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Flour Classifications

All-Purpose Flours: One of the most commonly used and readily accessible flours in the U.S. on grocery shelves. It is a mixture of equal parts of hard and soft wheat with a small amount of barley malt added to increase enzyme activity to break starches into sugars on which yeast feeds. Protein levels are between 10% and 1`1 %. Excellent for cookies, lean bread formulas, cakes Bisquick and pizza crust. General Mills: All-Purpose. Bread Flours: Also referred to as strong white flour" or "strong flour,," bread flours are high-gluten flours, milled from hard wheat. They contain a high percentage of protein (between 11% and 14%)., which forms gluten when moistened. This gluten gives elasticity, strength and shape to bread recipes and traps gases created by yeast (during baking) causing bread to rise. Best for white and specialty pan breads, cram puffs, popovers strudels, croissants, Danish, sweet goods, yeast-raised donuts, soft crusted rolls and buns, variety breads, pizza and pretzels. General Mills: Unbleached Flour FS Full Strength Flour ConAgra: Occident Flour Unbleached Occident Flour Enriched King Midas Flour Seal of Minnesota Flour Untreated Seal of Minnesota Flour Unbleached Seal of Minnesota Flour Bleached Enriched Producers Wheat Montana Farms: Natural White Premium Roman Meal milling: Organic White Bread Flour Cake Flours: Made from soft winter wheat, contains between 7% and 9% protein. Produces moist cakes with fine grained silky texture and bright crumb color. Use in high-ratio shortening cakes, angel food cakes, sponge cakes, chiffon cakes and non-spreading types of cookies, brownies and bars. General Mills: Soft As Silk (Purasoow) ConAgra: Velvet Cake (Hi-R) Durum Flours: milled from durum wheat with a minimum 11.5% protein content. Semolina flour is milled from the coarsely ground endosperm and is used to make the high quality "white" pasta such as lasagna, linguine, ziti, spaghetti, cous cous and fettuccini. Durum flour is the by-product in the production of semolina and is used forsheeted" pasta such as ravioli, American noodles elbow macaroni and shells. ConAgre: Semolina & Durum High Gluten Flours: Milled from hard spring wheat which has been mixed with concentrated wheat protein to give a flour with exceptional strength and protein levels between 14% and 15%. Well-suited for all hearth breads, hard rolls, Kaiser rolls, bagels, European crusty breads, rye breads, thin crust pizza dough, breadsticks, English muffins and heavy specialty breads containing extra bran, raisins, nuts or sugar. General Mills: All Trumps ConAgra: Kyrol No Treatment, Kyrol, & Enriched producers (Maintains protein levels at high temps)

Pastry Flour: Milled from soft red or white winter wheat, it is a low-gluten flour, which absorbs less liquid in recipes. It is excellent when used for piecrust, soft pretzels, biscuits, non-spreading cookies, pound cakes, muffins and brownies. ConAgra: Beauty Krust Snavelys: Pie & Pastry & Whole-Wheat Pie & Pastry Whole Wheat Flours: Made from hard wheat. Contains nutritious germ and bran as well as the endosperm contained in the entire wheat kernel. In addition to fiber, whole-grain baked products are better sources of B vitamins, vitamin E, and many minerals than those made with white flour. Give old-fashioned, natural grain texture and flavor with a high protein level. Works well for whole wheat breads, muffins and rolls in addition to bagels. Tortillas, flat breads, pizza dough, pretzels and cookies. Protein levers are between 13% and 15%. General Mills: Whole Wheat Stone Ground ConAgra: Whole Wheat medium Stone Ground & Whole Wheat Fine Stone Ground Sanvelys: Whole Wheat Flour (Fine), Whole Wheat Flour (medium) & Whole Wheat Flour (Extra Course) Wheat Montana: Prairie Gold 86 Roman Meal Milling: Organic Whole Wheat Bread

Specialty Flours:
Buckwheat Light: All-natural, stone ground from roasted seeds of plant. Commonly used when combined with wheat form pancakes, waffles, breads, cookies and muffins. Buckwheat Whole Dark: All-natural, stone ground with the bran included in it. Must add wheat gluten to make bread. People with wheat allergies should be able to eat this product. Great for pancakes, bread, cookies and muffins. Cream Of Rye Flour: Often called white rye, it is used with high-ash flour in large amounts to produce excellent grain and loaf volume. Outstanding for Jewish rye bread. Corn: Milled from yellow corn, it is produced as a by-product in making cornmeal. Contains no gluten and is used in combination with other flours. It is also excellent sprinkled on top of English muffins, sourdough breads and breadsticks to give them a crunchy crust. Oat: Milled from rolled oats (does not have germ), is very light in texture and color. Can substitute as much as 50% of wheat flour in baking recipes to make baked goods fluffier. Pumpernickel: Milder in flavor, but coarser than rye flour. It is used exclusively for breads and rolls. Rice: White rice flour is milled from long grain rice. It is not a sweet rice flour. No gluten. Can substitute up to 1/3 of regular flour in bread recipes with rice. It can also be used as a thickening agent or as an ingredient in breakfast cereals, snack foods, batters, baking and spice mixes. Brown rice flour is made from long grain brown rice and it is heat-treated to stabilize the bran. Rye Flour (Dark): One of the best-tasting flours for bread making. Excellent when mixed with some wheat flour to give it added gluten strength and rising power. A small amount of vinegar added to rye bread helps to bring out flavor. Ground finer than pumpernickel bread and has a stronger flavor. Perfect for German rye and other heavy dark rye breads and rolls.

Nutri Soy: Very nutritious, heat processed from soybeans. Most nearly resembles the native defatted protein in raw soybeans. Can replace up to of wheat flour in bread, rolls, cakes and cookies. Has no gluten. Can also be used in meat processing as a binder. Spelt: A whole grain flour that is tan in color and similar to high protein wheat GO TO I Grains Page 1 I Grains Page 2 I Grains Page 3 I Grains Page 4 I

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