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Clearing Your Root Chakra to Banish Fear and Anxiety From Your Life

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10 Ways to Open Your Root Chakra and Build an Unshakeable Sense of Security in the World
Skip directly to techniques for root chakra clearing. Maybe you're going through a hard time, or maybe it's a more deeply ingrained part of your nature--but whatever the cause, you're feeling anxious, insecure, vulnerable, unable to relax and let your guard down. If this sounds like you, it might help you to learn some ways to clear and balance your root chakra. This chakra--Muladhara in Sankrit--is the first of the seven chakras. It's the key to feeling grounded, safe, and secure in the world, and as such, it's the foundation for your health, and for the development of all your other chakras. Clearing, balancing, and opening your first chakra can help you get your feet back under you when you're feeling like you're "losing your grip." It can help you relax, feel calmer and more secure, and let go of nagging fears. It can help you gain the feeling that you truly belong in the universe, and that everything will turn out basically alright for you. That's a good feeling! When you feel deeply secure, you can turn your attention to more interesting things--relationships, art, creating, career, learning, spiritual development, rock-climbing, ferret-raising--the possibilities are endless! You don't have to be a trained energy healer to heal your root chakra. Read on to learn 10 down-to-earth, satisfying ways that you can give your root chakra a "tuneup." But first:

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What Are the Chakras?

Chakras are organs of our energy body. They act as energy portals, exchanging energy with the rest of the cosmos. There are seven primary chakras, located along the center line of the upper body, from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with different glands, organs, body areas, and elements of our life, personality, and spiritual development.


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The chakras are critical to our physical health, the quality of our life, and our ability to develop spiritually.

The Healthy Chakra

A healthy chakra is open, allowing energy to flow freely both horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the universe, and vertically, connecting it with the other chakras. It's very common to have one or more chakras that is blocked or out of balance to some degree. This can cause disruptions in a persons body, mind, spirit, and life. These disruptions can range from a sense of unwellness and unease, to more serious problems--actual dis-ease in one's body or dysfunction in one's life. (To learn more about chakra blockages, go here.)

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Clearing Your Root Chakra to Banish Fear and Anxiety From Your Life
The muladhara, or root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Its keyword is "survival." It relates to the physical self, self-preservation, survival instincts, our connection to our bodies and the earth, and our sense of safety, security, and belonging in the world. Its related color is red, and its related element is earth.

Is Your First Chakra Healthy?

Someone with a healthy root chakra will usually have a basic sense of security and safety in the world. They will be well- grounded, with "common sense." The practical side of their life will usually function fairly smoothly. They will have a sense of having (or being able to get) enough material resources to meet their needs. They will likely be fairly at ease with their own body, as well as their life. Often, though not always, they will have a relatively healthy physical body, with healthy bones, feet, legs, colon and adrenal glands. Their bowels will function well, and their weight will be in a healthy range. Here you can find a test to give you an idea how open or closed each of your chakras is, and how they balance relative to each other.

10 Ways to Clear, Open, and Balance Your Root Chakra

If you feel you would benefit from clearing your first chakra, there are many practical, every-day things that you can do. Here are ten ideas: 1. belly breathe 2. walk, especially walk barefoot in nature 3. dance 4. mindfully eat healthy food, especially root vegetables or healthy "comfort food" 5. garden 6. create healthy order or structure in your life or home, such as creating a filing system or putting up shelves in the garage or basement 7. if you have belongings scattered in various places, take steps to "bring them home" 8. wear a pleasing shade of red 9. repeat affirmations such as: "I am safe." "I have a right to be here." "I have a right to be me." " The universe is a good place." "Life is good." "Everything is going to work out just fine." "I belong." "I have all that I need." "The universe provides for me abundantly." "All is well and I can let down my guard and rest." " I am." 10. surround yourself with pleasing, earthy smells, such as essential oils of cedar, clove, or patchouli.
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Intention Matters!
Remember, you are working with your subtle energy. Your intention matters! Before doing one of the activities above, set your intention. For example, you might set and hold the intention to clear and balance your first chakra, to build your sense of safety, security, and ability to survive in the world, to enhance your ability to tap into the universal abundance, to increase your ability to finish things that you start, etc. Just make your purpose clear, perform the activity mindfully, and as you're doing it, occasionally take a moment to silently affirm that your actions are creating your intention. Using any of the activities in conjunction with the affirmations is also very effective.

Seek Professional Help If

Remember, these suggestions are not meant to replace qualified professional health care. If you have any concerns about your physical or mental health, seek the help of a qualified medical or mental health professional.

A Root Chakra Blessing

I wish you abundance, health, and a deep sense of contentment and ease.




Clearing Your Root Chakra to Banish Fear and Anxiety From Your Life

More About Healing the Chakras

Learn more about healing the chakras here .

More Information About Chakras

For additional general information about chakras, you can go to the Chakras main page. For more specific information about individual chakras, go to the Chakra Chart page.

Learn More About The Individual Chakras and How to Clear Them
If you are interested in in-depth information about each of the other 7 chakras and how to clear and cultivate them, here are the links: Learn how to clear and balance your sacral chakra (2nd) and open to joy. Discover specific ways to clear and balance your solar plexus chakra (3rd) and unlock your personal power. Learn specific ways to clear and balance your heart chakra (4th) and open to the love that is all around you. Learn specific ways to clear and balance your 5th chakra (throat), helping you to live and speak your truth. Learn to cultivate your Third Eye chakra (sixth), helping you develop your capacities for clarity, intuition, and spiritual insight. Learn to cultivate your crown chakra (seventh), helping you develop your capacities for spiritual growth.

Go from Root Chakra to Chakras main page. Go to site home page .




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Clearing Your Root Chakra to Banish Fear and Anxiety From Your Life
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Dinesh Sharma Director at The Best Security system Thanks the information is very good and informative. Reply Like Follow Post October 23, 2012 at 10:40pm Nancy Hausauer Tacoma, Washington Thanks, Dinesh. Glad it's helpful. Reply Like Follow Post October 24, 2012 at 7:51pm Nagesh Nayak very useful information thank you. Reply 1 Like Follow Post November 21, 2012 at 12:45pm Nancy Hausauer Tacoma, Washington So glad it's useful! Thanks for writing. Reply Like November 29, 2012 at 1:05am Pankaj Bhathgara K P College of Commerce Thanks Its really Nice, Reply 1 Like Follow Post February 1 at 4:24pm Pankaj Bhathgara K P College of Commerce Thanks Dear its really Nice Reply Like February 1 at 5:00pm Aaron Hamilton Mount Allison University thank you for the help. Reply 2 Like Follow Post March 9 at 8:56am Coleen Jackson Halifax, Nova Scotia you are welcome love Reply Like March 9 at 11:00pm
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