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Max Hixon My work with the media structural thinkers: In this essay I will look at the four media

analysts Vladimir Propp , Claude Lev i-Strauss Tzvetan Todorov and Roland Barthes. I will have a look how their ideas work in relation to my thriller media text and what i could use in the exam. Claude Levi-Strauss was a Frenchman who had many thoughts on binary opposition a nd people and their identities he also had many thoughts on bricolage and struct uralism.My thriller makes use of his ideas of identity and also heavily on bricl age ,aswell as his binary opposition idea. First of all my thriller makes a grea t use of identity I have created an identity in my thriller throughout the dress sense of the characters and the stereotypes that people would think of. In the thriller we have a female and a male character , the female s the good character and the male is the bad character this is an example of what Levi-Strauss calls Binary opposition where there is a fixed viewpoint and a clear good and bad and no in between. Vladimir Propp was a Russian writer who had thoughts on the structures of folk stories , however many of his theories can be brought into use when looking at my media text. Propp believed that there are generic character conventions which help to make t he narrative clear to people.In my thriller opening we have Propps villain who st eals the device and the helper who aids teh hero but in our thriller ends up dyi ng from the first stages of the contamination.we use many effects to help show t he villain off such as low angles looking up at the villain making him look pow erful and making the audience feel awkard and helpt to point out that he is the bad guy . Also helping this was our quick cut and editing of the scene as the villain was walking down the corridor making it very unnerving for the audience to watch and to make them feel on edge. Tzvetan Todorov was a bulgarian Intellectual who had many thoughts on Narrative and what he called narratology which was his belief of how most peoples activiti es and narratives in there life happen and how they can also happen in media tex ts. In our media opening we definitely had the star of his theories coming into play withe the scene set in the cafe being the beginning equilibrium and then it moves to what Todorov calls a disruption where the device is taken by the vill ain. It is then realized followed by a search for the device to try to repair t he disequilibrium as the search starts however our thriller project was only to create an opening so sadly there is no continuation of the storyline. Roland Barthes was a French Theorist and semiotician who had many ideas on nar rative and use of an enigma to draw the audience and make them ask questions abo ut what's going on and who has done what about what is happening in the narrativ e. in my media text , the thriller there is a definite enigma throughout . We don't know the background of characters and what the device does and why the villain wants it one of our main ideas was to give a final enigma at the very end of the text where we show a final big enigma with the case. From looking at these philosophers and intellectual thinkers i can see how this can fit into my media exam and how I can use my knowledge to help me in my exam.

and i can also see where it fits in and how these theories work even when i di dn't intentionally put them into my media text.

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