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Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of the auricle of the external ear for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in other parts of the body. It is also known as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture when the stimulation is achieved by the insertion of acupuncture needles, whereas the term auriculotherapy often refers to electrical stimulation of the surface of ear reflex points. Specific points on the ear can also be stimulated by manual pressure, referred to as auricular acupressure or ear reflexology. Acupuncture points on the ear can also be stimulated with lasers, magnets, and ear pellets.

Auriculotherapy can be performed with man y instruments, eg. needle, finger, heat, seed, magnet, electricity, light and col or to the laser beam. The most important thing is to follow the principles of Chinese philosophy: to achieve a balance between Yin and Yang polarities. Through simple massage the ear, many health problems can be alleviated. The doctor Paul Nogier father of Auriculotherapy, described in the 60's two very simple techniques and efficient: massage points and general massage. Both techniques can be combined in the same session. Treatments can be performed daily, if necessary up to several times a day. Check out the tips: Auriculotherapy is typically considered one form of acupuncture, but there are both differences and similarities between the two procedures. Acupuncture is a form of medical treatment involving the stimulation of acupuncture points located on energy channels extending over the surface of the body.

Insertion of acupuncture needles into specific acupoints can relieve the symptoms and underlying pathology of a particular health problem. Auriculotherapy focus not on the acupuncture meridians but on the use of the ear as a localized reflex system connected to the central nervous system.

ITEMS a. Objective - Reflexology Treatment aimed directly to alleviate health problems and diseases. b. Instrument - Tip There are several ways to stimulate the ear, which can be chosen according to the therapist's experience or according to the therapeutic response of the patient. Usually seeds are used, filiform needles and / or semi-permanent needles. They can also be used beads of gold, silver, steel, glass, electrical stimulation, massage or laser ear. c. Map - Consider the distribution of body parts according to the classic map - child in a fetal position inside the uterus (upside down). d. Diagnosis - Press with medium pressure (neither too light nor too strong) the area corresponding to their complaints. To press with the same pressure every point. Treatment When you find any sore spot, massage for one to three minutes the place alternately in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise. As mass age is a little painful because the point is more sensitive, use a strong pressure, but comfortable. You may feel warm to the ear, tingling or heaviness. Often, as you turning the pen, the pain point decreases until it disappears when you stop the massage. d. Note - If you find a lot of sore spots, choose the most sensitive to massages.

The range of responses to an auriculotherapy session are quite varied, but it is common that a patient suffering from severe pain will notice mild to marked reduction of their complaint on the very first session.

This reduction in their pain experience can actually improve for the next several hours after treatment, but the benefits often begin to subside several days after the first treatment. With each successive treatment, the degree of pain relief usually becomes more and more prominent and the duration of pain relief progressively extends from several days to several weeks. With smoking cessation and drug detoxification, the benefits of auriculotherapy can last several weeks after just one or two auricular treatments.

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