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George Washington-Semester 1

Mr. Washington, you only get a B+ because of the job that you did. You were the first President, which in my case deserves you an A+. You didnt have anyone to learn from and made bad decisions made your grade go down. Another thing that made your grade go down was letting the militia kill people for not paying their taxes. I found that unnecessary. A punishment would have been more reasonable and tolerated. You could have put them in a prison and let them pay a fine. But its ok, youre a first hand experience and lessons will be learned from you. But keep up the good work!!

George Washington-Semester 2
Mr. Washington, I am very proud of your improvement. You did very well this semester and last semester. When Congress passes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, there were so many varieties of ideas. When you were the first to sign the act, it almost made your grade go down, but everyone has the freedom of speech so I let it go. I hope that you keep up the good work as a leader for the army. Your work is very much appreciated.

John Adams
Mr. Adams, your neutral decision was really bold of you. I am very proud. As you know, gong to war can create a great conflict. You tried to put/bring peace among the nations. Which gave you an A. What brought you grade up was the fact that you wanted to make an alliance with France. But, what brought your grade down was that they didnt accept. They retaliated. Knowing what you wanted was peace and you put in effort to do so is what counts. Keep it up!

John Adams
Mr. Adams, I expected you to do better. As the second president I expected you to do better and learned something from Mr. Washington. In a lot of ways you were very selfish, hypocritical and sometimes secretive. By me naming these actions that you were living under, I consider you unconstitutional. In the Bill of Rights, it says that people have the freedom of speech. Why take that away because o war? Think about it! I believe that you and France should try again.

Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Jefferson, you have been very irresponsible. You never took the time to think about what embargo is going to do to the seamen. Yes, I know that it was out of good intentions but being a president means doing things and making decisions that benefit good for your people. Dont let the Barbary Coast pirates destroy your way of trade with Britain and France. You need to do better.!

Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Jefferson, you deserve no credit because you were being a hypocrite in your actions. Saying one thing and doing the other isn't right. It makes giving you a grade difficult because I would have no clue on your future actions. So, marring a black women and having children with her is hypocritical. (Sally Hemmings, and her children. Then, you said that blacks were equal to you and others just not intellectually. It seems that you want to please everyone and your doing so, it is confusing to the rest of us. Please do better.

James Madison
Mr. Madison, you deserve a C minus because you weren't making the rights decisions. Your actions speak louder than your words so declaring war without thinking wasnt the right thing to do! The war (War of 1812), between you and Britain was unnecessary. Then, you hurting the Native Americans and their homes just to get around the British isn't worth a good grade.

James Madison
Mr. Madison, you are getting the grade of a B+. You have improved in your actions compared to the past semester. You have proved to me and your country that the War of 1812 was unnecessary. By your actions, you showed that you have hope in country. When you voided the Alien & Sedition Act, you really made a difference to your grade. Great job this year, your works were great.

James Monroe
Mr. Monroe, you have received an A for this first semester because of his honesty towards the right for freedom for the Latin Americans. Your grade wasnt an automatic A+ because you made the decision to make the Monroe Doctrine. The Doctrine that prohibited North and Central/ Latin America to interact and trade with European powers. People may think that your decision was out of good intentions but others may feel it was out of greed. And to just only have trade routes with the Latin Americas would also trigger that feeling. Keep up the great work and be careful on your decisions.

James Monroe
Mr. Monroe, you deserve a grade of no credit. In this semester, you have done no work and have shown no decisions. Because of the blogs and the opinionated essays on the internet, they made no difference to your grade. I couldnt give you a grade. You may have got a NC for a grade but I want to applaud you for not reacting to Thomas Jeffersons advice. That was very responsible of you. Great job in this semester!

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