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Unified Twin Flame Activation of the New Earth - Kuthumi

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channelling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. ************* I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of prosperity, unconditional love, trust and fluidity. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Beloved ones today as we gather within the presence of the Christ light you are being exposed to the energy of the Divine Feminine Christ energy, this is a specific energy we have set in place connected to each of you which anchors the Twin Flame Planetary Grid in the southern hemisphere. This particular grid is a geometric formation combining twelve different geometric frequencies. Each of these vibrate in perfect unison with each of your twelve aspects of self. As each vibration is emitted on a cellular level the dynamic in your environment changes dramatically. Over the past twelve weeks we have been working intensively with planetary consciousness and more specifically with the Lightworkers of your planet preparing for what is to come. Every year that comes in is at least ten times more intensive and ten times more accelerated in its growth potential than the year prior to it. This means 2008 will be ten times more intensive than 2007 and your potential for growth will be accelerated tenfold so best you invest in a new set of bootstraps, yes? However 2008 is the year where each of you will step into the opportunity to embrace a whole new level of self-mastery. You might think to yourself what does that mean? Wait until next year, you will find out! I won't leave you hanging for all these months I will give you a little bit of information. So beloved ones 2008 is a time in your life where you experience the vibrations of the 10th universe, universal energies that have not ever been emitted into planetary consciousness. It is

vital that all of you bear in mind and constantly remind yourself of the fact that what you are experiencing physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically has never ever been experienced by a human being of your level ever before. This is a completely unique experience. Even during the time of Atlantis this was not experienced, because you have passed their blow-up date if I can put it like this, there is no other way to say it you know what I mean! So basically what I am saying to all of you is that you have moved beyond the line they did. There have been enough of you to hold the light to ensure that you did not blow yourselves up all over again. The energy of Lord Thoth and the Atlantean Lords and Ladies and their Orders of Light have been working through ever single one of you regardless of your age for the last twenty-five years already. Therefore even when you did not know that this was happening and you did not know that there was a spiritual path that existed you were still being guided because you were guided to this point to be where you are today. This has enabled the Hierarchies of Light to present opportunities such as this, and as we bring into the consciousness of earth as a collective body these new energies all of you ascend the levels of the lower worlds, this means every step you take is the ascension process. I have said to you before you are ascended masters, you have already ascended, so remind yourself of this and again I repeat, what you are experiencing at this time in your life has never been experienced before therefore all the rules have changed, just in case you were wondering about that. Much of what you were told, and I have said this to many of you already but for the sake of those who have not heard it, it is important that I repeat it - information that was given five years ago, even two years ago has changed. You are not bound by that information when it comes to the presentation of how the dimensions influence you. The Seven Planetary Rays are history, a long time ago beloved ones. You are working with Cosmic Rays and all of this has changed the dynamic within your physiology as well as in your psychology, another very important thing for you to remember. Those few points is what will keep you motivated during this time because all of you are literally creating the new earth. Now before I get carried away here, as you all know I love speaking, there is so much to share with you, I need to make way for Goddess Jezebel. Remember don't mess with the Goddess and she has much to do with you today, however I will elaborate on this information when I do my annual presentation of the year to come, so I ask you to be patient until that point but just to remember the few points I have presented to you this morning. That I assure you is enough to keep you focused and to keep you on the path that represents your truth.

So it is beloved ones at this time I leave you in the hands of Goddess Jezebel and I embrace you in the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and trust that all of you are at one with All That Is. Adonai. ******** Please bear in mind that Goddess Jezebel is very frank in her message, try and imagine her as a strong, empowered woman who has no problem with speaking her mind. This will help you tune into the energy she emits and the way she talks. Her accent is strong and sounds Arabic Michelle I am Jezebel, Liberator of Women. Welcome to all of you. I have agreed to come to each of you upon this particular day to assist you in the presence of the Divine Christ feminine to ensure that all of you understand what this is all about. Each of you have been exposed to a number of destructive dynamics, which has not permanently damaged your mind, there is hope for all of you, do not become saddened by my words, it is not permanent. However it is important that you clearly understand that the dynamic you have been exposed to has led to you forgetting what the Sacred Power of the feminine energy is all about. It is not a dynamic that defines you as a man or defines you as a woman it is a blueprint of information that is imprinted within you. It is this imprint that is very important at this current time in your spiritual evolution. By this time I hope that most of you have realised that what was said about the females of the ancient times was a load of rubbish. Yes, we were considered whores - that was quite a compliment in fact, in comparison to some of the other labels that were placed upon the goddesses of that time. It was necessary in order to maintain the control of that time. One of the reasons why the Jezebel Goddesses, the sacred Goddesses of Isis and Magdalene were kept quiet was because there were a group threatened by the feminine power and unfortunately these particular men did not have the understanding of what it meant to harness the feminine power and work in unison with it. They perceived it as something outside that could not be contained, that would consume them and completely emasculate them. The women of the ancient times were very powerful businesswomen, women who created mass wealth and new exactly what to do with it. There was a time where the Goddess and the God worked together in divine harmony and the activation of the Twin Flame Planetary Grid today that I shall help all of you to integrate into the grids of your chakras is the imprint of what I am about to tell you. The Goddess embodies a power that no person on planet earth can ever truly imagine, a power so grand that it is often considered fantasy, silly magic, it is quite the contrary I must have you

know. This power is stored within the sacral chakra of the Divine Feminine. She would create spaces for her God-self to merge with her and transfer this power over to him so that he too could manifest that which needs to be put into action, so that she is in a safe space to continue conceiving the Cosmic Inspiration that is projected into the etheric field which is the imprint of the Divine Mother. People, try and imagine how empowering it is to live with a man or with a woman and you are completely at peace with the power each of you embody, you are able to recognise the purpose of your partner's power and that you have a specific role as a woman or as a man and that both are needed in the physical world to bring into manifestation what is required within the physical world. When you move into the higher worlds you become the Androgyny Being, you become One, you do not need to live as a human man or a human woman to manifest certain needs as met or to manifest anything material for that matter but the earth plane, the physical world, has a very specific need in order for it to be an environment in which everyone thrives and that is the Twin Flame energy. The Twin Flame energy initiates the Sacred Marriage of Self and has nothing to do with you having to have your physical partner in the form of a Twin Flame with you in fact many people have experienced some of their greatest challenges with their Twin Flame. The flame burns through veils of illusion which is why often being with your Twin Flame is a challenge because your relationship burns through the veils of illusion that keep you from becoming your authentic self. The Twin Flame energy I speak of is the Androgyny Flame, which burns within your solar plexus chakra. It is a place inside of you that embodies billions of cells of information. Each of them embody the Sacred Blueprint of the Divine Feminine Christ and the Masculine Christ. The Twin Flame grid is being anchored in Johannesburg, South Africa for a specific purpose. It is being brought through the base chakra energy so that we can ensure that men are not feeling threatened by this power of the Divine Goddess, for we will not tolerate any female energy in any way or form emasculating the masculine. We, the Gods and Goddesses of the higher worlds of light, have agreed that these energies will be presented to humanity and that it will not be abused again. So you are now presented with this opportunity and that is to pull yourself together and to be all that you are. There is an external physical person who is your Divine Complement, who reflects your Light, but that person does not have to be with you right now in order for you to harness the energy that we are bringing to you. Those of you who are seeking love, in fact today's

process is very good for you because you will be able to burn through additional veils of illusion regarding your own power that you will not have to work through with your partner in the future. You will cut through some rubbish before he or she comes along! I have been told to watch my words very carefully, they all know me very well I will entertain them just for a little while longer with that. The Twin Flame vibration comes with responsibility and this responsibility is toward yourself, this is your ability to respond to the opportunity of reconnecting with your passion for life. So many of you have called for passion to re-enter your life, you pine for the partner that you can share your life with but you have gone about it a little backwards, arse about face I believe it is called. You need to ignite those flames of passion so that you can magnetically bring that equal to you. If you are passionless do you honestly think you will bring to you a person of great passion? In the level of your consciousness as it is now you will attract to you what reflects your inner self and this you all know. Kuthumi has told you many times - become the miracle you are asking for, become everything to yourself that you desire to have in a life partner. If you are already with a partner and the spice has left your life and it tastes rather bland then it is time to work as individuals on this particular subject, reconnect with your inner passion and as a couple the passion will be re-ignited. The Flame of Passion must be in embodiment to a degree to ensure that the full potential of the new earth is anchored before 2010. There is only thirty-six months left to ensure that the Twin Flame Planetary Grids are fully active. You have forty-eight months left during which time you must be fully prepared to help others cross into the new paradigm, this means that you will be at a level of self-mastery that enables you to serve as guides in physical human form and guide people over into the new world. We work with you all from the other dimensions, you do not see us physically all the time but we are there, you will be seen, you will physically be there but you need to do it for yourself first. I, Jezebel, have agreed to assist humanity for the next forty-eight months only at this level to ensure that you have got your behinds into the proper gear and you are ready. One of the reasons why I have been asked to do this is because I do not tolerate nonsense or excuses so do not bore me with your sad stories of your past, I am not interested. I am here to ensure that your visions become reality not your sordid past, but if that is your vision then by all means knock yourself out. Now I know you are not a bunch of idiots so let us move onto the next level, you know what I am speaking of and there is no use I waste time trying to convince you of what you are or what you are not, that you should have figured out for yourself already. The Twin Flame Grid is already within the etheric plane of the collective consciousness so if you can settle your mind, relax your body and while you are relaxing your body there are a few

questions I would like to present to you, you do not have to answer them now, they are just ones that you can ponder upon, perhaps it is ones you can contemplate when you are meditating, if you meditate. * What is the source of your life? * What motivates you everyday when you open your eyes? * Is it fear? * Do you drag yourself out of your bed because you have to get up and face your life? * Or do you greet the morning with a heart filled with joy and of course passion? * Do you love what you do? * Do you love your life? All of these questions need only one-word answers, if you are giving more than one word answers then you are coming up with an excuse and I am not interested! Your answers reveal to you where your level of passion lies and you now know whether your life is one motivated by passion, by love or one motivated by fear in other words merely surviving. Close your eyes now and just listen to my words because they are important and I suggest you replay what I am about to say in your mind over and over for the rest of your life, if need be. If your life is not one filled with passion, with love and with joy then you need to make major adjustments in your life. If you are compromising at ever turn, sacrificing your truth, your joy or your happiness then there are major changes necessary in your life. If your heart is heavy 90% of the time, even 50% of your time, your life is ready for a major overhaul. You were designed to live your life motivated primarily by love. Even the challenges and lessons that come your way were never ever designed to paralyse you. We suggest you aim for a ratio of at least 70% of joy, inspiration and passion and you can indulge your drama side 30% of the time. That will keep you happy but nothing less than 70%. This is very important and I present this to you will all seriousness because this is the blueprint for the New World this is what is contained within the Twin Flame Planetary Grid. Your primary motivation is to be passionately creative so that you fully understand and know how to consciously and intelligently co-create, co-inhabit and sustain life in ways you are yet to discover. This is the basis of the New Earth and everything I have just asked you is what you are going to shift out of the way over the next ninety days. It is a serious reality check and when you do this seriously check which reality you have been focussing upon. Sometimes your complete life overhaul only requires a shift in your perception, the dropping of an outdated belief system, a simple change of mind, change of heart and change of attitude. So do not complicate your life by now being afraid of what is going to change in your life, the minute you do that you are pushing your experience into the external world, you are waiting to see what

is going to change around you instead of changing what is inside of you, your beliefs, your attitudes, your perceptions because every fibre of that energy is what creates the morphogenetic fields that constantly influence your life. As I am speaking with you the Twin Flame Planetary Grid is already being filtered into the atoms of your body, this is already initiating the physiological changes in your body. As the frequency moves from the atoms to the molecules and then into your DNA the life change is already taking place. I repeat the change will come from within you not specifically something that will happen to you from the outside to determine what must be changed. That is the nature of the Divine Feminine Christ. For you to maintain the twin flame energy inside of you, you will need to be centred inside of you to be aware of what you are consciously imprinting through your beliefs, through your attitudes, through the words that you speak and of course your perceptions. The Twin Flame Grid creates a ring of fire around you, visualise this now and every flame flickering around you will incinerate the illusions that have created a barrier denying you a passionate life. Those barriers may very well be people, places and situations in your life but you need to choose to change it for you. The flames around you are serving the sole purpose of burning through everything that does not serve your higher purpose, everything that separates you from becoming one with your Twin Light in other words everything that prevents the Sacred Marriage of Self taking place. I want you to imagine me, Jezebel standing in front of you and as I hold up my right palm you will see flames. These flames embody the twelve geometric forms I spoke of earlier on, their frequency the vibration within your solar plexus. I want you to take seven deep breaths in to the count of seven. I will tell you when to begin. You will hold it for the count of seven and exhale for the count of seven. With each in breath you are breathing in your Twin Flame Grid into each of your chakras and we will begin with you breathing into the base chakra. Take a deep breath in to the count of seven, hold it for seven and you will exhale for seven. The next in breath to seven, breathe into your crown chakra, hold for seven and exhale for seven. You know how to do it. We next breathe into the sacral chakra. Next you will breathe into your third eye chakra. Your solar plexus.

Your throat chakra. And finally your heart chakra. For the next seventy-seven minutes the vibrations of the geometric energies in these chakras will emit the sacred frequency that aligns your Androgyny Consciousness with your physical life plan. Each tapestry within your chakras is in itself a blueprint of the expanded you. Each of your chakras embody every tool you need to manifest your life in the 70/30 ratio I spoke of earlier on and by the time 2010 comes you will ideally have shifted it to 90/10 and the 10% that is remaining will not be struggle as you know it, it will be a time of intensive initiation, higher learning and learning to master the world in a new way. This has already been introduced to all of you, this is one of the key projects of the New Earth that I oversee and it is for you to see that the old paradigm of learning your lessons, learning about life has become obsolete. You are now learning how to master life like a master. These Twin Flame grids are moving your energy along the frequency of the Golden Kundalini, which is a series of eighty-eight flames. These will be fully anchored upon the 8th of August 2008. When the Golden Kundalini rises to greet humanity as a collective body you will be in a position to fully consciously recognise how a master masters life's lessons. You will be in a position to understand the true meaning of teaching, leading and guiding, none of the nonsense of the past where ego's clash, where the wounded inner child fights for it's life. The Twin Flame grid comes to you to reveal to you the fight is over, the struggle is no more and this is what I mean by just a shift in perception. No fighting for anything, no struggling to achieve anything, the power of your Divine Feminine merged with the power of your divine masculine is the key. With these two energies separate there will always be pain, the fight will never be over, struggles will continue because when these two energies are estranged they are constantly seeking the power and light of one another but fail to recognise that they already exist with one another but ignorance has kept them blind. The Twin Flame Planetary Grid is bringing humanity the opportunity to begin consciously understanding unity consciousness and this is something I will be working with in a few weeks time but what now must be done is essential in terms of maintaining the Twin Flame Grid inside of you, for this is what will result in the Sacred Marriage. Instead of fighting for your life you will go inside of yourself and harness the power that exists inside of you and you will use that energy to magnetically change the dynamic in your energy field by working with the New Earth Morphogenetic Fields, and you will encode it through higher wisdom and utilise the energies of the magnetic world of the physical earth, and that is how you will learn to master your world like a master. No master uses the force of the ego to inflict pain or to instil fear. Never. A master works with what is, this is often referred to as manipulating energy. All the master is doing is

pulling when being pushed or pushing when being pulled, observing what is taking place and recognising what is inside and how much passion is governing what is taking place. People this is one of the most important turning points in your life, now, today. The words that we are bringing you, the energies that are filtering through this group now and into every one of you are literally readjusting the way your brain interprets energy and information. I spoke of the damage earlier on, well now it is damage control and these new energies will show you what you did not see previously because you were blinded by your fear, you were paralysed by illusions that became the belief systems of your life. Every one of you is stepping into a new plane, a complete new way of co-creating. Try and imagine geometric shapes spinning in your seven chakras, if you cannot imagine it feel it. Each of these shapes is spinning in the same direction your chakra is, each of them emitting an invisible energy (only invisible to the human eye). This energy is extending through your body - they are fine threads of information. As these energies extend they are searching for a magnetic energy that matches it and the minute it finds it's equal the two threads connect and webs are woven, a grid is created, a field of information, whatever you choose to call it. Now imagine that all of these threads of information contain very powerful energy. That energy can contain an abundance of negativity or positivity and you determine that, you hold the power. Now that web, that field, vibrates, it's vibration sends out information into the field of earth, that field communicates with every aura of every human being on your planet whether you know them or not. It extends into the planetary consciousness, it extends into solar consciousness, galactic consciousness and so on and so forth, that is your voice travelling through dimensions, through space and through time. That is the voice that is heard by the universe, which then replies to what you have extended and your voice, what you have extended out, determines what comes back at you. You are getting the picture, yes? We are now in the process of setting up an entirely new morphogenetic like field with all of you. The reason why we say like-field' is because morphogenetic fields contain information only but what we are creating with you now contains information and energy, which means you can extend the intensity of that energy, you cannot deplete it but you can always extend it, amplify it. So all these threads are already extended. Turn your attention into yourself into that part of you that you would imagine being the all passionate one - the Twin Flames merged as one, the complete and whole you. Using your imagination think about how your life would be, how different things can be when you are living motivated primarily by joy, by passion. Some of you may begin to feel butterflies in your heart chakra similar to that you get in your solar plexus. When you feel butterflies in your heart chakra you are getting there. You are tapping into the Twin Flame Grid that exists within your heart that

has drawn its core essence from the solar plexus. And so it is the seat of your power, your will, your active self is merged with the heart, the chakra that is the bridge between heaven and earth and now extend that energy, those images, those thoughts through your threads, and imagine the threads connecting with their equal and that becoming your new weave, the new Divine Tapestry of your life. Reject all excuses, every single one, yes your ego will try and convince you otherwise but you have the power. Continue extending this until it is out into the core of the universe and while you are doing this we turn that energy into a crystalline formation, which is encoded into the cells of your body. It becomes a frequency emitted from inside of you which creates the new dynamic, which clears the way for you to experience life like a true master, a master of the material world, a master over pain, suffering and limitation. Now using your imagination again, imagine a magnificent golden flame igniting on the left side of your body and a brilliant silver white light flame on the right side of your body. If you are able to try and imagine your body becoming warm from these two flames and imagine the masculine you standing in the centre of the golden flame on the left side of your body, and the female you standing in the centre of the silver white flame on the right side of your body, and these aspects of yourself fully recognising and acknowledging one another's power, one another's divine role to serve one another, to co-create together, to co-inhabit the world from the God-mind as well as the Goddess-mind. Very gently oxygenate both flames and they will expand in their strength and as they expand they will begin merging with one another, and when the two flames completely overlap one another allow the male-you and the female-you to join hands and look into the eyes of your male-self if you are a female or your female-self if you are a male. While the energy flows between the both of you we activate the third flame, this is the flame of the new earth, the platinum flame, and it is this flame that melts the ice and burns through every illusion which has kept the both of you separate, and as all the elements within you and around you create a sacred dance of resonance the sacred marriage to the self begins. This ceremony will take place inside of you, it is a ceremony that is active, it will come to its completion upon the inner planes in three days time. For this sacred reunion with this other part of you requires three very important initiations to be completed and this will all be encoded into your chakras, you will feel it, you will recognise the opportunity to complete this in your own time. Breathe in deeply into your own body relaxing it and be at peace knowing that the Sacred Marriage is taking place, that the Twin Flame Grid for your planet is rooted within Mother Earth's systems of creation. We have anchored it at this particular point because it is the same site that

anchored the energies of the triple seven grid (7:7:7/ 7 July 2007) which will enhance and amplify it's energy, in other words it's magic which will bring about perceived miracles in your life. So my departing message to you is perhaps more a question than anything else and that is are you ready for you, all, of you? Are you ready to embrace life fully, to live it passionately with every ounce of your being? I am not going to ask you if you are willing all I want to know is are you ready? I will be surfing beside you for it will not be a stroll in the park that is too slow! It will certainly be an enlightening time, one I look forward to and I suggest you look forward to. I am Jezebel and I am grateful that you have come to receive my message and the energies of this sacred day and I urge you to share this message with others to remind them of what is to come for there is a lot more. May you be fulfilled with the divine essence of your true self and may all that you are always be what motivates you. May the limited opinions of ignorant men and women bounce off of you and may the light you emit burn through their veils of illusion. You are in a free world take advantage of it. My love and blessings to all of you, farewell. ********** Beloved ones it is I, Kuthumi, I return very briefly. We trust that you enjoyed Goddess Jezebel's energy? Beloved ones it is important that you bear in mind that what has been activated for you today is something that is to be honoured, something that is truly sacred, a time in your own growth that is catapulting you, to a degree, into the world of the true masters. You have worked for a long time at overcoming many of the areas of your life that have inhibited you, that have caused you pain and sorrow, grief and guilt. Remember that, listen to Jezebel's words over and over again. Yes she is a tough cookie but what she says is true there is no longer any time for excuses, no time left for complacency or procrastination. I repeat, there is no time left to do that, your days of wallowing in self-pity are serious history and that is one of the very important messages we are needing to get out to all of humanity at this time. We have asked this channel to put this information out, we have given it to her already in words that shall be shared with others but we ask you to remind yourself and others of the same. The time is now, what you are doing now is making the difference and you are the generation that is literally changing your world. The entire future of all generations to come now rest within the palms of your hands and I say that because it's true, get out of thinking that what you have asked for it still to come, that all the predictions of the past are still to come, you have passed

through many of them, you are in a new paradigm, you are the ones building the bridges to the new world. No pressure! Just pleasure. So beloved ones before I leave I ask you to truly think about what has been said, digest it. There is no more "in the future the masters will present", or "in the future I will do or I will be", no you are on stage beloved ones, the spot-light is on you, it's do or die now, again no pressure! It is however a great honour for me to remind all of you of this because we have sat together on many occasions speaking of this time, the time that would come when you would remember why you came back this time. So beloved ones the stage is all yours, as Jezebel said, knock yourself out. Continue to trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, they haven't failed you. They are ever present as are we for those arms are ours. We are with you in every moment always in all ways. May peace, joy, passion and laughter be the essence of your life. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray and the Golden Flame of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai. This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.org

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