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Famlia de Nata Nata Family | Fabrico Prprio

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Famlia de Nata Nata Family

Posted by admin on November 26, 2012 in Projecto Project 0 Comments

Fabrico Prprio
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Como exemplo da nossa abordagem como designers Pastelaria Semi-Industrial, elegemos o Pastel de Nata, o mais clebre e exportado bolo portugus, e a sua famlia. Um Pastel de Nata, originado no mtico Pastel de Belm, pode ser de tamanho normal, mas tambm se encontra nas suas veres miniatura e Nato. Ele passa a ser um Bom Bocado apenas por substitumos a massa folhada, a matria do seu contentor, por massa quebrada. Mudando-lhe a escala, passa a Tarte de Nata. Mudando de forma, passa a Alsaciano, o qual esconde uma ou mais cerejas cristalizadas no para acrescentar doura, mas para reduzir a sua densidade, possibilitando uma cozedura homognea de todo o bolo quando este vai ao forno. Todas estas variaes so exemplos de redesign, onde uma forma antiga ganha uma nova interpretao. O mesmo acontece quando um Napoleo se torna uma Josefina: a sua cobertura muda de chocolate de leite para chocolate branco mudando consequentemente a cor e nome do bolo. Comemos este projecto para descobrir o que est por trs das formas, dos contedos, dos ingredientes, dos nomes, das histrias de cada bolo que descobrimos, primeiro com o nosso olhar, e depois com o nosso paladar. Queremos desde ento que outras pessoas, dentro e fora do nosso pas, faam tambm essa descoberta, e passem a olhar para um elemento quotidiano da sua vida de outra maneira. E queremos ainda, como designers, poder contribuir para enriquecer o nosso patrimnio pasteleiro que partilhamos com o resto do Mundo. As an example of our approach as designers to Semi-industrial confectionery, we choose the Pastel de Nata and its family. Literally meaning creamy pastry, this is the most famous of Portuguese cakes, but even that comes in several individually named varieties: the original Pastel de Belm, named after the Lisbon monastery, has a thinner dough than the classic pastel de nata; the often called nato version is the same but extra tall; the bom bocado (the good bit) has a different type of shell to the usual; the cylindrical alsaciano has the same dough container and filling as the bom bocado, but with a crystallised cherry inside (there is a very practical reason for this, and we can explain you later); and finally there is miniatura (the miniature), a one-bite version of the classic. We are thus in the presence of a classic example of redesign, where an ancient shape gains a new interpretation. All these variations are examples of redesign, where an ancient form gets a new interpretation. The same happens when a Napoleon becomes a Josefine in, lets say, Porto: this happens when the icing on a

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Famlia de Nata Nata Family | Fabrico Prprio

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Millefeuille changes from milk chocolate to glazed sugar/white chocolate, consequently changing the color and name of the cake. We began this project to find out what lies behind the forms, contents, ingredients, names and histories of each cake we found, first with our eyes, and then with our taste buds. Since then we want to make other people, in our country and abroad, discover all those things and start looking at an element of our daily life in a different light. And we, as designers, also want to help enrich our confectionery heritage that we share with the rest of the world.


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Famlia de Nata Nata Family | Fabrico Prprio

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