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Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur


Sociology is the scientific study of human society and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. It is asocial science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity, structures, and functions. A goal for many sociologists is to conduct research which may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure. The traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, culture, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, environmental sociology, political economy and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge. The range of social scientific methods has also expanded. Social researchers draw upon a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques. The linguistic and cultural turns of the mid-twentieth century led to increasingly interpretative, hermeneutic, and philosophic approaches to the analysis of society. Conversely, recent decades have seen the rise of new analytically, mathematically and computationally rigorous techniques, such as agent-based modeling and social network analysis. Sociology should not be confused with various general social studies courses which bear little relation to sociological theory or social science research methodology.



Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

'Sociology' which had once been treated as social philosophy, or the philosophy of the history, emerged as an independent social science in 19th century. Auguste Comte, a Frenchman, is traditionally considered to be the father of sociology. Comte is accredited with the coining of the term sociology (in 1839). "Sociology" is composed of two words: socius, meaning companion or associate; and 'logos', meaning science or study. The etymological meaning of "sociology" is thus the science of society. John Stuart Mill, another social thinker and philosopher of the 19th century, proposed the word ethology for this new science. Herbert Spencer developed his systematic study of society and adopted the word "sociology" in his works. With the contributions of Spencer and others it (sociology) became the permanent name of the new science. The question 'what is sociology' is indeed, a question pertaining to the definition of sociology. No student can rightfully be expected to enter on a field of study which is totally undefined or unbounded. At the same time, it is not an easy task to set some fixed limits to a field of study. It is true in the case of sociology. Hence it is difficult to give a brief and a comprehensive definition of sociology. Sociology has been defined in a number of ways by different sociologists. No single definition has yet been accepted as completely satisfactory. In fact, there are lot of definitions of sociology as there are sociologists. For our purpose of study a few definitions may be cited here. 1. Auguste Comete, the founding father of sociology, defines sociology as the science of social phenomena "subject to natural and invariable laws, the discovery of which is the object of investigation". 2. Kingsley Davis says that "Sociology is a general science of society". 3. Harry M. Johnson opines that "sociology is the science that deals with social groups". 4. Emile Durkheim: "Science of social institutions". 5. Park regards sociology as "the science of collective behavior". 6. Small defines sociology as "the science of social relationships". 7. Marshal Jones defines sociology as "the study of man-in-relationship-tomen". 8. Ogburn and Nimkoff : "Sociology is the scientific study of social life". 9. Franklin Henry Giddings defines sociology as "the science of social phenomena".

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

10. Henry Fairchild: "Sociology is the study of man and his human environment in their relations to each other". 11. Max Weber defines sociology as " the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a casual explanation of its course and effects". 12. Alex Inkeles says, "Sociology is the study of systems of social action and of their inter-relations". 13. Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack say, "Sociology is the scientific study of social aspects of human life". 14. Morris Ginsberg: of the various definitions of sociology the one given by Morris Ginsberg seems to be more satisfactory and comprehensive. He defines sociology in the following way: "In the broadest sense, sociology is the study of human interactions and inter-relations, their conditions and consequences". A careful examination of various definitions cited above, makes it evident that sociologists differ in their opinion about definition of sociology. Their divergent views about the definition of sociology only reveal their distinct approaches to its study. However, the common idea underlying all the definitions mentioned above is that sociology is concerned with man, his social relations and his society. sociology (s s - l -j , -sh -) n. 1. The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society. 2. Analysis of a social institution or societal segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole. [French sociologie : socio-, socio- + -logie, study (from Greek -logi ; see -logy).]

so ciolog ic (- -l j k), so ciolog ical (- -k l) adj. so ciolog ically adv. so ciol ogist n.

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur



Sociology makes a scientific study of society: Prior to the emergence of sociology the study of society was carried on in an unscientific manner and society had never been the central concern of any science. It is through the study of sociology that the truly scientific study of the society has been possible. Sociology because of its bearing upon many of the problems of the present world has assumed such a great importance that it is considered to be the best approach to all the social sciences. Sociology studies role of the institutions in the development of the individuals: It is through sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to each is being made. The home and family ,the school and education, the church and religion, the state and government ,industry and work ,the community and association, these are institutions through which society functions. Sociology studies these institutions and their role in the development of the individual and suggests suitable measures for restrengthening them with a view to enable them to serve the individual better. Study of sociology is indispensable for understanding and planning of society: Society is a complex phenomenon with a multitude of intricacies. It is impossible to understand and solve its numerous problems without support of sociology. It is rightly said that we cannot understand and mend society without any knowledge of its mechanism and construction. Without the investigation carried out by sociology no real effective social planning would be possible. It helps us to determine the most efficient means for reaching the goals agreed upon. A certain amount of knowledge about society is necessary before any social policies can be carried out. Sociology is of great importance in the solution of social problems: The present world is suffering from many problems which can be solved through scientific study of the society. It is the task of sociology to study the social problems through the methods of scientific research and to find out solution to them. The scientific study of human affairs will ultimately provide the body of knowledge and principles that will enable us to control the conditions of social life and improve them. Sociology has drawn our attention to the intrinsic worth and dignity of man: Sociology has been instrumental in changing our attitude towards human

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

beings. In a specialized society we are all limited as to the amount of the whole organization and culture that we can experience directly. We can hardly know the people of other areas intimately. In order to have insight into and appreciation of the motives by which others live and the conditions under which they exist a knowledge of sociology is essential. Sociology has changed our outlook with regard to the problems of crime etc: It is through the study of sociology that our whole outlook on various aspects of crime has change. The criminals are now treated as human beings suffering from mental deficiencies and efforts are accordingly made to rehabilitate them as useful members of the society. Sociology has made great contribution to enrich human culture: Human culture has been made richer by the contribution of sociology. The social phenomenon is now understood in the light of scientific knowledge and enquiry. According to Lowie most of us harbor the comfortable delusion that our way of doing things is the only sensible if not only possible one. Sociology has given us training to have rational approach to questions concerning oneself, one's religion, customs, morals and institutions. It has further taught us to be objective, critical and dispassionate. It enables man to have better understanding both of himself and of others. By comparative study of societies and groups other than his existence, his life becomes richer and fuller than it would otherwise be. Sociology also impresses upon us the necessity of overcoming narrow personal prejudices, ambitions and class hatred. Sociology is of great importance in the solution of international problems: The progress made by physical sciences has brought the nations of the world nearer to each other. But in the social field the world has been left behind by the revolutionary progress of the science. The world is divided politically giving rise to stress and conflict. Men have failed to bring in peace. Sociology can help us in understanding the underlying causes and tensions. The value of sociology lies in the fact that it keeps us update on modern situations: It contributes to making good citizens and finding solutions to the community problems. It adds to the knowledge of the society. It helps the individual find his relation to society. The study of social phenomena and of the ways and means of promoting what Giddens calls social adequacy is one of the most urgent needs of the modern society. Sociology has a strong appeal to all types of mind through its direct bearing upon many of the initial problems of the present world.

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

The various disciplines of sociology include the study of social interaction between people. The areas covered by sociology include the analysis of social contacts between members of a society as also the interactions between different people around the world. Sociology attempts to study how and why people are organized as a society. It analyzes the structure of society and studies the factors that contribute to the creation of social groups. Sociology includes the study of the behavioral patterns, interactions and relationships among the individuals of society. This field tries to examine the organizational structure of society and the influence it has on the social, political and religious ideas of the members. It encompasses the study of the organization of families and businesses. It attempts to analyze the creation and management of social groups as well as the factors, which lead to their breakdown. The disciplines of sociology are concerned with the effects of social behavior on the formation of social traits. It also includes the ethical and moral values of society. Sociology is regarded as a branch of social sciences. It deals with the analysis of social behavior that shapes society and thus, is a field that covers a very broad knowledge base.



Sociology emerged from enlightenment thought, shortly after the French Revolution, as a positivist science of society. Its genesis owed to various key movements in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of knowledge. Social analysis in a broader sense, however, has origins in the common stock of philosophy and necessarily pre-dates the field. Modern academic sociology arose as a reaction to modernity, capitalism, urbanization, rationalization, and secularization, bearing a particularly strong interest in the emergence of the modern nation state; its constituent institutions, its units of socialization, and its means of surveillance. An emphasis on the concept of modernity, rather than the Enlightenment, often distinguishes sociological discourse from that of classical political philosophy. Within a relatively brief period the discipline greatly expanded and diverged, both topically and methodologically, particularly as a result of myriad reactions against empiricism. Historical debates are broadly marked by theoretical disputes over the primacy of either structure or agency. Contemporary social theory has

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

tended toward the attempt to reconcile these dilemmas. The linguistic and cultural turns of the mid-twentieth century led to increasingly interpretative, and philosophic approaches to the analysis of society. Conversely, recent decades have seen the rise of new analytically and computationally rigorous techniques. Quantitative social research techniques have become common tools for governments, businesses and organizations, and have also found use in the other social sciences. This has given social research a degree of autonomy from the discipline of sociology. Similarly, "social science" has come to be appropriated as an umbrella term to refer to various disciplines which study society or human culture. In the past, sociology as well as other social sciences, was considered well below the level of other sciences, such as the natural sciences. Very recently has sociology begun to be recognized as a legitimate science and respected as such.



The history of Philippine sociology dates back to the latter part of the Spanish regime. It was introduced as a course in college and universities. Its scope expanded with the increasing corresponding social problems. Sociology is the study of societies and the people who inhabit them; this sort of study looks at the culture and development of a country throughout the various eras of history. Sociology in the Philippines likely started with the advent of postsecondary education; colleges and universities in the Philippines would have offered study on the society and its people. Over time, students of sociology would become sociologists, and they would publish works that delved further into the history of the Philippines. History books are really the first sociological textbooks - they record historical facts about the Philippines during different centuries, and also offer the observations and conclusions of authors, who weigh in on sociology topics, such as religious beliefs of the people, women's rights, human rights, and indigenous culture. In order to understand exactly how sociology started in the Philippines, you'll need to go back to the earliest recorded histories for that country. Over time, the

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

information found in these valuable textbooks would be used to make sociological observations about the culture and people of the region. Consider visiting a local university or community college that features a modern-day sociology class or degree program. Speak to teachers or professors who can give you helpful information about some of the Philippines' most esteemed and respected sociologists. This sort of study could be a great topic for a school report; it will also help you learn more about this fascinating country and its culture. Your local library may not have exactly what you need; if they don't, consider visiting a website such as Google Books; this website offers tons of free samples of amazing history books and books on sociology. You may be able to find some background on this topic while you surf the Internet.



The term sociology was coined by August Comte in the nineteenth century from the Latin word socios (companion with others) and the Greek word logos (study of reason) to describe the new science of social life. For purposes of scientific investigation, sociology as a discipline is divided into several areas. These are: Social Organization This refers to social institutions, social groups, social inequality, social mobility, religious groups, and bureaucracy. These are the examples of social organizations: social institutions, social groups, social inequality, religious groups and bureaucracy. Social Institution- Family and School Social Groups- Farmers Association and Professional Associations Social Inequality- Unemployed, peasants, and poor people Religious Groups- Catholic, Protestants and Muslims Bureaucracy- Government Agencies and Local government Units

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

Social Psychology This refers to human nature and its focus on social processes as they affect the individual. The observations in their emotions, attitudes, perceptions and culture in their community, school market and church.

Social Change This studies ecological changes, population, migration, technological change, new production techniques, culture change, political processes, social transformation, modernization, mass communication, and the impact of natural disaster. The Point of Inquiry in Social Change A. Ecological Change Why are there so many diseases that occur now a day? As a nursing student, what can you do to prevent these diseases? Why there is global warming? B. Migration Why do people migrate? C. Technological change What are the technologies in the 80s? What are the new technologies now? D. New production What are the things that man produce? E. Culture Change What are the fading values that we have now? F. Political Processes What political activities you are joining?

G. Social Transformation

Jeanmilcah Bongalon

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

What are the good and bad ways of having social transformation? H. Mass Communication Do you think television and computers strongly influence the behavior of the people?

Population This studies size, growth, demographic characteristics, as well as corruption, migration, changes vis--vis economic, political and social systems. Question: What characteristics? do you mean by population growth and demographic

Applied Sociology This is concerned with resolving social problems through sociological research. Question: What are the social problems of our society?

Squatters, prostitution, large family size, migration of nurses, and poor nutrition .

SQUATTERS. Those who are living in the squatter area, what might be the reason for them to migrate in the urban area or in the city? What are the research variables when we study this problem? Those people living in a certain area but they do not own the land. For the sociological research to solve the problem of squatters , what is the reason for them to migrate in the city? The research variables to study the problem of squatting are the background on employment, educational qualifications, occupation and source of income. The migration of the city is to find gainful employment for the family. However, they cannot find a job that suit there educational qualifications. They are usually farmers, fishermen, laborers on unskilled workers. The low income of the people is still the main reason why they cannot afford to buy their own house and lot. PROSTITUTION. Do you think prostitution and squatting have the same research variables as social problems? Usually those who are living in squatter areas are also the breeding ground for prostitution even drug abuse and illegal gambling. The

Jeanmilcah Bongalon


Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

research variables may still on low income and unemployment. The given research variables for squatters have the same reason for this social problems. MIGRATION OF NURSES. What might be the reason why nurses would like to work in other countries? The high salary and lucrative remunerations for nurses who are working in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia. As compared with the Staff Nurse who is working in government hospital they are only receiving meager salary which is 10 times higher once you work in other country. The research variables to study the migration of nurses are the salary, overtime pay, exchange rate ( Peso-Dollar) and the country that they want to work. POOR NUTRITION. Who are usually affected by poor nutrition? The children have usually the problem of malnutrition. The research variables are the income of the family, food intake, employment and occupation of the family. The usual cause of poor nutrition is the result of low income and unemployment in the family.

6. Sociological Theory and Research This is a set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions or behavior; or the discovery and development of research that tests the validity, applicability and usefulness of the results of the investigation for the improvement of life. Questions: 1. Give an example of problem in the community, school, hospital or any other places of the society? Examples: a) The Dengue Cases in Community X b) Waste Management System in the Hospital c) Poor Sanitation in the Community 1. How do you test the validity, applicability and usefulness of the results? a) Dengue Cases- The increasing number of dengue cases in particular sitio b) Waste Management System- The poor disposal of waste that result to longer treatment period or even infection of patients in the hospital

Jeanmilcah Bongalon


Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur

c) Poor Sanitation- The lack of drainage, waste disposal and unsanitary practices in the community that increase the cases of communicable or non-communicable diseases in the area. 1. What are your findings in the problem? a) Dengue Cases- For every week, there are 3 dengue cases of that sitio. b) Waste Management System- There are 5 cases of infection in the hospital because of poor waste management program. c) Poor Sanitation- There are 4 cases of varied illness as a result 1. What are your solutions and recommendations? a) Dengue Cases There should be fogging operation and cleaning of stagnant water to completely eliminate dengue case in the sitio.. b) Waste Management System- The hospital should have waste management disposal system to reduce infection and spread of diseases in the area. c) Poor Sanitation- There should have be functional drainage system and good sanitary practices to reduce or completely eliminate the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases.



Sociology is the wider and broader in scope and it was related or interlinked with many others social sciences. Sociology is the science of the society and in society many kinds of things were happens to fulfilled the whole society and there is cooperation between sciences like as follows:1. Political Science: Political science and sociology are very closely related. Political science deals with the political activities of man. It studies social groups organized under the sovereignty of the state. " Historically, sociology has its main root in politics and philosophy of history "- Morries Ginsberg. " Political is embedded in the social that if political science remains distinct from sociology, it will be because of the breadth of the field calls for the specialist, not because there are any welldefined boundaries marking it off from sociology"- Garner. Sociology is the science

Jeanmilcah Bongalon


Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

Nabua, Camarines Sur





of state and government. Sociology is the young science and political science is older science. History Science: Sociology and history are very much interrelated. Like political science, sociology is becoming one of the most genuine fruits of history to which it is intimately connected. History is the reconstruction of man's past. It is the story of the experience of man kind and the record of the human past. History is the microscope of the past, the horoscope of the present and the telescope of the future. Sociology is the science of society, on the other hand is interested in the present. It tries to analyze human interactions and interrelations with all their complexity and diversity. It also studies the historical development of societies. History with its record of various social events of the past offers data facts to sociologists. History is a storehouse of records, a treasury of knowledge. Historians also uses sociology. 'History is past sociology', and 'Sociology is present History'G.E. Howard. Anthropology: The relation between sociology and anthropology is widely recognized today. Anthropology is " concerned not with particular man but with man in groups, with races and peoples and their happenings and doings". According to Hoebel, " Sociology and Social Anthropology are, in their broadest sense one and the same". Sociology has borrowed many concepts log, cultural patterns, cultural configuration, etc., from socio-cultural anthropology. Anthropology as a discipline is so closely related to sociology that the two are frequently indistinguishable. Sociologists in their studies Psychology: Sociology and psychology are contributory sciences. Psychology has been defined as the study of human behaviour. In the words of Thouless, " Psychology is the positive science of human experience and behaviour ". As Krech and Crutchfield define, " Social Psychology is the science of the behaviour of the individual in society ". Social psychology helps us a great deal in facing several social problems. Murphy " Social psychology is the study of the way in which the individual becomes members of and functions in a social groups ". Sociology analyses social processes but social psychology analysis mental processes of man. Economics: Sociology and economics as social sciences have close relations. According to Thomas, " Economics is, in fact, but one branch of the comprehensive science of sociology ". Dr. Alfred Marshall defines economics as " On the one side the study of wealth and on the other and more important side a part of the study of man ". Sociologists have contributed to the study of different aspects of economic organization. Sociology studies all kinds of social relationships but economics deals with only those social relationships which are economic.

Jeanmilcah Bongalon


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