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Ms. Silva

December 17, 2008


And So Castles Made of Sand Fall Into

The Sea, Eventually

There was once a little boy called Harikazi. He was a born in a land called

Memorex, where magic existed. There were unicorns, dragons, flying fish (wow!),

and of course yellow beetles (the Volkswagen kind). The sky was pink for

inexplicable reasons and the sea was yellow (no, not because people urinated there).

There were also flamingos flying everywhere, but no one saw them anyway, because

the sky was pink. In Memorex, the only type of music that existed was rock, because

the supreme creator of Memorex, Twist, outlawed any other type of music. The

population of Memorex mainly consisted of peace-loving hippies, who believed in

various wise things, such as peace, flower power, and long hair.

Harikazi, however, was not a hippy, because he didn’t believe in peace and

love. He believed in stupid things, such as e=mc2 and the theory of relativity. Harikazi

had one motto, which he used all the time, and it stated: “Scientia Potentia Est” (I’m

not going to explain it, Google is your friend). Because of his very radical ideas,

Harikazi was banished from the peace-loving community of hippies and was seen as a

heretic. But Harikazi didn’t shed a single tear and just left the community as if it was

nothing unusual, but then he cried his heart out once he was exactly 3.14 m away

from any inhabited land (but that doesn’t count). After crying his heart out, Harikazi

decided that he had to do something because crying would get him nowhere.
Harikazi decided to make his own magic wand. He chopped down a maple

tree (he doesn’t respect the trees) and used its wood for the core of his wand. Then he

got some peacock feathers and added them to the dull end of his wand, just to make it

look nice. Then he uttered the-spell-that-must-not-be-named and his magic wand

produced smoke and made the sound a car engine makes when it doesn’t turn on.

Harikazi had to utter the magic words about 23 times and only then did the magic

wand start working. He tested it on the clouds (which were blue, by the way) and they

immediately dispersed in all four directions.

Harikazi, being as stupid as he was, decided he wasn’t ready to go and use his

powers against the peace-loving hippies, so he decided on 7.87421245 different

adventures to build his skills with his magic wand (particularly because this legend

has to be somewhere around 3 pages). His first adventure was a short trip to the forest

to battle his first opponent: a drag… I mean a mouse. As mighty Harikazi took out his

wand (Harry Potter style), he suddenly jerked downwards violently which sent a wave

of air pressure towards the mouse, but a second before it hit the mouse, the mouse just

stepped away, because apparently the air was travelling at 0.26732 km/h. After that

Harikazi realized that he was a terrible wizard, and that was a fact. So, Harikazi

worked out a new solution to his problem, which I can’t reveal because that will just

ruin the whole story.

Harikazi set on his way back home and on his way he saw a banana tree that

had lots of bananas on it. Harikazi knew that in Memorex bananas were considered

evil things that shouldn’t be tried. Harikazi weighed the cons and pros of eating those

bananas, but finally decided that it would take him a lot more energy to climb the tree

and get those bananas, than eating the bananas would actually him (Moral: Logic is

the way, so use what’s in that big head of yours).He also saw his old friends, but they
all showed him rude hand gestures, and so he didn’t stop and chat with them. As he

entered the city gates a crowd of hippies surrounded him and demanded him how he

had dared to come back. Harikazi got angry, seriously angry. “How dare they question

me?,” thought Harikazi. He got so angry that he pulled out his wand and pointed it at

Twist and said, “So, finally we meet, Twist, you were the one who suggested

banishing me, right?” To which Twist replied, “Indeed.” Then Harikazi said one of the

coolest thing he had ever said:

“Time for Loss, Time for Lie, Time to Kiss Your Life Goodbye!”

(He said it while some hippie was playing his bass, so it sounded a lot better

than the way you just read it right now.) So, Harikazi pulled out his wand and said

some wild spell that no one heard (probably because he was lip synching) and that

made a fireball appear which hit Twist right in the ba… I mean chest.

The Hippies were shocked. Harikazi was shocked. Twist was shocked, even

though he was dying. Then Twist died and Harikazi decided to put his plan into

action: He flicked his wand and millions of flowers appeared. Lilies, Roses, Tulips

and other flowers were all falling from the sky and then everyone started singing:

All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace A


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