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9. What sect of believers claimed that it was necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and for them to keep the Law of Moses? (15:5) Pharisees
10. Who did God choose to deliver the gospel the Gentiles? (15:7) Peter

14. What was Peter's other name? (15:14) Simon 18. How often was the law of Moses read in the synagogues? (15:21) Every Sabbath 24. What spiritual gift did Judas and Silas have (15:32) Prophecy 25. Which prophet from Jerusalem chose to stay in Antioch? (15:34) Silas

34. To what places did Paul and Silas travel to strengthen the churches? (15:41) Syria and Cilicia

35. Where did Paul meet Timothy? (16:1)

Lystra 48. Where did Paul first meet Lydia? (16:13-14) By the riverside
49. What was customarily done at the place Paul met Lydia? (16:13) Prayer
50. What was Lydia's occupation? (16:14)

Seller of purple
53. What was wrong with the slave girl brought to Paul in Philippi? (16:16)

She was possessed with a spirit of divination 55. How did this slave girl make money for her masters? (16:16) She was a fortune-teller
64. What punishment did Paul and Silas receive in Philippi? (16:22-23) They were beaten with rods and put into prison
70. What amazing event happened to open the doors of the prison and loosen the prisoners' chains? (16:26)

A great earthquake

84. After leaving Philippi, to what city did Paul and Silas go? (17:1) Thessalonica 86. How long did Paul reason in the synagogue? (17:2) Three Sabbaths
102. What two men remained in Berea when Paul was sent away? (17:14)

Silas and Timothy 103. After leaving Berea, to what city did Paul go and eventually send for his companions? (17:15) Athens 121. Who was the Areopagite that joined Paul and believed? (17:34) Dionysius 122. What woman is mentioned from Athens that joined Paul and believed? (17:34) Damaris

123. Where did Paul meet Aquila and Priscilla? (18:1-2) Corinth
125. What was the occupation of Paul, Aquila and Priscilla? (18:3) Tentmakers

127. What two men joined him again from Macedonia? (18:5) Silas and Timothy
129. Whose house, next door to the synagogue, did Paul go to? (18:7)

130. What ruler of the synagogue in Corinth believed on the Lord? (18:8)

131. How and when did the Lord speak to Paul while he was in Corinth? (18:9)

In a vision at night 133. How long did Paul remain in Corinth? (18:11) One year and six months 138. When Paul took a vow in Cenchrea, what did he do to his physical appearance? (18:18) He had his hair cut off

150. How long did Paul teach in the Ephesian synagogue? (19:8)

3 months 154. How long did Paul preach in Asia? (19:10) 2 years
157. What specific men are mentioned that were casting out evil spirits? (19:14)

7 sons of Sceva 158. Who was Sceva? (19:14) A Jewish chief priest 165. What man caused a commotion about the Way? (19:23-27) Demetrius

186. Where did Paul go after leaving Ephesus? (20:1) Macedonia 188. How long did Paul stay in Greece? (20:2-3) 3 Months 193. How long did Paul and his group stay in Troas? (20:6) 7 days 202. Who was raised from the dead by Paul in Acts 20:10 Eutychus 214. What term did Paul use to refer to the church that the Ephesian elders served? (20:28) Flock 215. What were the 2 terms Paul used to describe the elders of the church? (20:28) Overseers Shepherds 220. How long did Paul stay in Ephesus to warn the brethren about false teachers? (20:31) 3 years

222. What 3 items did Paul say he had not coveted from anyone? (20:33) Apparel Silver Gold

226. What mode of transportation did Paul use from Ephesus to Cos, Rhoades, and Patara? Ship
227. Where did Paul and his companions spend seven days after finding disciples there? (21:4) Tyre

231. In whose house did they stay while in Caesarea? (21:8) Philip's 234. What Judean prophet came to Caesarea to see Paul and his companions? (21:10) Agabus
235. With what did the Judean prophet bind his hands and feet? (21:11) Paul's belt 243. Why did Paul agree to participate in the purification rites of the four who had taken a vow? (21:20-24) To show the Jewish Christians that he walked orderly and kept the law

247. After their purification, where did Paul go with the men that were purified? (21:26) Temple 248. Who began the riot against Paul at the Jerusalem temple? (21:27) Jews from Asia 249. Who was the Greek man from Ephesus that Paul supposedly took into the temple? (21:29) Trophimus 251. What was the intention of the rioters after they dragged Paul out of the temple? (21:31) They were seeking to kill him 261. What was Paul's city of birth? (21:39; 22:3) Tarsus in Cilicia 262. Who gave Paul permission to speak to the people? (21:40) Commander of the garrison 263. In what language did Paul speak to the people? (21:40) Hebrew

266. At what man's feet did Paul learn? (22:3) Gamaliel
269. What did Saul intend to do with the Christians in Damascus? (22:5)

Take them to Jerusalem to be punished

271. To what city was Saul going when the great light shone around him? (22:6) Damascus

273. When Saul fell to the ground, what did the voice say to him? (22:7) "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" 274. Whose voice was it that called to Saul on the road? (22:8) Jesus of Nazareth
277. What physical problem did Saul have after seeing the great light? (22:11) He was blind

278. What devout man came to see Saul? (22:12) Ananias 279. What was the first thing the man said to Saul in Damascus? (22:13) "Brother Saul, receive your sight" 287. To whom did the Lord send Saul after he left Jerusalem? (22:21) The Gentiles

298. According to Acts 23:1, Paul told the council he had always had a good ______. (23:1) Conscience

299. Who commanded that Paul be struck on the mouth? (23:2) Ananias (the high priest) 300. Paul said the high priest was a ______ wall. (23:3) Whitewashed

301. True or False - Paul know who the high priest was when he talked badly of him (23:5)

302. What two groups made up the council before whom Paul spoke? (23:6) Sadducees and Pharisees

303. Of which group in the council was a Paul a part? (23:6) Pharisees 308. Where did the Lord want Paul to go and bear witness after the division in Jerusalem? (23:11) Rome 312. Who heard about the ambush against Paul and warned him? (23:16) Paul's sister's son (his nephew) 313. How many soldiers, horses and spearmen were sent to guard Paul on his way to Caesarea? (23:23) 200 soldiers, 200 spearmen, 70 horsemen 316. True Or False - Paul walked on his way to Caesarea. False he rode a horse

317. What was the commanders' name who sent a letter to the governor to explain why he was sending Paul to him. Claudius Lysias

321. Where did the governor order Paul to be kept while they waited for his accusers? (23:35) Herod's Praetorium

324. Who was the high priest in the time of Acts 24? (24:1) Ananias Who was the governor? (24:3) Felix
327. Name two (2) of the accusations which were brought against Paul by his accusers (24:5-6)

He had brought shame to the temple He was a ringleader of the sect the Nazarenes He was a plague He created dissension among all the Jews throughout the world

333. What two things did Paul deny doing in the synagogues and the city? (24:12) Disputing with anyone Inciting the crowd

334. What did the Jews name the Christian movement? (24:14) The Way

336. True or False - the just and unjust be resurrected from the dead? (24:15) True

341. How much did Felix know about the "Way"? (24:22) He had accurate knowledge of "The Way"

344. Who was Felix's wife? (24:24) Drusilla 345. Of what religion was Felix's wife? (24:24) Jewish

349. Who succeeded Felix as governor? (24:27) Procius Festus

351. Where did Festus go from Caesarea after three days in the province? (25:1)

352. What did the Jews plan to do if Paul were transferred to Jerusalem? (25:3)

Lay in ambush along the road and kill him 353. In what town did Festus keep Paul bound? (25:4) Caesarea

354. How long did Festus remain in Jerusalem before going back to Caesarea? (25:6) More than ten days 355. Where did Festus sit while hearing Paul's case? (25:6) The judgment seat

360. To whom did Paul make his final appeal? (25:11-12) Caesar
361. Who did Festus confer with before sending Paul to Caesar? (25:12) The Council 362. What king came to greet Festus before Paul's trial? (25:13) Agrippa

363. Who came with the king to see Festus? (25:13) Bernice

371. What did Paul consider himself to be because he was answering for himself before Agrippa? (26:2) Happy 372. In what did Paul say Agrippa was an expert? (26:3) All customs and questions which have to do with the Jews 373. Paul asked Agrippa to hear him in what manner? (26:3) Patiently

374. In what city did Paul live while growing up? (26:4) Jerusalem
375. What Jewish sect was Paul a member before his conversion to Christ? (26:5)

376. Why did Paul say he was being judged by Agrippa? (26:6) "For the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers"

377. How many tribes were in Israel? (26:7)

While on the road to Damascus, what did Paul see from heaven? (26:13)

A light brighter than the sun 386. In what language did the voice speak to Paul on the road to Damascus? (26:14) Hebrew 390. To what people did the voice tell Paul he was being sent? (26:17) Gentiles
399. What was Paul's own answer to the question he posed to King Agrippa, ". . . do you believe the prophets?"

(26:27) "I know that you do believe" 400. What was King Agrippa's answer to Paul? (26:28) "You almost persuade me to become a Christian"


403. What was the name of the centurion with whom Paul and other prisoners were being sent to Caesar? (27:1)

405. What country was the destination of Paul and the other prisoners? (27:1)

406. From where was the ship that Paul sailed on from Caesarea? (27:2) Adramyttium


439. What was the name of the island on which Paul was shipwrecked? (28:1)

Malta 440. What fastened onto Paul's hand when he was gathering sticks? (28:3) A viper 445. Who was the leading citizen of the island on which Paul was shipwrecked? (28:7) Publius
451. How long did Paul stay on the island after being shipwrecked? (28:11)

Three months

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