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The stretching of the Faith worketh patience, but there is another temptation from the enemy, which works

to undermine our faith and to steal, kill and destroy. This is what Jesus meant Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Evil of what? The second kind of temptation from the enemy. Temptations mean you are liable to fall means you arent ready for it, but the enemy is trying to destroy you. When God on the other hand allows tests/trials it is to stretch and strengthen your faith. Persistent faith is not the same as persistence. Persistent faith is faith that asks once and stands its ground boldly and takes or receives from God based on right. We ask Our Father boldly as His children it is our legal right, and He wants us to use it, and has told us so Jn 15: 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal. II Cor 5:7 7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

In actual fact, all luck and skill emanate from deep-seated convictions in the subconscious mind of the individual.

Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective. The moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact the subconscious finds means for its realization. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled Prayer is the art of assuming the feeling of being and having that which you want. "Judge not by appearances," said Jesus. If you would win your way to the manifestation of those things that are your goals, you must not be swayed from your conviction and faith by any of the events or circumstances you meet in your daily life. Whatever is contrary to your belief you must reject as not having reality, as being only a temporary thing, a detour on the road you follow, not a setback at all but a necessary path to follow; for the whole plan rests in Universal Mind and though it may seem at the moment to be going against your desires, have no fear. Thus in the

inner recesses of our beings we maintain a place of quiet assurance and contemplation, steadfast always in our knowledge that our faith will become manifest in our lives. It is then we who achieve mastery over our fates. Our positions are unassailable; we create from within and are never victims of circumstance. Have complete confidence in the fact that first cause is mental and first cause once set in motion must inevitably manifest itself in the physical world. Simply have faith in what you believe and refuse to accept negative circumstance as final. .
You affirm, "I am rich," and your mind contradicts, "Youre not." The conflict that develops confuses the Universal Law, which is about to deliver your hearts desire. This clash of opposing energies has been the challenge of the would-be initiate since the beginning of time. It is the hunt for the Grail, or the slaying of the dragon. It states that no one enters the kingdom of heaven within until he has tamed the dragon of negativity that he inherited from the collective unconscious. Figuratively, you will have to leave the earth plane even though you may still be very much a part of physical reality. Dimensions are not out there someplace between you and the stars; they are inner worlds or inner journeys. These journeys have an inner reality and an outer manifestation in the physical, so anything you can conceive is actually a part of you right now. The fact that you do not have it on hand matters not. Whatever it is that you conceive is in a state of gradually becoming. If you affirm, "I am rich," you have to start feeling rich, thinking rich, and holding a rich attitude. Walk around expensive stores, have coffee in the best hotel in town, begin to act and feel as if you already have the vast fortune you know the Universal Law is about to deliver to you. In this way, you create a concrete reality of wealth within your inner journey, and it will become manifest in your outer journey, the physical world. If you can maintain that feeling and power and live as if your wish has already been granted by the Universal Law, your wish will be delivered, guaranteed. Miracles are not logical, so the last thing you need is logical advice from the mind. Infinite power is so magnanimous, so powerful, so much more than the mind, that it exists in a separate dimension, and that is why the mind has difficulty perceiving that it is even there, Miracles are not gifts from God, they are a part of what you are, which is God

All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. You need no helper to give it to you; it is yours now. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled. As the end is accepted you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end. When you emerge from the moment of prayer it is as though you were shown the happy and successful end of a play although you were not shown how that end was achieved. However, having witnessed the end, regardless of any anticlimactic sequence you remain calm and secure in the knowledge that the end has been perfectly defined.

Capture the feeling associated with your realized wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of the thing you desire, and your wish will objectify itself. Faith is feeling, "According to your faith (feeling) be it unto you That which you feel yourself to be you are, and you are given that which you are. So assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish, and your wish must be realized I tell you it is possible to be anything you want to be, for the believer and the God of the universe are one.

The Miracle Action Plan

Write down on a piece of paper, in order of importance, the things and conditions you want. Do not let the mind "advise" you; it has limitations. Shoot for the moon, and be sure you leave nothing out. Chop and change your list until you are comfortable with it, but be clear about what you want. Use exact and precise wording to describe the conditions you require. Remember, the system works, so you must be definite in the way you describe your wants. Here is what you do: a) Read your list three times a day -- once when you rise, once in the middle of the day, and once before bed. b) Meditate on your miracles from time to time, and KNOW that the Universal Law has received your order and is just about to deliver. c) Maintain silence. Talking about your miracles dissipates the energy drastically. Therefore, you cannot share your miracles with others until they happen. d) Always act and think about your miracles as though you already have the conditions you desire. e) Be open to the inner promptings of the unlimited power source as it instructs you in ways of getting what you want. Realize that the Universal Law has to deliver in the physical plane where you can make use of it. Your hearts desire can come from anywhere, so do not limit your field of expectation. Remain open and flexible at all times. f) Smile a lot -- the first miracle is on its way!

Conservez la vraie attitude mentale et luttez srieusement Les doutes sont tratres ; ils dtruisent notre nergie et neutralisent notre ambition. Dites-vous constamment : Je

dois obtenir ce dont jai besoin ; cest mon droit, et je laurai. Prenez lhabitude de laffirmer sans cesse, de croire sans dfaillance votre triomphe final ; faites ceci avec tnacit et vigueur, et au bout de quelque temps vous serez heureux de constater que vous obtenez les choses que vous avez dsires si longtemps et pour lesquelles vous luttiez Cet homme ne voulait pas tre le jouet des circonstances, lesclave de son milieu ; mais il voulait faire son milieu, crer sa position. Un caractre fort, vigoureux, cre un tat qui forcera les choses arriver Ayez une ferme volont et soyez dtermins atteindre vos buts La force mentale tend raliser ce que nous voulons fermement ; croyons de tout notre coeur, et attendons avec confiance. Lintensit du dsir renforce la vigueur du processus mental qui essaie daccomplir les choses. En dautres termes, toutes les forces de notre intelligence sont au service de nos dsirs et de nos rsolutions. On ne recherche pas la raison qui vous fait suivre un homme au caractre fort ; on lui obit instinctivement Linitiative est la plus importante de toutes les qualits mentales Vous vous aiderez puissamment en affirmant constamment que vous tes la personne que vous dsirez devenir ; non pas que vous esprez ltre mais que vous ltes actuellement. Vous serez surpris de voir avec quelle rapidit votre personnalit idale se reproduira dans votre caractre. Faith is nothing other than a sustained effort to impart to the Universal Subconscious Mind that thought which you wish to be manifested in your experience. Faith means complete trust that whatever you conceive with conviction will be returned to you in this world No matter how you choose to think, you are calling into existence those very things you believe in. ignore the present state and assume the wish fulfilled claim it, it will respond

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