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Vocabulary: Check in: (n) procedimiento de entrada a un hotel, registro; (v) registrarse en un hotel. Check out: (n) procedimiento para liquidar la estancia en un hotel, salida; (v) salir del hotel al concluir el perodo reservado. Complaint: (n) queja. To complain to = (v) quejarse de. To file a complaint: poner una queja. Luggage: (n) equipaje; en el ingls de Estados Unidos se prefiere el vocablo "baggage". Stay: (n) estancia; (v) permanecer, quedarse Accommodation industry (industria hospitalaria) Hotel Chain (cadena hotelera) Hospitality (hospitalidad) Shelter (refugio, techo) Resort (lugar de vacaciones) Delux (de lujo) Front desk (escritorio de enfrente o principal) Convention (convencion) General manager (gerente general) Management (gerencia) guest (husped) Hotelier (persona que se dedica a la hoteleria) Cashier (cajera) Reception (reception) Receptionist (recepcionista) Promotion (promocion, asenso de puesto) Lobby Registration (registro) Dilogo: At the front desk D: Desk-clerk D: G: D: G: D: G: D: G: Guest B: Bell attendant

Good morning, sir. May I help you? Good morning. I have a reservation. Oh, I see. Your name, please? Morris, Albert Morris, from England. Ah, yes. Here it is, Mr. Morris. May I see your passport, please? Oh, yes. Here you are!. Mr. Albert Morris, from the United Kingdom... A reservation for two

nights... could you sign here, please. G: yes, There you are. D: Thank you, Mr. Morris. Here's your guest card. Room 104. Do you have any luggage? G: Oh, yes. Heres my bag. D: (Calling the bell attendant) Roberto! Please, show Mr. Morris his room. D: MR. Morris, I hope you have a nice stay here, And thank you for choosing us. G: Thank you very much!. B: Good morning, sir, I am the bell attendant. Ill show you to your room. Please, let me carry your bag. G: Oh, thanks. B: Follow me, please. REGISTRATION CARD Guest's name: _________________ Last name: ________________ Nationality:________________ Address:_________________________ Passport number: ________________ Room number:________________ Luggage: __ yes __ no Reservation for (number of nights): ________________ Guest's signature. ___________________ PASSPORT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Albert Morris 151 Leigh Road, London, N 13 Passport number: 0153437 Signature: Albert Morris Place of issue: London Date of issue: June 24, 2001 ACTIVITY: trabaje con un compaero. Asuma el papel de recepcionista. Su compaero ser el cliente. Hgale las preguntas que aparecen a continuacin para llenar un formulario como el que vimos en el ejercicio 1. What's your name/last name? What nationality are you? / Where are you from? What's your address? Do you have any luggage/baggage? How long are you planning to stay?

Communicative functions:
1.- Greeting and offering service (Saludar y ofrecer servicio):

- Good morning. May I help you? (Buenos das. En qu puedo servirle?) - Good afternoon. What can I do for you? (Buenas tardes. Qu puedo hacer por usted? -Slo en caso de clientes alojados en el hotel que se acerquen a usted, no de aquellos que llegan por vez primera-) - Good evening. Can I help you? (Buenas noches. Puedo ayudarle?) - Good day (Buen da), - have a good day (que tenga un buen da) - Hello - Hi!. (Informal). 2.- Saying what you want (Lo que el cliente potencial pudiera responder) - Good morning. I have a reservation. (Buenos das. Tengo una reservacin) - I need/want a room. (Necesito una habitacin) - Oh, certainly (Por supuesto) - Do you have a room available? (Tiene una habitacin disponible?) - Yes, sir, we do. (S seor.) 3.- Asking someone's name (Preguntar el nombre a alguien) -May I have your name, please? (Puedo tener su nombre, por favor? - Morris, Albert Morris. - What's your name? (Cual es tu nombre?). - My name's X (mi nombre es X). 4.- Asking where someone is from.. (Preguntar de donde es alguien..) - Where are you from? (De dnde es usted? / De dnde procede?) - I'm from Denmark (Soy de Dinamarca.) - What nationality are you? (Cul es su nacionalidad?) - I'm Danish. (Soy dans) 5.- Asking for documents (Pedir documentos) - May I see your passport, please? (Puedo ver su pasaporte, por favor?) - Certainly. Here you are. (Ciertamente, Aqu lo tiene.) - Give me your passport, please. (Dme su pasaporte, por favor) - Let me see your passport, please. (Djeme ver su pasaporte, por favor.) 6.- Saying thank you (Dar las gracias) - Thank you, Mr. Morris (Gracias Mr. Morris) - Thank you so much (muchisimas gracias) - Thank you very much indeed! (muchisimas gracias de verdad) - Thanks! (Informal) 7.- Responding to thanks (Responder al agradecimiento) - Youre welcome (de nada)

Dont mention it (ni lo menciones) Any time (cualquier tiempo, cuando sea) My pleasure (mi placer) Not at all (no en lo absoluto) Thats all right (eso esta bien)

8.- Asking about possession (Indagar sobre las pocesiones) - Do you have any luggage? (Tiene usted algun equipaje?) - Oh, yes, heres my bag. / Here are my bags. (Oh, s. Aqu estn mis maletas.) - Wheres your luggage? (Dnde est su equipaje?) - I dont have any luggage. (No tengo ningn equipaje.) - Baggage (Am. E)/ Luggage (Br. E) - Handbag (bolsa de mano) - travelling bag (bolsa o maleta de viaje) - Suitcase (maleta, petaca) Briefcase (maletin, portafolios) 9.- Wishing someone a nice stay (Desear una grata estancia) - Have a nice stay here, sir. (Tenga una grata estancia aqu, seor.) - Enjoy your stay here. (Disfrute su estancia aqu.) - Hope you enjoy it here (espero que usted disfrute aqui) - Hope you enjoy your stay. (espero que disfrute su estancia) 10.- Identifying yourself (Identificarse uno mismo) - Good morning. Im the bell attendant (bellboy), Follow me please. (Buenos das. Soy el botones Sgame, por favor.) Different jobs in hotels: Bellboy / bellhop / bell attendant = botones. Desk clerk / receptionist = recepcionista. Chambermaid / maid / room attendant = recamarera. Barman / bartender / bar steward = el que atiende en un bar. barmaid (female) = la que atiende en un bar. Waiter / food server = mesero. Waitress = mesera. Cook / chef = cocinero, chef. Manager = gerente. General Manager.

Reading: This is Imaginary Hotel, a beautiful tourist attraction in the Caribbean. May I introduce the staff?

This is Roberto. He is our bell attendant. He is 21 years old and he is single. He lives in town.

This is Laura. She is the desk clerk. She is married and has a son. She is 30 years old and lives in the country.

These are Pablo and Jaime. They are bartenders and work at the poolside bar. Neither is married. They live near the hotel. Pablo is twenty and Jaime is twenty-three. Pablo has two boys but Jaime doesn t have any children.

This is Juan. He is a waiter in the restaurant. He is married and has a daughter. He is 33 years old.

Finally, heres Pedro, the chef. He is a bachelor. He is 60 years old and still single! He lives in a nearby town. What about you? Write something about yourself: name, occupation,



EXERCISE: Be ready to report orally what you write about yourself! (Preprese para decir oralmente lo que escriba sobre usted)


1.- VOCABULARY: Single, double, triple (sencillo, doble, triple) Suite Bell man = bell attendant To book a room Porter / doorman (portero) Helpers Referral system (sistema de referidos) Employer (patron) Employee (trabajador) Housekeeping (mantenimiento de cuartos) Clean Change beds Laundry (lavanderia) Supervisin Skilled / unskilled Worker (trabajador calificado / no calificado) Executive (ejecutivo) Chambermaid (recamarera) Maintenance Room service (servicio al cuarto) Facilities (instalaciones) Furniture /furnishings (los muebles / mobiliario) Tip (propina) Wages /salaries (sueldos / salarios) Occupation (ocupacin) Duty (deber de hacer un servicio o tarea) Task (tarea, de hacer algo) Chore (tarea, faena) Bedroom (dormitorio): Bed = cama Air conditioner = aire acondicionado. Fan = ventilador. Radio = radio. Television set = aparato de television. Refrigerator = refrigeracidor Table = mesa. Basket = canasta o bote de basura. Dressing table = tocador.

Telephone = telefono. Fax Bedside lamp = lmpara de mesa junto a la cama. Chairs = silla. Key = llave. Reception = recepcion. Stair = escalera. Lift / elevator = elevador. Room = cuarto. Lamp = lmpara Light = luz. Switch = interruptor. Tip = propina; (v) dar propina. Bathroom (bao): Bathtub = tina, baera. Waste-paper = papel de desecho. Shower = regadera, ducha. Bathroom = bao. Cold water = agua fria. Hot water = agua caliente. Towel = toalla. Bucket = cubo o cubeta. Mirror = espejo. Shampoo Washstand / sink = lava manos. Detergent = detergente. Soap = jabon. Tareas para el siguiente dilogo.- Se acuerda de Roberto, el bellboy que llev al seor Morris a su habitacin? Pues, bien, ahora le muestra la habitacin al husped. Lea el dilogo que aparece a continuacin (o escuche al profesor leerlo) e identifique cules de las siguientes aseveraciones son verdaderas o falsas, o cules no se mencionan en el texto. (True, False or I cant tell) __ __ __ __ __ There is no refrigerator in the room The air conditioner is out of order (not working) Mr. Morris is satisfied with his room. There is no hot water in the bathroom The bathroom is on the left.

2.- Lea o escuche de nuevo y responda las siguientes preguntas. - How many towels are there in the bathroom? - What is the telephone number for Reception? - When Mr. Morris says Here. This is for you, what do you think hes talking about?

Dilogo - Checking into the room.Roberto, the bell attendant at Imaginary Hotel, is showing Mr. Morris around the room. R: Heres your room, sir, And here is your key. M: Thank you R: This is the switch for the light. M: I see R: And heres the TV set. This is the on/off switch, the channel selector... M: Thats fine R: Now, theres the air-conditioner, the telephone, the tv set, and the bedside lamp. M: Everythings fine. R: Here, on the left, we have the bathroom with hot and cold water. There are two towels, a bar of soap and shampoo. M: Thank you. R: My pleasure, sir. Dial 10 if you need anything. Thats Reception and my names Roberto. M: I see, thank you. Here, this is for you. R: Oh, you dont have to... M: But I want to give you a tip. R: Thank you, sir. Have a nice stay. Good bye. M: Good bye. Thank you. Exercises: What do you think about accepting tips? (Qu piensa sobre el hecho de aceptar propinas?) - What would you do with your tips? (Qu hara con sus propinas?) - Do you think hotel workers who do not have direct contact with tourists should have a share of the tips? Or should they be exclusively for those who gets them? (Cree que los trabajadores que no tienen contacto directo con los clientes deben tener su parte en la reparticin de las propinas, o deben stas ser slo para aquellos que las reciben directamente?) - Should we follow a no-tipping policy in our hotels? (Debemos aplicar una poltica de no aceptar propinas en nuestros hoteles?) Vocabulary Work.a).- En qu lugar de la habitacin deben ir estos objetos? Ubquelos bajo cada uno de los encabezamientos que se dan a continuacin. Dressing table Bed Bedside table Bathroom Closet List: Towels. Sheets = sabanas, hojas de papel.

Pillow = almohada. Ashtrays = ceniceros. Hangers = ganchos para colgar ropa. bedside lamp. Blankets = cobertores. vase with flowers = jarron con flores. Telephone. Clock = reloj de pared. Soap. Bedspread = colcha. Glasses = vasos, lentes. b).- Circle the word out of place in every group of words: Pillow - bedspread - sheets - ashtray Soap - detergent - towel - shampoo Bedside table - dressing table - bathtub Bathtub - refrigerator - shower - washstand / sink Air-conditioner - TV set - fan - mirror - radio Hangers - ashtrays - soap - vase - glasses

c).- Help the bell attendant to complete the instructions given to a guest. (Ayude al bellboy a completar las instrucciones que se dan a continuacin) B: This is the _______ for the bedside lamp. M: I see B: And heres the _____________________. This is the channel selector. M: Thats O.K. B: This is the bathroom. There is hot and cold _______ in the ___________. M: Sounds great! B: Ah! There are twelve ________ in the closet and an extra __________. M: Everythings fine. Thanks and good bye. List: blanket, ashtray, switch, shower, hangers, water, TV set. d).- Puede usted describir su cuarto a un compaero de aula. Intente hacerlo utilizando el lenguaje aprendido. Useful language (Expresiones que pueden serle tiles) - There is a / an ...: Hay un(a)... (esta forma se utiliza para el singular) -There are ...: Hay (esta forma se emplea para el plural, cuando nos referimos a ms de un objeto o persona) - On the left, there is/are...: A la izquierda hay... - On the right ...: A la derecha... - Near the door...: Cerca de la puerta...

- By the window...: Por la ventana... f).- FUNCIONES COMUNICATIVAS: 1.- Showing someone around a room (Para mostrar a alguien una habitacin) - Heres your room, sir. And heres the TV set. (He aqu su habitacin, seor. Y aqu est el televisor.) - Here, on the left, we have the bathroom. (Aqu, a la izquierda, tenemos el bao.) Otras alternativas - Thats the air-conditioner over there. (Aquel es el equipo de aire acondicionado.) - Theres an extra towel in the closet. (Hay una toalla extra en el closet.) 2.- Giving directions (Dar direcciones) - Here is your room, sir. The restaurant is to the left and the bar to the right. On the ground floor / In the basement theres a shop... (aqu esta su habitacin, seor. El restaurante est a la izquierda y el bar a la derecha. En el primer piso / en el stano hay una tienda...) Useful language (Frases tiles) - Here / There: Aqu / all, all - Near / By: Cerca / por... - Next to: al lado de... - At the bottom / back: Al fondo / detrs de... - To the front: Hacia el frente... 3.- Giving something to someone. (Entregar algo a alguien) - Heres your key. (He aqu su llave.) Otras alternativas - Heres my passport (Aqu est mi pasaporte.) - There you are / Here you are (Ah tiene.) - Here, this is for you (to keep). / Here, take it. (Mire, esto es para usted. / Tome.) - Catch it! (Informal, cuando lanzamos algo). 4.- Saying good bye (Despedirse) - Good-bye, sir / madam. - See you (around) (Nos vemos -informal-). - Ill be seeing you (Te veo luego.) - So long (informal)

Practiquemos lo aprendido hasta ahora con unos ejercicios

1.- Write there is / there are in the blanks according to the case. (Complete con "there is" o "there are".) a. ___________________ an ashtray on the dressing table and ___________________ some glasses, too.


b. ___________________ no water in the shower. c. ___________________ two beds in every room. d. ___________________ not a TV set in this room. 2.- Transform the following affirmative sentences into negative ones. Use the words in parentheses (see the example given). (Transforme estas oraciones afirmativas en negativas utilizando las palabras entre parntesis. Siga el ejemplo). a) There are some sheets in the closet (on the bed) e.g., There are no sheets on the bed / There arent any sheets on the bed. b) There is a radio next to the bed (in my room). c) Theres an ashtray on the table (in the bathroom) d) Theres hot water in the shower (washstand) 3.- Unscramble these words to form logical sentences. (Ordene estas palabras para formar oraciones lgicas) a) Is- a- bathroom- in- bathtub- there -the- ? b) Not- there-in- closet- sheets- the- are- any c) There- is-what- hotel- a- in- room- ? d) Cockroach- is- there- room- in- my- a ! 4.- Describe a room in one of the hotels in the locality. What furniture a guest expect to find in his room? (Describa una habitacin de un hotel en su rea. Qu muebles o equipamiento esperara un husped encontrar en su habitacin?) He aqu algunas palabras tiles para el tema de esta unidad.. Brandy: distilled from the wine of grapes. Cognac: french brandy. Whisky: distilled from malted grain. Whiskey: US and Irish spelling for whisky Rum: made from sugar cane juice, specifically from the molasses. Vodka: Strong alcoholic drink distilled from rye (centeno), etc. Tequila: Distilled from mescal, a fermented liquor of the maguey plant. Gin. Beer. Wine: alcoholic drink made from the fermented juice of grapes (and other fruits, vegetables) Soft drink: non-alcoholic drink, e.g. fruit juice. Soda: water or any other flavoured drink Liquour. Whats your favourite tipple?. Say Right, Wrong or I dont know (Diga si estas aseveraciones son verdaderas, falsas o si la informacin no aparece en el dilogo).


__ __ __ __ __ __

Mr. Morris wants something to drink. There is ice cream in the bar. There are no cocktails They have beer and spirits in the bar. Mr. Morris wants to have some rum. Mr. Morris pays with a five dollar bill.

5.- Read again and answer the following questions. (lea el dilogo una vez ms y responda) - What does Mr. Morris decide to drink? - Whats the price of his drink? - Does Pablo get a tip?


1.- Mr. Morris popped to the bar for a drink. Lets listen to his conversation with Pablo, one of the bartenders at Imaginary Hotel. (El seor Morris se llega al bar para tomar un trago. Es atendido por Pablo, a quien usted conoci en el capitulo uno). P: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you? M: Good afternoon. Id like something to drink. P: Well, we have quite a choice here. Beer, rum, brandy, whiskey, wines... you name it. M: What about cocktails? Do you have cocktails, too? P: Sure, sir. We have Mojito, Cuba Libre, Daiquiri...Do you want to see the list? M: No, thank you. Ill have a Mojito. P: A Mojito. In just a minute. (After a while) P: Heres your Mojito, sir. Enjoy it. M: Thank you. How much is it? P: One fifty. M: Here are two dollars. Keep the change. P: Thank you, sir. M: Youre welcome. Debate.- Do you like alcoholic drinks? -Can you imagine a party without alcoholic beverages, that is, just dance, foodstuff and soft drinks? - If you do drink, where do you prefer to do it? - At home - In a bar - At parties - Anywhere - Then, what kind of drinker are you?


A drunkard A heavy drinker An occasional drinker A social drinker A teetotaller Is drinking a social problem in your country? Explain.

2.- Greeting and offering service (Saludar y ofrecer servicio) - Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you? (Buenas tardes seor. En qu puedo servirle? Otras alternativas - What can I do for you? / How can I help you? (Qu puedo hacer por usted? / En qu puedo servirle?) -Would you like something to drink / a drink? (Desea algo de beber / un trago?) - Do you want a drink? (Quiere un trago? -informal-) -Whats yours? (Qu es lo suyo? -extremadamente informal-) - What will you have? (Qu tomar? -ms bien informal-) - What would you like to drink? (Qu deseara usted beber?) 3.- Saying what you want (Decir qu es lo que uno desea) - __Id like something to drink. (Deseara algo de beber.) - __Well, we have beer, rum, soft drinks... (Bueno, tenemos cerveza, ron, refrescos...) Otras alternativas - I want a drink (Quiero un trago -ms bien informal-) - I want something to drink (Quiero algo de beber -ms bien informal-) / I d like a drink. (Deseara un trago.) - Ill have a beer / Mojito / etc. (Tomar una cerveza / un Mojito...) 4.- Asking for specific items. (Pedir algo especfico) - Do you have cocktails, too? (Tambin tiene cocteles?) - Certainly, sir. (S, seor.) Otras alternativas - Do you have ice cream here? (Tienen helado aqu?) - Yes, we do/No, we dont, sorry (S / No, lo siento.) - Is there anything to eat? (Hay algo de comer?) - Do you have any sandwiches? (Tiene emparedados?) - Yes, we have ham and cheese sandwiches and hot dogs. (S, tenemos emparedados de jamn y queso y perros calientes.) - Yes, we do. (S, tenemos.) - Im sorry. We dont (have any). (Lo siento, no tenemos.) 5.- Saying you wont take long (Asegurar al cliente que uno no demorar) - In a minute, sir. (En un minuto, seor.) - Just a second / Just a sec. (Slo un segundo. -informal-) - Ill be back in no time. (Enseguida regreso.) - Just a moment (Slo un momento. -ms formal-).


6.- Talking about prices. (Hablar sobre precios) - M: How much is it? (Cunto es?) - P: One fifty, sir. (Uno cincuenta, seor.) - M: Here are two dollars. Keep the change. (Aqu tiene dos dlares. Qudese con el vuelto.) Otras alternatives: M: How much do I owe you? (Cunto le debo?) M: How much would that be? (Cunto seria eso?) M: Whats the price of ...? (Cul es el precio de...) P: One dollar and fifty cents. (Un dlar y cincuenta centavos.) P: A five/ten (informal). M: Here you are. Keep the change. (Aqu tiene. Qudese con el vuelto.) Make it five. (Cobre cinco)

7.- Saying thanks (Dar las gracias) - Thank you, sir. (Gracias, seor) - Thats very kind of you. Thank you. (Muy amable de su parte. Gracias.) - Thanks a million. (Un milln de gracias. -algunos perciben esta forma como sarcstica) - Do you like beer? (Te gusta la cerveza?) Would you like a beer? (Deseara / Desea (usted) una cerveza? -formal-) Do you want a beer? (Quiere(s) una cerveza? -informal-) EXERCISES: 1.- Circle the correct form of the verb in parentheses: - Roberto (work - works- dont work) at Imaginary Hotel -I (study - studies - doesnt study) German. - My teacher (speak - speaks - dont speak) English -I (like - likes - doesnt like) alcoholic drinks. - Pablo and Jaime (work - works - doesnt work) in a bar. - My sister (live - doesnt live - dont live) with me. 2.- Fill in the blanks to help these people complete their conversations . (Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo. Incluya los auxiliares y pronombres necesarios) A: B: A: B: A: B: Where ________________? (work) I _________ in a hotel (work) Sounds great! And what ____ you ____? (do) I ____ a barman (be) You are! ____ you _____ to drink? (like) No, I ___________ alcohol. (like)


A: How funny! 3. -NOW TRY THIS ONE: (Ahora pruebe con este otro ejercicio) A: _______ you _______ here? (live) B: No, I _______. I _______ in the country. (live) A: I _______ here, but my girlfriend _______ in the country, too. She _______ big cities. (live, not like). 4.- Unscramble the words to form a mini dialogue. Forme oraciones lgicas escribiendo las palabras en orden lgico. Lea el dilogo resultante con su compaero(a) A: do-do-what-you-? B: work-in-restaurant-I-the A: waiter-you-are-a-? B: am-yes-I A: you-do-it-like-? B: love-it-I-! B: you-about-what-? A: do-I-not-work. Student-I-am-a 5.- ROLE PLAY (Juego de roles. Practique con un(a) compaero(a). Asuma uno de los roles y siga las instrucciones; pero no lea las instrucciones que se dan para su compaero(a).. SITUATION 1: A: You work at Santa Clara Libre Hotel. You are a waiter You like your job very much. You live here in Santa Clara Talk to your partner and find out what he does, where he works, if he likes his job and where he lives. Be ready to offer the same information about yourself B: Your partner wants to know about you. Answer his questions using the information below. You work at Villa La Granjita You are a desk clerk You dont like your job very much. You are from out of town Get all this information about your partner, too. SITUATION 2.. A.- You are in a hotel and you go to the bar for a drink Greet the barman Find out what they have


Make your choice and order Ask about prices B.- You are a barman in a hotel. You have a customer at the bar counter. Interact with him. Make sure to be polite and efficient. Heres what you have: Soft drinks Sprite 1.00 7up 1.00 Coke 1.00 Cocktails Mojito 1.50 Cuba Libre 1.50 Pia Colada 2.50 Spirits Brandy 2.00 Rum 1.50 Whisky 2.50 Wines Vermouth 1.45 Chianti 2.00 Chateau 3.00 Tasks for reading: Say Right, Wrong or I dont know(R,W or IdK) - ___Working in a bar is very easy. - ___There are different glasses for different drinks - ___A barman needs a variety of utensils to do his job. - ___Liqueur glasses are very small - ___We serve brandy in a balloon glass - ___The Mojito is a Cuban cocktail - ___There is brandy in a Mojito - ___We garnish some cocktails with papaya slices. A can-opener is __ a utensil for opening cans __ a utensil for stirring drinks __ a utensil for opening bottles Lemons, oranges, papayas and pineapples are __ drinks __ juices __ kinds of fruit 6.- READING: Here comes the barman. Working in a bar is not that easy.


A barman has to know a thing or two to be able to do his job efficiently. There are many kinds of drinks, beverages, cocktails, etc., and they are all served in different glasses. For example, there are balloon glasses for brandy, champagne glasses, wineglasses, cocktail glasses, liquour glasses, old-fashioned glasses and many other kinds for sherry, etc. The barman also needs a variety of utensils that have different uses. So we have can-openers, bottle-openers, corkscrews, different kinds of spoons..., you name it. 7.- GLOSARIO Spirits: I. Bourbon: (Sp) Whiskey estadounidense de maz y centeno. II. Brandy: (Sp) Brandy III. Cognac: (Sp) Coac IV. Gin: (Sp) Ginebra V. Rum: (Sp) Ron VI. Rye: (Sp) Whisky de centeno. VII. Tequila: (Sp) Tequila VIII. Vodka: (Sp) Vodka IX. Whisky: (Sp) Whisky Wines: 1. Burgundy: vino usualmente rojo originario de Borgoa. 2. Cider: bebida obtenida del jugo de la manzana fermentado, cidra. 3. Cinzano: variedad de vermouth italiano. 4. Claret: vino rojo plido, originario de Burdeos 5. Chianti: vino tinto seco de Chianti, en Italia. 6. Dry wine: cualquier vino seco, i.e., con poca o ninguna azcar. 7.-Port wine: vino fuerte dulce, de color rojo oscuro y ocasionalmente pardo o blanco, fortificado con brandy, originario de Oporto, en Portugal. 8.-Red wine: cualquier vino tinto, que ha adquirido el color rojo porque en el mosto se mantienen las pieles de las uvas. 9.- White wine: vino blanco donde las pieles de la uva no tuvieron contacto con el mosto. 10.-Ros: vino rosado ligero, que ha adquirido su color por un contacto ligero con las pieles de la uva. 11.- Sherry: jerez, vino blanco fortificado orig. de Jerez de la Frontera al sur de Espaa, Andaluca. 12.-Sparkling wine: vino espumoso, p.ej. cavas, champaa, etc. 13.-Sweet wine: vino dulce, donde la fermentacin no ha transformado todo el azcar en alcohol.


14.-Vermouth: vino blanco o tinto aromatizado con cortezas y hierbas. Soda: 1. lemonade: limonada 2. orangeade: refresco hecho de jugo de naranja. 3. pop: bebida refrescante efervescente, soda 4. soda: agua u otra bebida saborizada a la que se le ha aadido dixido de carbono para hacerla burbujear, p.ej. Coca-Cola, Sprite, 7up, etc. Fruit jueces: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. apple: manzana apricot: albaricoque grape: uva grapefruit/pomelo/shaddock: toronja (distintas variedades) lemon: limn mango: mango orange: naranja peach: melocotn pear: pera.

Ice cream (common flavours): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. banana: pltano caramel: caramelo chocolate (with almond kernels): chocolate (con almendras) coffee: caf guava: guayaba orange: naranja pineapple: pia strawberry: fresa vanilla: vainilla

Utensils and accessories: 1. bottle-opener: abridor de botellas 2. can-opener: abridor de latas 3. cocktail shaker: coctelera 4. corkscrew: sacacorchos 5. electric blender/mixer: batidora, mezcladora 6. knife (pl) knives: cuchillo 7. mixing glass: vaso de composicin 8. spoons: cucharas 9.- sieve: colador 10. strainer: colador (de espiral) 11. straw / sip-stick: popote, pitillo.


12.- Toothpick: palillo de dientes. Extra vocabulary related to the topic.. 1. cherry: cereza 2. draft beer: cerveza corriente, no embotellada. Cerveza de barril servida a presin. 3. fork: tenedor 4. freezer: nevera 5. goblet: copa 6. mint leaves: hojas de hierba buena 7. olive: aceituna Exercises for vocabulary practice: 1.- Circle the odd-one-out (Circule la palabra fuera de grupo) - Banana-cherry-pineapple-gin-guava - Teaspoon-pear-knife-fork - Beer-gin-vodka-brandy-rum - Cocktail shaker-sieve-lemon-grater - Lemonade-rye-root beer-orangeade-pop 2.- Seleccione el trmino genrico que mejor describa a cada grupo de palabras en el ejercicio anterior y escriba el nmero delante del grupo correspondiente. - Spirits (1) - Fruit (2) - Cutlery (3) - Soft drinks (4) - Bar utensils (5)


Its 6:30 PM and Mr. Morris is already hungry. He goes to the restaurant for a meal. M: Mr. Morris. W: Waiter

W: Good evening, sir. May I take your order? M: Yes, Ill start with the shrimp cocktail and some orange juice. W: Then, to follow? M: Hows your chicken soup? W: Delicious, sir. I suggest you give it a try. M: Ok, Ill have that. Then Ill have a fillet steak. W: What would you like your fillet with?, French fries or boiled cassava?. M: Ill try the cassava. We dont see much of it in England. W: I see. How about dessert?


M: I dont know... whats your suggestion? W: Well, our guava jam with cheese is excellent. Its a traditional dessert. M: Ill give it a try. Then, some coffee and thats all. W: So thatll be shrimp cocktail, orange juice, chicken soup, a fillet with boiled cassava, guava jam with cheese and coffee, right? M: Right. W: Ill be back in a moment, sir. Practiquemos con algunos ejercicios.. Communicative functions: 1.- Asking if costumers wish to order (Preguntar si los clientes desean ordenar): - May I take your order? (Puedo tomar su orden?) - Yes, Ill start with the shrimp cocktail. (S. Comenzar con el coctel de camarones.) Otras alternatives: - Are you ready to order? (estan listos para ordenar?). - do you need some more time to think? (necesitan mas tiempo para pensar?). - Well, Id like a few suggestions. (Bueno, me gustaria algunas sugerencias.) -What do you suggest... to start with? (Qu sugiere para comenzar?) to follow? (como segundo plato?) for the main course? (para el plato principal?) for dessert? (para el postre?) to drink? (para beber?) 2.- Asking what the customer wishes (Preguntar lo que el cliente desea): - What would you like to start with? (Con qu desea comenzar?) - What will you have for dessert? (Qu tomar para el postre?) - What would you like to drink? (Qu desearia beber?) 3.- Suggesting (Sugiriendo): - Our chicken is delicious. I suggest you give it a try. (Nuestro pollo est delicioso. Le sugiero que lo pruebe). - How about (trying) the fillet of fish? (Qu le parece el filete de pescado?) - Why dont you try the cassava? Its excellent. (Por qu no prueba la yuca? Est excelente) - I suggest you have French fries with the chicken (Le sugiero que ordene papas fritas con el pollo / para acompaar al pollo.) - I recommend beer with chicken casserole. Its very spicy/hot. (Le recomiendo que ordene cerveza con el pollo en cacerola. Es muy picante.)


4.- Accepting a suggestion (Aceptar una sugerencia): - Ok, Ill have that. (Bien, tendre eso) = en el sentido que lo probara. - Ill give it a try. (Lo probar.) - Sounds great. Ill have that. (Parece bien. Lo probar.) - Well, lets try it. (Bien, probmoslo.) 5.- Ordering (Ordenando): - Ill have... (Comer...) - Ill start with... and then... to follow. (Comenzar con... y despus...) - Bring me the... (Tragame el / la / los / las...) DEBATE: Do you live to eat or eat to live? Do you think eating is one of the sublime pleasures of life? What is, in your opinion, the most sublime pleasure? Where would you place eating in your list of priorities?.

READING: Eating.- Eating can be a tremendous pleasure, more so if you are already an old man - as myself - and dont think (cant think!) much about sex anymore. But life is not over for you. Good food can be as good as sex... well, maybe not quite so. Anyway, a gourmet - someone who enjoys and is expert in the choice of delicate food, wines, etc. - knows how to select carefully the different dishes in a meal to give immense pleasure to his demanding palate. The perfect starter could be a shrimp cocktail with the best choice of wine - probably a ros to go with the shrimp-. He would then choose something wholesome for the main course, perhaps broiled tender steak or a steamed fillet of fish - maybe sole or salmon. He would never have something too rich, such as fried pork or lamb stew. He would most probably accompany his main course with steamed or raw vegetables, say, asparagus, or the traditional ripe tomatoes. Then for dessert, another delicacy: a chocolate or some vanilla ice cream with wild hazelnut liqueur on top. Wow! This is making my mouth water, so Ill go grab a bite. Veamos un listado de palabras que te resultarn tiles. Cereals (grain): - Wheat: trigo


Barley: cebada Oats (oatmeal): avena Rye: centeno Rice: arroz Corn/maize: maiz.

Tubers and roots: Cassava: yuca Potato: papa/patata Sweet potatoes: boniato/camote Turnip: nabo Beetroot: remolacha

Peas and beans: Chick-pea: garbanzo Pea: chcharo Green pea: chcharo tierno, guisante Lentil: lenteja Black bean: frijol negro Red bean: frijol colorado Kidney bean: juda (also haricot, French bean) String beans: habichuelas.

Fruits eaten as vegetables: Avocado: aguacate. Aubergine (Br), egg-plant (Am): berenjena Chayote Pumpkin: calabaza Squash (Am): calabacita Courgette (Br), zucchini (Am): calabacino. Cucumber, cuke (colloq): pepino. Tomato: tomate Green / red / yellow pepper: pimiento verde / rojo / amarillo.

Vegetables used in salads: Tomato: tomate Cucumber: pepino Lettuce: lechuga Radish: rbano Carrot: zanahoria Swiss chard/chard: acelga Water cress: berro Cabbage: col Broccoli: brcol (variedad de col)


Brussels sprout: col de Bruselas Asparagus: esprrago String beans: habichuela Kale: variedad de col de hojas arrugadas. Spinach: espinaca. Gherkin: pepinillo Caper: alcaparra Mushroom: championes, setas

Meat and Poultry: Beef: res Veal: ternera Pork: cerdo Lamb/mutton: cordero Venison/beer: venado Rabbit: conejo Chicken: pollo Turkey: pavo Pheasant: faisn Duck: pato Goose: ganso Partridge: perdiz Quail: codorniz Guinea hen: gallina de guinea.

Processed meat: Ham: jamn Sausage: salchicha, embutido Spanish sausage: chorizo Salami: embutido salado y saborizado con ajo. Baloney/boloney: embutido de Boloa, mortadella. Bacon: tocino. Hot dog: perro caliente.

OTHERS: Gizzard: molleja. Kidney: rin Liver: hgado Heart: corazn. Vegetable oil: aceite vegetal, e.g., soy, sunflower, corn (soya, girasol, maz) Lard: manteca de cerdo. Butter: mantequilla. Margarine: mantequilla hecha de grasas de origen vegetal y animal. cook: cocer, cocinar boil: hervir


- roast: asar, rostizar - braise: cocinar (carne, etc.,) lentamente, primero con grasa y luego en poco agua o fondo, bresear / brasear. - grill: cocinar directamente encima de calor intenso, grillar. - saut: frer rpidamente en poca grasa, saltear. - broil: cocinar (carne) sobre fuego o parrilla. - baste: humedecer la carne mientras se cocina con grasa o salsa para evitar que se reseque, bastar. - stew: estofar, cocer en agua o jugo lentamente en recipiente cerrado. - Bake: hornear - Fry: freir - Steam: cocer al vapor - Pickle: encurtir De estos verbos formamos adjetivos que usamos en el nombre de los platos de un men, e.g. Boiled/soft boiled eggs: huevos hervidos / pasados. Poached eggs: huevos escalfados. Baked potatoes: papas horneadas. Grilled fillet of fish: filete de pescado grill. Stewed rabbit: conejo estofado. Broiled steak: steak grill. Roast(ed) chicken: pollo asado. Fried potatoes: papas fritas. Sauted vegetables: vegetales salteados. Pickled onions/gherkins, etc.: cebollas / pepinillos encurtidos, etc.

Fruits: mango: mango guava: guayaba melon: meln water melon: meln de agua musk melon : meln amarillo comn pineapple: pia mamey / mammee: mamey pomegranate: granada rose-apple: pomarrosa soursop: guanbana cherimoya: chirimoya tamarind: tamarindo papaya: papaya apple: manzana pear: pera peach: melocotn fig: higo plum: ciruela


grape: uva cherry: cereza gooseberry: grosella blanca, silvestre raspberry: frambuesa strawberry: fresa blackberry: zarzamora date: dtil apricot: albaricoque

Spices and seasoning: Salt: sal Garlic: ajo Onion: cebolla Pepper: pimiento Cayenne / red dwarf pepper: aj. Cumin seed/cumin: comino Arnotto/a(n)natto: bija Bay leaves: laurel Basil / sweet basil: albahaca Coriander: cilantro Oregano: organo Parsley: perejil Leek: puerrro; ajo porro. Chive: cebollino Celery: apio Curry: polvo sazonador Saffron: azafrn Paprika: pimiento dulce rojo seco y reducido a polvo usado para sazonar

Miscelneas: Cutlery: cubiertos spoons: cucharas forks: tenedores knives: cuchillos. Glassware: cristalera Glasses: vasos Goblets: copas Wine-glass: copa para vino Jug: jarra jar: Frasco. Pitcher: jarrn, jarro. Vase: bcaro Ashtray: cenicero Crockery: artculos de cermica Plates/dishes: platos


Cups: tazas usualmente de porcelana, e.g., a teacup, a cup of coffee Mugs: recipiente par tomar caf, cerveza, etc. Tablecloth: mantel Napkin: servilleta Bib: babero para bebitos


Mr. Morris is checking out today. He called Reception an hour ago so that everything would be ready on time. He is at the front desk now. (El seor Morris har su salida hoy. Llam a recepcin hace una hora para que todo estuviese listo de antemano).. Reading -Checking out: M: Good morning. Id like to check out. R: Sure, Mr. Morris. Did you have a good time here? M: Oh, yes, I did. Everything was excellent. The place, the food, the drinks, the service, the people... R: Good. So you enjoyed yourself a big time. M: I sure did. I even went to the disco last night and danced like crazy. Oh, what a night! Yeah, youve got a nice place here. R: Im glad to hear you say so. You were in room 104, right? M: Yeah. By the way, the room was perfect, too. A magnificent view. R: Good to hear that, too. Well, heres the bill from the restaurant, this ones from the bar and this is for the room. Will you pay cash or credit card?. M: Cash. I didnt bring my credit cards. I left them at home. Stupid, isnt it? R: Well, it happens. So, thatll be $295 dollars. M: Lets see... Here are three hundred smackers. Keep the change. R: Thank you so much. M: Thats all right. I like you. R: Thanks again. Please, come back soon. M: I will. Probably next summer. Bye. R: Good-bye, Mr. Morris. Veamos una serie de funciones comunicativas: 1.- Asking if someone enjoyed himself/something. (Preguntar a alguien si disfrut de algo): - Did you have a good time here? (tuvo un buen tiempo aqu?) - Oh yes, I did. (S, ciertamente.) - Did you have fun? (Se divirti?) - Did you enjoy yourself dancing? (disfruto usted bailar?) - Did you enjoy the food / drink(s), etc? (Disfrut la comida / el trago / los tragos?) - Oh, yes, I enjoyed it/them (Oh, s. Yo disfrute/los disfrute)


2.- Narrating a past event. (Narrando un evento pasado) - I went to the disco and danced like crazy. (Fui a la disco y bail como loco.) - I went to the movies and saw King Kong. (Fui al cine y vi King Kong.) - I went to the ice cream shop and had a chocolate ice cream. (Fui a la heladera y tom un helado de chocolate.) - I went out with some friends and then we went dancing. (Sal con algunos amigos y fuimos a bailar.) - I visited my parents. (Visit a mis padres.) Utilice el lenguaje que se ofrece para entablar un dilogo con un compaero. Asuma uno de los roles, A o B, y no observe las instrucciones que se dan para su compaero. A) - What did you do last night? - What did you do over / at the weekend? - What did you do last Saturday? - What did you do yesterday? B) - Went out and saw a movie - Went to an Italian restaurant and had pizza. - Visited my relatives/parents - Drank a lot of beer. - Stayed home and read a book - Nothing special. I just watched TV. 3.- Giving your opinion about something (Dar opinin acerca de algo): - Everything was excellent, the place, the people... (Todo estuvo excelente, el lugar, las personas...) - You've got a nice place here. (Tienen un buen lugar aqu.) - The room was perfect. (It had) a magnificent view. (La habitacin estaba perfecta. Tena una vista magnfica.) 4.- Asking opinion about a past experience (Pedir opinin sobre una experiencia pasada): - How was the service at the hotel? (Cmo estuvo el servicio en el hotel?) - How about the food? (Qu tal la comida?) - Were the waiters and waitresses polite? (Fueron los meseros y meseras corteses?) - Did you enjoy our hotel? (Disfrut nuestro hotel?) - Did you like it here? (Le gust esto aqu?) - Did you spend a great time here? (paso un grandioso tiempo aqui?. 5.- Saying you're pleased to hear something (Decir que uno se alegra de oir algo.) - (I'm) glad to hear you say so. (Que bueno que diga eso!)


- (I'm) glad to hear that. - I'm pleased to hear that. 6.- Asking about method of payment. (Preguntar sobre un metodo de pago): - Will you pay cash or credit card? (Pagar en efectivo o en crdito?) - Cash. I don't have my credit cards here. (En efectivo. No tengo mis tarjetas de crdito aqu.) - How are you going to pay? (Cmo va a pagar?) - May I pay by check? / Do you accept checks? (Puedo pagar con cheque? / Ustedes aceptan cheques?) - Sure/No, I'm sorry. Just cash and credit cards (Claro! / No, lo siento. Slo efectivo y tarjetas de credito) Did you like this course? Did you learn anything? I hope you did, and I hope you'll continue to study and practice English from now on. Don't be afraid to talk to native and non-native speakers of English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Tourists will usually understand and will try to help you, and they will be more satisfied with your service, for sure. Give English a try. It pays off!

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