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NinevehGL is coming

Khronos EGL and Apple EAGL

All about OpenGL ES 2.x (part 1/3)

Hello everyone! Welcome again to a new serie of tutorial. This time lets talk about the magic of 3D world. Lets talk about OpenGL. I dedicated the last five months of my life entirely to go deep inside 3D world, Im finishing my new 3D engine (seems one of the greatest work that Ive done) and now is time to share with you what I know, all references, all books, tutorials, everything and, of course, learn more with your feedback. This serie is composed by 3 parts: Part 1 Basic concepts of 3D world and OpenGL (Beginners) Part 2 OpenGL ES 2.0 in-depth (Intermediate) Part 3 Jedi skills in OpenGL ES 2.0 and 2D graphics (Advanced)

So if you are interested in some code, just jump to part 2/3, because in this first one Ill just talk about the concepts, nothing more. OK, lets start.

At a glance
Who of you never hear about OpenGL? OpenGL means Open Graphics Library and it is used a lot today in computer languages. OpenGL is the closest point between the CPU (which we, developers, run our applications based on a language) and the GPU (the graphics processor that exist in every Graphics Cards). So OpenGL need to be supported by the vendors of Graphics Cards (like NVidia) and be implemented by the OSs vendors (like Apple in his MacOS and iOS) and finally the OpenGL give to us, developers, an unified API to work with. This API is Language Free (or almost free). This is amazing, because if you use C, or C++, or Objective-C, or Perl, or C#, or JavaScript, wherever you use, the API always will be equivalent, will present the same behavior, the same functions, the same commands and is at this point that comes this tutorial serie! To deal with OpenGLs API to the developers. Before start talking about OpenGL API we need to have a good knowledge in 3D world. The history of 3D world in computer language is bound to OpenGL history. So lets take a little look at a bit of history.

A short story

About 20 years ago has a guy called Silicon Graphics (SGI) made a little kind of device. That device was able to show an illusion of reality. In a world of 2D images, that device dared to show 3D images, that simulate the perpective and depth of the human eye. That device was called IrisGL (probaly because it tries to simulate the eyes iris). Well, serious, that device was the first great Graphics Library. But it died fast, because to do what he did, he needed to control many things in computers like the graphical card, the windowing system, the basic language and even the front end. Its too much to just one company manages. So the SGI started to delegate some things like create graphics cards, manage the windowing, make the front end to other companies and get focus on the most important part of their Graphical Library. In 1992 was launch the first OpenGL. In 1995 Microsoft released the Direct3D, the main competitor of OpenGL. And only in 1997 OpenGL 1.1 was released. But OpenGL becomes really interesting to me only in 2004, which the OpenGL 2.0 was released with a great change. The Shaders, the programmable pipeline. I love it! And finally in 2007 we meet the OpenGL ES 2.0 wich bring to us the power of Shader and programmable pipeline to the Embedded Systems. Today you can the see the OpenGLs logo (or OpenGL ES) in many games, 3D applications, 2D applications and a lot of graphical softwares (specially in 3D softwares). OpenGL ES is used by PlayStation, Android, Nintendo 3DS, Nokia, Samsung, Symbian and of course by Apple with MacOS and iOS.

OpenGLs Greatest Rival

Talking about Microsoft Windows OS (Brugh!!) OK, do you remember I said that the first launch of OpenGL was in 1992? So at that time, Microsoft has their shiny Windows 3.1. Well, as Microsoft always believe that Nothing is created, everything is copied, Microsoft tries to copy OpenGL in what they called DirectX and introduced it in 1995 on Windows 95. One year later, in 1996, Microsoft introduced Direct3D which is a literal copy of OpenGL. The point is that Microsoft dominate the info market for years, and DirectX or (Direct3D) penetrated and grabbed like a plague in many computers (PCs) and when Microsoft started to deliver their OS to the mobiles and video games, DirectX goes together. Today DirectX is very similar in structure to OpenGL: has a Shader Language, has a programmable pipeline, has fixed pipeline too, even the names of the function in the API are similar. The difference is that OpenGL is OPEN, but DirectX is closed. OpenGL is for iOS, MacOS and Linux Systems while the DirectX is just for Microsoft OS. Great, now lets start our journey into 3D world!

3D world
First Point The Eye
Since I can remember, I was passionate by 3D world and 3D games. All that we, humans, know about

simulate the real world in a 3D illusion comes from just one single place: our eye. The eye is the base of everything in 3D world. All that we do is to simulate the power, the beauty and the magic of the humans eye. Im not a doctor (despite being the son of two) and dont want to talk about the eye in this tutorial, but will be good if youre used to some concepts like: field of view, binocular and monocular vision, eyes lens, concave and convex lens, and this kind of things, this can help you to understand some concepts. Everything we do in 3D world is to recreate the sensations from the human eye: the perpectives, the vanish points, the distortions, the depth of field, the focus, the field of view, in resume, everything is to simulate that sensations.

Second Point The Third Dimension

This can seems stupid, but its necessary to say: 3D world is 3D because has 3 dimensions. WTF! This is so obviously!, calm down, dude, Im speaking this because is important to say that an addition of one single dimension (compared to 2D world) led us into serious troubles. That does not create 1 or 3 little problems, but drive us into a pool of troubles. Look, in 2D world when we need to rotate a square is very simple, 45 degrees always will led our square to a specific rotation, but in 3D world, to rotate a simple square requires X, Y and Z rotation. Depending on which order we rotate first, the final result can be completely different. The things becomes worse when we make consecutive rotations, for example, rotate x = 25 and Y = 20 is one thing, but rotate x = 10, y = 20 and then x = 10 again is a completely new result. Well, the point here is to say that an addition of one another dimension makes our work be stupidly multiplied.

Third Point Its not 3D its often 4D.

WTF! Another dimension? Yes dude, the last point that I need to say is it. Often we dont work just in a 3D world, we have a fourth dimension: the time. The things in 3D world need to interact, need to move, need to accelerate, need to collide itself, need to change their inertias. And as I told before, make consecutive changes in 3D world can drive us into multiple results. OK, until now we have a phrase to define the 3D world: Is the simulation of the human eye and everything moves..

OpenGL into the 3D world

Now this tutorial starts to be a little more fun. Lets talk about the great engine OpenGL. First we need to thank to great mathematicians like Leonhard Euler, William Rowan Hamilton, Pythagoras and so many others. Thanks to them, today we have so many formulas and techniques to work with 3D space. OpenGL used all this knowledge to construct a 3D world right on our face. Are thousands, maybe millions of operations per second using a lot of formulas to simulate the beauty of the human eyes. OpenGL is a great STATE MACHINE (this means that entire OpenGL works with the State Design Pattern). To illustrate what OpenGL is, lets imagine a great Port Crane in some port. There are so many containers with a lot of crates inside. OpenGL is like the whole port, which: The containers are the OpenGLs objects. (Textures, Shaders, Meshes and this kind of stuff) The crates inside each containers is what we created in our applications using the OpenGL. Are our instances. The port crane is the OpenGL API, which we have access. So when we execute an OpenGLs function is like give an order to the Crane. The Crane takes the

container in the port, raises it, hold it for a while, process what you want inside that container and finally brings the container down again and drop it at some place in the port. You dont have access directly to the port, you cant see or change the containerss contents, you cant reorganize it, you cant do anything directly to the containers in the port. All that you can is give instructions to the Crane. The Crane is the only that can manage the containers in the port. Remember this! Is the most important information about OpenGL until here. The Crane is the only one that can manage the containers in the port.

OpenGL is a State Machine and works just like a Port Crane. Well, OpenGL seems a very limited API at this way, but not is. The OpenGLs Crane is a very very powerful one. It can repeat the process of hold and drop the containers thousand or millions of times per a single second. Another great advantage of OpenGL uses a State Machine pattern is we dont have to hold any instance, we dont need to create any object directly, we just need to hold on the ids, or in the illustrations words, we just need to know the containers identification.

How OpenGL works

Deeply into the OpenGLs core the calculations are done directly in the GPU using the hardware acceleration to floating points. Hugh? CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the Processor of a computer or device. GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is the graphics card of a computer or device. The Graphics Card comes to relieve the Processors life because it can make a lot of computations to deal with images before present the content to the screen. So in deeply, what OpenGL does is let all the mass computations to the GPU, instead to calculate all in the CPU. The GPU is much much faster to deal with floating point numbers than the CPU. This is the fundamental reason to a 3D game run faster with better Graphics Cards. This is even the reason because 3D professional softwares give to you an option to work with Softwares Render (CPU processing) or Graphics Cards Render (CPU processing). Some softwares also give you an option of OpenGL, well, now you know. That option is GPU processing!

So, is OpenGL working entirely in the GPU? Not quite. Just a hard image processing and few other things. OpenGL gives to us a lot of features to store images, datas and informations in an optimized format. These optimized data will be processed later directly by the GPU. So, is OpenGL hardware dependent? Unfortunately yes! If the hardware (Graphics Card) doesnt support the OpenGL, we cant use it. New OpenGLs version often needs new GPU features. This is something to know, but not to worry. As OpenGL always needs a vendors implementations, we (developers) will work on new OpenGLs version just when the devices was prepared to it. In practice, all Graphics Card Chips today has an implementation of OpenGL. So you can use OpenGL in many languages and devices. Even in the Microsoft Windows. (Brugh)

OpenGLs Logic
OpenGL is a Graphics Library very concise and focused. What you see in professional 3D softwares is a super ultra complex work above the OpenGL. Because in deeply, OpenGLs logic is aware about some few things: Primitives Buffers Rasterize Just it? 3 little things? Believe, OpenGL works around these 3 concepts. Lets see each concept independently and how the three can join to create the most advanced 3D Graphics Library (also you can use OpenGL to 2D graphics. 2D images to OpenGL is just a 3D working all in the Z depth 0, well talk about later on).

OpenGLs primitives is limited to 3 little kind of objects: About a 3D Point in space (x,y,z) About a 3D Line in space (composed by two 3D Points) About a 3D Triangle in space (composed by three 3D Points) A 3D Point can be used as a particle in the space. A 3D Line is always a single line and can be used as a 3D vector. A 3D Triangle could be one face of a mesh which has thousands, maybe millions faces. Some OpenGLs versions also support quads (quadrangles), which is merely an offshoot of triangles. But as OpenGL ES was made to achieve the maximum performance, quads are not supported.

Now lets talk about the buffers. In simple words, buffer is a temporary optimized storage. Storage for what? For a lot of stuffs. OpenGL works with 3 kind of buffers: Frame Buffers Render Buffers Buffer Objects Frame Buffers is the most abstract of the three. When you make an OpenGLs render you can send the final image directly to the devices screen or to a Frame Buffer. So Frame Buffer is a temporary

image data, right? Not exactly. You can image it as an output from an OpenGLs render and this can means a set of images, not just one. What kind of images? Images about the 3D objects, about the depth of objects in space, the intersection of objects and about the visible part of objects. So the Frame Buffer is like a collection of images. All of these stored as a binary array of pixels information. Render Buffer is a temporary storage of one single image. Now you can see more clearly that a Frame Buffer is a collection of Render Buffers. Exist few kinds of Render Buffer: Color, Depth and Stencil. Color Render Buffer stores the final colored image generated by OpenGLs render. Color Render Buffer is a colored (RGB) image. Depth Render Buffer stores the final Z depth information of the objects. If you are familiar to the 3D softwares, you know what is a Z depth image. Its a grey scale image about the Z position of the objects in 3D space, in which the full white represent most near visible object and black represent the most far object (the full black is invisible) Stencil Render Buffer is aware about the visible part of the object. Like a mask of the visible parts. Stencil Render Buffer is a black and white image.

Buffer Objects is a storage which OpenGL calls server-side (or servers address space). The Buffer Objects is also a temporary storage, but not so temporary like the others. A Buffer Object can persist throughout the application execution. Buffer Objects can hold informations about your 3D objects in an optimized format. These information can be of two type: Structures or Indices. Structures is the array which describe your 3D object, like an array of vertices, an array of texture coordinates or an array of whatever you want. The Indices are more specifics. The array of indices is to be used to indicate how the faces of your mesh will be constructed based on an array of structures. Seems confused? OK, lets see an example. Think about a 3D cube. This cube has 6 faces composed by 8 vertices, right?

3D cube with 8 vertices and 12 faces. Each of these 6 faces are quads, but do you remember that OpenGL just knows about triangles? So we need to transform that quads into triangles to work with OpenGL. When we do this, the 6 faces become 12 faces! The above image was made with Modo, look at the down right corner. That are informations given by Modo about this mesh. As you can see, 8 vertices and 12 faces (GL: 12). Now, lets think. Triangles in OpenGL is a combination of three 3D vertices. So to construct the cubes front face we need to instruct OpenGL at this way: {vertex 1, vertex2, vertex 3}, {vertex 1, vertex 3, vertex 4}. Right? In other words, we need to repeat the 2 vertices at each cubes face. This could be worst if our mesh has pentangle we need to repeat 4 vertices informations, if was an hexangle we need to repeat 6 vertices informations, a septangle, 8 vertices informations and so on. This is much much expansive. So OpenGL give us a way to do that more easily. Called Array of Indices! In the above cubes example, we could has an array of the 8 vertices: {vertex 1, vertex 2, vertex 3, vertex 4, } and instead to rewrite these informations at each cubes faces, we construct an array of indices: {0,1,2,0,2,3,2,6,3,2,5,6}. Each combination of 3 elements in this array of indices (0,1,2 0,2,3 6,3,2) represent a triangle face. With this feature we can write vertexs information once and reuse it many times in the array of indices. Now, returning to the Buffer Objects, the first kind is an array of structures, as {vertex 1, vertex 2, vertex 3, vertex 4, } and the second kind is an array of indices, as {0,1,2,0,2,3,2,6,3,2,5,6}. The great advantages of Buffer Objects is they are optimized to work directly in the GPU processing and you dont need hold the array in your application any more after create a Buffer Object.

The rasterize is the process by which OpenGL takes all informations about 3D objects (all that coordinates, vertices, maths, etc) to create a 2D image. This image will suffer some changes and then it will be presented on the devices screen (commonly). But this last step, the bridge between pixel informations and the devices screen, its a vendors responsibility. The Khronos group provide another API called EGL, but here the vendors can interfere. We, developers, dont work directly with Khronos EGL, but with the vendors modified version. So, when you make an OpenGL render you can choose to render directly to the screen, using the vendors EGL implementation, or render to a Frame Buffer. Rendering to a Frame Buffer, you still in the OpenGL API, but the content will not be showed onto devices screen yet. Rendering directly to the devices screen, you go out the OpenGL API and enter in the EGL API. So at the render time, you can choose one of both outputs. But dont worry about this now, as I said, each vendor make their own implementation of EGL API. The Apple, for example, doesnt let you render directly to the devices screen, you always need to render to a Frame Buffer and then use EGLs implementation by Apple to present the content on the devices screen.

OpenGLs pipelines
I said before about programmable pipeline and fixed pipeline. But what the hell is a programmable pipeline? In simple words? The programmable pipeline is the Graphics Libraries delegating to us, developers, the responsibility by everything related to Cameras, Lights, Materials and Effects. And we can do this working with the famous Shaders. So every time you hear about programmable pipeline think in Shaders! But now, what the hell is Shaders? Shaders is like little pieces of codes, just like little programs, working directly in the GPU to make complex calculations. Complex like: the final color of a surfaces point which has a T texture, modified by a TB bump texture, using a specular color SC with specular level SL, under a light L with lights power LP with a incidence angle LA from distance Z with falloff F and all this seeing by the eyes of the camera C located on P position with the projections lens T. Whatever this means, its much complex to be processed by the CPU and is so much complex to Graphics Libraries continue to care about. So the programmable pipeline is just us managing that kind of thing. And the fixed pipeline? Its the inverse! The fixed pipeline is the Graphics Library caring about all that kind of things and giving to us an API to set the Cameras, Materials, Lights and Effects. To create shaders we use a language similar to C, we use the OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL). OpenGL ES use a little more strict version called OpenGL ES Shader Language (also known as GLSL ES or ESSL). The difference is that you have more fixed functions and could write more variables in GLSL than in GLSL ES, but the sintax is the same. Well, but how did works these shaders? You create them in a separated files or write directly in your code, whatever, the important thing is that the final string containing the SL will be sent to the OpenGLs core and the core will compile the Shaders to you (you even can use a pre-compiled binary shaders, but this is for another part of this serie). The shaders works in pairs: Vertex Shader and Fragment Shader. This topic needs more attention, so lets look closely to the Vertex and Fragment shaders. To understand what each shader does, lets back to the cube example.

To render a 3D cube, OpenGL's programmable pipeline uses a Vertex Shader and a Fragment Shader.

Vertex Shader
Vertex Shader, also known as VS or VSH is a little program which will be executed at each Vertex of a mesh. Look at the cube above, as I said early, this cube needs 8 vertices (now in this image the vertex 5 is invisible, you will understand why shortly). So this cubes VSH will be processed 8 times by the GPU. What Vertex Shader will do is define the final position of a Vertex. Do you remember that programmable pipeline has left us the responsible by the camera? So now is its time! The position and the lens of a camera can interfere in the final position of a vertex. Vertex Shader is also responsible to prepare and output some variables to the Fragment Shader. In OpenGL we can define variable to the Vertex Shader, but not to the Fragment Shader directly. Because that, our Fragments variables must pass through the Vertex Shader. But why we dont have access to the Fragment Shader directly? Well, lets see the FSH and you will understand.

Fragment Shader
Look at the cube image again. Did you notice vertex 5 is invisible? This is because at this specific position and specific rotation, we just can see 3 faces and these 3 faces are composed by 7 vertices. This is what Fragment Shader does! FSH will be processed at each VISIBLE fragment of the final

image. Here you can understand a fragment as a pixel. But normally is not exactly a pixel, because between the OpenGLs render and the presentation of the final image on the devices screen has stretches. So a fragment can result in less than a real pixel or more than a real pixel, depending on the device and the renders configurations. In the cube above, the Fragment Shader will be processed at each pixel of that three visible faces formed by 7 vertices. Inside the Fragment Shader we will work with everything related to the mesh surface, like materials, bump effects, shadow and light effects, reflections, refractions, textures and any other kind of effects we want. The final output to the Fragment Shader is a pixel color in the format RGBA. Now, the last thing you need to know is about how the VSH and FSH works together. Its mandatory ONE Vertex Shader to ONE Fragment Shader, no more or less, must be exactly one to one. To ensure well not make mistakes, OpenGL has something called Program. A Program in OpenGL is just the compiled pair of VSH and FSH. Just it, nothing more.

Very well! This is all about the OpenGLs concepts. Lets remember of everything. 1. OpenGLs logic is composed by just 3 simple concepts: Primitives, Buffers and Rasterize. Primitives are points, lines and triangles. Buffers can be Frame Buffer, Render Buffer or Buffer Objects. Rasterize is the process which transform OpenGL mathematics in the pixels data. 2. OpenGL works with fixed or programmable pipeline. The fixed pipeline is old, slow and large. Has a lot of fixed functions to deal with Cameras, Lights, Materials and Effects. The programmable pipeline is more easy, fast and clean than fixed pipeline, because in the programmable way OpenGL let to us, developers, the task to deal with Cameras, Lights, Materials and Effects. 3. Programmable pipeline is synonymous of Shaders: Vertex Shader, at each vertex of a mesh, and Fragment Shader, at each VISIBLE fragment of a mesh. Each pair of Vertex Shader and Fragment Shader are compiled inside one object called Program. Looking at these 3 topics, OpenGL seems very simple to understand and learn. Yes! It is very simple to understand but to learn hmmm The 3 little topics has numerous ramifications and to learn all about can take months or more. What Ill try to do in the next two parts of this serie is give to you all what Ive learned in 6 immersive months of deeply hard OpenGLs study. In the next one, Ill will show you the basic functions and structures of a 3D application using the OpenGL, independently of which programming language you are using or which is your final device. But before it, I want to introduce you one more OpenGLs concept.

OpenGLs Error API

OpenGL is a great State Machine working as a Port Crane and you dont have access to what happen inside it. So if an error occurs inside it, nothing will happens with your application, because OpenGL is a completely extern core. But, how to know if just one of your shaders has a little error? How to know if one of your render buffers is not properly configured? To deal with all the errors, OpenGL gives to us an Error API. This API is very very simple, it has few

fixed function in pairs. One is a simple check, Yes or Not, just to know if something was done with successful or not. The other pair is to retrieve the error message. So is very simple. First you check, very fast, and if has an error then you get the message. Generally we place some checks in critical points, like the compilations of the shaders or buffers configurations, to stay aware about the most communs errors.

On the Next
OK, dude, now we are ready to go. At next tutorial lets see some real code, prepare your self to write a lot. Thanks for reading and see you in the next part! NEXT PART: Part 2 OpenGL ES 2.0 in deeply (Intermediate) 3D, iPad, iPhone, Objective-C, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Xcode

About the author

I'm passionate by the miracle of creation! Sometimes I look at the world and can see the lines of code behind it.

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This entry was posted by Diney Bomfim on January 30, 2011 at 17:21, and is filed under 3D, Feature, Objective-C, OpenGL. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.




#1 written by mimestim about 1 year ago Great !!! This first part of the tutorial is great !!!, I have read a lot of tutorials and a few books, and this one is so clear and concise. great work. #2 written by cjren about 1 year ago thank you very much, great tutorial, looking forward to the other. my first time to hear EGL:-) #3 written by Ryan about 1 year ago Thanks for the tutorial, great job! Looking forward to the third installation. #4 written by manubharghav

about 1 year ago awesome tutorial!! thanks you.. #5 written by Richard about 1 year ago Great introduction to the basic concepts. Just what I needed, having looked at other tutorials that just start walking you through code right away. #6 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Thank you all guys, Keep reading the next parts. #7 written by Dazmo about 1 year ago You said it all right there brother #8 written by Dazmo about 1 year ago

Dazmo: You said it all right there brother

Im passionate by the miracle of creation! Sometimes I look at the world and can see the lines of code behind it. that, especially. #9 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hey buddy, Thank you! Its awesome find someone thinking the same. #10 written by DigitalEye about 1 year ago Great work! All the 3 parts are very well written! #11 written by alex

about 1 year ago Hi.everyone im new to openGL and want to ask a simple question (im super new) HOW do you get to open GL? do you use a program to see it or how?do u go to cmd? command? or does OpenGL needs a program to run? in your pc?sorry about the question i just dont get it?also im using eclipe and java to do works. #12 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hi buddy! Dont be shy, you did a great question. Its really a very important part and we are used to just talk superficially about. For example, I said: So, is OpenGL hardware dependent? Unfortunately Yes!, well, I meant: OpenGL cant be downloaded or installed by anyone. Its implemented directly by the vendors. For example, Apple implements OpenGL in their OS and their devices. The same happens with Symbian, Android, Windows Mobile, Playstation, etc It must be like this because OpenGL runs directly on the GPU, the graphics card, so we cant install nothing related to OpenGL. The Khronos Group (creators of OpenGL) made a solid API to us developers. That API should be fully supported by any vendor that implements OpenGL. So we, developers, have working on that API and this is the subject of the next tutorials of this series. #13 written by Ryan Morales about 1 year ago Thank God, I found this! #14 written by Amal about 1 year ago One of the best kick-start for me. This truly helped me understand important points for OpenGL es.no other article/book did any great Great work.moving to your second part Thanks #15 written by Bub about 1 year ago Hey nice article. #16 written by iNeoo about 1 year ago

very nice tutorial, clean and clear, thank you o much cause created this. #17 written by bharat about 1 year ago Hi, Thanks for your gr tutorial. I am new to OpenGL. I would like to reconstruct 3d images from a set of dicom images. I hope you are aware of dicom images. I am planning to use OpenGLES for generating 3d view of images. Like I have a set of images as an image stack or image array. I want to generate 3d view of those images in android. The images are the output of ct scan or MRI scan. I am planning to use 3.0 or above of android. So my first question is, is it possible in android to generate a 3D view from an array of images? Can you give me some hints. Please help. #18 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hi man, Well, the important thing is your purpose with that images. Are you trying to make a single animated background or create a 3D environment? For single background you will use texture2D, for environment you will need the texture3D (its a cube which you place your images on 6 faces). So, everything is possible with OpenGL ES. You just need to choose the right method to achieve your objectives. #19 written by bharat about 1 year ago Thanks for your reply. I have a set of images. For that I want to create the image like in he link. http://ablesw.com/ regards Shihab #20 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hello buddy, Hmmm.. you want to create a real 3D model from a set of images. Well man, its not possible. Unfortunately there are no 3D Professional Softwares or 3D Engine capable to do that. What you are trying to do is one of the most complex things in the 3D world. Even the Hollywood guys is looking for a definitive algorithm to do that. Someone that find the solution can become the new billionaire. Imagine the complexity of that algorithm, read each pixel of the image, interpret

the differences between colors, edges and try to define a 3D curve based on it. Then, the most complex part, store all informations into a kind of buffer and repeat the process for the next image, comparing the new one with all the buffer to create a 3D model. There are many third party softwares that are trying to do that, like that one you showed, but trust me, always very far from a good result. There is a technique to 3D artists called Blue Print, which you use a set of images 2D images to create a 3D model: http://www.the-blueprints.com/tutorials/3dmax/ By the way, the modeling process is usually a responsibility of the 3D artists and they do that using most advanced 3D Professional Softwares, like ZBrush, Modo, Maya, 3D Max, MudBox, etc. #21 written by bharat about 1 year ago What I am planning to do is volume rendering. You mean its not possible in OpenGL ES ?. Actually its possible in OpenGL. And I have done it in Java 3d also. And webgl is also possible. Please check the below link. Its works only in chrome. http://demos.vicomtech.org/volren/ #22 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago But that is not a real 3D model Its just a cube with volumetric shader Oh man, thats easy. Search for volumetric shader and you will find what you are looking for. Good Luck #23 written by bharat about 1 year ago I new to openGL and ES. Can u suggest some useful links? #24 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hmm.. Try this one: http://www.daimi.au.dk/~trier/?page_id=98 or this: http://www.vis.uni-stuttgart.de/~engel/pre-integrated/ #25 written by John Congote

about 1 year ago Hello. If you want to do volume rendering in OpenGL ES then it is possible, the implementation you talk is about Volume Rendering in WebGL which is similar to OpenGL ES. If you want to get the iso-surfaces of the volume, you should try the marching cubes algorithm, This is possible to implement with a geometry shader, or you can enhance the volume raycasting algorithm to stop the ray in the iso-surface with similar results. Finally the implementation of volume rendering works in android, exactly in samsung galaxy 2 and samsung galaxy tab. #26 written by Montreal web design about 1 year ago Great post my friend yet again, you never seem to dissapoint #27 written by sid about 1 year ago This is the best place for beginners, I just bookmarked it, keep posting thanks! PS.: Going to part 2 #28 written by Tomasz about 1 year ago Hi, first the contents really great, but I think that you are overusing the exclamation Especially in the beginning of the article, there are like a few mark a little bit sentences, and every single one ends with ! Nevertheless, thats the biggest flaw of this article I can see, so it is a compliment anyway, well done! I admire it. #29 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hi buddy, Thanks for your comment. I agree, maybe I was very excited at the time I was writing. Ive made some changes. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! #30 written by Rajesh about 1 year ago Hi, I am working as a iOS Apps Developer, new with Open GL. And i searched for so many sites for this. Finally i found your tutorials, great

job. Thanks. Its helpful for me, if you provide / suggest more tutorials for this Open GL. Its a great article. #31 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hey buddy, Thanks, Well, I suggest you the other tutorials of this series. Their intention is to be a guide covering basic, intermediate and advanced skills. Not in so depth, but enough to understand the OpenGL world. Now Im working on tutorials about Shaders. #32 written by HTC Titan Accessories about 1 year ago I think this is among the most important information for me. And i am glad reading your article. But should remark on some general things, The website style is ideal, the articles is really great : D. Good job, cheers #33 written by Bomba about 1 year ago Nice intro. #34 written by Luis Oscar about 1 year ago Oh by the way, it would be much appreciated if you could fix the table views of some of the method explanations because some of the text seems to be left out and theres no option to scroll. Thanks! #35 written by droidman about 1 year ago Really good tutorial but i want to ask some questions about opengl 1.x not about this tutorial. What is the fastest way of importing a 3d model into 3d space in OpenGL ES 1.x? Is obj format suitable for a well-designed and high graphic quality game? #36 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hello buddy,

1. As I said in the next tutorial (http://db-in.com/blog/2011/02/all-aboutopengl-es-2-x-part-23), there is no way to import 3D files with OpenGL (any version). Every import/parse is made with your own custom code. 2. Depends, OBJ files have support to bump mapping and is lighter weight, however they dont support animations. In this case COLLADA is the best choice. But COLLADAs are too bigger. So the real best choice to games is a custom binary format (each game company has its own format), something that includes very light weigh, pre-parsed data and very fast importing times. Cheers, #37 written by droidman about 1 year ago Thanks for answer.I want to use obj file but i cant find the method which is the fastest.In following link there is a function,method but im not sure that is the best way for this.http://etcodehome.blogspot.com/2011/07 /android-rendering-3d-blender-models.html What is the best way of loading an obj model?I want to do this in Android actually. #38 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hi man, As I said, there is no fast way to import obj files. Even the greatest 3D softwares, running on desktops super machines, take a while to import an obj file. Now imagine this into small devices with limited hadware. As i said, the games always use their own binary format. Often, the obj is used just to generate a binary format. If you really need to import the obj files, it will be expensive. So, consider a great victory if you are importing obj correctly (reading all related .mtl, all groups, materials, etc), which is the most important point. Import it into a background and show a loading status to the user, there is no problem with it. Good luck. #39 written by droidman about 1 year ago Thank you very much and my last question is about models.Okey games have their formats but how can create own binary format output from 3ds max or any other 3d program? #40 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago

Hello again, Well, the process is a little bit more complex. First of all, you really need to parse from a comum format, like OBJ or COLLADA, then you take the informations you need and with these informations you create your own binary format. For example: 4 bytes = File version 4 bytes = Count of the Array of Structures N bytes = Array of Structures And so on If youre used to other languages, like Phyton or Max Script, you can try to write a plugin to Blender or 3DS Max. However, in this case you must know the internal structure that those softwares use. The point is: this will be a very long path to a solo developer (Im talking about a lot of months or a year). If you have a game company that produce 3D games all time or if you are planning to create your own 3D engine, ok this is the right path. But, if you just want to use 3D in your apps, I suggest you to search for a 3D engine, a good one. Probably it will have a importing/parsing API that works pretty well. #41 written by droidman about 1 year ago Thank you.I learned from you a lot. #42 written by gaurav about 1 year ago hello sir.i am trying to create a 2d side scrolling tile based game on Android and have to use opengl esyou mentioned in the tutorial that the code u will use will be apple oriented.are there any major differences between apple implementation and android?? do we need to be careful about some subtle differences? btwthanks for a rocking tutorialbeen a great guiding light.. #43 written by Diney Bomfim about 1 year ago Hello buddy, Actually, the OpenGL API doesnt change almost nothing. So the same concept are applicable to iOS and Android. Besides, they use the same functions and the same structure. The greatest difference you could find is around the EGL API. Apple uses its own implementation, called EAGL. The EGL API is responsible to make the

bridge between the OpenGL render and the devices screen. Best, #44 written by Manimaran about 11 months ago Very good think dear friend, nice tutorial. #45 written by Markus Thayer about 9 months ago Thank you for your tutorial. Itll help me a lot. Thanks. #46 written by Saki about 9 months ago Hello, and thank you for your nice post. I am new at OpenGL, and live in Japan. I read this post, and write down summary of this tutorial at Japanese to my blog. http://tsurumura-seisakusho.blogspot.jp/2012/03/open-gl-es-bd-interactivelyall-about.html If you think this is not good (because of your right), please submit comment to my blog and tell me so. I am going to write down summary about next parts in Japanese. Thanks very much. (If need, please erase this comment.) #47 written by Mike JM about 9 months ago Thank you so much. This is a great tutorial. Even if it were not as good you deserve lots of thanks for devoting your time to enlighing people with problems understanding OpenGL like me. #48 written by Oscar about 8 months ago The site was down. Thank you for bringing it up alive. #49 written by BenM about 5 months ago This is a seriously amazing tutorial. Thank you!! One guy said you use !!!!!! Too much, but I found it more engaging. I could totally get

how excited you were about it lol, and that made it better to read. Also, there seem to be a tonne of questions about importing .obj files etc. just google convert .obj to.h and that should show you how And lastly, some of the text in the boxes goes out of view and cant be read which is a shame, someone else mentioned it too, but its ok in the PDF versions. Thanks again Diney, this tutorial is great! #50 written by awhieoawele about 5 months ago I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this All about OpenGL ES 2.x (part 1/3) for my mission. #51 written by nikhila about 3 weeks ago Hi I am forced to work with OGL and GLSL and no clue where to startmedical image VR (unfortunately am a hardware engg. with out any software back ground..) This is the first article i found , that gives an idea about this . Thanks a lot ;P Still am in air donno will be able to do a safe landing

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