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D e c e m b e r6 , 2 0 1 , 0

ESTABLISHMEN OT F T H EY O U T HF O RE N V T R O N M E N tT N SCHOOLS ORGANTZATTO NE S - O ) (Y To: SchoolsDivision/CitySuperintendents Officers-in-Charg oe f Regular a n d I n t e r i mD i v i s i o n s H e a d sP , ublic Elementary a n d S e c o n d a rS y chools

1'' Per UnnumberedMemorandum from the Undersecretary f o r p r o g r a m sa n d p r o j e c t s , t h e D e p a r t m e n to f E d u c a t i o n i s s t r o n g l yr e i t e r a t i n g the implementation o f D e p E dO r d e r N o . 7 2 , s . 2 0 0 3 o n t h e E s t a b l i s h m e no t f t h e Y o u t h f o r E n v i r o n m e n ti n S c h o o l sO r g a n i z a t i o n ( y E S - O )i,n compliance with Republic A c t N o . 9 5 1 2 ( N a t i o n a lE n v i r o n m e n t aA l wareness A c t o f 2 0 O B )w , hich m a n d a t e s t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o nt o c o n d u c t e n v i r o n m e n t a l a w a r e n e s s campaigns, p r o g r a m sa n d p r o j e c t s . 2. T h eY E S - o i s t h e y o u t h a r m o f b o t h t h e D e p a r t m e no t f Education a n d t h e D e p a r t m e no tf E n v i r o n m e na t n d N a t u r a lR e s o u r c e ( sD E N Rt)o h e i g h t e np u p i l sa n d s t u d e n t s ' p a r t i c i p a t i o n and a c t i o n t o w a r d s e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n a n d c o n s e r v a t i o na t t h e s c h o o l l e v e l . A s a cocurricular o r g a n i z a t i o ni,t s h a l l i m p l e m e n tp r o g r a m s , p r o j e c t sa n d a c t i v i t i e s that address various e n v i r o n m e n t a il s s u e sa n d c o n c e r n ss u c h a s G l o b a l W a r m i n g , C l i m a t e C h a n g eA d a p t a t i o n , D e f o r e s t a t i o nw , atershedProtection, Disaster R i s kR e d u c t i o n a , m o n go t h e r s . 3. T o w a r d st h i s e n d , a l l s c h o o l ss h a l l e s t a b l i s h the YES-O which will be under a Science T e a c h e r w h o w i l l s e r v e a s i t s A d v i s e r . T h e S c h o o l P r i n c i p a ls h a l l s e e t o i t t h a t r e l e v a n t environmenta al w a r e n e s c sampaign a n d a c t i v i t i e s h a l lb e c o n d u c t e d in the school. 4. T h e D E N R R e g i o n a lD e s k O f f i c e r sa r e a u t h o r i z e d to monitor the implementation of p e r t i n e n t D e p E di s s u a n c e s and to conductenvironmental symposia/trainings/camp sv o l v i n g in s t u d e n t sa n d t e a c h e r s .S c h o o l - b a s e e d n v i r o n m e n t aa l ctivities c a n b e c o o r d i n a t e dw i t h t h e DENR f o r t h e i r s u p p o r ti n p r o v i d i n g resource s p e a l < e rtse , c h n i c aa l s s i s t a n ca en d m a t e r i a l s such a s s e e d l i n ga s n d o t h e r s .R e g i o n aa l nd Division Science S u p e r v i s o rs sh a l lc o o r d i n a t e and monitor t h e c o n d u c to f t h e Y E S - O in their respective areas.


/ao a. SaaaA


Tel. nos.23 | - 1309I 4 | 4-7399/ 255-4542 (RD's Offi ce);23 | - | 433I 4 | 4-7399 (ARD's Offi ce); (Elem.Rluc.);414-73261255-1313 (Admin Ollce); 256-2375 /253-8061(Budget & Finmce);254-7065 (NtrE); 233-9030(Planning); (Sec. 254-7062 Educ.);414-4367 231-1011(Cashier); 232-9925(Probe); (Supply);234-41 414-7322 69 (Records); 254-101 I (Legal);23l -2 I 60 (Guard) Fax Nos.231-1432 /231-1425 /231-14331233-9O3O /231-1011 /232-9925 DepEd_bfd Email: decsroT @cvis.net.ph; @cvis.net.ph

5. T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n - C e n t efro r S t u d e n t s and Co-Curricula Arf f a i r s( D e p E d C S C Aa ) n d t h e D e p a r t m e no t f Environmen atn d N a t u r a lR e s o u r c e s - S p e c io an l cerns Office) l lj o i n t l y o v e r s e et h e i m p l e m e n t a t i oo Y o u t h D e s k( D E N R - S C O - Y sD ha nf t h e Y E S - O at the n a t i o n a l e v e l .A s s u c h , r e p o r t sa n d u p d a t e so f t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i oo nf t h e Y E S - O s h a l lb e submitted t o t h e i r r e s p e c t i vo ef f i c e s .
6. A t t a c h e di s D e p E dO r d e r N o . 7 2 , s . 2 0 0 3 f o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o na n d r e f e r e n c e .


Complianc w ei t h t h i sM e m o r a n d u m i sd e s i r e d .

RECAREDO G ORGONIA Dire r l V Region irector




God,aware of the steady deterioration andOegradation of ourenvironment, believing in the needfor a school-based co-curricular organization devoted to the safeguarding, protection and conservation of the environment, committing to perform specific and ' doable actions to contribute to the re-building and renewal of ourenvironmental values, skillsand attitudes, herebyform a consolidated environmental organization that shall embody the ideals andprinciples of a healthy environment, democLcy andthegeneral welfare, do herebypromulgate and adopt these constitution and by-lawsthat will promote, implement, andmaintain thegoals andaspirations of thefuture generations. ArticleI Gener.al Provisians Thisconstitution and By-Laws shallbe known as the constitution andByLaws of the Youth for Environment in schools organization of the of school). _--(name l-orpurposes yES-o refers of thisconstitution and By-Laws, to the youth for Environment in Schools Organization of the (name of school). Article ll Nameaqd Domicile The organization shall be known as theyouthfor Environment in schools Organization. Theoffice of theYES-O shall be located inside thepremises of theschool. Article lll of Prlnclples and Obiectiyg ,Peclaration The YES-o shall promoteenvironmental understanding and action through social, civic, intellectual, recreational and siience-related programs andactivities. TheYES-O shallhavethefollowing objectives: a. Be aware and create awareness in others of the state of the Philippine environment andecology, including prevailing issues and concerns relative thereto; b, Establish specific and doableprograms, projects and activities to address issues andconcerns on theenvironment andecology; c. Network withothergovernment andnon-government organiiations, including other Youth for Environmentin Schools (yES) organizations in otherschools within the Division and Region, with regard to supportand assistance to programs,projeclsand activitis of theorganization; d. Encourage participation community and initiative in environmental andecological movements andactions: and, e . . Develop among the members and the communityproper environmental values, skills andattitudes.

organization gi.

We, the student-members of the Youth for Environment in Schools(yES)

HrcH scHool,with thenLrp oi

Sec.1 Sec.2

Sec. 1

Sec. 2

Sec. 1 Sec,2

'J Article lV ': Memberchtp Alltbonafide studenbof the school, with'specific interest to confribute to enpironrnental and ecological actionsand rnovements, are eligible to be members of the YES-O. Intprested studentsshall submita duly filled up application form to the Yqs-o Moderator,lf approved,the studentsshall be considered. a bonafide rnember of the YES-O.


Sec.1 Sec.2 Sec.3

Sec.4 Sec.5

of speech and expression. -t Euprymemberhasthe rightto enjoyfreedom member has the right to avail of the services offered by the yEs-o.' Eupry EvFry member has the right to conductand participate in ail of the organization's activities. Evprymemberhas the rightto information on all the issuesand matterg cotilceming them. Everymemberhasthe rightto voteend be elected intooffice.

Sec.1 Sec.2 Sec, 3 Sec.4 Sec.5 Sec. 6


l Eve hasthe responsibility.to observe, at ail flmee, u member the laws'of na$rre, theenvironmental lar,ns of the Republic of the philippines, andthe rules andregulations of theschool andtheorganization, Evsry member mustpayallYES-O feeson timeas authorized by DepEd issuances and/or bytheParents-Teachers andcommunig Association. Elqw member mustsupport andpromote thethrusts andobjectives of the YES-O. Ev(rymember must abide bytheYES-O constitution andbyJaws. Everymember participate must actively in all schoor andorganizational actifvities. Evqry member mustexercise his/her rights andperform his/her dutles as a YpS-O member responsibly

puties ana otfffi!].sor uemrers

:' , i

.. .i.,r4 .:1

Sec' 1 Sec,2

ppn"o e!4 outt"" of th,vo,r$bllrHn[lonn,"nt tns"noorc o*tntuilon

I ',.i.s,# '''l'fl
i. .n

']: ,:)

The ExecutiveCommiftee,composedof officers of the Youth for EnVironment in Schools Organization, shallbe the governing bodyof the org?nization, , r'd.. Thd YES-Oshallhavethefollowing funclions and responsibllities: a. Formulate,recommend,implement,coordinateand monitor programs, projects and activities for the environment;





Createcommiftees deemed necessary and expedient underthe


circumstances; ' c. r Adviseand rnakerecommendations to schoolauthorities regarding environ menta I matters, irs and activities; affe d. Serve as a representativo of the school, and participate, in environmental gatherings, fora,symposia, trainings and workshops in the division, regional, nationaland international levels; e. i Ac't as the coordinating council of all environmental concemsin the school; f. , fgrl-9v9r papers,documents and properties to the succeeding r. YES-OExecutive Committee Officers;

l:.;ti : -}

g. h.

Orientsucceeding officers on current unoertakings of the yES-O; and, Exercise such otherpowers and''dutbs as the school.authorities and the Department of Education may,from timeto time,grantor delegate, principles; consistent withstated objectives andpolicies.
, . : \
. i ,

Sec 1 Sec.2 Sec.3 Sec.4 Sec.5

Article Vlll Composltlon. El?ctlgn.and Termof Office The YES-O shallbe composed of the duly electedpresident, Vice public President, secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, lnformation officer, and
Marchin a classroom designated for the purpose. Noticeof the conduct of elections of officers shallbe postedin three(3) placesinsidethe schoolcampusone month beforethe cotlspicuous scheduled elections. Filingof the certificate of candidacy shallbe withinthe firsttwo (2) weeks aftSr the notice of elections shallhavebeenposted. Tho list of candidates for everyposition shallbe certified by the TeacherModerator and posted two (2) weeksbeforethe scheduled elections in three (3) conspicuous places insidethe school campus,particularly outpide the classroom designated place,indicating as the polling therein qualifications thelsubmitted of the respective candidates, and the time, datbandvenueof theelections. Candidates for President mustbe: a. an incoming year 4tn student of the nextacademic year; b. of goodacademic standing witha general average of at leastB3%; c. of good moral characterand have not been subjectedto any disciplinary sanctions; .f a resident of the school for at leastone ('1) yearpriorto thefiling of thecertificate of candidacy; and, e. nota President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer in anyother student clubsandorganizations. He/She shallbedeemed resigined from suchpositions in otherclubsand organizations uponfilingof ' thecertificate of candidacy. Carldidates for Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,public lnfqrmation Officer and Peace Officer mustbe: a. year officially enrolled in any level year; in thecurrent academic b. of goodacademic standing witha general average of at leastB3%:
. and, ':!"

8ffi,:."J'rTiir be conducted schoot-wide, annuaily everyfirstweekof ..

Sec. 6



of good moral character and have not been subjectto any discip linary sanctions, Thqofficers of the Executive Committee of theYES-O shallholdoffice for year including one academic summer fromAprilof the current yearafter eleqtion year. to March of thesucceeding c. ArticlelX i', Dutiesan!..Besponsibitities of Office= TherPresident shallbe the chief Executive otficerof the YEs-o, He shall havothe following duties: a. Presideover all meetings or may designate anotherofficerto preside a specific meeting; b, ' Enforce this constitution and By-Lawsand other rules and regulations thatmaybe promulgated;
lr. vi



' I ' G


4 Sec.




resolutions, and other minutes, correspofldences, Sign all official papers official of theYES-OI. the YES-Oor designate to any his/frerrepresentative d. Represent external internal affairs or or functions: and, otfice. his/her suchotherfunctions inherent e. I Perfonn or incidentalto ThpVice President shallhavethefollowing duties: is a. Assist the Presidentin all matterswhere his assistance necessary; b, Assumethe Officeof the President become shouldthe position vacant; c. I Supervise membersin planningand' arranging meetingsor programs of activitiesi d, I Perform suchotherduties assigned by the President of the YES-O Executive Committee.. Thp Secretary shallhavethefollowing duties. a, Keep accuraterecordsof the minutesand proceedings of every meeting; papers b. Keepa fileof all pertinent documents.and and of the YES-O makethemaccessible to themembers; c. Callandprepare all notices of YES-O meetings; d. HeadtheYES-O Secretariat e. Perform suchotherduties assigned by the President or theYES-O Executive Committee. Th$Treasurer shallhavethefollowing duties: a. Keepall financial records of the YES-O; b. Serve as thedisbursing otficer of alltheYES-O funds; c. Prepare the annual budget of theYES-O; d. Prepare reports financial everymonth, and at the afteran activity, end of theterm: pertinent guidelines e. Formulate financial fortheorganization; f. Perform suchotherduties assigned by the President or the YES-O Executive Committee. ThdAuditor shallhavethefollowing duties: a. Certify the legitimacy andcorrectness of funds; of the disbursement b. Auditall expenditures of theYES-O funds; guidelines c. theTreasurer in formulating Assist and reports; d, Keepandupdate inventory of allthe property of theYES-O; e. Perform suchotherduties assigned by the President of theYES-O Executive Committee, :'.i The Public Officer shallhavethefollowing duties: Information Popularize thethrusts andobjectives of the YES-O; a. of the Be responsible for building and maintaining image a credible b, , YES-O: of YES-Oprojects and activities; c. ; Takechargein lhe promotion assigned by the President or theYES-O d. I Perform suchotherduties Executive Committee duties: The Peace Officer shallhave thefollowing peaceand orderduring in maintaining a. Helpthe presiding officer meetings; . Act as disciplinary if needed; and, b. officer, suchotherduties c. Perform assigned by theYES-O. c.


andTeacher, respectively. lgnqlm.entHead/Coordinator ThFModerator andAssistant Moderalor shallleadandoperationalize the its activities in the schoot levet guidahce with the of the school J!s;Q1na Hqad/Principal. ThFYES-OModerator andAssistant Moderator shall, at all times, monitor thg conduct of activities andmeetings of theYES_O. ArticleXt



The YES-OModerator and Assistant Moderator shallbe the Science

Sec. 3

. :


. . - ; - - -


mof itor-theconductof activities pertinent to the yES-o in their respective areias of jurisdiction. Fu+ry YEs-o is an automatic member of the Division and Regional Coqncilsin its respective divisionand region.

YEF-O.Division and Regionar Touncitssnaiine organized in the re$ective division andregion withthe science Educatio-n supervisor or coilrdinator as the YES-0coordinator who shalllead,coordinate and

Article Xll Sec.1 r n9 Ytss-oExecutive committee shall organize, as soonas practicabte, (4) projects regular commiflees, namely; and Activities loui. lmqlementation committee (pAlc),Environmental lssues andResearch (ElRc),Environmental campaigns committee (ECC), and .corhmittee program segregation, and Recycring committee H:tgYlnagement,


3 , Sec. Sec.4


Sec,6 Sec.7 Sec.8

chair and co-chairof lhe regular committees shallbe appointed by the iPresident from amongthe officers of the Executive committee. Tn6 Pregident may alsochoose fromany of the members of the yES-o who are knownfor theirefficiency. ThelProjects andActivities lmplementation Committee shalltake charge of the lmplementation of theapproved projects or activities. ThelEnvironmental lssues and Research committee shallleadthe yES-o in conducting research of current environmental issues and concerns, in highfighting such issuesand concerns in tho school,in encouraging debqteon such issuesand concerns and in proposing appropriate inl localized solutions for implementation in theschooi. ThelEnvironmental Campaigns Committee shallinitiate various campaigns for {he preseruation, protection and rehabilitation of the environmlnt throygh,but not limitedto, contests, posters, paradedemonstrations, sign$ and notices. The. program l/vasteManagement, segregation, and Recycling committee shal{.undertakeand facilitatewaste management, segregation and recy$ling activities in the school on a regular basis. Ad-hpc committees maybe created ny lne Executive committee as the needarises. Cooqdination andsynchronization among the various committees shallbe the rule.

lwMgRPc) ThQ

Sec.1 Sec.2 Sec.3

j I


Article Xlll ' YES-O Vglun!par Corss TheYES-O Volunteer Corps or VC shall'be theofficial service annof the YEF-O. Thf members of theYES-O shall comprise theVC. Eadh member of theYES-O shalt: a. I Bea member of oneregular committee in theyESO; I b. Ensure thedelivery andcompletion of tasks assigned; c. Attend meetings called by theyES-o Executive-committee, or the Commiftee Chair. Th$ YES-O shallundertake a recruitment drivefromJuneto August of evlry year.
ArticleXIV Commiesion on Elections , ,, l





, .{i


'l Ir

Sec.1 Sec.2 Sec,3 Sec.4 Sec.5

Sec. 7

f. Keep allpertinent papers/documents; election and, g; protests Decide relative to theconduct andresults of theelections, TheiYES-o coMELEcshail prepare anddistribute thenecessary elec'tion paraphernalia, certificate of candidacy formsand otherelection-related mat{rials before, during, andafter thaalection. TheiYESo COMELEC hasthepower to disquarify candidates whohave violafed any of the guidelines whichhavl b6en promulgated and dlsseminated,

TheiYES-O COMELEC shallhave thefollowing duties andresp.onsibilities: Be responsible for the fair, honest,and systematic conbuct of the election; b. Adopt, formulate and implement erection rules and regulations, including its intemal guidelines; c, Validate the efectoralproceedings and results; d. Acceptor revokecandidacy; e. Proclaim the newset of officers; '

herein refened to asyES-oCOMELEG, shall I goTT!:sionon.Etections, befstablished within (30) thirty days before theelection day. Thq YES-O coMELEcinalt'oeihe chief.grn.v ttraiwilr manage the processes, ele$toral TheYES-O coMELEcshail be composed of ten (10)members whodo notlhave vested interest Intheelection, or in anywayrelateo to anyof the canpidates, andwio among themselves, shall s-elect a chairperson. rgrbglg qt.the YES-OCOMELEC shail be appoinred by the L!1 Mo{erator of theYES-O. ThqCOMELEC members must bs: yearstudents Fourth g. of thecunent academic year; b, I Of good academic standing; c. of good moralcharacter and have not been subjectto any disciplinary sanctions; and, d. Witha residency of at least twoyars intheschool.





a mafority of the YES-Oofficers.

TheVE$o shall induct regular meetffis every first week of themonth, ona Say agreed upon bytheofficers ofthLyES-b. spe{ial.megtilgl g-!hgYE_s-o may becalted upon bythe,president orby


Mqjorlty + 1)-56all ofThe officers (50% of theYES-O constitute a quorum. {n theevent thatthe50%is nota whole number, 50%shall be understood to bethenext higher whole number, rr\ Each officer of tfieYES-O is entitled to onlyonevote. Noiproxy shall beallowed, ArticleXVI Flnance

' . . 1

Sec.2 Sec.3 Sec.4 Sec.5 Sec,6

' ThoYEs-ofunds shall beclassified into Generatfunds andspeciaf funds. a, General funds shall consist of themembership fee,theamount of which shall be decided upon by the Executive committee and the .. 'schoql administration in cbnsultation withthepTCA, b, specialfundsare fundsthat comefromdonations, sponsorship, projects fund-raising or anyamount derived fromotherlegltimate sources. TheYES-O mayundertake fund-raising activities to subsidize its projects or activities. The organization mayaccept cashdonations fromany member or any public person or private or institution, for as longas it will notaffect thi intqgrity of theYES-O. TheYES-O President andtheTreasurer shall bethesignatories of allfund, dis$ursement oftheYES-O. Allfund disbursements multbeaccompanied ( witha YES-O resolution dulynoted bytheYES-O Moderator. The YES-o,through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall'promulgab guidelines financial proper for financial management. Furfds of theYES-O shallbe audited at theendof every activity andafter evelyterm,
I mpeac h ment,Reslqnadon and V:aganc ies ThelExecutive committeeofficers of the yes-o snaltonly be removed thropghimpeachment underthe following grounds: Culpable violations of the Constitution and By{aws 3. b. Grossmisconduct, violence to personin authority, negrigence, and disloyalty lo the causeof the YES-O andthe school c. Non-attendance in meetings or three (3) consecutive.unexcused absences or six (6) accumulated unexeused absences d. Abuseor misuse of power andauthority Twqthirds (2/3)vote of the Executive commifteeof the yEs-o aiid the app{oval of the YES-O Moderatorand AsslstantModeratorshall be nec+ssery to decidea caseof impeachment, Therdecision shallbe flnal.However, the officer charged shallbe informed fifteQn (15) days prior to his/her impeachment proceedlngs of the againsthim/her, gharge/gharges to afford him/herthe opportunity to be heand of his defense.

.: .d.!,b vdlirdr '-liifl


Article XVll


Sec,2 Sec.3

Sec.4 Sec.5

Resffination shallbe in writing andsubject to the approvar of the yEs-o Exedutiva Committee Anyrvacancy in any of the Executive position committee by reason of death,resignation, impeachment or transfer shailbe fifledsubJect to the' recommsndation of theYES-O, Any;vacancy in any of the position of the yES-o Executive committee shalli'be filledwithin thirty (30)daysfromthe daythe position is vacaled through thesame procedure, electoral


yES-b COMELEC position. shall manage theetectibifor thevacated

Mendated Proiects and,Activltles ThpYES-O shall be required to irnplement, conduct or aftend thefolloring prQgrams. projectsand activities; namely,clean-updrives,waste m{nagement, segregation and recycling, awa16nss campalgns, syfnposia or training, nursery establishment, tree-planting activities, fun run,andYouth forEnvironment Summer Camp. Article XVlll : ' "". Amendments Thfsconstitution andBy-Laws of theYEs-omaybe amended or modifted part or in once (s) years whole every five fromits approvar during the !1 Yo;rth for Environment (YES) summer campbya voteof two-thirds of the delegation. Arlendments to thisConstitution andBy{aws shall.take immediatety effect uponitsapproval bythemp delegates andthesecretary of Educaflon. Article XIX Tralrsltorv Provislons year Elqction of officers of the YES-O Executive committee for School 20q3-2004 shall be hetd once the yES-o has been organized. su0ceeding elections shall be heldas provided in Article Vlll, sec{io n 2 of thiqConstitution andBy-Laws Thqtermof office of elected officers of the yES-o Executive committee forlschool Year2003-2004 shallbe fromthe day of election unfilMarch 2004.
. rtA

nrticp krlili \\\



: r l





' .l

Enclosure No.2 to DepEdOrder No. 72,s. 2003



DENR Central Office Special Concerns Office 2n6 Flr.DENR MainBldg,, Visayas Ave,,Diliman, City Quezon Environmental Management Bureau DENR Compound, Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City ForestManagement Bureau Visayas Ave.,Diliman, Quezon City Mlnesand Geo-Sclences Bureau North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Protected Areas and WildlifeBureau North Ave.,Diliman Quezon City LandsManagement BurEau Plaza Ceruantes, Binondo, Manila Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau DENR NCR Congressional Plaza Bldg., 51 Congressional Rd.,Project 8 Quezon City DENR CAR #80Diego Silang St., Baguio City DENR Region | Znd Flr.NewFlorentino Bldg., Gen, Luna St.,SanFernando City La Union DENRRegion ll Tuguegarao City,Cagayan DENR Rogion lll Amalgamated Bldg., McArthur H-way, SanFernando City,Pampanga -

Ma.Magnolia Q, Danganan

(02)9268346 (02)9276336

Gerarda Merillo Josephet Banghulot ElviraAgpoon Ma.Luz Lansigan Edwinton Santos Christopher Rafols MarioSantiago


(02)e266526 (02) 9200374 (02)9201635 (02)9271s20 (02)e246031 (02)92s8e51 (02) 2420577 (049) 5363628 (04e) 5362850 (02)435E880

AliceRobles AuroraJose Gristina Apolinar Evangeline Marcelino Bernadette Atienza

Eufronia Muyano TheresaTilcag

(074)4424531 (074).443e322 (072) 8883833

CatalinoNacar Rezalyn Medrano

MaedelosSantos Marina Malamug Leonora Santos Veronica Sese

(078) 846e129 (045) e634646

lV A - oeifn Resion 1515 L&S Blds., Blvd,, Manil{ Roxae DENR Region lV Bi 1515 L&S Bldg., Roxas Blvd,, Manild
DENRRegionV i Regional CenterSitp

Erneetodfdo, Jr. YasmlnRocelleGaparas Ma.TheresaDavid WillardEstillore Luzvlminda Ghioco RafaelRafreses, Jr. MaryAnn Baldove Jonathan Bulos MiaEmbatzado PhillipGallardo ElmerLabaclado Roseller Gay HiyaJaafar Florante Hamoy VickySusanPacana Edgardo Cafrete LucilleArquero GermanUrbiztondo lkl Orttawar NasserDebarosan RenqPiencenaves Barbara Aquino SarlfaTaub JessleOndoy

(02) 4050012

(02) 4050046


LegazpiCityi Ra.wis, DENR RegionVl Pepita Aquino St,, FortSanPedro, lloilpCity DENRReglonVll . Green Plains Subd." Banllad, Mandape Qity DENR Region Vlll Sto,NifioExt., Tacloban City DENR ReglonlX I Pasonanca Park,Zalmboanga City DENR RegionX Macabalan, Cagaya4r de Oro City DENRRegion Xl KVl.7Lanang, Davap City DENR ReglonXll (oronadal Gen. Santos Drive, City 'South Cotabato DENRCARAGA 'Ambago, Butuan City DENR ARMM


(032) 3453968

(053) 3213386

(062) ss11424 (08822)726280

(082) 2340811 (0821 2344401 Q$\ 228622s (083) 2282418 (085) 3417280 (085)'2264500 (0641 42143s2

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