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Only one God Why?

Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him
& we call upon Him when a clamity befalls us. And on such
occasions we forget the partners we set up with Allah.

{ 04 - 04} 6 -

Say: 'What do you think if some chastisement of Allah or the

Hour suddenly overtakes you: do you call upon any other than
Allah? Answer, if you speak the truth. Lo, it is to Him alone that
you call upon and then, if He so wills, He removes the distress for
which you had cried to Him. At that time you forget the partners
you had set up with Allah.
The Way of Ungrateful People

{ 33 - 35} 46-

Every bounty that you enjoy is from Allah; and whenever any
misfortune strikes you, it is to Him that you cry for the removal
of your distress. But as soon as He removes the distress from
you, some of you associate others with their Lord in giving
thanks, that they may show ingratitude for the bounties We
bestowed upon them. So enjoy yourselves for a while, soon you
will come to know (the truth).
Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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{ 8} 53 -

When any affliction befalls man, he cries out to his Lord, penitently
turning to Him. But when his Lord bestows His favour upon him, he
forgets the affliction regarding which he had cried out and sets up
compeers to Allah in order to lead others astray from His Path. Say,
(O Prophet): Enjoy your unbelief for a while. Surely you will be
among the inmates of the Fire.

{ 41} 44 -

And (such is man that) when an affliction befalls him, he cries out to
Us, reclining and sitting and standing. But no sooner than We have
removed his affliction, he passes on as though he had never cried
out to Us to remove his affliction. Thus it is that the misdeeds of the
transgressors are made fair-seeming to them.

{ 03} 53 -

When an affliction befalls man, he cries out to Us; but when We

grant him a favour from Us, he says: I have been granted this on
Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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account of my knowledge. Nay; this (favour) is a test; but most of

them do not know.

{ 56 - 55} 54 -

(Such are human beings) that when any misfortune befalls them,
they cry to their Lord, penitently turning to Him. But no sooner that
He lets them have a taste of His Mercy than some of them begin
associating others with their Lord in His Divinity so that they may
show ingratitude to Us for the favours We had bestowed upon
them. So, enjoy yourselves a while; but then you shall soon come to
know. Have We sent down any sanction which provides support to
their associating others with Allah in His Divinity? When We make
people have a taste of Our Mercy, they exult in it; and when any
misfortune befalls them in consequence of their deeds, then lo and
behold, they despair.
He is the only true God Who saves you from dangers in the
deep darkness of the land and the sea?

{ 63 - 65} 6 -

Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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Ask them: 'Who is it that saves you from dangers in the deep
darknesses of the land and the sea, and to whom do you call in
humility and in the secrecy of your hearts? To whom do you pray: "If
He will but save us from this distress, we shall most certainly be
among the thankful? "Say: "It is Allah alone Who saves you from this
and from every distress, and yet you associate others with Allah in
His divinity."Say: "It is He Who has the power to send forth
chastisement upon you from above you, or from beneath your feet,
or split you into hostile groups and make some of you taste each
others' violence. Behold, how We set forth Our signs in diverse
forms, so that maybe they will understand the Truth".

{ 63 - 61} 41 -

When a calamity befalls you on the sea, all those whom you invoke
forsake you except Him. But when He brings you safely to the shore
you turn away from Him, for man is indeed most thankless. Do you,
then, feel secure against His causing you to be swallowed up by a
tract of the earth, or letting loose a deadly whirlwind charged with
stones towards you, and there you will find none to protect you? Or
do you feel secure that He will not cause you to revert to the sea,
Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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and let a tempest loose upon you and then drown you for your
ingratitude whereupon you will find none even to inquire of Us what
happened to you?

{ 51 - 54} 54 -

Do you not see that ships sail in the sea by Allah's Grace that He may
show you some of His Signs? Surely there are Signs in this for
everyone who is steadfast, thankful. When waves engulf them (in
the sea) like canopies, they call upon Allah, consecrating their faith
solely to Him. But when He brings them safely to the land, some of
them become lukewarm. None denies Our Signs except the
perfidious, the ungrateful.

{ 15 - 11} 44 -

Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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He it is Who enables you to journey through the land and the sea.
And so it happens that when you have boarded the ships and they
set sail with a favourable wind, and the passengers rejoice at the
pleasant voyage, then suddenly a fierce gale appears, and wave
upon wave surges upon them from every side, and people believe
that they are surrounded from all directions, and all of them cry out
to Allah in full sincerity of faith: 'If You save us from this we will
surely be thankful. But no sooner than He rescues them than they go
about committing excesses on the earth, acting unjustly. Men ! The
excesses you commit will be of harm only to yourselves, (Enjoy, if
you will) the fleeting pleasure of this world; in the end you shall all
return to Us, and then We shall tell you what you did.
Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)?

{ 61} 11 -

Who is it Who heeds the prayers of the distressed when he calls out
to Him and Who removes his affliction? And who is it Who makes
you vicegerents of the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah
(in this task)? How little do you reflect!

Monotheism: Part 5-17: Allah is the only true God because our hearts turn only to Him when a clamity befalls us

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