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malywa78: hello there!!

LoverMichelle: hey girl, how are you?

LoverMichelle: I think you should win a prize for being the first one!

malywa78: LOL

malywa78: I'm finally early.

malywa78: I'm good how about yourself?

LoverMichelle: Haha, good, trying to finish cooking a late supper...nothing fancy, just tacos!

LoverKaren joined the chat 14 days ago

malywa78: mine was homemade chicken noodle, been battling a sinus infection.

LoverKaren: Hello

malywa78: hello Karen

LoverKaren: Hello

LoverMichelle: Hmm, that sounds yummy! I love homemade chicken corn soup too! Sorry you
are not feeling well.

malywa78: hello Ms Leighton

M Leighton: All I heard was tacos. Yummy

M Leighton: Hey, girl! How are you??

M Leighton: *hugs*

LoverKaren: I love tacos

LoverKaren: Hi Kate

malywa78: good. I'm so glad I finally made it on time

M Leighton: Hi, Kate!

kate: hello

malywa78: Hey Kate

M Leighton: I'm early for once. Usually I have some kind of tech difficulty bc I'm a bonehead

kate: new to these chats...

malywa78: what eva. you are no bonehead, LOL!!

LoverKaren: Well we still have a few minutes until official chat. We have cookies and drinks
and comfy chairs

Lisa46996 joined the chat 14 days ago

LoverKaren: Hi Lisa

M Leighton: Girl! I totally have my moments. hehehehe My hubby could probably tell you ten
right off the bat.

M Leighton: Hi, Lisa!

M Leighton: Hoanggggggggggggg

Lisa46996: hi Michelle!

LoverKaren: Hi Hoanggggg

kate: hi lisa!

malywa78: Hey Lisa and Hoang

Hoang: Hello!!

Lisa46996: hi all!

malywa78: what did everyone have for dinner tonight

M Leighton: I had hibachi chicken. I love me some Japanese food!

malywa78: gotta love randon questions, LOL!!

LoverKaren: I had soup like you but chicken noodle

M Leighton: And I love to talk about loving Japanese food. hehe Or any food really

malywa78: I haven't had Japanese in a while.

LoverKaren: My best friend from when I was little like 4 was Japanese, Loved the food and
taking of the shoes in house
Elizabeth joined the chat 14 days ago

M Leighton: So. Dang. Yummy.

malywa78: I do love hibachi but I'm more of a sushi kinda girl

M Leighton: I WANT to like sushi, but my tastebuds rebel

malywa78: hey both Elizabeths!!

M Leighton: Elizabeth!! And Elizabeth!!

LoverKaren: I really thought sushi should taste like fish, but it doesn't


Hoang: It's still early here so no dinner yet... but now that you mention it, Habachi does sound

Lover Elizabeth: LOL...it's just the one. #oops

LoverKaren: doppleganger

malywa78: that sucks. I really like just about any type of sushi

M Leighton: It's more the texture I can't get past.

M Leighton: But I wanna

LoverKaren: I know one gal who won't touch it with a ten food pole, right Elizabeth

malywa78: hey bookbesties

LoverKaren: Hi bookbesties

Lover Elizabeth: that would be me.

malywa78: LOL!!

M Leighton: Bookbesties!!!!!!

bookbesties: hiiii

Lover Elizabeth: you give me sour rice and raw fish and I'm looking for the exit with an empty
stomach! LOL
LoverKaren: Okay question for group, FAVORITE Leading man of Michelle's

LoverMichelle: Okay, so we'll kick off the fan chat letting you know that this is an open forum
to discuss Michelle's book, characters, and/or plots. Michelle is very active on social media, but
we've always had such fun with her fan chats!

LoverKaren: Hi Brandie

malywa78: CASH!!!!

bookbesties: i am feeling the love!!!

LoverKaren: Michelle has to answer to,

Lover Elizabeth: I'm a Trick kinda girl but that's because he reminds me of my Tommy (awww)

LoverKaren: Malywa Cash

M Leighton: Me?? OMG that's not fair! hehe

LoverMichelle: Tie between Cash and Alec for me!

M Leighton: I'm always more wrapped up in the one I'm most currently involved with. LOL

LoverKaren: Brandi, Lisa, Kate, Hoang, BookBesties

Lisa46996: cash.is my man!!

malywa78: I haven't got to Alec yet.

LoverMichelle: Bathroom = lemonade!!!!

malywa78: Alec is next though

M Leighton: Someone tagged me on FB today. All it said was, "Balcony...HOLY MOTHER!" I


Hoang: Lover Michelle... I love Cash and Alec comes in a close second... But I only think that
since I got 2 books of Cash and only 1 of Alec.

LoverKaren: OMG LoverMichelle please with the bathroom already and I thought it was IcE

LoverKaren: Hi Tinabina and Yesi

Tinabina: Hey ladies!!!

M Leighton: Hello, lovely ladies!

LoverKaren: Favorite Male, that ML wrote

Hoang: ohh... Bathroom < Lemonade.... and i HATE lemonade!

LoverKaren: How about ICE

bookbesties: the balcony was, just WOW

LoverKaren: Hi Maria and Milasy

M Leighton: *beams*

Yesi: Hi everyone!

LoverKaren: Welcome Everyone

LoverMichelle: Hoang, if you hate lemonade, then you would write bathroom > lemonade!

Maria: I'm in!!!! That was like airport security

M Leighton: Hi, Yesi!

Hoang: Ice is ALWAYS good... especially if it comes w/ a side of Alec!

Maria: hi ladies

LoverMichelle: Yes, yes, yes!

M Leighton: Maria, LMAO

malywa78: LOL. Hoang

Milasy: Hi Karen! Michelle! Everyone! <3

Yesi: Can't stay long but I wanted to pop in and say hello.

LoverKaren: Maria, we did not body cavity search you, YET

M Leighton: Milasy!! ,3

Maria: Hi Michelle!!

LoverKaren: hi anon
bookbesties: hi yesi!

M Leighton: oops <3

Yesi: Hi Michelle!

M Leighton: Oh dang! No hearts!

bookbesties: hi anon

malywa78: Make it rain with CASH!!!!!!

Hoang: but UIB definitely made me like lemonade more.

Maria: Karen, I could've used a tall lemonade with that

LoverKaren: Tall Lemonade with ICE

Maria: lots of ice!!!

Tinabina: haha so true... ahh the things lemonade does to us now


LoverKaren: OMG , Maria

Milasy: I know and we love <3 <3 <3 hahaahahahah

DFergus joined the chat 14 days ago

Milasy: ❤❤

Maria: LOL or body shots with Cash!! I'm easy

DFergus: I'm in woo hoo, hello ladies!

LoverKaren: Will never drink lemonade again with out that vision

M Leighton: I think this would be a good time to say that I love my job. LMAO

M Leighton: Hi, DFergus

Maria: I LOVE your job too!!

bookbesties: I love your job too!

LoverMichelle: And we LOVE the job that you do and making us fall in love with these

malywa78: Body shots with Cash any day!!

Lisa46996: we love that

Yesi: Hi Danielle F!!!

LoverKaren: Hi DFergus did airport security stop you

LoverKaren: Hi Danielle F

Maria: hi Yesi!!

DFergus: haha

malywa78: we love that you love your job.

Tinabina: LOL definitely Michele... and we love that you love your job bc u write all these
amazin books for us to read and fall in love with

Yesi: Body shots, Jack Daniels, anything g really with Cash!

M Leighton: I always enjoy seeing where each new story (and leading man) might take us. hehe

Yesi: Maria you're in! Yay!

Lisa46996: more reading for us!

Tinabina: where would we be without Cash, Trick and Alec!?!?


LoverKaren: Next book ML needs to use Jack Daniels HONEY

Arethea: Just here to give Michelle a big hug Love U

DFergus: Good lord, who inspired you for Alec???

M Leighton: High and DRY? *snickers* Or just dry?

Hoang: and we enjoy where your leading men take us...!

LoverKaren: Hi Arethea
M Leighton: Arethea!!!! *big hug*

Yesi: Definitely Hoang!

Arethea: Don't forget my Jackson pic please

LoverKaren: Drinks at the bar, CASH is serving

LoverMichelle: http://pinterest.com/pin/303078249893637...

Yesi: Even the bathroom! Lol

M Leighton: DFergus, Alec took on a life of his own! He totally whisked me away on HIS

Arethea: Hi Karen

Maria: I'll take a shot!



Maria: omg...LOVED Alec

Yesi: Me too!

malywa78: me too

malywa78: me too

LoverMichelle: Michelle ^^^^ That's a gift from Danielle & Hoang

bookbesties: those are awesome lovermichelle

DFergus: LOL, glad you like our collage

Tinabina: OMG love that PIN!!

bookbesties: repin!!!

M Leighton: Those are awesome! OMG

Arethea: Lovers I heart U Al

DFergus: Hoang and I LOVED doing this collage!

LoverKaren: HOLY Hot tamales Love that collage

Arethea: Ops All

Yesi: The collage is AWESOME!!! Great job D & H!

Maria: awesome Danielle and Hoang <3

M Leighton: You do a PHENOMENAL job!

Lisa workman joined the chat 14 days ago

LoverMichelle: Y'all have made a name for yourself and we love pimping y'all out!

Milasy: WHOA love that LoverMichelle!

malywa78: So....Who's is the next leading man going to be!!!

DFergus: it helps when you have a great book

Milasy: Alec is so hot.

Yesi joined the chat 14 days ago

bookbesties: Alec is beyond!

M Leighton: I'm currently getting inside the head of Jake Theopolis, Jenna's brother from The
Wild Ones

Hoang: Thanks guys.... we had a GREAT book to inspire us =D

DFergus: soooooo what inspired the lemonage scene hehe.

malywa78: someone decribe Alec to me??

Maria: Alec's journey was amazing!!

Yesi: Fireman?

LoverKaren: Hi everyone drinks are at the bar being served by CASH, NASH, TRICK GAVIN
AND ALEC , all in CALVIN Kleins

M Leighton: Yesi, yes he's the fireman

Tinabina: OMG so we have a new bf coimg in to our life and his name is JAKE!

Yesi: Will Trick and Cammie make an appearance in the novella and in that one?

malywa78: you mean underwear, right LoverKaren

Milasy: Totally agree Maria. Fell for Alec big time.

Laurie Sue joined the chat 14 days ago

Yesi: YES!!!!!

LoverKaren: Alec, Tall, Dark, Handsome as hell, with a chiseled jaw

M Leighton: I'm so glad y'all enjoyed him!! I absolutely did! I can't decide if I was in his head
or he was in mine.

Arethea: Karen, U gonna transcript this later? Say yes, pls

LoverMichelle: Alec is very, very intense but sexy, sexy.

Yesi: Nice Karen! I want to hang out at THAT bar!

M Leighton: Yes, Trick and Cami are seen lots and lots in the novella!

LoverKaren: Yes transcripts

Tinabina: YAY!!! More TRICK!!!! LOVE IT!!!

Yesi: Yay!!!! Wedding I hope?

Arethea: Thanks


M Leighton: *grins* *zips lips*

Milasy: All of Michelle's BBF are intense. She is the queen of sexual tension and mental
foreplay. Seriously.

Maria: Trick is a yummy treat for sure!!!

Wendy: did some one say Trick?!?!?!

malywa78: I love me some Trick too!!

malywa78: or Treat

malywa78: or Treat

M Leighton: Thank you, Milasy!! You are so wonderful!

Lisa46996: you got that Milasy..

Tinabina: Definitely agree with you Milasy

LoverKaren: Trick can show me some Tricks

Yesi: LOVE Trick!!! His hotness just radiated in each page! YUM!!!

Maria: I agree!! Michelle, I LOVE all your books!!! The stories are great and the guys are

LoverKaren: Emarel welcoms

M Leighton: It's funny, they each represent a nearly real guy, but also some kind of milestone in
my career. It's strange

LoverKaren: Welcome with a e not an s

LoverMichelle: What is it with these men and their...um....horses?

bookbesties: thats interesting michelle

malywa78: I would love to be in your mind just for one day!! preferably in a hot scene!!

M Leighton: Bahahaha LoverMichelle, I'm gonna finish that up one of these days!

Milasy: Whoa really Leighton? Damn you are one lucky woman!

Yesi: LOL Michelle!

LoverKaren: Because guys who ride horses are Gorgeous powerful men

Yesi: Damn horseback riding is HOT!!!

M Leighton: LMAO It's never dull!

LoverMichelle: You teased us so much with Alec and Sam and that horse!

LoverMichelle: GRRRRR....
kate: Madly series coming along

bookbesties: yea she did

Arethea: Hahaha Love the old spice commercial in UIB

emarel: love Alec and Sam

M Leighton: hehehe

Maria: I gotta say, there's a riding academy near me and...nope not a one LOL

Sarah d joined the chat 14 days ago

Milasy: hahahaah me too Arethea!

Yesi: Haha Maria!

Wendy: absolutely Milasy

M Leighton: Kate, Madly will be getting another installment later this year

bookbesties: it makes me want to almost take up riding

kate: sweet! thank you

Brandie: can't wait for Madly!

M Leighton: Wonder if we could get an Alec shaped saddle?

emarel: I also love Sam's sister

Milasy: Fave line, "All good?" swoon

LoverKaren: Jump and ask quesiton

Yesi: Me too bookbesties!

bookbesties: you should tots do a book about chirs!

DFergus: Michelle, one of my favorite things about your writing is your dialogue, you make
your men speak super sexy!!!

malywa78: OMG!! I think everyone would want to ride that saddle!!

M Leighton: Emarel, Chris is one of my favorite secondary characters! And Milasy, I LOVE

MommyKDS: are there any plans to take some of your paranormal romance idea like your
young adult series and make it an adult romance with a paranormal take?

bookbesties: book for chris???

M Leighton: Chris will get a book for sure

Arethea: Question: Wht's Alec problem with 3

Wendy: Raises my hand...see me waving?!?!?!

Yesi: Michelle L of all thr hotties you have given us, who is your favorite?

LoverKaren: Great Question MommyKDS

Arethea: Floor in the club?

bookbesties: yes! fist pump!

M Leighton: DFergus, I've had a lot of male friends in my life. Hopefully, it's authentic

DFergus: wow, can I meet them?? Wait, I'm married.

malywa78: I like MommyKDS question!!

Arethea: Ops What's Alec problem with the 3 floor in the club?

Yesi: Lol Danielle!

M Leighton: MommyKDS, I actually have a couple of adult paranormals that I've never

LoverKaren: Please Please tell me your male friends look like your characters, getting into
truck now

M Leighton: Arethea, can you rephrase? I'm not sure I understand.

bookbesties: lol @ loverkaren

M Leighton: Wndy!!!!

bookbesties: im with you!

Maria: Lol Karen

MommyKDS: well I can't wait,I have everything you've published and have loved them all!


LoverKaren: BO

LoverKaren: He needed a shout out

M Leighton: I'm so glad MommyKDS! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Arethea, Alec didn't take

Sam to the third floor because of the...

Wendy: oh my Michelle..nearly a real guy?!?!?! ok I think I just swooned! tee hee

Arethea: Jackson

M Leighton: progressive nature of what went on up there.

emarel: We want a book about Chris please..and another book aabout Sam and Alec....love Dr.

Sarah d: Hi michelle!!! Fancy meeting you here tonight!!! Lol no question just wanted to say
hi!! ** waves**

Milasy: Michelle do you have a personal favorite BBF? Mine was Cash but i kinda love Alec
now too

LoverMichelle: Did everybody gasp when they found out about Dr. B? I'm like, "WTh?"

M Leighton: Sam and Alec will get a few scenes in Chris's book

LoverKaren: Hey ML will go to the third floor with you!

bookbesties: I have to say, the who Alec and Dr. B thing shock the hell outta me

Lover Amanda joined the chat 14 days ago

Tinabina: yes!!! that was a shocker.

Arethea: Have to go Love U All Have Fun A Big Hug for my Lovely Lady

Maria: YAY!!! Alec <3

malywa78: I would love to read your adult paranormal stories

M Leighton: Sarah!!!!! Thanks for coming, chickie!! <3

LoverKaren: Bye Arethea

bookbesties: yes! Lovermichelle

Wendy: I'm right thete with u Milasy!

LoverMichelle: Bye Arethea

Lover Amanda: Hi, Michelle! Just popping in for a moment to say "I love you" Paul McCartney

kristin g: me too bookbesties!

Sarah d: Nowhere I would rather be!!! <3

M Leighton: Milasy, I'm usually partial to whoever I'm "in bed with" *snickers* at the moment.
Right now, I'm still in Alec's a bit

Milasy: Wendy *high 5*

emarel: Any more books of Sam and Alec?

Hoang: LoverMichele.. I had a feeling something was up with the Doc, but I couldn't put my
finger on it... Then I was like "WTH? Did he know?" so many questions!

Brandie joined the chat 14 days ago

Denise: sorry i'm late to the party. I just want to say I loved Until I Break.

LoverKaren: hi Denise pull up a chair to the gab fest


Wendy: *fist bump* sister!

M Leighton: By Areathea!! <3 Hi, Lover Amanda! Love the singing

Yesi: Me too Hoang! The thought that he might be Alec briefly crossed my mind.

Maria: me too Hoang...just something about the doc and Alec too, going to her author event..

DFergus: Random question, but will Cash and Olivia be featured in Everything For Us or is it
just Nas and Marissa?
M Leighton: Denise, I'm so, so glad to hear it! Emarel, no, no more specifically for Sam and

Milasy: Good question DFergus!

Denise: I really need more Alec and Sam.

bookbesties: good question dfergus

Yesi: Good one Danielle! I want more Cash and Olivial!

Kat joined the chat 14 days ago

malywa78: I'm definitely looking forward to Nash's story

bookbesties: i need more cash in my life

Maria: I want more Cash, too

kristin g: love sam and alec. i loved cash until alec came along.

Lover Tiffany joined the chat 14 days ago

M Leighton: DFergus, Cash and Olivia are in book 3 quite a bit!!! And they get some

malywa78: he is an enigma

malywa78: he is an enigma


DFergus: ***sigh**** goooood!

Yesi: Awesome!!!!!

M Leighton: Kristin G I could squeeze you!

bookbesties: yay!

Yesi: Do we get some of Cash's POV?

Lover Tiffany: Good evening everyone!

Hoang: Since Sam and Alec's story was going to be book 1 in a spin off type series, will we be
seeing any other "twisted" novels
malywa78: dang it my enter button is acting crazy. sorry ya'll

M Leighton: Lover Tiffany!!! *hugs you tight*

Sarah d: Glad to hear we will get more cash!! Yippee

kristin g: alec wooooo

bookbesties: more of the bathroom and tractor time i hope

Maria: You made my night!!! Love Cash!!!!

Kat: I missed half of this! I thought it was in twitter

Wendy: oh any time with Cash is yummy Michelle! ,)

DFergus: good one Hoang!

Denise: Will their be a book about Chris from Until I Break because I really want to know her

Yesi: I want to know that too Hoang.

M Leighton: Yesi, nothing from Cash's POV, but I'm considering doing a novella about...a
particular time in their life.

MommyKDS: how do you write so fast? one of my favorite things about you is you never keep
us avid fans waiting long!

M Leighton: Hoang, I plan to do Chris's story for sure. Maybe one or two others. I have ideas
bouncing around in my head.

Yesi: We would LOVE a novella!!!

DFergus: there's going to be 4 books to the bad boy series right?

bookbesties: this is a goo fhtin mommykds

bookbesties: thing*

Yesi: I'll take any CASH I can get!!!

malywa78: I'm with you on that Yesi

Maria: Cash <3

M Leighton: I'm a workaholic, MommyKDS. LOL

kristin g: amen Yesi

Wendy: me too Yesi!

Hoang: MLeighton. I'm glad to hear it. =D I got my paperback copy in the mail today...

Milasy: I gotta run, thanks for hosting LiteratureLovers!

MommyKDS: I agree it is something I am amazed by and wish more authors were talented
enough to do this

M Leighton: DFergus, 3 books for sure. Don't know how long Gavin's will be. Novella vs book

emarel: More Cash and Nash ?

M Leighton: Novel, rather.

Denise: Will Sam and Alec be in Chris's story?

Yesi: Waiting for mine Hoang.

bookbesties: ohh gavin

LoverKaren: Book For Gavin Book for Gavin

bookbesties: hes another hottie

M Leighton: Bye, Milasy!!!

Milasy: Leighton you are AMAZING! Night all.

Yesi: Novel please!!!

bookbesties: night!

Maria: Gavin needs a book!!

DFergus: yeah novel please haha

M Leighton: Denise, Sam and Alec will def be in Chris's!

Wendy: Night Milasy

Yesi: I have a feeling Gavin is will be just as yummy as Cash!

kristin g: oooh yes Gavin!

bookbesties: me too yesi

Maria: I agree Yesi!!

LoverKaren: Denise, Michelle answered that question earlier , scroll up

Hoang: LOL... we're always wanting MORE, more Cash, more Alec... more stories!!...


LoverKaren: More BO

LoverMichelle: Michelle ~ what book comes out next?

LoverMichelle: Refresh our memory.

Denise: Yay!!!!

Lover Amanda: Gavin + Accent = Hotness. #ThatIsAll

M Leighton: Gavin is gonna be a little darker, but with that sarcastic, strangely easy-going edge.
He fascinates me!

DFergus: Michelle, has there been any sex scenes you've written where you had to take a
breather and thought "hot damn, that was hot"!

bookbesties: exactly lover amanda

M Leighton: I totally want to do another Bo, Lover Karen!

Yesi: Can't wait to read his full, length book!

LoverKaren: I want a full length 700 page Gavin story

Maria: dark is good!!

emarel: What is your next book?

LoverKaren: Yes Harry Potter size book for Gavin

Yesi: Karen we are on the same page!

Maria: me too Karen!!

M Leighton: LoverMichelle, the next NEW one will be Everything for Us through Berkley in
September. After that, The Wild Child unless

Lover Amanda: I've come at the perfect time! I just gasped at the mention of Bo! EEEP!

M Leighton: I can get another one ready for October

DFergus: LOL LoverKaren

LoverKaren: Got Lover Amanda Hooked on BO

Wendy: aww..dark I like!

M Leighton: DFergus, GIRL! I do that almost every time! bahahahahaha I love sex scene days!


DFergus: gigglig to myself

DFergus: I freaking LOVE your sex scenes!!!

Maria: I can see why...your sex scenes are HOTT

LoverKaren: We Know Lover Michelle's Hubby Lover Sex scene days too.

M Leighton: DFergus, I'm so glad! I SO enjoy bringing them to you! LMAO

Yesi: Ditto Danielle!

LoverMichelle: shhhhh!

emarel: Looiking forward to your next book EVERYTHING FOR US

bookbesties: yes defurus, they are always so, SO!

LoverMichelle: Don't tell my secrets!

Hoang: LOL... I think we all LOVE the sex scenes!!

Wendy: michelle I LOVE sex scene days too!!!!

malywa78: I have to say my husband really enjoys your sex scenes too!!!LOL
M Leighton: Emarel, I can't wait to get it to you! I hope you love it!

Melanie: Yes we do

malywa78: *wink wink*

LoverMichelle: Okay, roll call ~ best sex scene of all Michelle's books. Go....

Hoang: I seriously don't know where you come up with some of them. Just when I think I've
read everything.... BAM... something new and effing sexy!

Yesi: LoverMichelle requests a shower scene Michelle!

M Leighton: I think most of our hubbies benefit on sex scene day/pages



DFergus: oh geez, I can't hink of just one!

bookbesties: bathroom scene !

LoverKaren: A specific type of shower scene

emarel: I'm sure I will.

bookbesties: with cash and olivia

malywa78: Cash and Olivia in the upstairs VIP Room

Maria: Lemonade with Alec

Yesi: Heck yeah! No complaints out my hubby!

Hoang: I love the Maybe it's Cash... Maybe it's Nash scene.

LoverMichelle: Bathroom scene = lemonade with Alec (tied)

Wendy: damn I can't pick....

DFergus: Hoang, LOVE that one!

bookbesties: the tractor with olivia and cahs

Yesi: I read him the VIP room scene he was like DAMN THAT WAS HOT! Lol
bookbesties: cash*

Maria: Love that too Hoang

M Leighton: This is fascinating to me!

kristin g: me too hoang

Maria: bathroom scene with Cash

Cheryl joined the chat 14 days ago

Lover Amanda: I can't drink whiskey without thinking of Cash.

malywa78: I want to start drinking after reading that scene

Yesi: Bathroom scene when he make p

Yesi: makes her watch

bookbesties: yes yesi! so hot!!!

Tinabina: VIP scene with Cash is one of the hottest scenes

malywa78: that scene was hot too Yesi

Wendy: bathroom...vip...whiskey..lemonade! !!!

Cheryl: Finished Until I Break last night. I loved it!

LoverKaren: Question ML could they be scene from ViP room

Hoang: I loved the sexy things Alec said to Sam while they were on the horse!! HOLY MOLY!!

Yesi: Don't forget the hood of the car!!!

LoverKaren: Hi Cheryl

M Leighton: Cheryl, I'm so, so glad!!! Wahooooooooooooooo *bounces*

malywa78: what will be your next drink of choice Michelle

bookbesties: omg yes yesi!!!

Maria: Love the car Yesi

Yesi: Hold on...gotta go turn on the ceiling fan...

bookbesties: lol

malywa78: LOL

M Leighton: LoverKaren, I like to think that maybe if the lights hit just right that they COULD

LoverKaren: I need a cold drink, Lemonade

Maria: Fan, I need the AC on HIGH!! LOL

DFergus: getting hot in here Yesi??

Yesi: The car was HOT!!!! Like I am taking you right here right now! LOVE CASH!!!

malywa78: time to break out the ice!!

bookbesties: i think i feel a re-read coming on!

M Leighton: malywa78, I can't tell you it won't be milk. Bahahahaha

LoverMichelle: Haha Yesi!

Yesi: Haha!!!

Maria: Hahaha

malywa78: but it does the body good!!!

Yesi: Just a bit Danielle!

Wendy: ok Michelle ..lets face it..u do damn hot work Girl!!!

M Leighton: I guess the right guy could make milk sexy.

DFergus: haha

LoverKaren: Nash= Tequila

LoverKaren: straight no lime no salt

Yesi: I was just thinking that bookbesties!

bookbesties: milk, on the rocks

DFergus: Michelle, who's your fav leading man you've written?

bookbesties: lol yesi

M Leighton: Bookbesties, ever?

Yesi: Yes Karen! Tequila!!!

LoverKaren: Oh that's right Danielle she never answered.

LoverKaren: Please jump in and ask questions,

DFergus: haha didn't know that question was asked

bookbesties: yea

Yesi: By me Danielle.

LoverKaren: Oh at beginning of convo,

DFergus: ohhhhhh

LoverKaren: So Michelle Leighton, SPILL

M Leighton: Well, I guess like your first anything, I'd probably be slightly partial to my very
first BFF that I wrote. Jericho.

LoverKaren: AWWWW

LoverMichelle: If you could spend one night with any of your male characters, would who it

LoverKaren: Now nuts and bolts, who would you want in you bed.

DFergus: ^^^ good one

bookbesties: do you have a LEAST fav character that you have written?

Yesi: Good one LoverMichelle!

LoverMichelle: Okay Karen, yeesh, get so dirty!

M Leighton: Yikes! Probably Cash or Nash. I don't write NEARLY what's in my head. EVER.
And those boys... whew!

Maria: Is it bad that I want 5 of them????

Yesi: Hahaha Maria!

kristin g: hahahaha Maria

LoverKaren: I am going with ALEC

M Leighton: LMAO Marisa

malywa78: I could go for twins!!

bookbesties: nooo maria, not at all

M Leighton: Oops, Maria. I was in character mode. LOL

LoverMichelle: hahahahhahahahhaha

i: I was thinking Trick and Cash but then I didn't want to leave out Alec...so all of them it is!

Yesi: So LOL Maria!

malywa78: that's a menage a lot!!

LoverKaren: Yesi , you naughty girl you

LoverMichelle: Yesi!

DFergus: I would say Cash since we've read more about him, but damn, Alec sure knows how to

Yesi: Haha!!!!

M Leighton: Yesi, LOL

LoverKaren: But we were all thinking the same thing. HAha

Wendy: lolol I see nothing wrong with twins!!

Yesi: Yes Michelle brings that out in me!

Maria: I got kicked out!!! Guess it was too many!! LOL

LoverKaren: Sorry Maria,

malywa78: I hope you stretch. you don't want to pull anything, LOL

M Leighton: Maria, you offended Chatzy

Yesi: Lol

bookbesties: lol

M Leighton: Malywa78 BAhahahahaha

Maria: No Problem!! it's ok for Cash, Nash, Alec, Gavin, Trick...I'll risk it


bookbesties: this chat is taking a turn for something else!

Wendy: lolol Chatzy got flustered!

bookbesties: and i LIKE it

LoverKaren: Chatzy has a mind of its own, trust me I think it is terminator

LoverKaren: We maybe making Chatzy blush

malywa78: LOL Maria and Yesi

M Leighton: Do y'all like it better when you get several books about the same characters? Or
new books about different ones?

LoverKaren: Maria is going for them all

Yesi: What are you working on now? Someone may have asked already.

bookbesties: both

Maria: could you imagine you and ALL of them!!! ***fanning self ***

Hoang: Several books!! and New books!!

Hoang: =D

Maria: Both...

kristin g: any books by u are awesome

LoverKaren: Maria go get Madley and Blood like Poison and add a few guys

bookbesties: i love to see what happened to the same cahracters but when its their time its there
Denise: Both

Yesi: Love when a series continues with characters we have fallen in love with.

DFergus: Several books

M Leighton: Kristin G...*squeezes you until you see spots*

malywa78: I like new characters but I like them to come full circle at some point

MrsAlecBrand: I like several books with the same characters

Wendy: I'm greedy..I like both!

Yesi: But yeah, both for me too.

malywa78: I hope that make sense

Smrmodel13: I like both too

Maria: me too Wendy

DFergus: Even though Alec and Sam has an HEA, I wanted to read more about them

kristin g:

Yesi: Me too Danielle!

LoverMichelle: Me three!

bookbesties: me too dergus

Smrmodel13: Me too.

emarel: I love reading series...hate major cliffhanger.

Smrmodel13: I'm so impatient

malywa78: I agree emarel

M Leighton: When I finish out a series or story about characters, I always hate that I don't have
more to write. I like to leave it open a little

malywa78: cliffhangers are tough

Maria: Michelle, are you going to be in NYC on may 30.? At the Javitz center event?
kristin g: i am impatient too. come on september!

LoverKaren: I like series and stand alone books as long as they are written by a fabulous writer
* go look in mirror*

MommyKDS joined the chat 14 days ago

M Leighton: I think I have a different definition of cliffhanger than y'all. I purposely thought I
DID NOT do cliffhangers with Cash and Nash

LoverKaren: If you get kicked out, just jump back into the fray,

emarel: Maybe a series but about the different characters in the story.

M Leighton: Yes, Maria. I'll be there

MommyKDS: have we met Jericho yet?

malywa78: cliffhangers are tough when you have to wait longer than 6 months. I get emotional
invested in a chracter

LoverMichelle: I didn't think Cash and Nash was a cliffhanger. But that's just me.

Yesi: I agree ^^^

kristin g: you left me wanting more cash n nash not so much a cliffhanger

Yesi: Waiting that long sucks!

Maria: YES!!! Playing hooky!!! Coming to see you!!!! Jumping up and down!!!!!!

LoverKaren: If you are idle for too long or Chatzy becomes terminator it may kick you out.

LoverKaren: Maria, WOW

Yesi: Yay Maria!!!

M Leighton: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Maria!!!!!!!!

Smrmodel13: I'm jealous. I wanna go.

malywa78: No the Cash/Nash series had great ending for sure

Smrmodel13: Come to Detroit / Chicago

Maria: soo excited!!!!!!!!

M Leighton: I try always to leave hope and happiness at the end, even if there are more books

kristin g: i wanna cya to and i'm in SC LOL

emarel: Chicago...please come to Chicago

M Leighton: I'd love to come to Chicago, Smrmodel13! My BFF lives there and I need to go

malywa78: I truly like that about your books. you leave me satisfied

Yesi: I loved the ending of The Wild Ones but I wanted soooooooo much more!!!

LoverKaren: Well Michelle we will find you a book even to attend

Yesi: I'm greedy like that!

LoverKaren: Or will just find a Barnes and Nobles

Smrmodel13: Lets do it

M Leighton: I'm so glad malywa78 I always try to accomplish that

Maria: the thing for me is when I love the characters, I never want it to end...and that's all your
books! I could read about them forever!!

LoverKaren: See Maria wants a 700 page Gavin novel too, yes that is what I got out of her

Yesi: Me too Maria!

Maria: <3

M Leighton: That's a wonderful compliment!!! I have read many books I've felt that way about,
so that makes me very happy!!!

Maria: absolutely Karen!!

LoverKaren: Fist bump

malywa78: Kristin g, check out BookBash. it will be in Orlando. I live in Augusta GA

kristin g: same here Maria. 2 days max and i am done with the book

Maria: fist bump

malywa78: it not too far

M Leighton: I tend to write books with a fairly rapid pace, so they don't usually near the 700
mark. LOL Although my very first book was 550+

MrsAlecBrand: Books & Books in Coral Gables, FL is a great place for a book signing!

LoverKaren: Malywa We will be at book Bash

MommyKDS: what was your first book?

M Leighton: MrsAlecBrand, Coral Gables? Isn't that near Miami? *please say yes*

Maria: I read UIB in a night....kids were a bit hungry :/ but they survived! LOL

malywa78: YAY!!! I'm going to look for you!!

kristin g: haha love ur name mrsalecbrand

Yesi: Lol Maria!

LoverKaren: Maria Spaghetti O's, the food for book Mom's everywhere

M Leighton: MommyKDS, my first book was an adult paranormal romance about *cough*
vampires Of course

bookbesties joined the chat 14 days ago

LoverKaren: Vampires, Hmmm

MommyKDS: Love it !

MrsAlecBrand: Yes! It is in Miami

Maria: nothing wrong with vampires! Karen, lol

kristin g: i know what ya mean maria. mine ate at 9 that night

Hoang: LOL Maria!

LoverKaren: I love me some Vampire Maria,

Smrmodel13: Anytime I read about vampires I ALWAYS picture Ian Somerhalder or Robert

malywa78: Love me some vamps!!

M Leighton: I'm packing my bag, MrsAlecBrand! And I LOVE your name!! *claps happily*

LoverKaren: Ask Lover Michelle she has to proof all my reviews and she thinks I am CRAZY

Sarah d: Nobody ever comes as far north as Syracuse for a signing NYC is a bit far at a 5
hour train ride!

Maria: me too Karen!! Looks like I need to read another one! What is the title?

M Leighton: Maria, that makes me smile so big!!

Wendy: speaking of characters..and the yummy men in your books are based on men you have
known ...how about your female leads?

Yesi: Vampires are HOT! Well cold but HOT!

M Leighton: 5 hours, Sarah? Yikes

bookbesties: sooo what did i miss?

malywa78: Yesi!! you are crazy!!

M Leighton: hehe Yesi

Yesi: I try makywa78

Sarah d: Yes by train! NY is a big frickin state!! Lol

Hoang: Who's POV has been your favorite to write?

Maria: Sarah, I drove to Syracuse for Elton/Billy Joel concert....not a fun ride

malywa78: Yesi are you on twitter cause I want to start stalking you, but only with your

Maria: LOLYesi!! True

bookbesties: lol maria

M Leighton: Wendy, the only book I've ever written that has any real life link to a character was
the grandmother in Caterpillar

M Leighton: All my characters are strictly in my head for some reason.

Wendy: aw..ok
kristin g: are you doing any book signings in SC anytime soon?

Yesi: I am on twitter but I am an amateur ans rarely use it. I guess I need to get with the program.

MrsAlecBrand: Thank you Miss Leighton. ☻

M Leighton: Hoang, I've gotten so used to writing in present tense, I much prefer it I used to
hate it!

Sarah d: And it takes another hour or so to get to the train from fort drum! I have researched!!


emarel: I'm not a vampire fan, but love HOT MEN <3 <3

M Leighton: I'm sorry, Hoang. I totally misread that question. POV? Probably the male. I have
no idea why. LOL

Wendy: well..I really love the people in your head!!

LoverKaren: Sarah, entire family are upstate new yorkers it is the terrain that makes the travel
soooooooooo looooooongggggg

Yesi: Which male Michelle?

M Leighton: Kristin G, I'll be in Charleston in February

Yesi: Is your favorite POv

Maria: I really like the male POV and I love that you do both POV

Hoang: LOL, I've heard other authors say the same... that the guy's POV is easier or more fun to

bookbesties: hey are you doing bookbash michelle?

Yesi: I love when a book is written in dual POVs

kristin g: thats almost a whole year **sighs**

Maria: Me too Yesi

Wendy: me too Yesi!

DFergus: ditto yesi

LoverKaren: Book Besties I can answer that, YES to Book Bash for Michelle

M Leighton: Yesi, you are a sneaky little minx! LOL Which male? Hmmm, well the most
fascinating was Alec. He had so many dimensions

Sarah d: Heck yeah I just drove 6 hours to PA for my HS reunion and its all up and down
through the mountains

LoverMichelle: And the Lovers ~ party Friday night!

bookbesties: yes!!!!! *dances*

Yesi: Lol

Maria: loved being in Alec's head!!

M Leighton: bookbesties, I am totally doing Book Bash!

LoverKaren: With LOTs and LOTs of Tequila

bookbesties: awww yea!

MrsAlecBrand: I'd love to go to Charleston in February...only been there in July HOT

Yesi: LOVED Alec and all his thoughts...he as ALL GOOD

Hoang: When you get a sex scene in mind... do you usually think of it from the girl's POV or the

LoverKaren: GREAT Question Hoang

M Leighton: MrsAlecBrand, even as close as I live, I've never been there, so I'm very much
looking forward to it

Yesi: Good one Hoang!

kristin g: yeah Charleston in the summer is HOT

bookbesties: good ? hoang

M Leighton: Hoang, it totally depends on where I am in the story. I've happened across one
before and it been in one POV, so I have to wait and

M Leighton: work it in later in the story.

MrsAlecBrand: It is my favorite city. I summer in Isle of Palms.

LoverKaren: Oh BTW who enjoyed the EXTRA somin somin in the new Edition The Wild

Sarah d: I may or may not have an in to charleston in February I'm planning on getting there!!

Wendy: I loved Alec's POV

M Leighton: I hope you can come, Sarah!!!!!

Yesi: MEEEEEE Karen!!!

Maria: Meeeee Karen!!!!

LoverMichelle: I would like extended scene of Alec and Sam on the horse. Just sayin'

LoverKaren: Whhoooop Whooop

Yesi: I have 3 versions of that book! Lol

Hoang: LoverMichelle... i agree!!

M Leighton: He was so complex, I always fell into his thoughts and got lost for longer than
usual. LOL

Maria: Trick!!!!

DFergus: ^^^^^^ YES PLEASE!

DFergus: Quick Michelle, write it now haha

LoverKaren: LoverMichelle, How about going to see the turtle hatch, we need a scene there too

bookbesties: lol

Yesi: The two Kindle ones and the paperback. Yes, I love Trick!!!

M Leighton: You know when I think about a beach scene, I always picture them picking sand
out of their crack later. LMAO

LoverKaren: Hey, Yesi: I saw Trick First,

Sarah d: My ticket is already taken care of michelle I just need to get there from here!

DFergus: Was there an emotional scene for you to write between Alec and Sam?

Yesi: Lol
Maria: LMAO!!!

bookbesties: cause that TOTALLY is what they do!!

LoverKaren: LOL

LoverMichelle: Speaking of sea turtles, Michelle, Robbie Clapp sent this to me and said it
reminded her of you. http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20...

kristin g: hahahaha sandy crack

Yesi: Karen, yeah, I don't think so! Lol

Wendy: Lmao

MrsAlecBrand: Hahahahahaha !!! Sandy cheeks!

Maria: Yesi you gave him to me, remember?

M Leighton: I'm not sure why, bc usually the HEA is more giddy for me, but I bawled over
Sam's part of the epilogue

M Leighton: ^^ was for DFergus

Yesi: Maria, I introduced him to you but I never said you could have him!

DFergus: awwwwwww

malywa78: MrsAlecBrand, Sandy Cheeks sounds like a xxx name, LOL!!

Hoang: Where there any deleted scenes from Sam and Alec's story?... maybe 1 you can share?

Sarah d: You all crack me up!! Lol

bookbesties: I loved that Alec NEVER called Sam, Sam. It was always Samantha. So cute

M Leighton: Awwwwww, LoverMichelle thank her for me. Aren't they precious???

Maria: oh, my bad...took him anyway ;p

LoverKaren: Yeah I do

LoverKaren: that was for Yesi

Yesi: Me too bookbesties!


bookbesties: right yesi!

Yesi: Of course you did Maria, he is HOT!!!!

LoverKaren: I read the book the first day as it released EARly. We will compare Amazon
receipts, LOL

Bethany Lopez joined the chat 14 days ago

Yesi: Lol Karen!

DFergus: Good one Hoang, any deleted scenes??

M Leighton: Hoang, I never have deleted scenes for some reason I guess where I write as I
go... I wish I did, though. I've written extras before

LoverKaren: You better watch it Yesi, HaHa


MrsAlecBrand: Lol malywa78! Maybe it is

Bethany Lopez: Did I miss it??? I just saw the post on FB! Hi Ms. M!!!


M Leighton: Bethany!!! Y'all, this is Bethany, she has a book that's tearing up the charts as we

LoverKaren: Okay Yesi , we can share.

Hoang: awe =( LOL... I just want more of Alec and well of course Sam, but mostly Alec.

Yesi: Book Bash Karen...it's on!!!

LoverKaren: Bring it girl

M Leighton: Hoang, he totally got under my skin!

Yesi: Ok, truce, we can share. I like that

bookbesties: lol I will be with you girls too!

LoverKaren: We can settle it with a drinking game

Maria: I'll keep him so you two don't have to fight

Yesi: Yes!!!!


LoverKaren: Oh darn Maria stole him from us, when we weren't looking, DARN

malywa78: I will be at bookbash and I will have a lemonade stand for you ladies!!


M Leighton: Bahahaha I like that malywa78

bookbesties: me too!

LoverKaren: Okay gotta go find another Dude, written by Michelle,

Wendy: Lolol malywa 78

Yesi: Nice malywa78!

malywa78: oh heck we will even have a Cash bar, too!!

LoverKaren: Malywa LMAO

LoverMichelle: haha

LoverKaren: Ha ha

Yesi: As long as it'd hard.

bookbesties: oh Im so there

Yesi: the lemonade people

Maria: LOL!!! I wanna go!!!! :'(

LoverKaren: and smooth Yesi, Hard and smooth

bookbesties: omg yesi! lol

Yesi: it's

Yesi: lol sorry I need to stop!

LoverKaren: or He

bookbesties: suuuure

Maria: LOL Yesi

Yesi: Lol

Yesi: Michelle when you wrote athe

bookbesties: that's it yesi, im finding you at book bash and tackling you

Hoang: Was there a significance to the fact that the two sisters' names being more on the
masculine side?

Yesi: The Wild Ones did you have a image of Trick? Celeb?

Hoang: LOL Yesi!!

MrsAlecBrand: M - when did you decide to become a writer?

kristin g: good ? hoang

Yesi: Bookbesties I look forward to it!

bookbesties: dang Hoang your questions are awesome!

Bethany Lopez: Any news on when we'll see Trick again?

M Leighton: Hoang, no. I just liked that they were both shortened to masculine ones. Just
thought it was cute for them. Don't know why. LOL

bookbesties: @ yesi

Yesi: Hoang that totally crossed my mind too.

M Leighton: MrsAlecBrand, in June of 2009. Best. Day. Ever.

M Leighton: Bethany, The Wild Child, Rusty and Jenna's novella, will release in November.
There's LOTS of Trick and Cami in it

DFergus: Thank Gof for that day!

DFergus: God

Yesi: Yes!!!
Maria: Best day for us tooo!!!!!

M Leighton: *blushes*

Wendy: That is so awesome Michelle...I bet it was!

Yesi: Is it a novella for sure or any chance you'll turn it into a full length novel?

Wendy: No kidding Maria!

Bethany Lopez: Yay!!!

DFergus: How did Alec find Sam's home? Very stalker, was he searching for her before?

MrsAlecBrand: That's awesome. I feel like I have a story but I don't think I could ever be
disciplined enough to sit and write it.

M Leighton: Wendy, whoever said find what you love to do and then figure out a way to make
money doing it. That's what I tried to do.

M Leighton: Yesi, yes it's def a novella, but it's near novel length. I just had to keep it a bit
shorter so Berkley could combine it with PB of book 2

Hoang: And we're so thankful you love to write... cause I love to read what you write!!

Yesi: Oh ok, thanks!

Wendy: Absolutely, the best advice Michelle!

Maria: I am so glad that you love to write!!!

Yesi: Ditto Hoang!

M Leighton: DFergus, originally, I had them make a bit of a game of it, but Alec's character was
a bit too dark for that. He found her bc he

DFergus: Hoang and I tried writing a book, it's damn hard, I envy authors!

M Leighton: Thank y'all so much!!!

M Leighton: DFergus, I don't think anyone realizes what all goes into it until they try. LOL

MrsAlecBrand: Writing is an amazing art. M is quite an accomplished artist.

M Leighton: MrsAlecBrand, THANK YOU!!! I strive every day to get better and better at my
craft. Like anything, I think practice makes a difference
DFergus: haha so true

Maria: Totally agree MrsAlecBrand!!

malywa78: i can barely write a grocery list, LOL

Wendy: Well put Mrsalecbrand!

malywa78: I agree MrsAlecBrand

bookbesties: lol @ malywa78

kristin g: hahaha malywa78 i write mine and leave it at home or work

malywa78: me too kristin g

emarel: i'm glad I got my copy of UNTIL I BREAK before it was too late.

malywa78: me too emarel

LoverKaren: Hey Gals WE Love you all but final call for question

SarahD joined the chat 14 days ago

M Leighton: YAY Emarel!!!!

malywa78: I'm going to start it soon

M Leighton: I hope you love it malywa78

bookbesties: not a question just I love you and stalk...i mean talk to you on twitter!

Yesi: Thank you Michelle Leighton for bringing us these fantastic characters! Love ya!!!

M Leighton: Bahahahaha You're awesome, bookbesties

bookbesties: bye guys! hope to see some of you at book bash!

LoverKaren: Michelle Thank You for coming tonight.

SarahD: It was great to hang in here on and off with everyone!!!! Michelle I <3 you

M Leighton: Yesi, it is 100 percent my pleasure! Thank y'

malywa78: Michelle I can't wait to see you again @ Bookbash!! And anyone else who is going
to Orlando I hope I bump into you.
LoverKaren: We all appreciate these chats,

M Leighton: oops premature entry. hehe Thank y'all for reading!

Maria: Michelle looking forward to meeting you next Thursday!!!! Soooo excited!!!! Thank you
for chatting !!

MrsAlecBrand: It was a pleasure chatting with you Ms Leighton. Please continue bringing us
these wonderful stories and unforgettable characters! See you in Miami!

Yesi: Night y'all! It's been fun!!!

kristin g: i love to talk/stalk u on FB LOL keep up the awesome work.

LoverMichelle: Yeah! So glad you are going Maria!

Wendy: ♥ YOU Michelle!!!

Maria: good night everyone!! Thank you LLL for another awesome chat!

DFergus: You rock Michelle, one of my all time fav authors!

Hoang: Yes, thank you Michelle for giving us Alec and Sam. =D

Yesi: Maria it's next Thursday? Woohoo!!!!



M Leighton: Thank you for having me, LoverKaren! Malywa78, see you there! Maria, YAY!!!
MrsAlecBrand, thank you for coming and choosing that name

Wendy: Second that Hoang!


M Leighton: Love you, too, sarah!

Yesi: Ditto DFergus aka Danielle!

M Leighton: Love you, Wendy! Night, Maria! DFergus, you just totally made my night!


Maria: agree Dfergus!!!

M Leighton: Hoang, it was truly, truly my pleasure!!!

kristin g:

Maria: sweet dreams all!


emarel: bye everyone...my first chat with my favorite author MICHELLE LEIGHTON is a
blast..see you all next time

malywa78: LoverMichelle and LoverKaren ya'll are the best!! .

SarahD: Night everyone!!!

M Leighton: Thanks for coming out, everyone! Love and appreciate each and every one of
you!!!! See you out there!

LoverKaren: Don't forget to tip the bartenders Trick, Cash, Nash, Gavin, and Alec for all the
pleasure they have provided

Maria: taking care of that Karen

kristin g: amen karen

LoverKaren: Thanks malywa see you on the 29th

malywa78: sho nuf!!

LoverKaren: Ladies no pushing to get to the bar

LoverMichelle: Thanks malywa78! See you in Orlando. Like I said, we'll be out "partying" on
Friday night with Michelle in tow. She and I have a "date."

malywa78: kewl, I will be there Friday so I will find you on twitter.

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