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A Teen-Boy and his Family saves Earth by Saving Kuala Lumpur is a big city where there are about

1.627 million people lives in. As Energy. there are population, there are a lot of electricity being used. But a family of 4, has
reduced their amount of electricity usage. How did a family of four reduce the amount of usage of energy? CYs family continuously saved electricity by simple things such as turning lights off, fans, and any electronics that were not in use. At first, it wasnt easy to save electricity. All of CYs family members were used to leaving the lights off and was constantly forgetting to do so. Also, his little brother was not aware of the issue and did not participate in the plan. But as the time went, as CY kept reminding them, they started to get in the habit of turning off the unused electronics. A recent report have said that it takes about 9 months for CYs family to have his family to reduce the use KwH to 300KwH they use. But how did CY come up with 9 months? First, look at the graph below.

600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

The Decreasing KwH from August to March


CY first took two points form the fitted line. (1, 500) and (3, 450). Then, he found the slope of it. The equation for finding the slope is rise/run. Which is (450-500)/3-1= -25. Then, he used the equation y=mx+b, the slope is -25 and is substitute to (m) which is y=-2x+b. Next, he used one of the points to substitute y and b. He used (1, 500) to substitute. Which changes the equation to be 500= -2(1)+b. He then solved for b, which equaled to 525. Afterwards, he substituted 525 for b in the equation. Which is y=-25x+525, then he substituted 300 for y which is 300=-25x+525 and he solved the equation for x. The x is 9 which means that it takes CYs family 9 months to reach to using 300KwH per month. Also, you could substitute 9 to x in the equation to check if your answer was right. 300=-25(9)+525 if you simplify this, 300= -225+525, it equals 300=300 and you will know you are right by doing this. Below, is a table of KwH CYs family used per month.

Months August September October November December January Febuary March

KwH used per month 560 450 362 445 512 504 456 374

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR TOPIC? I chose electricity as my topic for this project, because, I thought that as the world constantly progress and developed, people and the world tends to rely on electronics more. And of course, we need energy for electronics, which are often from natural resources such as fossils and dams. But using fossil fuels wont last very long. It will soon run out and we will need to find more source of energy. People will start cutting down trees for more land for generators. There are limited amount of energy and we need to conserve it in order to save the nature and Earth. People are unaware of the situation around them and I thought some one needs to let people know about it. So, I decided I should start the change first and later, I would tell the world that each person could make a change in the world. What Could YOU Do? You dont have to entirely change your life style. You will just have to be a bit caring. You can start off by just turning the lights off that arent in use and also set time for airconditioners. But later on, you can try to set a goal for your monthly usage of KwH. For example, you are using 700KwH per month, you can set up a goal for next month, maybe you could decide to reduce the KwH to 500KwH. And you could keep doing this until you reach the minimum amount of electricity usage. Also, you could tell others who are unaware of this and encourage them to do the same thing.

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