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Knowledge Base Article

Considerations for migrating to a new domain

Alloy Navigator 6 (Product Version: 6.5.1)

Article ID: KB002246 Date Modified: 21 Aug 2012

Considerations for migrating to a new domain

OVERVIEW When migrating to another domain, there are considerations to be made regarding Alloy Navigator 6 prior to the move. Migrating to a new domain may affect the following modules / product functionality:
Access to the main module of the application using windows authentication Access to the web modules of the application using windows authentication (Web Portal for Technicians and/or Self Service Desk for Clients) Active Directory syncronization job. The job may create duplicates in the Persons table Processing emails by the Mail Connector, the job may create duplicates in the Persons table Processing new audit snapshots may cause duplicates on the Persons table

PROCEDURE Migrating to a new domain will require completing a few configuration steps. We recommend to proceed in the following order:

Stop all services (Automation Server, Inventory Server, Web Portal for Technicians (for Enterprise product) and Self Service Desk for Clients). Run the queries below using MS SQL Server Management Studio or a similar tool:

Use AlloyNavigator6DB -- To update the Person_Logins table with the new domain update Person_Logins set [Domain] = 'NewDomainName' where [Domain] = 'OldDomainName' -- To update the Persons table with new email addresses update Person_Emails set [Email] = replace([Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') -- To update the User_Accounts table with the new domain update User_Accounts set [Login] = replace([Login], 'OldDomainName\', 'NewDomainName\')

-- To update emails in the Addresses table update [Address] set [Email] = replace([Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName')

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-- To update emails and logins in the Persons table update [Persons] set [Primary_Email] = replace([Primary_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [Primary_Login] = replace([Primary_Login], 'OldDomainName\', 'NewDomainName\') --To update unsent emails in the Queue(cfgEmailQueue) update [cfgEmailQueue] set [SendTo] = replace(Cast([SendTo] as nvarchar(MAX)), 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [SendFrom] = replace(Cast([SendTo] as nvarchar(MAX)), 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') -- To update emails in the Purchase Orders table update [PO] set [Vendor_Email] = replace([Vendor_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [Bill_to_Email] = replace([Bill_to_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [Ship_to_Email] = replace([Ship_to_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') -- To update System log notifications update [cfgSystemLogNotifications] set [Email] = replace([Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') -- To update emails in the Organizational_Units table update [Organizational_Units] set [Email] = replace([Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName')

Use AlloyDiscovery6DB --To update administartive alerts update [cfgInvAlertLog] set [CC_Email] = replace([CC_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [BCC_Email] = replace([BCC_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [From_Email] = replace([From_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [Recipient_Email] = replace([Recipient_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') update [cfgInvAlerts] set [CC_Email] = replace([CC_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [BCC_Email] = replace([BCC_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [From_Email] = replace([From_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName'), [Recipient_Email] = replace([Recipient_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') update [Inv_WorkstationData] set [User_Email] = replace([User_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName') replace([User_Email], 'OldDomainName', 'NewDomainName')

Re-configure startup accounts / service accounts for application's services. Re-configure automated jobs including the Mail Connector, Active Directory synchronization and Alloy Discovery synchronization jobs (for Enterprise product). Validate and update if needed scheduled tasks, criteria in workflow and content in macros and templates where domain names or email addresses are used. Page 3 of 4

Start services and test.

NOTE: We recommend making a backup copy before making changes to your database(s).

REFERENCE No references currently exist.

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