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TEACHING PRACTICE II FIRST AT-A DISTANCE TEST Name: Maruja Carina Campaa Cansino Identity Card: 1716907843 LESSON

PLAN N. 01 I. INFORMATIVE DATA: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Trainer teacher: Associated Center Schools Location Province Canton Distrc City 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. Subject Grade Title of the unit Title of the lesson Place and date Supervisors name Monica Espindola Riobamba Llano Chico Chimborazo Riobamba Riobamba Riobamba English 8 FAVOURITE PEOPLE Teachers and friends Oct 13, 2011 Lic: Yolanda Santacruz

CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TIMETABLE FIT Class Description: The students in this class are between 12 and 16. All of them only study at weekend. The class starts at 7: 20. The students are motivated and pay attention to the class because this is in the first hour. This is an advantage for the teacher. However, the teacher must make the class involved in attractive activities. Timetable Fit: The lesson takes place from 07:20 to 08: 45 a.m on Monday, and from 10.50 to 11: 35 on Wednesday. In the past three lessons, the students have been discussing about topics such as: A

post card and findings places, vocabulary related to the places in a town, and use of adjectives and prepositions of place.

Lesson aims: To present vocabulary related to describing people. To raise awareness of the different types of people.

Introduction: I will introduce the theme show to students a picture that is on the book about it in order to discuss the topic before begin with the class. Theme introduction: I will introduce the class orally and then write it on the board. Presentation: After that I introduce the class talking about the picture and ask the students some questions, I will present the new vocabulary and write them on the board. Controlled or free practice: I will guide the students to complete the activities. They will work individually and into pairs; then, they must read each one task instructions, and I will check understanding. In task 1 I will ask students to talk about the picture to share their ideas with the other classmates. In task 2 and 3 I will help them with the picture to complete this activity reading and matching information. Production: Students prepare a speaking using the notes in task 2 and 3 to talk about the main characteristics of Ecuadorian people but this class is numerous; I will ask them do it in written form for homework. Feedback: I have to check if students have developed the activity satisfactorily. Assessment: I will evaluate the students during the whole class with speaking and written tests. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION In this class the students are going to work these activities.

LESSON PLAN N. 02 I. INFORMATIVE DATA: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Trainer teacher: Associated Centre Schools Location Province Canton District City 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. Subject Grade Title of the unit Title of the lesson Place and date Supervisors name Carina Campaa Quito-Carcelen Llano Chico Pichincha Quito Quito Quito English 8 PEOPLE OF ECUADOR Regional Clothes May 11, 2011 Lic: Yolanda Santacruz

CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TIMETABLE FIT Class Description: The students in this class are between 38 and 40. The class starts at 10: 50. Timetable Fit: The lesson takes place from 07:20 to 08: 45 a.m on Monday, and from 10.50 to 11: 35 on Wednesday. In the past three lessons, the students have been discussing about topics such as: Findings places and People Of Ecuador; vocabulary linked to describing people; and grammar structure verb forms and sentence patterns.

Lesson aims: To build on students existing knowledge of vocabulary related to clothes. To develop extensive listening skills.

Introduction: Ask students look at the pictures and answer questions to describe it; such as does the picture represent the different clothes that use Ecuadorian people? Why? Theme introduction: This is about Regional Clothes. I will write the theme in the upper part of the board and share with the students opinions and ideas about the theme. Presentation: I will introduce the new vocabulary and write them on the board. Controlled or free practice: : I will guide students for development of a variety of tasks of the book related to the topic which help them practice the language by listening and making notes, using new vocabulary, listening for specific information, and speaking. Production: As homework, the students will make a summary about people of from the four regions of Ecuador using the vocabulary presented. Feedback: I have to check if students have developed the activity satisfactorily. Assessment: I will evaluate the students during the whole class with listening test. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION The students are going to work with the following activities.

LESSON PLAN N. 03 I. INFORMATIVE DATA: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Trainer teacher: Associated Centre Schools Location Province Canton District City 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. Subject Grade Title of the unit Title of the lesson Place and date Supervirsors name Carina Campaa Carcelen Llano Chico Pichincha Quito Quito Quito English 9 Music Can You Play the Piano? May 09, 2011 Lic: Yolanda Santacruz

CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TIMETABLE FIT Class Description: The students in this class are between 37 and 38. All of them only study in the morning. The class starts at 8: 40. They are usually joyful because they are enjoy the class with any type of games and not boring easy. Timetable Fit: The class begins from 08:05 to 08: 50 a.m on Monday, and from 12: 20 to 12: 50 on Wednesday. In the past three lessons, the students have been discussing about topics such as: The

Black Bull and Telling Legends. In this class they will learn the use of can to show abilities, conjunction but show contrast.

Lesson aims: To review and practice language related to music. To develop listening and speaking skills.

Introduction: Ask students to look at the pictures in order to identify musical instruments. Theme introduction: This is about Music. I will start with a shot dialogue with students to share ideas in order to support the topic. Presentation: I will focus on grammar about the use of can to express abilities and the conjunction but to show contrast providing an example such as: Can Ximena play the guitar? Yes, she can, but she cant play the accordion. Controlled or free practice: I will guide students to complete the task instructions and check understanding. They will work in pairs to do the tasks 3 and 4. And in the activity 2 they must listen to finding out information. Production: Students will practice into pairs about use of can taking turns to ask and answer questions. Feedback: I have to check if students have developed the activity satisfactorily helping students with intonation, stress and pronunciation. As homework students will complete the tasks on page 116 of their textbooks and in the next class they will check the activity with the teacher and classmates. Assessment: I will evaluate students during the whole process of the class. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION The students will work with these activities.

LESSON PLAN N. 04 I. INFORMATIVE DATA: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Trainer teacher: Associated Centre Schools Location Province Canton District City 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. Subject Grade Title of the unit Title of the lesson Place and date Supervisors name Carina Campaa Quito-Carcelen Llano Chico Pichincha Quito Quito Quito English 9 Music A school Band May 11, 2011 Lic: Yolanda Santacruz

CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TIMETABLE FIT Class Description: The students in this class are between 37 and 38. The class starts at 12:20. They are some noise.

Timetable Fit: The class begins from 08:05 to 08: 50 a.m on Monday, and from 12: 20 to 12: 50 on Wednesday. In the past three lessons, the students have been discussing about topics such as: Telling Legends and Can You Play the Piano? In this class they will review of the use

of can to show abilities and but to show contrast.

Lesson aims: To review the last class in order to support grammar. To review vocabulary related to musical instruments and develop intensive reading skills to teach the new class. Introduction: Ask students look at the pictures in order to describe it and encourage them to name the musical instruments. Theme introduction: This is about A School Band. I will copy the theme on the board. Controlled or free practice: The students will work individually to read on their own, and after I will put them into pairs. In task 2 I will read the task instructions; they read the text many times to complete the information, and I will check understanding. Production: The students will make a conversation about forming a school band using this cue would you like to form a school band? Feedback: I will observe the students work and check students stress and pronunciation. . Assessment: I will apply oral test to evaluate the students. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: The students will work with these activities.

LESSON PLAN N. 05 I. INFORMATIVE DATA: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Trainer teacher: Associated Centre Schools Location Province Canton District City 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. Subject Grade Title of the unit Title of the lesson Place and date Supervisors name Carina Campaa Quito-Carcelen Llano Chico Pichincha Quito Quito Quito English 10 Crime Crime on Television May 12, 2011

CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TIMETABLE FIT Class Description: The students in this class are between 50 and 51. The class starts at 10: 50. All of them study only in the morning. If the teacher does not motivate them, they are usually noise; then they must be involved in attractive activities to be attentive during the whole class because this class is numerous.

Timetable Fit: The class begins from 07:20 to 08: 50 a.m on Wednesday, from 10: 50 to 11: 35 on Thursday.

In the past three lessons, the students have been discussing about topics such as: Making a volcano and Crime; vocabulary related to materials,; grammar structure in the past simple and past progressive.

Lesson aims: To talk about the values that support media today in our society. To develop speaking abilities.

Introduction: I will students look at the picture; next, I introduce the class with dialogue about the topic. Theme introduction: This is about Crime on Television. I will ask students: What is the theme of the lesson and after I will copy the theme upper the board. Controlled or free practice: The students will work individually and into pairs. I will ask students to read the task instructions to complete each one of activities, and I will check understanding. After they have finish every tasks students compare the answers into couple, I will write them on the board. In task 5 students will work into pairs to find out what your classmate watch most on television? In order to complete the task 6 and 7. Production: Students will make a written summary using the notes and vocabulary. Feedback: Students check the tasks among them and correct mistakes. As homework students will write a paragraph with the results that they will get about the partner information. Assessment: I will apply written test to evaluate the students. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION The students are going to work with these activities.

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