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The Drug War

Before exposing the evil Drug War, it's time to define drugs and their early history. This
doesn't mean I endorse using harmful narcotics (especially for recreational purposes). This
does mean I believe that the government has no right to lock up drug addicts who are non-
violent. Drug addiction is an illness and should be solved via medicine, treatment, doctors,
real reform, etc. Drug addicts shouldn't be locked up in prison if they are non-violent. Now,
hallucinogens have been mind altering drugs. These drugs were consumed in the Mystery
schools of the ancient world. The Scythians had cannibis from the 5th century B.C. to the 2nd
century B.C. Wine with a belladona plant was consumed by the ancient Greeks. The Hindus had
soma in ancient times that is claimed to have altered the perception of the human mind as well.
Soma is a type of drink that is derived from certain plants. LSD is a manufactured hallucinogenic
that can harm the human body in many ways (the academic world and the CIA tested LSD in the
1950's and the early 1960's. By the mid to late 1960's, the rest of the world used it for recreational
purposes on a higher level. Of course, LSD is dangerous and many folks were harmed by its usage.
Dr. Timothy Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert popularized its usage in America). The Hippie Movement
was funded by the CIA with puppets like Leary in order to distract the youth about the wicked of the
Vietnam War, civil rights, and the other real issues pertaining to American society in that time. Now,
cocaine is a stimulant. It comes from cocoa leaves and some believe it was used in 500 A.D. in
ancient Peru. Sigmund Freud and Robert Louis Stevenson used cocaine almost daily. Cocaine was
once found in Cola Coca (It was "eliminated" from the soda in 1903). It can cause an intense
euphoric and hallucinatory effects temporarily. Opiates come from opium and can be utilized
as a depressant. Heroin, morphine, and codeine are cousins to each other. By 1924, heroin
was banned in American society. Drugs like any substance can be utilized for good and evil
purposes. Elitists and occultists have exploited numerous drugs for evil purposes like occult
ceremonies, to create a Drug War to build up the prison industrial complex (and the police state we
see growing in America), the justification for immoral wars, to just plain harm human beings, etc.

A mother with just 1/16 oz. of Cocaine Gets Life in Prison! Of course a sentence like
this is immoral and wrong of course. We don't lock up alcoholics if they are non-violent. The Drug
War is an unconstitutional war. No where in the Constitution says that the federal government
should have a war on drugs anyway. I don't believe in a war on drugs at all. Many of these drug laws
unfairly target minorities like African Americans and Hispanic Americans. It is better to have
alternatives to stem the tide of drug abuse than have a similar monolithic War on Drugs which
hasn't worked effectively (costing over 400 billion dollars in over 3 decades). Not to mention that the
government has been caught shipping much of the illegal drugs into American shores (as recorded
by Gary Webb's research and others). This has been a common occurrence among nations for
thousands of years. The profits made from this War on Drugs have funded the construction of the
police state system in the Western world (including the prison industrial complex. This relates to the
repression of rights in urban areas nationwide). We witness this same nefarious cycle in the USA
today. The late Gary Webb was one of the first people that exposed publicly
how the Central Intelligence Agency worked with Contras to sell cocaine in
the streets of Los Angeles during the early 1980's. Michael Levine, who was a former
DEA agent admitted that he had involvement as an undercover agent in heroin and cocaine
smuggling in S. E. Asia and South America. Barry Seal was another famous drug smuggler for the
CIA that mysteriously died. The FDA has been known to advance dangerous pharmaceutical drugs
on many levels. Therefore, the Drug War should end in America. Before the War on Drugs,
drug addiction and crime related to drugs were way less than it is now. Its replacement
should be reforms to help those suffering from drug addiction, the protection of our borders,
and the preservation of our civil liberties. The deal is that the government is trying to force
people what foods or substances you can take into your body (even if these substances the federal
government are promoting are poisons like MSG, flouride, aspartame, the neuro-toxin mercury, etc).

The flag of the British East India Company (on the left) looks very similar to the
American flag. Bonesmen have a had a notorious history of being involved in drug
running and aiding the Nazis of the Third Reich.

The Skulls and Bones was created in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft.
Scholars believe that the Skulls and Bones Secret Society was based on some of the precepts of
the Bavarian Illuminati. The deal with this group is that college students are initiated in occult rituals.
They kiss the feet of a Pope figure, confess sexual secrets, and do all sorts of things in
exchange for power positions (ABC News featured a video of the ceremony). They aren't the
most powerful group in the world as some suggest, but they are one of the weirdest occult Secret
Societies in the world. The Masonic British elite (like Mason John Jacob Astor being a stockholder)
wanted to control China. One way of doing it was via the Opium trade. First, the British created drug
addiction in China by sending Opium to the Chinese people (in the 1830's where their population
was already over 300 million people). The BEIC (or the British East India Company) was a
monopoly corporation funding the Opium trade, revolutions, and had involvement in the evil
international slave trade. The BEIC was created in 1599. On September 24, 1599, another group
of merchants of London, having raised £30,133 in capital, met to form a corporation.
According to Fritz Springmeier, the names in that meeting included Campbell,
Wheeler, Smith, Mosley, Gore, Green, Freeman, Bell Brown, Backhouse, Collins, On,
Holiday, Lee, and Hammer. December 31, 1600, the last day of the sixteenth century, the
Queen granted a Royal Charter to "George, Earl of Cumberland, and 215 Knights,
Aldermen, and Burgesses" under the name, Governor and Company of Merchants of
London trading with the East Indies. The charter awarded the newly formed company, for
a period of fifteen years, a monopoly of trade with all countries to the east of the Cape of
Good Hope and to the west of the Straits of Magellan. Sir James Lancaster commanded the
first East India Company voyage in 1601. The British East India Company was famous for
having a monopoly of trade in China and India. The BEIC competed against the Dutch and
the Portuguese for trading lands. The Company achieved a major victory over the
Portuguese in the Battle of Swally in 1612. The BEIC’s flag looks similar to the United
States’ flag. Money that allowed Elihu Yale to start Yale and money that John Harvard
used to form Harvard came from the BEIC. According to Fritz Springmeier, by 1799, there
were 1,824 stockholders with 1,000 pounds or more of stock which granted them the right
to vote. Indian policy was influenced by the company from 1757 to 1773. Much of
the BEIC’s power was broken by the 1773 Regulatory Act. The Pitt's India Act of
1784, finally ending their monopoly in 1813. The Company continued to manage the tea
trade on behalf of the British government (and the supply of Saint Helena) until the East
India Stock Dividend Redemption Act came into effect, on January 1, 1874, under the
terms of which the Company was dissolved.

American businessman like Warren Delano (the grandfather of FDR) worked with the British. The
Chinese rebelled against the opium trade by banning opium importation. Lin Tse Hsu was the
commissioner of the Emperor called to handle the problem. The British via the BEIC and their
military soon defeated the China in the Opium War of 1840. The BEIC even destroyed Tibetan
monasteries. In 1912, Triad and Freemason Dr. Sun Yat sen (he formed Triad groups in Hawaii) in
February 15, 1912 to overthrew the Manchus (who opposed the drug trade). This established China
as a "Republic." Traid Chaing Kai-shek succeeded him. Kai-Shek battled later against the
Communists for China. Mao hated Christianity since a missionary rejected him for being Chinese.
Mao's mentor was Li Tachao who had ties with the Red Spears Secret Society. Li Ch'i-han was a
early Communist and leader of the Green Gang Secret Society. This following history relates to the
Chinese Revolution of the 1900's. Communist leader Mao won by 1950 sending Chiang (who
Western supplies to him came later) to Taiwan. Other pro-Chiang forces became the KMT working
with the CIA in the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle was a region in Southeast Asia (within the
nations of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, etc.) where opium and heroin were grown in order to trade the
substances globally. It was a key part of the International Drug Trade. The Golden Triangle reached
its peak during the war of Vietnam.

Later in 1965, Malcolm X was murdered by at least 3 NOI members. Dr. Martin Luther King
died in 1968 along with Robert Kennedy. All 3 men opposed Spellman's war in Vietnam
(where millions of Americans and Vietnamese died along with the Drug Trade increasing its
potency ruining numerous American lives). Cardinal Spellman was a strong supporter of the
Vietnam War. Jesuit Lyons was a big supporter of the Vietnam War. 2 of the big agents
carrying out the war were CFR member and Roman Catholic William Westmoreland and
General of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Earle Grant Wheeler. Wheeler was a relative of Civil
War General Ulysses S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant’s father was Jesse Root Grant. During the
Civil War, he was the Commander of the whole Union Army. The Root family had a
prominent role in American history. Grant condemned secret oath carrying organizations.
Grant wasn’t perfect. Alphonso Taft (who was recorded as a Freemason. Alphonso Taft,
was a prominent member of Kilwinning Lodge No. 356 in Cincinnati) was apart of his
cabinet when Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States. Alphonso Taft of course co-
founded the Skulls and Bones Secret Society along with William Huntington Russell. His son,
William Howard Taft, was the 27th President of the United States and was a member of
Yale's Skull and Bones like his father. Another son of Aphonso, whose name is Charles
Phelps Taft, supported the founding of Wolf's Head Society at Yale. Both his grandson and
great-grandson, Robert A. Taft I (also Skull and Bones) and Robert Taft Jr., were U.S.
Senators. His great-great-grandson, Robert A. Taft II, was the Governor of Ohio from 1999
until 2007. Alphonso Taft is related to Bill Clinton. Grant’s Secretary of Interior was
Columbus Delano of the Delano family. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a
descendant of Columbus Delano. The progenitor of the Delano family in the Americas of
1621 was Philippe de la Noye (a Flemish man), the first Huguenot to land in the New
World, whose family name was anglicized to Delano. Ironically, Ulysses is related to FDR,
the Delano Family, and Theodore Roosevelt. This Golden Triangle Drug Trade (during the
Vietnam Era) as validated by many authors was about how the CIA, Mafia, and the Chiu Chou
Triads were united working in the Golden Triangle shipping drug to American G.I.s plus globally.
Today, the Triads still have huge power in Hong Kong. The Vietnam War increased the drug culture
in America into new heights. Some evil people would ship drugs into America in the coffin of dead
American soldiers. The Modern Drug War in America (as we see it today, although drug war
actions occurred decades before the 1970's) began with Richard Nixon.

There is the story about hemp. Hemp was a very much traded commodity in the world. Even
marijuana has fewer toxic side effects than the drugs of cocaine, heroin, and meth. Marijuana is not
harmless, but it less harmful than alcohol and especially tobacco (which kills thousands of people
per year in America alone). In 1753, Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus classified marijuana as
Cannabis sativa. Cannabis comes from the Greek word meaning hemp. Cannabis in ancient times
were utilized for treating medical ailments like gout, malaria, etc. Dr. Lester Grinspoon is a professor
at Harvard Medical School. For decades, he writes of positive benefits of medical cannabis. Hemp
was a staple crop with many legitimate purposes. Gatewood Galbraith, Jack Fraizer, Jack Herer,
Chris Conrad, Ed Rosenthal, Don Wirthshafter, and others researched hemp for many years.
According to Jack Frazier's "Hemp Paper Reconsidered" from 1974, all schoolbooks were made
from hemp or flax paper until the 1880's. Hemp was used as tax money in America from 1631 to the
early 1800's. Even George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other Founding Fathers grew
hemp. Many Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp. Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to
run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! The U.S.
Government predicted in 1916 that hemp could be made into paper by the 1940's, so no trees would
be needed to cut down. From Popular Mechanics, on Feb. 1938 mentioned that:

'“It has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break
the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year's crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12
feet above the ground, chokes out weeds. ...hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to
American agriculture and industry.”

Hemp is a great resource. It's the one crop if used the right way that can us independent
from the industrial and economic elite. More research (in books like "Cannabis Hemp: the
Invisible Prohibition Revealed," that was written by R. William Davis) exposed that the
federal government prohibiting marijuana in 1937 wasn't about to protect society form the
evils found in the drug of marijuana. It was an act of the deliberate economic and industrial
sabotage against the re-emerging hemp industry in the early 20th century. According to
Davis and other pro-hemp researchers, the establishment suppressed the free market
competition from the hemp industry. 3 major men were apart of this agenda. They include
William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Mellon (he was the founder of the Gulf Oil Corporation.
Mellon was one of the most powerful men in the early 20th century. Andrew Mellon is a
Pilgrims Society member), and the DuPont Corporation. Hearst was a friend of new
world order proponent Billy Graham. Hearst gave newspapers the power to prop up
Billy Graham when Graham publicly supports the creation of the new world order. Hearst is
suspected of being a Knight of Malta and Hearst was a newspaper tycoon of the Hearst
magazine (he popularized Yellow journalism from the Spanish American War onward). Since
hemp back in the early 1900's was a less expensive source of pulp, Hearst's property of
millions of acres of prime timberland (and investment in wood pulp papermaking equipment)
would be worth much less. Now, Hearst publicized the Reefer Madness hoax in his
newspaper and magazine publications. Reefer Madness was about the much over
exaggerating of the effects of marijuana on people. This paranoia was so great that it caused
a huge uproar. William Randolph Hearst promoted article that outlined racism against
Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans (that dealt with their cultures). Here’s Fritz
Springmeier’s research on the wicked William Randolph Hearst:

“…Disney products have served as a model of consumerism for the world. Disney watches
have been made continuously since 1932 or ’33. In 1932, eighty major U.S. corporations (such as
General Foods, RCA & National Dairy) began to market Disney products. Ed Sullivan began
regularly running stories that bragged about Disney’s work. Freemason Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid,
pres. of the Univ. of So. Cal., gave Disney an award from Parents magazine for Walt’s "work with
children". In 1932, several artists who had worked for William Randolph Hearst came to work for
Disney…Dr. Julian Huxley got involved in the production of Fantasia. Aldous and Julian Huxley
are well known by conspiracy researchers for their roles in the World Order. In the 1940’s
and 1950’s, the Illuminati began using Disney’s Alice In Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz
films as programming bases for their total mind-controlled slaves. Alice in Wonderland had
been done many years earlier by the Britisher William Cameron Menzies (who also did
Freemason H.G. Wells’ Masonic forecast of the New World Order entitled "Things to Come"
in 1936, and the film Invaders From Mars.). In 1944, Illuminati Kingpin William Randolph Hearst
(with some minor help from others) funded the Motion Picture Alliance, and Walt Disney became a
co-founder and its first Vice-President. In the early 1950’s, Walt turned his attention from animated
cartoons to other projects, such as True-Life-Adventures, television shows, and the creation of
Disneyland. Seal Island was his first true life adventure which was released to the general public on
May 4, 1949, and soon won Walt Disney an Oscar. Alfred and Elma Milotte had shot the film on
some Alaskan Islands named Pribilof Islands. James Algar had put the movie together….Illuminatus
William Randolph Hearst gave Anton LaVey some big help. His Avon Publishing published his
Satanic Bible in 1969 (it was first released in Dec. ‘69). Since then it has reportedly gone through
over 30 printings. LaVey’s next book The Satanic Rituals also was published by Hearst Avon in
1972. It talks about the power that blood sacrifices give the magician. Hearst’s papers also gave him
publicity…” (Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler.
Pgs. 102, 105, 116)

“…David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered)
his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like
David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent
of the deception of the Illuminati’s mind control. David didn’t know about
programmed multiples. David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite
Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even
been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was
David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two
men. David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati, He was
part of the branch Illuminati -- at what could be termed the 6th degree. William
Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his
mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph
Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham’s Crusades. Stu PAK is
associated with the Stewart Title Company. Stu Pak provides funds for Billy Graham
and others. The head of Stu Pak is friends with Billy Graham and George Bush. The
company has a lot of relatives running it. The Morris family is also tied to it, The
people of Stewart Title Company are ruthless. The Van Duyn Illuminati family in
California also helped Billy Graham’s ministry get started. One of the ways the
Illuminati funneled money to Billy Graham was through a monthly check
delivered to Jeanne Dixon’s office, which was picked up every month by Billy
Graham’s staff.

After Dixon’s secretary came to Christ she tried to expose Billy Graham’s
connection to Jeanne Dixon. Jeanne Dixon sells crystal balls with snakes. She is
part of the Illuminati. Billy Graham wrote her a letter calling her "a woman of God."
Dixon’s secretary had a copy of this letter with Billy Graham’s signature on it, after she
became a Christian. In 1952, in Paris, Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner
with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home. Billy Graham had a wife
and children at home, so the whole affair was totally improper for an evangelist even if
Billy Graham didn’t have sex with the woman. He told his friend only that the
prostitute had taken off her clothes and he’d gotten scared and come back to their
hotel room. See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness.
Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170. In 1954, the man who ran security for the
Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room
prior to him going out for the Crusade. Billy Graham and this high priced
hooker were alone together in the room, It is this type of thing that has
opened Billy Graham up to blackmail. Should Graham ever try to stray from the
proper course set for him by the Illuminati, they have plenty of ammunition to
blackmail him. (You may ask why would the Satanists from generational satanic
families want to intimidate Billy Graham with fear? Why, isn’t he from a generational
satanic family? The answer is that the whole Satanic system operates off of fear.
Intimidation & fear are standard everyday parts of their makeup and actions. Sort of
the counterpart to the saying there is no honor among thieves….” (Fritz Springmeier,
“The Deception of Billy Graham, a Mind-Control Front“)

Pancho Villa, who was a Mexican freedom fighter, recovers 800,000 acres of Sonora, Mexico
timberland bought for pennies on the dollar of value by William Randolph Hearst. Villa and
his men are great smokers of "Canamo" (Cannabis). Hearst, in retaliation, starts a racist slur
campaign against Cannabis, using the Mexican slang word "Marihuana," and claiming it
causes Mexicans to be lazy and thieving. These are lies and bigoted of course. By 1920,
Hearst applied the Cannabis hysteria to Blacks, claiming that after smoking it, Black men
were insolent and wanted to rape white women. This was another trashy, bigoted lie of
course. Even the Pure Food and Drug Act (Wiley Act) was passed in 1906 that lead to
government intervention into food and medicine production. Andrew Mellon pushed for the
Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 (because he realized that cannibis hemp would be an alternative
to industrial raw materials of plastics plus fuels. Hemp would threaten the profits of the oil
companies, because more competition would exist in the marketplace instead of a
monopoly). He pushed it (via his nephew in law Harry Anslinger) in Congress by allowing
fabricated articles that were published by Hearst to go into the public. Ironically oil tycoon
Joseph Guffey of Pennslyvania voted for the Act. Joseph was a former business partner of
Andrew Mellon in the Spindletop oil fields in Texas. The DuPont corporation to this day
owns tons of synthetic petrochemicals. They wanted to suppress hemp. The reason is that
they could make billions of dollars via the sale of wood pulp paper, lead additives for
gasoline, synthetic fibers, and plastics. There is even a bigger plot that deal with
suppressing the hemp industry back then. According to R. William Davis, international
corporations (i.e. Du Pont, Standard Oil, and General Motors) worked with Nazi industrial
cartels to eliminate competition and divide the Earth's industrial resources for their
exploitation. Today, we see environmental damage because of many reasons. One big
reason for this is because the obsession with petrochemicals. Hemp is a great
resource and that is why I'm 100% pro-Hemp. As for marijuana, states and
individuals should make their own decisions on how they would devise marijuana laws not
the federal government at all. Medical marijuana for sick patients is a whole lot better than a
BATFE agent busting down in your door.

Another CIA drug plane is confirmed. AFP from September 6, 2008 validated how this Mexico drug
plane used for CIA "rendition" flights. A private jet that crash and it carried 3.3 tons of cocaine had
previously been used for CIA "rendition" flights according to a newspaper. They cited documents
from the United States and the European Parliament. The plane was carrying Colombian drugs for
the fugitive leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman, when it crash-landed in the
Yucatan peninsula on September 24, El Universal reported. The documents from the US and the
European Parliament showed that the plane flew several times to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to
transfer terrorism suspects presumably. It said that the European Parliament was
investigating the private Grumman Gulfstream II plane. It was registered by the European
Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (for suspected use in CIA “rendition” flights in
which prisoners are covertly transferred to a third country or US-run detention centers. It
also said the US Federal Aviation Administration's [FAA] logbook registered that the plane).
Rendition has been criticized by many quarters from across the political spectrum. This
plane crashed in the Yucatan from last year. The crashed plane also have been linked to a
Bush fundraiser. The plane had the same registration number as a CIA transport plane used
to ferry prisoners to Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and 2005. Mad Cow Morning news has
been covering stories about the CIA and drug smuggling. The plane was owned by Donna
Blue Aircraft, Inc. When Mad Cow visited Donna Blue's offices and took photos of what
appears to be a sham company. There is a photo of some unmarked police cars parked in
front of Donna Blue Aircraft's empty suite. William Blum’s "The Real Drug Lords: A brief
history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade" book further documents how the CIA was involved
in drug running (an easily example is how the CIA ran heroin and cocaine out of Southeast Asia and
Latin America). Other experts have accused Wall Street of funding drug smuggling. Max Keiser and
Catherine Austin Fitts explains that Wall Street (and multinational corporations) are involved in the
international Drug War (where they make cash in this extraordinary profitable illegal enterprise).
Fitts said that the stock market will collapse if the infusion of drug money ceased to exist. These
interests are even more powerful than the Mexican drug cartels. Former HUD assistant Catherine
Austin Fitts explains that Wall Street has involvement in the international drug trade. Catherine also
has a MBA from the Wharton School of Business. This drug trade is also apart of how the
government implement draconian laws against people (even in America to build up a high tech
control grid). There has been a massive increase of the opium after the onset of the Western
invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. The Taliban once banned the crop of opium. Then, America
funded opium farmers to defeat the Taliban. After the Taliban was stripped of their power, the
opium trade grew rapidly by the Taliban’s power being decentralized. In, December of 2001, The
Asia Times reported that the U.S. had gotten convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub
Afridi released from jail, allegedly to help establish control in Afghanistan. The invasion of
Afghanistan was planned months before 9/11 since the Taliban didn't play ball with the
Anglo-American establishment. This doesn't mean that the Taliban members are innocent.
The Taliban has done evil things toward women and other people. A few months later, it was
reported that estimated opium harvests in Afghaistan in the late-spring of 2002 would reach
a world record 4,500 metric tons. In 2007, that number was a record-breaking 8,000 tons; and
in 2008 it was 7,700 tons. Last month, Reuters reported that today Afghanistan “grows more
than 90 percent of the world’s illegal opium poppies, the source of heroin.” Peter Dale
Scott is a former Canadian diplomat and professor at the UC Berkeley. He's an
expert on the drug trade. He said that CIA operations in Afghanistan caused as high as 40%
of the heroin coming into America as existing from Afghanistan. Global and Mail, Canada’s
largest-circulation national newspaper, published an article entitled “Afghan officials in drug
trade cut deals across enemy lines”, and subtitled, “Corrupt politicians are safeguarding
traffickers who then help the Taliban, Globe investigation finds." The article found that a
drug dealers had an letter of protection from their boss General Mohammed Daud Daud.
Daud is the deputy minister of interior. He's ironically responsible for counternarcotics,
which is Afghanistan's most powerful anti-drug cazr. Documents show how Gen. Daud
safeguarded shipments of illegal opiates (even when he commands thousands of officers
sworn to fight the trade. The dealer moved 183 kilograms of pure heroin before he was
caught by a specially trained unit in of police in Afghanistan).

Today, many Mexican violent, drug cartels are wrecking havoc in Mexico and some border areas of
America. The Mexican President Calderon accuses America of contributing to the problem by
supplying guns and having a drug market for the cartels to flourish. Is he right? I believe he is half
right. It’s true that America can make problems worse by facilitating the drug cartel. Yet, it isn’t all
America’s fault. Many Mexican law enforcement people are funded by the cartels in bribery, etc.
Also, Mexico’s gun laws are so draconian that only criminals will mostly have access to the guns.
People in Mexico are limited to defend themselves and some members of the Mexican government
are corrupt just like some people in the American government. Some have exploited the tragedies in
Mexico and America as an excuse to lie about American gun owners (in order to chip at their right to
bear and own arms. This can deplete our Second Amendment rights). For example, the head of the
DHS Janet Napolitano stated, "70% of the weapons in the hands of the drug cartels are
coming from the US." This is false of course. William Hoover, assistant director of field
operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, argues that no such
volume of American-made weapons are headed south. Says Hoover, “The investigations we
have, that we see, for firearms flowing across the border don’t show us individuals taking
thousands of guns a day or at a time flowing into Mexico. An important Fox News story
further discredits the wild claims of people like Napolitano, Feinstein, and Lowey.
According to this report, more than two-thirds of the guns recovered at Mexican crime
scenes are never even sent to the U.S. for tracing, because their markings make it obvious
that they came from somewhere else. Moreover, a large number of the recovered weapons
lack serial numbers entirely and thus cannot be traced to any location. In the final analysis,
we find that a mere 17 percent of all the guns in question can actually be traced to America.
The truth is that the Mexican authorities have refused to release the serial numbers of
weapons confiscated from drug cartel members. Releasing the serial numbers would
implicate the corrupt governments of the US and Mexico and their involvement in arming
the drug cartels.

The Mexican military has been trained at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, and the arms
budget from the US to Mexico is in the billions. Clinton’s Drug Czar, Army General
Barry McCaffrey, described Mexican General Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, who headed
up the Mexican National Institute to Combat Drugs (INCD) as a man of great
character. Shortly after McCaffrey’s statement, Rebollo was arrested for taking bribes
from one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico. Rebollo had been present at secret meetings
involving the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Drug Enforcement
Agency. As former DEA agent Cele Castillo has told Alex Jones on numerous occasions,
the DEA and CIA are intimately involved in drug smuggling. Castillo has “personally
witnessed CIA drug smuggling operations funneled through terrorists that were also
involved in kidnappings and the training of death squads on behalf of the U.S.
government,” writes Michael Webster for the American Chronicle. Kevin Booth’s
“American Drug War” film showed a clip form the former head of the DEA, Robert
Bonner, admitting the CIA smuggles drugs into the United States. What more proof
do the skeptics need? So, the corrupt big picture is that corrupt members of the
Mexican and American governments (including some corrupt military people) have
used their money for gun running and drug running to facilitate the violence of the
drug cartels. These drug cartels typically get weapons from foreign countries via the
black market. The Mexican and American governments has declared a war on pure
Second Amendment rights in more overt ways presently (when they, Wall Street, and
other entities funded drug cartels in the first place). This violence crisis indeed has
nothing to do with law abiding gun owners and citizens in America or Mexico at
all. The drug smuggling is a symptom of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs have been a
failure for many reasons like refusing to treat drug addiction as an illness not as a war. This
war has also violated the personal rights of individuals, personal responsibility, and due
process. The CIA (as confirmed by Gary Webb and others) have been involved in drug
smuggling toward America plus globally. These drug profits and the war on terror fund the
military industrial complex and the prison industrial complex (where prisoners are paid low
wages and work in harsh conditions).

SWAT Teams have used excessive, anti-liberty tactics against citizens in their Drug
War activities indeed. There is a video of a SWAT Team narcotics raid in Columbia,
Missouri where they storm into a house, shoot a family pet dog, and killing another
in front of a small child. They only found out that they discovered an insignificantly
small amount of marijuana. This incident out of numerous others conclusively
prove that the Drug War ought to completely end. This raid has been recorded in
the Internet and occurred in February of 2010. The victims of this raid were a 25
year old man named Jonathan E. Whitworth, his wife, and a 7 year old son. The
police claimed that they have gotten intelligence from 2 informants that claimed
that Whitworth had a large amount of high grade marijuana at his residence. The
police chief did not indicate any regret for sending an armed SWAT team into a
family home and shooting up the dogs, rather he indicated that the warrant to
search the home was executed too late to catch Whitworth with more marijuana.
These raids by the SWAT Team occur constantly in America. Whitworth pleaded
guilty to the misdemeanor charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. This was
done in order for him to drop the charges of misdemeanor marijuana possession
and 2nd degree child endangerment. The bombardment of his home with
militarized police firing automatic weapons is an excessive prescription in
attempting to solve a problem. According to research by the CATO institute,
paramilitary police forces are conducting up to 40,000 forced, unannounced raids
every year on nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted
civilians. It’s easy to prove that the CIA and other government agencies by their
own admission carry out narcotrafficking operation for decades. In America,
militarized police use any means necessary to crush marijuana use, but the federal
government have been caught shipping hard narcotics into the U.S. (back then
cocoa products, marijuana, etc. were legally sold in pharmacies nationwide until
corporatists caused laws to make some of them illegal. Before they were illegal,
less people used them. When, they were illegal, the price of them went up.
Natural cocoa leaves can have benefits to people as well not the white cocaine
that’s a synthetic perversion of cocoa leaves). Ronald K. Siegel said that out of all
the stimulants, coca ranks the safest least likely to cause problems. The great
researcher Douglas A. Willinger woke me up about this history in a higher level.
Even Kevin Booth’s films called “American Drug War” and “How Weed Won the
West” exposes these facts. The newer film of “How Weed Won the West” shows
how legal medical marijuana places are being raided by the state and federal
agencies. Ethan Nadelmann or the head of Drug Policy Alliance oppose these acts.
Strict drug laws cause more violence and drug crime. It doesn’t reduce the
problem at all. It’s hypocritical to allow some murderers get 10-20 years in prison
(with parole), while marijuana growers can potentially receive life imprisonment.
Even D.A.R.E. recruits kids as police informants. I had D.A.R.E. back in Virginia in
early 1994 when I was in the 5th grade and in early 1999 when I was in the 10th
grade. In those classes back then, there was a police officer giving your workbook
to handle assignments and write papers on subjects dealing with drugs, crime,
school, etc. You’re graded on these items. It was a strange experiment indeed. In
fact, the War on Drugs is utilized as an excuse to create more prisons & anti-civil
liberty surveillance in the USA.

*That's why I support hemp and reject giving felonious prison sentences to people
with mere possession. Not to mention that laws already exist that will punish
anyone committing violence toward anyone whether they are on drugs or not. The
federal Drug War should end immediately.

By Timothy

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