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Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, May 19: Sunday, May 19: Monday, May 20: Tuesday, May 21: Wednesday, May 22: Thursday, May 23: Friday, May 24: Saturday, May 25: Sunday, May 26:

May 19, 2013

Church Church Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Church Church Chapel


8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 12:10 pm Mass 8:00 am Mass 4:00 pm Mass 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass
Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Sunday For Special Intentions For the unemployed/under-employed
For the ill For those undergoing life changes rJean Bruck (B) Stephen Chang-Sup Oh rFor the deceased of our Parish The Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity Deaf Community Mass

P/ease // out a Mass Intention Form (located /'n the foyer of the Church) you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also ca// the office.



- Noon on Mondays

Q 9:00 am Office: 503.231.4955

- 4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 117, frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org

Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson, x 103, jeannem@stphilipneripdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x111, mecsp@mac.com

Receptionist] Bulletin Editor

Star Studonivic, x101, stars@stphilipnerlpdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x 109, jrpaulist@aol.com

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Rose Wolfe, x101, rosew@stphilipneripdx.org

Director of Adult Faith Formation

Barbara Harrison, x107, barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org

Maintenance and Grounds

Edward Danila, edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is the MONDAY morning prior to the Sunday Mass as the bulletin is sent to Seattle for printing. Thank you.


Marriage is a civil and religious commitment. Once the State dissolves a marriage through d_ivorce,_t_he ex
Spouses are free to marry agaml accordmg to CM |aW-

for our end of the year centennial Liturgy, Wednesday, May 22, 7pm_ so far,
Prease mark your ca|enda|.
Frs. Steve Bossi, Rich Colgan, Ted Vierra, Ricky Manalo,
-|-Pm D?/_e/_ 30'1" HUF|eY_, |-e5_ 5ie9 a|'_ld Mlha_e| MCGEFFY WI" be Jolnlljg Fl'5- Charlie, M|hae|, Jim and Jim K0"? fol

The Church, on the other hand, examines the religious covenant of the two individuals involved to determine if there is cause for a declaration of nullity. An annulment does not affect the legitimacy of children in any way. A declaration of nullity does not dissolve or erase a marriage, but rather declares that a true sacramental marriage did not Occur according to the VOWS_

the Celebratloll

have feuow We have two opportunities for requests: The Altar Society Prayer






par'Sh'n?'_'5 pray for your

spew] Concerns

Information is, of course, condential to protect all parties involved. You are not required to contact a former Spouse

you are interested in nding out l'TlOl'6 about an annulment or marriage validation, please contact Barbara Harrison at 503.231.4955 x 107 or email her at barbarah@stphilipneripdx.0rg.
Somebody said there are on/y two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord, and there are those who Wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord its morning.


Chan take? requests for t'9_Se m the Pansh who are Senously H or for fammes who have recently experienced a death (please call the ofce). The emailPrayer Tree circulates prayer requests for all who request prayers fQr any rea5Qn (please email

Next Sunday s Scripture Readings: The Most Holy Trinity: May 26:
Reading 11 Pr0'/er17$ 8-'22"-5,1 Re5Pl"l5l'la| Psalmi P55/m5 3/4'5 5'7, Gospel: John 16:12-15 Reading 2: Romans 5'1-5


Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, May 19: Sunday, May 19: Monday, May 20: Tuesday, May 21: Wednesday, May 22: Thursday, May 23: Friday, May 24: Saturday, May 25: Sunday, May 26:

May 19, 2013

Church Church Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Church Church Chapel


8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 8:00 am Mass 12:10 pm Mass 8:00 am Mass 4:00 pm Mass 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass
Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Sunday For Special Intentions For the unemployed/under-employed For the ill For those undergoing life changes fJean Bruck (B) Stephen ChangSup Oh fFor the deceased of our Parish The Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity Deaf Community Mass

Please ll out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) you would //ire a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, hirthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the o7ce.



Noon on Mondays 9:00 am

4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday

Office: 503.231.4955 PARISH STAFF

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 117, frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org

Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson, x 103, jeannem@stphilipneripdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x111, mecsp@mac.com

Receptionist] Bulletin Editor

Star Studonivic, x101, stars@stphilipneripdx.org

Associate Pastor
Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x 109, jrpaulist@aol.com

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Rose Wolfe, X101, rosew@stphilipneripdx.org

Director of Adult Faith Formation

Barbara Harrison, x107, barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org

Maintenance and Grounds

Edward Danila, edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is the MONDAY morning prior to the Sunday Mass as the bulletin is sent to Seattle for printing. Thank you.


Marriage is a civil and religious commitment. Once the State dissolves a marriage through divorce,_t_he exSpouses are free to marry 393'! accordmg to CW" |aW-

piease mark your caiendar for our end of the year Centenniai Liturgy, Wednesday, May 22, 7pm_ 50 far,
Frs. Steve Bossi, Rich Colgan, Ted Vierra, Ricky Manalo,

The Church, on the other hand, examines the religious covenant of the tvvo individuals involved to determine if there is cause for a declaration of nullity. An annulment does not affect the legitimacy of children in any way. A declaration of nullity does not dissolve or erase a marriage, but rather declares that a true sacramental marriage did not Occur according to the vows



Wm be

Jehn HU|'|eY_, |-e5_ 5le9 e|'_\d Mleheel M<3GerrY Jolnlljg Fl'5- Charlie, Mlehaeh Jim and Jim K0"? for

the e|ebret'".

PR_A_YERs If you Woulc} hke to have feuow par'Sh'n'_'S pray for your SpeC'a| concerns We have two oppoitunities for requests: The Altar Society Prayer
Chem take? requests for t'"9?e m the Pansh who are

Information is, of course, condential to protect all parties involved. You are not required to contact a former Spouse

you are interested in nding out more about an annulment or marriage validation, please contact Barbara Harrison at 503.231.4955 x 107 or email her at barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org.
Somebody said there are only two kinds of people in the world There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lorojand there are those who wake up in the morning and say, Good Lord its morning.


senously H or for fammes who have recently experienced a death (please call the office). The emailPrayer Tree circulates prayer requests for all who request prayers fer any reason (please email barbarah@$tphi|ipneripd)(_Qrg)_

Next 5-|"daY'5 s|'|Pt"|'e Read"195: The Most Holy Trinity: May 26:

P/'0'/erbs 3-'33'31

Re5D0n50l'ia| P5a|m1 P55//77$ 8-'4-5 57/


Gospel: John 16:12-15 Reading 2: Romans 5'1-5

Pentecost Sunday
PASTORAL CORNER To each the spirit
has been fty days sinee Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and his promise of an Advocate for each and all of us has been fulfilled. A Holy Spirit who is for each of us our strength, and our consolation; and a Holy Spirit

May 19, 2013

NEED VOLUNTEER: For the past year Jane Joseph and two of her young people have been
takes loads


8 call


their SVdPaul


and then she


at our Food PahtrY ahd delivers it to 5t- Rita's-

a Qreat Corporal Work of MerY ahd a good sharihg eXPeriehe for the Vol-ih9 People-

It is

God who and yet also so much more because; for .
. .

s rea

of Jesus our Christ.

In our Risen Lord's presence is the peace that we long for, and the hope that gives us joy even when the world sees no hope; only darkness. We see by the light of the Spirit's re, the light which shows the way to peace for us and for all people. So, on this Pentecost we pledge anew to take the peace breathed upon us by Jesus to every person we touch. The peace that comes with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Father's love.
some who have been hurt or frightened by recent events are stirred to angry and vengeful thoughts, Yet the Holy Spirit stirred into life brave actions of life giving help and healing in the midst of those awful events. Those who have truly known the life of Christ in their hearts have been ready, and more than ready, to be instruments of healing and peae_
Marathon runners, themselves frightened by events, turned around to help others in need. Fireghters, exhausted by endless days of heat and smoke, stayed on the finish the job for the sake of others who might have lost homes.
God sends forth His Spirit in such times to renew the



and eveify atgz '.5 at';'1 ofortullgks e esurr ews mani ese in

Jane is now moving on so we are looking for someone who will be interested in picking up this ministry June. Please either email in startin g barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org or call the Parish ofce . and ask for Barbara directly.


"5 weekend

for UPSAR-rpdx

The St. Philip Neri Peace and Justice Commission will be collecting recycled jewelry for UpstARTpdx after Masses beginning the weekend of May 18-19. We will have canisters to collect the jewelry in the front Church foyer for three weekends.

of the New City Initiative, with a goal to support women at risk of sexual violence and exploitation to achieve security and stebiIitv- Ui>srART sollects and repurposes fuibvIes0 donated jeWelrY ahd fashioh accessories! Whieh are disassembled and then reassembled into new pieces by Womeh Dartieiloahts during ereative ooPs-" The women learn and refine jewelry making skills. Women t ' t d ' th t l ' h ' mcgnlgz Fharuflilate ;g|e ;=;::alj:e|f,$ Ops a so receive

UDSAR-i-pdx is a social enterprise program,


9 from 9:00 am

be held June

2:00 pm. Please check in at the

Paulist Center.
a good idea to stop for a moment in the foyer of the Church after Mass to check our bulletin boards. We put many notices on the boards that, for lack of space, cannot be included in this bulletin. In the literature rack, we also have bulletins from the past two weeks in case you were a.Way_ And, check the bookracks for publications helpful for learning about our faith and assisting personal and family prayer


faee of the earth, ahd to reheW holoe ih the midst of de5Dair- To each! the 5Pirit has been given for some We heed to turh to this HolY 5Pirit Withih hehetourselves, ahd iihd the ihsoiratioh to Pass oh the Qitt oi the Spirit we have been given for the benefit of someone el$e-I-he readings today are rich with images of Pntecost,

tongues of re and speech that enlightens, generous sharing of gifts given for the benefit of all. And the
peace of Christ which enables Us to give love from hearts full of the divine gifts of love and hope,



First Wednesday of the month:
B- Catholics 7'15 in the


forglveneg and renewal He S the 5l'"t'

is risen and He has given

Third Wednesday of the month: Questionable Forum,

7;15 in the Paulist Center


Jim McCau/ey, CSP


Third Sunday of the month:



bkfthtdbthBkftClbftbthSd Mijjsejf e "


FABULOUS French Toast


ea as


Nomination forms are on the counter in the foyer. Deadline for nominations is May 26" with the actual election to be held June 9-16.

Second and Fourth Sunday: Lee and James Xiong will be offering seasonal flowers and vegetables in front of the Church after each Mass.

Pentecost Sunday
PASTORAL CORNER To each the spirit
has been fty days sinee Jesus Christ rose frgm the dead, and his promise of an Advocate for each and all of us has been fullled. A Holy Spirit who is for each of us our strength, and our consolation; and a Holy Spirit who is for all of us the re and the wind that spreads the Faith to every corner of the earth. Only fty days, and yet also so much more, because for God who is

May 19, 2013

NEED VOLUNTEER: For the past year Jane Joseph and two of her young people have been
takes l5 8 call CO their SVdPaul contact and then Sh leads UP at Our Feed PahtrY and delivers it to 5t- Rita'sIt is a 9reat Cerberai Werk Qt i"ler<IY and a 900d shariri9 eXPeriehee for the V01-m9 PePle. . .


Nai?: laiiilioviljl m?El2i_ges(;l;d5oii:iNe




iifnlooliilng tliiig Plijeaseg Zither



timeless every time and every age ls an Opportunity to spread the Good News manifested in the Resurrection of Jesus our Christ.

barbarah@stphilipneripdx org or call the Parish ofce and ask for Barbara directiyl

In our Risen Lord's presence is the peace that we long for, and the hope that gives us joy even when the world sees no hope; only darkness. We see by the light of the Spirit's re, the light which shows the way to peace for us and for all people. So, on this Pentecost we pledge anew to take the peace breathed upon us by Jesus to every person we touch. The peace that comes with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Father's love.
Some who have been hurt or frightened by recent events are stirred to angry and vengeful thoughts, Yet the Holy Spirit stirred into life brave actions of lifegiving help and healing in the midst of those awful events. Those who have truly known the life of Christ in their hearts have been ready, and more than ready, te be instruments of healing and peace,


"5 weekend

for UPSAR-rpdx

The St. Philip Neri Peace and Justice Commission will be collecting recycled jewelry for UpstARTpdx after Masses beginning the weekend of May 18-19. We will have canisters to collect the jewelry in the front Church foyer for three weekends. UDSAR-i-pdx is a sociai enterprise program of the New

Marathon runners, themselves frightened by events, turned around to help others in need. Fireghters, exhausted by endless days of heat and smoke, stayed on the finish the job for the sake of others who might have lost homes.
God sends forth His Spirit in such times to renew the fate ell the earth, ahd to reheW hebe ih the midst Of despair. To each, the Spirit has been given for some behetWe heed te tl-irh te this l'iiV 5Pirit Within

City Initiative, with a goal to support Women at risk of sexual violence and exploitation to achieve security and stability. UpstART collects and repurposes (upcycles") donated jewelry and fashion accessories, which are disassembled and theh reassembled ihte heW bieees bY Wdmeh bartieibahts dl~irih9 Creative 0"0bs-" The women learn and refine jewelw making skills. Women t ' t d ' tn t' ' n ' mcgnlgz gharufgiiate slgie ;,Fi::i-Qeifs ops a so receive


9 from 9:00 am

be held June

2:00 pm. Please check in at the

Paulist Center.
a good idea to stop for a moment in the foyer of the Church after Mass to check our bulletin boards. We put many notices on the boards that, for lack of space, cannot be included in this bulletin. In the literature rack, we also have bulletins from the past two weeks in case you were away. And, check the bookracks for publications helpful for learning about our faith and assisting personal and family prayer


0Ursel\/es, ahd tihd the ihsbiratioh te bass Oh the Qitt Of the 5Pirit We have beeh 9iVeh for the benefit Of s0me0rie else-i-he readings today are rich with images of Pentecost,

tongues of re and speech that enlightens, generous sharing of gifts given for the benefit of all. And the
peace of Christ which enables Us to give love from hearts full of the divine gifts of love and hope,
fori:;l;il:aeges.tand Us plll '



First Wednesday of the month:
B- Catholics 7:15 in the

renewal He ls rlsen and He has glven


Third Wednesday of the month: Questionable Forum,

7:15 in the Paulist Center

Jim McCau/ey, CSP


Thlfd Sunday of the month:



bkfthtdbthBkftClbftbthSd " Mijjsejf s*


FABULOUS French Toast


ea as



Nomination forms are on the counter in the foyer. Deadline for nominations is May 26* with the actual election to be held June 9-16.

Second and Fourth Sunday: Lee and James Xiong will be offering seasonal flowers and vegetables in front of the Church after each Mass.

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