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Why is a transport system essential in plant?

To transport water and dissolved solutes to different parts of plant

Plants Vascular System Transport system that exist in plants is also known as vascular system Vascular system exists in low level plants are simpler than in high level plants such as flowering plants Vascular system consist of xylem and phloem

a) Xylem Transport water and dissolved mineral salts absorbed by the roots up the stems and to the leaves In woody plants, the xylem tissues provides mechanical support to the plants

b) Phloem Transport organic substances from the leaves down to the storage organs such as the roots up to the growing regions such as the buds

Structure of xylem 1. 2. 3. 4. consist of : xylem vessels , tracheids, fibre and parenchyma cell Parenchyma = store food substances Fibre (a type of sclerenchyma cell)= provide support Xylem vessels and tracheids are water-conducting cells

How does xylem vessel and tracheid adapt to their function? 1. Thickened with lignin deposits, making them strong and prevent them from collapsing. 2. They are elongated cells join end to end, allow water to flow continuously. 3. Have pit, allow water and mineral to pass sideway between the cell. Structure of phloem 1. 2. 3. 4. consist of : sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma cell and fibre Parenchyma = store food substances Fibre (a type of sclerenchyma cell)= provide support Sieve tube transport organic substances such as sucrose and amino acid The end walls of each are perforated by pores to form sieve plates which allow substances to pass from one cell to another When mature, it has no nucleus and its cytoplasm is pushed to the sides of the cell. Cytoplasm pass through the sieve plate to allow substances to pass through from one cell to another 5. Companion cells provide the sieve tube cells with proteins, ATP and other nutrient. It has a large number of mitochondria.

Sieve tube

Translocation 1. The transportation of dissolved organic solutes ( sucrose / amino acids ) in the phloem 2. Importance of translocation Enables organic substances to be stored or converted to other sugars once it reaches its destination.
Glucose produce by photosynthesis convert to starch and then sucrose (store in leaf cell) Sucrose transport to phloem by active transport. Water diffuse from xylem to phloem by osmosis Cause a high hydrostatic pressure Push the sucrose to the cell that need nutrient When the sucrose transport to the cell, solute concentration decrease Cause a low hydrostatic pressure Organic substances in phloem flowing continuously from a high hydrostatic pressure region to low hydrostatic pressure region

Transpiration Loss of water vapour through evaporation from the surface of plants Through stomata (leaves) and lenticels (stem) Importance of transpiration

Water evaporate from leave surface

4 Factor affecting rate of transpiration 1. Air movement

2. Temperature

3. light intensity

Light stimulates the opening of the stomata The stomata open wider, more water molecules evaporates An increase light intensity increases the rate of transpiration

4. relative humidity

Opened and closed of Stomata Opening of Stomata Guard cell (during the day) -photosynthesis occur -produce glucose and energy for active transport

Closing of Stomata Guard cell (night/ no light) -photosynthesis stop -cannot produce glucose

-accumulate potassium ions (K ) through active transport Become hypertonic Water from epidermis cell moves in by osmosis

-potassium ions (K ) exit Become hypotonic Water from guard cell moves out by osmosis

Inner cell walls thicker than the outer walls The guard cell swell up and become turgid STOMATA OPEN Water loss by transpiration CO2 can enter the leave

Outer cell walls thicker than the inner walls flaccid

STOMATA CLOSE Transpiration stop, reduce water loss CO2 cannot enter the leave

The movement of water from soil to leaves Assisted by: Root pressure Capillary action Transpirational pull

Root - Water absorption by osmosis

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