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PRESS RELEASE: HK June 15 Rally to Support Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind the NSA internet and phone surveillance program has come to Hong Kong because, he says, we have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent". Snowden sacrificed his personal safety and freedom to defend our right to free speech and Internet freedom. We call on Hong Kong to respect international legal standards and procedures relating to the protection of Snowden; we condemn the U.S. government for violating our rights and privacy; and we call on the U.S. not to prosecute Snowden. Do you want to stand for freedom and the rule of law? Or should we totally disregard Hong Kong's legal system? This episode marks a crossroads in Hong Kong's future. Stand up for the future of Hong Kong..
Time: 3-5:30pm, Saturday June 15, 2013. Rally route: Starting 3pm at Chater Garden, Central MTR exit J2. Rally to the U.S Consulate and then Tamar SAR government building. Rally preparation: Please bring your friends, prepare for rain and try to bring water resistant posters. Slogan suggestions: "Defend Free Speech, Protect Snowden", "No Extradition", "Respect Hong Kong Law", "Shame on NSA", "Stop Internet Surveillance", "Betray Snowden = Betray Freedom". Confirmed speakers include: Albert Ho, Member of the Legislative Council, Ip lam Chong, In-Media HK; Claudia Mo, Member of the Legislative Council; Charles Mok, Member of the Legislative Council; and Law Yuk Kai, Director, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor. Rally tag: #SnowdenHK

Press contact: Tom Grundy: 68411717, Oiwan Lam 97424440 and Damon Wong 61813139 *If you would like to contact representatives of other co-organizer organizations, please let us know and well introduce.
Rally co-organizers: 1. inmediahk.net (http://www.inmediahk.net/) 2. Hong Wrong (http://hongwrong.com/) 3. Civil Human Rights Front (http://www.civilhrfront.org/) 4. Hong Kong Christian Institute (http://www.hkci.org.hk/) 5. Hong Kong First (https://www.facebook.com/hongkongfirst) 6. Midnight Blue (http://www.mnbhk.org/) 7. Speak For Humanity (http://speakforhumanity.com/) 8. Land and Justice League (http://landjusticehk.org/) 9. 1908 Book Store (https://www.facebook.com/1908book) 10. Youth Union (http://youthunion.blogspot.hk/) 11. Left 21 (http://left21.hk/wp/) 12. Socialist Action (http://www.socialism.hk/) 13. NuTongXueShe (http://leslovestudy.com/new/ntxs/)

6 15

Tom Grundy: 68411717, 97424440

61813139 inmediahk.net (http://www.inmediahk.net/) Hong Wrong (http://hongwrong.com/) Civil Human Rights Front (http://www.civilhrfront.org/) Hong Kong Christian Institute (http://www.hkci.org.hk/) Hong Kong First (https://www.facebook.com/hongkongfirst) Midnight Blue (http://www.mnbhk.org/) Speak For Humanity (http://speakforhumanity.com/) Land and Justice League (http://landjusticehk.org/) 1908 Book Store 1908 (https://www.facebook.com/1908book) Youth Union (http://youthunion.blogspot.hk/) Left 21 (http://left21.hk/wp/) Socialist Action (http://www.socialism.hk/) NuTongXueShe (http://leslovestudy.com/new/ntxs/)

2013 6 15 3 5 3 J2 NSA tag #SnowdenHK

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