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La relacin entre Banco Mundial y Colombia es que Colombia es el principal cliente de Banco Mundial. Colombia le debe 7.5 billones de dlares a Banco Mundial. En Colombia, 50% de la agua ha sido privatizado por Banco Mundial. Con la ley 142, el Congreso Colombiano hizo una forma para que compaas privado tendra el control de la agua. En 2004 ya ava 125 privado compaas de agua en Colombia. Tambin el proceso de privatizacin de Ecopetrol comenz en el gobierno de lvaro Uribe Vlez mediante de la Ley 118 de 2008 que autoriz la venta del 20% de la propiedad accionaria. Telecom se privatizo durante el gobierno Samper. Otras cosas que se privativo es el seguro social y Salud y ms cosas. Tambin el militar se privatizo. El gobierno de Colombia se neg a negociar los tratados de libre comercio bajo las condiciones de Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de Nuestra Amrica, porque comprendieron que los proceso de liberalizacin y privatizacin limitaran la capacidad del Estado. Y como Colombia es derechista, las compaas privada no ganaran dinero. Hay un Grupo que se llama FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia). Ellos pelean encontrar d El gobierno Colombiano. El FARC es consideraros como un grupo terrorista por el Gobierno Colombiano. El FARC representa a la gente pobre de Colombia. Las FARC controlan una buena parte del territorio colombiano, especialmente bosques y selva, en donde el acceso es difcil. El FARC a sido clasificado como terrorsita por el gobierno Colombia, EE.UU Canad, Chile, etc., y los gobiernos de Venezuela, Brasil, Argentina Ecuador, Nicaragua no clasifican FARC como terrorista.

EE.UU en 2000 creo un Plan Llamado Plan Colombia que combati la produccin y traficante de cocana y tambin peleando encontrar de guerrillas como el FARC.

Algo interesante es quem much se lo agricultura land forest son privado.

. Most of the productive agricultural land forests are privately owned. The structure of owner-operator relationships varies: coffee is grown on small plots by sharecroppers, whereas plantation agriculture and forestry involve multinational joint ownership using local labor. Land containing valuable minerals and hydrocarbons generally reverts to the government, which arranges contracts between domestic and foreign corporations. Public land includes 43 national parks. The government has designated special lands for the indigenous groups. Land distribution has been a difficult issue, and deforestation is being examined in the context of management practices and trade policies.

. Fifty-one percent of the GDP comes from the commercial sector, which includes utilities, transportation, communications, wholesale commerce, real estate, retail banking, and stock exchanges. While these business sectors operate domestically, many have an international presence, including investment banking, insurance, commercial real estate, hotels, and advertising.

s. The primary industries are in the manufacturing sector, which employs over 35 percent of the workforce. The largest industries in this sector are textile, garment, furniture, and corrugated box manufacturing. Heavy industries also make a significant contribution to the GDP, including oil production, coal mining, chemical and resinproducing plants, and forestry. Although tourism is a major industry, the growth of this sector has been hindered by instability in the Andean and forested regions. Trade. Exports include coffee, cut flowers, emeralds, and leather goodsmost of which go to the United States and Europe. Other significant exports are oil, coal, and bananas. A free-market economy has allowed the country to benefit from foreign trade and foreign investment. After the North American Free Trade Agreement, Colombia established a similar trade pact between itself and several Latin American nations. Colombia is seeking similar trade pacts with it neighbors to the north, including the United States

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