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Yeah, I agree with my friends who all supporting for co-education, even I too came from a coeducation school

and college, I feel to be shy to speak in stage or in front of so many people, even in my class, but because of the co-education system, I have learnt to lose my shy and now I'm able to speak bold before people in a much better way than how I'm in the previous state. Even though co education has few drawbacks, its with the students who utilize it in a good manner. Not only because of co education students get spoiled of love etc. , even the students who are't under co-education is also getting spoiled, its all because of their thoughts and acts. So according to my point of view co-education should be welcomed.
Rate this: +14 -2

Gajalakshmi said: (Sun, Aug 28, 2011 04:52:51 AM)

Hi, the points spoke by my friends in favour of co-education is really true. They develop the habit of self-confidence, mutual respect and also both boys and girls can understand each others nature, which will helpful in their future. This creates a positive competetion between them. Only 2 percent of pupil may get distracted because of this so that we cannot blame all the other 98 percent of them.
Rate this: +5 -3

Himanshu said: (Sun, Aug 28, 2011 01:05:04 AM)

Hi everybody. Indeed co education help in removal of shyness, it develop personality of both boy and girl and it helps in generating a good working environment, but along with it I believe it also leads to economic development, we have million of school including primary, secondary and higher educational institute in India, now if we will open separate school for both boys and girls then we have to invest a lot of money, so co-education has resulted in saving of country's economy my opening single institution for both girl and boy.
Rate this: +8 -2

Ameena said: (Sun, Aug 21, 2011 07:16:33 PM)

Hi friends I also agree the above discussion because in my schooling I studied only girls school then I did my higher study in coeducation at that time I have lot of shyness to speak in front of my classmates that time only realize. Then only I improve my communication skills. Coeducation only to avoid shyness and also know about the apposite gender character and to avoid our hesitation also.
Rate this: +10 -3

Srinivas said: (Thu, Aug 18, 2011 03:56:39 PM)

Ya, I agree with all the above discussions. Nowdays, co-education play a vital role in overall development of an individual. By this, person interect with their opposite gender. Shy nature doesn't arise among the students. Students become bold, and keep their view frankly in the future. Main advantage is that, they are aware about each and every behaviour of their opposite gender. In near future, men know that how to handle their destaff. , and vice-versa. They also respect each other. So, these days, we should promote co-education.
Rate this: +9 -5

Adity Mohanty said: (Wed, Aug 17, 2011 10:46:14 PM)

Hi! in my opinion co-education is the best method of reading as it removes shyness prevents from being book worms. Infact I read in co-educational system I know how enjoyable this is. We the students are the future of our country and if we will remain in a blind belief then the future of our country will remain with couch potatoes full of shyness inactiveness lethargic and disease prone. Thank you.
Rate this: +5 -6

Bhawana Tripathi said: (Tue, Aug 16, 2011 09:44:44 PM)

As my friends says above co-education play a vital role in improving our personality. A spirit of cooperation and competition increase under co-education system, it increase confidence level of student. All over we can say that co-education have advantage, there is no any disadvantage of coeducation. Co-education help in facing any situation.
Rate this: +6 -3

Apoorv Bhatt said: (Mon, Aug 8, 2011 10:50:09 PM)

Yeah, i agree with my friends who all supporting for co-education, even i too came from a coeducation school and college, i feel to be shy to speak in stage or in front of so many people, even in my class, but because of the co-education system , i have learnt to lose my shy and now iam able to speak bold before people in a much better way than how i'm in the previous state. Even though co education has few drawbacks, its with the students who utilize it in a good manner. not only because of co education students get spoiled of love etc., even the students who are't under co-education is also getting spoiled , its all because of their thoughts and acts. so according to my point of view co-education should be welcomed.Because I Am Also Completed My Study In Co Educational School System ......... Thanks
Rate this: +15 -3

919713780775 said: (Fri, Aug 5, 2011 09:10:19 PM)

Yeah, i agree with my friends who all supporting for co-education, even i too came from a coeducation school and college, i feel to be shy to speak in stage or in front of so many people, even in my class, but because of the co-education system , i have learnt to lose my shy and now iam able to speak bold before people in a much better way than how i'm in the previous state. Even though co education has few drawbacks, its with the students who utilize it in a good manner. not only because of co education students get spoiled of love etc., even the students who are't under co-education is also getting spoiled , its all because of their thoughts and acts. so according to my point of view co-education should be welcomed.
Rate this: +11 -4

Syed Afzaal Gilani said: (Sat, Jul 30, 2011 01:13:54 PM)

First of all I will tell you what is co-eduction. Co-eduction is a system in which we get knowledge under one roof. I am too agree with all of you it enhance the confidence level in both genders, increase the communication skill that how to talk with different genders, it also create a understanding, it increase a self confidence that how to face the problem and solve the problem, the advantage of this both genders sit to gather and create a study plans by mutual understanding and also have a positive result. This system reduce the shyness in both genders actually boys and girls are hesitated talk to each other. It developed the computation in both genders in last I would like to say all students please its my humble request keep positive things in your mind and concentrate on your goal because is anyone which watching you is anyone who cares you please focus on your goal and respect your parents that's it Thanks.
Rate this: +41 -1

Ashish Stuart said: (Sat, Jul 30, 2011 10:58:14 AM)

Ya, I agree with all the above discussions. Nowdays, co-education play a vital role in overall development of an individual. By this, person interect with their opposite gender. Shy nature doesn't arise among the students. Students become bold, and keep their view frankly in the future. Main advantage is that, they are aware about each and every behaviour of their opposite gender. In near future, men know that how to handle their destaff. , and vice-versa. They also respect each other. So, these days, we should promote co-education.
Rate this: +8 -2

Iftikhar Ali Sharifee Jnv Kargil said: (Thu, Jul 21, 2011 11:14:28 PM)

Hello !frndz. As every action, activities and a system has some positive points and some negative points. Similiar is a case with co edu. But it has more advantages over disadvantages. It is an act or experience that has a formative effect on ones character, attitute, and behaviour toward the mixed up soceity. It fosters understanding and knowledge between two sexes. It better reflects the democratic reality of the emancipation of women and their equal acess to and capability to the work

place. It allows interaction between mixing society which are an integral part of their lives in future. People often against it because of some negative points but how much god is graceful or how much a teacher is generous it depends upon the thinking of an individual which makes his attitute. So ultimately it is upto a person that how he handle the situations.
Rate this: +29 -2

Mayank Jha said: (Sat, Jul 16, 2011 03:07:47 PM)

As far as the topic goes I agree with most of the views presented by my worthy friends above, but I differ in believing that co-education is not a possibility everywhere, especially in remote areas where girl education still faces opposition. Hence its advantageous aspect can't be really of any practical consequence unless we solve the root problem of dissuading girl education, and to achieve 100% co-educationalised system of education, which is highly essential in response to the needs of the modern world, which demands peaceful harmony and understanding between the two sexes. It would also be a major step in eliminating many social evils which have aggravated solely due to lack of understandng between the two genders.
Rate this: +16 -4

Mayank Jha said: (Sat, Jul 16, 2011 02:54:15 PM)

I wholeheartedly agree with baskar as the sole motive of group discussion is to bring out the dual aspects of the topic and also comment, crticize and suggest upon the views expressed during the discussion. Rather than just keep on expressing our views. We should discuss rather than just state.
Rate this: +6 -3

Sowbagia Swaminath said: (Sat, Jul 16, 2011 05:13:18 AM)

Hi dear friends, its me Sowbagia here. In my opinion co-education is an essential part of the present educational system which we have now. It definitely improves our communication skill, confidence, personality, discipline and decency. Every topic has both negative and positive aspects. So don't go for the negative aspects, it can be corrected so just take the positive points and work on that.
Rate this: +10 -4

Garima said: (Thu, Jul 7, 2011 02:32:20 AM)

Hi. Feels good to participate in this discussion. I think co-education is one of the most important factors among the students. As some people feel really shy whenever they talk to an opposite gender. They seriously need to grow up as this is a cool generation.

Co-education should be provided from the beginning, in fact. This will possibly help in increasing confidence, removing shyness and improving the personality. If one has got good morals and values then he/she would never go for any wrong thing.
Rate this: +23 -0

Anum Syed said: (Thu, Jun 30, 2011 11:51:06 AM)

I agree that co-edu is important but some people think that in co-edu environment students have more opportunity and temptations to go astray but in my opinion its all upto us. If our parents taught us moral values so there is no reason why we will do anything wrong. In every society there are good and bad people but if we raised right there is no reason why we will make bad decisions in life.
Rate this: +17 -7

Sandhya said: (Wed, Jun 29, 2011 02:47:16 AM)

Hi, I agree that coeducation is must and should these days, as it plays an important role in building our communication skills and helps in removing the shyness. If a girl or a boy studies from a girls or boys college. They are habitutated to their own environment. And if they suddenly enter into an some software company or any other field they do not know how to mingle with other gender. Hence it creates a problem in their job. Hence in my opinion the children should be joined in coeducation from the beginning. It not only develops the communication skiils but also increses the competition. If a person know how to mingle in a group. No doubt that he will suceed one or the other day.
Rate this: +45 -2

Ishita Pal said: (Wed, Jun 22, 2011 12:01:34 PM)

Hi friends, it is necessary for coeducation in today's world. Sometimes we have to stay in such conditions where we don't get any persons of our gender and ultimately end up in sharing our thoughts with the other gender. So if the children of today's generation have a habit of mixing with the opposite gender they will not feel shy to express their opinions with the opposite gender. And also competition between boys and girls lead to excellent academic results.
Rate this: +18 -8

Anusha said: (Tue, Jun 14, 2011 05:10:43 PM)

Co-education... This I feel is a must in today's world.A person definetly at some point of his life has to interact with the opposite gender and by studying in a co-ed helps a lot.So ya i agree with @ranvir points that it

reduces the shyness in you,improves communication,makes you confident. But many people on contrary look at some of negative common points like love. But if the student has a goal setup he/she will not fall into this prey! But one time crushes are also needed it life..it brings enthusiasm in the regular life.;):).......so ultimately co-ed is a must atleast at the college level.
Rate this: +14 -3

Ranvir said: (Mon, Jun 13, 2011 11:40:30 PM)

Hi friends, There are only six advantages you all had given in your views. N that are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Increases confidence. Removes shyness. Removes hesitation. Social benefits. Mutual understanding. Improves personality and thinking.

All had spoken on these topics again and again. Could anyone give some different view?
Rate this: +42 -9

Sri Vishnu said: (Mon, May 23, 2011 09:25:53 AM)

Yes it's right because every must try to talk with girls if they have shyness means infront of the class then it can increases his confidence level and one more thing is in coeducation every one must study well because infront of the classs no try to shame with their madams sirs etc so its its the right one.
Rate this: +3 -9

Faria said: (Sat, May 21, 2011 10:20:32 AM)

I completely agree with all of you my friends.co-education is very much required in today's competitve world where we talk for equal rights for both boys and girls.co-eds create a friendly and healthy atmosphere between the boys and the girls,this results in development of their soft skills,personality,confidence etc.And one important point that i would like to stress on is that this system had contributed a lot in girls matching up shouders with boys in all walks of life.
Rate this: +5 -1

Rishi said: (Fri, May 20, 2011 03:06:23 AM)

Hii friends I too agree with you it gives a good understanding and removes the shyness in our selfs. As I take my self as an example I have completed my primary and secondary eduction from co-ed and intermediate in girls college and then after immediately entering into the engineering I am unable to speak before the people I felt so hesitated but after getting habituated to talk and mingled with them its better to me and if I feel shy I used to thought they were my friends and I should not bother about anybody and moving on when I feel like that its gives me a great releif. It also improves our communication skills how to speak and behave with both genders. Finally, the students should feel responsible of their lives and aware of the competetive world and let the life not spoiled in any of the negative situations. If any that situations occurs better think of our future and go in a correct way.
Rate this: +3 -0

Toshi Mishra said: (Thu, May 19, 2011 10:04:49 AM)

Co- education is good for communication skills in between boys and girls. Also competition between boys and girls makes them score good marks in examinations.
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Ramya said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 03:00:48 PM)

Co education means the education includes boys and girls. It is 1st introduced in Switzerland some economically poor country like Pakistan. It is possible to maintain separate colleges for boys and girls. There are many advantages and hardly some of the disadvantages of co education. It will develop the sort of mutual understanding.
Rate this: +1 -1

Swaroop Mohan said: (Sun, May 8, 2011 01:19:12 PM)

Yes! friends. I agree with you. Coeducation will remove shyness. We can learn how to communicate with other people through coeducation. In your future we should work in an organization. In that there some women also work with gents. In that situation proper communication is very important. In our real life our communication is different when we are talking with boys and different when we are talking with girls. To get clear idea about how to communicate with others, coeducation is very important.
Rate this: +3 -0

Venkatesh Venki said: (Thu, May 5, 2011 08:48:36 AM)

Hi friends while talking about co-eduction, its the one of best process or training to remove the hidden shyness in both of gender. It helps to improve our good talkative personality, and enriches our boldness speech to communicate with this competitive world. It also bring a good disciplinary

system in our life. So my support for co-edu only. Thanks for spending your valuable time to read my line. Once again thinks a lot.
Rate this: +1 -0

M.Prabu said: (Wed, May 4, 2011 09:23:16 AM)

I am really accept swopna soundar concept. More fear and shyness is should be avoided by using of co-education. They are communicate easily without any fear, in company also both people also working and understanding the concept them self.
Rate this: +0 -4

Nandini said: (Tue, Apr 26, 2011 04:02:24 AM)

Hi friends, I am also agree with you. As the world is becoming a global village communication is very important between both genders. It better for us to study in a co-education system to overcome our shyness and fear. Generally boys do things in practical manner and girls do things in a theoretical manner, so if they work together then learning anything is very easy.
Rate this: +1 -2

Swathi said: (Sat, Apr 23, 2011 04:43:04 AM)

It is very advantage one because it gives good friendly move between the boys and girls which will be very useful in future such as project management, and in work space etc. So while we study in co-education it will be very useful in future and it gives good academic results.
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Vishakha said: (Tue, Apr 19, 2011 11:46:11 AM)

I think co education helps us to develop our skills as well as it helps us to remove shy infront of the other people. It mainly helps in the sense of corporate world where we need to communicate with different kind of people. And need to understand them. There we have to judge the people so that we can decide, how to talk with different different persons.
Rate this: +1 -0

Jishu said: (Thu, Apr 14, 2011 10:44:45 AM)

Hi everyone, co-education will remove thee hesitation of both genders which they face whenever they deal with each other. And it will develope a lot of confidence in both genders. It will also improve the way of communications among boys and girls.

It will develope a habit of how to efficiently work with a complete different thinking mind and will develope a nature of patience and sharing of thoughts.
Rate this: +1 -0

Alex said: (Mon, Apr 11, 2011 10:44:09 AM)

off course coeducation leads the student in a successfull manner. Even their competition between two gender is more.I experienced lot and I gained knowledge through that competition. I got more friends due to that mostly I try to avoid my shyness and hesitation. unless you utilizes in a right path.
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Reshma said: (Mon, Apr 11, 2011 02:32:13 AM)

Yaa. I agree with it. Co-education first of all increases the confident level. It helps in improving our communication skills between both genders and share our thoughts and ideas in school levels and college levels which helps to remove our shyness and hesitation. It helps to mingle with each other and helps us to live in this competitive world. It increases self-belief in us to handle any situation. In this co-education system sharing of study plans also have a good result. As everybody knows most of our parents are worried that co-education leads to love and many more things. There's no doubt. They are right. But it depends upon the students, how we use it. Finally what I wanna say is co-education leads to positive result if we take it in a positive way.
Rate this: +2 -0

Mounika said: (Mon, Apr 11, 2011 02:23:11 AM)

Yeah, I agree with my friends. It is good to join in co-education, why because it is more helpful in placements etc. Also it gives more friends, understanding is more, if negative toughs means -i t depends on the person. As RP Manthru naik said co- education means "co- operation between the students". Yes its really true, I myself experienced a lot. So I fully support co-education. It gives good result in academic, and also everlasting friends in both gender.
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Bala said: (Mon, Apr 11, 2011 01:18:53 AM)

According to me the study methods of both genders are entirely different. Girls ought to learn how to choose their portions according to the time available from boys and boys how to systematically do their works and not to dump them for the last minute.
Rate this: +1 -3

Baskar said: (Wed, Apr 6, 2011 02:25:29 AM)

why all the people speak only about advantages ????. Because this comment is valuable for group discussion point of view.(for example : The same topic is given by any one of the group discussion. Then we repeat the same thing said above(Because if we go through the above discussions we can find only six solid points ). so let we discuss both sides(disadvantage) , then only we will shine in the group discussion). Friends please Try to give comment on both side.
Rate this: +2 -0

Rkreddy'S Iiit said: (Fri, Mar 25, 2011 07:12:15 AM)

I also accept this co-education because. I. The co-education is useful to increase the confident level. Ii. The co-education is useful to increase the communication skills between both genders. Iii. The co-education is useful to mutual understanding in life. Iv. The co-education is useful to share their thoughts in school level or college level.
Rate this: +5 -0

Jenifer said: (Fri, Mar 11, 2011 11:57:00 PM)

Hi friends, I do support for co-education. It lead to have good communication, mutual understanding, good academic result, good friends circle. It removes shyness, hesitation. From that taught us that how to mingle with other gender, how to judge one's behavior. That will help us to live in competitive world.
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Anurag Goyal said: (Thu, Mar 10, 2011 04:40:10 AM)

Group helps in increase in confidence level, communication skill, way of talking, personilty development, taking self dicision, all types of knowledge like:study, sports, related to life etc. Any person can improve his self maximum by group discussion and get their aims in life.
Rate this: +0 -1

Manish K. Mishra said: (Wed, Mar 2, 2011 02:40:32 AM)

I would like to admit following points in favor of co-education1. increases confidence level

2. 3. 4. 5.

increases communication skill increases understanding level increases self belief to handle any situation sharing of study plans also have a positive result
+3 -0

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Prithivi said: (Sun, Feb 6, 2011 10:09:46 AM)

ya i go with the other people and according to my point of view,co-education is necessary in this competitive world because our fearness and shynes will be reduced and in colleges while we were been separated into batches,we need to co-ordinate and to mingle with boys n as boys generally have some practical knowledge we get to know more things an dats what i wanted to say.
Rate this: +1 -0

Anuradha said: (Thu, Feb 3, 2011 10:31:46 AM)

yes the co-education is a better way to educate the student bcz in this education pattern the student not only learn the subjective konwledge but also the learn more thigs as.. (1)how to talk to the other gender. (2)it increase the communication lavel. (3)we can remove our hesitation. (4)our thought become open toword the other gender we become more friendly to each other and all this things help you in your corporate life.
Rate this: +3 -0

Naveen said: (Sun, Jan 23, 2011 08:57:36 AM)

yes i compleletly say that there is more advantage in coeducation the skills of the students increase and the way of learning of girls and boys are different,eduction is nothing but over all devlopement of child ,coeducation remove the shyness among the students and increase there communication skills but parents are worried that coeducation leads to love and all nonsence matter,it and true it depends up on the students how he uses it and coeducation leads to postive result
Rate this: +1 -0

John said: (Thu, Jan 20, 2011 08:36:59 PM)

In my point of view whether co education or not the performance matters becoz its not just in school boys and girls are there the world around outside we can see but the main purpose of co education is to know the right of freedom and the understanding and coming out of traditional thinking and the beauty of understanding the value of friendship, closeness and broadining of the thinking game spirit and most of all knowing various people of different minds.

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Lucky said: (Sat, Jan 8, 2011 11:09:38 AM)

In my point of view co-education is very importent and useful. In co-education we have lot of benfits are there. The student confidence should be incresed and shyness will be removed. Anyway I prefered only co-education.
Rate this: +3 -0

Shailesh said: (Sun, Dec 26, 2010 10:01:55 AM)

Yeah, Co-educatoin is compulsory becouse it gives boldness in students. It has so many benifits rather than nomal education. It removes the shyness of opposite sex. Now in mordern world, there are many jobs that involves both, so there should be franckness between them so that they perfom there jobs with full efficiency and without hesitation. Co-education provides different thinking of both boys/girls under a roof. As shairing of thinking develope each other and so it is benifisial for country also. Thatsall.
Rate this: +1 -1

Nits said: (Fri, Dec 10, 2010 01:11:19 AM)

Well, I second the views of everyone and from my point I feel that Co-education has got a role to play in the upliftment of women, as many have said it contributes a lot in removing shyness. On working with boys, girls can develop courage and they wont feel any difference both physically and mentally from boys, which makes girls to be good leaders. Even among boys.
Rate this: +3 -0

Gayathri said: (Sat, Nov 20, 2010 11:13:46 AM)

Co-education is compulsory because in this competitive world, no one has the time to trained ourselves that how we behave to either boys/girls. So if we already in co-ed means from the starting itself we don't have any shy to share our ideas,be willingly in all places,no need to hesitate for doing some things and mostly don't bother about opposite sex. We are very free to face the world. Otherwise it takes time to adopt ourselves to the new world.
Rate this: +3 -0

Anu Deep Iiit Nuzivid said: (Wed, Nov 3, 2010 12:14:58 PM)

Co-education have a lot of advantages than normal education. This type of education leads to good competitive world around the students. In this education both boys and girls will share their

thoughts. Because the thoughts of boys will be different from the thoughts of girls. This type of education can improve our confidence and competitive spirit and communication skills. So we should welcome co-education.
Rate this: +3 -0

Akash Garg said: (Thu, Oct 21, 2010 02:18:58 PM)

As far this topic is concerned, then I will also go in the favour of co-education. Being practical if we think, then is it possible to remove our shyness in front of opposite gender (s) without spending some times with them?. It is not. Its all the matter of just saying, but it is vital to have co-ed. I think that it is of no use to say that communication skills improve in co-ed, because it totally depends on the environment. But co-ed (definitely) gives the environment of working together which is needed when we go in some corporate or in any other field, because there we have to handle al types of clients (no matter what the gender is). So that time it becomes very easy. We do not hesitate. . Along it we can have a idea about all kind of people, learning chances improve (off course). I don't think that there is any negative point in co-ed. Its up to you how you think. But simple fanda is "with the more kind of people you will interact, will be easier to grow your personality". Thats it. :).
Rate this: +1 -0

Tanweer Siddiqui said: (Thu, Oct 21, 2010 12:04:27 PM)

Yaaaaaaa, I also think that co-education is must in today's competitive environment as it not only improves our personality and communication skills but also remove shyness. That is most commonly among % students. When I talk with ma friends who are not getting co-education mostly use cheap words while talking about girls as if they consider them a different creature. So that type thinking will definitely be eliminated if students gets co-education. As they can understand each other and can share their views. Which will lead to their future betterment. In fact what happens. Before involving a gal in co-education parents always get worried because they think about negative side of education like love and many more things like that. Nd no doubt they are right. But its our duty to keep our limits and parents status in our mind and I'm sure that by keeping these things in our mind. We can gain our parents faith. So guys its my humble request to all of to not take co-education in other terms but to enjoy it as student life will never come again in yours life. `.
Rate this: +1 -1

Joe said: (Wed, Oct 20, 2010 12:11:38 PM)

Well, I think that co-education prepares the students well for industries and makes them more marketable and thus it helps to bring out the perfect professional inside them, its the experiences gained during the education period that's going to help the student tackle with all his professional and personal problems. If the student is from co-education he can tackle the situation in a better way considering thoughts of both the genders, also he would understand the situation in a much better way by taking into account the views of both the genders and thus will be capable to take good decisions which would be for the benefit for all.
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Gargi said: (Sun, Oct 17, 2010 09:16:23 AM)

From my point of view co education is best way for education for those student who take it in correct way, by the co education we shear our thoughts to each other and it help to understand other people. When we talk to many different types of boys and girl our knowledge and confidence level are increased and decreases our hesitation. Many off the people are hesitated to speak to other, they can not put their thought to every one just because off their hesitation. By co education many girls n boys loose their hesitation and increase in their confidence level, so I think co education is better option to develop your personality.
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Pranitha said: (Sun, Oct 10, 2010 11:40:13 PM)

I accept all your views friends. Co education is very important for people. Because it removes the shyness from people. Co education doesn't make any difference between girls and boys. The best advantage of Co education is people feels all are equal in society.
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Jyoti said: (Wed, Oct 6, 2010 03:29:22 PM)

Co education is must because it will increase your personality, how to talk with others. I have read from girls school I saw girls eagerness about boys n no sense how to behave with others. But when I got admission in college of girls and boys I learnt so much. Firstly I have removed my shyness, increase my personality automatically n soft skill.
Rate this: +2 -0

Sony said: (Wed, Sep 29, 2010 03:52:27 AM)

According to my view co education is more important in today's competitive world. Co education helps us in different ways. It has many advantages rather than disadvantages. Mainly it helps to avoid shyness and also to understand the attitudes and ideas o different genders. Once you enter in the job field there is nothing like these type of differences so that there is need to communicate either with girl or boy by avoiding the age limits. So if we are in practise from the studying age so that there is more scope to share the ideas and even communicate with them it may help in future professional life.
Rate this: +2 -0

Sreenu said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 05:40:57 AM)

As my view in co-education mostly helpful for boys than girls because always boys shy to talk with girls so definitely increase confidence and abandon the fear to talk to anybody.
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Rita said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 12:42:08 PM)

Removes shyness. Develop confidence. Ensure better cooperation among people.

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Rachna said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 04:59:03 AM)

Yes I also agree with all of you I think co education is develop our confidence and improve our communication skills and remove our shyness so co education is important.
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Paul said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 12:04:53 AM)

Yes I agree more advantages available. Co-education is the best method for developing inter personnel skills. The commutative skills also increases and this helps in their future carrier growth. In today's life the presentation of our knowledge is more important than what we have learned. Co education is so very important.
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Ashwin'S Sony said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 10:56:00 AM)

Now I want to talk about co-education. Co-education means the thoughts of girls and boys are shared without any feeling of shyness. In this so many people have different mindsets they know how to behave with the world. Girls do not think about outside when they are mingled with boys

they know out knowledge then they behave friendly with others. Some people think co-education leads to spoil out children life. It is not good. Co-education more advantages than disadvantages. It's good or bad every thing depend upon our mindsets only. Only one thing is co-education is best process.
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Anusha said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 03:20:29 AM)

Yes, I agree with the all of above. In co-education, the information of every thing about our career decision with both decision (she or he) there opinion will be the great one, thinking power will increase. Discussing to each other will avoid our fearness.
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Latha said: (Mon, Aug 30, 2010 06:46:16 AM)

Yes. Co-ed is very useful one. It avoid stage fearing. Gives lot of boldness. We don't think about boy, girl just think we are friends.
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Rajendra Prasad said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 07:23:02 AM)

By listening to the above views, i need add some flavour to the topic so called co-education. Every person may take birth and death lonely but you need to be live with the people around. You can choose your friends but not your colleagues and neighbours hence you are needed to get acquire the skills how behave with others. Every one knows how to behave with the people with the same gender, but needs to know how to behave with opposite gender. Hence one should have experience of staying or living with opposite gender and co-ed is providing that oppurtunity. co-education is the best method for developing inter personel skills. I suggest the government to provide thhis facility from the grass root level(begining of the education).
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Rakesh Kumar said: (Sat, Jul 31, 2010 05:11:01 AM)

In my point of view Co-education should be banned because it leads to disturbance of mind in class. boys and girls always thinks about other thing such as love and sex and don't pay attention in the class.
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Vinoth said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 06:18:11 PM)

In my point of view, co-education gives confident among each person's behavior and also removes shyness among boys and girls--- this will leads to achieve higher ladder in their life and career.
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Sridevi said: (Wed, Jul 28, 2010 08:17:38 AM)

I agree with all the above. Co-education removes shyness within us.we can learn how to communicate with boys.now a days while getting into jobs we shoukd have good communication skills and while doing jobs there are boys also, if we dont know how to mingle with boys we will face some problems.we will get lot of awareness when we are in coeducation. so, co education is more advantageous than women's.
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Saurabh said: (Sun, Jul 25, 2010 01:24:21 AM)

Yes coeducation provides a good platform for both boys and girls to develop good communication skills it also helps them to raise their confidence level also teaches them how to communicate with the outside world.
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Sangeethreddy said: (Sun, Jul 25, 2010 12:15:40 AM)

In my point of view co-ed gives lots of experience towards the life also...... how means it makes easier to select our life partner. If we have come from co-ed, its easy to guess ones character.....
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Naveen said: (Tue, Jul 20, 2010 05:15:07 AM)

Hi friends according to my view co-educations is very good but i don't know why the government giving the permission to the womens college. As every coin has tail and head there is advantages and disadvantages in co-education.
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Mallika said: (Mon, Jul 19, 2010 07:30:36 AM)

yes i agree with all people who gave the comments. co-education is very good education

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R.Kanimozhi said: (Mon, Jul 12, 2010 10:03:13 AM)

Dear friends , I agree with all comments. Co-education will teach us how communicate with outside world. This gives a new situation also. Because of co-education we make friends with boys and share more information about world.
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Nitesh Popali said: (Sun, Jul 11, 2010 01:37:32 AM)

Co education is very useful. It helps us to enlarge our brain capabilities by group studies. The shyness of a student may be removed.When boys and girls study together the shyness of either boy or girl gets very lesser and lesser as time spans. The commutative skills also increases and this helps in their future carrier growth. In todays life the presentation of our knowledge is more important than what we have learned. Co education is so very important.
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Anuj Prakash said: (Thu, Jul 8, 2010 08:31:29 AM)

Yeah! I am fully agree to my friend whatever they discussed.T he main meaning of "co-education" is where boys and girls study together under the same roof. Many advantage for this because when boys and girls talk to each other then they can develop their personality,soft skills,communication skills,how to behave to each other. This is successful idea because people like this and our co-education institution increased day by day. And also reduced economical system because boys and girls can study together in same schools and they can be taught by same teacher.
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Damodar said: (Wed, Jul 7, 2010 12:03:31 AM)

Yeah! I to agree with all your opinions friends.There are many advantages and hardly some of the disadvantages.So I want to discuss both of them. Many advantage already you told.As a fact boys and girls have to live together in the society in their later lives and if they are taught together from the very beginning, they can understand each other well, then there will be no common issues like quarrellings.Girls will not be have the eveteasing so that they can develop balanced personality. As I observed from one of my friends,Students who are not studying in Co-education hardly they use rough and abusive language. Most commonly they will have the eagerness to know about them.

But when they study together, their curiosity is satisfied and they do not consider girls as strange creatures. Dis-advantages, As our friend HARSITH said a few students will have the negative feelings. Later they will know what they had done but definitely good students will not have these negative feelings. Isn't it Friends?
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Arun said: (Tue, Jul 6, 2010 04:22:34 AM)

Yes I agree with your opinion ankarao.Co education improve the confidence level of student both boys and girls. It make them to acheive not only in academic they can acheive sports, compitations and also co education is used to avoid shyness and fearness. May be as per a negative views their was some Problem. But now a days Students realize that truth. So in my opinion Co edcation is way to success of all students.
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Ankarao said: (Tue, Jul 6, 2010 12:09:11 AM)

I too agree with my friend's opinions. Co education gives a good competition between boys and girls. It leads to secure good results of academic year. It is very useful and helpful to improve soft skills and communicaton skills. We can get rid of our shyness and fear with this system. There are also disadantages but very less when compare to advantages.we have to be confident on ourself. There are less number of people who undergoing attraction. It will be in their thoughts and mindset.
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Gopinath said: (Mon, Jul 5, 2010 03:54:08 AM)

Advantage is that if boys and girls are taught together, there will not be any need for opening separate schools for boys and girls. Co-education is an economical system, because both boys and girls can study in same schools and they can be taught by the same staff.
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Lakshmi said: (Mon, Jul 5, 2010 12:03:55 AM)

Yeah I support all my friends's opinion. There are many advantages in co-education. we don't have any stage fear when we are talking infornt of people. We avoid our shyness. Most interesting competitions occur between boys and girls.Some disadvantages also there in co-education system that are attraction between boys and girls. I am not supposed all the people are like that. Some

people are behave like that. Now a days all the college people are running behind this attraction. So parents didn't show any interesting towards co-education system. I advice the students that we should realise our limits and status. We should be stay in controled manner
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Ashok said: (Fri, Jul 2, 2010 06:39:57 AM)

Yaa! I too agree with all the supporters.Co-education gives the genuine meaning of education.In coeducation the students acquire more skills.Some of the students like me tackle the shyness. They can gather more information about same issue and also share their knowledge on a particular issue.Student can acquire more communication skills.They learn how to behave with different kinds of people.Eventhough it has some disadvantages(These are depend upon the students mindset and their thoughts)it is acceptable.
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Rupesh said: (Thu, Jul 1, 2010 12:19:10 AM)

Yeah, i agree with my friends who all supporting for co-education, even i too came from a coeducation school and college, i feel to be shy to speak in stage or in front of so many people, even in my class, but because of the co-education system , i have learnt to lose my shy and now iam able to speak bold before people in a much better way than how i'm in the previous state. Even though co education has few drawbacks, its with the students who utilize it in a good manner. not only because of co education students get spoiled of love etc., even the students who are't under co-education is also getting spoiled , its all because of their thoughts and acts. so according to my point of view co-education should be welcomed.
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Sri Hari said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 01:43:06 AM)

This is good idea for education stream.and it is useful our future.it also avoid the shyness. co-education gives so many results achieving goal in life.so its good.if we use it in good manner.
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Sridevi. Dammapeta (Khammam District). said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 12:52:24 AM)

In my opinion co-education is better than other education. because if we are in co-education we usually try to be friends with the boys and girls irrespective of their gender. We get a good envrionment of friendliness. If we are not in co-education, the mindset of those students will be

entirely different. There are lot many advantages of co-education than the disadvantages. Till 10th class me also only from girls school(hostel).I know only how to study,how to get good marks and nothing else. But after that means from Inter 1st year onwords Im from co-ed, from that time i know how to communicate with peoples and how mingling with peoples and out of knowledge also along with educaton. before co-ed I fell fear about to talk with others but now I feel free to talk with every one.

So we have benifits to do co-education.

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Bhanu said: (Sat, Jun 26, 2010 03:54:42 AM)

Co-education is really very useful. It helps to build confidence and removes fear in ones heart.There are so many advantages in this type of learning. We can improve our communicative skills. There is also a chance to know mindsets of persons, competition around the world.
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Nirosha said: (Wed, Jun 23, 2010 03:00:07 AM)

Coeducation is very useful in this competitive world.Many of the people in the society think that due to this coeducation youth's life r spoiling.but it is not true.the students have good understanding to each other this problem will be avoided.due to coeducation communication skills developed well.
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R.P. Manthru Naik. Iiit Nuzvidu said: (Tue, Jun 22, 2010 02:45:51 AM)

Co-education means the education includes boys and girls. Present lot of advantages about co education. In this education student know about behavior of both girls and boys. The main idea of this education is that reduction (remove) of shyness and improvement of confidence among the students and improve soft skills. The Main meaning of co-education is"co operation between the students" . If there is any sexual difference between them it will be leads to different type of problems(misunderstanding). So, in my point of view co-education is very important in this competitive world.
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Harshith said: (Tue, Jun 22, 2010 02:33:57 AM)

Yaa! I too agree with you. In case of Co-Education , the communicative skills of students will be improved . When they talk before a number of boys and girls in a class , they should give up their shy . Also boys and girls will mostly have different ways of learning , which can also be shared. Many people always think on the negative side. They worry about the feelings of love , ...etc. But these are very few. If the students are pure in their heart , truly co-education will bring good results . I hope you will agree with me .
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Sivakumar said: (Thu, Jun 17, 2010 09:38:33 PM)

Yes i really accept swopna soundar statement. Co education improve students studying capacity.
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Swopna Soundar said: (Tue, Jun 15, 2010 03:19:53 AM)

There are several advantages. The students confidence level will be increased and their shyness will be removed. Competitions between boys and girls leads to good academic results. It leads to have mutual understanding.
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