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(Atividade domiciliar) Disciplina: Ingls ALUNO(A):____________________________________________________________________ N ______ PROF: rubrica DATA: ______ / ______ / 2011 6 ANO valor da atividade:

PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Pronomes pessoais) O que pronome pessoal? O pronome pessoal substitui um nome, isto um substantivo. Em Ingls isso tambm ocorre. Os Personal Pronous, nome em Ingls de Pronomes Pessoais, so: Singular: I You He She IT Plural: We You They (Ns) (Vs, vocs) (Eles, elas) , tambm, o plural de IT, ou seja, usado para falar de animais, coisas, bebs (sem nome). They are fluffy dogs. (Eles so cachorros fofos) (Eu) sempre escrito em letra maiscula, em qualquer posio na frase. (Tu, voc) (Ele) (Ela) (Ele, ela) usado para falar de animal (sem nome), coisa, das horas,do clima, de beb (sem nome). Ex.: It is a fluffy dog. (Ele um cachorro fofo)

Observao: Voc notou que you tem a mesma forma tanto no singular como no plural. Como saber ento como interpretar uma frase? fcil! Basta verificar se o sujeito da frase simples ou composto. Veja o exemplo: You are a beautiful girl. You and Maria are beautiful girls. You are beautiful girls Ex.: I am a Teacher. You are a good student Tomiko is Japanese. She is Japanese. Sadao is Chinese. He is Chinese. It is a bad dog. I and Carlos are Brazilian. We are Brazilian. Tomiko and You are Japanese. You are Japanese. Marcelo, Carlos and Maria are Brazilian.They are Brazilian. The dogs are fluffy. They are fluffy. Veja: I I I I I + + + + + You He She It = We They + + + + He She It You = We - (I and You = we) = We - (I and Pedro = we) = We - (I and Ana = we) - (I and the dog = we) = We - (I, Pedro and Ana = we) = You - (You and Pedro = you plural) = You - (You and Ana = you plural) = You - (You and the dog = you plural) = You

You You You You

You + They

= You - (You, Pedro, and Ana = you plural)

VERB TO BE Verbo na Lngua Inglesa que significa SER ou ESTAR. Verbo TO BE = AM, IS, ARE. Ex.: She is a Teacher. They are Doctors. (Ela uma Professora) (Eles so mdicos)

Formas do Verbo TO BE: AFIRMATIVA I You He She It We You They am are is is is are are are NEGATIVA I You He She It We You They am not are not is not is not is not are not are not are not INTERROGATIVA Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are I? you? he? She? it? we? you? they?

Forma Contrata do Verbo TO BE: Forma Afirmativa: Usamos esta forma para abreviar o verbo, observe:

AM = IS = ARE = Ex.: He is a good man. We are from Spain. Forma Negativa:


= Hes a good man. = Were from Spain.

Temos duas maneiras de usar a forma contrata: I I m not Youre not Hes not Shes not Its not Were not Youre not Theyre not Usos do Verbo TO BE. - Para perguntar e dar informaes sobre pessoas e coisas. II mais usada Im not You arent He isnt She isnt It isnt We arent You arent They arent

Ex.: My name is Ann. I m from Brazil. Is Ken ready? No, He isnt. - Com idades. Ex.: Carlos is fifteen. Maria is forty. - Com profisses. Ex.: Marion is a teacher. Are you student? - Com adjetivo Ex.: Youre right. I m happy. - Com question words: where, what, who, why, how old. Ex.: Where is Jim? (Onde est Jim?) Who are you? (Quem voc?) What time is it? (Que horas so?) How old are you? (Quantos anos voc tem?) EXERCISES I- Substitute the underlined words for personal pronouns: (Substitua as palavras grifadas por um pronome pessoal) 1- The cake is delicious _________is delicious. 2- Mrio is my friend. _________is my friend. 3- Mrs. Ana is my English Teacher. _________is my English Teacher. 4- You and Cristina are very nice. _____________are very nice. 5- Sandro and Marina are at the school. ________________are at the school. 6- The dogs are here. _______________________are here. 7- Mario and I are very happy __________________are very happy.

II- Complete com o verbo TO BE na forma afirmativa 1Hi! I _________Tamiko. I am very happy here in Sorocaba. It __________a very good city. Kasuo and Tomiko ________ my parents. They ___________ very nice. 2- Peter _____ from Manchester, but Paul and John _____ from London. Manchester and London _____ cities in England. Hamburg _____ a city in Germany. Sandra _____ at school today. Jack and Peter _____ her friends. They _____ in the same class. III- Complete as sentenas usando os pronomes pessoais e a forma curta do verbo TO BE na forma afirmativa. 1- Koala bear is a small animal. ____________very beautiful. 2- Carlos and Maria are my brothers. ____________from Canada. 3- Elephant is big. ___________fat.. 4- Maria and I are playing in the garden. _____________happy. 5- Joo and you are from Brazil. ________________Brazilian. 6- Maria is my sister. ____________a beautiful girl.

IV- Complete os espaos com a forma afirmativa longa do verbo to be 1. She __________________in the house. 2. The dog and the cat _________________in the garden. 3. The woman __________________________behind a tree. 4. I _______________Kevin. 5. Carol and I _____________________friends. 6. It ____________back. 7. My name ______Boby. 8. They ________________nice girls. 9. He ______________a teacher. 10. We ____________hungry. 11. Mrs. Dixon _______________funny and nice. 12. I _______________________twelve years old. 13. The elephants __________________tired. 14. I and my brother_____________________very happy. 15. Maria and you _______________________beautiful girls. - Numere a coluna da direita de acordo com a coluna da esquerda. 1- I am happy. ( ) Theyre my dogs. 2- The house is new. ( ) Were in the school now. 3- I and she are in the school now. ( ) Im happy. 4- Pedro is my best friend ( ) Its new. 5- Mil and Biba are my dogs. ( ) Hes my best friend. VI- Complete os espaos com a forma afirmativa correta do verbo to be. Use a forma completa (longa): This house __________________________very big. The rooms________________confortable. Janet _________________the girl of this house. Sam and I ________________________in the house now. VII- Reescreva o exerccio III (de 01 a 05) na forma negativa. Use a forma longa. 1- _______________________________________________________. 2- _______________________________________________________. 3- _______________________________________________________. 4- _______________________________________________________. 5- _______________________________________________________. VIII- Reescreva o exerccio IV na forma negativa curta. 1- _______________________________________________________. 2- _______________________________________________________. 3- _______________________________________________________. 4- _______________________________________________________. 5- _______________________________________________________.


(Atividade domiciliar) Disciplina: Ingls ALUNO(A):____________________________________________________________________ N ______ PROF: rubrica DATA: ______ / ______ / 2011 7 ANO valor da atividade:

Title: Sayuris composition Sayuri is thinking about last year and this year in her life. She is writing a composition at school. Last year, I was in Tokyo, Japan. I was near my family. I was in a school called Fuji School. It was a small school but there were many students in my classroom: 25 girls and 21 boys. My favorite subject was Math, but my teacher was very strict. My best friend was Yumi. We were friends and neighbors. This year, Im in The United States. I am far from my family. Im in a school called Marymount. It is a big school and there are few students in my classroom: 10 girls and 15 boys. My favorite subject is Computer Science and my teacher is very nice. My best friend is Katherine. We are in the same classroom. Comprehension Questions 1 Give a title to Sayuris composition: ___________________________________________________________ 2 Underline all the verbs and write them here: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3 Answer: a. In the first paragraph, the verb to be is in the _________ tense. b. In the second paragraph, the verb to be is in the __________ tense. 4 Read the text again and copy the sentences with opposite words: Ex: last year this year small school big school near far from many few _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

5 Choose 2 sentences in the past and change them to the interrogative form. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6 Answer the questions: a. What is Sayuri thinking about? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b. What is she writing? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c. Which is Sayuris favorite subject at school? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d. Who is Sayuris best friend? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Have a nice job!!!!


(Atividade domiciliar) Disciplina: Ingls ALUNO(A):____________________________________________________________________ N ______ PROF: rubrica DATA: ______ / ______ / 2011 8 ANO valor da atividade:

I- Fill in the blanks with Past Simple Tense. KARENS WEEKEND This weekend _________ ( be ) great for Karen. She _______________ ( be going to fly ) to London with her best friend, Dorothy. They ________________ ( plan ) every detail. They____________ ( want ) a perfect holiday. They______________ ( buy ) their ticket two weeks ago. They___________________ ( search ) the hotels on the net, they ___________ ( do ) shopping. Everything ____________ ( be ) ready and their holiday _____________________ ( begin ) with a perfect flight. They ______________( arrive ) at London Heathrow Airport early in the morning. They ____________( take ) the bus from the airport to the hotel, ____________ ( look ) at the places. They ___________( come ) to the hotel. The hotel____________ ( be ) lovely and surrounded with huge trees. They_________ ( be ) both tired after the trip, so they ____________ ( decide ) to have a nap. They _____________ ( take ) the sightseeing bus and_____________ ( enjoy ) it. The bus trip ____________ ( last ) for about two hours and they __________ ( be ) hungry. They __________________ ( get off ) the bus and _____________ ( go ) a restaurant. They ___________ ( have ) a great dinner there. After dinner, they _________ ( go ) back to the hotel. It____________ ( be ) a tiring day but they_______________ ( not - want ) to stay at the hotel. They _______________ ( relax ) for an hour and ___________________ ( go ) out. Next day, they_______________( get ) up early and ________________ ( have ) breakfast in a caf near the bridge. The tiring and exciting tour ________________ ( begin ) again. They _____________( do ) the shopping. They _________________ ( visit ) the museums and __________________ ( take ) some photos. They__________ ( have ) to turn back. They___________ ( arrive ) at the airport and ___________( fly ) to their hometown. It _______________ ( be ) a wonderful holiday. II- Answer the questions. 1- Where did Karen and Dorothy go? __________________________________________. 2- When did they take their tickets? _____________________________________________. 3- What did they do before the trip? ________________________________________________________. 4- Where did they arrive first? _____________________________________________________________.

III- Find in the text two regular verbs Then writes them in the Past, Past Participle and translate:



Past Participle


IV- Rewrite the sentences: Pay attention! The verbs are in the Simple Past. 1- Many of poor didnt have cars, so they were unable to escape the city. Affirmative form: _______________________________________________________. 2- The disaster occurred on August 29, 2005.... Negative form: ________________________________________________________. VI Read the dialogue. Diana and Judy were at a concert yesterday. They are talking about the concert. Diana: Did you enjoy the concert? Judy: Yes, I did. Did you? Diana: Not very much. I didnt like the Brahms very much. Judy: Why? Diana: It was very slow. Judy: Oh, I liked it. Are these statements true or false? 1- Judy enjoyed the concert very much 2- Diana also enjoyed the concert. 3- Diana liked the Brahms because it was very slow VII- Complete the following list in the past. INFINITIVE Like Enjoy Fit Dance Stop Study Play AFFIRMATIVE INFINITIVE Watch Listen Study Play Start Live NEGATIVE Talk (_____) (_____) (_____)

VIII- Make negative sentences and questions: 1- She played the piano at my birthday party. N. _____________________________________________________________________ Q. _____________________________________________________________________ 2- They watched TV all night. N. _____________________________________________________________________ Q. _____________________________________________________________________ 3- We enjoyed the football game.

N. _____________________________________________________________________ G. _____________________________________________________________________ 4- He visited me yesterday. N. _____________________________________________________________________ Q. _____________________________________________________________________

Have a nice job!!!!


(Atividade domiciliar) Disciplina: Ingls ALUNO(A):____________________________________________________________________ N ______ PROF: rubrica DATA: ______ / ______ / 2011 9 ANO valor da atividade:

1. Read the text. Have you ever heard of a plant called Madagascar periwinkle? It is used to treat leukemia and other serious diseases, but it may soon disappear because of intensive deforestation. In the last decades Madagascar has lost about 90 percent of its tropical forests. Tropical forests cover only two percent of the earths surface, but 70% of all plants and animals live there. To provide land for farming, ranching and other activities, people have been cutting or burning down those forests. More than half of the worlds tropical forests have disappeared since the beginning of this century. In the Amazon, scientists estimate that an area of forest size of football field is destroyed every minute. The destruction of tropical forests. The extinction of animal and plant species. The pollution of soils, lakes, rivers and seas. Air pollution. Acid rain. The threats to our environment are nothing new. Mans use (and abuse) of natural resources has been in the newspapers for a long time, but in the last decades the human impact on the environment has been absolutely disastrous. Modern man has seen the world as something to conquer, dominate, and exploit. He has been treating the environment as an endless source of resources, a kind of Ali Babas cave providing for all needs and all desires. So, whats next? Should we give up? Let it happen? The challenge is to find new ways to protect and preserve our environment. But we have been saving that for years Its time to stop cutting down forests and cut down deforestation instead! Have you ever heard the phrase The world is coming to an end? I have just seen it written on a wall. Sadly, I have never felt it so possible. (From World Wildlife Fund campaign lealeft, Our Precious Planet, Time, November 1977; Biodiversity, Council of Europe, May 1998.) Glossary challenge: something difficult calling for work or effort leukemia: a cancer in which the body makes too many white blood cells deforestation: the destruction of a forest to provide: to supply, to furnish threat: the possibility that something very bad will happen resources: useful things in general environment: everything that surrounds a person, animal or plant to conquer: to fight and take control of to exploit: to make full use of source: origin Ali Babas cave: a place where a great treasure is hidden

to give up: to stop trying to do something; to surrender instead: in place of another thing 2. Match the beginning of the sentences to the end, accordingly to the text: ( ) The rosy periwinkle has saved. ( ) Many children have suffered from. ( ) Environmental problems have been. ( ) More than 50 percent of the worlds tropical forests have disappearing. ( ) Madagascar has lost. a) Most of its tropical forests. b) Since the beginning of this century. c) A type of cancer called leukemia. d) The lives of many children. e) In the newspaper for many years. 3. Answer the questions in portuguese: a) Como voc explica o ttulo The Green Challenge? b) O que o autor prope como resposta a esse desafio? c) Qual o tom de concluso do texto: otimista ou pessimita? d) Retire do texto uma frase que justifique a resposta pergunta anterior.

4. Create sentences using the past perfect. For symbol , write affirmative sentences, and for write negative ones: a) John / passed the exam /

b) We / finish / Unit 4 /

c) They / clean the house /

d) Mary / call her mother /

e) I / pay the restaurant /

f) They / go to Garopaba Beach/

5- Change each active sentence into the passive voice: a. Thousands of people eat chocolate every day. ___________________________________________________________. b. Students dont use this room very often. ___________________________________________________________. c. My grandfather built this house in 1968. ___________________________________________________________. d. Rodrigo called an ambulance. ___________________________________________________________. 6- Complete the telephone conversation with words from the box: used spoken accepted used

Gabriella: Hello? Giovanni: Oh, hello. I need some information. What currency is _______________ in the European Union? Gabriella: Where? Giovanni: The European Union. Gabriella: I think the euro is ________________ in most of the EU. Giovanni: Oh, right. And is English _________________ much there? Gabriella: I really have no idea. Giovanni: Huh? Well, what about credit cards? Are they _______________ everywhere? Gabriella: How would I know? Giovanni: Well, youre a travel agent, arent you? Gabriella: What? This is a hair salon. You have the wrong number. 7- Read the conversation again and answer true (T) or false (F): a. Giovanni is probably traveling to Europe. ( b. Gabriella is a travel agent. ( c. Giovanni called a hair salon. ( d. He prefers using credit cards. ( e. Gabriella knows everything about Europe. ( ) ) ) ) )

8- Underline the participle verb forms. Then, fill in the table with the past and participle forms of the irregular verbs: a. What is done is done, you cant turn back time. b. A lot of rice is grown in Vietnam.

c. The U.S. is made of 50 states. d. California is known for its beautiful scenery. e. The song Mull of Kintyre was written by Sir Paul McCartney. f. The crime was forgotten in a very short time. g. Many computer companies were built there. h. A lot of money was stolen in the robbery. i. Lots of water was drunk by the people in the party. j. The leaves were eaten up by ants. Infinitive do grow make know write forget build steal drink eat Simple past Past participle

Have a nice job!!!!

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