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Blue Green Algae and Food Enzymes for Athletes by Viktoras Kulvinskas MS, 9/13/2004

We all want to be the best that we can be, some even strive to be instant winners. Every athlete, at one time or another, has had the desire to get in touch with the inner tiger - walk on the wild side and perform like they dream. Just imagine what it could feel like to run like the dear and to break the two minute mile or toss around weights like the mighty gorilla, winning all the lift competitions with minimal training. Dream on? NO! Read on!!! There is a big difference in the way these wild athletes break the records and the systems of the domesticated civilized humans. The wild ones start training almost right after birth and they train daily while maintaining a very special diet. Mystified, I can tell you that it is not rabbit food, neither do they snack all day long on 200 grams of daily protein. I am sure that the workout routine of the reader, would rate quite highly, among the wild folks. However, the diet is totally another issue. The outstanding features of their diets is that they eat only enzymatic, alkaline foods that are appropriate to their species. The two outstanding champions mentioned eat very green cuisine. Our two legged evolutionary relative has a digestive system, as well as anatomy and physiology like we do. Since he is a successful champion, we might consider mimicking somewhat his eating choices and see if we too might end up being more successful at whatever we do. Lets take a look why the modern sport enthusiasts would end up being better athletes by greening, alkalizing and enzymizing. In life, as well as in training, breath is everything. A few limiting key factors that contribute to athletic performance are adequate oxygenation of tissues (primarily by way of exercise), a strong digestion, natural foods, sufficient rest, concentration Increase the blood oxygen Oxygen is needed for all chemical reactions in the body. We cannot get along even for a moment without adequate oxygen. By eating a diet rich in fresh greens - blue green algae, grasses as well as green vegetables - whether freshly harvested or in a capsule, filled with low temperature freeze dried produce- we receive large amounts of dietary chlorophyll. Dr. Carl Reich M.D. writes: "To say that the body "lives on oxygen" is scarcely an understatement. And the only way in which oxygen can be carried from the lungs to maintain life in each body cell is by the hemoglobin contained in red cells. It is not strange, therefore, that when hemoglobin is deficient, all organs suffer. There may be general weakness, lassitude, nervous irritability, and such multiplicity of symptoms that the patient may be called 'neurotic', unless examination of the blood reveals the true cause. Indeed, so varied are the symptoms of anemia that it would be impossible even to enumerate them in the space available." (Cellular Elements of Blood, CIBA, 14,3, 1962) It is wonderful to know that the oxygen delivery system, consisting of the red blood cells and hemoglobin, are dependent on proper nutrition and can be rejuvenated. The greatest impact comes from foods that are green - such as Blue Green Algae and wheat grass. The algae is about 5 times higher in chlorophyll than wheat grass. The algae contain a high protein with full amino acid profile, similar to the blood; furthermore, it is rich in the full spectrum of minerals, as well as all the other nutrients essential for perfect cellular reproduction. The Super blue Green Algae can play a central role in overcoming anemia. as you read this article, you will see how the body overcomes anemia


(deficiency of oxygen disease) by renewing the red blood cell levels with the full load of hemoglobin. Owing to the close molecular resemblance between chlorophyll and hemoglobin, it was believed by Frans Miller, another scientist, that chlorophyll is nature's blood-building element for all plant eaters and humans. He writes: "Chlorophyll has the same fast blood-building effect as iron in animals made anemic." Initially, this has led also to a great deal of controversy. What exactly is anemia? According to Webster's Dictionary, anemia is a condition in which there is a reduction of the number of red blood corpuscles or the total amount of hemoglobin in the blood stream or both. Thus anemia is an excellent vehicle for the study of the relationship between food and hemoglobin count. The first scientist to demonstrate the regenerative effect of chlorophyll on animals was Dr. Emil Burgi who in l916 observed that rabbits rendered anemic by bleeding recovered more rapidly when chlorophyll was added to their diet. Scott showed that a diet of milk, white bread and chlorophyll rebuilt blood faster than bread and milk. Scott and Delor noted that iron-and copper-free alfalfa extract relieved milk-induced anemia. Patek and Minor in a clinical study with a rare type of anemia caused by pigment scarcity, observed a small positive increase in hemoglobin concentration on intravenous injection of chlorine derivative. Dr. Fisher in Germany announced that for some time he had been using chlorophyll in the treatment of anemia with promising (although by no means conclusive) results. In another clinical study Dr. Patek used fifteen adult patients with chronic hypo-chromic anemia. They were given chlorophyll and allied substances, and were placed on house diets free of meat and eggs, whereas the diet was adequate in all other respects. The crude chlorophyll was a tar-like substance extracted from alfalfa leaves. It was found that chlorophyll alone was not effective. When chlorophyll and its derivatives were administered there was an increase in hemoglobin and improvement in the sense of well being. Other workers have reported curative effects of chlorophyll and its derivatives in a wide variety of anemia: protein deficiency, hemorrhagic, hypochromic of unknown etiology, and "experimental nutritional anemia" of unidentified character . Some of the reports are based on clinical studies, while others are the results of animal experimentation. J. Howell Hughes and A. L. Latner from the Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool, in his highly discriminative experiment, finally resolved the question of blood regeneration capacity of chlorophyll. Rabbits were made anemic by daily bleeding, reducing the hemoglobin level to two fifths of the normal value. The rabbits were split into two groups. The experimental received in their diet chlorophyll in oil, the control only oil. They performed five experiments. Three with varying degrees of pure chlorophyll, one with large doses of crude chlorophyll (unrefined), one with magnesium-free chlorophyll derivatives. The following is a summary: 1. Pure chlorophyll in large doses has no effect on the speed of hemoglobin regeneration after hemorrhage. It seems large doses are toxic to the bone marrow. 2. Very small doses of pure chlorophyll markedly increased the speed of hemoglobin regeneration to approximately its previous level. 3. Crude chlorophyll is effective even in large doses. Hughes concludes: "It seems therefore that the animal body is capable of converting chlorophyll to hemoglobin." This statement is in agreement with Zin (22) who, however, showed the effect of chlorophyll injection on the red blood. One theory states that if chlorophyll has sufficient iron in its neighborhood, magnesium can be displaced to yield a hemoglobin molecule. Spirulina, a high crude chlorophyll source, well over 1 percent, but also a very high amount of organic iron. Spirulina was tested against a typical iron supplement, iron sulfate. Spirulina fed rats absorbed 60% more iron than rats fed the iron sulfate. An earlier study also showed that Spirulina is effective in correcting anemia in


rats. A human study with 8 women who were on a thinning diet, which led to hypochronic anemia, were tested. They took 4 grams of Spirulina after each meal and in 30 days, blood hemoglobin content increased 21% from 10.9% to 13.2, a satisfactory level, no longer considered anemic. Furthermore, due to improved methods of fertilizing the Spirulina ponds, Earthrise Farms has been able to increase the average iron content to 15 mg per 10 grams (80% iron RDA for women). Thus we see how chlorophyll can aid in rebuilding the bloodstream hemoglobin and red blood cell. Without correcting all the causes of anemia, the chlorophyll results are temporary in nature and not consistently workable with every individual. Within the Hippocrates Health Institute in clinical studies has proven success many times with the most difficult of anemic cases. (The reference numbers, are entries from the book: "Sprout for the Love of Everybody" by V.P. Kulvinskas) Grasses, Blue Green Algae, Chlorella and Spirulina are rich sources of concentrated crude chlorophyll source, ranging between one and five percent, furthermore they are contain large amount of organic iron. Blue green algae was tested against a typical iron supplement, iron sulfate. Blue Green algae fed rats absorbed 60% more iron than rats fed the iron sulfate. Anemia is rampart within our civilization, effecting young, old as well as athletes. The low hemoglobin levels, lead to poor oxygen absorption, resulting in sluggish performance. There are hundredths of human studies with successful results, in treatment of all forms of anemia with crude chlorophyll. Results show up within a matter of 4 weeks. By eating the green foods one can max out on the oxygen absorption, which will improve the fuel consumption leading to more energy. Alkalize your diet for electro-power In addition, green foods are almost always alkaline to the body. Increasing the alkaline reserve can amplify the electro-potential energy on the cellular level and pass on this energy to your muscles and vital organs. Chemical energy is stored in a molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). By way of enzymatic action, food is transformed into energy and then stored in the ATP molecules in our cells. The less efficient is our digestion, the less ATP energy will be created. Furthermore, when digestion is inefficient, fermenting and putrefying food has to be neutralized by our immune system, which requires ATP energy to "clean up." Man-made foods of civilization have a tendency to be acid-forming. The waste products of normal metabolism are also acid. To counter-balance our tendency to become too acid, most people need to eat more alkaline foods. If this balance is not created, then their alkaline and enzyme reserves drop to such low levels that even stimulants that used to work to provide "energy" fail to "kick in." Eventually, chronic fatigue creates the biological conditions that increase the incidence of the major degenerative diseases that we typically see in our society. Some of the Trace minerals, though little known or understood by most people, are just as important as the more well-known minerals such as iron. All play a vital role in the digestion and assimilation of essential nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body. It is estimated that 99% of Americans are deficient in minerals. ( US Government Document No. 264) It is believed by scientists that life began in the sea and that the blood which flows in the arteries and veins is a relic of sea water. We know that the composition of the blood is very much like that of sea water, as far as minerals are concerned. the editorial in the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey explained as following: "The salinity (saltiness) of our body fluid mimics the salinity of the ocean... and much of human physiology may be thought of as movement of fluid and electrolytes (minerals) across semi-permeable membranes." Minerals are the catalysts for the enzyme systems. Enzymes systems make life possible. The minerals are essential to enzyme systems either because they are part of the enzyme itself, or they act as co-factors which enable the enzymes to work properly. Minerals in excess, can put a stress on


the body functions. This is why, the preferred way is to take minerals is from whole foods, such as the water algae and land grasses. Kelp is just one of the thousand of algae that grows in the mineral rich ocean. It is one of the most dramatic sea vegetables with a growth rate up to 12 inches per day with the leaves extending hundredths of feet. Every mineral found in the ocean, is found in the plant. According to Dr. Hagivara, "Enzymes, the agents which make metabolism possible, work only when various minerals are dissolved as ions in the cell fluids. If the necessary minerals do not exist in an ionized condition, most of the enzymes lose their activity or have it reduced. Modern science has made it clear that all chemical changes within the cells of man are performed by the action of enzymes. It has been found that minerals have much to do with the activities of enzymes. In that sense, minerals can be said to be enzymes for the enzymes." "Health can only be maintained when enzymes work together with minerals. Cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme which catalyzes oxidation reduction, contains one copper ion and one iron ion in its chemical structure. SOD, an enzyme which prevents aging of cells, cannot exhibit its inherent activity without minerals such as zinc or copper. In other words, it is only when the body contains minerals in a wellbalanced state that as many as three thousand and several hundred enzymes can perform harmonized metabolism." Enzymes for increased energy and power of immune system. The word "enzyme" comes from the Greek word enzymas, which means "to ferment" or "cause a change." Enzymes are the foundation for all cell regeneration. Enzymes play a key role in the transformation of undigested food into the nutrients that are absorbed on the cellular level. With proper nutrition, we have the energy to participate "in that dance we call life." An enzyme is a specialized protein structure which carries with it an energetic charge. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that normally take place very slowly or not at all. It is the energy behind the protein structure that makes enzymes different from other protein-based substances. It is this energetic "life principle" that animates all living forms and "runs the whole show" we call life. Athletes need more enzymes than the couch potatoes. Without enzyme rich foods and supplementation, the athletes are forced to retire early in life - the typical mid-life drop-outs. I have witnessed many of the Enzymes come from many sources, such as raw food, enzyme supplements, fermented and sprouted seeds, gastro intestinal bacteria and the bodys inner cells. The more one exercises the more ones body produces enzymes. However, if the diet is deficient in enzymes, the body eventually fails to convert all the protein one consumes into the building blocks of amino acids. Cooked, heat treated beyond 120 deg F and processed foods have the enzymes disorganized reduced to a protein. Furthermore, the consumption of enzymeless, high protein foods can reduce the oxygen availability. Furthermore, oxygen absorption and transport, is radically hindered by the consumption of enzymeless (cooked and or processed) protein) reducing the oxygen availability by as much as 60%. Furthermore, the acid oriented fat diet, leads to red cells sticking to one another, with a diminished capacity of the red blood cells to enter the fine capillaries and distribute oxygen to extremities. The presence of enzymes, even in an inadequate diet, can radically alter ones ability to extract nutrients. Dr. John Gainer showed that a typical heat treated high protein diet can reduce radically the oxygen transport by as much as 60%. The body compensates for the oxygen reducing impact, and as long as it can it either according to Drs. Wend et al, stores it the blood vessel inner lining or, according to the Nobel recipient Dr. Otto Warburger, into cancer cells. Basically, the excess protein was not digested due to low enzyme levels and is not available for creating muscle. Furthermore, the oxygen levels are maintained at inadequate levels. This is not the case, when the protein overload is in an enzymatic form. Consider the following example. Most health practitioners would agree that a diet consisting of up to ten pounds of meat and animal fat each day is harmful. However, primitive Greenland Eskimos who followed this diet for generations did


not suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart trouble or kidney stones! How is this possible? Greenland Eskimos eat their food raw and/or slightly fermented! The word "Eskimo" when translated, means, "he who eats it raw." Dr. William A. Thomas of the MacMillan Arctic Expedition of 1926 wrote: "Eskimos live on an exclusively meat and fish diet, all usually and preferably eaten in the raw. There was no unusual prevalence of renal and vascular disease. However, the Eskimos that began living mostly on cooked foods, their health changed. Cancer and heart disease appeared and their longevity was reduced 50%. The excess intake of cooked fats leads to the exhaustion of the body's ability to manufacture sufficient amounts of lipase, or fat, enzymes. This in turn can lead to obesity, adult onset diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Eskimos can eat up to a pound of lipase-rich raw blubber a day each and every day and not have any signs or symptoms of cardiovascular disease. However, when Eskimos began to cook their fats like Westerners, they began to suffer from the same degenerative diseases of Western cultures. We are not advocating the eating of raw meat. Much better choice, is the ingesting of enzymatically active plant based, pre-digested protein. Dr. David Galton of Tufts University, School of Medicine, examined eleven individuals weighting around 235 pounds and found lipase enzyme deficiency in the fatty tissue, as well as the fatty tumors. Without the fat splitting enzyme lipase, fat builds up throughout ones body. Dr. Howell points out that present-day cooked food eaters have enlarged pancreas. Dr. Schaefer of the Mayo Foundation studied Malay and Filipino populations and confirmed this fact. These native people's diets consisted largely of cooked rice, which they ate three times daily. Their pancreases were found to be 25% to 50% heavier than Occidentals when relative body weight was factored in to make the comparison scientifically meaningful. It is a well-known occurrence that organ enlargement often precedes organ exhaustion. It is theorized that in the populations studied, organ enlargement occurred because the pancreas, being one of our chief enzyme factories, became overworked and swollen in the tiring, day-in, day-out labor of collecting and manufacturing enzymes for three cooked, high starch meals a day. Vibrant, healthy cells have high enzyme activity levels. Enzymes are the "spark of life" and are what makes living cells and tissues alive. It is dubious wisdom (foolish) to expect energy and aliveness from life and then go about eating all that is dead and lifeless. Dr. Francis Pottenger's famous ten year study showed just that. He fed cats an enzyme-rich diet and maintained health and vigor throughout several generations. The cats that were fed a diet consisting of at least 80% cooked food exhibited evidence of degenerative disease. Pottenger's data supported Howell's theories that raw food contains vital factors no longer present in cooked food. The S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) has a much higher percentage of cooked and processed foods, hence it does not come as a surprise to see that over 70% of Americans are suffering from some form of incurable disease. Another medical researcher, Dr. Paul Kauchakoff, MD., experimented with the effects of cooked and raw foods on the bloodstreams of humans. Dr. Kauchakoff found that eating cooked foods caused an immediate increase in the leukocyte (white blood) cell count in the bloodstream whereas the same food eaten raw did not change blood physiology. Before this important experiment, medical dictum taught that it was a normal physiological event for leukocytes to increase in the blood and migrate to the intestines as soon as food entered the mouth. The strongest hypothesis formulated to explain this phenomenon is that in the body's wisdom, white blood cells collect enzymes from the body's enzyme reserves and migrate to the digestive system to aid in the digestion of the cooked food. Every cooked meal can then be seen as a significant stress on the immune system, speeding the exhaustion of enzymes and ultimately shortening your life. Enzymatic Athletes Dr. Santillo, a long time friend, is an enzymologist and a long time consumer of both enzyme rich foods and plant based enzyme supplements. According to him, "enzyme deficiencies account for more disease than all other diseases combined." If this is true, can we then not look at premature old age, or for that matter, the aging process itself, as a biological condition with a major characteristic being a


pronounced enzyme deficiency? Santillo (age early 50s), has competed extensively in track, winning over Olympic participants, winning at the Canadian Nationals, Master, New York State and the East Coast. At the New York State Masters Track and Field (Empire State Games !986) where in the 100- and 200-meter races his finishing times were only a few tenths of a second short of high school and college track times of twenty years ago. The athletes fall by the wayside not due to the effect of chronological clock, but due to acidification of their muscle system while living and training on an enzymeless diet. Dr. James B. Sumner, Nobel Prize recipient and Professor of Bio-chemistry at Corneal University wrote in his book, The Secret of Life - Enzymes that the "getting old feeling" after forty is due to reduced enzyme levels throughout the body. Young cells contain a hundreds times more enzymes than old cells. Old cells are filled with metabolic waste and toxins. In Today's Health (September 1960), which is published by the American Medical Association, Dr. Ratcliff states that "many research men believe that the aging process is the result of the slowing down and disorganization of enzyme activity. Might it eventually be possible to restore youthful patterns of activity by supplying those enzymes that are deficient.?" Ratcliff goes on to say that "researchers are convinced that virtually all disease can be traced to missing or faulty enzymes...To date, an estimated forty-four diseases have been related to enzyme disturbances." Every athlete is concerned about intake of the right nutrients, however, few even think about the digestibility of the food, or the bio-availability of the nutrients in the food. The issue of extraction and absorption is critical. Enzymes Increase Energy According to a study from University of Chicago, the average individuals looses between 60 and 70 percent of the calories in the food due to foully digestion. Low enzyme levels are behind this problem. These foods are expelled out of the body at a great energy expense. The editor of the Scottish Medical Journal (1966) wrote that "probably nearly half of our daily production of protein in the body are enzymes." In ways, our bodies are like big enzyme factories. The popular "muscle" magazine, Muscle & Fitness (May 1992) published an article entitled "Enzymes- Age Stoppers?" in which the author states that "the body contains over 5,000 identified enzymes that regulate the functions of all organs and tissues." Two months later, in the July Muscle and Fitness , it states that "enzymes may be what makes the difference between fit, strong athletes and lethargic, listless couch potatoes." For athletes, the time lost due to injuries such as strains, sprains, muscle strains and bruises, is of critical importance. Leo Marty, director of Sport Medicine at Portland State University conducted a double-blind controlled study of 64 football players. Use of oral enzyme mixture reduced the time loss from playing compared to the placebo by about 50%. (Am. Chiropractor, Sept/Oct 1981, 32-3) Karate, where the participants try to hit hard as possible, with frequent injuries. Dr. J. M. Zuschlag used a double-blind investigation on 10 karate fighters (of both sexes) who were treated with enzyme mix before fighting, 5 tablets, three times daily. Another group of 10, received same placebo dosages. The hematomas of the enzyme group disappeared in under 7 days, for the placebo group, it took almost 16 days. The swelling for the enzyme group subsided after 4 days, while the controls took almost 10 days. Restrictions, as a result of pain and injury, disappeared in 5 days of the experimental group, whereas those in control group, took over 12 days (Mucos-Pharma GMBH, 1988, 1-5). F.J. Sweeney, studied 100 professional athletes plus college athletes and their injuries. He obtained marked results in 87% of the athletes and moderate results in 10% of the cases, particularly in the reduction of edema, associated pain and return of full activity of the injured area. ("Treatment of


Athletic Injuries with an Oral Proteolithic Enzyme", Medical Times, 1963). Even the small-town local paper in Hot Springs, Arkansas ran a piece entitled "Can Enzyme Regimens End Obesity?" The article was an account of a National Dietary Research Council experiment in which the researchers had the test subjects consume at least six large meals per day along with an enzyme complex supplement that was thought might help the body overcome it's resistance to weight loss. Of the 50 people who participated in the study, the women lost an average of one pound a day. The men lost an average of two pounds a day. As the enzyme levels decrease with aging, so does the capacity to build up one amino acids from the digested protein. With aging we Protease and lipase becomes low. As one can see the enzymes can play a key roll in the optimal performance of professional as well as the weekend warriors. Can enzymes help in weight management and improve heart action It is very common for athletes to gain excess weight, especially when they are under-active. Lipase is the enzyme which aides in breaking down and storing fat as well as converting fat to energy. Without lipase, fat will stagnate--remaining in the stomach for 2 to 3 hours after being consumed. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach chemically alters the fat, preventing it from being properly digested in the intestine. This improperly digested fat may result in an accumulation of plaque in the arteries, resulting in heart disease. Obese people typically have a deficiency of lipase. By supplementing a cooked food diet with enzymes, fats will be properly digested allowing for maximum use of energy and efficient removal of waste. It is interesting to note that people and animals who eat "raw fat", which retains its natural lipase component, generally do not have a problem with obesity or cardiovascular disease. What about increased longevity for athletic career? Another factor affecting athletic performance is the process of aging. As we grow older, many of our nutritional requirements increase, and our glands and organs do not function as well as when we were younger. Often organs and glands begin to atrophy. This is why we generally become more susceptible to degenerative and infectious diseases as we age. Enzymes are connected to every working organ in our body and run our life's processes. Can supplemental enzymes improve athletic performance? Research shows that rats provided with supplemental enzymes had increased enzyme levels and these enzymes were stronger than in the control group of rats. In addition, the enzyme-fed rats lived three years while the control group of rats lived only two years. This research indicated evidence of a fixed enzyme potential which diminishes over time in all living creatures. Eating uncooked and unprocessed foods and supplementing cooked foods with enzymes reduces stress on body organs and probably slows or stops the aging process. Enzymeless Diet Creates a Need for Enzyme Supplementation Humans that eat a diet void of enzymes will use up a tremendous amount of their own enzyme potential. Enzymes act as an energy or a catalyst, and every action of our organs and glands needs this energy to work. We receive energy from the nutrients in our blood. These nutrients are put there through the digestion of food and carried to and throughout our system by the energy of enzymes. A lack of enzymes could result in a lowered resistance to illness, all types of stresses, and physiological environments which may lead to a shortened life span. By supplementing cooked foods with plant enzyme capsules, we can stop or at least slow down the normal and pathological aging process. Growing Acceptance As a result of these and many other clinical studies on using enzyme preparations as an aid in preventing and healing injuries. the interest in this powerful non-toxic method of treatment is growing. This approach holds great promise for athletes, especially those who are involved in injury-sensitive contact sports. What Can You Do Take Enzymatic Super Foods that provides a stable energy source and keeps-one-in-the-game. Serious athletes, as well as the weekend warriors, always want to improve their skills and all to often they look for the easy or "quick fix" which could create medical problems in the future.


The widespread use of a cutting-edge enzyme formula promises to deliver a new level of safe relief from athletic injuries, as well as many other forms of trauma. Who Are Some of the Athletes Eating Enzymatic Super Foods 1. DAVERICK LAMPLEY was an all star athlete at university in track and field. At age 30, he worked full time, while training other athletes and was preparing himself to compete as a contender in the Olympics as a sprinter in 50, 100 and 200 meters. He had cut his time down to about 12.5 yards per seconds. The world record is 12 yards/sec. Since being on algae, he was free of fatigue or soreness after strenuous workouts. Furthermore, he gained in 2 months since starting the Blue Green Algae a total of 10 pounds of muscle mass. He has been for years under medical consultation because of a low testosterone levels, fearing that he was not going to be able to father children. After starting algae about 2 months ago, his testosterone level went from 2 to 7. Usually, a level of 4 or higher is reason for suspecting that the person is using steroids. Daverick has been under continued medical surveillance by a physician who kept total intake of diet, nutritional supplement, while keeping a regular blood profile. He represented a totally natural athlete. 2. BOB SWITZER Professional Master Ski Racer/Instructor Race team Coach 3 times Canadian Master Champion 3. RICHARD JURYL Professional Cycler Master Alpine Ski Racer 1991 Province Slalom Masters Champion 4. MIKE MOORE American League All Star Pitcher 1989 & 1990 World series Pitcher for the Oaklands A's 5. STEPHANIE GRASSCUP 1976 Junior Olympic Champion Ice Follies 1990 US Open Challenge Cup Champion 6. NANCY WHEATON Aerobics Instructor Nordic Ski Instructor Model 7. TRACY EVANS Inverted Ski Aerialist Ranked 2nd US Nationals World Cup Olympics 8. MARCO VERCHERE Professional Triathlete World Stair Climber 1990 UBC Triathlon Champion Commonwealth Games Triathlon Team Member 9. BERNARD VOYER - explored the Alps, the Rockies, the mountains of Africa and the Sahara Desert. In 1994 Bernard led an expedition to the Geographic North Pole and in January, 1996 he and Thierry Petry became the first Canadians to reach the South Pole un-assisted. These two explorers reached their destination with the help of the enzymatic Super Blue Green Algae. 10. MARCO VERCHERE, ran the worlds longest metal staircase, during a race up the CN Tower in Toronto Oct 25, 1999. He won the race, and attributed his outstanding victory to the enzymatic Blue Green foods. 11. JIM PEARSON, set the American Record in the Master Division 5K on June 9, 1989, with a time of 14:45. This record stood for over two and a half years. The following years, Jims race time began to fall off. In his search for an answer to this challenge, Jim developed a professional relationship with Dr. Les Knight, doctor of nutrition and author of 28 books. Dr. Knight established Jims heart rate, body fat, flexibility, nutrition etc. Although skeptical, Jim started in summer of 1994 the intake of the enzymatic SBG Algae line of foods. Dr. Knight was amazed when he discovered that Jims resting heart rate had dramatically dropped from 40 to 35 beats per minute. Likewise, Jim was able to do wind sprints with the same previous speed, but with a lower heart rate. 12. DAN OBRIAN, whose accomplishments in the Decathlon, are as following: *1996 Olympic Gold Medalist * Three Consecutive World Titles * Five Consecutive US Titles * 1994 Goodwill Games Champion * Holder of the decathlon world record with 8,891 points Dan believes that super foods has helped to give him the edge every world-class athlete needs. The enzymatic super foods make up a significant portion of his daily diet - 25 to 30 capsules of the AFA and relies on the Enzymes, probiotics. to get the greatest nutritional benefit from his foods. The products are really important to me. It helps me physically, and that physical/emotional edge is something every athlete wants, he says. When I eat Algae during a decathlon, even if I dont eat anything


else, I know, I have got something thats going to keep giving back to me. 13. The Pole to Pole expedition is being fueled by Blue Green Algae line of foods. Started on the 15th of July 2000, nine young people took up the challenge of a lifetime. They will drive the Pan Americana: the longest North-South connection possible on Earth. In six months time, they will travel the two American Continents. Starting in Prudhoe Bay at the Arctic Ocean in Alaska, passing the Maya and Aztec temples, through the Chilean Atacama desert to the desolate fields of Patagonia, to Ushuaia, the worlds most southern city. www.pole2pole.org Not All Enzymes are the Same Many enzymes taken to aid digestion, such as pepsin, trypsin, and pancreatin, are derived from animal sources. They have a very narrow window of viability in terms of pH conditions, working in either just the small intestine or the stomach. When the pH level gets too high or low, the enzymes are deactivated. Consequently when people take these enzymes, many are not getting the expected nutritional help. Naturally derived non-animal enzymes, however have a much wider range of pH adaptability working throughout the digestive system, hence, no enteric coating is needed. Hydrochloric acid, or HCL, is a normal constituent of gastric juice in human beings. Although administered to aid digestion, it is not an enzyme nor does it act as an enzyme. There are a number of enzyme supplement products on the market today. The growth in the holistic medicine field has only increased this trend. Use hose which are high grade and concentrated from specially cultivated plant sources. Available commercial grade enzymes are less expensive to produce but are less potent. They are carefully prepared to assure maximum quality and nutritional effectiveness. Our enzyme fortifiers contain no fillers or synthetic substances making them the highest quality available in the market today. Why do we need supplemental digestive enzymes? 1.Because most of our food is cooked. Prolonged heat over 118 degrees F destroys enzymes. Some medical researchers, such as Dr. Howell, cite enzyme deficiency as a significant cause of premature aging and degenerative diseases. This attributed to metabolic stress and organic imbalance caused by lack of enzymes. Poorly digested or incompletely digested food can block nutrient absorption and produce toxic by-products. Minor discomfort such as gas, bloating, headache, nausea, intestinal cramps and diarrhea, commonly result from internally produced toxins. 2.Some people simply do not produce enough enzymes for effective digestion. This condition tends to become more common and increases with age as the body makes less enzymes of its own. 3.Enzymes play an important role in the immune system. The human body, however, rates digestion as a higher priority than immunity. Therefore, modem enzyme deficient diets weaken the immune system. (Congress of Sports Medicine 1990) By breathing polluted air and living in 21st century, your immune is challenged every minute. What do digestive enzymes do? They have three main functions: digesting carbohydrates (amylases) digesting proteins (proteases), and digesting fats (lipases). When uncooked, food enzymes naturally assist the enzymes produced by our bodies for digestion. Enzymatic Foods gives you the edge you need to exercise and compete at your maximum potential and stay in the game. So many, are looking for an all natural product that doesn't have to be taken in toxic amounts to assist us in our personal quest for doing the best we can athletically by young boys and girls to the senior athletes all of which train hard and want results! How can you tell it is working? One of the ways is in what you do not experience: no indigestion, no bloating, no stomach gas, no heartburn, or flatulence by incomplete digestion of carbohydrates. Does the addition of raw food or juicing to the diet guarantee enough enzymes to meet our


needs? Raw food provides only enough enzymes to digest that particular food. There are no extra enzymes in raw food to digest cooked or processed food. Although a totally raw diet may appear to be the best solution, it is generally not practical, and in most cases, not medically advisable. Due to the risk of bacterial contamination, many foods should not be eaten raw, including meats, poultry, eggs and beans. Many people find the fiber content in large quantities of raw food difficult to digest. Why is Enzyme Supplementation important? Most people will choose cooked foods over raw foods. Some scientists believe we have lost our rich top soil necessary for producing nutritious food. Our body makes our metabolic enzymes from the complete amino acid food we ingest. Complete amino acids are usually only found in animal products. It typically takes a combination of plant products to make a complete amino source. We usually cook our animal products, robbing them of their enzymes. Nuts that are raw contain enzyme inhibitors (as do most beans). Grains and flour are processed, robbing them of their enzymes. Enzyme supplements assure an adequate enzyme supply. Vitamins and minerals are considered co-enzymes. A co-enzyme is dependent on another energy and an enzyme. Can children take enzyme supplements? Enzymes are safe for people of all ages to use. After almost 70 years of research with plant enzymes, no side effects have been reported. Since children have the same enzyme deficient diets as adults, enzyme supplementation begun at early age will help preserve the enzyme potential of the child for later in life. Research is on-going, however, enzymes have been shown to benefit some people with everything from migraine headaches, insomnia, and allergies to diabetes, heart disease, and leukemia. Enzymes aide in the digestion of food and distribution of nutrients through the body. This process allows the endocrine system to function properly resulting in hormonal balance. When the body is functioning properly and efficiently, the immune system is better prepared to fight any disease and maintain the balance. Partial References Boyne PS and Medhurst, H "Oral anti-inflammatory enzyme therapy in professional footballers. "The Pracitoner", 1948 : 543 (1967). Detric. R E. "Oral proteolytic a enzymes n the treatment of athletic injuries; a double-blind study." The Penn Med. J.68:35 (1965). Kleine. M.W... Vogler W "The effects of an oral enzyme treatment on experimentally induced hematomas Forum Ceo Pract. 2:27(1968) Lie. KK. et al. Therapeutic a value of oral proteolytic enzymes following hand surgery. Aran Surgery, 96103 (1961). Rahn. H.D, 'Hydrolytic enzymes as per-operative and edematous therapy in meniscectomy and fracture surgery" Presented at FIMS 'hard Co Sherr S. and Fletcher. A.P., 'Proteolytic enzymes: a therapeutic evaluation." Olin. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1:202(1961). Woolf, RM, "Resolution of an artificially induced hematoma and the influence of a proteolytic enzyme" J Trauma, 5:491(1965). Zuschlag. H Study reported by Lopez. 0 A., et. al. in Enzymes, The Fountain Of Life; Neville Press.


Charleston. SC, USA (1994) The following books are also recommended: Enzymes for Health and Longevity, by Dr. Howell, Intro by V. Kulvinskas MS Enzymes. the Fountain of Life, D.A. Lopez MD, R.M. Williams MD, Ph.D., M. Miehlke, MD Dont Dine Without Enzymes, V. Kulvinskas MS Enzyme Nutrition : The Food Enzymes Concept -- Edward Howell, The Healing Power of Enzymes -- Dicqie Fuller, DicQie Fuller Ph.D. D.Sc.; Paperback The Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy -- Anthony Cichoke; Paperback Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology ~ William P. Jencks Fundamentals of Enzymology Nicholas C. Price Available from most bookstore, or call (800) KYEBOOK (800-593-2665)


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