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1 Civil Islamism in Somalia: An Interview with Dr. Abdurahman M.

Abdullahi (Baadiyow)

By Harun Maruf, VOA Somali Service February 16, 2012

There are plenty of media reports and highlights on the Islamic extremists and Jihadists in Somalia. However, the growing role of civil Islam is less reported and known. The Voice of America Somali Service recently posed a series of questions during an online interview with Dr. Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow), an Islamic scholar, prominent leader of the Islah (Reform) Movement in Somalia and former presidential candidate of 2012. The interview was designed to shed light on civil Islamism, a non-violent Islamic movement and in particular the Islah movement. Among the topics discussed are the historical background of civil Islamism, the role of Islamic organizations after the state collapse, Islahs model of civil Islamism and its major achievements, tensions between civil Islamism and extremist Islamism, Islahs model of Islamic government and the role of Islah in current government.

1. When did the rise of civil Islam start in Somalia and how? In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Peaceful propagation of Islam was a general trend in the history of Somalia with the exception of a short-lived armed struggle against colonialism. In the modern era, the first Islamic organization began its activities in 1950s, when Islamic awareness and consciousness had grown along with the rise of Somali nationalism and struggle for independence in 1950s. However at the end of 1960s, proto-Muslim Brotherhood organizations appeared on the scene, such as al-Ahli, al-Wahdah and Al-Nahdah. These organizations confronted the ideology of socialism of the military regime through extensive Islamic propagation influencing the young generations who had challenged socialist indoctrination. After the execution of the Islamic scholars

2 and incarcerating of many of them in 1975, hundreds of young Islamists fled the country and joined Islamic universities in Arab world, in particular Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Egypt. At the end of 1970s, graduates from the Islamic universities in the Arab world formed organizations such as Islah Al-Itihad. Other smaller organizations also began to emerge. All Islamic organizations began as civil Islamism; however, after the collapse of the state in 1991, some of them opted for militancy.

2. Could you talk about the role of Islamic organizations in state collapse/peace building in the last 20-plus years in Somalia?

As you know, during the military regime that ruled Somalia (1969-1991), Islamic organizations and political parties were totally outlawed. Nonetheless, oppositions of the regime were actively operating underground mobilizing people in the name of clan and Islam. In the early 1970s, the general trend of Islamism in Somalia was inspired by Muslim brotherhood ideology. However, with the increased contact with the Islamic world, other trends came into view in Somalia. In the early 1980s, two main Islamic organizations Islah Movement and al-Itihad al-Islami- became highly visible. These two organizations took different directions and strategies after the collapse of the state in 1991. For instance, Islah opted for peace promotion, reconciliation and social services, particularly in the education sector. On the other hand, Al-Itihad became militant and tried to establish Islamic Emirates in various regions of Somalia. The dream of Al-Itihad did not materialize and the organization had given up its militancy by 1997. Nevertheless, Islamic militancy re-emerged after 9/11 and the whole society was pushed towards extremism, which ushered in new militant organizations including alShabab and Hizbul-Islam. In general, the role of the Islamic organizations is visible in all sectors of life like politics, commerce, social services, education, health and reconciliation.

3. Talk about Islahs model of civil Islamism and what has been the organizations greatest achievement?

3 Civil Islamism is one among many terminologies used to qualify modern Islamic trends in the Western academia and media outlets. It signifies adherence to civil society principles of non-violence and democratic values. It also implies a bottom-up and society-centered approach to religious and social issues. Accordingly, Islah as Islamic movement inspired by Muslim Brotherhood ideology looks at Islam as a comprehensive way of life. It was founded in 1978 in reaction to the defeat of Somalia in the Somali-Ethiopian war. It considers itself a part of Somali civil society organizations which promotes good governance, peaceful political engagement and commitment to the Islamic values. Its biggest achievement after the collapse of the state is in the field of education and national reconciliation. It had established various schools and universities in all regions of Somalia where hundred thousands of young Somalis were educated during the last 20 years. Moreover, Islah contributed immensely in the civil-society led reconciliation conference held in Djibouti, 2000. Since then, political participation of Islah members has been growing.

4. What is Islahs model of Islamic government?

There is no single model of state in Islam even though the ideal one is democratic model of government provided that it complies with Islamic principles. Islam simply offers basic guidelines, principles, legislations, value system and ethics that should be promoted and used as reference. The state that complies with the general Islamic principles is called Islamic state. Every Muslim nation and community has the freedom and right to formulate its state and governance model that suits its environment with time and space. Somalia has no problem with the state model. It had already opted for democratic parliamentary system and current Somali Constitution abides by Islamic Sharia. The major demand of all Islamic organizations has been met already in the constitution making process; the remaining task is gradual implementation of constitution.

5. What do you see happening to the militancy Islam in Somalia? And is there going to be more tension between civil Islamism and militancy Islam in Somalia?

4 As a general rule, Islamic militancy is the product of frustration and anger expressed in violent ways. Militancy is not the true nature of Islam which is based on moderation and peace promotion. The use of the concept of Jihad as Islamic terminology in militants struggle is in most cases misleading and misrepresents Islam. Militant Islam in Somalia is a reaction to specific circumstances that Somalis found themselves in after the collapse of the state such as clan-hegemony, lawlessness and poverty. Apparently, the ideology of Islamic militancy will not evaporate easily even after feasible military defeat. It requires a long-term process to win the hearts and minds of the population subjected to militant indoctrination. The ideology of militancy was disseminated intensely among the population in a large territory under the control of al-Shabab for many years. Therefore, the only option for eradicating extremism is to propagate alternative Islamic moderation. Therefore, the potential role of moderate Islamic organizations is very important to the state-building project. By employing moderate scholars for this task, tension will obviously be very high between these two Islamic trends: civil Islam and militancy. And, because of the scope and magnitude of militancy threat, performance of the moderate Islamic scholars to confront them is very slim in the area under the rule of the al-Shabab. Extremists have been assassinating prominent scholars and many scholars migrated while others were muzzled. The latest incident was the assassination of Sheikh Abdulqadir Nur Farah (Gaamey) in Garowe on February 15, 2013.

6. Al-Islah has made some gains on the political front recently was this planned or accidental? You are (Al-Islah) closely identified with the current government whats your role in the government?

Islah is not a political party, but an Islamic organization with particular ideology of Islamism. Individuals who are members of Islah have been participating in politics as independent individuals through clan-based formula of 4.5 since 2000. As you know, there were no political-party-based elections in Somalia. Even, in some areas, Islah members are allowed to become members of various political parties since there are no major ideological differences between Somali political parties. Inline with the rise of the political role of Islamic organizations, individuals identified with the ideology of Islamism have been playing an important role in Somali

5 politics. With respect to the current government, some former members of Islah who have been out of the organization since 2003 popularly called new blood have strong influence. It is believed that some members of new blood are very influential and constitute the inner circle of the President Hassan Sheikh. The Islah Movement under the leadership of Dr. Ali Bashi has no particular relations with the current government which encompasses political elites from all spectrums of ideologies. Indeed, the growing role of Islamism is evident from the presidential election of 2012 where four among the top six candidates who gained majority votes were considered belonging to Islamic organizations.

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