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Mathematics Individual Learning Plan Name: Molly 2007 Year Level: Grade 1 Date of Birth: 15 April

Classroom Teacher: Rebecca Hoffmann For the period: 11 February 2013 to 12 March 2013
Mathematics Focus: This Individual Learning Plan will focus on experiences that will assist the child reach the following growth points:
Counting: 1. Rote counts to 2. Counts a collection 3. Counts forwards & 4. Skip count by 5. Skip count by 2s, at least 20 of about 20 items backwards by ones, from 2s, 5s & 10s 5s & 10s from X any starting point Place Value: 1. Reading, writing, 2. Reading, writing, 3. Reading, writing, 4. Reading, writing, interpreting and ordering interpreting and ordering interpreting and ordering interpreting and ordering single digit numbers. 2 digit numbers. 3 digit numbers 3 digit numbers Addition & Subtraction 1. Count all 2. Count on 3. Count back/Counts down 4. Basic Strategies Strategies: to/ counts up from Multiplication & 1. Count all (multiple groups) 2. Modelling multiplication & division 3. Abstracting multiplication and Division Strategies: when all items are perceived division Other: Activities adapted from: Gervasoni, A. (2004). Extending Mathematical

understanding. Specialist Teacher Manual. Activities for assisting children move towards the next growth point. PP 36 -53. Ballarat: Ballarat Heritage Services

Classroom Activities:
Counting Focus: Count backwards by ones, from any starting point Collection of Beans: Give a collection of beans (start with 10) and ask the children to count them. Roll a dice and ask the children to take away that many beans (counting backwards). How many did you take away? How many are left? Adaptation: Use ten frame Use counters help understanding of how number words relate to reducing number of collection Lucky Bag: (Two bags, one with single digit, one with double digit) Pull out a number from each bag count backwards from highest number Counting Chart Coverup: Sticky labels of various shapes are used to cover groups of numbers on a 0-109 Place Value Focus: Ordering 2 digit numbers In the middle (In pairs): Randomly select two card numeral cards (1099) each. Order numerals from smallest o largest. Child with middle gets a point. Five minute Collections: Roll a dot die. Collect the number of objects indicted by the die and make a collection. Repeat. Name the total number of objects in the collection. Extension: Use numeral cards on place value chart to represent the collection. Extension 2: Play in a similar way but instead begin with a collection of 100 and take away the Addition & Subtraction Focus: Count back/ Count down to Race Back to Zero: Make a number line game board from 0-20 and a die with numerals 1, 2 and 3. Both players begin a 20. Taking turns, each rolls the die and moves back the number of places on the die. Before the child moves, ask them to predict which number they will land on and explain how they know. The goal is to be the first player to reach 0. Demonstrated the need for more work using counters to lesson reliance on Hundred Chart and Number line. Ten Frame Snap Difference of three: Using a set of ten frame cards with several cards for each Multiplication & Division Party Time Materials: selection of different objects to be used as counters eg. buttons, unifix, paper clips etc. Group size: Small group with teacher 108 Teacher leads discussion about a birthday party, where you are going to have five friends to play. Use the different counters to represent different party foods. If there were 12 cup cakes (unifix blocks), how many would each person get? 24 jelly babies, how many would each person get? 6 dim sims, how many would each person get? 18 snakes, how many would each person get? 30 sour worms, how many would each person get? Finally, if each person had two slices of pizza, how

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chart. Children are challenged to identify the missing numbers. Number Path Game: The aim of the game is to be the person to complete the Number Path Template. Numbers on the template must be ordered from smallest to largest numbers. Shuffle the cards and placed face down. Players take turn to select two cards and make a 2 digit number with the cards. The number formed is written on the Number Path in relevant positions. If a player is unable to place their number, they miss a turn.

number of objects indicted by the die.

numeral (0-10). Play Snap. Snap occurs when the difference between the two ten frames in three.

many pieces of pizza would be needed altogether? Activity adapted from:

Whats missing? Use number cards to focus on number word sequence, initially using the whole sequence in order and then only using part of the sequence. I emphasised the teen numbers and counting backwards.

Home Activities: A math pack will be sent home with the following activities: Before (or After Bingo): The leader draws a number between 0-120. If a player has the number BEFORE this number on the 0 - 119 number chart card, this number is covered with a counter. The player then explains to a partner WHY the number can be covered. When a player completes a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, BINGO is called, and that player is the winner. Shark and Boat: Using a created number line (0-50) or bead string, two players start with the marker on 25 and take turns to roll the dice. Alternating between moving up towards the boat or moving down towards the shark, players move their markers according to their roll. The goal is to reach the safety of the boat. Difference of Three: Using a pack of numerals cards with several cards for each numeral (010). Play Snap. Snap occurs when the difference between the two numerals is three. For each Snap, ask the child to demonstrate counting-back three to show the difference.

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Action Research Report

Mathematics Intervention is an important component of classroom teaching. It provides individualised learning that focus on the area the student needs assistance with and give s children the opportunity to develop their knowledge which in turn helps to build the students confidence in their own ability. As a students confidence increases they are more self-assured and are more engaged in group/ pair work which is a large part of mathematics classrooms today, it also gives teachers confidence that the student is engaging with the work and not getting further behind.

Molly was below standard for Grade 1 for Counting and more precisely she struggled with counting backwards and I decided to focus the sessions on activities where Molly could use models and manipulatives to help build her conceptual knowledge of counting.

The first activity chosen was the Counting Chart Cover up as she was familiar with Hundred Chart from her classroom. We started the session by counting up to 20 to activate Mollys prior knowledge and then counted backwards from 20 using the chart. I began by only covering one number on the Hundred Chart and asking Molly how we could figure out which number it was before moving on to covering up 2 and then 3 sequential numbers. I realised that Molly was still counting forwards to find the number and I therefore covered more sequential numbers to challenge Molly to count backwards.

During session 2 we played Race back to Zero and had a tuning in game using the Hundred Chart before moving on to a number line to help build connections. Molly successfully played Race back to Zero when using the numbered number line but to further challenge Molly I then introduced an empty number line and Molly had some difficulties sequential counting backwards.

The difficulties that Molly encountered suggest that she has a heavy reliance on numbered models and is able to read numbers but needs assistance with ordering. In the final sessions we played the game Whats missing? using number cards, initially using the whole sequence in order and then only using part of the sequence, emphasising the teen numbers. Rebecca Hoffmann S00084268

We used beans in the Collection of Beans Activity to assist with relating the number words sequence with reducing numbers and ten frames to make it clear that we were reducing the number.

For the final session we played Lucky Bag and used counters as we counted backwards to help build connections. The activities I choose for the final three sessions emphasised the connections between the number words sequence and manipulatives and helped Molly see the connections between the two whilst strengthening her knowledge of sequential ordering.

Molly could successfully count backwards from 20 when using a Hundred Chart but on further questioning it become apparent that she was only repeating facts that she had learnt by rote, deeper conceptual knowledge is required for Molly to successfully move to the next standard and does not only impact counting but will impact her problem solving and other concepts including addition and subtraction.

Implications for my future teaching include ensuring students develop a deep conceptual knowledge of number word sequence using manipulatives and models and link their counting chants to these through the use of games and activities such as having a collection and reinforcing the number word sequence when one is taken away. Molly enjoyed playing the games and I believe built connections that will help her success in maths in the future.

Rebecca Hoffmann S00084268

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