C. Complete the sentences with one of these verbs in the correct form: attend, send, get, become, improve. 1. My parents decided __________ me on a summer course in Britain. 2. Im planning _________ a summer course in Ireland next year. 3. I want _________ an English teacher. 4. I expect ________ my English conversation. 5. She hopes _______ good marks and go to the university.

III Interaction
Imagine you are one of Margueritas pen friends. Write a postcard telling her about your summer holidays.

IV Production: Writing
Write a text about the beginning of your new school year.




Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen carefully to the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words. Todays American (1)___________ live in a world enveloped by communication (2) ___________; the Internet and (3) ____________ have become a central force that fuels the rhythm of daily life. The number of teenagers using the Internet has grown 24% in the past four years and 87% of those between the ages of 12 and 17 are online. Compared to four years ago, teens use of the Internet has intensified and they log on more often and do more things when they are (4)__________. Among other things, there has been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play (5)___________ on the Internet, get news, shop online, and get health (6)___________.



B. Read the text carefully. Todays American teens live in a world enveloped by communication technologies; the Internet and cell phones have become a central force that fuels the rhythm of daily life. The number of teenagers using the Internet has grown 24% in the past four years and 87% of those between the ages of 12 and 17 are online. Compared to four years ago, teens use of the Internet has intensified and they log on more often and do more things when they are online. Among other things, there has been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games on the Internet, get news, shop online and get health information. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies that teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment desires has grown. These technologies consist of a variety of methods and channels by which young people can communicate with one another as well as with their parents and other authorities. To them, e-mail is increasingly seen as a tool for communicating with adults such as teachers, institutions like schools, and as a way of giving detailed information to large groups. IM (Instant Message), however, is used for everyday conversations with multiple friends. It is easier and it is also used as a place of personal expression. Young people are leading the transition to a fully wired and mobile nation with all its advantages and disadvantages.
in www.pewinternet.org (abridged and adapted)



C. Match both columns according to the ideas of the text. 1. Nowadays teens 2. The percentage of teens using the Internet 3. Young people use the Internet for different things such as 4. The e-mail is mainly used 5. With friends, young people

a) has increased a lot in the past few years. b) for longer communication with grown-ups. c) prefer to use IM. d) shopping, games and information. e) cant live without communication technologies.

D. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Give the text a title. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the relationship between teens and the Internet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of things do they do there? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do they sometimes prefer the IM service? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Look at the pictures and finish the sentences using the verb given and the appropriate reflexive pronoun. Make the necessary verb changes.





1. We are ___________ 2. The woman _________ 3. The little boy _______. 4. The students are______ a lot. after the conference. ___________on the video. B. Circle the correct verb tense. 1. I have called you a thousand times and you wont leave that computer. What do you do / are you doing? Sorry, mum. I finish / am finishing my research work and I need to get some information from the Net. 2. They go / are going on a school trip on Thursday morning. 3. He always gets / is getting things ready in advance but this time it was absolutely impossible. 4. Jeff! Your mobile phone rings / is ringing. Please, answer it. 5. We think / are thinking that computers are an amazing discovery. We use / are using them every day and we cant live without them. 6. You should be ashamed! You dont pay / are not paying attention to what I say / am saying right now because you send / are sending an IM. Sorry, Mr Brown. It wont happen again. C. Fill in the gaps with a modal verb in the negative or affirmative form: should/shouldnt; can/cannot; may/may not; would/wouldnt; must/mustnt. 1. Sorry, but I ______ help you to solve this. You will have to call a technician. (lack of capacity) 2. He _______ spend so many hours surfing the Net. He will become addicted. (advice) 3. _______ you like to watch these new DVDs at my place? (invitation) 4. I ________ go out tonight. I am grounded for a week. (impossibility) 5. She _________ learn how to use a computer. Otherwise she will lose her job. (necessity)

III Interaction
Imagine that you are going to a friends house after school and you are going to arrive home late because you have a group project. Send your parents an e-mail to inform them about it.

IV Production: Writing
Explain your point of view about the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen to the text carefully and fill in the gaps with the missing words. Todays American (1) ___________ live in a world enveloped by communication (2) ___________; the Internet and (3)____________ have become a central force that fuels the rhythm of daily life. The number of teenagers using the Internet has grown (4) ____________ in the past four years and (5)___________of those between the ages of 12 and 17 are online. Compared to four years ago, teens use of the Internet has intensified and they log on more often and do more things when they are (6)__________. Among other things, there has been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play (7)___________ on the Internet, get news, shop online, and get health (8)___________.



B. Read the text carefully. Todays American teens live in a world enveloped by communication technologies; the Internet and cell phones have become a central force that fuels the rhythm of daily life. The number of teenagers using the Internet has grown 24% in the past four years and 87% of those between the ages of 12 and 17 are online. Compared to four years ago, teens use of the Internet has intensified and they log on more often and do more things when they are online. Among other things, there has been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games on the Internet, get news, shop online and get health information. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies that teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment desires has grown. These technologies consist of a variety of methods and channels by which young people can communicate with one another as well as with their parents and other authorities. To them, e-mail is increasingly seen as a tool for communicating with adults such as teachers, institutions like schools, and as a way of giving detailed information to large groups. IM (Instant Message), however, is used for everyday conversations with multiple friends. It is easier and it is also used as a place of personal expression. Young people are leading the transition to a fully wired and mobile nation with all its advantages and disadvantages.
in www.pewinternet.org (abridged and adapted)



C. Match both columns according to the ideas of the text. 1. Nowadays teens 2. The percentage of teens using the Internet 3. Young people use the Internet for different things such as 4. The e-mail is mainly used 5. With friends, young people

a) has increased a lot in the past few years. b) for longer communication with grown-ups. c) prefer to use IM. d) shopping, games and information. e) cant live without communication technologies.

D. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Give the text a title. Justify your choice. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the relationship between teens and the Internet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of things do they do there? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do they sometimes prefer the IM service? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you agree with the last sentence of the text? Justify your answer. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. What about you? How important is the Internet and the mobile phone in your life? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



II Ability to Learn Language Use

A. Look at the pictures and finish the sentences using a verb from the box and the appropriate reflexive pronoun. Make the necessary verb changes. look hurt introduce amuse

1. We are ___________ 2. The woman _________ 3. The little boy _______. 4. The students are______ a lot. after the conference. ___________on the video. B. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1. I have called you a thousand times and you wont leave that computer. What _________ (you / do)? Sorry, mum. I __________ (finish) my research work and I need to get some information from the Net. 2. They __________ (go) on a school trip on Thursday morning. 3. He always________ (get) things ready in advance but this time it was absolutely impossible. 4. Jeff! Your mobile phone_______ (ring). Please, answer it. 5. We ________ (think) that computers are an amazing discovery. We ________ (use) them every day and we cant live without them. 6. You should be ashamed! You _________(not / pay) attention to what I _________ (say) right now because you _________ (send) an IM. Sorry, Mr Brown. It wont happen again. C. Fill in the gaps with a modal verb in the negative or affirmative form: should/shouldnt; can/cannot; may/may not; would/wouldnt; must/mustnt. 1. Sorry, but I ______ help you to solve that problem with your computer. You will have to call a technician. 2. He _______ spend so many hours surfing the Net. He will become addicted. 3. _______ you like to watch these new DVDs at my place? 4. I ________ go out tonight. I am grounded for a week. 5. She _________ learn how to use a computer. Otherwise she will lose her job.

III Interaction
Imagine that you are going to a friends house after school and you are going to arrive home late because you have a group project. Send your parents an e-mail to inform them about it.

IV Production: Writing
Explain your point of view about the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Reading
A. Read the texts carefully. Teen diet isnt all junk food Young people know how to eat wisely, and many do, though its hard to resist temptations. A walk through the food court of any shopping mall confirms the worst reports about teens eating habits: kids share cartons of French fries, bite into cheeseburgers, eat slices of pizza and drink jumbo cups of soda. Stop and talk to teenagers, though, and many say that they eat junk food mainly when theyre out of their parents sight, especially when theyre hanging out with friends. They have learned what it means to eat healthily, they say, even though they often dont choose to do so. Lets read what they say. I usually skip breakfast and have chips, cookies, candy and soda, bought from school vending machines, for lunch. I often go to a carryout restaurant after school for French fries, fried rice and egg rolls. Dinner at home tends to be much healthier, including baked chicken and rice. I know my mom would prefer that I eat healthier meals. But I dont have time to eat healthy and junk food is often the quickest way to satisfy my hunger when Im on the go and thats common among busy teenagers.
Porscha Hall


I am a big fresh-fruit eater, which is unusual, I admit, for a 15-year-old. I love citrus fruit, apples, nectarines and mango. I usually come home around three and I have a vegetable salad. I know I do this thanks to my parents mealtime routines. When I eat out I also try to choose the most healthy dishes but I cant resist some delicious desserts.
Roy Patel


I enjoy chips, pizza, candy and hot sausages but my moms rule of eating a salad with every meal sticks. I try to do what my mom does with vegetables and stuff. I know its good for me. Sometimes I have a choice not to eat a salad, but Ill take it anyway. Im not a big fried-food eater too and my mom typically keeps fresh fruits in the house which helps me to keep good eating habits.
Rashida Ross By January W. Payne, Washington Post Staff Writer (abridged and adapted)




B. Who says what? 1. I try to follow my mothers attitudes towards food. 2. My eating habits are a little different. 3. My parents have certain habits related to meals that have helped me. 4. Im often in a hurry and thats why I choose this type of food. 5. I like junk food but I try to eat healthy things too. 6. I dont have all the meals I should.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Whats the usual impression of teens eating habits? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. According to the writer when do teens tend to opt for junk food? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In your opinion whats wrong with Porschas eating habits? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Find three good eating habits mentioned by Roy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Make conditional sentences with the given parts. 1. If she ________ (eat) too much junk food, she will have some health problems later. 2. If teens followed their parents advice, they ________ (have) healthier eating habits. 3. If I ________ (not / go) to the mall so often, I wouldnt buy so much fast food. 4. If we drink too much caffeine, we ________ (have) a bad nights sleep. 5. I wont give you more money if you ________ (not / use) it to buy food at school. B. Fill in the gaps with a relative pronoun: which, whose, who, when, where. 1. All the teens_______ were in the mall answered the quiz about eating habits. 2. The burger bar ________ I had lunch today has opened recently. 3. The yellow box _______ is in the fridge is full of vegetables. 4. The teens _______ parents are fat tend to be fat too. 5. Do you remember the day ______ I cooked for the first time? What a disaster! C. Complete the table with the degrees of adjectives.
Adjective Comparative of Superiority Comparative of Equality Superlative

cheap good easy delicious fat



III Interaction
Today Rashida is having lunch in a pizzeria. Complete the dialogue between the waiter and Rashida. Waiter: Good afternoon. _________________________________________? Rashida: Yes, please. Could you bring the menu, please? Waiter: Are you ready to order? Rashida: ______________________________________________________ __ . Waiter: _________________________________________________________? Rashida: Could you bring me a can of coke, please. Waiter: _________________________________________________________? Rashida: Ill have strawberries with cream, please. Rashida: ________________________________________________________? Waiter: Here you are. Waiter: Thanks.

IV Production: Writing
Write a text about your own eating habits. Dont forget to mention: meals at home and at school; positive and negative things related to your eating habits; your favourite type of food, dishes, etc.; usual eating places.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Reading
A. Read the texts carefully. Teen diet isnt all junk food Young people know how to eat wisely, and many do, though its hard to resist temptations. A walk through the food court of any shopping mall confirms the worst reports about teens eating habits: kids share cartons of French fries, bite into cheeseburgers, eat slices of pizza and drink jumbo cups of soda. Stop and talk to teenagers, though, and many say that they eat junk food mainly when theyre out of their parents sight, especially when theyre hanging out with friends. They have learned what it means to eat healthily, 5 they say, even though they often dont choose to do so. Lets read what they say. I usually skip breakfast and have chips, cookies, candy and soda, bought from school vending machines, for lunch. I often go to a carryout restaurant after school for French fries, fried rice and egg rolls. Dinner at home tends to be much healthier, including baked chicken and rice. I know my mom would prefer that I eat healthier meals. But I dont have time to eat healthy and 10 junk food is often the quickest way to satisfy my hunger when Im on the go and thats common among busy teenagers.
Porscha Hall

I am a big fresh-fruit eater, which is unusual, I admit, for a 15-year-old. I love citrus fruit, apples, nectarines and mango. I usually come home around three and I have a vegetable salad. I know I do this thanks to my parents mealtime routines. When I eat out I also 15 try to choose the most healthy dishes but I cant resist some delicious desserts.
Roy Patel

I enjoy chips, pizza, candy and hot sausages but my moms rule of eating a salad with every meal sticks. I try to do what my mom does with vegetables and stuff. I know its good for me. Sometimes I have a choice not to eat a salad, but Ill take it anyway. 20 Im not a big fried-food eater too and my mom typically keeps fresh fruits in the house which helps me to keep good eating habits.
Rashida Ross By January W. Payne, Washington Post Staff Writer (abridged and adapted)



B. Who says what? 1. I try to follow my mothers attitudes towards food. 2. My eating habits are a little different. 3. My parents have certain habits related to meals that have helped me. 4. Im often in a hurry and thats why I choose this type of food. 5. I like junk food but I try to eat healthy things too. 6. I dont have all the meals I should.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

C. Answer the questions about the text. 1. Whats the usual impression of teens eating habits? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. According to the writer when do teens tend to opt for junk food? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In your opinion whats wrong with Porschas eating habits? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Find three good eating habits mentioned by Roy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Rashida may eat some junk food but there is a rule she must follow. What is it __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. What about you? Do you usually follow your parents advice about food? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. First Conditional 1. If / she / eat / too much junk food / she / have / some health problems / later. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. If / we / drink / too much caffeine / we / have / a bad nights sleep. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. I / not give / you / more money / if / you / not use / it to buy food at school. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Second Conditional 4. If / teens / follow / their parents advice / they / have / healthier eating habits. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Teens / opt / for better food / if / they / have / more time. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. If / I / not go / to the mall so often / I / not buy / so much fast food. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



B. Rewrite the sentences using a relative pronoun. 1. All the teens answered the quiz about eating habits. They were in the mall. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The burger bar has opened recently. I had lunch there today. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The yellow box is full of vegetables. It is in the fridge. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The teens tend to be fat. Their parents are fat too. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you remember that day? I cooked for the first time on that occasion. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Complete the table with the degrees of adjectives.
Adjective Comparative of Superiority Comparative of Equality Superlative

cheap good easy delicious fat

III Interaction
Today Rashida is having lunch in a pizzeria. What does the waiter say. Waiter: Good afternoon. _______________________________________? Rashida: Yes, please. Could you bring the menu, please? Waiter: _____________________________________________________? Rashida: Id like a piece of pizza no. 36 with mushrooms and pineapple and some salad, please. Waiter: _____________________________________________________? Rashida: Could you bring me a can of coke, please. Waiter: _____________________________________________________? Rashida: Ill have strawberries with cream, please. Rashida: Could you bring the check, please? Waiter: _____________________________________________________? Waiter: _____________________________________________________?

IV Production: Writing
Write a text about your own eating habits.




Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen to a teenager talking about the influence of designer labels on young people and take some notes to complete the table.
Name Age School year School name School groups



B. Read the text carefully. Designer labels Hi! My name is Jonathan Dean. Im 14 and Im in the 8th grade. Every day, I walk through my school, Cross Keys, in Atlanta, Georgia, passing the endless groups and gangs that surround us. A band of Goths, a collection of Townies, a group of Rockers. We are all labelled Townie, Goth, Skater, Geek or a Rocker and it happens as soon as we leave kindergarten or primary school. We are thrown into the brutal, strange, worrying world of high school and fashion. Our tastes develop, interests change and we want to show we are almost grown ups. Sometimes even friends grow apart and there are new responsibilities, new ways of classifying people, a sector for every type of person according to the way they dress and the tastes they have. Although I feel this is a bad thing, I cant escape it. There are some classmates of mine who are proud of belonging to a group. Proud to be different they say but is it really so? Why do we allow ourselves to be driven into a band of similar people or to be victims of fashion? The main reason I find is based on our musical interests that influence what we wear. Rock, Punk, Dance, R&B, Metal. Just a few of the music types that boom from our stereos, PCs and Mp3s.These, I believe, control and dominate our style, our tasteeven our way of life. Another thing is the fear of being ridiculed for liking something that to others is not cool or right. There are some who want to be their own person and refuse to belong to these groups. I dont want to be a sheep, I want to be a new sort of person. Ill do my own thing and live my own life they say. They try not to be part of all the mad, crazy world of designer labels. Maybe someday Ill have the courage to do the same. C. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements. 1. Jonathan is worried about being labelled. 2. He thinks that we start to be victims of designer labels in the kindergarten. 3. He blames music for controlling teens lives. 4. He would like to change his attitude towards designer labels.



_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

D. Answer the questions about the text. 1. What is Jonathan criticizing about the world of teens? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. In his opinion, what changes when students move to high school? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. According to him, why do teenagers belong to specific groups? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do all teens have the same attitude towards groups? Explain your opinion. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. Do you see your school the same way Jonathan does? Why / Why not? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Fill in the gaps with the missing verb tense: Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. As I was walking in the playground, I_________ (see) a group of students smoking. 2. When I _________(talk) to Susy, someone passed nearby and ______ (call) me Dirty Punk. 3. When I _______ (leave) school, someone pushed me and I ______ (fall). 4. He hurt himself badly while he ________ (skate) at the festival. 5. When I was taking my credit card out of my wallet, a mad guy_________ (point) a gun at us. B. Put the following into reported speech. Start as shown. I dont want to be a sheep, I want to be a new sort of person. Ill do my own thing and live my own life . One of the boys said that _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Write sentences in the Present Perfect. 1. We / try / to fight / against the influence of designer labels on teenagers. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. I / not buy / new clothes / for ages /. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You / do / ever / something really crazy / ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. She / just / bring / you / some new shirts / . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. They / not arrive / from the mall / yet /. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

III Interaction
Imagine that you are in a chat room answering Jonathans worries. What would you tell him?

IV Production: Writing
Write a text about your relationship with fashion. Dont forget to mention: your shopping habits; how you get the money to go shopping; your style and favourite things.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen to a teenager talking about the influence of designer labels on young people and take some notes to complete the table.
Name Age School year School name Where he lives School groups



B. Read the text carefully. Designer labels Hi! My name is Jonathan Dean. Im 14 and Im in the 8th grade. Every day, I walk through my school, Cross Keys, in Atlanta, Georgia, passing the endless groups and gangs that surround us. A band of Goths, a collection of Townies, a group of Rockers. We are all labelled Townie, Goth, Skater, Geek or a Rocker and it happens as soon as we leave kindergarten or primary school. We are thrown into the brutal, strange, worrying world of high school and fashion. Our tastes develop, interests change and we want to show we are almost grown ups. Sometimes even friends grow apart and there are new responsibilities, new ways of classifying people, a sector for every type of person according to the way they dress and the tastes they have. Although I feel this is a bad thing, I cant escape it. There are some classmates of mine who are proud of belonging to a group. Proud to be different they say but is it really so? Why do we allow ourselves to be driven into a band of similar people or to be victims of fashion? The main reason I find is based on our musical interests that influence what we wear. Rock, Punk, Dance, R&B, Metal. Just a few of the music types that boom from our stereos, PCs and Mp3s.These, I believe, control and dominate our style, our tasteeven our way of life. Another thing is the fear of being ridiculed for liking something that to others is not cool or right. There are some who want to be their own person and refuse to belong to these groups. I dont want to be a sheep, I want to be a new sort of person. Ill do my own thing and live my own life they say. They try not to be part of all the mad, crazy world of designer labels. Maybe someday Ill have the courage to do the same. C. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Support your choices with sentences from the text. 1. Jonathan is worried about being labelled. _____________________________________ 2. He thinks that we start to be victims of designer labels in the kindergarten. _____________________________________ 3. In his opinion everybody should belong to a group. _____________________________________ 4. He blames music for controlling teens lives. _____________________________________ 5. He would like to change his attitude towards designer labels. _____________________________________ D. Answer the questions about the text. 1. What is Jonathan criticizing about the world of teens? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. In his opinion, what changes when students move to high school? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. According to him, why do teenagers belong to specific groups? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do all the teens have the same attitude towards groups? Explain your opinion. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. Do you see your school the same way Jonathan does? Why / Why not? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1. As I _________ (walk) in the playground, I_________ (see) a group of students smoking. 2. When I _________(talk) to Susy, someone _________ (pass) nearby and ______ (call) me Dirty Punk. 3. When I _______ (leave) school, someone _______ (push) me and I ______ (fall). 4. He ________ (hurt) himself badly while he ________ (skate) at the festival. 5. When I _______ (take) my credit card out of my wallet, a mad guy_________ (point) a gun at us. B. Put the following into reported speech. Start as shown. I dont want to be a sheep, I want to be a new sort of person. Ill do my own thing and live my own life . One of the students said that ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Write sentences in the Present Perfect. 1. We / try / to fight / against the influence of designer labels on teenagers. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. I / not buy / new clothes / for ages /. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You / do / ever / something really crazy / ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. She / just / bring / you / some new shirts / . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. They / not arrive / from the mall / yet /. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

III Interaction
Imagine that you are in a chat room answering back to Jonathans worries. What would you tell him?

IV Production: Writing
Write a text about your relationship with fashion. Dont forget to mention: your shopping habits; how you get the money to go shopping; your style and favourite things.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen to the news item, take notes and complete the diagram. Part of the information is listed below. Put it in the correct place and complete the missing parts.

Headline: __________________________________________

Where? ____________________________________

Who? ____________________________

What? ____________________________________________

When? __________________________

Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack . Three lifeguards and a teenager A white shark was nearby and the dolphins swam around the swimmers to protect them from the sharks attack.



B. Read this news item carefully.

in http://news.bbc.co.uk (adapted)

C. Pick out sentences from the text with the same meaning as the ones below. 1. According to specialists dolphins often adopt a protective behaviour. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The shark was quietly waiting for the best opportunity to attack. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The dolphins made a lot of noise to send the shark away. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. It will be a memorable experience for them. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Complete the sentences according to the ideas of the text. 1. We were training in the sea when a _____________________________________. 2. We waited in the water for __________________________________________ __. 3. Suddenly _____________________ appeared and made a protective circle around us.



II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: about, on, of, with, at. Some are used more than once. 1. Im proud ____ my daughter because she didnt panic. 2. I am worried ____ these attacks on the beach. 3. I agree ____ the specialists when they say there are more attacks by man on sharks than the opposite. 4. They depend ____ other species to survive and they are becoming extinct. 5. The show was hilarious and they laughed a lot _____ its jokes. 6. My colleague looked ____ me without knowing what to do. 7. Im fond ____ all animals except snakes and sharks. B. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. White sharks often attack swimmers. Swimmers _______________________________________ . 2. Dolphins usually adopt a protective behaviour. A protective behaviour__________________________ . C. Make nouns by adding a suffix to the words below and write them in the correct column of the table. library develop report operate original educate save music
-er -or -ian -ist

biology conscious creative weak art transform arrange inform

-ment -ation -ness -ity

III Interaction
Imagine that you are a journalist and you are going to meet Rob Howes, one of the lifeguards involved in this incident. Read his answers and complete the interview with the questions you asked him. J: __________________________________________________? RH: We only noticed the shark when it was 20 metres away from us. J: __________________________________________________? RH: I felt quite uncomfortable even terrified but I tried to stay calm. J: __________________________________________________? RH: I have been a lifeguard at this beach for five years. J: __________________________________________________? RH: No, I have never been attacked by a shark before.

IV Production: Writing
Nowadays its almost impossible to live away from the influence of the media such as the press and television. However, many people criticize the way they are used by young people, especially TV. Write a text about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media.





Name ________________________________________________________________ No. ________ Class _________ Date ____ /___ /____ Prof. _____________________________________________

I Comprehension: Listening/Reading
A. Listen to the news item, take some notes and complete the diagram with the main information.


Where? ____________________________________

Who? ____________________________

What? ____________________________________________

When? __________________________



B. Read this news item carefully.

in http://news.bbc.co.uk (adapted)

C. Pick out sentences from the text with the same meaning as the ones below. 1. According to specialists dolphins often adopt a protective behaviour. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The shark was quietly waiting for the best opportunity to attack. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The dolphins made a lot of noise to send the shark away. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. It will be a memorable experience for them. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. They are sure the dolphins helped lifeguards on purpose. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Complete the sentences according to the ideas of the text. 1. We were training in the sea when a ______________________________________. 2. We waited in the water for ____________________________________________. 3. Suddenly _____________________ appeared and made a protective circle around us. E. In what type of newspaper would you probably find this news item? Why? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


II Ability to Learn: Language Use

A. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. 1. Im proud ____ my daughter because she didnt panic. 2. I am worried ____ these attacks on the beach. 3. I agree ____ the specialists when they say there are more attacks by man on sharks than the opposite. 4. They depend ____ other species to survive and they are becoming extinct. 5. The show was hilarious and they laughed a lot _____ its jokes. 6. My colleague looked ____ me without knowing what to do. 7. Im fond ____ all animals except snakes and sharks. B. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. White sharks often attack swimmers. _________________________________________________ 2. The dolphins usually adopt a protective behaviour. ________________________________________ C. Make nouns by adding a suffix to the words below and write them in the correct column of the table. library develop report operate original educate save music
-er -or -ian -ist

biology conscious creative weak art transform arrange inform

-ment -ation -ness -ity

III Interaction
Imagine that you are a journalist and you are going to meet Rob Howes, one of the lifeguards involved in this incident. Read his answers and complete the interview with the questions you asked him. J: __________________________________________________? RH: We only noticed the shark when it was 20 metres away from us. J: __________________________________________________? RH: I felt quite uncomfortable even terrified but I tried to stay calm. J: __________________________________________________? RH: I have been a lifeguard at this beach for five years. J: __________________________________________________? RH: No, I have never been attacked by a shark before.

IV Production: Writing
Nowadays its almost impossible to live away from the influence of the media such as the press and television. However, many people criticize the way they are used by young people, especially TV. Write a text about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media.




Unit 0 Test A I B. 1. False. Marguerite spent her summer holidays in the Algarve and at Bradfield in England. 2. False. Her cousin lives there and her parents have a flat there. 3. True 4. False. She didnt find classes boring. 5. False. She asked her parents to go on a summer course to Ireland next year. C. 1. She didnt write sooner because she was away during her summer holiday. 2. She spent the month of July in the Algarve and three weeks in a summer course at Bradfield in England. 3. Yes, she did. I became much more confident and I made lots of friends from different parts of the world. 4. There she had English classes, drama, arts and crafts, treasure hunt, different sports, karaoke, barbecues, school trips and they could watch films and go to discos. 5. Next year she would like to take part in another summer course but in Ireland; so that she could meet her pen friend, Nora. II A. 1. her 2. theirs 3. yours; my 4. ours B. travelled; started; went; didnt see; saw; demolished; drove; Did you know; founded; became C. 1. to offer 2. to attend 3. to become 4. to improve 5. to get Unit 0 Test B I See Test A, Activity C. C. 1. in the Algarve. 2. 9 oclock until/ to 12.30. 3. they learned things in a funny way. 4. watch films, organise / karaokes, participate in one of the special nights and go to discos on Saturday night. II A/ B/ C See Test A Unit 1 Test A I A. 1. teens 2. technologies 3. cell phones 4. online 5. games 6. information C. 1. e) 2. a) 3. d) 4. b) 5. c) D. 2. The number of teens using the Internet has intensified. They log on more often and do more things through the Net. 3. They play games, get news, shop online and get health information. 4. Sometimes they prefer the IM service because it is easier and allows personal expression. II A. 1. amusing ourselves 2. introduced herself 3. hurt himself 4. looking at themselves B. 1. are you doing; am finishing 2. are going 3. always gets

4. is ringing 5. think, use 6. are not paying; am saying; are sending C. 1. cannot 2. shouldnt 3. Would 4. may not 5. must Unit 1 Test B I A. 1. teens 2. technologies 3. cell phones 4. 24% 5. 87% 6. online 7. games 8. information C/D See Test A II A/ B/ C See Test A Unit 2 Test A I B. 1. Rashida 2. Roy 3. Roy 4. Porscha 5. Rashida 6. Porscha C. 1. The usual impression is that they eat and drink lots of junk food such as French fries, cheeseburgers, pizza and soda. 2. Teens tend to opt for junk food when they are out of their parents sight and hanging out with friends. 3. Porschas wrong eating habits are: skipping breakfast and eating lots of junk food. 4. The three good eating habits mentioned by Roy are: eating fresh-fruit, eating vegetable salad and opting for healthy dishes when he eats out. II A. 1. eats 2. would have 3. didnt go 4. will get 5. dont use B. 1. who 2. where 3. which 4. whose 5. when C. cheaper / as cheap as/ the cheapest; better / as good as / the best; easier / as easy as / the easiest; more delicious / as delicious as / the most delicious; fatter / as fat as / the fattest III May I help you?; Yes, I would like ; What would you like to drink?; Are you going to eat any of our desserts?; Could you bring the check / bill, please? Unit 2 Test B I B. See Test A C. 1-4 See Test A 5. She must eat a salad with every meal. II A. 1. If she eats too much junk food, she will have some health problems later. 2. If we drink too much caffeine, we will get a bad nights sleep. 3. I will not give you more money if you dont use it to buy food at school. 4. If teens followed their parents advice, they would have healthier eating habits. 5. Teens would opt for better food if they had more time. 6. If I didnt go to the mall so often, I wouldnt buy so much fast food. B. 1. All the teens who were in the mall answered the quiz



about eating habits. 2. The burger bar where I had lunch today has opened recently. 3. The yellow box which is in the fridge is full of vegetables. 4. The teens whose parents are fat tend to be fat too. 5. Do you remember that day when I cooked for the first time? C. See Test A III May I help you?; Are you ready to order?; What would you like to drink?; Are you going to eat any of our desserts? Here you are Miss.; Thank you. Goodbye Unit 3 Test A I A. Jonathan dean; 14; 8th; Cross Keys; Townies, Goths, Skaters, Geeks, Rockers C. 1. True 2. False. when we leave kindergarten or primary school. 3. True 4. True D. 1. Jonathan is criticizing the fact that we are all branded and tend to behave as a group of similar people. 2. When students move to high school they have more responsibilities, their tastes develop, interests change and they want to show they are almost grown ups. They are also more influenced by fashion. 3. According to him, students belong to specific groups because they want to be different, because they are strongly influenced by music and because they are afraid of being ridiculed. 4. No, they dont. Some refuse to belong to a group and want to be their own person and live their own lives. II A. 1. saw 2. was talking; called 3. was leaving; fell 4. was skating 5. pointed B. he didnt want to be a sheep, he wanted to be a new sort of person. He would do his own thing and live his own life. C. 1. We have tried to fight against the influence of bands over teens. 2. I havent bought new clothes for ages. 3. Have you ever done something really crazy? 4. She has just brought some new shirts. 5. They havent arrived from the mall, yet. Unit 3 Test B I A. Jonathan dean; 14; 8th; Cross Keys; Atlanta, Georgia; Townies, Goths, Skaters, Geeks, Rockers C. 1. True. We are all branded - Townie, Goth, Skater, Geek or a Rocker () We are thrown into the brutal, strange, worrying place of high school and fashion. 2. False. and it happens as soon as we leave Kindergarten or primary school. 3. False. Why do we allow ourselves to be driven into a band of similar people or to be victims of fashion? 4. True. These, I believe, control and dominate our style, our tasteeven our way of life. 5. True. Maybe someday Ill have the courage to do the same. II. A. 1. was walking; saw 2. was talking; passed; called 3. was leaving; pushed; fell 4. hurt; was skating 5. was taking; pointed B/C See Test A Unit 4 Test A I A. Headline: Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack; Where?: (at a beach near Whangarei) on the north island in New Zealand; Who?: Three lifeguards and a teenager; What?: A white shark was nearby and the dolphins swam around the swimmers to protect them from the sharks attack; When?: three weeks ago. C. 1. Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in dolphins 2. as the great white waited secretly under the surface to take its best chance 3. the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly slapped the water with their tails, presumably to try to make the predator change its mind 4. It is a day they will never forget. D. 1. white shark menaced us. 2. 40 minutes. 3. a group of dolphins. E. It is most probable to find this type of news in a tabloid because these newspapers like publishing sensationalist news and big adventures. II A. 1. of 2. about 3. with 4. on 5. at 6. at 7. of B. 1. are often attacked by white sharks. 2. is usually adopted by dolphins. C. Developer; reporter; saver; operator; educator; librarian; musician; artist; biologist; development; arrangement; information; transformation; consciousness; weakness; originality; creativity. III When did you notice the shark?; How did you feel in that moment?; How long have you worked here (as a lifeguard)? Have you been attacked by a shark before? Unit 4 Test B I A. See Test A C. 1-4 See Test A 5. They have no doubt that the dolphins acted deliberately to protect them. D. See Test A II A/ B / C See Test A III See Test A


My Class Portfolio



Dear Me Grelha de Registo

Alunos N.o Nome Ano anterior Sentimentos negativos Sentimentos positivos Expectactivas Este ano Comportamento Necessidades de melhoria



Eu e a Lngua Inglesa Grelha de Registo

Alunos N.o Nome Mtodo de estudo Contactos c/ lngua inglesa Caracterizao do aluno Potencialidades Fragilidades Actuao futura Na sala de aula Fora da sala de aula



Grelha de Controlo do Projecto ______________________________ Turma ________ do 8.o Ano

Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3 Grupo 4 Grupo 5




Distribuio de papis





Gesto de recursos


Pesquisa de informao

Seleco e tratamento de informao

Grupo 1 Auto-monitorizao

Grupo 2

Grupo 3

Grupo 4

Grupo 5


Dificuldades sentidas

Avaliao do processo


Reformulao das estratgias Avaliao


Apresentao do projecto

Participao dos alunos



Avaliao final

Escola __________________________________________________________________ 8.o Ano Turma ________

Data ___________

Grelha de Observao Peridica por Competncias Transversais e Especficas

Saber Relacional Desenvolvimento de competncias gerais Saber Aprender Comportamento Funcionamento da lngua Cooperao Solidariedade Compreender Ouvir/Ver/Ler Mobilizao Saberes Culturais Participao nas Actividades Saber Instrumental Desenvolvimento de competncias especficas Interagir Falar/ Escrever Produzir Falar/ Escrever


Apresentao Pontualidade do Material



Matriz Base para os Testes de Avaliao Escrita do 8.o Ano Ano Lectivo ____ /____
Competncias Compreender Ler/Ouvir Identificao de informaes em funo de diversos tipos de texto Produzir Reproduo da informao recolhida Tipologia de exerccios I. Compreenso de um texto baseada em exerccios dos seguintes tipos: A. Exerccio verdadeiro/falso ou de escolha mltipla com justificao da opo ou exerccios de completao (tabela; frases) B. Perguntas de interpretao C. Pergunta de carcter geral (transferncia) II. A. Preenchimento de textos lacunares B. Exerccio de construo de frases ou de transformao frsica a partir de elementos dados III. A. Elaborao de dilogos abertos ou guiados ou formulao de perguntas para respostas dadas, cartas, e-mails, mensagens, postal, preenchimento de formulrios B. Produo de um texto coerente com cerca de 60 palavras a partir das indicaes fornecidas Nvel MUITO BOM: Texto sem erros estruturais, adequado ao tema, apresentando coerncia e coeso, clareza de expresso e boa amplitude de vocabulrio. Nvel BOM: Texto sem erros estruturais graves, adequado ao tema, apresentando coerncia e coeso, clareza de expresso e boa amplitude de vocabulrio. Nvel SUFICIENTE: Texto fiel ao tema, com alguns erros de estrutura, razovel organizao de ideias, expresso s vezes pouco clara, pouca amplitude de vocabulrio, pouca coerncia. Nvel INSUFICIENTE: Texto de acordo com o tema, mas com muitos erros de estrutura, reduzido nmero de palavras, deficiente organizao de ideias, repetio de vocabulrio. Nvel MUITO INSUFICIENTE: Texto desadequado ao tema. II. A. Certo/Errado B. Certo/Parcialmente certo/Errado A. 12% B. 18% II. 30% I. A. Certo/Errado Justificao: adequada/ desadequada B./C. Adequado/Parcialmente adequado/ Desadequado

Durao da Prova __________

Critrios de correco Cotaes I. 40% A. 10% B. 25% C. 5% N.o de questes varivel entre 8 e 10 N.o de questes varvel entre 10 e 15

Saber Aprender Aplicar estratgias/ regras de apropriao do sistema da lngua estrangeira.

Interagir Ler/Escrever Produo de mensagens em situaes de relao interpessoal Produzir Narrao de episdios/ acontecimentos da vida quotidiana Descrio de objectos, lugares, personagens

III. 30% A. 12% B. 18%



Grelha de Correco de Testes de Avaliao

Saber Aprender Interagir Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal % Classificao Produzir Total Auto-avaliao Subtotal

Data _____ / _____ / _____




1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dificuldades diagnosticadas Aspectos a melhorar



Saber Aprender Interagir Produzir


Avaliao Anlise de resultados Grfico de Resultados Obtidos Teste N.o ________ Data ____ / ____ / ____
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 5% N.o de alunos Comentrios

Nveis N.o de alunos

Sucesso N.o Absoluto % N.o Absoluto

Insucesso %



Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Profile Ingls 8.o Ano 978-972-47-3296-1

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