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De Alba System - Modern Farang Mu Sul

The Art of Endless Options

Adapted by Master Nelson Pinto,
from Grand Master De Alba info, Founder of MFMS
The process oI Martial Arts training, prepares individuals Ior a myriad oI selI deIense
scenarios. Most training evolves around Ioundational basics, mental and physical
development, and perhaps Iorms practice. The more combative styles include practical
sparring and selI deIense techniques.
However, when an individual needs to use their knowledge in a selI deIense situation
the true "practical" nature oI an art shows itselI. For example, most martial systems
generally include deIenses against grabs, punches, kicks, chokes and even weapon
attacks (usually kniIe and club). In the process oI these selI deIense responses a style's
Iocus or emphasis becomes oI critical importance. II the art in question has strong
kicking Iocus, guess what most oI the selI deIense responses will be? ...kicks.
Conversely, iI grappling or punching is main area emphasized, well they will surely
materialize in the selI deIense sets.
The problem here lies in the Iact that REAL attacks are not static, or with cooperative
opponents. There are NO rules, judges, points or penalties. The name oI this game is
survival. Remember the "X" Iactor: You most likely do not know who your opponent
really is, their true skill, strength, objective, determination, alone or with backup. Are
kicks something very easy Ior him to counter? Does he have an impossible to stop
shoot-in tackle? Or has he been harbouring a series oI resentments Ior the last 10 years
and is now going to take all his anger out on you because he thinks you looked at him
wrong or insulted his mother?
One oI the most comprehensive Korean martial art systems in existence today is
Modern Farang Mu Sul (which roughly translates as the Fighting Art oI the Modern
Warrior). This art is mainly derived Irom Korean Arts, such Hapkido, Sun Mu Won, Do
Hap Sul, Taekwondo and Kuk Sool. It`s main Iocus was the arts oI Hwarangdo, an
amalgamation oI Iour diIIerent versions and teaching methods oI "Classical Farang
systems" (The Ancient Korean Knights), but it has many other inIluences outside
Korean Arts, such (Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai), Karate, Jiujutsu, Kung Fu, Jeet
Kune Do, Kali and others..
This warrior's art, Modern Farang Mu Sul, with its primary Iocus oI selI deIense and
character development is currently being taught literally around the world by my
Teacher, the Founder Grand Master Michael De Alba, also by myselI has the
representative oI East Coast (US), Europe and Brazil and Master Vega (Caribbean`s
technical director and also supporting FMS internationally)
We the 3 teachers combined, have over 100 years oI martial arts training and practical
real world selI deIense application. This system oI combat is so eIIective that it has been
taught to select members oI the US Special Forces, DEA, elite military units, and police
both in the US, Europe and Asia.
What makes Modern Farang Mu Sul such a devastatingly eIIective art is its own rich
knowledge base passed down Irom the ancient Korean Farang Warriors and adaption Ior
today times. What makes the system modern is its philosophy, and primary goal, oI
eIIective combat in any environment, condition or situation. Modern Farang Mu Sul
incorporates key elements oI Kickboxing, Grappling, Trapping, Joint Locks, CQC
(Close Quarters Combat), Pressure Points, Weapons and much more into truly one oI
the most multi-Iaceted and completes martial arts available today.
Now, practicing a diversity oI combat methods is not what makes this such a
comprehensive and eIIective system, but rather it is the integration oI all the elements
that give it liIe. The lines oI separation between the tactics become blurred, so that they
eventually become as one. This is achieved by going beyond technique and
understanding the key concepts oI what makes them work, or not work Ior that matter.
From ancient times to now the art oI engaging in combat has changed. Where we used
to have Iorces walking or on horses we now have tanks and helicopters. Individual
combat has also changed; people no longer walk around with swords or lances to
protect themselves (in FMS we practice some oI this weapons, we just separate Ior the
real use and situation). Open borders between countries have allowed more knowledge
than ever to be transmitted to the public. This new knowledge has also brought with it
new ideas oI selI deIense. Any art that is to survive the coming millennium must also
adapt to this Iact. The belieI oI Modern Farang Mu Sul is the art must be tailored to
the individual, not the other way around. Each person has natural strong and weak
points. By combining elements Irom a comprehensive base, the student develops
working knowledge oI the main areas oI combat: hand strikes, Ioot strikes, grappling,
weapons work, choking, nerve attacks, throws and counters all oI these. With this
thorough and detailed training an individual no longer has weak areas, only strong and
stronger ones. It is by Iar better to have the knowledge and not the need, than the other
way around.
The mental and spiritual aspects are also not ignored. SelI-deIense is 99 mental. A
combat eIIective warrior has more than knowledge oI physical techniques, and physical
responses. Mental discipline and spiritual development are critical to creating a true
Warrior and not just a Iighter. It is in accepting responsibility Ior our own health, well-
being and the consequences oI our actions that deIine who we are. A martial art without
philosophy is like a ship sailing on the ocean without a compass or charts. Modern
Farang Mu Sul goes beyond the survival oriented street Iighters mentality, into the
philosophical, yet Iierce warrior's attitude inherent in the Farang Mu Sul Code oI Ethics:
Modern Farang Mu Sul Creed
01- Correctness in Attitude
02- Excellence in Training
03- Directness in Action
04- EIIectiveness in Combat
05- Humility in Heart
06- Strength in Character
07- Freedom in Expression
08- Thirst in Knowledge
09- Power in Truth
10- Respect in Wisdom
From this stand point oI integrating the mental and physical realms in a natural, sensible
and progressive Iashion, any individual, regardless oI "style" can beneIit. The key is to
have an open mind and a true heart. Remember, in order to reach new shores one must
Iirst leave old ones behind.
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-+- m+::.- D. ~:s+ .-,-.
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For more inIormation on seminars, classes and video tapes on Modern Farang Mu Sul,
please contact:
Grandmaster Michael De Alba
Modern Farang Mu Sul International: www.Iarangmusul.com
Master Nelson Pinto
Modern Farang Mu Sul New York: www.Iarang-alliance.org
Master Dennis Vega
Modern Farang Mu Sul Puerto Rico: http://www.masterdennisvega.com/
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Modern Farang Mu Sul . Derived and Licensed by WHRDA
Modern Farang Mu Sul . Derived and Licensed by WHRDA

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