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N.K. provocation suggests regime in trouble

Communist state’s action is often made for internal reasons rather than external ones
By Bruce W. Bennett Note also that the North
Korean markets are heavily tied
North Korea spent weeks to the black market and other
preparing to launch a ballistic corrupt activities, reflecting
missile that could reach the growing rebellion that now
United States. It argued that the seems to characterize North
launch was intended to put a Korea. Other forms include the
satellite into orbit. But a space attempts of refugees to escape
launch vehicle is a ballistic mis- North Korea, the rise of theft for
sile used for a modestly different survival, the influx of informa-
purpose. The missile launch was tion from outside North Korea,
intended to travel over Japan and some reported assassina-
and out to a range that would al- tion attempts on North Korean
low it to reach the United States leaders. In short, the North
— a clear provocation against Korean regime must perceive a
Japan and the United States. loss of control that is increasing-
The North Korean regime’s des- ly serious.
peration has led it to action that These and other conditions in
imperils the regime as well as the North make the regime ap-
Bruce Bennett regional and global peace. pear weak, unable to control the
● Bruce Bennett is a senior This launch presents the challenges North Korea faces.
policy analyst at the RAND United States with four impor- The regime apparently hoped
Corporation, a U.S.-based tant questions: Why did North that a successful satellite
nonprofit research organiza- Korea do this? What have we launch with a missile able to
tion. learned from the results? How reach the United States would
● E-mail: Bennett@rand.org will the world react? And what make the regime appear very
does this provocation suggest empowered internally.
about future North Korean be-
havior? What do the results of the
launch suggest?
Why did Kim Jong-il carry
out this provocation? The launch succeeded in part
but not completely. North Korea
Most of the international me- has a partially successful space
dia focus has been on external The undated image released by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s official media Korean Central News Agency on late April 8 program and has mastered
reasons for the North Korean ac- shows a control center during the launch of an “Unha-2” rocket carrying a “Kwangmyongsong-2” satellite. Xinhua-Yonhap News parts of intercontinental ballis-
tion: Setting conditions for nego- tic missile technology, posing a
tiation with President Obama, actually a satellite launch, North form for many years to come. its power and threats, recogniz- Still, many North Koreans direct threat to U.S. territory.
pressuring the Republic of Korea hoped to avoid censure un- Still, even small external ing that in the short term the in- starved to death and some mili- North Korea may be able to
Korea to return to a “sunshine” der this resolution, or at least win pressures have escalated North ternational reaction could be in- tary units suffered from inade- mount a nuclear warhead on
policy, and forcing the world to support from sympathetic states Korea’s internal economic and creased sanctions. quate food. The food shortage such missiles.
pay attention to North Korea. that wish to treat a missile as related problems and forced the When the North Korean was exacerbated by the lack of Potentially, North Korea can
More importantly, North something different depending regime to take some kind of ac- launches failed to relieve the food aid from the Republic of now fire a nuclear weapon at
Korean leader Kim Jong-il pre- upon its payload. But the U.S. po- tion. sanction pressure, the country Korea, and the 2008 harvest major U.S. cities. This is a seri-
sumably hoped that the sition is clear: a missile is still a Other governments have then tested a nuclear weapon in suffered from the lack of fertiliz- ous change in threats to U.S. se-
Taepodong-2 rocket would actu- missile, whatever its payload. learned to compromise with the October — a clear threat escala- er from the ROK. curity. While North Korea would
ally work, putting the United North Korea’s claim of a satel- outside world when they have tion. The international commu- In an effort to deal with food be deterred from doing so in
States within range of North lite launch also sought to legit- faced such troubles. With North nity increased sanctions further and other economic shortages, peacetime, in a conflict the
Korean weapons and thereby imize the launch so as to avoid a Korea, there is no such option. If after this test. But within a few the North Korean regime began regime may conclude that a nu-
adding greater leverage to sub- U.S. attempt to intercept a mis- a North Korean leader were to months, an agreement was several years ago to allow local clear weapon demonstration
sequent North Korean coercion sile. In addition, North Korea compromise under external reached in the six-party talks markets to develop. But the against the United States would
of the United States. North warned in strong terms that it pressure, he would appear weak that resolved many of the finan- markets brought many of the coerce the United States into
Korea has insisted that the would carry out counterstrikes and ripe for overthrow. He is cial sanctions, provided North “evils” of capitalism, undermin- abandoning its “nuclear umbrel-
United States treat North against any intercept. therefore forced into provoca- Korea with considerable aid, ing regime control. la” support for the ROK and
Korea as a nuclear “peer.” A Still, the North Korean tions that make him appear em- and cost North Korea very little. Regime attempts to largely Japan. North Korea might feel
demonstrated ICBM capability regime has historically carried powered. He can then drive at The North Korean leaders had close these markets have led to that the United States would be
would move North Korea a long out provocations more for inter- an international agreement not only arrested the regime’s various challenges to the reluctant to retaliate with nu-
way in that direction. nal North Korean reasons than that he can describe as a favor- downward spiral; they had re- regime. North Korean citizens clear weapons if it knew that
North Korea apparently want- external reasons. able result of North Korean co- versed it to some extent and who have managed to survive North Korea could escalate to
ed to split the international reac- Internally, the Kim family ercion and empowerment, even demonstrated their power. because of the markets have in- using nuclear weapons against
tion. The launch was a clear vio- regime has seriously damaged if it involves a little compromise. The North Korean return to sisted on them staying open, U.S. cities. This would be a very
lation of U.N. Resolution 1718 the viability of North Korea, dri- This is what happened in 2006. provocations now suggests that and corrupt elites who have high risk for North Korea, but it
that directs North Korea to “not ving the economy into failure, U.S. economic sanctions impeded the regime again faces serious found the markets a source of may perceive that any war with
conduct any further nuclear test starving its people, and denying North Korean use of the interna- internal threats. The outside wealth have been lax in enforc- its neighbors and the United
or launch of a ballistic missile” them basic human rights. tional banking system, potential- world may only be seeing a part ing the new rules. The restric- States would be a war for regime
and “suspend all activities relat- Neither the regime nor the state ly imperiling the regime. That of those problems. tions have now been relaxed, survival, justifying such risks.
ed to its ballistic missile pro- has failed yet, and both might July, North Korea used ballistic The famine of 2008 was not as probably reflecting pressure by Because one missile partially
gram.” By claiming that this was continue to survive in some missile launches to demonstrate serious as the 1990s famine. the corrupt elite. Continued on Page 15

Why are rockets more important

than children in North Korea?
By Chris Williams children, but as yet we have no bor is harmful or exploitative.
press reports of North Korean Long days spent picking olives
Why was the international children having limbs and geni- on the family farm may, as the
press silent when the U.N. tals cut off to make muti (medi- Lebanese girls claim, be “boring
Children’s Rights Committee in cine) as in South Africa. Gender and dusty,” but just a few min-
Geneva recently reported that concerns were also raised, but utes working with battery acid
the discussion on North Korea North Koreans do not engage in in a garage could destroy a
“was one of the best sessions of abuses such as female genital child’s eyes instantly. The North
the Committee, conducted in a mutilation as do North Africans. Korean system at least provides
friendly atmosphere ... and the And children of the Democratic the possibility for proper regula-
interaction with the DPRK gov- Republic of Korea do not face tion. The important questions
ernment was far better than the threat of being starved or are, does regulation happen and
four years ago?” Are North killed because they are thought is it effective? Among those who
Korean children less important to be witches, as in the have proposed that schooling
than North Korean rockets? Did Democratic Republic of Congo. should include productive labor,
the story not fit neatly into the If North Korean parents do was Ghandi. In this photo released by the World Food Program, North Korean children sleep during a lunch break
stereotypes that the journalists not pay the school fees, “good The military training of chil- at a creche in Hyangsan, in North Korea in October 2006. Millions of needy North Koreans face “real
use to frame their reports about conduct campaigns” demand dren from the age of 14, through hardship” due to cuts in food aid from China and South Korea and the North’s decision to accept less
the DPRK? Or is it that stories that children provide raw mate- the Red Youth Guard, was also World Food Program assistance. AP-Yonhap News
Chris Williams from North Korea can remind rials such as steel, rubber, and questioned. This is also reminis-
● Chris Williams is based at us how poorly children are rabbit skin. This is reminiscent cent of Victorian Britain, where the private schools of Britain that, “Pregnant women are ered to be one year older at the
the Centre for International treated across the whole world? of church schools in Ireland in institution for orphans such as and America. handcuffed, shackled around start of the New Year. Age re-
Education and Research, North Korea declares that the last century, when children the Thomas Coram Foundling Reports about DPRK in- the belly, and placed in leg irons lates to concern that children
University of Birmingham, “The child is the king of the were expected to bring peat or Hospital in London claimed evitably mention the intern- ... They are typically shackled to between 14 and 17, convicted of
the United Kingdom, and country,” but even kings must coal for the school fire, for heat- with pride how they were train- ment camps. “Concentration the hospital bed when they give murder, may face the death
has also held posts at the work it seems. One of the U.N. ing and cooking. The claim that ing all their boys to go and fight camps” were first devised by birth.” A girl “gave birth alone in penalty when they become 18.
universities of London, Committee’s main concerns was children work on state-run opi- in the British army. The girls Britain, during the Boer War in her cell shortly after midnight,” This was denied, but we do not
Bristol, Cambridge, Cairo “the hard labor imposed on chil- um farms to earn foreign cur- were trained to be domestic ser- 1900, and held young children. with no medical help. One tells have to search hard to find ar-
and the United Nations. dren by the school system” from rency raises the strange irony vants, where they often suffered Vietnamese child refugees were that she was expected to breast guments about executing mi-
● He set up projects for street 10 years old. The North Korean that children in the world’s most sexual abuse from their mas- held in fenced camps by the feed with male guards in the nors. In 1990 a survey in
children in Apartheid South representatives explained that ardently secular socialist state ters, and the resultant babies British in Hong Kong, until the room, and complains that he America found that of 50 states,
Africa, and has recently formal schooling is combined might be engaged in the same provided the next generation of handover to China in 1997. The was “looking around the screen 37 permitted the death penalty
evaluated projects in with “service for the communi- form of labor as those in Islamic inmates at the hospital. United States ran similar while I was trying to deliver the for minors, only 18 had a lower
Afghanistan for the ty,” and children sometimes Afghanistan. The Committee’s It is again ironic to find so- camps to control Native afterbirth.” But these reports age limit (18 or 16), and that
European Commission, and work on farms owned by their concern about street children cialist DPRK bracketed with Americans in the 1830s. During were not from North Korea. nine had no limit which techni-
Lebanon for the U.S. teachers. As Clive Harber evi- similarly reflects circumstances Islamic countries such as Iran, World War I British soldiers as They were from America, and cally meant that a child crimi-
Department of Labor. He denced in his distressing book, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, in the child soldiers debate. But young as 14 could face the firing Britain where some women nal of any age could be executed.
has been a magistrate, and “Schooling as Violence,” chil- Turkey and Egypt. we need to know exactly what squad if they refused to follow MPs even supported this prac- The discussion was resurrected
his books include dren are commonly abused and But is child labor in the con- military training means. It orders. When we read that, tice of shackling. Across the again in 2004, also in relation to
Leadership Accountability in exploited by teachers across the text of a school worse than the seems unlikely that 14 year-old “Although prohibited by law, world, there is a genuine dilem- offenders with mental disabili-
a Globalizing World (2006), world. Some of the worst in- plight of millions of children North Korean children are en- torture was extensively prac- ma about prison births, and ties, and a similar debate hap-
Palgrave Macmillan, stances are the demands for worldwide, who work in unregu- gaged in any active fighting, as ticed and abhorrent prison con- whether or not it is better for pened two years later, in Iran.
London. sexual favors from school girls lated sweatshops, the tourist in- they were on both sides of the ditions resulted in a myriad of the children of prisoners to re- The North Korean represen-
● He can be reached at by male teachers in return for dustry, or the sex and drugs Iran-Iraq war. There are no re- abuses and deprivations,” does main in prisons with parents. tatives stated that most child of-
chrisunula@yahoo.com good grades or presents. This oc- trade? In Lebanon, children ports of girls with mental dis- our mind now go first to DPRK, Apparently, “The experts fenders are under “house ar-
curs even in countries such as work on tobacco farms or carry abilities being used as suicide or to Guantanamo Bay and Abu were mostly concerned with the rest,” which reminded me of a
South Africa and Mozambique, scrap metal across the Syrian bombers, as last year in Iraq. Ghraib? definition of child, which in the period as a British magistrate
despite their revolutionary tran- border, but the problem is not And if we want to see 14-year- The plight of children raised Convention is defined as 18 when curfews, and later elec-
sitions. simply that children work. This old schoolboys wearing military or born in prison, because par- years, and 17 in Korean law.” tronic tags, were a useful sanc-
The Committee made famil- can often be educational and uniforms and undergoing mili- ents are convicted criminals, is This is complicated because, in tion against young tearaways.
iar comments about malnour- help poor families to survive. tary drill, we need look no fur- a concern which is also not Korean tradition, a child is one There seemed less clarity about
ishment and the poor health of The question is whether the la- ther than the elite cadet corps in unique to North Korea. We read year old at birth and is consid- Continued on Page 15

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