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High School and College Resources

Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements 4 English 4 Math (including Alg I , Geometry and Alg II) 4 Science (including Biology and 2 of Earthspace, Chemistry and Physics) 3 Social Studies (US History, World History, American Government, and Economics) 1 HOPE 1 Performing Fine Art 2 World Languages 4 Electives
*students on an AICE, IB, or special diploma track should refer to the Student Progression Plan or to their individual Graduation Tracker for graduation requirements.

Graduation Test requirements For students who enter 9th grade in 2010-2011 FCAT 2.0 Reading 245 Math does not apply For students who enter 9th grade in 2011-2012 FCAT 2.0 Reading 245 Algebra EOC For students who enter 9th grade in 2012-2013 FCAT 2.0 Reading 245 Algebra EOC, Geometry and Biology EOC Concordant scores on SAT and ACT may apply but have not been determined by the state at this time. Promotion Requirements From 9th -> 10th grade 5 credits, 1 English or 1 math From 10th -> 11th grade 12 credits, 2 English or 2 math or science From 11th -> 12th grade 18 credits, 3 English or 4 math or science, minimum 1.5 GPA Learning Recovery Student who make a D or an F for a quarter grade in a class MAY be eligible for learning recovery to bring the grade up to a D or C IF the student completed a minimum of 75% of the assignments, and the student took advantage of available recovery opportunities. There is now a required parent conference before learning recovery can begin.

Virtual Course Requirement Students who enter ninth grade in 2011-2012 and thereafter must complete at least .50 of a high school course on-line to graduate. There are a number of options to complete this course including Florida Virtual School www.flvs.net *Students on a special diploma or on an IB or AICE program of study are exempt from this requirement. Grade Portal Parents may access student grades, attendance and homework through https://dcps.mygradeportal.com Password and logon information is available at your childs school. Parents and students should check the Grade Portal regularly and seek assistance as needed from the teacher. College Planning https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org www.flvc.org Participating in College Athletics www.ncaaclearinghouse.net

Test Resources PERT Study Guide: http://www.fldoe.org/schools/pdf/PERT-StudentStudyGuide.pdf , ACT : www.act.org/testprep, SAT : www.collegeboard.com, Other sites: www.SoarAtHome.org, www.majortests.com, www.march2success.com http://www.pearsonaccess.com/cs/Satellite?c=Page&childpagename=Florida/flPALPLayout&cid=120546122684 6&pagename=flPALPWrapper Bright Futures Scholarships student eligibility is updated ACT Question of the Day each semester starting in ninth grade. Go to www.flvc.net www.actstudent.org/qotd/ to check eligibility, or for more information: SAT Question of the Day http://www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org/ssfad/bf/ http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/satHands On Jacksonville is a great resource for community question-of-the-day service opportunities www.handsonjacksonville.org Your high school offers classes that can award college credit. These may include Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Enrollment, International Baccalaureate (IB), and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE). For more information www.duvalschools.org/static/aboutdcps/departments/acceleration/index.asp You may also be able to takes classes that lead to an Industry Certification http://www.duvalschools.org/static/aboutdcps/departments/special/careers/faq.asp

ACT Assessment test that measures what you learned in school. 215 multiple choice questions and an optional essay. 3 hours 25 minutes Algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Calculators are allowed. 30 minutes on a topic, Optional Tests ability to interpret science experiments 1-36 for each of 4 subtests, averaged for a composite score. 36 is the highest score. Only correct answers are counted. Respond to all questions.

Comparison What kind of test is this? What am I in for? How much time am I given? What about math?

SAT Aptitude test that measures how you apply what you learned in school. 128 multiple-choice questions, 10 fill-in questions and an essay. 3 hours 45 minutes Algebra, geometry, statistics, probability and d data analysis. Calculators are allowed. 25 minutes on a topic, first section of the test. No science questions.

What about the essays? What about science? How is it scored?

2008400 points for each of section (critical reading, math, writing), highest score 2400 Are there penalties for A fraction of a point is deducted for guessing? wrong answers. Skip if you cant narrow down the choices. At least 4 weeks before the test When to register? At least 6 weeks before the test www.act.org Online Registration www.collegeboard.com Fee Waivers for SAT, ACT and College applications: There are a number of reasons a student could qualify for up to TWO fee waivers for each test while they are juniors and seniors, The most common reason is FREE or Reduced lunch eligibility. Check with the counselor about other qualifying situations. Students may also qualify for college application fee waivers (which saves you $). Students with disabilities may also be able to apply for ACT/SAT Test Accommodations. Check with your counselor about timelines and deadlines, and APPLY EARLY! SAT,PSAT,AP: www.collegeboard.com/ssd/student/index.html ACT: www.actstudent.org/regist/disab/ Postsecondary Readiness the MINIMUM scores for admissions to a community or state college, or to be eligible for a high school Dual Enrollment course: SAT ACT PERT Critical Reading * 440 Reading * 18 Reading * 104 Math * 440 Math * 19 Math * 113 English 17 Writing 99 If you do not have Postsecondary Ready scores by the start of your senior year the state requires that you be scheduled into remedial courses in Reading, Writing and/or Math to help you become Postsecondary Ready by the time you graduate. There is no waiver for this state requirement. You will lose opportunities for electives. After graduation, if you enroll at a community or state college you will have to take additional remedial courses, PAY for the remedial courses (they may not be covered by financial aid), and you WILL NOT receive college credit for the remedial courses. MINIMUM Admissions Scores required for the State University System (SUS) - These are MINIMUM scores, many state universities will require higher score for admissions purposes. GPA, rigor of courses taken, extracurricular activities and community involvement will also be taken into consideration. SAT ACT Critical Reading 460 Reading 19 Math 460 Math 19 Writing 440 English/Writing 18

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