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Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them!

NEW Special Report From the desk of

Ross Jeffries
The Guru of Getting Some


For the smart guy who refuses to resort to bullying, begging, buying, bs or booze, in his pursuit of happiness.

Copyright 2009, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved. This special report may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.

This special report may contain viewpoints that may be considered controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a powerful guide for self-respecting, intelligent men who are looking to avoid from "real-hate-shun-ships by default" and instead claim the happiness that they deserve. I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or Seduction.com (or any of our other websites or entities) cannot and will not be held responsible in any way for your actions, and will not be held liable for any and all claims from you or any other third party. You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact on others. This information is meant for "entertainment" purposes only. While this special report contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are recommended by us and, in most cases, have succeeded when applied by others, this product and its contents carry no warranty or guarantee (either explicit or implied) that the purchaser or reader will achieve success with women, or in any other endeavor for which they may be used.


Why Women Flake ... And How To Successfully Handle It

Dear Speed Seduction Student, I have a feeling this is going to be one of the most popular, well-read, well responded to and forwardedto-friends girl-getting special reports that I will ever write. Listen: one of the most common challenges I hear about from my students is dealing with "flaky" women. How do you handle it when everything seems to be going smoothly with a woman, and suddenly ... They stop calling Or they don't show up Or all communication ceases and they just seem to "disappear"

Now, there are many different schools of thought on this. Some would say just forget about it and let her go. See if she comes back. And I can see some wisdom in that. Others say, get angry. Call her on her bullshit. Be really hardcore about it. I say, the best answer, first and foremost is to gain some understandings about why a woman can act flaky. 1. She just wasn't interested in the first place. Ok, that's possible, but if you use these tools I am teaching properly and screen properly, you probably are going to create SOME interest, most of the time. 2. She had some interest, but not enough to move her forward in the way you wanted her to. 3. She has some guy (or girl!) in the background that she didn't tell you about and now she feels guilty and doesn't want to screw it up with that existing real-hate-shun-ship. Or that person is on an emotional roller coaster with her and is destroying the stability of her moods and her ability to make a decision.
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1

4. She just has problems with intimacy, or her emotions/moods in general. She's been burned, hurt, is depressed, emotionally unavailable or shut down. Or she's into drugs and someone offered her a line of coke or a hit of heroin and you went right out the window! Or she's having a depressive episode and can't even get out of bed! 5. She's having some serious life crisis or challenge; a relative is sick, she's in trouble financially, she's having legal problems, etc. SHIT HAPPENS, even to the chicks we want. 6. She was interested (and still might be) but you just PUSHED TOO FAST, TOO HARD! You interrupted her own "crush" process and timing with your calls, and attention. 7. Something very positive has happened in her life to distract her. She landed the part in the movie, she got a new job that excites her, she met someone else who closed the deal on her and she had awesome, blowher-mind sex with him. Now you are out of the picture. 8. She was very interested. You really got to her. But related to reason #4, she is just not ready for strong emotions right now in her life. You got to her and it scared her silly. It happens. 9. It's an X-file. A mysterious disappearance that you will never explain, until you come face to face with the Aliens who know all and who secretly pull the strings of human destiny. Ok. So bear in mind there could be plenty of reasons for what is going on, aside from you being some kind of destined to lose knob-boy or some technical issues with properly using Speed Seduction. Of course, I assume you have the fabulous Speed Seduction 3.0 System: http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ30.php Now, on the technical side, maybe you failed to establish sufficient comfort and connection. Or maybe you didn't get enough intrigue, arousal, and desire. Or maybe she gave you all the signals to close the deal, but for some reason you shied away from it and now she thinks you were just teasing her. But assuming that isn't true, that you did everything right and got great responses, if she isn't returning your calls or is otherwise flaking out or acting cold or you just can't get a hold of her, consider it one or more of the 9 things going on.

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Very Powerful 10th Reason! Now, let me state a 10th reason: on the unconscious level, she is looking for someone who is strong enough (and HONEST ENOUGH) to call her on her bullshit, without seeming needy in the process. You see, I think women crave a man who is strong and also someone who is honest enough to express it when he is not happy with her behavior, WITHOUT being punishing and cruel about it. (Ok, so chicks do want and respond to punishment, but I am assuming you don't want to be around THEM!) They Want To Trust You AND They Want You To Be Strong When you call a woman on her crap (without seeming needy or out of control) you are creating trust and showing your strength. Why? Because she gets that you are not just saying something "nice" to get into her pants. You are actually saying something that may risk offending her and even turning her away from you and yet you still do it because you are honorable and confident enough to speak your truth AND ... You Are Willing To Walk Away! Your saying what you really think, because letting her hear your truth regardless of what happens is important to you. And being willing to risk offending her and not having her in your life demonstrates to her that you really are a guy with self-respect and a guy who has other options and that she'll have to do some work for you. Remember, if a woman wants you a little bit, she will want you a lot more if she has to work for you and if she feels she can trust the communication from you! Here is the formula:

Some interest on her part + trusting you are being sincere + seeing she has to work for you + seeing you have self-respect and you are willing to walk away = SUDDEN INCREASE IN INTEREST!
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3

More On Creating Trust To understand women, bear in mind that even (and especially) the hottest women have lots of fear-based emotions around intimacy and sex. In fact, the hot ones are the ones who have probably been most lied to, because most guys will say and do anything to get a hot piece! So when you say something that might actually drive her away, paradoxically, it creates trust in her. Why? Because now she starts to see that you are NOT like those other guys who will put up with anything or say anything "nice" if it will get them into her pants. Instead, she perceives that you WILL tell her what you really think, what you really want, and what you expect, even if she doesn't like it and even if it might drive her away! Avoiding The Two Faces Of Needy! Bear in mind that being punitive and nasty in your tone or words is not going to work with any self-respecting women. (I am assuming you do not want to attract the damaged ones). It will both turn her off and scare her. (There is a time for genuine, non-punitive anger, later in the relationship, once she is deeply invested in you. But now is not the time!) So you will NOT lose control and get angry. Why? Not only would this scare her, but more importantly: getting angry and losing l control spells needy and desperate, as needy and desperate as someone who whines and begs for her attention. Angry/loss of control = aggressive needy Begging/whining = submissive needy. It is all still being needy, one way or another.

So no whining. And no anger. Period. They both convey needy ... and needy drives women away like a crucifix to a vampire!
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4

(By the way, emotionally damaged women who are very submissive mistakenly view aggressively needy men as being manly and confident! A sick dynamic and another reason to stay away from that kind of response!) So you will not get angry and punitive (unless you want sick women!) Nor will you get clingy, whinny and desperate. The best stance for you to take, for yourself, is to be "neutral". Neutral just means you acknowledge, to yourself (not her!) the facts of the situation. That you don't like what is going on. That you don't know for sure why it is happening. And that you don't like that you don't know. That, my friend, is neutral.

You would like things to change and be different, you will give it your best shot, but you acknowledge that you really don't know what is happening. Remember, these are all understandings to have for yourself, and not necessarily something you will verbalize to her. Being neutral keeps you out of the drama of assuming things for the worst. It opens the opportunity and possibility (though not a guarantee) that things could work better. And it keeps you clear and emotionally stable and balanced in an area of life that probably has, up until now, been very hard and very challenging for you. All good outcomes for something so simple: being clear and neutral. Look: I really do want you to have all the success you could ever want with women, without begging or bullying. Being angry and punishing will work: with women who feel a deep need to be punished. But trust me, the drama and pain they will bring to you, the chaos and emotional roller coasters are NOT WORTH IT.

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries Founder, Speed Seduction P.S. Get the women you really want (and can respect and enjoy as people too) by getting your Speed Seduction 3.0 System today: http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ30.php

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A Word-For-Word Anti-Flake Pattern...

Now, I will show you how to construct some word for word responses to these flaky scenarios to give these girls a fighting chance to re-qualify for the right to compete to be in your bed! (How is that for attitude!) The Incredible Power Of Implication One of the principles I teach over and over in the Speed Seduction 3.0 System course is: use your language to capture and lead a woman's imagination and emotions. (You can get your course at: http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ30.php) Now, a sub-principle I teach is this: whatever you can get a woman to imagine, will be perceived by her as being HER OWN THOUGHT, because she imagined it, and therefore she will not resist it. What you have to argue or pressure or give reasons to a woman about, even if it is really in her own best interests, will be perceived as coming from outside of herself and will usually be resisted! Now, one good tool to get around this "resistance barrier" is implication. When you imply something, rather than clearly state it, the listener has to fill in the blank with their own imagination, so the thought appears to be coming from inside of their own mind. Let me give you a simple example. Suppose you weren't returning my calls, for whatever reason. If I called you up and directly said, "If you don't return my call I won't call you back any more. I'm not going to chase after you to try to make you be my friend" you would probably think I'm quite a jerk-off and would probably not call me back. If instead, I wanted to IMPLY that I wasn't going to call you back again after this, I'd say something like, "Hey, it's Ross and I thought I'd give it a last shot at getting a chance to talk. People get busy and have their own reasons but you just seemed like someone worth SOME work at befriending. You can call me back at: 555-1212"

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

So what does that message imply? 1. I'm not calling again. How does it imply this? By using the words "last shot". 2. I'm busy too and it's ok with me if you are busy. That's not a reason not to return a call. How does it imply this? "People get busy". Notice I didn't SAY that I am busy or that you are busy. I used the vague term "People". 3. I have my doubts about you but I'm cool enough to give you a shot at proving my doubts are wrong and my initial good assessment was right. How do I imply this? By saying you SEEMED like someone worth SOME work at befriending. SEEMED implies maybe I was wrong. SOME work implies that I didn't place THAT high an estimate on you, so you have some work to do to live up to my standards. Now, this message still might not work at all. But by using this implication, it gives you a chance to get off your ass just in case you were distracted by other things, and reach out for the opportunity. Using Frames And Positioning Notice also, the message allows me to position myself as someone with a lot of good stuff going on who is NOT needy and who is totally cool about letting it all go. I'm saying I will NOT chase you down but I WILL give you a shot at proving you are a cool person. So I set a frame of strength and that YOU are the one who is going to miss out. By the way, depending on how much has already gone on and happened between us, I might actually blatantly state that we are BOTH going to miss out, but even there I will use implication to make you wonder exactly HOW you might be missing out, so YOU will fill in the blank and imagine it! For example, on more than one occasion, I've let this message for women, after having a seemingly wonderful first encounter (whether that meant making out, going full Monty or whatever) and then not having calls returned: "Hey Debby, it's Ross. Well, I just thought I'd give it a last shot at seeing whether spending time again is something you realize YOU WANT TO DO. You know, if we don't it will be a loss for me, but maybe what you haven't yet realized is, it will be a loss for you as well..maybe in ways you haven't yet considered. And losing is something no one wants to do. So you can call me back at: 5551212."
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8

Now, there is something else in this message: I am approaching from a position of vulnerability without need. I am admitting I will feel some loss (so I don't come off as an arrogant moron) yet it is not done with any begging tonality or need. Remember, I leave these messages with a very matter-of-fact tone, as if I were telling someone, "hey, your shoe is untied". It's very matter-of-fact, evenlypaced, even toned, with very little emotion. If you can show SOME vulnerability but do it from strength and convey no need, you make a powerful message! Again, it sets the frame of someone who has SOME interest, but doesn't need them and that you can walk away. Also: look at how I get her to consider how it might be a loss for her without saying exactly what that loss might be. Sure, she might just think, "Who cares? Screw off!" In that case, nothing would have worked anyway. No Punish, No Pressure, No Push But remember, assuming one of the 10 reasons for flaking is at play and she is just distracted or a little scared, this message gives her a chance to step back up to the plate and show some better behavior your way, without making her feel punished, pressured or pushed! It's a "take or leave it" thing you are presenting, but a gentle, non-threatening, non-needy Take It Or Leave It! Remember, the reality is, we don't know what her situation is. By staying vague, sticking to the facts as you do know them, and presenting the right frame, you give the situation and her a fighting chance to work for you, all the while preserving your morale, self-esteem and self-respect. Another Word For Word Example Here is a message I left for a woman - she had given me a couple of massages and seemed to have a more personal interest in me. We met for coffee and she was wildly responsive to me (people were staring at us getting closer and closer at the coffee place).
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Then, for some reason, she flaked on a meeting and stopped returning my calls. So here is the message I left her, along with my analysis. The message I left is in "quotes" an directly below each line, I give my comments on what I am doing. "Hey Amber, it's Ross. So, I'm just wondering what is going on. You haven't returned my calls and then you flaked on a meeting. You know, I thought you and I were at least BECOMING friends. But this doesn't feel like the way friends treat friends. At best it feels distracted and at worst, it feels thoughtless. And that second choice just doesn't feel like you. So if you have some explanation and want to call, you can reach me at: 555-1212." Let's break this down into its component parts. "Hey Amber, it's Ross. So, I'm just wondering what is going on." This just identifies me and why I am calling. "You haven't returned my calls and then you flaked on a meeting" This tells her what behavior I am addressing. It is also matter of factually pacing the situation, stating what is going on. "You know, I thought you and I were at least BECOMING friends." This tells her that I now have doubts about her. And it gives her a safe way to temporarily think about our situation with less pressure if she is feeling pressured or scared. By using the "f" word I can back her up a bit and I feel ok doing this because I got such strong responses during the coffee Sarge. As long as YOU use this label first, before she does, it doesn't present the danger of you being put in the "friends" box. "But this doesn't feel like the way friends treat friends." Here, you are implying that you deserve a higher standard of treatment than what she is giving you. Why? Because you and she are not strangers. Also, it is vague: according to whom does it not feel like the way friends treat friends? You are deleting who is making the judgment, so it has a hypnotic effect. "At best it feels distracted and at worst, it feels thoughtless."

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


You are showing that you understand there is more than one possibility: maybe she ISN'T being a rude bitch and is just really busy and distracted. You are HOPING she will prove that your best thoughts about her are true and that your worst thoughts about her are NOT true, but you aren't sure which right now. Maybe you were wrong about the good thoughts you had about her! In either case, it sets the frame that she has to prove herself to you now! Notice, you have implied all this. If you directly stated it, she'd never call you back again. Implication is a woefully powerful tool, my friend. Women use it on us all the time! "And that second choice just doesn't feel like you" Here you are showing you really do have a good image of her but you still have some doubt. It doesn't FEEL like her, but it might, alas and alack, still be true, much to your sorrow! "So if you have some explanation and want to call, you can reach me at: 5551212." Gives her an opportunity to do the desired behavior. Now, I just recently used this again (it works about 60-70% of the time) and the woman left me a message falling all over herself apologizing, saying she hoped she was forgiven and really wanted to make it up to me. It turned out her mother had gone into the hospital with a very serious health challenge and that she was besides herself with stress-that she was preparing to fly home to see her mother and her family but could I possibly see her in the next few days before she left town? In this case, this fine young lady just got distracted by a nasty life event that would have distracted any one. By using implication, by refraining from pushing, punishing or pressuring, the Sarge is now back on, with the proper frame set that I put value on myself, don't put up with crap, will walk away but also will be fair with her and give her a chance to prove to me that she really is a wonderful human being! Does It Always Work? Now, nothing works all the time. Remember the rule: when women act this way, we never know exactly what is going on.
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


When this kind of response that I just explained doesn't work, you can be sure that nothing else would have worked either and you at least gave it your best shot. Remember, some of those 9 out of 10 reasons just can't be addressed, fixed or handled other than walking away. So be it and so it is. Hard Core Flakes: Hard Core Responses Sometimes the flaking really gets in your face. I'm not talking about not returning calls. Or a woman being legitimately busy or have a legit emergency. I'm talking about either: her calling at the last minute and canceling with a very lame excuse. Or, even worse, cancelling through text or IM and then adding, just for good measure, "I don't feel like talking on the phone." Or: her not showing up for an agreed meeting and then not calling with a few hours with an explanation or apology, prior to you have any established history with her. (Remember, context is everything. If you have already been intimate with her and are seeing her a few months and she suddenly doesn't show up or call, probably something out of her control went wrong, and it's probably more appropriate and ACCURATE to be genuinely worried about her! I am talking here about women you have just met and/or have not yet been physically intimate with.) Last Minute Canceling In my experience, last minute canceling is pretty bad news. always hiding something. She is almost

She either already has an involvement and is having serious second thoughts or she has something else going on that is embarrassing in nature that she just does not want to reveal. Could be a drug problem. Could be she's on probation. Maybe her pimp called her and told her tonight's a "working" night.

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Maybe her herpes simplex 9 has reached "United Nations sanctions levels" and she is being quarantined. Hey, you never, NEVER know. In those cases, just know you did your best and you are not going to get anywhere and should probably be glad about it. But in about 25% of the cases, she's just having some cold feet and you can get around it. Here's what you do when she calls: "Hi Ross, it's Debby Dimshine. Sorry..I can't make it. I have to wash my hair" or whatever lame-ass story she tells you. Just go silent on her. Don't say anything. "Hello? Are you there?" Then say, "Look, we made plans and now you're canceling on me at the last minute.. I understand sometimes emergencies come up, but when people make plans with me, I expect them to keep them. I'll always respect your time but I expect that same respect back. You call me when you know YOU CAN DO THAT." Then hang up. The Very Subtle Implication At The Heart Of This Now, this is pretty strong stuff. Little or no implication here. But you are still doing this without losing control; you are stating what is going on, you are stating your rules, you are offering to be fair about it and extend to her what you expect from her, and then you are telling her what she has to do next IF she is interested. With this message, in this circumstance. it is ok to sound a little miffed. A bit pissed. A bit annoyed. Why? Because, in this case, you ought to be.

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Your time is valuable (or should be). This person IS wasting your time by disrespecting your scheduling and wasting time you could have spent with others. That IS legit cause for a legitimately self-respecting person to be a little pissed. But notice, it isn't about losing her. It's about losing your time. You have implied in this message that your time is very valuable by saying you expect her to respect it. You wouldn't expect respect for something you yourself didn't value. You are implying that you value something more than you value her: always a challenge for women! You didn't say this directly. You implied it. Subtly. You silver-tongued Speed Seducing devil! Sometimes You Can't "Win" As the Chinese say, "If you can't be grateful for what you've won, be grateful for what you've managed to avoid". Some women, my friend, are just not worth it. Some women really are self-absorbed, live-in-the-moment, arrogant shit-heads and flakes and frankly we wouldn't even look at them twice or put any importance on them if they didn't come wrapped in pretty packaging. Swiftly letting these kinds of women eliminate themselves from your life is the best favor they could possibly do for you! You need an arrogant, self-centered, flaky or deeply disturbed woman like you need an inflamed pee pee-hole, my dear student! Remember: set standards for the women who will compete to get into your bed. The man who is the most selective, paradoxically winds up having the best(if not the most) selections! Remember that whether that woman you want is pleasing you or frustrating you, ignoring or adoring you, she is still a human, like you. She came in the same way you did: naked baby. She will go out the same way you will: no more breathing. And in between those two events, whether she's sweet as sugar or bitter as a bitch, she's still just trying to figure it all out.
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Compassion, neutrality, clarity and a sense of humor will power you a good way longer with people than bullying, begging, rage or sentiment. So, rather than let uncertainty fuel fires that ought never be lit in the first place, just admit you don't know for sure what is going on. Then get curious, get playful, consult your intuition, and give it your best shot with a sense of fun! Doesn't that beat a poke in the eye? Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries Founder, Speed Seduction If you haven't already claimed your Speed Seduction 3.0 System, may I make a suggestion? Print out and re-read this special report on handling flakes and flaking. See if you don't find you can strongly convince yourself that I really do know what I am talking about and that your decision to buy a course is already something you can see as one of the smartest choices you ever will have made. Then see how good and encouraged you can feel when you just click right here, RIGHT NOW to order : http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ30.php

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Staying Strong When They Are Flakey

If only the world of women were a lot more easy. The truth is, women do pull 180's on us. They act warm and suddenly get cold. They seem into us and then they disappear. If you are not strongly grounded in your own energy, your own belief and your own reality, this can really shake you, especially if you are just starting to taste success. Here is an email I got on this subject: ================================= Hello Ross, I've been following your newsletter carefully but still there is one major problem that I can't handle and this is my neediness. When I meet girls, I learn how to loosen up, but when things start getting more intimate, I start demanding too much and too soon. When girls start getting flaky for example, they just compel me to act needy, I just feel compelled to ask them again and again and it takes me tremendous effort to suppress it. Do you know any strategy of how to overcome it, how to just feel "unattached" to the outcome? ================================= This is such a common problem that I really feel badly for not having addressed it sooner. It is human nature to value something more when it gets pulled away from us. We are programmed in many ways to protect what we already have, even if what we have isn't that much or that great. If what we have really IS great, compared to what we are used to having, then we really can panic when it gets pulled away. As in handling anything, the first step is to be prepared BEFORE something happens, so you know energetically how you will respond. If you wait for the crisis and then, in the middle of your panic, try to find an answer, it will be too late.

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


So what I want to say, first of all, is: expect that women, for whatever reasons, can be creatures of mood and often these shifts on their part HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. What if you could practice having this kind of thing happen and you feeling totally rooted, totally grounded and thinking, "This is just some noise in her system and it may not even have anything to do with me?" Also, I strongly recommend you learn some physical/breath practice for grounding yourself. Another way to think about it is this: any response a woman gives you is just information you can use and an opportunity to show her you walk through the world in a much better, much more powerful way than she. So what if you were to have the response, when they act flakey or pull away, "I don't know why you're doing this, but I know I don't like it and don't have time to figure it out. When you're in a better way and you knock on the door just right, I might still open it". Finally, I strongly urge you to find ways to make this belief real for you: "I can enjoy meeting and connecting with people on many and different levels and I am also fine on my own. I make my own fun!" Now ... you can really can get all the women you want without bullying, begging or buying. Just go here: http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ30.php Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries Founder, Speed Seduction P.S. If you really want to master your fear with women in any situation and radiate charisma and charm, go to: http://www.seduction.com/products/feartocharisma.php

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Word-For-Word Anti-Flake Pattern In Action!

In the previous section, I gave you an example of a word for word message I have used with success on women who suddenly stop calling. Well, I just left that message about an hour ago for a bartender who I've been Sarging on and off. She had not returned 2 calls over the space of a month. To refresh your memory, it goes something like this: "Hey Amber, it's Ross. So, I'm just wondering what is going on. You haven't returned my calls and then you flaked on a meeting. You know, I thought you and I were at least BECOMING friends. But this doesn't feel like the way friends treat friends. At best it feels distracted and at worst, it feels thoughtless. And that second choice just doesn't feel like you. So if you have some explanation and want to call, you can reach me at: 555-1212." 20 minutes after I left that message she called me back falling all over herself apologizing. She said: 1. Her father had a heart attack so she flew to Texas to be with him. 2. She'd had the flu for the past week and best of all: 3. HER BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH HER AND MOVED OUT! Note to self: when you use that break-them-up spell, make sure you don't afflict them or relatives with diseases by accident. Just kidding on that last part. Here is the most important thing: I really did NOT know what was going on with this woman. She was very warm to me whenever I went into the bar to see her, incredibly responsive to my touch (you can see what I did to her by going to the website and checking out my Advanced Irresistible Arousal videos at http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ183.php). But for now, I can tell you that
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18

when I'd massage her neck and shoulders I could feel the heat radiating off her bodies and her moans of pleasure gave me a Stiffly Stifferson the size of Miami! So I knew that she was into me and there had to be something else going on. This was not a case of low interest at all. By calling her on it and letting her know she was about to lose me yet at the same time being cool about it, I gave her a chance to cum through and redeem herself. (BTW, since she was so very nice to call me I treated her to a very erotic trance session over the phone. Very fun, for us both, to be sure!) Remember, women's lives can be very chaotic, fast paced, full of stress and change. All the more reason to capture and lead their imagination and emotions as fast as you can and be prepared for the unpredictable and for change. Oh, and one more thing. A few hours after writing this I walked into the bar/restaurant where she works. She came up behind me, wrapped her arms around me, covered me with kisses and wouldn't let go of me! Damn, this stuff WORKS! On the looks scale, she's 3 points above me and easily 20 years younger. And I haven't spent ONE penny on her and don't intend to! Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries Founder, Speed Seduction P.S. Now ... are you tired of begging and buying a woman's favor? Don't want to resort to bullying? Get the women you really want, without pushing, pleading or punishing. Just go here: http://www.seduction.com/products/walkup.php

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Another Anti-Flake Phone Pattern ... Works Yet AGAIN!

Recently on my blog, I told you about my student who had sex with the super-squirting babe who dried up and flaked on a planned meeting. 24 hours before their next scheduled meeting, she texted him with this: I have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. I totally forgot about a previous engagement. He knew immediately (as did I when he told me) that it was a flake, a line of total malarkey, because she didnt say she was sorry, didnt immediately offer to reschedule, and tried to hide behind texting rather than calling him. A few minutes after he told me about this, I found myself AGAIN in teacher/mentor mode (the place where I thrive). I wrote out a brand-new AntiFlake Phone Message Pattern and e-mailed it to him. As you know, I do my best work when I am hands-on with my students, helping them succeed in their specific situations with women. Some of the key points of the Anti-Flake Phone Message Pattern (spoken in my students voice) are: Im trying to figure out whats going on and want to open the opportunity for you to tell me Id rather have it on the table or in my face, then behind my back (I use this in one of the screening patterns I use when I Sarge) Ive enjoyed being with you and want to hear whats going on

As a smart guy who is serious about success with the hottest of super-hot, wet women, he called her that evening and she answered the phone. After she tried to play him off and tell him she wasnt in the mood to talk he had her pause and focus on listening, and then he spoke the Anti-Flake Phone Message Pattern to her, word-for-word. "Hey Vanessa, it's Ross. So at this point I'm kinda scratching my head trying to figure out what's going on. I'm not a good mind-reader and don't have the time for it even if I was, so what I just want to do is open up the opportunity to speak your truth and
Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 20

just tell me what's going on. Whatever your truth, it's cool with me as long as I get to hear it. I'd rather have it on the table or in my face than shoved in a closet for me to have to figure out. So I enjoyed being with you and want to hear what's going on. You can think of this call as your absolute permission to do that. So you can call me back at: 555-1212." What Happened Next ... For a use a knife to cut the tension in the air 20 seconds, she was silent. I would venture her previous men have been Average Frustrated Chumps (AFCs) and shes never been in the presence of a real Speed Seduction Master who powerfully claims his desire, his skills, his success, and his future. Now she was confronted by a man who doesnt mess around when it comes to getting what he wants, and realized the game she is used to playing with men wasnt going to work on him. Then she said, slowly, Ive given this a lot of thought and I just dont think we have much in common. Youll make a woman happy very soon, but Im just not feeling this. Im sorry, Im really bad at this. Whether or not this was THE truth, it was, as far as hes concerned, her truth at the moment. And it wasnt his job to figure her out. In fact, in my debriefing with him he said the only part he really heard was when she said Youll make a woman happy very soon. Note: The goal of the Anti-Flake Phone Message Pattern is to get her to step out from behind her game and claim her truth (if she can). In this case, she couldnt. This is an indicator of how she would behave toward him if their interactions progressed to seeing each other and then boyfriend/girlfriend. By using the Anti-Flake this early in the interactions with her the VERY FIRST TIME she flaked on him, he sidestepped a landmine so he can refocus his Sarging efforts toward finding the RIGHT women for him. Like this pattern? Pretty cool eh? It clears things up so you can focus your energy and efforts on women who will be worth your time. That sure beats a poke in the eye!

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Peace and piece,

Ross Jeffries Founder, Speed Seduction P.S. Would you like to get your greedy little hands on word for word seduction patterns, INCLUDING the forbidden Gemini and Dark Sun patterns that induce permanent behavioral change in the women you desire, allowing you to mold them to the exact erotic specifications you require, demand and dream of? Then check out my Frame Control and Sexual Themes DVDs! http://www.seduction.com/products/RJ152.php

Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


How I Can Help You, Starting Right Now!

My #1 passion as a Seduction teacher and coach - the reason I do this - is because Speed Seduction gets you the women you really want without resorting to bullying, begging, buying, bs or booze. Do you want to work with me directly on the phone, live, every month, in addition to getting "first view" access to the latest and greatest teachings I develop as I work with smart guys like you to master your girl-getting game?

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Why Women Flake On The Phone, And How To Powerfully Handle Them! Copyright 2009, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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