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Administracin Federal de Servicios Educativos en el Distrito Federal Direccin General de Innovacin y Fortalecimiento Acadmico Direccin de Programas de Innovacin Educativa

Coordinacin del Programa de Ingls en el Distrito Federal



Material del Participante

Abril, 2013


Administracin Federal de Servicios Educativos en el Distrito Federal Direccin General de Innovacin y Fortalecimiento Acadmico Direccin de Programas de Innovacin Educativa Coordinacin del Programa de Ingls en el Distrito Federal

DIRECTORY Dr. Luis Ignacio Snchez Gmez Administrador Federal de Servicios Educativos en el Distrito Federal

Jenny Taboada Coblentz Coordinadora del Programa de Ingls en el Distrito Federal

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Proporcionar a los participantes un repertorio de Recursos Didcticos congruentes con el enfoque del PNIEB y el Plan de Estudios 2011.

1. National English Program in Basic Education. 2. 3. 4. Educational Materials Teaching Guidelines Propsito del Campo Formativo Lenguaje y Comunicacin Materiales Educativos, Recursos Didcticos

PEP 2011 y Programa de Educacin Primaria 2011

Characteristics of childrens development by cycle The nature of effective teaching (The Language Teaching Matrix)

ACTIVIDADES 1. 2. 3. 4. Actividad 1 Actividad 2 Actividad 3 Actividad 4

BIBLIOGRAFA ANNEXOS 1. 2. Listado de Recursos Didcticos Sugerencias de Bibliografa (para leer ms)

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CURRICULAR FOUNDATIONS. PROGRAMA DE ESTUDIO 2011. GUA PARA LA EDUCADORA. EDUCACIN BSICA. PREESCOLAR Y PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIN PRIMARIA 2011. Educational Materials Teaching materials play a highly significant role in this program. As it can be inferred from the characteristics and definition of the components in the English syllabuses, the quality and type of materials that the students will use printed or multimedia influence greatly on their learning of English. Since the social practices and competencies of and with the language are the main reference of the NE PBE, texts and materials should be authentic, for instance, commercial labels, letters, dialogues, instructions, rhymes, etc. However, it is also true that teachers do not have frequent access to these English language materials or texts. Nonetheless, it is of paramount importance that those particularly the spoken and written texts designed for teaching, reflect the characteristics of those used in real life, that is, they have a clear social and communicative purpose, a context, and respond to authentic language models. Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer countless opportunities to interact with oral and written texts in the English language; they are bound to enhance the social practices of the language,
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looking for information in electronic sources, listening to native speakers of English in a conversation or a song, among others. It is important to foster and take advantage of their effective use, allowing new ways to acquire knowledge. It is necessary to mention that ICT are not limited to computer- related tools, but they also include media such as radio, TV, and video. Finally, it is important to bear in mind that the authenticity of the tasks is as important as the authenticity of the spoken and written materials. If students are to be successful participants in the social practices of the language, it is paramount for them to engage in tasks that resemble the real world.
English Program in Basic Education. Second Language: English. Curricular Foundations. Preschool, Elementary school, and Secondary school. Phase of expansion (English version). Pages. 21-24.


Los propsitos que se establecen en el Programa de Educacin Preescolar 2011 constituyen el principal componente de articulacin entre los tres niveles de la Educacin Bsica y se relacionan con los rasgos del perfil de egreso de la Educacin Bsica. Al reconocer la diversidad social, lingstica y cultural que caracteriza a nuestro pas, as como las caractersticas individuales de las nias y los nios, durante su trnsito por la educacin preescolar en cualquier modalidad general, indgena o comunitaria se espera que vivan experiencias que contribuyan a sus procesos de desarrollo y aprendizaje, -especficamente en relacin con el Campo Formativo de Lenguaje y Comunicacin- que gradualmente: Adquieran confianza para expresarse, dialogar y conversar en su lengua materna; mejoren su capacidad de escucha, y enriquezcan su lenguaje oral al comunicarse en situaciones variadas. El compromiso de los profesionales de educacin preescolar es fundamental, ya que este nivel conforma el primer periodo escolar dentro del mapa curricular. En la medida en que ofrezcan a los nios diversas experiencias orientadas al logro de los aprendizajes esperados y estndares curriculares, estarn promoviendo el desarrollo de las competencias para la vida. Se deben propiciar las condiciones idneas para que los alumnos accedan sin dificultad al siguiente perodo escolar. Del mismo modo, es necesario
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privilegiar el trabajo colaborativo, no slo entre los docentes de la misma escuela, sino tambin establecer canales de vinculacin con otras escuelas, por ejemplo, con primarias cercanas, e incluso con escuelas secundarias. Es oportuna la reflexin acerca de las aportaciones que el nivel preescolar puede compartir a primaria y secundaria, por ejemplo: el uso de ciertos recursos didcticos (cuentos, tteres, cantos, juegos tradicionales, visitas a la comunidad, entre otros), estrategias (el juego, fundamentalmente), organizacin para el trabajo (parejas, tradas, cuartetos), vinculacin con las familias (escuela para padres, maanas o tardes de trabajo con ellos), entre otras ms, que son catalogadas como propias del nivel, pero que incorporadas en una planificacin adecuada, son posibles de trabajar con nios mayores y jvenes. Es esencial el compromiso que deben asumir los docentes de educacin preescolar con los nios de los tres grados que integran ese periodo escolar y que sus postulados sean congruentes con la RIEB, y su labor profesional sea orientada desde los siguientes referentes: Centrar la atencin en los estudiantes y en sus procesos de aprendizaje. Planificar para potenciar el aprendizaje. Evaluar para aprender. Generar ambientes de aprendizaje. Trabajar en colaboracin para construir el aprendizaje. Poner nfasis en el desarrollo de competencias, el logro de los estndares curriculares y los esperados. Usar materiales educativos para favorecer el aprendizaje. Favorecer la inclusin para atender a la diversidad. Incorporar temas de relevancia social. Renovar el pacto entre el estudiante, el docente, la familia y la escuela Reorientar el liderazgo. La tutora y la asesora acadmica a la escuela.

Recursos didcticos Es importante que el docente tenga informacin actualizada acerca de los recursos con los que cuenta en el aula y en el plantel. Contar con recursos sofisticados e innovadores no garantiza el xito de los aprendizajes si se desconoce su uso y utilidad. Por el contrario, si tiene un manejo de las opciones que ofrecen, se podr
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incorporar en ms de una ocasin y su empleo ser diferente. El recurso de una visita extra escolar ofrece la oportunidad de experiencias nuevas y atractivas, sin embargo, si el docente desconoce las condiciones del lugar, as como los contenidos y actividades que ofrece, posiblemente la experiencia no aportar aprendizajes significativos, e incluso puede ser frustrante. Otro ejemplo se da al no prever anticipadamente recursos y tratar de obtenerlos al momento en que se desarrolla la situacin, provocando desde tiempos muertos, desinters en los nios, hasta riesgos de seguridad al dejarlos solos en el aula.
SEP. Programa de Estudio 2011. Gua para la Educadora. Educacin Bsica Preescolar. Pgs. 17, 125, 169

Propsitos de la enseanza del Espaol en la educacin primaria Si bien la educacin primaria no representa para los estudiantes el inicio del aprendizaje ni la adquisicin de la oralidad, la lectura y la escritura, s es el espacio en el que de manera formal y dirigida inician su reflexin sobre las caractersticas y funciones de las lenguas oral y escrita. Durante los seis grados de educacin primaria, los alumnos participan en diferentes prcticas sociales del lenguaje; al utilizarlas encuentran oportunidades para la adquisicin, el conocimiento y el uso de la oralidad y la escritura, hasta contar con bases slidas para continuar desarrollando sus competencias comunicativas. La educacin primaria recupera lo iniciado en la educacin preescolar respecto de la enseanza de la lengua, y sienta las bases para el trabajo en secundaria. As, la escuela primaria debe garantizar que los alumnos: Participen eficientemente en diversas situaciones de comunicacin oral. Lean comprensivamente diversos tipos de texto para satisfacer sus necesidades de informacin y conocimiento. Participen en la produccin original de diversos tipos de texto escrito. Reflexionen consistentemente sobre las caractersticas, funcionamiento y uso del sistema de escritura (aspectos grficos, ortogrficos, de puntuacin y morfosintcticos). Conozcan y valoren la diversidad lingstica y cultural de los pueblos de nuestro pas. Identifiquen, analicen y disfruten textos de diversos gneros literarios.
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Al trabajar con la lengua oral es necesario atender cuatro aspectos: a) Hablar sobre temas especficos. Permite explorar y discutir ideas, argumentar, comparar y adquirir un vocabulario especfico sobre el tema del que se habla. Aqu, es importante que el docente ponga en marcha estrategias que permitan al grupo volver a retomar el tema a discusin cuando ste se desva. b) El propsito y el tipo de habla. La escuela debe brindar a los alumnos oportunidades de usar un lenguaje estructurado que requiere de un mayor manejo de las convenciones de la conversacin habitual, por lo que es importante que los alumnos se familiaricen con los objetivos de su intervencin y con las normas admitidas de hacerlo en diferentes prcticas sociales. No es lo mismo, por ejemplo, tener una discusin para llegar a un acuerdo, que argumentar una posicin o exponer informacin a otras personas. c) Diversidad lingstica. Si bien las participaciones en eventos comunicativos orales responden a determinantes culturales, es importante que dentro de la escuela se amplen los contextos de expresin para que los alumnos enriquezcan sus posibilidades comunicativas, respetando la variante lingstica que posean. Lo que se pretende es la promocin de un ambiente en el que los alumnos se comuniquen con confianza y seguridad, y que al mismo tiempo favorezca el aprendizaje de los variados registros de uso del lenguaje, tanto oral como escrito, con el fin de ampliar su dominio sobre diferentes contextos comunicativos. d) Los roles de quienes participan en el intercambio. Las personas cambian su manera de hablar segn el nivel de confianza y el grado de formalidad, por lo que es importante que los alumnos aprendan a regular estos aspectos. Adems, asumir diferentes roles durante el trabajo colaborativo requiere aprender el tipo de lenguaje que dicho rol demanda. Por ejemplo, no usa el mismo lenguaje el expositor principal, el que aclara un punto, o el moderador de la discusin posterior a una exposicin.
SEP (2011), Programas de Estudio 2011. Primer, Segundo, Tercer, Cuarto, Quinto y Sexto grado. Educacin Bsica Primaria, Mxico, SEP. Pgs. 16, 40

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Dentro de las orientaciones pedaggicas y didcticas para la Educacin Bsica se considera de manera importante: - Ambientes de aprendizaje Son escenarios construidos para favorecer de manera intencionada las situaciones de aprendizaje. Constituye la construccin de situaciones de aprendizaje en el aula, en la escuela y en el entorno, pues el hecho educativo no slo tiene lugar en el saln de clases, sino fuera de l para promover la oportunidad de formacin en otros escenarios presenciales y virtuales. Sin embargo, el maestro es central en el aula para la generacin de ambientes que favorezcan los aprendizajes al actuar como mediador diseando situaciones de aprendizaje centradas en el estudiante; generando situaciones motivantes y significativas para los alumnos, lo cual fomenta la autonoma para aprender, desarrollar el pensamiento crtico y creativo, as como el trabajo colaborativo.

En la construccin de ambientes de aprendizaje destacan los siguientes aspectos: La claridad respecto del propsito educativo que se quiere alcanzar o el aprendizaje que se busca construir con los alumnos. El enfoque de la asignatura, pues con base en l deben plantearse las actividades de aprendizaje en el espacio que estn al alcance y las interacciones entre los alumnos, de modo que se construya el aprendizaje. El aprovechamiento de los espacios y sus elementos para apoyar directa o indirectamente el aprendizaje, lo cual permite las interacciones entre los alumnos y el maestro; en este contexto cobran relevancia aspectos como: la historia del lugar, las prcticas y costumbres, las tradiciones, el carcter rural, semirural, indgena o urbano del lugar, el clima, la flora y fauna, los espacios equipados con tecnologa, entre otros.

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Uso de materiales y recursos educativos Los materiales ofrecen distintos tipos de tratamiento y nivel de profundidad para abordar los temas; se presentan en distintos formatos y medios. Algunos sugieren la consulta de otras fuentes as como de los materiales digitales de que se dispone en las escuelas. Los acervos de las bibliotecas escolares y de aula, son un recurso que contribuye a la formacin de los alumnos como usuarios de la cultura escrita. Complementan a los libros de texto y favorecen el contraste y la discusin de un tema. Ayudan a su formacin como lectores y escritores. Los materiales audiovisuales multimedia e Internet articulan de manera sincronizada cdigos visuales, verbales y sonoros, que generan un entorno variado y rico de experiencias, a partir del cual los alumnos crean su propio aprendizaje.

La tecnologa como recurso de aprendizaje - Portales HDT, tienen tres niveles de portales educativos, cuyo propsito es conformar comunidades de aprendizaje donde directivos, maestros, alumnos y padres de familia participan activamente en la construccin de su propio conocimiento: Portal federal: www.hdt.gob.mx Portal estatal: Cada entidad cuenta con un sitio para difundir los logros, avances y noticias, en el caso del D.F.: www.sepdf.gob.mx Portal local o de aula. Tambin conocida como Explora, ofrece herramientas que permiten generar contenidos digitales; interactuar con los materiales educativos digitales como: Objetos de Aprendizaje (ODA), Planes de clase (PDC) y Reactivos, as como realizar trabajo colaborativo a travs de redes sociales como blogs, wikis, foros y la herramienta de proyecto de aprendizaje.

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Herramientas de trabajo colaborativo disponibles en los portales HDT Blogs Foros Wikis Materiales Educativos Digitales Objetos de aprendizaje (ODA) Plan de Clase (PDC) Uso de tecnologas con seguridad y responsabilidad. La estrategia HDT aporta a la construccin de esta ciudadana a travs del sitio Clic Seguro (www.clicseguro.sep.gob.mx)
SEP (2011), Programas de Estudio 2011. Primer, Segundo, Tercer, Cuarto, Quinto y Sexto grado. Educacin Bsica Primaria, Mxico, SEP. Pgs. 203, 204, 207-213

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Important note: The information presented here reflects general characteristics children at the different ages have; teachers should be aware that individual children might have different needs and qualities.

CYCLE 1 / 3RD PRE-SCHOOL, 1ST & 2ND GRADE PRIMARY / 5-8 YEARS OF AGE. CYCLE PURPOSES Acknowledge the existence of other cultures and languages. Acquire motivation and a positive attitude towards the English language. Begin developing basic communication skills, especially the receptive ones. Reflect on how the writing system works. Get acquainted with different types of texts. Start exploring childrens literature. Use some linguistic and non-linguistic resources to give information about themselves and their surroundings.


They show development of permanent teeth. They are developing good use of large muscles and of smaller muscles; so they enjoy testing muscle strength and skills. They are developing hand-eye coordination, may not be ready for some close work without eye strain. They are skilled at using scissors and small tools. They enjoy copying designs, shapes, letters and numbers.

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Short attention spans (20 min) make hands- on activities a must for these grade levels. Activities divided into small pieces or steps with physical activity in between work best. Very concrete thinkers and do best with activities in which they are both doing and seeing things. Both boys and girls are usually more concerned with the doing of a project rather than the completion and/ or comparison of a project. Activities that can be completed successfully by the child are a must.


They are easily upset by changes in routine. They desire repetition of favorite activities and experiences. They are able to assume responsibility. They begin to see things from other childrens point of view, but still very self centered. They have a strong need to feel accepted and have adult approval. Adults should provide lots of praise and encouragement for even small successes. They cannot separate themselves from the project or activities and view any evaluation as a reflection on themselves. Therefore, avoid competition or activities that select a single winner or best person.

They seek any sense of security in groups and organized play and enjoy working in small groups with plenty of adult attention. Early school-agers are now ready for a steady pace of growing and learning, one in which real life tasks and activities overtake pretend and fantasy.

Being with friends becomes increasingly important. They show interest in rules and rituals. They want to play more with similar friends girls with girls, boys with boys. They may have a best friend and enemy.

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CYCLE 2 /3RD &4TH GRADE PRIMARY / 8-10 YEARS OF AGE. CYCLE PURPOSES PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Express simple opinions and requests in familiar contexts. Recognize basic instructions, information, and advertisements. Identify basic aspects of pronunciation and vocabulary used in everyday life contexts. Use expressions to refer to personal aspects and needs. Respond to spoken and written language in different linguistic and non-linguistic ways. Use different strategies to solve everyday problems, as well as to look for information about concrete topics. Identify similarities and differences between their own cultural expressions and those of the English language. Establish basic social contact by means of their linguistic repertoire. Their growth is slow and steady; arms are lengthening, hands are growing. Girls are growing faster. Eyes are ready for both near and far vision. Nearsightedness may develop. Permanent teeth are continuing to appear. Their attention span is getting longer. Manipulative skills with small muscles are improving. Eye hand coordination is good. Eyes are almost adult size. Ready for close work with less strain. Girls: are generally as much as 2 years ahead of boys in physical maturity, and may begin to menstruate. Active, full of energy, and anything but quiet. Activities should encourage physical involvement.


Fairly concrete thinkers and tend to be more attentive if they have an

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opportunity for hands-on learning (seeing and doing, rather than just listening). They are just beginning to think logically and symbolically and are beginning to understand abstract ideas. Activities divided into small pieces or steps work best. They become more product and goal oriented. Interests may change often, jumping from one thing to another. Beginning to move out of the stage in which the satisfaction of completing a project often comes from pleasing the teacher or parent rather than from the value of the activity itself. They are more responsible and need reminders of that responsibility. They enjoy games with more complex rules. They need wise guidance and channeling of interests and enthusiasm, rather than domination or unreasonable standards. They look for adult approval and have a strong need to feel accepted and worthwhile. Adults should provide lots of encouragement and recognize even small successes. Individual evaluation is preferred over group competition. Instead of comparing success with others, youngsters prefer to know how much they have improved and what they should do to be better next time. They are easily embarrassed about doing either better or worse than their friends. They tend to see things as right or wrong, with no room for difference of opinion. They have a new awareness of individual differences, and have the capacity for self-evaluation. Clicks of friends are beginning to form, mostly of the same sex and short duration and changing membership. They have better control of anger. They show interest in the opposite sex by teasing, joking, showing off. They may sometimes be verbally cruel to classmates with harsh put downs and snide remarks.
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Have considerable interest in sex information and bodily functions. Tell sex and bodily function jokes. They are fond of team games, comics, television, movies, adventure stories, and collections. They enjoy activities that involve manual dexterity and fine muscle coordination.

CYCLE3 / 5TH & 6TH PRIMARY / 10-12 YEARS OF AGE. CYCLE PURPOSES Understand and produce everyday or routine information and its general meaning. Begin or participate in some conversations or transactions using verbal and nonverbal strategies. Recognize similarities and differences in the form and social use between their mother tongue and English. Use strategies to present information, understand academic texts, and solve simple problems. Express opinions and provide short descriptions. Produce comprehensible messages, adapting their linguistic forms and pronunciation. Use strategies to recognize form and understand content in a variety of simple literary texts. Interact with oral and written text for specific purposes, and use them as a basis for further interaction. Socialize by means of common expressions.

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Growth spurts may begin at this age. Sexual development is more rapid, with girls being more advanced than boys and may be developing secondary sex characteristics such as breast development and menstrual periods.

Many 10-12 year olds experience a plateau is growth followed by a large growth spurt, or sporadic growth spurts, accompanied by the onset puberty and hormonal changes, leaving many young adolescents feeling awkward and uncoordinated, presenting a major challenge to a young persons self-perception.

Boys mature as much as two years later than the girls. Girls are usually taller and heavier than boys. For girls, growth spurs usually begin at age 10 and peak about 12. For boys, the spurts usually begin at 11 and peak about 14.

They undergo rapid muscular growth, and uneven growth of different parts of the body. These rapid changes may make some teens uncomfortable with their changing body images.

Their activity level seems to increase noticeably and they have trouble sitting still or being quiet. They are as likely to experience periods of high energy and activity, as they are to loll about in a state of dreamy lethargy.

They have an enormous, but often capricious appetite.

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Young adolescents are beginning to move from the concrete thinking into the abstract realm which Piaget called formal operations. They gradually gain the ability to reflect and imagine the possibilities of what might be in a situation rather than holding to preconceived notions of what is based solely on the specifics of their own previous experience.

They have an increasing ability to understand metaphors, abstract and mathematical concepts, and ideas like justice and love. Since changes in thinking ability occur slowly, it is common for youth to think abstractly and reflectively in one area, but think concretely in another situation. They need the opportunities to develop the skills and competencies which will enable them to move most productively into the real adult world. Moving from concrete to more abstract thinking. Ready- made solutions from adults are often rejected in favor of finding their own solutions. Small groups provide an opportunity to test ideas.

Young adolescents begin to question formerly accepted rules and beliefs. Although frustrating for teachers, this shows and ability to use their new cognitive abilities, and therefore an opportunity for adults to facilitate the true internalization of positive values and to find personal meaning and relevancy in the rules and beliefs of society.

Adults should continue to avoid comparing young people with each other, being careful not to embarrass them. Desiring a sense of independence from parents, opinions of peers become more important than opinions of parents and other adults in the areas of dress, music and activities.

In their enthusiasm, they often forget about their manners, and are loud, rude and physical. Because of their constant activity and carelessness, they are often being disciplined and may develop a belligerent attitude. They often forget that others may get hurt as they push and shove each other in fun.

Boys tend to move in large, loosely organized groups with a few closer friends within the group which may change from time to time. Girls tend to move in smaller groups and are more likely to have intense friendships with serious periods of being mad at each other and getting back together.
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TEACHER STRATEGIES Every teacher aims to be an effective teacher. The concept of effective teaching is somewhat elusive one, however. Can it be determined from the teachers behavior, the learners behavior, classroom interaction or the results of learning? Researchers have attempted to operationalize the notion of effective teaching by describing it as teaching that produces higher -than- predicted gains on standardized achievements. In a comprehensive survey of the research of effective schooling, Blum (1984: 3-6) summarizes effective classroom practices as follows: Instruction is guided by a preplanned curriculum. There are high expectations for student learning. Students are carefully oriented to lessons. Instruction is clear and focused. Learning progress is monitored closely. When students dont understand, they are retaught. Class time is used for learning. There are smooth and efficient classroom routines. Instructional groups formed in the classroom fit instructional needs. Personal interactions between teachers and students are positive.

Several dimensions of teaching have been found to account for differences between effective and ineffective instruction (Doyle 1977; Good 1979). These include classroom management, structuring, tasks and grouping. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Classroom management refers to the ways in which student behavior, movement and interaction during a lesson are organized and controlled by the teacher to enable teaching to take place most effectively. Good managerial skills on the part of the teacher are an essential component of good teaching. In a wellmanaged class, discipline problems are few, and learners are actively engaged in learning tasks and activities; this contributes to high motivation and expectations for success.
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STRUCTURING A lesson reflects the concept of structuring when the teachers intentions are clear and instructional activities are sequenced according to a logic that students can perceive. Fisher et al. (1980) conclude that students pay attention more when the teacher spends time discussing the goals or structures of the lesson and/or giving directions about what the students are to do (p.26)

TASKS Tasks, or activity structures, refer to activities that teachers assign to attain particular learning objectives. For any given subject at any given level, a teacher uses a limited repertoire of tasks that essentially define that teachers methodology of teaching. According to Tikunoff (1985), class tasks vary according to the three types of demands they make on learners: a) Response mode demands -the kind of skills they demand, such as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis/synthesis, evaluation-. b) Interactional mode demand -the rules governing how classroom tasks are accomplished, such as individually, in a group, or with help of the teacher-. c) Task complexity demands -how difficult the learner perceives the task to be-. Good teaching is hence said to be task oriented. Effective teachers also monitor performance on tasks, providing feedback on how well tasks have been completed.

EFFECTIVE TEACHING IN BILINGUAL CLASSROOMS Tikunoff (1983) suggests that three kinds of competence are needed for the student of limited English proficiency (LEP): participative competence, the ability to respond appropriately to class demands and the procedural rules for accomplishing them; interactional competence, the ability to respond both to classroom rules of discourse and social rules of discourse, interacting appropriately with peers and adults while accomplishing class tasks; and academic competence, the ability to acquire new skills, assimilate new information, and construct new concepts Furthermore, to be functionally proficient classroom, the student must be able to utilize these competences to perform three major functions: a) To decode and understand both task expectations and new information
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in the

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b) To engage appropriately in completing tasks, with high accuracy c) To obtain accurate feedback with relation to completing tasks accurately This approach to teaching is one in which methodological principles are developed from studying the classroom practices and processes actually employed by effective teachers. Good teaching is not viewed as something that results from using Method X or Method Y, or something that results from the teacher modifying teaching behaviors to match some external set of rules and principles. Rather, it results from the teachers active control and management of the processes of teaching, learning and communication within the classroom and from an understanding of these processes.

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ACTIVIDAD 1 Reflexin. Observe y analice las siguientes caricaturas de Tonucci .

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ACTIVIDAD 2 En parejas comparta las ideas principales del marco terico referencial (pginas 1-8), que subrayaron previamente.

ACTIVIDAD 3 Juego Maratn

ACTIVIDAD 4 Vea los ejemplos de Recursos Didcticos del anexo, elija cinco que sean acordes a: Las caractersticas de sus estudiantes (pginas 9-12) Una Prctica Social de lenguaje, considerando:

A. La Competencia Especfica B. Los Aprendizajes Esperados C. Los contenidos del: Hacer con el lenguaje, Saber sobre el lenguaje y Ser con el lenguaje D. El producto y sus etapas Proponga tres que haya usado exitosamente o que pueda usar.

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Libros Cuentos

Rimas digitales Juegos (de relacin, memoria, lotera, bingo, rompecabezas)

PGINAS WEB Storytimekatie.com www.indiana.edu www.preschoolrainbow.org www.fastq.com www.grin.com

Flashcards Tteres

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Cloudy Sunny

Grfico de estados del tiempo (weather chart)



JANUARY S Sunda y 6 13 M Mond ay 7 14 T Tuesda y 1 8 15 W Wednesda y 2 9 16 Th y 3 10 17

2013 F y 4 11 Sa Saturda y 5 12 Thursda Frida

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Estrategias de participacin

Presentaciones Power Point Msica CDs Videos

Five What Its The a

little is

monkeys it ?

Tarjetas de palabras (Word cards)

pencil eight tentacles

octopus has

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- Canciones y rimas ilustradas

Im a Little Teapot

Im a little

teapot, (stand still)




Here is my handle, (Put hand on hip)

Here is my spout. (extend other arm)

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout. (bend to side of extended arm)

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Just tip me over, and pour me out.

Two little blackbirds

Two little black birds,

Sitting on the wall (hold up one finger of each hand)

One named Peter, One named Paul.

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Administracin Federal de Servicios Educativos en el Distrito Federal Direccin General de Innovacin y Fortalecimiento Acadmico Direccin de Programas de Innovacin Educativa Coordinacin del Programa de Ingls en el Distrito Federal

Fly away Peter! (put a hand behind your back)

Fly away, Paul! (put the other hand behind you back)

Come back, Peter! (bring the first hand from behind your back)

Come back, Paul! (bring the second hand from behind your back)

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SEP. (2011) Programa Nacional de Ingls en Educacin Bsica. Segunda Lengua: Ingls. Fundamentos Curriculares. Preescolar. Primaria. Secundaria. Mxico. SEP (2011), Programas de Estudio 2011. Primer, Segundo, Tercer, Cuarto, Quinto y Sexto grado. Educacin Bsica Primaria, Mxico, SEP SEP. Programa de Estudio 2011. Gua para la Educadora. Educacin Bsica Preescolar. Mxico, SEP. Tonucci, Francesco (2008). Los materiales. SEP. Primera edicin SEP/Editorial Losada /Editorial Ocano de Mxico. Richards, Jack C. The Language Teaching Matrix. Cambridge Language Teaching Library.

SUGERENCIAS DE BIBLIOGRAFA (PARA LEER MS) De Puig, Irene y Anglica Stiro (2000), Jugar a pensar. Recursos para aprender a pensar en educacin infantil, Espaa, Eumo-Octaedro (Recursos, 27). SEP. CAJA DE HERRAMIENTAS. Lnea de Trabajo - Aprendizaje de lenguas adicionales GUA METODOLGICA. Hess, N. Teaching Large Multilevel Classes. Cambridge University Press. SEP (2010). Descubrir el mundo en la escuela maternal. Lo vivo, la materia, los objetos.

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