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Programa Bilinge Bilingual Programme 2012

Objetivos del Programa Bilinge

Los alumnos aprenden a comunicarse en ingls. Los alumnos adquieren conocimientos en ingls. Los alumnos desarrollan competencias en espaol e ingls.

Aims of the Bilingual Programme

Students learn to communicate in English. Students acquire knowledge in English. Students develop competences in Spanish and English.

Los alumnos de los Colegios Bilinges podrn...

Viajar por ms de 120 pases. Comunicarse con ms de 1.000 millones de personas. Estudiar en las mejores universidades. Trabajar en los 5 continentes.

In the future, our current students will be able to...

Imp.: B.O.C.M. D.L.: M-4.820-2012

Travel to more than 120 countries. Communicate with more than 1 billion people. Study in the most prominent foreign universities. Work in all 5 continents.

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Madrid Bilinge, una realidad

En el curso 2004/2005 comenz a implantarse en 26 colegios pblicos de Educacin Infantil y Primaria el Programa Bilinge espaol-ingls de la Comunidad de Madrid. Al iniciarse el curso 2011/2012, el nmero de centros pblicos alcanza la cifra de 276. Uno de cada tres colegios es bilinge. En el curso 2011/2012, 34 colegios pblicos y 32 institutos se han incorporado al programa Ms de 100.000 alumnos reciben en este curso enseanza bilinge.

Educacin Bilinge espaol-ingls

Los alumnos de los colegios bilinges reciben entre el 30% y el 50% de su horario en lengua inglesa. Cualquier rea, excepto Matemticas y Lengua Castellana, puede ser impartida en ingls. Adems, el rea de Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural, se imparte con carcter obligatorio en lengua inglesa desde 1 hasta 6 de Educacin Primaria. El Programa Bilinge, tanto en Educacin Primaria como en Secundaria, cuenta con una Normativa que regula las enseanzas que se imparten en ingls.

Bilingual Education in Spanish and English

Pupils in our bilingual schools are taught between 30% and 50% of their syllabus in English. Science and Social Studies will be taught in English from 1st to 6th Grade. Furthermore, any other subject, except for Mathematics and Spanish, can be taught in English, as well. There are regulations, for both Primary and Secondary Education, which establish the framework to which the Bilingual Programme, must adhere.

Evaluacin Lingstica del Programa Bilinge

Los alumnos del Programa son evaluados al final de cada ciclo de Educacin Primaria. Participan en esta evaluacin Instituciones externas de prestigio internacional como el Trinity College de Londres y la Universidad de Cambridge. El Programa de Colegios Bilinges de la Comunidad de Madrid es un modelo de referencia tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Language Assessment of the Biligual Programme

Upon completion of Grades 2, 4 and 6 of Primary Education, students are evaluated by prestigious external institutions, such as Trinity College London, and the University of Cambridge. The Bilingual School Programme of the Comunidad de Madrid is a point of reference, not only in Spain, but at international level, as well.

Programa de Auxiliares de Conversacin Nativos

Durante el curso 2011/2012 1.000 auxiliares de conversacin apoyan la labor docente de maestros y profesores de colegios e institutos bilinges. Para ello, la Consejera de Educacin y Empleo firma anualmente convenios de colaboracin con el Ministerio de Educacin y con la Comisin Fulbright. Estos jvenes estudiantes, o recin graduados, aportan un valor aadido al programa; refuerzan el aprendizaje lingstico y transmiten la cultura de sus pases de origen.

Native Language Assistants Programme

During the school year 2011/2012, bilingual school teachers have been working hand-in-hand with 1,000 language assistants. To make this possible, the Regional Ministry of Education and Employment signs collaboration agreements annually with the Ministry of Education and the Fulbright Commission. These young university students or graduates add an extra value to the Programme. They not only reinforce the language curriculum, but they also transmit the culture of their countries of origin.

Bilingual Madrid, a reality

In September of 2004, The Bilingual Programme in the Region of Madrid was introduced in 26 Primary State Schools. Currently, in 2011/12, 276 State schools have implemented this Programme, and therefore one out of three schools is bilingual. In the school year 2011/2012, 34 Primary Schools and 32 Secondary schools have been added to the Programme. More than 100,000 students are now receiving bilingual education.

Formacin de profesorado de alta calidad

Este curso son ya ms de 2.700 maestros y profesores habilitados y formados durante el periodo comprendido entre 2004 y 2011 en Madrid y en universidades de alto prestigio en Reino Unido, EEUU y Canad. Los maestros y profesores madrileos que imparten docencia en el Programa cuentan con elevada cualificacin lingstica y profesional que garantiza la calidad de la enseanza. La Consejera de Educacin y Empleo ofrece a estos maestros y profesores formacin permanente que permite su actualizacin profesional.

High quality teacher training

A large number of teachers, more than 2,700, from 2004 to 2011, have received training in Madrid and through prestigious universities in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. Highly qualified teachers working in the Bilingual School Programme guarantee optimum results. Likewise, in order to update their professional skills they are offered long-life training by the Regional Ministry of Education and Employment.

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