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Law of Attraction Tips Keeping It Simple

The value of the law of attraction tips on this page are intrinsic upon the foundation of which the law of attraction functions. Cutting to the core of what techniques work, and perhaps more importantly, WHY they do. Those same key concepts are presented here in the most accommodating way possible. Bearing in mind the laborious nature of the common struggle through life, it is crucial to find the most powerful truths in their most efficient and basic forms. Making it plausible to not only employ this knowledge gained into the everyday actions of our lives, but to remember them as well! What follows this paragraph is just that, it is the concentrated wisdom of how the law of attraction works. Make these law of attraction tips the center-point of your understanding. They are the fundamentals which so many forget, but for those who master them, it is all you will ever need to know! "Feeling Good Is Good Enough" Just feel good, you can't lose living by this philosophy. Sure something might happen to you that may challenge your good mood. But if you refuse to allow yourself to slip into a negative emotional spiral as a result, your good feelings will serve you well into the future! When we feel good, regardless as to why we feel this way, we are essentially "asking" for more reasons to feel good! This causes "good" things to happen to us, many times in pleasantly surprising ways! Doors open as perceptions shift into a positive light while opportunity follows the mindset of success. Think of your emotions as blind directives which command the will of a great universal genie working exclusively for you. This genie cannot see or comprehend the mental images, thoughts, or reasons behind your emotions. This genie can only understand and identify WHAT feelings you are experiencing! The genie has one job and that is simply to send back to you MORE of whatever feelings you are transmitting to it in the form of matching circumstances, events, and opportunities. Now if you can just find a way, ANY way, to feel great all day then what do you suppose will happen within your life? Take a look at your average day, what feelings are you experiencing the majority of the time? If you were to average out the individual emotions felt throughout a normal work week and write them down highest to lowest, would the emotions you want more of be at the top of your list? Just feel good is one of the most powerful law of attraction tips available. Because it is the whole point of life. And the science of attracting more positivity into your experiences! "Attitude of Gratitude" Gratitude is the common denominator in all law of attraction tips, techniques, and principles. It is the touchstone requiring recompense for the attainment of all yearning ambition. Within gratitude rests the correct mind-set for blessed attraction. For not to be in this frame of mind, we would fail to see the ripples of opportunity approach us as we hastily confound the waters of desire with our habitual emotional reactions. Nor would we be fit to act upon the charge of aspiration in it's wake if we could recognize the possibility of escape from this waterfall of despair. Quite simply, you must cultivate an honest sense of gratitude for LIFE. Look at all things, people, situations, and dreams with an eye only for what is "best" about them. Find the good in all things and be thankful for them!

This makes you feel happy, lucky, prosperous, and blessed. And because you are feeling this way, you will attract more things and opportunities which will bring more happiness, luck, prosperity, and blessings into your life and your awareness! Gratitude is your greatest ally in life. It will never steer you wrong. Whenever you doubt, or lose direction, all you need do is fall back onto gratitude. Start by remembering the things you love and cherish most, be thankful for them, and work up from there. Start by remembering the things you love and cherish most, be thankful for them, and work up from there. Law of attraction tips are simple in essence and there is no easier method of success than the art of saying "thank you". The whole point is to find reasons to feel grateful until you feel great! When you feel great, with a thankful heart, you can rest assured that whatever it is you're attracting is definitely a good thing! "Take Action" Most law of attraction tips demand an inner shift of emotional perception, this one however, requires the opposite. When you have centered you mind upon an attitude of gratitude and released yourself into a positive "feeling frequency", you will notice a few things. Your energy and vitality will increase, you will suddenly become more outgoing and adventurous, and you will get ideas. The action step of the law of attraction implores engagement. You must ACT upon the ideas and inner cravings of your ambition while in this powerful state of positive attitude. For these are the opportunities which you cannot see when you are hurt, frustrated, angry, or in any other "negative" mental state! Act without fear or hesitation because anything discovered in the light of positivity and gratitude will only grant you more of the same so long as you keep your focus upon it. Do not doubt or worry unless you are attempting to seduce more reasons to do just that! Feel good, feel grateful, act upon what comes your way in this mind-set, and you cannot go wrong. Amazing things will happen in your life from adopting this philosophy, great things which you will have never saw coming. Things some people may claim as coincidence, but you will know better. And of what difference is it whether accidental or manifested, a miracle is still a miracle is it not? Choosing to continue feeling bitter and defiant of love as a consequence of observing a perceived inclination in the universe is at best extremely foolish. These law of attraction tips will help guide you towards positivity. Feeling good is, after-all, better than feeling bad. Unless you are looking for someone to satisfy your pleas for help. In which case, you need only look within yourself, for only you can "make" yourself feel anything. An ability you are enabled to exercise at any time, however you wish. It is important to emphasize the hierarchy of thoughts versus feelings. Within the law of attraction tips above, and all of the techniques throughout this entire website, understand that it is the FEELINGS which are the targets of our efforts. Thoughts are mere tools, as are powerful visualization techniques, to this end. The goal within all law of attraction tips and their approach is to identify, isolate, and amplify the feelings desired. Because it is only your emotions which are received, heard, and responded too. It is more important to feel wealthy than have the wealthiest desire. One will offer you more opportunities to feel wealth, while the other more desire of it. Be mindful always of the truth within your heart and how you feel! Our lives resonate the echoes of our inner mind. A song only YOU can create through how you choose to use the power of your mind. Make it something to

smile about, and let the glory of your conducted future, dissolve the shadows of limitation from it's path.

Well, if we were in the movie Waynes World I guess the appropriate phrase at this point would be GAME ON! Now that the Law of Attraction concepts have hit the mainstream, both the believers as well as the non-believers are coming out of the wood work. A search on Google for the term law of attraction brought back well over 7 million results, although it also wont take you long to find plenty of people who who think its all a bunch of nonsense. Check here, here, and here if you would like some examples. Now, any regular readers of this blog know my views on this whole concept, and this post is not meant to discuss my personal ideals, but rather to plug some of these concepts into a typical life scenario to see if they actually hold water. To that end, I picked 3 specific practices that are commonly used by the LOA (Law of Attraction) believers, who also call themselves deliberate creators since they believe that via these practices they can literally create their existence here on planet Earth. So, whether you are a believer or a skeptic, if you truly feel that your point of view is the correct one, then you shouldnt mind a little bit of close scrutiny to see if these concepts are worth considering.

If they are, then here are 3 possible ways to use them. If they are not worth considering, then you now have 3 great examples of the uselessness of these tools that you can use in your on-going crusade to debunk this whole affair. Here we go

One of the primary weapons of mass abundance that the teachers from the movie The Secret endorse using in order to invoke the law of attraction is visualization. In fact, Joe Vitale goes even further to say that you should use holographic visualization which is basically the art of both mentally and emotionally putting yourself inside your vision of success. You experience those moments so precisely in your mind that it seems that you are actually there. Proponents - From a believers standpoint, this type of visualization will send actual vibrations out from the visualizer into the Universe, and will in turn attract similar vibrations. Done consistently over the course of time with a high level of emotion and belief, and the vibrations will all coalesce into a series of circumstances, people, events, or inspired actions that will eventually lead to the visualizer actually being in the situation that they visualized. Opponents - People who do not believe in this concept simply say that there is no scientific basis for this idea, and that there is no way to prove that doing this will be anything other than a complete waste of time. They believe that if you want to have an experience in your life, you need to take whatever action is needed in order to marshal the resources that will allow you to have that experience. The Benefit for Non-Believers - Believers in the LOA do not need any further convincing of the validity of this practice. However, for non-believers, the act of visualizing has one very, very important side effect that has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction, and that benefit is FOCUS. Even if you do not believe that some magic genie is ripping around town on a magic carpet finding ways to turn your daydreams into reality, any reasonable and logical person will agree that staying focused intensely and consistently over the course of time on any particular goal will bring about positive steps toward that goal. Those steps may come in the form of financial or career maneuvers that will lead to the goal, or they may come in the form of the simple ability to keep from getting distracted by things that would normally take the person off track. Taking your eyes off the prize runs the risk of delaying or preventing the attainment of whatever it is that is being focused on. A simple example of this is weight loss. It is a common belief that if you eat a lot of junk food, you will not have a body like a super model. If your goal is to have a body like that, and you consistently visualize yourself having that body, it is going to be very difficult for you to believe that scarfing down an entire pepperoni pizza all by yourself is a good idea. Will your weight loss be magic or will it be a result of you continually taking part in healthy exercise and eating habits as a result of having a super model picture of

yourself that is playing over and over again in your head? Well, once you have that super model body, who cares HOW it actually happened?

Affirmations come in many shapes and sizes, but in a nutshell, it is the act of writing down what you want to have in your life, and then repeatedly saying it either out loud or in your head for the purpose of changing your mental point of view regarding those desires. Proponents Believers in the power of affirmation basically think that by continually repeating something to oneself, that thing will eventually become a reality. Where the LOA comes into this part of the equation is that the common belief behind conscious creation is that the vibrations that are sent out into the Universe are acted upon in order to bring our goals into existence. However, as most people carry around years worth of self-limiting beliefs, the only vibrations they are sending out are those of NOT having whatever it is that they want. By consistently practicing affirmations, the vibration is changed to one of confidence and belief, thus attracting the object of desire. Opponents - Non-believers in affirmations once again cite the fact that there is no evidence to support the belief that anything less than taking action will bring about goal attainment. They may even go so far as to say that by repeatedly talking about something that you dont have will actually only serve to make you even more convinced that youll never have it. The Benefit for Non-Believers By repeatedly affirming that you want something, you assign the task of finding a way to bring that thing into your existence to your brain and your subconscious mind. In order to do this, thou gh, you must ask for solutions, not affirm non-existent realities. For example: I am independently wealthy and I never have to work another day in my life. vs. How can I create a situation that makes me independently wealthy so that I never have to work another day in my life? The first example stated something that wasnt true, and by continually saying that statement over and over again, you may not activate the amazing power of your subconscious mind in order to help find a solution. However, by continually asking yourself that question over and over again, your mind will be constantly looking for a solution as you go about your day to day business. Eventually maybe sooner or maybe later you will get slapped in the face with a great idea or the beginnings of a plan of action that will lead you to that life of riches and relaxation.

Positive attitude
This is probably the oldest and most well-known tool that is in the bag of tricks that believers in the LOA carry around with them. Long before todays gurus were touting the power of positive thought, yesterdays authors and visionaries were extolling the benefits of this practice. Proponents People who believe they can activate the Law of Attraction by living in a constantly positive state of mind will once again point to the power of their vibrations as the catalyst for attaining their desires. By staying in a constant positively-charged state of mind, they also maintain a constant positively-charged emotional state. In so doing, they will only attract vibrations that are in resonance with theirs, thus attracting fuel that will drive their machines of success. That fuel may come in the form of intense coincidences that are in line with their desires, or they may take the form of opportunities or circumstances that will eventually bring forth their dreams. Opponents - Non-believers in the power of positive thinking will say that just thinking about good things will do absolutely nothing to bring those things into your existence. They will point out the fact that everyone wants health, wealth, and happiness, so if just thinking good thoughts about those things was the key to having them, everyone would already be living happily ever after. The Benefit for Non-Believers Having a positive mental attitude is something that can and does benefit everyone. Even if you dont believe that your positive state of mind will help you to actually attract good things into your life, at a bare minimum, keeping a good attitude will help you to enjoy life more. This could fall under the umbrella of what people call managing their expectations or it could simply be called being mentally prepared for any given situation. For example, if your job is lame, and you know that it is lame, you cant simply think yourself out of having to go there. However, by setting your mental set point to one of being prepared for the experience, you will help yourself to not be as miserable as you otherwise would be. On the other hand, if you just sit around thinking about how bad your job is, there is no way that you are going to see anything but how bad your job is when you get there. Another example is finances. You could sit around thinking about how much you dont enjoy watching prime time on your 19 television with bad reception because you cant afford cable and a big flat-screen TV, or you could turn the situation around to actually be glad that you have that opportunity. In order to do so, just consider how bad it would be if you couldnt even afford your own home or apartment, or if your electricity had been turned off because you couldnt pay the bill. You can apply that same formula to any situation in your life in order to receive the benefit of positive thinking. By simply taking on the habits of mentally preparing yourself for a potentially negative situation, or by showing gratitude for the fact that things arent worse (and they always could be), you will slowly but surely pick up the habit of being happy about situations that in the past made you miserable.

Who Wins? Now that you have seen some common ways that the LOA is used by people to magically manifest the lives that they want, you should also see that there is really no magic to it. The same practices that the believers are using to bring success into their lives will help non-believers to improve their quality of life as well. Also, there are 3 potential benefits that a non-believer gets from this whole process: 1. All of this is completely free of charge. You dont have to spend a dime to visualize, affirm, or to keep a positive attitude. 2. Each of the practices that were discussed will have a positive impact on your life, even if you are just using your copy of The Secret as a coaster or a Frisbee 3. What if it works? What if the Law of Attraction actually works, and you stumble upon that truth by practicing LOA techniques, even from a nonbelievers standpoint? After all, not only are these techniques free, but no one even has to know that you are doing them. How cool would it be to achieve some amazing success in your life without having to admit to anyone even yourself that you ever considered whether or not the magic actually works? Something to think about

Ask And It Is Given Whether You Want It Or Not!

Ask and it is given is more than just a bible quote. It is the foundation of the law of attraction. You have to understand that whatever you choose to think about, and in turn FEEL, you attract. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not it works. Whether you direct your thoughts for the positive realization of your dreams or accidentally attract your worst nightmares, it works. Constantly serving your every command as surely as the sun rises each day to show us the works of our own creation.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

The choice is always available for you to choose how you want to feel. No one can force your mind to feel a certain way. They can only attempt to "convince" you of their view-point. What you decide to believe, is what you choose to feel and think, and this defines your reality. Ask and it is given to you whatever you focus your mind on. For whatever is alive in your thoughts is exactly the request you are

giving. Your feelings are the signals being sent. Of which you will surely receive back the events and circumstances which match feelings you gave! Become aware of the fact that when you ask it is given regardless of how you may have "wanted" the outcome to be. Feeling horrible about your job because you want a higher power to feel sorry for you and grant you a new opportunity will not work. This type of self-destructive behavior will only further dampen your efforts. By sending out the negative feelings about your job you are REQUESTING circumstances that will bring out MORE of those negative feelings within you! The law of attraction assumes you are fully mature mentally and capable of controlling your thoughts and emotions. The universe does not baby-sit. It will give you whatever you ask for whether you are crying, shouting, or laughing. Remind your self every day, "ask and it is given", until it is seared into your mind. Be aware always of your emotions and moods and know once and for all that what you are feeling now you will experience later, because that is what you are attracting. You get what you give is the truth many people are afraid to acknowledge. Choosing fear rather than responsibility. Do not make this mistake! Choose the path of the emotional adult and take charge of your destiny. Armed with your knowledge of the law of attraction there are no longer any limitations upon your life nor the heights you can rise too.

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