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Vanilla Installation

Vanilla platform installation guide

Charles Martin, Cme Moyne and Patrick Beaucamp BPM Conseil Contact : charles.martin@bpm-conseil.com, come.moyne@bpm-conseil.com, patrick.beaucamp@bpm-conseil.com January 2013 Document : BPM_Vanilla_Installation_v4.2_EN.odt 4.2 Version

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Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3 Environment pre-requisite...............................................................................................................3 About this documentation................................................................................................................3 Pre-requisites........................................................................................................................................4 Database...........................................................................................................................................4 Vanilla MySQL distribution........................................................................................................4 Vanilla PostgreSQL distribution..................................................................................................4 Vanilla H2 distribution................................................................................................................4 Server...............................................................................................................................................5 Windows Environment................................................................................................................5 Unix Environment.......................................................................................................................5 Performances and general settings..............................................................................................6 Architecture & Installation...................................................................................................................7 Servers download.............................................................................................................................7 Additional download........................................................................................................................7 How to restore databases......................................................................................................................8 MySQL version................................................................................................................................8 PostgreSQL version.........................................................................................................................8 H2 version........................................................................................................................................8 Server installation.................................................................................................................................9 MySQL version................................................................................................................................9 PostgreSQL version.......................................................................................................................10 H2 version......................................................................................................................................10 Initial administration...........................................................................................................................11 Vanilla Setup..................................................................................................................................11 Repository......................................................................................................................................11 First connection to the Vanilla portal..................................................................................................12 Documentations..................................................................................................................................12 Annexes..............................................................................................................................................13 How to add the 'BirtViewer' web application................................................................................13

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 2

The Vanilla platform is available for download in 2 main versions : MySQL (already packaged version) or PostgreSQL (scripts and configuration packaged) H2

The Vanilla platform includes a tomcat server which contains the web applications and the scripts for databases. The server is initially cofigured for a localhost environment. In order to set your server in production, follow strictly this documentation. The 3 steps explained in this documentation are the following ones : How to restore the databases Configuration and settings of the server Initial administration

Environment pre-requisite
(Do not follow this chapter for the H2 version). Your server environment (Unix or Windows) has to have a 1.6 Java version minimum. Your system parameter has to be like this one : JAVA_HOME = folder which contains your jdk

About this documentation

This documentation is about the Vanilla platform installation (version 4.2, released January 2013). It describes the main steps of the installation.

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 3

Depending of the kind of database server you want (among the available supported by Vanilla for its own required databases), you need the database server to be installed. This database server is required for the vanilla database only. Your datawarehouse can be located on an other database server of a different kind (Sql server, Oracle and others).

Vanilla MySQL distribution

We suggest to use the MySQL 5.1 server version. You need the database server to be installed and accessible from your Vanilla server (check the network configuration and the host configuration). The property lower-case_table_names needs to be set to 1. (config file mysqld) Create a biplatform (id) /biplatform (password) user.

Vanilla PostgreSQL distribution

We suggest to use the PostgreSQL 8.3 server version. You need the database server to be installed and accessible from your Vanilla server (check the network configuration and the host configuration). Create a biplatform (id) /biplatform (password) user.

Vanilla H2 distribution
You do not need to install any database server.

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 4

Server Windows Environment

If you want to set Vanilla on a Windows server (we suggest to use Windows 2008 server R2), please read the following points. Java environment A Java 1.6 environment has to be installed on the server (JDK 6 of Sun). System variables The JAVA_HOME and PATH system variables have to be set correctly. JAVA_HOME refers to the location of the Java folder. PATH has to be completed (add ';' after the last one) with '%JAVA_HOME%\bin'. Port available Be sure that default ports used by Vanilla server are not already in use and not blocked on the server (8005,8009,8443 and 8080). Check the ports 8082 and 9092 are not in use and not blocked if you want to use the H2 version.

Unix Environment
If you set Vanilla on a Unix server (we suggest to use Debian 6 server), please read the following points. Java environment A Java 1.6 environment has to be installed on the server (JDK 6 of Sun). Port available Be sure that default ports used by Vanilla server are not already in use and not blocked on the server (8005,8009,8443 and 8080). Check the ports 8082 and 9092 are not in use and not blocked if you want to use the H2 version. Graphical interface If your server is installed without a graphical interface, you need to install the following library. apt-get install lib32gcc1

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 5

Performances and general settings

Processor 2 GHz recommended and DUAL CORE processor (QUADRI CORE depending on the use) Memory 4 Go of RAM Memory recommended (8Go depending on the use) Disk 10 Go of disk space available

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 6

Architecture & Installation

Servers download
The 2 main versions of the Vanilla platform and the specific files in relation with a PostgreSQL installation are available for download at the following url : http://www.bpm-conseil.com (download section)

Additional download
Designer packages for business intelligence objects creation are available for download at the folllowing url : http://www.bpm-conseil.com (download section)

Administration packages are available for download at the following url : http://www.bpm-conseil.com (download section)

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How to restore databases

The databases scripts are available with the Vanilla platform. The 3 default supported database servers are MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2. We will detail how to restore the databases for this 3 kind of servers.

MySQL version
The MySQL scripts are together available with a HOWTO file which explains the step for restore. Restore your database through your administration interface (scripts created through MySQLAdministrator) and grant your user 'biplatform/biplatform' for all rights on these databases. Note that you have to check the 'ANSI Quote' options in your administration tool. (alternative on Windows environment : add 'ansi' in the [mysqld] section of the my.ini file) Note that is you have an Unix environment : add 'sql-mode=ansi' in the [mysqld] of the my.cnf file.

PostgreSQL version
The PostgreSQL scripts are together available with a HOWTO file which explains the step for restore. Restore your database through your administration interface (backups created through PgAdmin) and grant your user 'biplatform/biplatform' for all rights on these databases.

H2 version
The H2 version of the platform already contains the compulsory databases and they are launched automatically when you start the server. No manipulation is compulsory is you run the H2 version.

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 8

Server installation
Once your compulsory databases for your Vanilla platform restored (H2 version not affected by the databases restoration), the platform is given with a defaut localhost configuration. In order to set your platform in production, follow strictly the following chapters. Do not unzip the archive file in a path whose name contains spaces. You have to configure your platform in the following folder : 'vanilla-conf'.

Do not edit the log.xml file.

MySQL version
Bonita folder The bonita folder contains the configuration for your workflow environment (see BiWorkflow documentation for more information). The 3 files to modify include databases references and the configurations to apply are the following ones : Dialect : Driver class : Connection url : vanilla.properties file The vanilla.properties file includes databases references. All these references are set to 'localhost' by default, please modify these connections if necessary in order to connect to your databases server. org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://votreserveur:3306/bonita_core

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 9

PostgreSQL version
Bonita folder The bonita folder contains the configuration for your workflow environment (see BiWorkflow documentation for more information). The 3 files to modify include databases references and the configurations to apply are the following ones : Dialect : Driver class : Connection url : vanilla.properties file The vanilla.properties file includes databases references. All these references are set to 'localhost' by default, please modify these connections if necessary in order to connect to your databases server. org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql://votreserveur:5432/bonita_core

H2 version
The H2 version do not need to edit these files because the databases are included in the server. Do not edit these files.

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Initial administration
Once your configuration done, please start the Vanilla server (start-vanilla.cmd or start-vanilla.sh depending on your runtime environment). The message ' INFO : Vanilla Server startup in xx ms' is printed when your server is up.

(Please read care the HOWTO for databases : manipulations on bonita_core database have to be done)

Vanilla Setup
Once your server is up, default configuration is on localhost. To change this, go in vanillaconf/vanilla.properties.

The default repository given with the Vanilla plaform is : http://localhost:8080/BIRepository.

Open the 'Repositories Administration' view of EnterpriseSercvice.

Modify the URL field of your repository (if necessary) and click on Update.

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 11

First connection to the Vanilla portal

Once your server up, you can connect to the Vanilla portal. Please run a web browser and fill the following url : http://yourserver:8080/vanilla (you have to replace yourserver by the ip or the name of the server) The Vanilla portal welcome page appears :

The web applications, administration modules and business intelligence objects creation modules of the Vanilla suite documentations are available in the modules and available for download at the following url : http://www.bpm-conseil.com (download section)

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How to add the 'BirtViewer' web application
We will describe how to add the 'Birt Viewer' application to your server (do not do it if you do not need this specific application : Vanilla Viewer already included in the default configuration). Download 'Birt Viewer' package on the Birt website. Download the Birt Viewer oda plugins zip file on our website. Unzip this file in the following folder of your serveur : ../BirtViwer/Web-INF/platform/plugins Edit the ../vanilla-conf/vanilla.properties file : Modify the following property : bpm.vanilla.server.useBirtViewer=false true Check that the fields in relation with Birt Viewer in your Vanilla Setup (EnterpriseServices) are set. Re-Start your server.

BPM Conseil - Srl au capital de 70 000 euros - RCS LYON 479 400 129 9, rue Pierre Blanc - 69001 Lyon France 13

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