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Q1.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut.

program Demonstration var Letter : char; Number : char; Dogfood : char begin Leter := 'P'; Number := 'A'; Dogfood := 'S'; Write(Letter,Number,Dogfood); Letter := Number Number := 'L'; Dogfood := 'C'; Write(Dogfood,Letter,Number); Writeln; End;

Q2.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut. program natural var i,sum:integer; begin writeln('Enter the limit'); readln(n); sum:=0; for i:=1 to n do; sum=sum+i; writeln('Sum of first ',n,' natural number is ',sum); end; Q3.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut. program factorial var i,n:integer; fact:longint; begin; writeln('Enter an integer number'); readln(n); fact:=0; for i:=1 to n do; fact:=fact*i; writeln('factorial of ',n,' is ',fact); end; Q4.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut.

program table var i,n,prod:integer; begin writeln('Enter an integer number'); readln(n) writeln('The Multiplication table of ',n,' is'); for i:=1 to n do; begin prod:=n*i; writeln(i,' * ',n,'=',prod); end. End; Q5.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut. program big uses var a,b,c:integer; begin clrscr; writeln('Enter the three numbers'); readln(a,b,c) if (a>b) and (a<c) then writeln('Big= ',a) else if b>c then writeln('Big= ',b) else writeln('Big = ',c); readln; end; Q6.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut program Demonstrate_Case var Count : integer; begin for Count := 0 to 8 do begin Write(Count:5); case Count of 1 : Write(' One'); 2 : Write(' Two') 3 : Write(' Three'); else Write(' This number is not in the allowable list'); end; end end. . Q7.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut

program addition(i,o); var a,b,sum:integer function add( c:integer;d:integer):integer; begin add:=c+d; end; begin writeln('Enter the values'); readln(a,b); sum:=add(a,b) writeln('sum =, 'sum); end. Q8.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut program While Loop_Example var Counter : integer; begin Counter = 4; while Counter < 20 do begin; Writeln(Counter:4); Counter := Counter + 2; End. end. Q9.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut program even uses var n,i:integer; begin clrscr writeln('Enter the limit of a number'); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do; if i mod 2 =0 then writeln(i); end Q10.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut

program day var n:integer; begin writeln('Enter the day number[1..7]'); readln(n) case n of 1 writeln('Saturday'); 2:writeln('SUNDAY'); 3:writeln('Monday'); 4:writeln('Tuesday'); 5:writeln('Wednesday'); 6:writeln('Thursday') 7:writeln('Friday'); end; Q11.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut program table1 var i,n,prod:integer; begin writeln('Enter an integer number'); readln(n); writeln('The Multiplication table of ',n,' is') for i:=1 to n do begin; prod:=n*i; writeln(i,' * ',n,'=',prod); end end. Q12.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut program example3; var Alphabet : char; Begin; Write('The alphabet is '); for Alphabet := A to Z do Write(Alphabet); Writeln; End; Q13.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut

program example2 var Count : integer; Total : integer; begin Total = 0; for Count := 1 to 10 do begin Total := Total + 12 Write('Count =',Count:3,' Total =',Total:5); Writeln; end end. Q14.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut Program Concat1 Uses; Var Str1,str2,str : string Begin Str1=college Str2=science Writeln(str2=,str2) Writeln(str1=,str1) Str=concat(str2,str1); Writeln(The new string is,str); End; Q15.Correct the Errors in the Program and Print the OutPut Program string len; Uses Var Long :integer; Str1: string; Begin; Writeln(Enter a string); Readln(str1) Writeln(the string is,str1) Long=length(str1); Writeln(the length of string is,long); end

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